Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
having previously been taken for Messrs . Aimo Hugon , 6 . Mathison . and 0 . Codlin , those gentlemen were initiated into the Order . The W . M . performed these ceremonies iu hia usual careful and perfect manner . The resignation of a brother was accepted with regret . The
Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Albemarle Hotel , Albemarle-street , where a very recherche banquet and dosser ' was provided by Bro . Boetch . The Visitors were Bros . E . H . Beccles ( late Bishop of Sierra Leone ) , H . Eawes 950 , R . Ponsford 25 , R . Brand 25 , Beccles 1159 , F . Gendre 405 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday , tho 27 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldorsgatestreet . Comps . M . Emanuel M . E . Z ., E . P . Albert P . Z . as H ., W . Littaner P . Z . J ., S . V . Abrahams P . Z . Treasurer , P . Dickinson S . E ., L . Lazarus S . N * . P . Z . ' s H . M . Levy I . P . Z ., S . Pollitzer , J . Lazarus , and Comps . G . Ellis , Van Volen , Buderns , Silver , Phillips , W . G .
Jennings , Boeckbinder , Melhsh and Myers . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . N . Baum was proposed as a candidate , and nnanimonsly elected . He was then dnly exalted , the working of the M . E . Z . and Principals deserving great commendation . The Chapter was then closed until the 22 nd of May , and the Com - panions adjourned to a very sumptnons banquet , provided by Comp .
Jennings . The M . E . Z . being obliged to leave , Comp . H . M . Levy I . P . Z . presided , and in giving the toast of Her Majesty the Queen , referred to her patronage of the Masonic Charities . Not only as loyal subjects , but as Royal Arch Masons , they felt proud to associate hor name with R . A . Masonry , Her recent visit to the East-end , to do good to tho afflicted , would never bo
forgotten ; it was a connecting link from West to East , and ho hoped she might live long in health to reign . The acting Z . then proposed the toast of H . R . H . the Princo of Wales M . E . G . Z . It was a pleasure to hear of tho enthusiastic reception he had met with in India from all classes . Freemasons there had shown their fealty in giving him a hearty and cordial welcome , and he hoped , on
his return to his native country , every loyal subject would be ready to give him a hearty welcome ; and he hoped the great Masonio body would , with the sanction of Grand Lodge , give him even a greater re . ception , and as true a Masonic greeting as he had received at his installation in the Albert Hall . The toast of the Grand H . and J ., and the rest of the officers , was then given . The acting Z . then proposed
the toast of the newly exalted Comp . Banm , who , from his personal knowledge , and from the attention paid to the ceremony , would , he was sure , be a credit to the Order . Comp . N . Baum appropriately returned thanks . The acting Z . then proposed the health of Comp . J . Wright P . Z . 174 , and alladed to the honour he had received in being seleoted as Grand Pursuivant . From his working qualifications he
was sure to be efficient , and he was pleased to know that he had been elected to that office . Comp . Wright having responded , the toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed . The Companions regretted his absence , but they had seen how admirably he had performed the cere , mony , in a dual capacity . He was so thoroughly conversant with tho duties that it was a pleasure to listen to his delivery of that boantif ul
ritual . Comp . S . V . Abrahams P . Z . proposed tho toast of the acting Z ., Comp . H . M . Levy , which was responded to , and Comp . Levy then proposed the toast of the P . Z . 's . He said it was indeed a pleasure to see these Companions , in the absence of the officers who were unable to attend , aoting as they had done in assisting in BO excellent a manner . He might indeed say they had succeeded , and he was
pleased to see among them ono who had been the 1 st M . E . Z . The Chapter had now been in existence 33 years . He wonld couple with it the health of their worthy Comp . S . Lazarus . The health of the H . and J . followed , and was responded to by Companions W . Littauer and S . Pollitzer . The toast of the junior officers was given , and Comp . Dickinson S . E . returned thanks . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very enjoyable evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Bro . Ockenden presided on Wednesday last , and was supported by Bros . Geo . Corner S . W ., Triggs J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , J . Constable Treas ., Croaker S . D ., Turner J . D ., Seyer I . G ., Christopher Tyler . P . M . Bro . E . Gottheil Preceptor , Bros . D . Posener , Walker , Abell , Blinkhorn
Gomm , Pelton , Horsley , Burr , Hunt , Morgan , & c . Lodge was opened to the third degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hunt being the candidate . After this Bro . Posener offered himself as a candidate for the third degree , and after answering the necessary questions , the sublime ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . G . Corner was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 27 th March , when Bro . J . Morgan initiated two gentlemen into the Order with all tho care and amplitude that so distinguishes his work , ing .
