Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 2 of 2 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Lodges Of Instruction.
Australia ; and the thanks of that brother Avere expressively given and cordially received . SeA'eral A-isitors became joining members , and a most profitable OA ening Avas brought to a close in usual form . RAVENSBOURNE—No . 1601 . —On AVedncsday , the 21 st inst ., at the George Inn . Catford , S . E . —Preceptor . Bro . II . Shaw . P . M . — Bros . J . T . Axford , AV . M . ; J . Clark , S . AV . ; G . Pickering , J . AV . ; C .
Thomas , S . D . ; AV . Rcminson , J . D . ; J . AV . Peters , I . G . : C . Atkins , Sec . ; J . Stevens , P . M . ; Beimer , Joyce , Cobb , McCarthy and others . Ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Cobb candidate . Ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . McCarthy candidate . The Avork Avas very ably performed by Bro . Axford as AA . M ., and an instructive eA-ening resulted .
SOUTHAA ARK—No . 879 . —The annual dinner Avill take place on Tuesday , the llth prox ., at 7 . 30 p . m .. at the Lodge House , Sir Garnet AVolseley , Rotherhithe New Road , when Bro . Beavis , P . M . P . G . P .. Middx ., the Preceptor , Avill preside . Early application for tickets , 4 / -, is necessary , as the number is limited . Brethren are cordially invited to attend on Thursdays at 8 p . m . The
business is conducted with full musical ceremonial , Bro . AA . J . Russell , S . AV . 73 , presiding at the organ , assisted at times by Bro . Chatterton the organist of the mother lodge . South Bermondsey station ( L . & B . Ry ., ) and Deptford Road ( East London Ry . ) are within a few minutes' walk , and trams pass the door at frequent intervals .
CLAPTON—No . 1365 . —At the Lord Stanley , Sandringham Road , Dalston , N ., on Friday , 23 rd inst . Bro . Baker , AV . M . ; Bros . Draper , S . AV . ; Cordell , J . AV . ; Finch , Preceptor ; Church . Secretary ; Cubbon , S . D . ; Campbell , J . D . ; Bokenham , I . G . ; Bennett , Harrington , Ives , SaAver , Osborn , Robinson , A aughan , Diamond and others . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Ives candidate . Bro . Draper worked the 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the First Lecture . Bro . Draper , S . AV . Avas elected AV . M . for the next meeting .
JOPPA LODGE—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . Bro . R . J . Chillingworth , AV . M . ; Bros . Dantziger , S . AV . ; E . Anseil , J . AV . ; Thorn ; Saqui , Secretary ; Liscombe , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Thorn , Preceptor ; McDuell ,
Lodges Of Instruction.
I . G . ; Peg'c . P . M . ; Poppmacher , Dant / . iger . and others . The ceremony of passing- was rehearsed , Bro . Poppmacher candidate . The second and fourth sections of the lecture wore worked . Bro . Dantziger was appointed AV . M . for ensuing week . BRO . MLEV—ST . LEONARD—No . 180 . A . —On the 23 rd inst ., at The Cherry Tree . 321 , BrunsAvick Road , Bromley , E .. Bros . J . Builev ,
AV . M . ; II . Johnson , S . AV . ; B . T . Johnson . J . AV . ; AV . M . Mead . S . D . ; AV . J . Roberts , J . D . ; AV . J . Rawley , I . G . : Archd . Petcrkin , P . M . and Preceptor , and several other brethren . After some masonic work the change of date of meetings to AA \ ( Tuesdays was discussed , and Avill be settled at next Friday ' s meeting . Bro . AV . J . Roberts Avas elected treasurer , and Bro . AV . M . Mead secretary . Bro . II . Johnson was elected AA ' . M " . for ensuing meeting .
SIR HUGH MVDDLETON—No . 1 ( 502 . —At the AVliite Horse Tavern , LiA'erpool Road , N ., on Thursday , 22 nd inst ., Bro . Bearing , AA ' . M . ; Bros . Garner . S . AV . ; Baker , J . AV . ; AVoeden . Preceptor ; Osborn , S . D . ; James , J . D . ; Kerk , I . G . ; Merrifield , J . G . ; AV . James . Nillo and others . The ceremony of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Merrifield candidate . Bro . Garner , S . AV . was elected AV . M . for the next meeting .
DALHOUSIE—No . 8 ( 50 . —At the Middleton Arms . Middleton Road , Dalston , N ., on Tuesday , 20 th inst . Bro . Allen , AV . M . ; Bros . Robinson , S . AV . ; Baker , J . W . ; Lorkin , Preceptor ; Dunston , Secretary ; Johnson , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Lc Crue , I . G . ; Robinson ,
Starr and several others . I he ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . J . Le Creu candidate . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . Lorkin , Bro . Baker candidate . The 3 rd section of the 3 rd lecture Avas Avorked by Bro . Dunston . Bro . Robinson , S . AA ., was elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting .
