Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ST. BLANE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 163. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
of 408 , Bros . Barbour Treasurer , and Weir acting Secretary , W . Sivewright J . W ., R . S . Smyth S . D ., L . R . Mitchell J . D ., and the other office-bearers in their respective places . There was a very large number of visiting brethren , amongst whom we noticed Bros . J . M . Oliver S . W . 360 , Brownlie J . W . 3 bis , and R . Fraser of 27 . The brethren being assembled , the R . W . M . proceeded to open the Lodge in tho E . A . degree . Minutes of previous meetings were then read and
duly confirmed . Applications wero then read from Mr . William Mnir , and Mr . Charles Henry Gill , by the Secretary , and there being no objections , they were admitted , and received the E . A . degree at the hands of R . W . M ., in a deeply impressive manner . The candidates were then tested and duly admonished . There being no further business in this degree , the Lodgo was closed in due and ancient form .
An emergency meeting of the above Lodge , Dramatic , No . 571 , was held in St . Mark's Hall , on Wednesday , 22 nd March , for the pur . pose of giving Bro . C . H . Gill his 2 nd and 3 rd degree . The R . W . M ., William J . E . Dobson , presiding , supported on the dais by Bros . Prout R . W . M . 4 , Findlay , S . M . 33 , and G . W . Wheeler Chaplain 73 , and all the office-bearers in their proper places . The Lodgo was dnly opened
in tho E . A . degree , and tho R . W . M . thereafter addressed the brethren present as to the nature of said meeting , saying that , though emergency . meetings were not to his taste as a Mason , still there were , at times , special reasons for constituting and holding the same , and as Bro . Gill was compelled to leave for Huddersfleld on Sunday evening next ; that he , as Master of Dramatio Lodge , was not oversteppinghis
authority in allowing the favour to Bro . Gill j in fact , he learnt , from Grand Lodge laws , that a clause has a special reference to these emergencies , and left tho discretionary power in the hands of the R . W . M ., and requested the brethren to assist him in making Bro . Gill as impressed with the degrees to come as he had beon at his initiation , tho Wednesday previous . The Lodge was then passed to the 2 nd degree ,
and Bro . Gill received tho same in a very careful manner at tho hands of Bro . G . W . Wheeler . Tho Lodge being raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . Gill was accordingly advanced to the same in a most effective manner , by Bro . Findlay , S . M . 333 . There being no further business , tho Lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The regular weekly meeting of tho above was held at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tnesday , 28 th March , Present—Bros . Perrin W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Smith S . D ., Williams J . D ., Barker I . G ., Wallington Preceptor . There were- also present Bros . Pinder , Horslcy , Crane , Folliett , Johnson , Saunders , Glover , & c
Lodge opened to 2 nd degree . Bro . Johnson having answered the necessary questions was raised to the 3 rd degree , the ceremony being ably rendered by the W . M ., who is , we hear , W . M . of his Mother Lodge . From his frequent attendance at this Lodgo of Instruction , and also from the impressive manner in which he performs the ceremonies generally , wo are sure he will be a credit to tho brethren who
have elected him as their chief . Bro . Wallington then gave the traditional history . Bro . Horsley worked the 1 st , and Bro . Pinder the 3 rd sections of the lectnre . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Pinder preside , and work the fifteen soctions , on Tuesday , the 22 nd of April next . The Lodgo then closed in due form .
Dundas Lodge , 1255 , Plymouth . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge occurred on Monday , 20 th March . Tho ordinary business was transacted , and ono gentleman initiated , the ceremony being most impressively and correctly performed by the W . M . Bro . Charles Godtschalk . Tho vote of a Past Master ' s jewel to the immediate P . M ., Bro . S . B . Harvey , was confirmed , and an instructive meeting was closed in perfect harmony with the custom of this very
select Lodge . Amongst those present were—Bros . Hearle S . W ., W . Bell P . M . T ., T . B . Harvey P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Sec , S . B . Harvey
I . P . M ., W . H . Triplett P . M ., J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., J . Ferris P . M ., H . F . Hearle P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C , H . J . Ham S . D ., Hammond , Crimp I . G ., Willis sen ., Willis jnn ., Barratt , Cann , Daw and Smith .
