Article THE TWO DOCTORS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE TWO DOCTORS. Page 2 of 2 Article A MISSING CASE AND JEWELS. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. Page 1 of 1
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The Two Doctors.
at Alexandria , and that a Euclid was Master ? Is it possible a Preceptor can bo found with gravity to teach such absurdity , or does he , with a wink , acknowledge that it is ouly a puorilo lie ? It is idle pretentions liko
these , not one of which will for a inoiueut boar tho test of criticism , that has brought Masonio history into such deserved contompt . "
" Now if a Preceptor tells tho brethren that a ' Lodge of Freemasons existed at Alexandria in E ' J ' Jpt i over which Euclid presided as Grand Master , ' ho would tell his pupils what ho ought to
know is entirely without foundation , and hence imply that Masonic teachings and truth aro not identical . "
Egypt wero destroyed . Euclid instructed them in tho art of making mighty walls and ditches , to stop tho progress of the water ; and by geometry measured out tho laud , and divided it into partitions , so that each man might
ascertain his own property . " Tho Tyriaus , by their intorcourse with tho Greeks , had groatly improved their system of astronomy and geometry , and
wero therefore well qualified to perform any sorvico within tho range of those noble sciences . A very few years after the Babylonish captivity , Tyro produced an ablo brother , whoso name has
descended to our times with so much honour that many have ascribed to him tho absolute invention of geometry . I refer to Euclid , whoso fame has been transmitted in tho authorised
lectures of Masonry . " It will bo unnecessary to add that geometry was fully understood before tho time of Euclid , although ho improved and polished the scienco by his superior genius , and reduced it into such a systematic form as to render it moro accessible to those who came after him . Ho was an expert Mason , and applied his geometry to the improvement of several other sciences . "
" Thus our ancient Brother Euclid , iu addition to the architectnral triumphs for which he was celebrated , employed his great talents in the accomplishment of that advantageous measure which tho lectures of Masonry ascribe to him . He was induced by Ptolomy Soter to take up his residence in Egypt ,
where he formed a school or Lodge of Masonry . He is said by our traditions to have been Senior Grand Warden to Grand Master Ptolemy Soter , and during the courso of his valuable life , digested geometry into so perfect a form , that little improvement has been made upon it to the present day , "
"Why is that beautiful and ancient Roman emblem , which St . Paul so well knew how to appropriate in one of his most sublimo addresses , to bo degraded by its connection with a
narration disgusting to listen to , humiliating to repeat ? Hero is tho beginning , Leeture II . Section 3 : — "At that time thero lived a man of note , whoso name was
Gilead , who had many sons , and one in particular he had by a concubine , whom ho called Jophtha . " " Gilead dying , aud his sons growing up , they expelled Jcphtha
from his father ' s house , saying , ' thinkest thon , tho son of a bondwoman , to inherit with us who are frecborn p' " " Jcphtha being thus unworthily treated iu his native country ,
and being of a bold and daring spirit , resolved to try his fortuno in a foreign ono , he therefore repaired to tho land of Tob , whence he made incursions into the neighbouring Gentile nations ,
often returning laden with rich spoil . " After a life of freebooting and slaughter , he finally terminates his career by " the plunder of twenty Ammonitish cities . "
"I must ngam call attention to tho symbol which is pretended to be illustrated by tho tale of Jephtha . They have , and can have , no connection whatever , and as to any tradition upon tho subject , it is simply absurd . Talk
of allegory indeed ! I know tho pain and mortification it has often subjected mo to , in feeling compelled to listen to such au outrage upon common sense . "
" Another expressivo symbol dates its origin from a period anterior to the building of tho temple . It is an ear of coru placed on tho banks of tho running stream . This emblem conveys a
valuable lesson on tho dispensation of Providence in supplying the necessary plenty of food for tho sustenance of his creatures ; thus displaying tho Great Architect of the Universe in tho
exercise of Mercy ; ' doing good , as the great appstlo of the Gentiles beautifully expresses ; it , 'giving us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons ; filling onr hearts with food and gladness . ' This
emblem adds grace and dignity to tho Masonic . system , whether it bo referred to the Divine beneficence , or the recurrence in thclmtory of Jeph . ha . " " This famous warrior waa tho
natural sou of Gilead ; and having boon ejected from his father ' s house by his legitimate brothers , ho took up liia residence in the land of Tob . When the brethren of Jcphtha refused him his
portion of tho inheritance , ho became tho captain of a baud of robbers , which was so far from dishonouring him , that the people of Gilead unanimously chose him for their prince ; and we
find him hesitating whether he should do his country tho favour of accepting that office , or stiii abide by his former profession . Before his time , Abimelech , a sou of Gideon , the judge , had made his fortune in tho same maimer ,
heading tho men of Sichciu iu their doptvdatknis . In liko manner , when David fled before Saul , a number of unfortuuiito persona . jniiied hk . i ; aud tiioy Jived bv commit ; ing depredations ou those with whom tho Israelites worn
at enmity . How far this was lawlul , I do not now enquire s * It is sufficient for my purpose to show that tho unships itseix was highly honourable . " "Much injury may arise from tho smallest deviation in the ceremony of initiation , or in tho lectures of instruction . We read iu tho book of Judges , that tho transposition , of a single point oyer the . Sheen , in coasequence of a national defect ; among
The Two Doctors.
