Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Royal Ark Mariners' Lodfvo . —This Lodge held si mopt ^ T . under sanction of tho charter of Chanter'No . HO , on Tuesday , tho 31-f October , at 25 Robertson-street , Comps . T . M . Campbell Z ( " 9 pros din' > as F . N ., G . Wheeler Z . 7 : 1 as S ., J . 0 . Dark T . P . Z . 122 as , T ., J . "IVh as Pilot , J . McTnnis as Criard . The Ark was duly unmoored , and it
having been reported that thero -wore four distressed W . M . s in attendance , the Lodge agreed to render them assistance and receive them on board , when Comps . W . E . McMillan , W . Paseoo , J . Green , and Thomas Crumb were received , and duly instructed in their duties as Eoyal Ark Mariners . Thero being no further bushier on hand , tho Ark was again safely moored until tho waters shall again aviso .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 45 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Monday , tho 30 th of October , nt the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . Jobn ' a-gafe , St . John's-sqnnre , E . C . There wero present : —Bros . G . E . Cook W . M ., "Rowley S . W ., II . P . Isaac J . W ., Killick Secretary , J . Powell S . D ., Mill ward J . D ., E . W . Pearcy I . G ., Christopher Tyler , aud a largo muster of members and
visitors . Business : —The Lodgo was opened in tho usual manner . Tho minntes of the previous mooting wero confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing rehearsed , Bros . Knight and S . Jones acting a 3 candidates . Several sections of tho first leeturo were worked . Bros . II . W . Curry and II . W . Alford , of the United
Strength Lodge 22 S , were elected members . Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked on Monday next , when Bro . Beckett will preside , and tho following brethren will assist : —First lecture : Bros . Hill , Trowinnard , Powell , Killick , Tolmio , Pilbeam , Ockcnden . Second lecture Bros . Kidder , Pearcy , Saul , Sadlor , Halford . Third lecture : Bros . Crawley , Morrison , Stock .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , Mo . 73 . —This Lodge hold an emergency meeting on Thnrsdav , 2 ( 7 th October , at 213 Buchananstreet . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Bannerman Deputy Master , who stated that tho meeting had been called to initiate three gentlemen , ono of whom was a Spaniard , who did not thoroughly understand our language , but tho ceremony would bo interpreted to
him by a competent brother . The E . W . M . then entered , and requested Bro . Wm . Bell , I . P . M . of St . John ' s 3 bis , to initiate the three candidates , which ho did in a most careful manner , the more particular and difficult passages being at once interpreted into Spanish for tho benefit of tho gentleman who did not understand all the peculiarities of our language , tho other Snanish brother speaking
our language fluently . The Lodge was opened in tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed five brethren to the Fellow craft degree . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and tho E . W . M ., Bro . Macdonald , raised to tho sublimo degrco five Fellow crafts . This concluded tho lengthened session , all tho degrees having been ably worked .
ThetlS Chapter , No . 122 . —This Chapter hold its regular meeting on Monday , the 30 th October , at 35 St . James-street . Comps . J . Do Neif Z ., M . McAlistor IT ., B , Love J ., D . Quiglev S . E ., J . O . Park P . Z . 1 st S ., J . S . Scott 2 nd S „ D . Gunn 3 rd S . Visitors—Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 and J . Mclnnis 1 st S . CD . At tho request of the 1 st Principal , tho ceremony was most excellently
worked by Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , who also afterwards exalted into the Eoyal Arch degree Bro . W . Simpson S . W . of the Neptune Lodge 419 , for which tho thanks of tho Chapter wero accorded to him . The 1 st Principal presented to tho Chapter a new altar and some smaller articles , of furniture , for which he received the thanks of the Body .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , ITo . 157 — At the Jamaica Coffee House , on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., the following wero present : —Comps . J . Constablo M . E . Z ., G . Newman II ., J . C . Cox J ., John Boyd Treasurer , E . S . Non-is Ass . Scribe E ., J . Wyor Scribe N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . After the minutes of the previous convocation had been confirmed , the M . E . Z . rehearsed tho ceremony of
exaltation , Comp . A . L . Aunett acting a 3 caudidato . Tho first clause of the lecture was worked by Comp . Boyd , assisted by tho companions . The election of officers for tho ensuing fortnight resulted as follows : —Comps . G . Newman Z ., Dr . W . Viner Bedolfe II ., J . C . Cox J ., J . Wyer N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Comp . G . W . Watson of St . Nicholas Chapter , 155 , Scotch Constitution , was elected a member . Thero wero also present II . Darcy , J . Soex , & c .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , ~ No . 174 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , tlie 20 th October , at . Bro . Soaton ' s , Eailway Tavern , London-street , E . C . Present—Bros . P . M . Verrv W . M ., Horsley S . W ., P . M . Applobv J . W ., Ellis Secretary , F . BIMWII S . D ., Eraser J . D ., Webb I . G . Visitors—Biw . Hogarth , Maidwell , Milliard , Baxter , & o . The following brethren assisted tho W . M . in
working tlie sections : —l . vr LKCTUKB— Bros . A . II . Brown , Ellis , Appleby , Ashburncr , F . Brown , Horsley , Kudderforth . 2 . vr > LI : PTUI : I : —Bros . J . Eraser , Iludderforth , Kulutt , Webb , Ellis . 3 ni > Ltxm ; r , —• Bros . P . Cohon , Walliugton , Verry . From tho well known capa . bilities of tho above named brethren , we need merely add that the work was done in excellent st ylo , and all present expressed their satisfaction at the way tho evening had been spent .
