Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Diary For The Week.
6-16—Etruscan , Masonic Hall , Caroline-street , Longton , Stafford . 733—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pavilion , Brighton . 739—Temperance , Masonic Room , New-street , Birmingham . 781—Wellington , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal . 786—Croxtcth United Service , Masouic Hall , Liverpool . 915—Abbey , Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks . 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 991—TyneMasouic HaU , Willington Quay , Northumberland .
, 1035—Prince of Wales , Mnsonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool . 1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s Hotel , Cheetham , Lancashire . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Tredegar , Men . 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Halt , Tiverton , Devon . 1141—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyno . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Acerington . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 3182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . Liverpool .
1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire . 1273—St . ' Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittingbourne . 1369—Bala , Plasgoch Hotel , Bala . 1116—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Thirsk . 1129—Albert Edward Princo of Wales , Masonic Hall , Newport , Mon . 1157—Bagshavv , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . 1614— Thomhill , Dearn House , Lindley , Huddersfield . 1583—Corbet , Corbet Arms , Towyn .
1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Waterfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Machon , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . R . A . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury . R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Upporaill . R . A . 613—I ' ridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . K . A . 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . —Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 766—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . 8 . ( Inst . ) 834—Ranelagh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitochapel-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) street at 8 Instruction
1158—Belgrave , Jermyn- , S . W ., . ( . ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyno Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , at 8 . ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1612—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . G ., at 6 . R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Grown and Woolpack , St . John-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons Hall , Arcade , St . Mary-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn . 453—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Ouso-street , Goole . 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastlo-under-Lymo . 526—Honour , Star and Garter , Hotel , Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth . 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , West Brorowich . 697—United , George Hotel , Coleboster . 780—Royal Alfred , Star aud GaHer , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) HallStretiordroadHulme
815—Blair , Town , - , . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1031—Eccleshill , Freemasons' H < 11 , Eccleshill . 1087—Beaudesert , Assembly Roi . rs , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard . 1102—Mirfield , Assembly Rooma i ? astthorpe , Mirfield . 1289—Rock , Bedford House , Bed Drd-road , Roekferry , Cheshire . 1636—United Military , Masonic 1 . sill , Plumstead . General Lodge of Instruction , JL s mic Hall , Now-strcet , Birmingham , at 7 . R . A . 993—Alexandra , Midway 1 ; otel , Levcnshulme . K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , F . tzwiUiam-streot , Huddersfield .
SATUE OAY , 10 th MAY .
193—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Ta- j . rn , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Alexandra Palac ¦ , . Muswell Hill . 1621—Eccleston , Grosvenor Clu ! E . jury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter ol" Instruction , iriinn . Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ' R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arm . ' Hotel , Wood Green . 615—St . John and St . Paul , Pit . Hotel , Erith , Kent 1301—Commercial , Freemasons' lull , Leicester . 1656—Addiscombe , Surrey Club , West Croydon . 1584—Loyalty and Charity , Star ¦ . mil Garter , Kew Bridge .
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —A meeting of the members of this Lodge took place on Thursday evening at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , under the presidency of the WM ., Bro . Eichards . He was supported by Bros . Chapman S . W ., Coulson J . W ., H . G . Bass Assist . Grand Secretary P . M . Treasurer , Poole P . M . Secretary , Cuthbertson J . D ., Grammer I . G ., J . Murch D . C , Jacobs P . M . W . S ., King Assist .
W . S ., and Potter Tyler . Amongst the Visitors present were .- —Bros Harper W . M . 813 , Lucas 192 , V . E . Etieunel 612 , Medcalf W . M . 1671 . C . S . Crowden 79 , C . W . Christian 289 , E . Coste P . M . 9 , T . A . Elsdeu 81 ( 3 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , & c . Lodge was opened in form ; but there was no ceremonial business to be transacted , a circumstance almost unprecedented in tho historv of this old and
substantial Lodge . After tho usual formalities had been gone through , the brethren partook of refreshment , and a numbs r of toasts were Submitted , those of the Masonic rulers being received with especial honour . In responding on behalf of the Grand Officers , Bro . Buss , the Assistant Grand Secretary , observed that those who attended the Grand Festival ou the preceding night must have been struck by tho
enthusiastic manner in which tho names of those brethren were received npon whom grand offices had boou conferred . He remarked upon the impartial manner in wbich those favours had been distributed , and thought the brethren had e \ cry reason to be satisfied with the selection that had been made . Tho health of the Visitors was then given by the W . M ., who expressed the pleasure it afforded him to be honoured with the presence of so many members of other Lod » es .