New Cross Lodge , No . 1 , 559 . —An emergency meoting of this Lodge , one of the latest consecrated , was held on Wednesday , the 29 th ult ., at the New Cross Hall , Lewisham High-road , New Cross . Bros . W . B . Woodman W . M ., E . H . Thicllay A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., J . Beck as J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Treas ., H . Keeble P . M . Sec , Green J . D ., Hardman I . G ., and Bros . S . Jewell , E . Smith , J . Moss , W . Smnrthwaite . The Lodge was opened , and ballots were taken for
the admission of Messrs . R . J . Steers , R . Buck and H . Metham . These gentlemen , with Mr . D . Malpass ( previously accepted ) , were duly initiated in the Order , and credit is due to tho W . M ., who ia so young a Mason , for performing that ceremony so perfectly and impressively . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshments . The Visitors were Bros . J . Lightfoot P . M . 117 , Pakes S . W . 871 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
ChislehUTSt Lodge , No . 1531 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 25 th instant , at the Bull ' s Head , Chislehurst , Bro . John Coutts P . G . P . W . M . in the chair Bros . G . F . Guest S . W ., W . Kipps J . W ., F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex Treasurer , J . Griffin P . M . Sec , H . Gloster S . D ., W . Hutching The minutes
D . C ., J . Fox W . S . were read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were initiated . Ono brother was passed to the second degree , and two brothers were raised to the third degree . The work was admirably done by the W . M . The election of Master then took place , and Bro . G . F . Guest S . W . was unanimousl y elected . The election of Treasurer followed . Bro . F . Walters was requested to
stand , but he having declined , Bro . John Coutts P . M . was appointed . It waa then proposed that a sum of ton guineas be voted " To present Bro . John Coutts W . M . with a testimonial , the amount to be sup . plemented by tho members , as a recognition of his valuable services to the Lodge , as founder and first W M . " It was then resolved that if any vacant office shonld arise in the Lodge , it shonld bo given to Bro .
James Griffin P . M ., in con-ideration of his services as Secretary . Several candidates were proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was then closed . A capital bauqnet waa given , where tho nsual loyal , Masonio and other toasts wero given , and theRe were interspersed with some capital songs , consequently a most agreeable evening was passed . Before the brethren left the hotel a display of fireworks took place .
Consecration Of The St. Blane Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163.
THIS Chapter—which was opened on 7 th January , by Deputation from No . 73 , Glasgow , when 15 fresh Companions were exaltedwas consecrated on Friday , 24 th March , by a deputation from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , consisting of Comps . L . Mackersy G . S . E ., A . Haig G . R ., G . McLean Z . No . 1 , and W . M . Bryco G . T . P . Z . 83 , from Edinburgh , and a deputation from Glasgow , consisting of Comps . A . A . Smith P . T . 50 , J . Duthie Z . 67 P . G . S . of W .,
G . W . Wheoler Z . 73 P . G . 2 nd S ., J . Tweed H . 73 , J . Kinnaird J . 73 , and J . Bannorman Treasurer 73 . There being 14 candidates for exaltation , Comp . L . Mackersy opened a Mark Lodge , and afterwards a Lodge of Excellent Masters , conferring those degrees on ex-Provost J . Duncan , Councillor J . McAlpine , Dr . Matldiver M . D ., and Bros . J . Hamilton , A . Duncan R . W . M . 292 , J . Kelly , R . Taylor , C . Stuart
D . McPherson , Jas . McAlpine , R . Wilson , M . Rubens , J . Ewing and H . McGeachy . The Chapter was then opened , with Comps . G . McLean as Z ., J . Duthio as H . and G . W . Wheeler as J ., L . Mackersy , G . S . E . acting as Principal Sojourner . Thereafter the Supreme Chapter was opened in another room , and officered as follows : Comps . Haig as G . Z ., J . McLean as G . H ., J . Duthie G . J ., L . Mackersy ,
G . S . E ., J . Kinnaird G . S . N ., G . W . Wheeler 1 st G . S ., J . Holder 2 nd G . S ., J . Buchanan 3 rd G . S ., W . M . Bryce G . B . B . The Chapter was constituted in duo form . The oration was delivered by the G . S . E ., in the course of which he traced the history of the Order . The following wore then installed as tho officers of the Chapter : Provost J . Orkney a 3 Z ., D . Duncan E ., L . Milloy J ., Dr . Maddiver Dopute Z .,
J . Duncan Substitute Z ., Comp . Morrison Past Z ., G . Innis Treasurer , G . Haig S . E ., J . Heaton S . N ., E . Burko 1 st S ., B . B . Bell 2 nd S ., J . Millar 3 rd S . and D . Fergerson Janitor . The members appointed were all affiliated as honorary members . A most excellent banquet was served up by Comp . J . Kelly , host of the Victoria Hotel , Provost Orkney Z . presiding , and D . Duncan H . acting as Croupier .