Caveac Chapter , TIo . F / 6 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was held on Saturday , 28 th October , at tho Albion Tavern , Aklersgatc-street . Present — Comps . W . S . Wymari A ., G . 11 . Leeman II ., J . B . Sorrell J . C . T . Dorey P . Z . ., tho Father of the
Notices Of Meetings.
Chapter , Comp . F . Walters P . O ., l = t Asst . Middlesex P . Z . Treasurer , and several others . Th" C ' . a"tei' was npmed and tho minutes were eiMifirnied . Pro . Dr . Oh I W < M Brower ? P . M . D . O . 17 ( 7 was exalted into R . A . Ma « oiirv in a f : ' < i' (! - vp nripper . The < nm of five guineas was
voted f ' -np > the fiiuds , " , )••iho : > : rvv > - -p > of presenting Oomn . Wvman with a P . Z . jewel on his rel ' rin ¦ ¦ from the chair , as a slight reenr . "ition of the -e-rvieos rendered bv him dnrhig h . is year of office . The f'lianl"" ! ' wn ' ¦; then e ! n-ed . Among thoso present wero Comps . S . Pow ' nccbv , B , P . Tehh , J . B . Sorrell , & c .
Confidence Lod ^ o Instruction , TTo . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 1 st November , at Mason's Hall , Basinghiill-sfreet , E . G . Present—Bros . Staley W . M ., Hollands S . W ., Former J . W ., Constable Treasnier , Cohen S . D ., Bono J . D ., Saver I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Tnrqnand P . M . Preooptox-, and Bros . Iludderforth . Pit t . & c . Business—Tho 1 st section of tho first
Lecture was worked by Bros . Tnrqnand and Walker , and tho 2 nd and 3 rd sections by Bro . Tnrqnand and tho brethren . Bros . B . P . Jesso 155 ( 7 , Gillard 7 ( 71 , and Abel ! jun . wovo elected members . A vote of thanks was recorded in favour of Bro . Staley , who , since his initiation into the Order , which event took placo so lately as March of the present
year , has been a most careful and persorering student in Masonry , and tho fact that ho has by his industry thus rendered himself competent to fulfil the dnties of tho chair in so satisfactory a manner , was evidencod by the cordial way in which tho proposition was received . The S . W ., Bro . Hollands , was oloctod to till tho chair at tho noxt moetiug .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No , 198 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 28 th of October , at Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmor ' s , Sonthgato-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Tolmio W . M ., Sadler S . W ., Pearcy J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Trowinnard I . G . P . M . 's Bro-. Beckett , Moss , Mnsto , and several others . Visitors—Bros . F . W . Wilkins W . M . 1115 , Hanos
P . M . 917 , Leggo W . M . SCI , Saunders 177 , W . Dance 751 , Cusworth 813 , F . S . Holtiesa 11 / 1 , Diggens 53 1 , and Haseldon 534 . Business-Lodge opened and minifes . of previous meeting confirmed ; Tho Fifteen Sections wero worked by Bros . F . W . Wilkins , I . P . Cohen , Trowinnard , Ockcnden . Beckett , Moss , and Loggo ; thoso of the 2 nd Leeturo by Bros . Stock . Musto , Pearcy , Sadler , and Bnrr ; and the 3 rd Leeturo by Bros . G ' ohe . n , Leggo , and Stock . Votes of thanks
wore unanimously accorded tho W . M . and thoso brethren who had assisted . Bros . llanos 917 , Loggo R ( 71 , Danco 754 , Holnoss 1471 . Cusworth 813 , Diggons 531 , and Jlasolden 534 wore olectod joining mombors . This was a very successful meeting , thero being nearly fifty brethren present , and the manner in which tho sections wero worked is deserving of tho highest praise . Noxt Saturday the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed , by Bro . J . L . Mathor P . M .
