Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF CHESHIRE AND NORTH WALES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ALBERT EDWARD LODGE, 1560, LEICESTER Page 1 of 1 Article ALBERT EDWARD LODGE, 1560, LEICESTER Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Cheshire And North Wales.
but from a belief that if North Wales were constituted a separate Province , it would give an impetus to Mark Masonry in this part of tho country . For his own part , ho thought it was reasonable to expect that benefit would thereby result to both Cheshire awl North Wales , by leading to increased activity , and perhaps a little wholesome emulation , and ultimately to an extension of the practice of
the Mark degree in the neighbouring Provinces . lie concluded by asking the brethren to join him in drinking to the health of the Hon . Bro . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P . The toast was received with the utmost enthusiasm , and on rising to reply , the E . W . P . G . M . M . was warmly greeted . After thanking the brethren for the cordiality with which they had responded to the toast , he proceeded to
assure them that it would afford him great pleasure to seo the degree extended , and strengthened by the formation of new Lodges , which he had no doubt would be the effect of a division of tho Province . Ho had never contemplated the union of North Wales with Cheshire as a permanent arrangement . On the contrary , ho had always looked forward to North Wales becoming a distinct Province .
It was obvious that such an immense district could not be properly superintended by any one man , and it would be a satisfaction to him if another Mark Lodge or two were established in North Wales to form a new Province , which he was sure the M . W . G . M . M . M . Lord Skelmersdale would willingly sanction . When the separation took place , he trusted the same fraternal feeling whieh now existed
between them would continue , and that they would all unite in promoting the interests of Mark Masonry , and in carrying out its principles and its benevolent purposes . The toasfc of fche Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the Province followed , and was acknowledged by Bro . W . L . Banks , W . M . of the St . David ' s Lodge , No . 38 . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , after which the brethren separated ] well pleased with their enjoyable meeting .
Albert Edward Lodge, 1560, Leicester
TUESDAY , the 8 th ultimo , was tho birthday of his Worship the Mayor of Leicester ( Aid . Clement Strefcton ) , and it being the ordinary meeting of the Albert Edward Lodge of Freemasons , of which his worship is a member , the occasion was availed of to give him a special fraternal greeting . There was consequently a large and influential gathering both of the members of the Albert Edward and the Sister Lodges , especially , perhaps , of St . John ' s , of which the
the Mayor was for two successive years W . M ., as he is now for a second year occupying the civic chair of tho borough . The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the brethren at a later period of the evening sat down to an excellent banquet , under fche presidency of the esteemed W . M ., ( Captain J . G . F . Richardson ) The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been duly honoured ,
the W . M . proposed the health of Bro . Clement Stretton , the Mayor of Leicester , prefacing the toast with a few complimentary observations upon the honourable position which the family of the Strettons had so long occupied amongst them , until he might truly say the name had become a household word , ( hear , hear . ) They were both proud and pleased to have the honour of the Mayor ' s presence with them
that evening as ono of thoir brethren , and as a fellow-citizen who had distinguished himself in the high office wbich he held as chief magistrate of the borough , ( hear , hear . ) Iu the discharge of the duties of that important position his worship had ably acquitted himself , and he had , at the same time , in the most hospitable manner , proved himself a worthy successor of his ancestors , ( hear , hear . ) In his
Masonic career , too , he had not only won his way to very high office , but he had also distinguished himself by great generosity , being always ready to cater to the wants of others ; and not only was his purse always open for tho relief of such wants but it was always so without tho slightest ostentation . He ( the W . M ., ) had therefore the greatest possible pleasure in proposing the health of Bro .