The toast was cordially received , ancl suitably acknowledged by Bros , Harper , Medcalf , & c . Bro . Maidwell P . M . next proposed iu felicitous terms the health of the W . M ., who in response thanked the brethren for the cordiality with which < hey had received the mention of his name . He sincerely regretted lhat circumstances had prevented the display of Masonic knowledge whicu he knew so many of his officers possessed , and which no doubt they all hoped to have been called upon
Notices Of Meetings.
to exercise . Still they had tho satisfaction of knowing that tho muster-roll of tho Lodge contained the names of those who wore desirous of doing their utmost to promote the welfare of the Lodgo , and to maintain the high position it had so long enjoyed in the Craft . Tho health of the P . M . ' s was then given , and received with every expression of welcome . In acknowledging tho compliment paid them ,
Bro . Maidwell assured the brethren that he and his follow P . M . a wonld be glad at all times to render whatever assistance thoy could in promoting the best interests of the Lodge , whose welfare they all had so closely at heart . Bro . Buss , the senior P . M . of tho Lodge , also responded , and said that as Treasurer of tha Egyptian Lodge ho had held office longer than any other Treasurer in the Craft . In a , long
and interesting disquisition on tho duties of Freemasonry , he urged tho brethren to support their principals , who wero , of coursa , tho mainstay of the Lodge . He hoped they would all go on unitedly together , and the Lodgo continue in tho prosperous career it had so long enjoyed . Ho impressed upon the members the nocessity of acting together , and ever to remember the responsibilities which were
incumbent upon them , and to strive to do all they could to advance in proficiency and to maintain the prestige which tho Lodge had gained and held now through a long series of years . Several other toasts woro honoured , the intervals being enlivened with some capital singing , in which assistance was lent by Bros . Maidwell , Jacobs , Medcalf , the W . M ., and others .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction . —The annual banquat of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , the 28 th ult . The Lodge was opened at 7 p . m ., Bro . Bumstead P . M . and Sec . 518 , P . Z . 79 , & c , occupying tho chair , and tha other offices being filled as follows : —¦ Bro . Batchelor J . D . 518 , P . S . 79 as S . W ., Bro . Hutchings J . W . 147 ,
S . D . 1531 as J . W ., Bro . Cattorson S . D . 548 as S . D ., Bro . Hunt I . G . 16 ( 32 as J . D ., and Bro . Price 471 as I . G . After the confirmation of the minntes of the previous meeting , tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . The working of tho first aud third sections of the lecture by tho Junior Warden followed . Tho time had then arrived for an adjournment from labour to rofieshment . The
Lodge was accordingly closed , and the brethren—to the number of forty—sa '» down to banquet , which was served by the host , Bro . Morgan , in i ; style that called forth commendations from all present . The same Officers presided as at the working of the Lodge . The Stewards w re Bros . Batchelor J . D . 518 , P . S . 79 , Carman 513 , Gloster W . M . 1531 , I . G . 1326 , Griffin P . M . 933 , J . W . 1531 , P . Z . 79 ,
& c , Preceptor and Treasurer , Gibson lo 31 Hon . Sec , Hutchings J . W . 147 , S . D . 1531 , Hunt I . G . 16 ( 52 , Vohmann S . W . 871 . The usual Masonio toasts having been duly honoured , tho W . M . iuvited tho brethren to drink the toast of the evening , — " Prosperity to the Wellington ridge of Instruction , " with which he coupled the name of B > . Griffin , the Preceptor and Treasurer . In
proposing thi .- toast , the W . M . desired to impress upon tho mind of ev > ry brother present the necessity of frequently attending a Lodgi of Instruction . To those young in Masonry it was necessary a ; a preparation for the time when they mi / lit bo summoned to ta ! e office ; while for those more experienced occasional , if not regular , visits to a Lodge of Instruction would serve to " rub off
the rust an I conduce to the securing of correctness in the delivery of the ritual . While on the subject of ritnal ho desired to express his deep reg : et at a practice which , of late years , had become common amongst Pre ceptors of Lodges of Instruction , of introducing phraseology of th jir own in the working of the ceremonies , instead of employing t > - ancient and recognised ritual . He felt very strongly
on this pom ; , Tho innovations thus made on the ancient landmarks of the Order were rapidly increasing . One heard from time to time of a certain form being Bro . " So and So ' s" working , and it had become diffi julfc to find two Lodges of Instruction where the ritual was identical . In fact the working in many Lodges resembled an ancient picture which had passed through the hands of a modern
" restorer ; or if he might descend to a moro humorous parallel he would allude to the celebrated dog , whose owner declared had been originally a greyhound , but , his ears and tail being cropped , became converted into a mastiff . He concluded by inviting the brethren present to drink tho toast , which was dono with enthusiasm . Bro . Griffin replied , thanking the brethren for the
cordial manner in which they had responded . For his own part the remarks of the W . M . concerning the innovations in the working of tho ceremonies did not apply , as he could confidently declare that he had neither introduced nor suppressed , but taught the ritual in tho precise form he had received it . In conclusion he expressed ahope of meeting the brethren round the festive board upon many
