Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —On Monday , the 28 th ult ., at Bro . Spurgin's , the Sportsman , City-road , Bro . Willison being the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Hallam S . W ., Isaac J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Alford S . D ., Lane J . D .,
Hirst I . G . ; also Bros . Pearcy , G . E . Cook , Boss , Recknell , Spurgin , J . W . Smith , Stock , Gibbs , Droscher . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Pearcy worked the first , Bro . Fenner the second , third and fourth sections , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Hallam was elected W . M . for ensuing week .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No . 87 . —On 24 th April , at the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . W . Stuart W . M ., S . Jolly S . W ., II . 0 . Ball J . W ., G . Isaac Treas ., J . G . Bond Sec , Brown S . D ., Chalkley J . D ., R . Janeway I . G . j Watterton , Holland , Moss , Buck , Watson , Do Solla , Caton , Whiting ,
Field , Noke , Vizzard , Chambers , Valentine , Skirving . Tho Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by Bros . Janeway , Moss , Brown , Ball , Whiting , Noke , Stuart ; Watterton , Moss , De Solla , Noke , Whiting ; Caton , Ball , Whiting . The Lodge was resumed , and closed in perfect harmony .
Manchester Lodge , No . 179 . —The last , though not the least enjoyable , meeting of this Lodge , previous to the summer recess , took place on Thursday , the 17 th April , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . Bryant and Wallwin were raised to tho third degree by the W . M ., Bro . D . M . Bellfrage , in a manner that gave satisfaction to the brethren present j this completed the business of the
evening . At the banquet table the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received ; amongst others that of the Visitors , those present being : —Bros . Hayward Edwards P . G . S . B . Herts , No . 1385 , Carr Constitutional No . 55 , William Bellamy Regularity No . 91 , Sutherland Lion and Lamb 192 , Meredith Kilburn No . 1608 , John Dudiuo East Surrey Lodgo of Concord No .
463 , and also Bro . Benoit from a Lodgo in Normandy . Bros Edwards and Benoit suitably acknowledged the cordial reception which had been accorded to tho Visitors , aud expressed their satisfaction at the enjoyable evening they had spent . The intervals between the various speeches were enlivened by songs , Bros . Bellamy ,
Rosser , Millward , and Dickenson kindly contributing . Bro . Parson in no small way deserved the thanks of the brethren for his clever extempore verses , rendered doubly comical from his manner in delivering them . The summer banquet , it was arranged , should take place on the 19 th Juno , at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne . The Tyler ' s toast , at eleven o ' clock , brought tho proceedings to a close .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysch ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , 26 th ult ., the Fifteen Sections , were worked by Bro . 11 . Pearcy the Preceptor , nssisted by Bros . Wallington S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Fenner Sec , Slaiter I . G . ; Bros . Stock , Trewinnard , W . H . Leo P . M ., Brasted , Powell , Byng , Peach , Bnrtlc , Chant , Gibbs , Ross , Gnrrnd , J . Lorkin , M , i"kip ,
Richardson , Hallam , Fuller , Giller , Spencer , II . P . Isaac , Fysh , Carr , Brand , IL llall , It . H . Halford , and Cull . Preliminaries having been duly observed , the following brethren worked the sections : — FIRST LECTURE—Bros . W . Bartle , J . Gibbs , F . H . Peach , A . W . Fenner , J . Stock , W . H . Lee , J . A . Powell . SECOND LECTURE—J . Lorkin , J . A . Powell , H . R . Hallam , H . P . Isaac , F . G . Chant . THIRD
LECTURE . —F . Brasted , A . Trewinnard , J . Garrod . A vote of thanks was awarded tho W . M . for the very able manner he had worked the Sections , for the first time ; for which he returned thanks . A vote of thanks was also given the brethren who had assisted him . After which Lodgo was closed and adjourned . Bro . Hallam will preside at the meeting next Saturday .