Stretton , coupled with a wish that he might live long to enjoy the honourable position to which he had attained , and the duties of which he had so worthily fulfilled . Bro . Stretton in acknowledgment said the manner in the toasfc had been proposed by the W . M ., and the cordial way in whioh it had been received by tho brethren , was very gratify , ing to him , and he was very grateful to them for such a numerous
attendance in honour of his birthday . It was only two weeks ago that he spent his Masonic birthday , for on the first of the month just 16 years ago Bro . Haxby , assisted by Bro . Kelly , introduced him into Masonry . He had been through most of the offices in Masonry , until he had arrived at the height of a Mason ' s ambition , namely that of being P . S . G . W . ( hear , hear ) . During his connection with Masonry
he had made many kind friends , and only this last year Masonry had been of very great assistance to him . When by au unfortunate occurence ifc again fell to his lot to be invited to take office as Mayor ho had recourse to his Masonic friends for their advice . Some of them present would no doubt remember that he solicited their advice as to whether he should accept office a second time ; and tho counsel he
received from his Masonic friends , of both political parties , determined him to accept the office which had been again so kindly offered to him ( applause ) . He coidd not do more than thank them most heartily and sincerely for the very kind manner in which they had received him . Bro . S . S . Partridge had pleasure in proposing to them the health of their much es eemed Worshipful Master of the Albert
Edward Lodge ( applause ) , who so very admirably filled the office ( hear , hear ) . It was not g ven to every one to occupy tho chair in tho manner iu which Bro . Ri hardson now fill 3 d it , for he did not aim to go through the duties in a , r . ere parrot-like schoolboy style ; but both in the Lodge and in their Ira iqnets afterwards the admirable way in
which he presided over t \ ci commanded their greatest admiration ( hear , hear ) . His Office 3 1 . 11 st all be well pleased to serve under him , and he ( Bro . Partric < je was suro all the brethren present would unite in wishing him veiy , ood health and prosperity during his year of office . The W . 5 / , 1 aid ho thanked them very much for the
Albert Edward Lodge, 1560, Leicester
great honour they had done him by the cordial manner in which they had received the toast so kindly proposed by Bro . Partridge . He said he never anticipated the honour of passing the chair in any Lodge , and certainly never expected he should have the honour of presiding over such a Lodge as tho Albert Edward . He could only say that it would be his earnest endeavour to conduct ; it impartially , and with
the best feelings towards all the brethren . The health of the Officers was next proposed by tho W . M ., and suitably acknowledged ; Tho Visit * ing Brethren , responded to by Bro . S . Cleaver , W . M ., of St . John ' s 279 , Bro . Richard Taylor , W . M ., 523 , and Bro . T . A . Wykes , I . P . M ., 523 , and Bro . S . S . Partridge , Commercial Lodge 1391 , Bro . J . Yaughan , 275 , P . M ., Loyalty 86 , proposed by tho Chairman , and responded
to by Bro . Vaughan ; and this was followed by other complimentary toasts . During the evening tho proceedings wero greatly varied aud enlivened by tho musical performances , both vocal and instrumental , of several of tho brethren , including Bro . W . T . Rowlett P . P . G . O ., Bro . Scott Organist of 279 , Bro . A . Wykes , Bro . R . Taylor ,
and others , the meeting being altogether a mosfc enjoyable one . In Lodge tho chief work was the raising to tho third degree Bro . James Nealo F . S . A ., the author of the beautifully illustrated and able work descriptive of the fine old abbey church of St . Alban ' s . The cerea tray was performed by the P . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly F . S . A . B 'o . Neale is a native of Leicester .
Obituary .
THE Masons of East Lancashire , and many other brethren , will learr with regret that the veteran Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . John Tnnnah , c ' . nparted this life on Sunday , 27 th April , in his 72 nd year . The decca 3 d brother was seized with an attack of paralysis about eight weeks ago , and for the past six weeks ifc had assumed such severity as to complet tly prostrate him . He was attended by Dr . F . B . Mallett , but that gtutleman ' s skill proved unavailing , and death ensued at a
quarter tc . four on Sunday afternoon , at his residence No . Ill Manchester R id , Bolton . Initiated on 5 fch July 1849 , in the Anchor and Hope Lod ' 3 , then No . 44 ( now No . 37 ) , Bolton , deceased was immediately appointed Secretary of his Lodge , in which office he exerted himself assiduously for about seven years , and on his retirement from that office he was presented with a gold Past Master ' s jewel . In the
year 1868 he served as Master of his Mother Lodge . Soon after his initiation ho joined the St . John ' s Lodgo , then No . 268 ( now No . 221 ) , Bolton , serving the office of J . W . in 1850 , and W . M . in 1851 . In 1854 he waa appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , by Lord Francis Egerton ( afterwards Earl of Ellesmere ) , E . W . Prov . Grand Master , which oflL'e he continued to hold up to the time of his death , a
period of 25 years ; during which time he had , without exception , attended the whole of the meetings of the Prov . Giand Lodge . On his re-appointment in 1874 , for the twenty-first timo , ai Prov . Grand Secretary , he was presented by Colonel Starkie , It . VV . Prov . Grand Master , with a splendid jewel , as a mark of his appreciation of Bro . Tunnnh's ions and eminent services . At the installation of H . R . H .
the Prince of Wales as M . W . Grand Master , on 28 th April 1875 , Bro . Tnnnah attended as one of the special Stewards from East Lancashire . Bro . Tunuah was exalted into lloyal Arch Masonry in the Chapter of Concord , No . 37 , Bolton , on the 2 nd October 1850 ; and after passing through the various offices , served as First Principal in 1855 , and for many years ho has held the office of Prov . Grand Scribe E .
