Article TRIANGULATION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The schismatic , self-styled , Mark Lodge of England , commenced in perjury and rebellion , is likewise so un-masonic as to defy all means of estimation , by any process whatever . The Order of Knights Templar , the only body
whose attitude can come under the masonic guage has been so shamefully bedraggled in the mire , at the heels of these two other parties , by a Grand Chancellor who is as crotchety as he is ludicrous , that Triangulation is not needed to estimate how low it has fallen , in the opinion of all conscientious
brethren , and therefore we must look for some development of the system to render the principle of Triangulation applicable . Such an one happily recurs to the memory . Bro . Captain Marryatt wrote some charming novels in one of which he gave an account of a triangular feat , which is but poorly parodied in the irresistibly comic compact these three bodies have put forward .
Captain Marryatt makes two wily fellows engage his hero , —an unsuspecting person , —to take part with them in a triangular duel , and the high contracting parties to the miserable farce they have tried to pass off on the masonic world have travestied the scene . The two irresponsible parties to this compact have ,
in the person of the unsuspecting Templar , caught their "Peter Simple , " and after getting him to submit his weapons , ( the rights , privileges , and immunities of the Order ) , to their manipulation , it is not very difficult to see how they will pepper him . If " the proper study of mankind is man , " then
the recent compact is a problem of masonic triangulation well worthy the study of the brotherhood . In itself it is not a tithe-part as diverting as the original " Peter Simple" ; but , as an evidence of how far two unscrupulous bodies can go in hoodwinking the senility of a third it is no bad example of the use of the art of unscientific Triangulation .
Notices To Correspondents.
To THE PUBLIC PRESS , BOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — Thc reservation , of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which wc clahn for our contents , wc desire may be construed in iltc 7 nosl liberal manner . If our coictempoj'arics can find mailer in our pages which they loonld transfer to their own , so long as they wilt quote it as extractedfrom THE MASONIC EXAMINER , they are heartily welcome to republish it and will have our thanks for so doing . Wc promise reciprocity .
Where wc quote wc will always mention our informant by its recognised title . Our reservation of rights extends only to those who would use our information , and deprive us of thc credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter -without acknowledgment . ALL communications intended for publication in the ensuing month ' s issue must reach the Editor , Bro . Matthew Cooke ' 13 , Iiarpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , AV . C , no
later than the 10 th day of the current month . The rules unde r which such communications will be received are set forth at the head of the correspondence department , and no deviations from them can , under any circumstances whatever , be permitted . No notice will be taken of anonymous communications . A letter wilhout a signature will not be read . Rejected articles or letters cannot be returned and all who send papers are advised to keep copies of them as those nmised will be destroyed . ,
Notices To Correspondents.
We must require that all matter intended for the printer ' s hands be written in a legible and clear hand and on one side of the paper only , for no greater impediment can be thrown in the way of a compositor than " backed copy . " A neglect of these necessary rules will entail the rejection of all communications not conforming to the recognised practice .
W . —We have neither space at command , nor inclination , to insert post-prandial speeches . Your kind offer is , therefore declined , with thanks . * .. *—Try Barthes and Lowell , in Great Marlborough Street , or Dulau , Soho Square . Failing in both come to us and you
shall see what you require . J . F . —Sorry it can't be done . Yon must not expect impossibilities . AMICUS . —If short and trenchant , send it ; we cannot promise insertion .
Nearly Ready . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . THE Statutes of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK—MARINERS . Together with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the present time . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scribe , Bro . jtf . A . Lowenstark , 2 , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C . Just published ,
TTNDER THE SANCTION OF BRO . LE GENDRE ^ NICHOLAS STARKIE , Prov . G . M ., of East Lancashire ; Proofs One Guinea ; Prints , Half-a-Guinea . An excellent lithographic Portrait of BRO . WILLIAM ROMAINE CALLENDER , jun ., D . Prov . G- M . East Lancashire , from a portrait , in Masonic Costume , by Bro . G . E . TUSON , of London and Manchester , Medallist of tl . e Royal Academy . _ Applications for copies made to the Editor of the Masonic E . xa ? niner will be forwarded . A commission allowed to Tylers , & c .
Best Manchester Suburban Weekly Newspaper , Price One Penny . Published Everv Sati > -dav Morning . THE HULME AND " S " TRETFO RD EXPRESS . ( Established June , 1868 . ) THE only newspaper published in Hulme , population 100 , 000 . A Neutral High-class Journal , in which thc cause of freedom , religious and social advancement is strongly supported , unconnected with any party .
Gives prominence to local news and all the general news of the week . Masonic paragraphs appear in its columns of local importance . Correspondents' letters receive attention ; Edited by Bro . J . W . MASON . Office : Opposite Hulme Town Hall , Strctford Road , Manchester . TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — J- THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , BIoomsbu W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for ¦ business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpe nce . W . YOUNG , Proprietor .
n ^ HE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - * - complete pedestal writing-table , a lever at the end of the key-board to raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . The pedestal forms an admirable preservative tor . bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C . Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners ; and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 .