High Cross Lodge , No . 754 . —A regular meeting was held on Wednesday , 23 rd April , at Seven Sisters Hotel , Tottenham . Present : —Bros . H . Stephens W . M ., J . H . Thompson S . W ., J . Farren J . W ., and the other Officers ; Past Masters Bros . T . Jones , J . Linzell , and W . Dance ; Visitor—J . Driscoll P . M . 30 P . G . P . Herts . The Lodge was opened in ancient form , the minutes of last Lodge
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . G . Fidler was entrusted and passed , the ceremony being ably conducted by the W . M . The lecture on the tracing board was given by Bro . J . Garrod D . C , after which the Lodge was resumed , and closed in peace and harmony . The brethren then adiourned for refreshment . On the removal of
the cloth , the Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . P . M . Jones proposed the health of the W . M ., who briefly responded . Bro . Linzell responded to the health of tho P . M . 's , and Bro . Driscoll . for the Visitors . Although there was but a small attendance of the brethren , a very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , tho Sisters' Tavern , 1 'ownall Road , Dalston . A very wholesome rule obtains in this Lodge of Instruction that , on the fifth meeting night in the month , tho Secretary shall hc . ve the privilege of presiding . The 29 th ult . being the fifth Tnesd ly , the brethren assembled in strong force to support Bro . Dallas , w 10 so nntiringlv
devotes his energies to further the welfare of this L idge of Instruction . Bro . H . Williams was tho S . W ., Ward 11 J . W ., Clark S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Polak I . G ., M . Christian acti g as Secretary , Smyth Treasun Cj P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; J . L -rkin , Smyth , It . Williams , Collins , C . Lorkin , W . W . Morgan , Webb . & e . After preliminaries had been fully complied with , tho ceremc iy of passing was
Notices Of Meetings.
rehearsed , Bro . R . Williams candidate . Tho Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and afterwards resumed . The Lodge was opened in the third , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Webb worked the first , second , and fourth sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed and seconded that the Fifteen Sections should be worked the fourth Tuesday in May , Bro . Webb to preside . Bro . H . Williams was elected W . M . for the next meotiucr .
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871- —On Thursday , 21 th April , at tho White Swan Hotel , 217 High-street , Deptford , Bro . R . Harman W . M . initiated Mr . Taylor and raised Bro . Clark . Bro . Frederick Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . resigned the Secretaryship , thr u- , 'h illhealth . The resignation was accepted with great regret . A notice of motion was given to placo him on the list of honorary members . Bro . J . J . Pakes P . M . was appointed and invested Secretary . A
vote of thanks was given and placed on tho minntes for services rendered by Bro . H . J . Fisher , late Organist . A committee was appointed to investigate the question of tho eligibility of members to be placed on Seafaring and Country Members' list . Business ended , the Lodgo was closed . Banquet followed . Toasts , songs , recitations and good music passed away some pleasant hours . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Robinson and Holland .
Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — A meeting was hold on Friday , 25 th April , at tho Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry . Present—Bros . Geo . Read P . M . 511 W . M ., T . Cull S . W ., Sparrow J . W ., Eldridge Treas ., Dickinson Sec , Maillard S . D ., Yeomans J . D ., Hunter I . G ., and about thirty . five other brethren . Lodgo opened in tho three degrees , and minutes of
last Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The members of the Hyde Park Lodgo of Instruction having been invited to work the Fifteen Sections , the Lectures were worked by tho following brethren—FIRST LECTURE : Bros . Nevitt , Coop , Chalfont , West , Sparrow , Maillard , Reynolds ; SECOND LECTURK : Bros . Thompson , Dickinson , Wright , Cull , Dntton ; THIRD LECTURE : Bros . Rogers , Sparrow , Cull . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes ,
waa unanimously accorded to Bro . Read for the very able manner in wbich he had discharged the duties of Master ; in appreciation of which he was unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was also nnanimonsly ordered to be recorded on the minntes to the members of the Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , who had kindly come forward , and in so able a manner worked the Fifteen Sections . All Masonic business being ended , Lodge waa closed in ancient form .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , 29 th April . Bro . Johnson W . M ., Pavitt S . W ., Worsley J . W ., Spencer S . D ., Smith J . D ., Barker I . G . and acting Secretary , P . M . Cundick acting Preceptor ; Bros . Shepherd W . M . 1319 , Dunsmore , Watkins , Roberts , White , Sadler , Lloyd , Ellis , McDonald , Watorcr , Pinder , & c . P . M . Cundick opened