Deceased was also a P . E . C . of the St . James of Jerusalem Encampment of Knights Templar , a Past Prov . Grand Mark Overseer of Lancashire , and a member of the 18 ° and numerous other Masonio Orders ; but his great affection in Masonry was for the Craft degrees . By profession he was a public accountant and auditor , having been
in practice in Bolton ( his native town ) upwards of forty years , the last ; ten years of which he was in partnership with Bro . James Newton , who had for many years previously been his confidential clerk . By the expressed wish of the deceased the funeral , which took place on the 1 st May , was strictly private .
Hammersmith Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No .
211 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , 18 th April , afc Bro . E . Gilbert's , Windsor Castle Hotel , King Street , West Hammersmith , at 5 p . m . Bro . J . W . Baldwin opened the Lodge . The minutes of the meeting held on Saturday , 18 th January , were read ,
confirmed , and signed . The report of the auditors was received and adopted . The candidates for advancement were unable to be present . It was decided to hold an emergency meeting on Saturday , 21 st June , at five p . m . Business ended , the Lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour , and a very happy evening waa spent .
A District Grand Mark Lodge was held on 26 th of March at 1 . 30 p . m ., at the Masonic Hall of the Friendl y Lodge , Hanover-street , Kingston . R . W . Bro . the Hon . R . Hamilton M . W . D . G . M . presiding when amonj others tho following Officers were invested : —J . W .
Whitbonrne D . G . M . M ., J . J . G . Lewis S . W ., R . Langley J . W ., O . De Cordova S . ( ., Altamont Do Cordova M . O ., O . Delgardo , 0 . Delgardo jun . s Registrars , J . Leon Secretary , Barnet Stiles elected as Treasure Georgo Magnus Tyler ; Thomas Allen , M . D ., Captain Portlock Da son , aud Holler G . Stewards . A vote of thanks was
accorded to he officers and members of the Sussex Mark Lodge for their kindm s , and also to the officers and members of the Friendly Craft Lodes for the uso of their Lodge Room ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Cheshire And North Wales.
but from a belief that if North Wales were constituted a separate Province , it would give an impetus to Mark Masonry in this part of tho country . For his own part , ho thought it was reasonable to expect that benefit would thereby result to both Cheshire awl North Wales , by leading to increased activity , and perhaps a little wholesome emulation , and ultimately to an extension of the practice of
the Mark degree in the neighbouring Provinces . lie concluded by asking the brethren to join him in drinking to the health of the Hon . Bro . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P . The toast was received with the utmost enthusiasm , and on rising to reply , the E . W . P . G . M . M . was warmly greeted . After thanking the brethren for the cordiality with which they had responded to the toast , he proceeded to
assure them that it would afford him great pleasure to seo the degree extended , and strengthened by the formation of new Lodges , which he had no doubt would be the effect of a division of tho Province . Ho had never contemplated the union of North Wales with Cheshire as a permanent arrangement . On the contrary , ho had always looked forward to North Wales becoming a distinct Province .
It was obvious that such an immense district could not be properly superintended by any one man , and it would be a satisfaction to him if another Mark Lodge or two were established in North Wales to form a new Province , which he was sure the M . W . G . M . M . M . Lord Skelmersdale would willingly sanction . When the separation took place , he trusted the same fraternal feeling whieh now existed
between them would continue , and that they would all unite in promoting the interests of Mark Masonry , and in carrying out its principles and its benevolent purposes . The toasfc of fche Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the Province followed , and was acknowledged by Bro . W . L . Banks , W . M . of the St . David ' s Lodge , No . 38 . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , after which the brethren separated ] well pleased with their enjoyable meeting .