After tho nsual loyal toasts , the chairman gave tho Supreme Chapters of England , Ireland and Scotland , which was ably responded to by Comp . Haig . Comp . Mackersy replied for the deputation from Edinburgh , and G . W . Wheeler for the deputation from Glasgow , which had been proposed by the Croupier . Comp . J . Duthie proposed the Magistrates and Town Council of Rothesay . The Provost , in his
reply , pointed ont tho great improvements that had been effected in the town and neighbourhood by his predecessor , and the efforts he was making to complete thom ; they wero determined to make Rothesay tho model of fashionable watering-places . He attribnted a good deal of tho public spirit of the placo to tho recent spread of Masonry amongst them , the foremost in all good
work , after the Marquis of Bute , wero Masons , and by the aid of its fraternal spirit they had this week been enabled to avoid a contest for the School Board election . Comp . Hoklon , of Greenock , proposed prosperity to Lodge Rothesay , St . John ' s , 292 , which was ably responded to by Comp . A . Duncan , its R . W . M . Comp . Haig gavo prosperity to St Blane ' s Chapter , 163 , dwelling upon tho unusually
favourable circumstances of its justitntiou iu having at its head the Provost , Councillor , and other principal inhabitants of the town , replied to by the Z . Comp . Mackersy , in another eloquent speech , proposed tho Press , Comp . Wheoler replied on behalf of the " FREE - MASON ' S | C HRONICLE , " and proposed the Scribes and Sojourners of the
Chapter , responded to by Comps . Haig and Baker . Comps . McLean and Bryce , of Edinburgh , acknowledged a similar compliment paid to them Thanks to the chairs brought the lengthened proceedings to a pleasant close . Wo must not omit to notice that A . A . Smith , of Glasgow , on the piano and harmoninm , and Comps . Barker , McAlpine and others , contributed to the evening ' s amusement .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PKICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THE FREEERHASON'SCHRONICLE , VOLUMES I . and II . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price ls 6 d each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
of 408 , Bros . Barbour Treasurer , and Weir acting Secretary , W . Sivewright J . W ., R . S . Smyth S . D ., L . R . Mitchell J . D ., and the other office-bearers in their respective places . There was a very large number of visiting brethren , amongst whom we noticed Bros . J . M . Oliver S . W . 360 , Brownlie J . W . 3 bis , and R . Fraser of 27 . The brethren being assembled , the R . W . M . proceeded to open the Lodge in tho E . A . degree . Minutes of previous meetings were then read and
duly confirmed . Applications wero then read from Mr . William Mnir , and Mr . Charles Henry Gill , by the Secretary , and there being no objections , they were admitted , and received the E . A . degree at the hands of R . W . M ., in a deeply impressive manner . The candidates were then tested and duly admonished . There being no further business in this degree , the Lodgo was closed in due and ancient form .
An emergency meeting of the above Lodge , Dramatic , No . 571 , was held in St . Mark's Hall , on Wednesday , 22 nd March , for the pur . pose of giving Bro . C . H . Gill his 2 nd and 3 rd degree . The R . W . M ., William J . E . Dobson , presiding , supported on the dais by Bros . Prout R . W . M . 4 , Findlay , S . M . 33 , and G . W . Wheeler Chaplain 73 , and all the office-bearers in their proper places . The Lodgo was dnly opened
in tho E . A . degree , and tho R . W . M . thereafter addressed the brethren present as to the nature of said meeting , saying that , though emergency . meetings were not to his taste as a Mason , still there were , at times , special reasons for constituting and holding the same , and as Bro . Gill was compelled to leave for Huddersfleld on Sunday evening next ; that he , as Master of Dramatio Lodge , was not oversteppinghis
authority in allowing the favour to Bro . Gill j in fact , he learnt , from Grand Lodge laws , that a clause has a special reference to these emergencies , and left tho discretionary power in the hands of the R . W . M ., and requested the brethren to assist him in making Bro . Gill as impressed with the degrees to come as he had beon at his initiation , tho Wednesday previous . The Lodge was then passed to the 2 nd degree ,
and Bro . Gill received tho same in a very careful manner at tho hands of Bro . G . W . Wheeler . Tho Lodge being raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . Gill was accordingly advanced to the same in a most effective manner , by Bro . Findlay , S . M . 333 . There being no further business , tho Lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The regular weekly meeting of tho above was held at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tnesday , 28 th March , Present—Bros . Perrin W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Smith S . D ., Williams J . D ., Barker I . G ., Wallington Preceptor . There were- also present Bros . Pinder , Horslcy , Crane , Folliett , Johnson , Saunders , Glover , & c
Lodge opened to 2 nd degree . Bro . Johnson having answered the necessary questions was raised to the 3 rd degree , the ceremony being ably rendered by the W . M ., who is , we hear , W . M . of his Mother Lodge . From his frequent attendance at this Lodgo of Instruction , and also from the impressive manner in which he performs the ceremonies generally , wo are sure he will be a credit to tho brethren who
have elected him as their chief . Bro . Wallington then gave the traditional history . Bro . Horsley worked the 1 st , and Bro . Pinder the 3 rd sections of the lectnre . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Pinder preside , and work the fifteen soctions , on Tuesday , the 22 nd of April next . The Lodgo then closed in due form .