tho Lodge in due form , aud the minntes were read and confirmed , Hro . Johnson was presented as VV . M . elect , and the installation ceremony was worked by P . M . Cundick . On Lodge being resumed , Bro . Barker , assisted by the brethren , worked the first four sections of the first lecture . Bros . Waterer 1549 , Lloyd 1472 , and Ellis 860 were elected members . It was proposed by Bro . Worsley J . W ., seconded by Bro . S . W ., that tho best thanks of this meeting be given toBro . Cundick
for the able manner in which he had worked the installation ceremony , and that he be made an hon . member . Carried unanimously . Bro . Pavitt will preside at next meeting . Many of the brethren expressed regret that Bro . Musto was absent , business in the country preventing his attendance ; however , by the kind assistance of Bro . Cundick , the brethren had a very instructive evening . It ia gratifying to see such good attendances at this new Lodge of Instruction , which opens at 7 . 30 each evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1558 . —On Wednesday evening , 30 th April , at 8 p . m ., in the Glass Room of the Sutherland Chapel , 346 Walworth-road , S . E . Present—Bros . T . E . Walker W . M ., Power S . W ., Williams J . W ., Stokes S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Lawrence I . G ., Corpe Treasurer , Walker Sec , Daun Preceptor , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the
minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Corpe as candidate . The questions for raising were answered , and the ceremony was duly rehearsed , Bro . Brooke acting as candidate . The Lodge closed to the first . The S . W . was elected W . M . for ensuinor week . A vote of thanks was
unanimously given the W . M . for his efficient working in tho chair . Tho meetings in the new quarters are most satisfactory ; there is a much larger attendance than formerly , while the members continue to express gratification at the labour being disassociated with refreshment .
" West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on the 21 th ult . Present—Bros . Kingston W . M ., Jones S . W ., Burr J . W ., Green S . D ., Seward J . D ., Porter I . G ., Tucker Treasurer ; Bros . Wells , Fernee , Clark , Stephen . i , Owen , Bloomfield , & c . After
preliminaries , the Lodge was ad varied , and Bro . Wells was raised . Lodge having been resumed , the Tr , isnrer intimated that Bro . Terry would in all probability rehearse th ceremony of consecration on a day to be named in May , and the s . sponsion of Bye-Law No . 1 waa accordingly agreed to . Some other ausiness waa transacted , and the Lodge adjourned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —On Monday , the 28 th ult ., at Bro . Spurgin's , the Sportsman , City-road , Bro . Willison being the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Hallam S . W ., Isaac J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Alford S . D ., Lane J . D .,
Hirst I . G . ; also Bros . Pearcy , G . E . Cook , Boss , Recknell , Spurgin , J . W . Smith , Stock , Gibbs , Droscher . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Pearcy worked the first , Bro . Fenner the second , third and fourth sections , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Hallam was elected W . M . for ensuing week .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No . 87 . —On 24 th April , at the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . W . Stuart W . M ., S . Jolly S . W ., II . 0 . Ball J . W ., G . Isaac Treas ., J . G . Bond Sec , Brown S . D ., Chalkley J . D ., R . Janeway I . G . j Watterton , Holland , Moss , Buck , Watson , Do Solla , Caton , Whiting ,
Field , Noke , Vizzard , Chambers , Valentine , Skirving . Tho Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by Bros . Janeway , Moss , Brown , Ball , Whiting , Noke , Stuart ; Watterton , Moss , De Solla , Noke , Whiting ; Caton , Ball , Whiting . The Lodge was resumed , and closed in perfect harmony .
Manchester Lodge , No . 179 . —The last , though not the least enjoyable , meeting of this Lodge , previous to the summer recess , took place on Thursday , the 17 th April , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bros . Bryant and Wallwin were raised to tho third degree by the W . M ., Bro . D . M . Bellfrage , in a manner that gave satisfaction to the brethren present j this completed the business of the
evening . At the banquet table the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received ; amongst others that of the Visitors , those present being : —Bros . Hayward Edwards P . G . S . B . Herts , No . 1385 , Carr Constitutional No . 55 , William Bellamy Regularity No . 91 , Sutherland Lion and Lamb 192 , Meredith Kilburn No . 1608 , John Dudiuo East Surrey Lodgo of Concord No .