Albert Edward Lodge, 1560, Leicester
TUESDAY , the 8 th ultimo , was tho birthday of his Worship the Mayor of Leicester ( Aid . Clement Strefcton ) , and it being the ordinary meeting of the Albert Edward Lodge of Freemasons , of which his worship is a member , the occasion was availed of to give him a special fraternal greeting . There was consequently a large and influential gathering both of the members of the Albert Edward and the Sister Lodges , especially , perhaps , of St . John ' s , of which the
the Mayor was for two successive years W . M ., as he is now for a second year occupying the civic chair of tho borough . The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the brethren at a later period of the evening sat down to an excellent banquet , under fche presidency of the esteemed W . M ., ( Captain J . G . F . Richardson ) The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been duly honoured ,
the W . M . proposed the health of Bro . Clement Stretton , the Mayor of Leicester , prefacing the toast with a few complimentary observations upon the honourable position which the family of the Strettons had so long occupied amongst them , until he might truly say the name had become a household word , ( hear , hear . ) They were both proud and pleased to have the honour of the Mayor ' s presence with them
that evening as ono of thoir brethren , and as a fellow-citizen who had distinguished himself in the high office wbich he held as chief magistrate of the borough , ( hear , hear . ) Iu the discharge of the duties of that important position his worship had ably acquitted himself , and he had , at the same time , in the most hospitable manner , proved himself a worthy successor of his ancestors , ( hear , hear . ) In his
Masonic career , too , he had not only won his way to very high office , but he had also distinguished himself by great generosity , being always ready to cater to the wants of others ; and not only was his purse always open for tho relief of such wants but it was always so without tho slightest ostentation . He ( the W . M ., ) had therefore the greatest possible pleasure in proposing the health of Bro .
Stretton , coupled with a wish that he might live long to enjoy the honourable position to which he had attained , and the duties of which he had so worthily fulfilled . Bro . Stretton in acknowledgment said the manner in the toasfc had been proposed by the W . M ., and the cordial way in whioh it had been received by tho brethren , was very gratify , ing to him , and he was very grateful to them for such a numerous
attendance in honour of his birthday . It was only two weeks ago that he spent his Masonic birthday , for on the first of the month just 16 years ago Bro . Haxby , assisted by Bro . Kelly , introduced him into Masonry . He had been through most of the offices in Masonry , until he had arrived at the height of a Mason ' s ambition , namely that of being P . S . G . W . ( hear , hear ) . During his connection with Masonry
he had made many kind friends , and only this last year Masonry had been of very great assistance to him . When by au unfortunate occurence ifc again fell to his lot to be invited to take office as Mayor ho had recourse to his Masonic friends for their advice . Some of them present would no doubt remember that he solicited their advice as to whether he should accept office a second time ; and tho counsel he
received from his Masonic friends , of both political parties , determined him to accept the office which had been again so kindly offered to him ( applause ) . He coidd not do more than thank them most heartily and sincerely for the very kind manner in which they had received him . Bro . S . S . Partridge had pleasure in proposing to them the health of their much es eemed Worshipful Master of the Albert
Edward Lodge ( applause ) , who so very admirably filled the office ( hear , hear ) . It was not g ven to every one to occupy tho chair in tho manner iu which Bro . Ri hardson now fill 3 d it , for he did not aim to go through the duties in a , r . ere parrot-like schoolboy style ; but both in the Lodge and in their Ira iqnets afterwards the admirable way in
which he presided over t \ ci commanded their greatest admiration ( hear , hear ) . His Office 3 1 . 11 st all be well pleased to serve under him , and he ( Bro . Partric < je was suro all the brethren present would unite in wishing him veiy , ood health and prosperity during his year of office . The W . 5 / , 1 aid ho thanked them very much for the
Albert Edward Lodge, 1560, Leicester
great honour they had done him by the cordial manner in which they had received the toast so kindly proposed by Bro . Partridge . He said he never anticipated the honour of passing the chair in any Lodge , and certainly never expected he should have the honour of presiding over such a Lodge as tho Albert Edward . He could only say that it would be his earnest endeavour to conduct ; it impartially , and with
the best feelings towards all the brethren . The health of the Officers was next proposed by tho W . M ., and suitably acknowledged ; Tho Visit * ing Brethren , responded to by Bro . S . Cleaver , W . M ., of St . John ' s 279 , Bro . Richard Taylor , W . M ., 523 , and Bro . T . A . Wykes , I . P . M ., 523 , and Bro . S . S . Partridge , Commercial Lodge 1391 , Bro . J . Yaughan , 275 , P . M ., Loyalty 86 , proposed by tho Chairman , and responded
to by Bro . Vaughan ; and this was followed by other complimentary toasts . During the evening tho proceedings wero greatly varied aud enlivened by tho musical performances , both vocal and instrumental , of several of tho brethren , including Bro . W . T . Rowlett P . P . G . O ., Bro . Scott Organist of 279 , Bro . A . Wykes , Bro . R . Taylor ,
and others , the meeting being altogether a mosfc enjoyable one . In Lodge tho chief work was the raising to tho third degree Bro . James Nealo F . S . A ., the author of the beautifully illustrated and able work descriptive of the fine old abbey church of St . Alban ' s . The cerea tray was performed by the P . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly F . S . A . B 'o . Neale is a native of Leicester .