Dundas Lodge , 1255 , Plymouth . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge occurred on Monday , 20 th March . Tho ordinary business was transacted , and ono gentleman initiated , the ceremony being most impressively and correctly performed by the W . M . Bro . Charles Godtschalk . Tho vote of a Past Master ' s jewel to the immediate P . M ., Bro . S . B . Harvey , was confirmed , and an instructive meeting was closed in perfect harmony with the custom of this very
select Lodge . Amongst those present were—Bros . Hearle S . W ., W . Bell P . M . T ., T . B . Harvey P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Sec , S . B . Harvey
I . P . M ., W . H . Triplett P . M ., J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C ., J . Ferris P . M ., H . F . Hearle P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C , H . J . Ham S . D ., Hammond , Crimp I . G ., Willis sen ., Willis jnn ., Barratt , Cann , Daw and Smith .
New Cross Lodge , No . 1 , 559 . —An emergency meoting of this Lodge , one of the latest consecrated , was held on Wednesday , the 29 th ult ., at the New Cross Hall , Lewisham High-road , New Cross . Bros . W . B . Woodman W . M ., E . H . Thicllay A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., J . Beck as J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Treas ., H . Keeble P . M . Sec , Green J . D ., Hardman I . G ., and Bros . S . Jewell , E . Smith , J . Moss , W . Smnrthwaite . The Lodge was opened , and ballots were taken for
the admission of Messrs . R . J . Steers , R . Buck and H . Metham . These gentlemen , with Mr . D . Malpass ( previously accepted ) , were duly initiated in the Order , and credit is due to tho W . M ., who ia so young a Mason , for performing that ceremony so perfectly and impressively . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to slight refreshments . The Visitors were Bros . J . Lightfoot P . M . 117 , Pakes S . W . 871 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
ChislehUTSt Lodge , No . 1531 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 25 th instant , at the Bull ' s Head , Chislehurst , Bro . John Coutts P . G . P . W . M . in the chair Bros . G . F . Guest S . W ., W . Kipps J . W ., F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex Treasurer , J . Griffin P . M . Sec , H . Gloster S . D ., W . Hutching The minutes
D . C ., J . Fox W . S . were read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were initiated . Ono brother was passed to the second degree , and two brothers were raised to the third degree . The work was admirably done by the W . M . The election of Master then took place , and Bro . G . F . Guest S . W . was unanimousl y elected . The election of Treasurer followed . Bro . F . Walters was requested to
stand , but he having declined , Bro . John Coutts P . M . was appointed . It waa then proposed that a sum of ton guineas be voted " To present Bro . John Coutts W . M . with a testimonial , the amount to be sup . plemented by tho members , as a recognition of his valuable services to the Lodge , as founder and first W M . " It was then resolved that if any vacant office shonld arise in the Lodge , it shonld bo given to Bro .
James Griffin P . M ., in con-ideration of his services as Secretary . Several candidates were proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was then closed . A capital bauqnet waa given , where tho nsual loyal , Masonio and other toasts wero given , and theRe were interspersed with some capital songs , consequently a most agreeable evening was passed . Before the brethren left the hotel a display of fireworks took place .
Consecration Of The St. Blane Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163.