Commercial Lodge , No . 360 , Glasgow . —This Lodge held high festival on Thursday , 23 rd March , in their own hall , on the occasion of their affiliating , as an honorary member , Henry Inglis , Esq ., of Torsonce , 33 ° , Past G . S . M . of Scotland , and P . G . M . of Selkirk and Peebles . Bros . J . Mnnro R . W . M . filled the chair , J . M . Oliver S . W ., Thos . Graham J . W ., Jules Brodio and A . McKenzie P . M . 's wero
present , also D . Lamb D . M ., J . Findlay S . M ., G . Scott Treasurer , J . Smith Secretary , Benj . Read and Kellier Deacons , in fact , all the office-bearers of the Lodge . On the dais were the following members of P . G . L . —J . Gilles Treasurer , G . Sinclair Treasurer Benevolent Fund , J . Bun B . B ., J . Balfour D . of C , J . Miller D . of C , and J . Read P . I . G . There were eight Masters of Lodges in the
Province—Bros . J . Poller R . W . M . of 153 , P . G . J . W ., Renfrewshire East , J . Anderson , 376 , Paisley , Easton R . SV . M . 579 , Uddinston , while the rest of the hall was filled with Wardens and other officers from most of the other Lodges in Glasgow . In the course of Bro . G . Sinclair's reply , he stated that the funds in hand last year were £ 570 ; during the year , 765 members had been initiated in the Province . From
each of these the sum of 5 a had been received . Thia £ 191 5 s , with the donations of tlie P . G . M . and others , had enabled him to relieve all the claims that had been made upon him , and left him with a balance in hand of £ 680 . He wished to see thia made up to £ 1 , 000 , as then he should be satisfied , and to accomplish this he hoped soma of tho wealthy members of the Province wonld follow the example of
Walter M . Neilson , and give either £ 10 or £ 5 annually , or even £ 1 , so as to really allow the committee to exercise benevolenoe wore it was deserved . Bro . Mnnro , In giving the health of their guest a 3 P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirk , spoke of the esteem and veneration in which Bro . Inglis was held in his own province . His business led him there , and he could speak from personal knowledge , and he
trusted the day was not distant when they shonld see him on tho throne as G . M . for Scotland . Bro . Inglis said he was afraid their R . W . M . had spoken too highly both of himself and his province . It was true there were good Masons among them , but like most of tho Border men of old times , they were a little rough . The roughest , perhaps , were at Hawick . At a meeting there the other day , he said
to them , as Catherine told her courtiers , that if sho scratched a Rns . sian she fonnd a Tartar ; so if he scratched a Hawick man he found a Moss trooper , bnt he feared that if they scratched him , he might also be found to be one . So they agreed not to scratch eaoh ^ other , and so got on very well . Bro . Mnnro had alluded to his ser . vices . Though the youngest member of the Commercial Lodge , he
was the oldest Mason present , and one of the oldest in Scotland , aa he joined the Order very young . He had served seven years as Substitute Grand Master , doing most of the work . He thought that was long to fill one office , and if his friends in the west wishedto put him higher np ho could only assure them that his beat energies wonld be devoted to their service , and one thing he would muoh like
to see , and that was that Grand Lodge shonld occasionally meet in Glasgow . Tho west had for some years been the mainstay of Masonry in Scotland , and it was hardly fair that they should always be put to the expense of going to tho east , or that all the honours of tho Graft should be reserved for the east ( cheers ) . Bro . Neilson R . W . M . 3 } gave prosperity to 360 , expressing the pleasure each