Obituary .
THE Masons of East Lancashire , and many other brethren , will learr with regret that the veteran Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . John Tnnnah , c ' . nparted this life on Sunday , 27 th April , in his 72 nd year . The decca 3 d brother was seized with an attack of paralysis about eight weeks ago , and for the past six weeks ifc had assumed such severity as to complet tly prostrate him . He was attended by Dr . F . B . Mallett , but that gtutleman ' s skill proved unavailing , and death ensued at a
quarter tc . four on Sunday afternoon , at his residence No . Ill Manchester R id , Bolton . Initiated on 5 fch July 1849 , in the Anchor and Hope Lod ' 3 , then No . 44 ( now No . 37 ) , Bolton , deceased was immediately appointed Secretary of his Lodge , in which office he exerted himself assiduously for about seven years , and on his retirement from that office he was presented with a gold Past Master ' s jewel . In the
year 1868 he served as Master of his Mother Lodge . Soon after his initiation ho joined the St . John ' s Lodgo , then No . 268 ( now No . 221 ) , Bolton , serving the office of J . W . in 1850 , and W . M . in 1851 . In 1854 he waa appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , by Lord Francis Egerton ( afterwards Earl of Ellesmere ) , E . W . Prov . Grand Master , which oflL'e he continued to hold up to the time of his death , a
period of 25 years ; during which time he had , without exception , attended the whole of the meetings of the Prov . Giand Lodge . On his re-appointment in 1874 , for the twenty-first timo , ai Prov . Grand Secretary , he was presented by Colonel Starkie , It . VV . Prov . Grand Master , with a splendid jewel , as a mark of his appreciation of Bro . Tunnnh's ions and eminent services . At the installation of H . R . H .
the Prince of Wales as M . W . Grand Master , on 28 th April 1875 , Bro . Tnnnah attended as one of the special Stewards from East Lancashire . Bro . Tunuah was exalted into lloyal Arch Masonry in the Chapter of Concord , No . 37 , Bolton , on the 2 nd October 1850 ; and after passing through the various offices , served as First Principal in 1855 , and for many years ho has held the office of Prov . Grand Scribe E .
Deceased was also a P . E . C . of the St . James of Jerusalem Encampment of Knights Templar , a Past Prov . Grand Mark Overseer of Lancashire , and a member of the 18 ° and numerous other Masonio Orders ; but his great affection in Masonry was for the Craft degrees . By profession he was a public accountant and auditor , having been
in practice in Bolton ( his native town ) upwards of forty years , the last ; ten years of which he was in partnership with Bro . James Newton , who had for many years previously been his confidential clerk . By the expressed wish of the deceased the funeral , which took place on the 1 st May , was strictly private .
Hammersmith Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No .
211 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , 18 th April , afc Bro . E . Gilbert's , Windsor Castle Hotel , King Street , West Hammersmith , at 5 p . m . Bro . J . W . Baldwin opened the Lodge . The minutes of the meeting held on Saturday , 18 th January , were read ,
confirmed , and signed . The report of the auditors was received and adopted . The candidates for advancement were unable to be present . It was decided to hold an emergency meeting on Saturday , 21 st June , at five p . m . Business ended , the Lodge was closed . Refreshment followed labour , and a very happy evening waa spent .
A District Grand Mark Lodge was held on 26 th of March at 1 . 30 p . m ., at the Masonic Hall of the Friendl y Lodge , Hanover-street , Kingston . R . W . Bro . the Hon . R . Hamilton M . W . D . G . M . presiding when amonj others tho following Officers were invested : —J . W .
Whitbonrne D . G . M . M ., J . J . G . Lewis S . W ., R . Langley J . W ., O . De Cordova S . ( ., Altamont Do Cordova M . O ., O . Delgardo , 0 . Delgardo jun . s Registrars , J . Leon Secretary , Barnet Stiles elected as Treasure Georgo Magnus Tyler ; Thomas Allen , M . D ., Captain Portlock Da son , aud Holler G . Stewards . A vote of thanks was
accorded to he officers and members of the Sussex Mark Lodge for their kindm s , and also to the officers and members of the Friendly Craft Lodes for the uso of their Lodge Room ,