Zetland Lodge , No . 511 . —Tho installation meeting took placo on Wednesday , afc Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fioofc-sfcrocfc . Bros . W . J . Kussell W . M ., II . Whittiek S . W ., S . E'boru J . W ., Barfield P . M . Treasurer . G . Bead P . M . Secretary , J . Avo S . D ., E . Ward I . G . P . M . 's II . S . Cooper , Pardoo , Birch , J . Ilnrstead , Barfield , Game , Schofield , & c . Tho Lodgo was opened v . 'ith tho customary pre .
liminarics . Bro . Little No . 312 was elected a joining member . Bros . Pridham and Laxton wero passed to tho 2 nd degree , and Messrs . J . Gawith , S . J . Gordon , and J . Metcalf wore initiated . A Board of Installed Ma-tew was formed . Bro . Whittiek S . W . and W . M . oloct was then duly installed into the chair by Bro . G . Bead P . M . in a perfect and impressivo manner , Bro . Cooper ably
giving the addresses . The newl y installed W . M . then invested his officers , W . J . Enssell I . P . M ., Elborn S . W ., Avery J . W ., A . Barfield P . M . Treasurer , G . Read P . M . Secretary , Wehl ' em S . D ., Ward J . D ., Williams I . G ., Schofield P . M . D . C ., Cooper P . M . Assist . D . C ., Colo W . S ., Blum Assist . W . S ., Earl Ford Tyler . Theso appointments gave great satisfaction . Tho report of the audit committee was read and
adopted . It was recommended that on account of the increase of members it was prudent to raiso tho initiation fee from 10 to 12 guineas ; and tho joining fee to six guineas . That the sum of £ 10 bo given to tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 10 guineas to the Girls' School , and 10 guineas to the Boys ' . School , which will coustituto tho Lodgo Vice-President to each of theso
Charities . It was then asked if any Brother would consent to act as Steward for either of the Institutions , if so tho amount named shonld be placed on his list . Tho balance in favour of the Lodgo was returned as £ 82 14 s 3 d , and the Benevolent Fund had a balance of iC 3 S 4 s 7 d . Tho W . M then presented Bro . Eupell I . P . M . with a very elegant P . M . ' s jewel . This having been suitably
acknowledged , tho Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren sat down to one of those banquets for which Bro . Clomow is celebrated , arid which , nnder the superintendence of Bro . W . Smith , was all that could bo desired . The W . M ., after grace had been said , proposed the usual Loyal anil Masonic toasts . In speaking to ih . ib of tie
initiates , he sa . id every Lod \ - ; e was proud to have them . Bro . Cooper P . M . then sang tho E , A . Song . This . ( oast having been responded to , tho W . M . gave that of [ he Visitors . Bro . Wotthiiigfcnn P . M . returned thanks . Pro . Bussed I . P . M . proposed tho health of the W . M . They had seen how ably ho hud performed tho diiiios of the evening . Tho W . M . re aimed I hanks , ntnl proposed the toast of I ho " Past Tho W . M . re aimed I hanksjitid proposed the toast of l ho " Past
, Masters , " characterising them not only as good working Masons , but as a credit t > tho LoiLe . Bro . Russell replied . Ho was followed by Pro . Bay (' reld , who ppi ! : > of what the Lodgo had accomplished . Bro . Cooper , the ' einhr o" tho L ; er \ said his aim was always the good of tho brethren . He was pp .. ud of hi .: Lodge , and he hoped in his
declining years , to see ii ; prosper ( cheers ) . Bro . Eead , in speaking of the Benevolent p'und , said he was its promoter , and tho report read to-night showed they had tlie interest of the charities at heart . If ever they had to curtail expenses , ifc would bo better to givo up a banquet than let tho Charities suffer . Tlie toast of " The Officers " was followed by tlmfc of " Tho Tylor , " aud tho brethren separated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Royal Ark Mariners' Lodfvo . —This Lodge held si mopt ^ T . under sanction of tho charter of Chanter'No . HO , on Tuesday , tho 31-f October , at 25 Robertson-street , Comps . T . M . Campbell Z ( " 9 pros din' > as F . N ., G . Wheeler Z . 7 : 1 as S ., J . 0 . Dark T . P . Z . 122 as , T ., J . "IVh as Pilot , J . McTnnis as Criard . The Ark was duly unmoored , and it
having been reported that thero -wore four distressed W . M . s in attendance , the Lodge agreed to render them assistance and receive them on board , when Comps . W . E . McMillan , W . Paseoo , J . Green , and Thomas Crumb were received , and duly instructed in their duties as Eoyal Ark Mariners . Thero being no further bushier on hand , tho Ark was again safely moored until tho waters shall again aviso .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 45 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Monday , tho 30 th of October , nt the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . Jobn ' a-gafe , St . John's-sqnnre , E . C . There wero present : —Bros . G . E . Cook W . M ., "Rowley S . W ., II . P . Isaac J . W ., Killick Secretary , J . Powell S . D ., Mill ward J . D ., E . W . Pearcy I . G ., Christopher Tyler , aud a largo muster of members and