ZETLAND—Ao . " ill . —At the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , N . AV ., on Monday , I ' . lth inst . Bro . C . iseley , AViM . ; Bros . Eyres , S . AV . ; Smith , J . AV . ; Mulvey , Preceptor ; II . Lichtenlield , Assistant Secretary ; Rex , S . D . ; Hazel , J . D . ; Gittens , I . G . ; Shimmonds , AVood , Reed , Monson and others . The ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Reed candidate . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Shei candidate . Bro . Monson Avas elected a member , and Bro . Evrcs , S . AV ., AV . M . for the 2 ( ith inst .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
JltarpnlitattC0&g£3anil(Kljapta* " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Ilegulations .
Lodge ' T ' UIE 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTER . ! PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( Last ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 29 th . 22 Neptune Guildhall TavGresham Street
., 1524 Duke of Connanght Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 2192 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . R . A . C . 7 W I Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street ( Last ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 30 th . R . A . C .
134 Caledonian Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street R . & S . M . 1 Grand Masters 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 26 Faith and Fidelity , & e Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , DECEMBER 1 st .
142 St . Thomas ' * Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1622 Rose Surrey II . II ., Caniberwell 1949 Brixton Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton R . A . C P 75 Star of Denmark Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
( 1 st ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 3 rd . 12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . 69 Unity Inns of Court Hot ., High Holborn 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 83 United Lodge of Prudence ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 144 St . Luke's Anderton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 188 Joppa F . M . T . 25 G Union ' s F . M . II . 1319 Asaph Ditto 1 C 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road 16 G 9 Iloj-al Leopold Surrey M . 11 ., Caniberwell 1731 Cholmelcv Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . , 2020 St . Botolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street H . A . C .
01 Regularity F . M . It . 105 G Victoria M . II . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hotel 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hot ., West Kensington „ Mark Grand Stewards M . II ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . . 154 Shadwell Gierke M . H ., 33 , Golden Square , AV . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 th .
GRAND MARK LODGE , AT 4 FOR 5 P . M ., HOLBORN RESTAURANT ^ 7 Royal York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 9 Albion F . M . H . 18 Old Dundee Cannon Street Hotel 101 Temple Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 172 Old Concord V . M . H . 170 Caveac Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street
?? i . ? l ' NAME OP LODGE AND CIIAPTEU . ; PLACE OF MEETING . Liouge . i ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 th—continued . 217 Stability ¦ Anderton ' s HotFleet Street
.. 7 G 5 St . James ' s i Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 933 Doric An lei-ion ' s Hotel , E . C . 1159 Marquis of Dilhousic j 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1257 Grosvcnor ! F . M . 11 . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh I C . of G . Hope Tav .. Commercial Rd ., E . 1261 Golden llule : Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1381 Kennington | Horns Tav ., Kennington 1397 Anerley j Thicket Hot ., Aucrlcy
1472 Henley ' Three Crowns , Xortii Woolwich 1693 Kingsiand I Cock Taw , Highbury , X . 2032 Richmond : Station Hot ., Richmond 2150 Tivoli i Tivoli Restaurant , Strand 219 ) Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 169 Temperance AVliite Swan , High Street , Deptford 1629 United ' P . M . II . Mark . 350 Temperance-in-the-E ,. \ st ... Assembly Rooms , G . Newby Place , Poplar 355 ; Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly . AV .
( 1 st ) AA EDNESDAY , DECEMBER : > th . GRAND LODGE , AT 7 . 511 Zetland I Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1298 Royal Standard j Cock Tav ., Highbury , . V . 1585 Royal Commemoration | Fox and Hounds Hot ., Putney ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER Gth .
10 AA ' cstmfnster and Keystone ... F . M . If . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 45 Strong Man M . II . Tav ., Basingliall St ., E . C . 192 Lion an 1 Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 231 St . Andrew ' s F . M . H . 53 . S La Tolerance Ditto 554 Varborougli Green D . 'agonStepneyE
, , . 822 Victoria Rifles F . M . H . 117 S Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave . 225 , Strand , W . C . 13 G 1 I'nited Service Cafe Roval , Regent Street , \ A ' . 1425 Hyde Park The AVesibourne , 1 , Craven Road , AA . 1672 Morninglon Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct 1772 Piinlieo Victoria Alans . Rest ., Victoria St .. S . A \ . 1790 Old England M . 11 ., New Thornton Healh , nr . Crydn .
2 I 2 S United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot .. Lincoln ' s Inn Fields R . A . C . 2 St . James's F . M . II . * J Mount Morluh Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 171 sincerity London Tav ., Fcncliurch Street 13 S 1 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington Mm-::. 197 Stiidliolmo 33 , Golden Square , A \ .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in . sufficient , time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodges Of Instruction.