463 , and also Bro . Benoit from a Lodgo in Normandy . Bros Edwards and Benoit suitably acknowledged the cordial reception which had been accorded to tho Visitors , aud expressed their satisfaction at the enjoyable evening they had spent . The intervals between the various speeches were enlivened by songs , Bros . Bellamy ,
Rosser , Millward , and Dickenson kindly contributing . Bro . Parson in no small way deserved the thanks of the brethren for his clever extempore verses , rendered doubly comical from his manner in delivering them . The summer banquet , it was arranged , should take place on the 19 th Juno , at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne . The Tyler ' s toast , at eleven o ' clock , brought tho proceedings to a close .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysch ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , 26 th ult ., the Fifteen Sections , were worked by Bro . 11 . Pearcy the Preceptor , nssisted by Bros . Wallington S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Fenner Sec , Slaiter I . G . ; Bros . Stock , Trewinnard , W . H . Leo P . M ., Brasted , Powell , Byng , Peach , Bnrtlc , Chant , Gibbs , Ross , Gnrrnd , J . Lorkin , M , i"kip ,
Richardson , Hallam , Fuller , Giller , Spencer , II . P . Isaac , Fysh , Carr , Brand , IL llall , It . H . Halford , and Cull . Preliminaries having been duly observed , the following brethren worked the sections : — FIRST LECTURE—Bros . W . Bartle , J . Gibbs , F . H . Peach , A . W . Fenner , J . Stock , W . H . Lee , J . A . Powell . SECOND LECTURE—J . Lorkin , J . A . Powell , H . R . Hallam , H . P . Isaac , F . G . Chant . THIRD
LECTURE . —F . Brasted , A . Trewinnard , J . Garrod . A vote of thanks was awarded tho W . M . for the very able manner he had worked the Sections , for the first time ; for which he returned thanks . A vote of thanks was also given the brethren who had assisted him . After which Lodgo was closed and adjourned . Bro . Hallam will preside at the meeting next Saturday .
High Cross Lodge , No . 754 . —A regular meeting was held on Wednesday , 23 rd April , at Seven Sisters Hotel , Tottenham . Present : —Bros . H . Stephens W . M ., J . H . Thompson S . W ., J . Farren J . W ., and the other Officers ; Past Masters Bros . T . Jones , J . Linzell , and W . Dance ; Visitor—J . Driscoll P . M . 30 P . G . P . Herts . The Lodge was opened in ancient form , the minutes of last Lodge
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . G . Fidler was entrusted and passed , the ceremony being ably conducted by the W . M . The lecture on the tracing board was given by Bro . J . Garrod D . C , after which the Lodge was resumed , and closed in peace and harmony . The brethren then adiourned for refreshment . On the removal of
the cloth , the Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . P . M . Jones proposed the health of the W . M ., who briefly responded . Bro . Linzell responded to the health of tho P . M . 's , and Bro . Driscoll . for the Visitors . Although there was but a small attendance of the brethren , a very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , tho Sisters' Tavern , 1 'ownall Road , Dalston . A very wholesome rule obtains in this Lodge of Instruction that , on the fifth meeting night in the month , tho Secretary shall hc . ve the privilege of presiding . The 29 th ult . being the fifth Tnesd ly , the brethren assembled in strong force to support Bro . Dallas , w 10 so nntiringlv
devotes his energies to further the welfare of this L idge of Instruction . Bro . H . Williams was tho S . W ., Ward 11 J . W ., Clark S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Polak I . G ., M . Christian acti g as Secretary , Smyth Treasun Cj P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; J . L -rkin , Smyth , It . Williams , Collins , C . Lorkin , W . W . Morgan , Webb . & e . After preliminaries had been fully complied with , tho ceremc iy of passing was
Notices Of Meetings.
rehearsed , Bro . R . Williams candidate . Tho Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and afterwards resumed . The Lodge was opened in the third , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Webb worked the first , second , and fourth sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed and seconded that the Fifteen Sections should be worked the fourth Tuesday in May , Bro . Webb to preside . Bro . H . Williams was elected W . M . for the next meotiucr .
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871- —On Thursday , 21 th April , at tho White Swan Hotel , 217 High-street , Deptford , Bro . R . Harman W . M . initiated Mr . Taylor and raised Bro . Clark . Bro . Frederick Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . resigned the Secretaryship , thr u- , 'h illhealth . The resignation was accepted with great regret . A notice of motion was given to placo him on the list of honorary members . Bro . J . J . Pakes P . M . was appointed and invested Secretary . A
vote of thanks was given and placed on tho minntes for services rendered by Bro . H . J . Fisher , late Organist . A committee was appointed to investigate the question of tho eligibility of members to be placed on Seafaring and Country Members' list . Business ended , the Lodgo was closed . Banquet followed . Toasts , songs , recitations and good music passed away some pleasant hours . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Robinson and Holland .
Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — A meeting was hold on Friday , 25 th April , at tho Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry . Present—Bros . Geo . Read P . M . 511 W . M ., T . Cull S . W ., Sparrow J . W ., Eldridge Treas ., Dickinson Sec , Maillard S . D ., Yeomans J . D ., Hunter I . G ., and about thirty . five other brethren . Lodgo opened in tho three degrees , and minutes of
last Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The members of the Hyde Park Lodgo of Instruction having been invited to work the Fifteen Sections , the Lectures were worked by tho following brethren—FIRST LECTURE : Bros . Nevitt , Coop , Chalfont , West , Sparrow , Maillard , Reynolds ; SECOND LECTURK : Bros . Thompson , Dickinson , Wright , Cull , Dntton ; THIRD LECTURE : Bros . Rogers , Sparrow , Cull . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes ,
waa unanimously accorded to Bro . Read for the very able manner in wbich he had discharged the duties of Master ; in appreciation of which he was unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was also nnanimonsly ordered to be recorded on the minntes to the members of the Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , who had kindly come forward , and in so able a manner worked the Fifteen Sections . All Masonic business being ended , Lodge waa closed in ancient form .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , 29 th April . Bro . Johnson W . M ., Pavitt S . W ., Worsley J . W ., Spencer S . D ., Smith J . D ., Barker I . G . and acting Secretary , P . M . Cundick acting Preceptor ; Bros . Shepherd W . M . 1319 , Dunsmore , Watkins , Roberts , White , Sadler , Lloyd , Ellis , McDonald , Watorcr , Pinder , & c . P . M . Cundick opened
tho Lodge in due form , aud the minntes were read and confirmed , Hro . Johnson was presented as VV . M . elect , and the installation ceremony was worked by P . M . Cundick . On Lodge being resumed , Bro . Barker , assisted by the brethren , worked the first four sections of the first lecture . Bros . Waterer 1549 , Lloyd 1472 , and Ellis 860 were elected members . It was proposed by Bro . Worsley J . W ., seconded by Bro . S . W ., that tho best thanks of this meeting be given toBro . Cundick
for the able manner in which he had worked the installation ceremony , and that he be made an hon . member . Carried unanimously . Bro . Pavitt will preside at next meeting . Many of the brethren expressed regret that Bro . Musto was absent , business in the country preventing his attendance ; however , by the kind assistance of Bro . Cundick , the brethren had a very instructive evening . It ia gratifying to see such good attendances at this new Lodge of Instruction , which opens at 7 . 30 each evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1558 . —On Wednesday evening , 30 th April , at 8 p . m ., in the Glass Room of the Sutherland Chapel , 346 Walworth-road , S . E . Present—Bros . T . E . Walker W . M ., Power S . W ., Williams J . W ., Stokes S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Lawrence I . G ., Corpe Treasurer , Walker Sec , Daun Preceptor , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened , and the
minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Corpe as candidate . The questions for raising were answered , and the ceremony was duly rehearsed , Bro . Brooke acting as candidate . The Lodge closed to the first . The S . W . was elected W . M . for ensuinor week . A vote of thanks was
unanimously given the W . M . for his efficient working in tho chair . Tho meetings in the new quarters are most satisfactory ; there is a much larger attendance than formerly , while the members continue to express gratification at the labour being disassociated with refreshment .
" West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on the 21 th ult . Present—Bros . Kingston W . M ., Jones S . W ., Burr J . W ., Green S . D ., Seward J . D ., Porter I . G ., Tucker Treasurer ; Bros . Wells , Fernee , Clark , Stephen . i , Owen , Bloomfield , & c . After
preliminaries , the Lodge was ad varied , and Bro . Wells was raised . Lodge having been resumed , the Tr , isnrer intimated that Bro . Terry would in all probability rehearse th ceremony of consecration on a day to be named in May , and the s . sponsion of Bye-Law No . 1 waa accordingly agreed to . Some other ausiness waa transacted , and the Lodge adjourned .