visitors . Business : —The Lodgo was opened in tho usual manner . Tho minntes of the previous mooting wero confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing rehearsed , Bros . Knight and S . Jones acting a 3 candidates . Several sections of tho first leeturo were worked . Bros . II . W . Curry and II . W . Alford , of the United
Strength Lodge 22 S , were elected members . Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked on Monday next , when Bro . Beckett will preside , and tho following brethren will assist : —First lecture : Bros . Hill , Trowinnard , Powell , Killick , Tolmio , Pilbeam , Ockcnden . Second lecture Bros . Kidder , Pearcy , Saul , Sadlor , Halford . Third lecture : Bros . Crawley , Morrison , Stock .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , Mo . 73 . —This Lodge hold an emergency meeting on Thnrsdav , 2 ( 7 th October , at 213 Buchananstreet . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Bannerman Deputy Master , who stated that tho meeting had been called to initiate three gentlemen , ono of whom was a Spaniard , who did not thoroughly understand our language , but tho ceremony would bo interpreted to
him by a competent brother . The E . W . M . then entered , and requested Bro . Wm . Bell , I . P . M . of St . John ' s 3 bis , to initiate the three candidates , which ho did in a most careful manner , the more particular and difficult passages being at once interpreted into Spanish for tho benefit of tho gentleman who did not understand all the peculiarities of our language , tho other Snanish brother speaking
our language fluently . The Lodge was opened in tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed five brethren to the Fellow craft degree . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and tho E . W . M ., Bro . Macdonald , raised to tho sublimo degrco five Fellow crafts . This concluded tho lengthened session , all tho degrees having been ably worked .
ThetlS Chapter , No . 122 . —This Chapter hold its regular meeting on Monday , the 30 th October , at 35 St . James-street . Comps . J . Do Neif Z ., M . McAlistor IT ., B , Love J ., D . Quiglev S . E ., J . O . Park P . Z . 1 st S ., J . S . Scott 2 nd S „ D . Gunn 3 rd S . Visitors—Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 and J . Mclnnis 1 st S . CD . At tho request of the 1 st Principal , tho ceremony was most excellently
worked by Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , who also afterwards exalted into the Eoyal Arch degree Bro . W . Simpson S . W . of the Neptune Lodge 419 , for which tho thanks of tho Chapter wero accorded to him . The 1 st Principal presented to tho Chapter a new altar and some smaller articles , of furniture , for which he received the thanks of the Body .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , ITo . 157 — At the Jamaica Coffee House , on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., the following wero present : —Comps . J . Constablo M . E . Z ., G . Newman II ., J . C . Cox J ., John Boyd Treasurer , E . S . Non-is Ass . Scribe E ., J . Wyor Scribe N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . After the minutes of the previous convocation had been confirmed , the M . E . Z . rehearsed tho ceremony of
exaltation , Comp . A . L . Aunett acting a 3 caudidato . Tho first clause of the lecture was worked by Comp . Boyd , assisted by tho companions . The election of officers for tho ensuing fortnight resulted as follows : —Comps . G . Newman Z ., Dr . W . Viner Bedolfe II ., J . C . Cox J ., J . Wyer N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Comp . G . W . Watson of St . Nicholas Chapter , 155 , Scotch Constitution , was elected a member . Thero wero also present II . Darcy , J . Soex , & c .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , ~ No . 174 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , tlie 20 th October , at . Bro . Soaton ' s , Eailway Tavern , London-street , E . C . Present—Bros . P . M . Verrv W . M ., Horsley S . W ., P . M . Applobv J . W ., Ellis Secretary , F . BIMWII S . D ., Eraser J . D ., Webb I . G . Visitors—Biw . Hogarth , Maidwell , Milliard , Baxter , & o . The following brethren assisted tho W . M . in
working tlie sections : —l . vr LKCTUKB— Bros . A . II . Brown , Ellis , Appleby , Ashburncr , F . Brown , Horsley , Kudderforth . 2 . vr > LI : PTUI : I : —Bros . J . Eraser , Iludderforth , Kulutt , Webb , Ellis . 3 ni > Ltxm ; r , —• Bros . P . Cohon , Walliugton , Verry . From tho well known capa . bilities of tho above named brethren , we need merely add that the work was done in excellent st ylo , and all present expressed their satisfaction at the way tho evening had been spent .