Australia ; and the thanks of that brother Avere expressively given and cordially received . SeA'eral A-isitors became joining members , and a most profitable OA ening Avas brought to a close in usual form . RAVENSBOURNE—No . 1601 . —On AVedncsday , the 21 st inst ., at the George Inn . Catford , S . E . —Preceptor . Bro . II . Shaw . P . M . — Bros . J . T . Axford , AV . M . ; J . Clark , S . AV . ; G . Pickering , J . AV . ; C .
Thomas , S . D . ; AV . Rcminson , J . D . ; J . AV . Peters , I . G . : C . Atkins , Sec . ; J . Stevens , P . M . ; Beimer , Joyce , Cobb , McCarthy and others . Ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Cobb candidate . Ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . McCarthy candidate . The Avork Avas very ably performed by Bro . Axford as AA . M ., and an instructive eA-ening resulted .
SOUTHAA ARK—No . 879 . —The annual dinner Avill take place on Tuesday , the llth prox ., at 7 . 30 p . m .. at the Lodge House , Sir Garnet AVolseley , Rotherhithe New Road , when Bro . Beavis , P . M . P . G . P .. Middx ., the Preceptor , Avill preside . Early application for tickets , 4 / -, is necessary , as the number is limited . Brethren are cordially invited to attend on Thursdays at 8 p . m . The
business is conducted with full musical ceremonial , Bro . AA . J . Russell , S . AV . 73 , presiding at the organ , assisted at times by Bro . Chatterton the organist of the mother lodge . South Bermondsey station ( L . & B . Ry ., ) and Deptford Road ( East London Ry . ) are within a few minutes' walk , and trams pass the door at frequent intervals .
CLAPTON—No . 1365 . —At the Lord Stanley , Sandringham Road , Dalston , N ., on Friday , 23 rd inst . Bro . Baker , AV . M . ; Bros . Draper , S . AV . ; Cordell , J . AV . ; Finch , Preceptor ; Church . Secretary ; Cubbon , S . D . ; Campbell , J . D . ; Bokenham , I . G . ; Bennett , Harrington , Ives , SaAver , Osborn , Robinson , A aughan , Diamond and others . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Ives candidate . Bro . Draper worked the 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the First Lecture . Bro . Draper , S . AV . Avas elected AV . M . for the next meeting .
JOPPA LODGE—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . Bro . R . J . Chillingworth , AV . M . ; Bros . Dantziger , S . AV . ; E . Anseil , J . AV . ; Thorn ; Saqui , Secretary ; Liscombe , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Thorn , Preceptor ; McDuell ,
Lodges Of Instruction.
I . G . ; Peg'c . P . M . ; Poppmacher , Dant / . iger . and others . The ceremony of passing- was rehearsed , Bro . Poppmacher candidate . The second and fourth sections of the lecture wore worked . Bro . Dantziger was appointed AV . M . for ensuing week . BRO . MLEV—ST . LEONARD—No . 180 . A . —On the 23 rd inst ., at The Cherry Tree . 321 , BrunsAvick Road , Bromley , E .. Bros . J . Builev ,
AV . M . ; II . Johnson , S . AV . ; B . T . Johnson . J . AV . ; AV . M . Mead . S . D . ; AV . J . Roberts , J . D . ; AV . J . Rawley , I . G . : Archd . Petcrkin , P . M . and Preceptor , and several other brethren . After some masonic work the change of date of meetings to AA \ ( Tuesdays was discussed , and Avill be settled at next Friday ' s meeting . Bro . AV . J . Roberts Avas elected treasurer , and Bro . AV . M . Mead secretary . Bro . II . Johnson was elected AA ' . M " . for ensuing meeting .
SIR HUGH MVDDLETON—No . 1 ( 502 . —At the AVliite Horse Tavern , LiA'erpool Road , N ., on Thursday , 22 nd inst ., Bro . Bearing , AA ' . M . ; Bros . Garner . S . AV . ; Baker , J . AV . ; AVoeden . Preceptor ; Osborn , S . D . ; James , J . D . ; Kerk , I . G . ; Merrifield , J . G . ; AV . James . Nillo and others . The ceremony of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Merrifield candidate . Bro . Garner , S . AV . was elected AV . M . for the next meeting .
DALHOUSIE—No . 8 ( 50 . —At the Middleton Arms . Middleton Road , Dalston , N ., on Tuesday , 20 th inst . Bro . Allen , AV . M . ; Bros . Robinson , S . AV . ; Baker , J . W . ; Lorkin , Preceptor ; Dunston , Secretary ; Johnson , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Lc Crue , I . G . ; Robinson ,
Starr and several others . I he ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . J . Le Creu candidate . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . Lorkin , Bro . Baker candidate . The 3 rd section of the 3 rd lecture Avas Avorked by Bro . Dunston . Bro . Robinson , S . AA ., was elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting .
ZETLAND—Ao . " ill . —At the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , N . AV ., on Monday , I ' . lth inst . Bro . C . iseley , AViM . ; Bros . Eyres , S . AV . ; Smith , J . AV . ; Mulvey , Preceptor ; II . Lichtenlield , Assistant Secretary ; Rex , S . D . ; Hazel , J . D . ; Gittens , I . G . ; Shimmonds , AVood , Reed , Monson and others . The ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Reed candidate . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Shei candidate . Bro . Monson Avas elected a member , and Bro . Evrcs , S . AV ., AV . M . for the 2 ( ith inst .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
JltarpnlitattC0&g£3anil(Kljapta* " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Ilegulations .
Lodge ' T ' UIE 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTER . ! PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( Last ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 29 th . 22 Neptune Guildhall TavGresham Street
., 1524 Duke of Connanght Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 2192 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . R . A . C . 7 W I Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street ( Last ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 30 th . R . A . C .
134 Caledonian Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street R . & S . M . 1 Grand Masters 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 26 Faith and Fidelity , & e Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , DECEMBER 1 st .
142 St . Thomas ' * Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1622 Rose Surrey II . II ., Caniberwell 1949 Brixton Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton R . A . C P 75 Star of Denmark Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
( 1 st ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 3 rd . 12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . 69 Unity Inns of Court Hot ., High Holborn 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 83 United Lodge of Prudence ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 144 St . Luke's Anderton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 188 Joppa F . M . T . 25 G Union ' s F . M . II . 1319 Asaph Ditto 1 C 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road 16 G 9 Iloj-al Leopold Surrey M . 11 ., Caniberwell 1731 Cholmelcv Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . , 2020 St . Botolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street H . A . C .
01 Regularity F . M . It . 105 G Victoria M . II . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hotel 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hot ., West Kensington „ Mark Grand Stewards M . II ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . . 154 Shadwell Gierke M . H ., 33 , Golden Square , AV . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 th .
GRAND MARK LODGE , AT 4 FOR 5 P . M ., HOLBORN RESTAURANT ^ 7 Royal York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 9 Albion F . M . H . 18 Old Dundee Cannon Street Hotel 101 Temple Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 172 Old Concord V . M . H . 170 Caveac Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street
?? i . ? l ' NAME OP LODGE AND CIIAPTEU . ; PLACE OF MEETING . Liouge . i ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 th—continued . 217 Stability ¦ Anderton ' s HotFleet Street
.. 7 G 5 St . James ' s i Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 933 Doric An lei-ion ' s Hotel , E . C . 1159 Marquis of Dilhousic j 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1257 Grosvcnor ! F . M . 11 . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh I C . of G . Hope Tav .. Commercial Rd ., E . 1261 Golden llule : Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1381 Kennington | Horns Tav ., Kennington 1397 Anerley j Thicket Hot ., Aucrlcy
1472 Henley ' Three Crowns , Xortii Woolwich 1693 Kingsiand I Cock Taw , Highbury , X . 2032 Richmond : Station Hot ., Richmond 2150 Tivoli i Tivoli Restaurant , Strand 219 ) Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 169 Temperance AVliite Swan , High Street , Deptford 1629 United ' P . M . II . Mark . 350 Temperance-in-the-E ,. \ st ... Assembly Rooms , G . Newby Place , Poplar 355 ; Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly . AV .
( 1 st ) AA EDNESDAY , DECEMBER : > th . GRAND LODGE , AT 7 . 511 Zetland I Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1298 Royal Standard j Cock Tav ., Highbury , . V . 1585 Royal Commemoration | Fox and Hounds Hot ., Putney ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER Gth .
10 AA ' cstmfnster and Keystone ... F . M . If . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 45 Strong Man M . II . Tav ., Basingliall St ., E . C . 192 Lion an 1 Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 231 St . Andrew ' s F . M . H . 53 . S La Tolerance Ditto 554 Varborougli Green D . 'agonStepneyE
, , . 822 Victoria Rifles F . M . H . 117 S Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave . 225 , Strand , W . C . 13 G 1 I'nited Service Cafe Roval , Regent Street , \ A ' . 1425 Hyde Park The AVesibourne , 1 , Craven Road , AA . 1672 Morninglon Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct 1772 Piinlieo Victoria Alans . Rest ., Victoria St .. S . A \ . 1790 Old England M . 11 ., New Thornton Healh , nr . Crydn .
2 I 2 S United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot .. Lincoln ' s Inn Fields R . A . C . 2 St . James's F . M . II . * J Mount Morluh Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 171 sincerity London Tav ., Fcncliurch Street 13 S 1 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington Mm-::. 197 Stiidliolmo 33 , Golden Square , A \ .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in . sufficient , time . —ED . M . S .