future occasions . The next toast was that of the Visitors , of whom there were somo twenty present , including Bros . Abbott W . M . 765 , Jewiss J . D . 765 , Quittmaun 538 , Finch 217 , Leaver 548 , and Payne 518 . Tho W . M . having proposed the toast , Bro . Abbott briefly returned thanks . Bro . Griffiu then proposed tho health of tho W . M ., Bro . Bumstead , whom he said had to some extent retired
from Craft Masonry and identified himself with tho Eoyal Arch Degree , but nevertheless had shown by his working ou that ovening that he was no stranger to Craft ritual . Bro . Bumstead , in acknowledging the compliment , said ho hoped at some future time on a similar occasion again to attend this Lodgo of Instruction , where ho had received his first instruction in Masonry . Ho then proposed
the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Gibson , who in returning thanks , quoted statistics to show that tho attendance at the Lodgo of Instruction , during tho financial year just concluded had shown a satisfactory increase upon tho previous years . The toast of tho Officers of tho Lodge followed , and was acknowledged briefly by Bros . Batchelor ,
Hutchings , Catterson , Hunt and Price . The Tyler ' s toast was sub-^ oquently given , and terminated one of the most successful banquets sriven by this Lodge for many years past . Tho enjoyment of tho evening was enhanced by the vocal efforts of several of the brethren present , both members and visitors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
6-16—Etruscan , Masonic Hall , Caroline-street , Longton , Stafford . 733—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pavilion , Brighton . 739—Temperance , Masonic Room , New-street , Birmingham . 781—Wellington , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal . 786—Croxtcth United Service , Masouic Hall , Liverpool . 915—Abbey , Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks . 971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 991—TyneMasouic HaU , Willington Quay , Northumberland .
, 1035—Prince of Wales , Mnsonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool . 1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s Hotel , Cheetham , Lancashire . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Tredegar , Men . 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Halt , Tiverton , Devon . 1141—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyno . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Acerington . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 3182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . Liverpool .
1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire . 1273—St . ' Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittingbourne . 1369—Bala , Plasgoch Hotel , Bala . 1116—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Thirsk . 1129—Albert Edward Princo of Wales , Masonic Hall , Newport , Mon . 1157—Bagshavv , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . 1614— Thomhill , Dearn House , Lindley , Huddersfield . 1583—Corbet , Corbet Arms , Towyn .
1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Waterfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Machon , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . R . A . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury . R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Upporaill . R . A . 613—I ' ridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . K . A . 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . —Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 766—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . 8 . ( Inst . ) 834—Ranelagh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitochapel-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) street at 8 Instruction
1158—Belgrave , Jermyn- , S . W ., . ( . ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyno Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , at 8 . ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1612—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . G ., at 6 . R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 . ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Grown and Woolpack , St . John-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons Hall , Arcade , St . Mary-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn . 453—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Ouso-street , Goole . 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastlo-under-Lymo . 526—Honour , Star and Garter , Hotel , Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth . 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , West Brorowich . 697—United , George Hotel , Coleboster . 780—Royal Alfred , Star aud GaHer , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) HallStretiordroadHulme
815—Blair , Town , - , . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1031—Eccleshill , Freemasons' H < 11 , Eccleshill . 1087—Beaudesert , Assembly Roi . rs , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard . 1102—Mirfield , Assembly Rooma i ? astthorpe , Mirfield . 1289—Rock , Bedford House , Bed Drd-road , Roekferry , Cheshire . 1636—United Military , Masonic 1 . sill , Plumstead . General Lodge of Instruction , JL s mic Hall , Now-strcet , Birmingham , at 7 . R . A . 993—Alexandra , Midway 1 ; otel , Levcnshulme . K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , F . tzwiUiam-streot , Huddersfield .