Caveac Chapter , TIo . F / 6 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was held on Saturday , 28 th October , at tho Albion Tavern , Aklersgatc-street . Present — Comps . W . S . Wymari A ., G . 11 . Leeman II ., J . B . Sorrell J . C . T . Dorey P . Z . ., tho Father of the
Notices Of Meetings.
Chapter , Comp . F . Walters P . O ., l = t Asst . Middlesex P . Z . Treasurer , and several others . Th" C ' . a"tei' was npmed and tho minutes were eiMifirnied . Pro . Dr . Oh I W < M Brower ? P . M . D . O . 17 ( 7 was exalted into R . A . Ma « oiirv in a f : ' < i' (! - vp nripper . The < nm of five guineas was
voted f ' -np > the fiiuds , " , )••iho : > : rvv > - -p > of presenting Oomn . Wvman with a P . Z . jewel on his rel ' rin ¦ ¦ from the chair , as a slight reenr . "ition of the -e-rvieos rendered bv him dnrhig h . is year of office . The f'lianl"" ! ' wn ' ¦; then e ! n-ed . Among thoso present wero Comps . S . Pow ' nccbv , B , P . Tehh , J . B . Sorrell , & c .
Confidence Lod ^ o Instruction , TTo . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 1 st November , at Mason's Hall , Basinghiill-sfreet , E . G . Present—Bros . Staley W . M ., Hollands S . W ., Former J . W ., Constable Treasnier , Cohen S . D ., Bono J . D ., Saver I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Tnrqnand P . M . Preooptox-, and Bros . Iludderforth . Pit t . & c . Business—Tho 1 st section of tho first
Lecture was worked by Bros . Tnrqnand and Walker , and tho 2 nd and 3 rd sections by Bro . Tnrqnand and tho brethren . Bros . B . P . Jesso 155 ( 7 , Gillard 7 ( 71 , and Abel ! jun . wovo elected members . A vote of thanks was recorded in favour of Bro . Staley , who , since his initiation into the Order , which event took placo so lately as March of the present
year , has been a most careful and persorering student in Masonry , and tho fact that ho has by his industry thus rendered himself competent to fulfil the dnties of tho chair in so satisfactory a manner , was evidencod by the cordial way in which tho proposition was received . The S . W ., Bro . Hollands , was oloctod to till tho chair at tho noxt moetiug .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No , 198 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 28 th of October , at Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmor ' s , Sonthgato-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Tolmio W . M ., Sadler S . W ., Pearcy J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Trowinnard I . G . P . M . 's Bro-. Beckett , Moss , Mnsto , and several others . Visitors—Bros . F . W . Wilkins W . M . 1115 , Hanos
P . M . 917 , Leggo W . M . SCI , Saunders 177 , W . Dance 751 , Cusworth 813 , F . S . Holtiesa 11 / 1 , Diggens 53 1 , and Haseldon 534 . Business-Lodge opened and minifes . of previous meeting confirmed ; Tho Fifteen Sections wero worked by Bros . F . W . Wilkins , I . P . Cohen , Trowinnard , Ockcnden . Beckett , Moss , and Loggo ; thoso of the 2 nd Leeturo by Bros . Stock . Musto , Pearcy , Sadler , and Bnrr ; and the 3 rd Leeturo by Bros . G ' ohe . n , Leggo , and Stock . Votes of thanks
wore unanimously accorded tho W . M . and thoso brethren who had assisted . Bros . llanos 917 , Loggo R ( 71 , Danco 754 , Holnoss 1471 . Cusworth 813 , Diggons 531 , and Jlasolden 534 wore olectod joining mombors . This was a very successful meeting , thero being nearly fifty brethren present , and the manner in which tho sections wero worked is deserving of tho highest praise . Noxt Saturday the ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed , by Bro . J . L . Mathor P . M .