THIS Chapter—which was opened on 7 th January , by Deputation from No . 73 , Glasgow , when 15 fresh Companions were exaltedwas consecrated on Friday , 24 th March , by a deputation from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , consisting of Comps . L . Mackersy G . S . E ., A . Haig G . R ., G . McLean Z . No . 1 , and W . M . Bryco G . T . P . Z . 83 , from Edinburgh , and a deputation from Glasgow , consisting of Comps . A . A . Smith P . T . 50 , J . Duthie Z . 67 P . G . S . of W .,
G . W . Wheoler Z . 73 P . G . 2 nd S ., J . Tweed H . 73 , J . Kinnaird J . 73 , and J . Bannorman Treasurer 73 . There being 14 candidates for exaltation , Comp . L . Mackersy opened a Mark Lodge , and afterwards a Lodge of Excellent Masters , conferring those degrees on ex-Provost J . Duncan , Councillor J . McAlpine , Dr . Matldiver M . D ., and Bros . J . Hamilton , A . Duncan R . W . M . 292 , J . Kelly , R . Taylor , C . Stuart
D . McPherson , Jas . McAlpine , R . Wilson , M . Rubens , J . Ewing and H . McGeachy . The Chapter was then opened , with Comps . G . McLean as Z ., J . Duthio as H . and G . W . Wheeler as J ., L . Mackersy , G . S . E . acting as Principal Sojourner . Thereafter the Supreme Chapter was opened in another room , and officered as follows : Comps . Haig as G . Z ., J . McLean as G . H ., J . Duthie G . J ., L . Mackersy ,
G . S . E ., J . Kinnaird G . S . N ., G . W . Wheeler 1 st G . S ., J . Holder 2 nd G . S ., J . Buchanan 3 rd G . S ., W . M . Bryce G . B . B . The Chapter was constituted in duo form . The oration was delivered by the G . S . E ., in the course of which he traced the history of the Order . The following wore then installed as tho officers of the Chapter : Provost J . Orkney a 3 Z ., D . Duncan E ., L . Milloy J ., Dr . Maddiver Dopute Z .,
J . Duncan Substitute Z ., Comp . Morrison Past Z ., G . Innis Treasurer , G . Haig S . E ., J . Heaton S . N ., E . Burko 1 st S ., B . B . Bell 2 nd S ., J . Millar 3 rd S . and D . Fergerson Janitor . The members appointed were all affiliated as honorary members . A most excellent banquet was served up by Comp . J . Kelly , host of the Victoria Hotel , Provost Orkney Z . presiding , and D . Duncan H . acting as Croupier .
After tho nsual loyal toasts , the chairman gave tho Supreme Chapters of England , Ireland and Scotland , which was ably responded to by Comp . Haig . Comp . Mackersy replied for the deputation from Edinburgh , and G . W . Wheeler for the deputation from Glasgow , which had been proposed by the Croupier . Comp . J . Duthie proposed the Magistrates and Town Council of Rothesay . The Provost , in his
reply , pointed ont tho great improvements that had been effected in the town and neighbourhood by his predecessor , and the efforts he was making to complete thom ; they wero determined to make Rothesay tho model of fashionable watering-places . He attribnted a good deal of tho public spirit of the placo to tho recent spread of Masonry amongst them , the foremost in all good
work , after the Marquis of Bute , wero Masons , and by the aid of its fraternal spirit they had this week been enabled to avoid a contest for the School Board election . Comp . Hoklon , of Greenock , proposed prosperity to Lodge Rothesay , St . John ' s , 292 , which was ably responded to by Comp . A . Duncan , its R . W . M . Comp . Haig gavo prosperity to St Blane ' s Chapter , 163 , dwelling upon tho unusually
favourable circumstances of its justitntiou iu having at its head the Provost , Councillor , and other principal inhabitants of the town , replied to by the Z . Comp . Mackersy , in another eloquent speech , proposed tho Press , Comp . Wheoler replied on behalf of the " FREE - MASON ' S | C HRONICLE , " and proposed the Scribes and Sojourners of the
Chapter , responded to by Comps . Haig and Baker . Comps . McLean and Bryce , of Edinburgh , acknowledged a similar compliment paid to them Thanks to the chairs brought the lengthened proceedings to a pleasant close . Wo must not omit to notice that A . A . Smith , of Glasgow , on the piano and harmoninm , and Comps . Barker , McAlpine and others , contributed to the evening ' s amusement .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PKICE 8 s 6 d EACH , THE FREEERHASON'SCHRONICLE , VOLUMES I . and II . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London : —W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Cloth Cases for Binding can be had from the Offices , price ls 6 d each .