SATUE OAY , 10 th MAY .
193—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Ta- j . rn , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Alexandra Palac ¦ , . Muswell Hill . 1621—Eccleston , Grosvenor Clu ! E . jury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter ol" Instruction , iriinn . Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ' R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arm . ' Hotel , Wood Green . 615—St . John and St . Paul , Pit . Hotel , Erith , Kent 1301—Commercial , Freemasons' lull , Leicester . 1656—Addiscombe , Surrey Club , West Croydon . 1584—Loyalty and Charity , Star ¦ . mil Garter , Kew Bridge .
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —A meeting of the members of this Lodge took place on Thursday evening at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , under the presidency of the WM ., Bro . Eichards . He was supported by Bros . Chapman S . W ., Coulson J . W ., H . G . Bass Assist . Grand Secretary P . M . Treasurer , Poole P . M . Secretary , Cuthbertson J . D ., Grammer I . G ., J . Murch D . C , Jacobs P . M . W . S ., King Assist .
W . S ., and Potter Tyler . Amongst the Visitors present were .- —Bros Harper W . M . 813 , Lucas 192 , V . E . Etieunel 612 , Medcalf W . M . 1671 . C . S . Crowden 79 , C . W . Christian 289 , E . Coste P . M . 9 , T . A . Elsdeu 81 ( 3 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , & c . Lodge was opened in form ; but there was no ceremonial business to be transacted , a circumstance almost unprecedented in tho historv of this old and
substantial Lodge . After tho usual formalities had been gone through , the brethren partook of refreshment , and a numbs r of toasts were Submitted , those of the Masonic rulers being received with especial honour . In responding on behalf of the Grand Officers , Bro . Buss , the Assistant Grand Secretary , observed that those who attended the Grand Festival ou the preceding night must have been struck by tho
enthusiastic manner in which tho names of those brethren were received npon whom grand offices had boou conferred . He remarked upon the impartial manner in wbich those favours had been distributed , and thought the brethren had e \ cry reason to be satisfied with the selection that had been made . Tho health of the Visitors was then given by the W . M ., who expressed the pleasure it afforded him to be honoured with the presence of so many members of other Lod » es .
The toast was cordially received , ancl suitably acknowledged by Bros , Harper , Medcalf , & c . Bro . Maidwell P . M . next proposed iu felicitous terms the health of the W . M ., who in response thanked the brethren for the cordiality with which < hey had received the mention of his name . He sincerely regretted lhat circumstances had prevented the display of Masonic knowledge whicu he knew so many of his officers possessed , and which no doubt they all hoped to have been called upon
Notices Of Meetings.
to exercise . Still they had tho satisfaction of knowing that tho muster-roll of tho Lodge contained the names of those who wore desirous of doing their utmost to promote the welfare of the Lodgo , and to maintain the high position it had so long enjoyed in the Craft . Tho health of the P . M . ' s was then given , and received with every expression of welcome . In acknowledging tho compliment paid them ,
Bro . Maidwell assured the brethren that he and his follow P . M . a wonld be glad at all times to render whatever assistance thoy could in promoting the best interests of the Lodge , whose welfare they all had so closely at heart . Bro . Buss , the senior P . M . of tho Lodge , also responded , and said that as Treasurer of tha Egyptian Lodge ho had held office longer than any other Treasurer in the Craft . In a , long
and interesting disquisition on tho duties of Freemasonry , he urged tho brethren to support their principals , who wero , of coursa , tho mainstay of the Lodge . He hoped they would all go on unitedly together , and the Lodgo continue in tho prosperous career it had so long enjoyed . Ho impressed upon the members the nocessity of acting together , and ever to remember the responsibilities which were
incumbent upon them , and to strive to do all they could to advance in proficiency and to maintain the prestige which tho Lodge had gained and held now through a long series of years . Several other toasts woro honoured , the intervals being enlivened with some capital singing , in which assistance was lent by Bros . Maidwell , Jacobs , Medcalf , the W . M ., and others .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction . —The annual banquat of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , the 28 th ult . The Lodge was opened at 7 p . m ., Bro . Bumstead P . M . and Sec . 518 , P . Z . 79 , & c , occupying tho chair , and tha other offices being filled as follows : —¦ Bro . Batchelor J . D . 518 , P . S . 79 as S . W ., Bro . Hutchings J . W . 147 ,