Lodge in the province had in witnessing the prosperity of their neighbour . Bro . Monro gracefully acknowledged tho compliment , proved to the Lodge by tho attendance that night of so many Masters of other Lodges . Bro . Inglis , in a humourous speech , gave " The other Glasgow Lodges , " and as he wa 3 the youngest member of the province , he would call on the youngest Lodge to reply . Bro . Gow ,
Substitute of 581 , in the absence of the R . W M ., replied , bat he said as they were only a fortnight old , ho could not be expected to say much , bat asked the oldest member—3 £ —to respond . Bro . Neilson waa happy to say that , owing to the liberality of the P . G M ., he thought they would soon have a Masonic hall , a home for Masonry , where they need not be ashamed to invite even the Grand Lodge ,
The toast of the Past Masters , given in an excellent speech by Bro . Oliver S . W ., was responded to by Bros . Brodie and McKenzie . Bro . Easton of St . Bryde's , Uddeston , replied for the visitors from other provinces . The meeting was enlivened by the rendering of soma excellent glees and instrumental musio by Bros . Brody , Miller , Pentland , Peterkin , and others .
AtttOl Lodge , No . 413 , Glasgow . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 28 th Maroh , Bro . Jas . Louttit R . W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and several Visitors . The work consisted of an initiation and passing , both of which ceremonies were well rendered by the Master .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its nsual weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 30 th of Maroh , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-streeet , W . Present—Bro 3 . J . Mander W . M ., T . Cull S . W ., F . Honeyman J . W ., G . Davis S . D ., J . Bently J . D ., S . Elborn I . G ., and Bros . Middlomass , Enever , F . Brown , Noehmer , Morphew , Belfrage , Harrison , J . A . Brown , Farwig ,
Wheeler , Selter , Watts , Saul , Blundell , Haslett , Coulton , Neighbour , Glass , Bubb , Dickinson , Lloyd , Parsons , Martin , Stonor , Tolmie and Mitchell . Business—Lodge opened , and minntes of the last meeting read and confirmed ; Lodge opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and re . sumed to 1 st , when the fifteen sections were worked . Bros . A . Middlemass 957 , A . J . Enever 765 , S . Elborn 511 , J . A . Brown 17 ,
W . Glass 26 , J . Dickinson 27 , C . Mitchell 1360 , were unanimously elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . Vote 3 of thanks were unanimously voted to Bro . Mander for presiding , and to the brethren who had kindly worked the sections . At the next meeting , Thursday , 6 th April , members will bo enrolled for the New Masonio Benevolent Association .
Vane Chapter , No . 538 . —Tho Installation meeting of this Chapter wa 3 held on the 23 rd nit ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Comp . Kench P . Z . occupied the chair in tho unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . S . Pollitzer , W . H . Lindus H ., C . Burmeister J ., Rev . P . M . Holden S . E ., Blnm W . S ., and several Com . panions . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed .
Bros . W . C . Strickland , St . James's Union Lodge , No . 180 , and R Dudgeon . La Tolerance . No . 538 , were duly exalted . Comp . Kench P . Z . then installed Comps . H . VV . Lindus M . E . Z ., C . Bnrmeister H ., and Wood J . The Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions adjourned to Kuttner ' s Hotel , Church-street , and sat down to a very capital banquet . The usual toasts were given . Comps . E . P . Albert , P . Z . 188 , and Morrell were present a 3 Visitors .