Zetland Lodge , No . 511 . —Tho installation meeting took placo on Wednesday , afc Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fioofc-sfcrocfc . Bros . W . J . Kussell W . M ., II . Whittiek S . W ., S . E'boru J . W ., Barfield P . M . Treasurer . G . Bead P . M . Secretary , J . Avo S . D ., E . Ward I . G . P . M . 's II . S . Cooper , Pardoo , Birch , J . Ilnrstead , Barfield , Game , Schofield , & c . Tho Lodgo was opened v . 'ith tho customary pre .
liminarics . Bro . Little No . 312 was elected a joining member . Bros . Pridham and Laxton wero passed to tho 2 nd degree , and Messrs . J . Gawith , S . J . Gordon , and J . Metcalf wore initiated . A Board of Installed Ma-tew was formed . Bro . Whittiek S . W . and W . M . oloct was then duly installed into the chair by Bro . G . Bead P . M . in a perfect and impressivo manner , Bro . Cooper ably
giving the addresses . The newl y installed W . M . then invested his officers , W . J . Enssell I . P . M ., Elborn S . W ., Avery J . W ., A . Barfield P . M . Treasurer , G . Read P . M . Secretary , Wehl ' em S . D ., Ward J . D ., Williams I . G ., Schofield P . M . D . C ., Cooper P . M . Assist . D . C ., Colo W . S ., Blum Assist . W . S ., Earl Ford Tyler . Theso appointments gave great satisfaction . Tho report of the audit committee was read and
adopted . It was recommended that on account of the increase of members it was prudent to raiso tho initiation fee from 10 to 12 guineas ; and tho joining fee to six guineas . That the sum of £ 10 bo given to tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 10 guineas to the Girls' School , and 10 guineas to the Boys ' . School , which will coustituto tho Lodgo Vice-President to each of theso
Charities . It was then asked if any Brother would consent to act as Steward for either of the Institutions , if so tho amount named shonld be placed on his list . Tho balance in favour of the Lodgo was returned as £ 82 14 s 3 d , and the Benevolent Fund had a balance of iC 3 S 4 s 7 d . Tho W . M then presented Bro . Eupell I . P . M . with a very elegant P . M . ' s jewel . This having been suitably
acknowledged , tho Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren sat down to one of those banquets for which Bro . Clomow is celebrated , arid which , nnder the superintendence of Bro . W . Smith , was all that could bo desired . The W . M ., after grace had been said , proposed the usual Loyal anil Masonic toasts . In speaking to ih . ib of tie
initiates , he sa . id every Lod \ - ; e was proud to have them . Bro . Cooper P . M . then sang tho E , A . Song . This . ( oast having been responded to , tho W . M . gave that of [ he Visitors . Bro . Wotthiiigfcnn P . M . returned thanks . Pro . Bussed I . P . M . proposed tho health of the W . M . They had seen how ably ho hud performed tho diiiios of the evening . Tho W . M . re aimed I hanks , ntnl proposed the toast of I ho " Past Tho W . M . re aimed I hanksjitid proposed the toast of l ho " Past
, Masters , " characterising them not only as good working Masons , but as a credit t > tho LoiLe . Bro . Russell replied . Ho was followed by Pro . Bay (' reld , who ppi ! : > of what the Lodgo had accomplished . Bro . Cooper , the ' einhr o" tho L ; er \ said his aim was always the good of tho brethren . He was pp .. ud of hi .: Lodge , and he hoped in his
declining years , to see ii ; prosper ( cheers ) . Bro . Eead , in speaking of the Benevolent p'und , said he was its promoter , and tho report read to-night showed they had tlie interest of the charities at heart . If ever they had to curtail expenses , ifc would bo better to givo up a banquet than let tho Charities suffer . Tlie toast of " The Officers " was followed by tlmfc of " Tho Tylor , " aud tho brethren separated .