S . D . 1531 as J . W ., Bro . Cattorson S . D . 548 as S . D ., Bro . Hunt I . G . 16 ( 32 as J . D ., and Bro . Price 471 as I . G . After the confirmation of the minntes of the previous meeting , tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M . The working of tho first aud third sections of the lecture by tho Junior Warden followed . Tho time had then arrived for an adjournment from labour to rofieshment . The
Lodge was accordingly closed , and the brethren—to the number of forty—sa '» down to banquet , which was served by the host , Bro . Morgan , in i ; style that called forth commendations from all present . The same Officers presided as at the working of the Lodge . The Stewards w re Bros . Batchelor J . D . 518 , P . S . 79 , Carman 513 , Gloster W . M . 1531 , I . G . 1326 , Griffin P . M . 933 , J . W . 1531 , P . Z . 79 ,
& c , Preceptor and Treasurer , Gibson lo 31 Hon . Sec , Hutchings J . W . 147 , S . D . 1531 , Hunt I . G . 16 ( 52 , Vohmann S . W . 871 . The usual Masonio toasts having been duly honoured , tho W . M . iuvited tho brethren to drink the toast of the evening , — " Prosperity to the Wellington ridge of Instruction , " with which he coupled the name of B > . Griffin , the Preceptor and Treasurer . In
proposing thi .- toast , the W . M . desired to impress upon tho mind of ev > ry brother present the necessity of frequently attending a Lodgi of Instruction . To those young in Masonry it was necessary a ; a preparation for the time when they mi / lit bo summoned to ta ! e office ; while for those more experienced occasional , if not regular , visits to a Lodge of Instruction would serve to " rub off
the rust an I conduce to the securing of correctness in the delivery of the ritual . While on the subject of ritnal ho desired to express his deep reg : et at a practice which , of late years , had become common amongst Pre ceptors of Lodges of Instruction , of introducing phraseology of th jir own in the working of the ceremonies , instead of employing t > - ancient and recognised ritual . He felt very strongly
on this pom ; , Tho innovations thus made on the ancient landmarks of the Order were rapidly increasing . One heard from time to time of a certain form being Bro . " So and So ' s" working , and it had become diffi julfc to find two Lodges of Instruction where the ritual was identical . In fact the working in many Lodges resembled an ancient picture which had passed through the hands of a modern
" restorer ; or if he might descend to a moro humorous parallel he would allude to the celebrated dog , whose owner declared had been originally a greyhound , but , his ears and tail being cropped , became converted into a mastiff . He concluded by inviting the brethren present to drink tho toast , which was dono with enthusiasm . Bro . Griffin replied , thanking the brethren for the
cordial manner in which they had responded . For his own part the remarks of the W . M . concerning the innovations in the working of tho ceremonies did not apply , as he could confidently declare that he had neither introduced nor suppressed , but taught the ritual in tho precise form he had received it . In conclusion he expressed ahope of meeting the brethren round the festive board upon many
future occasions . The next toast was that of the Visitors , of whom there were somo twenty present , including Bros . Abbott W . M . 765 , Jewiss J . D . 765 , Quittmaun 538 , Finch 217 , Leaver 548 , and Payne 518 . Tho W . M . having proposed the toast , Bro . Abbott briefly returned thanks . Bro . Griffiu then proposed tho health of tho W . M ., Bro . Bumstead , whom he said had to some extent retired
from Craft Masonry and identified himself with tho Eoyal Arch Degree , but nevertheless had shown by his working ou that ovening that he was no stranger to Craft ritual . Bro . Bumstead , in acknowledging the compliment , said ho hoped at some future time on a similar occasion again to attend this Lodgo of Instruction , where ho had received his first instruction in Masonry . Ho then proposed
the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Gibson , who in returning thanks , quoted statistics to show that tho attendance at the Lodgo of Instruction , during tho financial year just concluded had shown a satisfactory increase upon tho previous years . The toast of tho Officers of tho Lodge followed , and was acknowledged briefly by Bros . Batchelor ,
Hutchings , Catterson , Hunt and Price . The Tyler ' s toast was sub-^ oquently given , and terminated one of the most successful banquets sriven by this Lodge for many years past . Tho enjoyment of tho evening was enhanced by the vocal efforts of several of the brethren present , both members and visitors .