Dramatic Lodge No . 571 , —The regular meeting of this Lodge was hold in St . Mark's Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , 15 th March , at 3 o ' clock p . m ., the R . W . M . Bro . William J . E . Dobson in the chair , supported by Bros . J . Winton P . M . 333 , J . Balfonr P . M . 332 , Campbell P . M ., G . W . Wheeler Chaplain 73 , and Wilson Past Chaplain 27 . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . H . W . Jackman S . W ., his place was ably supplied by Bro . J . Mclnneu S . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
having previously been taken for Messrs . Aimo Hugon , 6 . Mathison . and 0 . Codlin , those gentlemen were initiated into the Order . The W . M . performed these ceremonies iu hia usual careful and perfect manner . The resignation of a brother was accepted with regret . The
Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Albemarle Hotel , Albemarle-street , where a very recherche banquet and dosser ' was provided by Bro . Boetch . The Visitors were Bros . E . H . Beccles ( late Bishop of Sierra Leone ) , H . Eawes 950 , R . Ponsford 25 , R . Brand 25 , Beccles 1159 , F . Gendre 405 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday , tho 27 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldorsgatestreet . Comps . M . Emanuel M . E . Z ., E . P . Albert P . Z . as H ., W . Littaner P . Z . J ., S . V . Abrahams P . Z . Treasurer , P . Dickinson S . E ., L . Lazarus S . N * . P . Z . ' s H . M . Levy I . P . Z ., S . Pollitzer , J . Lazarus , and Comps . G . Ellis , Van Volen , Buderns , Silver , Phillips , W . G .
Jennings , Boeckbinder , Melhsh and Myers . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . N . Baum was proposed as a candidate , and nnanimonsly elected . He was then dnly exalted , the working of the M . E . Z . and Principals deserving great commendation . The Chapter was then closed until the 22 nd of May , and the Com - panions adjourned to a very sumptnons banquet , provided by Comp .
Jennings . The M . E . Z . being obliged to leave , Comp . H . M . Levy I . P . Z . presided , and in giving the toast of Her Majesty the Queen , referred to her patronage of the Masonic Charities . Not only as loyal subjects , but as Royal Arch Masons , they felt proud to associate hor name with R . A . Masonry , Her recent visit to the East-end , to do good to tho afflicted , would never bo
forgotten ; it was a connecting link from West to East , and ho hoped she might live long in health to reign . The acting Z . then proposed the toast of H . R . H . the Princo of Wales M . E . G . Z . It was a pleasure to hear of tho enthusiastic reception he had met with in India from all classes . Freemasons there had shown their fealty in giving him a hearty and cordial welcome , and he hoped , on
his return to his native country , every loyal subject would be ready to give him a hearty welcome ; and he hoped the great Masonio body would , with the sanction of Grand Lodge , give him even a greater re . ception , and as true a Masonic greeting as he had received at his installation in the Albert Hall . The toast of the Grand H . and J ., and the rest of the officers , was then given . The acting Z . then proposed
the toast of the newly exalted Comp . Banm , who , from his personal knowledge , and from the attention paid to the ceremony , would , he was sure , be a credit to the Order . Comp . N . Baum appropriately returned thanks . The acting Z . then proposed the health of Comp . J . Wright P . Z . 174 , and alladed to the honour he had received in being seleoted as Grand Pursuivant . From his working qualifications he
was sure to be efficient , and he was pleased to know that he had been elected to that office . Comp . Wright having responded , the toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed . The Companions regretted his absence , but they had seen how admirably he had performed the cere , mony , in a dual capacity . He was so thoroughly conversant with tho duties that it was a pleasure to listen to his delivery of that boantif ul
ritual . Comp . S . V . Abrahams P . Z . proposed tho toast of the acting Z ., Comp . H . M . Levy , which was responded to , and Comp . Levy then proposed the toast of the P . Z . 's . He said it was indeed a pleasure to see these Companions , in the absence of the officers who were unable to attend , aoting as they had done in assisting in BO excellent a manner . He might indeed say they had succeeded , and he was
pleased to see among them ono who had been the 1 st M . E . Z . The Chapter had now been in existence 33 years . He wonld couple with it the health of their worthy Comp . S . Lazarus . The health of the H . and J . followed , and was responded to by Companions W . Littauer and S . Pollitzer . The toast of the junior officers was given , and Comp . Dickinson S . E . returned thanks . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very enjoyable evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Bro . Ockenden presided on Wednesday last , and was supported by Bros . Geo . Corner S . W ., Triggs J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , J . Constable Treas ., Croaker S . D ., Turner J . D ., Seyer I . G ., Christopher Tyler . P . M . Bro . E . Gottheil Preceptor , Bros . D . Posener , Walker , Abell , Blinkhorn
Gomm , Pelton , Horsley , Burr , Hunt , Morgan , & c . Lodge was opened to the third degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hunt being the candidate . After this Bro . Posener offered himself as a candidate for the third degree , and after answering the necessary questions , the sublime ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . G . Corner was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 27 th March , when Bro . J . Morgan initiated two gentlemen into the Order with all tho care and amplitude that so distinguishes his work , ing .