BROS . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established 1844 ) , WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS , and manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations , i , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation . READY FOR PRESS ,
Price Three Shillings and Sixpence . AJ OTES ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS J- ' MYSTERIES OF ANTIQUITY ; the Gnosis and Secret Schools of the Middle Ages , Modern Rosicrucianism ; and the various Rites and Degrees of Free and Accepted Masonry . Your name as a subscriber is requested by the Author , BRO . JOHN YARKER , 43 , Chorlton Road , Manchester . London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary-le-Strand , for Bro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at 13 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C , in the County of Middlesex . —Sattirday , July tst , 1871 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The schismatic , self-styled , Mark Lodge of England , commenced in perjury and rebellion , is likewise so un-masonic as to defy all means of estimation , by any process whatever . The Order of Knights Templar , the only body
whose attitude can come under the masonic guage has been so shamefully bedraggled in the mire , at the heels of these two other parties , by a Grand Chancellor who is as crotchety as he is ludicrous , that Triangulation is not needed to estimate how low it has fallen , in the opinion of all conscientious
brethren , and therefore we must look for some development of the system to render the principle of Triangulation applicable . Such an one happily recurs to the memory . Bro . Captain Marryatt wrote some charming novels in one of which he gave an account of a triangular feat , which is but poorly parodied in the irresistibly comic compact these three bodies have put forward .
Captain Marryatt makes two wily fellows engage his hero , —an unsuspecting person , —to take part with them in a triangular duel , and the high contracting parties to the miserable farce they have tried to pass off on the masonic world have travestied the scene . The two irresponsible parties to this compact have ,
in the person of the unsuspecting Templar , caught their "Peter Simple , " and after getting him to submit his weapons , ( the rights , privileges , and immunities of the Order ) , to their manipulation , it is not very difficult to see how they will pepper him . If " the proper study of mankind is man , " then
the recent compact is a problem of masonic triangulation well worthy the study of the brotherhood . In itself it is not a tithe-part as diverting as the original " Peter Simple" ; but , as an evidence of how far two unscrupulous bodies can go in hoodwinking the senility of a third it is no bad example of the use of the art of unscientific Triangulation .
Notices To Correspondents.
To THE PUBLIC PRESS , BOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — Thc reservation , of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which wc clahn for our contents , wc desire may be construed in iltc 7 nosl liberal manner . If our coictempoj'arics can find mailer in our pages which they loonld transfer to their own , so long as they wilt quote it as extractedfrom THE MASONIC EXAMINER , they are heartily welcome to republish it and will have our thanks for so doing . Wc promise reciprocity .
Where wc quote wc will always mention our informant by its recognised title . Our reservation of rights extends only to those who would use our information , and deprive us of thc credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter -without acknowledgment . ALL communications intended for publication in the ensuing month ' s issue must reach the Editor , Bro . Matthew Cooke ' 13 , Iiarpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , AV . C , no
later than the 10 th day of the current month . The rules unde r which such communications will be received are set forth at the head of the correspondence department , and no deviations from them can , under any circumstances whatever , be permitted . No notice will be taken of anonymous communications . A letter wilhout a signature will not be read . Rejected articles or letters cannot be returned and all who send papers are advised to keep copies of them as those nmised will be destroyed . ,
Notices To Correspondents.
We must require that all matter intended for the printer ' s hands be written in a legible and clear hand and on one side of the paper only , for no greater impediment can be thrown in the way of a compositor than " backed copy . " A neglect of these necessary rules will entail the rejection of all communications not conforming to the recognised practice .
W . —We have neither space at command , nor inclination , to insert post-prandial speeches . Your kind offer is , therefore declined , with thanks . * .. *—Try Barthes and Lowell , in Great Marlborough Street , or Dulau , Soho Square . Failing in both come to us and you
shall see what you require . J . F . —Sorry it can't be done . Yon must not expect impossibilities . AMICUS . —If short and trenchant , send it ; we cannot promise insertion .
Nearly Ready . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . THE Statutes of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK—MARINERS . Together with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the present time . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scribe , Bro . jtf . A . Lowenstark , 2 , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C . Just published ,
TTNDER THE SANCTION OF BRO . LE GENDRE ^ NICHOLAS STARKIE , Prov . G . M ., of East Lancashire ; Proofs One Guinea ; Prints , Half-a-Guinea . An excellent lithographic Portrait of BRO . WILLIAM ROMAINE CALLENDER , jun ., D . Prov . G- M . East Lancashire , from a portrait , in Masonic Costume , by Bro . G . E . TUSON , of London and Manchester , Medallist of tl . e Royal Academy . _ Applications for copies made to the Editor of the Masonic E . xa ? niner will be forwarded . A commission allowed to Tylers , & c .
Best Manchester Suburban Weekly Newspaper , Price One Penny . Published Everv Sati > -dav Morning . THE HULME AND " S " TRETFO RD EXPRESS . ( Established June , 1868 . ) THE only newspaper published in Hulme , population 100 , 000 . A Neutral High-class Journal , in which thc cause of freedom , religious and social advancement is strongly supported , unconnected with any party .
Gives prominence to local news and all the general news of the week . Masonic paragraphs appear in its columns of local importance . Correspondents' letters receive attention ; Edited by Bro . J . W . MASON . Office : Opposite Hulme Town Hall , Strctford Road , Manchester . TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — J- THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , BIoomsbu W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for ¦ business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpe nce . W . YOUNG , Proprietor .
n ^ HE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - * - complete pedestal writing-table , a lever at the end of the key-board to raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . The pedestal forms an admirable preservative tor . bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C . Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners ; and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 .
BROS . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established 1844 ) , WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS , and manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations , i , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation . READY FOR PRESS ,
Price Three Shillings and Sixpence . AJ OTES ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS J- ' MYSTERIES OF ANTIQUITY ; the Gnosis and Secret Schools of the Middle Ages , Modern Rosicrucianism ; and the various Rites and Degrees of Free and Accepted Masonry . Your name as a subscriber is requested by the Author , BRO . JOHN YARKER , 43 , Chorlton Road , Manchester . London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary-le-Strand , for Bro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at 13 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C , in the County of Middlesex . —Sattirday , July tst , 1871 .