Commercial Lodge , No . 360 , Glasgow . —This Lodge held high festival on Thursday , 23 rd March , in their own hall , on the occasion of their affiliating , as an honorary member , Henry Inglis , Esq ., of Torsonce , 33 ° , Past G . S . M . of Scotland , and P . G . M . of Selkirk and Peebles . Bros . J . Mnnro R . W . M . filled the chair , J . M . Oliver S . W ., Thos . Graham J . W ., Jules Brodio and A . McKenzie P . M . 's wero
present , also D . Lamb D . M ., J . Findlay S . M ., G . Scott Treasurer , J . Smith Secretary , Benj . Read and Kellier Deacons , in fact , all the office-bearers of the Lodge . On the dais were the following members of P . G . L . —J . Gilles Treasurer , G . Sinclair Treasurer Benevolent Fund , J . Bun B . B ., J . Balfour D . of C , J . Miller D . of C , and J . Read P . I . G . There were eight Masters of Lodges in the
Province—Bros . J . Poller R . W . M . of 153 , P . G . J . W ., Renfrewshire East , J . Anderson , 376 , Paisley , Easton R . SV . M . 579 , Uddinston , while the rest of the hall was filled with Wardens and other officers from most of the other Lodges in Glasgow . In the course of Bro . G . Sinclair's reply , he stated that the funds in hand last year were £ 570 ; during the year , 765 members had been initiated in the Province . From
each of these the sum of 5 a had been received . Thia £ 191 5 s , with the donations of tlie P . G . M . and others , had enabled him to relieve all the claims that had been made upon him , and left him with a balance in hand of £ 680 . He wished to see thia made up to £ 1 , 000 , as then he should be satisfied , and to accomplish this he hoped soma of tho wealthy members of the Province wonld follow the example of
Walter M . Neilson , and give either £ 10 or £ 5 annually , or even £ 1 , so as to really allow the committee to exercise benevolenoe wore it was deserved . Bro . Mnnro , In giving the health of their guest a 3 P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirk , spoke of the esteem and veneration in which Bro . Inglis was held in his own province . His business led him there , and he could speak from personal knowledge , and he
trusted the day was not distant when they shonld see him on tho throne as G . M . for Scotland . Bro . Inglis said he was afraid their R . W . M . had spoken too highly both of himself and his province . It was true there were good Masons among them , but like most of tho Border men of old times , they were a little rough . The roughest , perhaps , were at Hawick . At a meeting there the other day , he said
to them , as Catherine told her courtiers , that if sho scratched a Rns . sian she fonnd a Tartar ; so if he scratched a Hawick man he found a Moss trooper , bnt he feared that if they scratched him , he might also be found to be one . So they agreed not to scratch eaoh ^ other , and so got on very well . Bro . Mnnro had alluded to his ser . vices . Though the youngest member of the Commercial Lodge , he
was the oldest Mason present , and one of the oldest in Scotland , aa he joined the Order very young . He had served seven years as Substitute Grand Master , doing most of the work . He thought that was long to fill one office , and if his friends in the west wishedto put him higher np ho could only assure them that his beat energies wonld be devoted to their service , and one thing he would muoh like
to see , and that was that Grand Lodge shonld occasionally meet in Glasgow . Tho west had for some years been the mainstay of Masonry in Scotland , and it was hardly fair that they should always be put to the expense of going to tho east , or that all the honours of tho Graft should be reserved for the east ( cheers ) . Bro . Neilson R . W . M . 3 } gave prosperity to 360 , expressing the pleasure each
Lodge in the province had in witnessing the prosperity of their neighbour . Bro . Monro gracefully acknowledged tho compliment , proved to the Lodge by tho attendance that night of so many Masters of other Lodges . Bro . Inglis , in a humourous speech , gave " The other Glasgow Lodges , " and as he wa 3 the youngest member of the province , he would call on the youngest Lodge to reply . Bro . Gow ,
Substitute of 581 , in the absence of the R . W M ., replied , bat he said as they were only a fortnight old , ho could not be expected to say much , bat asked the oldest member—3 £ —to respond . Bro . Neilson waa happy to say that , owing to the liberality of the P . G M ., he thought they would soon have a Masonic hall , a home for Masonry , where they need not be ashamed to invite even the Grand Lodge ,
The toast of the Past Masters , given in an excellent speech by Bro . Oliver S . W ., was responded to by Bros . Brodie and McKenzie . Bro . Easton of St . Bryde's , Uddeston , replied for the visitors from other provinces . The meeting was enlivened by the rendering of soma excellent glees and instrumental musio by Bros . Brody , Miller , Pentland , Peterkin , and others .
AtttOl Lodge , No . 413 , Glasgow . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 28 th Maroh , Bro . Jas . Louttit R . W . M . in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and several Visitors . The work consisted of an initiation and passing , both of which ceremonies were well rendered by the Master .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its nsual weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 30 th of Maroh , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-streeet , W . Present—Bro 3 . J . Mander W . M ., T . Cull S . W ., F . Honeyman J . W ., G . Davis S . D ., J . Bently J . D ., S . Elborn I . G ., and Bros . Middlomass , Enever , F . Brown , Noehmer , Morphew , Belfrage , Harrison , J . A . Brown , Farwig ,
Wheeler , Selter , Watts , Saul , Blundell , Haslett , Coulton , Neighbour , Glass , Bubb , Dickinson , Lloyd , Parsons , Martin , Stonor , Tolmie and Mitchell . Business—Lodge opened , and minntes of the last meeting read and confirmed ; Lodge opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and re . sumed to 1 st , when the fifteen sections were worked . Bros . A . Middlemass 957 , A . J . Enever 765 , S . Elborn 511 , J . A . Brown 17 ,
W . Glass 26 , J . Dickinson 27 , C . Mitchell 1360 , were unanimously elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . Vote 3 of thanks were unanimously voted to Bro . Mander for presiding , and to the brethren who had kindly worked the sections . At the next meeting , Thursday , 6 th April , members will bo enrolled for the New Masonio Benevolent Association .
Vane Chapter , No . 538 . —Tho Installation meeting of this Chapter wa 3 held on the 23 rd nit ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Comp . Kench P . Z . occupied the chair in tho unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . S . Pollitzer , W . H . Lindus H ., C . Burmeister J ., Rev . P . M . Holden S . E ., Blnm W . S ., and several Com . panions . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed .
Bros . W . C . Strickland , St . James's Union Lodge , No . 180 , and R Dudgeon . La Tolerance . No . 538 , were duly exalted . Comp . Kench P . Z . then installed Comps . H . VV . Lindus M . E . Z ., C . Bnrmeister H ., and Wood J . The Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions adjourned to Kuttner ' s Hotel , Church-street , and sat down to a very capital banquet . The usual toasts were given . Comps . E . P . Albert , P . Z . 188 , and Morrell were present a 3 Visitors .
Dramatic Lodge No . 571 , —The regular meeting of this Lodge was hold in St . Mark's Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , 15 th March , at 3 o ' clock p . m ., the R . W . M . Bro . William J . E . Dobson in the chair , supported by Bros . J . Winton P . M . 333 , J . Balfonr P . M . 332 , Campbell P . M ., G . W . Wheeler Chaplain 73 , and Wilson Past Chaplain 27 . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . H . W . Jackman S . W ., his place was ably supplied by Bro . J . Mclnneu S . M .