tho Ephraimitos , designated the cowans , and led to the slaughter of 40 , 000 mon . " Whioh 13 Correct ? Youra fraternally JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . Clapham , 23 rd October 1876 .
A Missing Case And Jewels.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . 301 Strand , W . C , 1 st Nov . 1876 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —At installation meeting of Chancer Lodge last Wednesday , at Bro . Spence ' s , Bridge House Hotel , my case , with my
name aud Lodgo ( Doraatic , No . 177 ) written thereon , and containing two collars , ono with silver jewel of S . W ., with " Domatio , 177 , " engravod thereon , was taken by a brother , in mistake . If said brother will return same to me at Domatio Lodge , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , or at my office as above , ho will greatly oblige . Yours fraternally , JAS . WILLING . JUN ., P . M . 1507 . S . W . 177 .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
A MOVEABLE Grand Lodge of M . M . M . of England and Walea -ii- and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at the New Town Hall , Leicester , under the auspices of Fowko Lodge , No . 19 . The M . W . G . M . M ., the Right Honourable tho Earl of Limerick , presided , and there wore present M . W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal P . G . M ., Bros . Lieut-Gen . J . S . Brownrigg G . J . W . as G . S . W ., and Fred . Davison
G . T . as G . J . W ., Rev . J . S . Brownrigg G . Chaplain and Rev . W . Langley P . G . Ghaplain , J . M . Cunningham Prov . G . M . Sussex , as G . M . O ., John Chadwick P . G . S . O . a 3 G . S . O ., John Wordsworth D . P . G . M . W . Yorkshire as G . J . O ., F . Binckes P . G . W . G . Secretary , J . J . Fast G . I . G ., H . W . Binckes Assistant G . Secretary and Chas Pulman , Clement Strotton , and George Yaxley G . Stewards
with the following G . Officers of the Province , namely , Bros . W Kelly Prov . G . M ., N . James P . G . J . W ., R . Bronghton-Smith P . G . S . O ., Rev . C . Henton Wood P . G . Chaplain , J . M . McAlister P . G . Secretary W . J . RowlettP . G . I . G ., John Hunt , W . Vical , Meadows Prov . G . Stewards , and a strong muster of brethren of Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , Knighs of Malta , No . 30 , Aldershot Military , No . 54 , Bedford , No .
115 , Hansel , No . 116 , St . Peter and St . Paul , No . 163 , Simon de Montfort , No . 19-1 . Tho Grand Lodge having boen opened , and soveral letters of apology for non-attendance having been road , the routino business was transacted aud the Lodge closed . The ceremony of consecrating tho now Lodge , Simon de Montfort , was then procceded with , after which Bro . Barfoot , Mayor of Leicester , W . M .
Designate , was duly installed by the M . W . G . M . M ., who fulfilled his task most impressively . The newly-appointed officers of the Lodge wero thon severally addressed as to tho importance of their respective offices , both in respect of tho Lodge and the Province . Votes of thanks were then passed with acclamation to the M . W-G . M . M ., for his kindness in attending and conducting tho important ceremonies
of tho day , and to Bro . Barfoot , for his great kindness in placing the Council Chamber of tho New Town Hall at the disposal of the brethren . These votes having becu briefly but appropriately acknowledged , Simon do Montfort Lodge was closed with solemn prayer . Tho brethren then adjourned to tho Freemasons' Hall , where an excellent banquet had been prepared . Tho Earl of Limerick presided . On the removal
of tho cloth , the following toasts wero proposed , namely , The Queen and Mark Masonry ; H . R . H . the Princo of Wales aud tho rest of tho Royal Family , with Prince Leopold W . M . elect of University Lodge , No . 55 ; tho M . W . G . M . M . M . the Earl of Limerick , the M . W . G . M . M . M . Lord Leigh , the Earl of Carnarvon , Viscount Holmesdale , W . W . Beach , Rev . G . Raymond Portal , and Earl Percy ; tho D . G . M . M . M .
Lord Skelmersdalc aud the Grand Officers present and past ; the P . G . M . M . Bro . Kelly ; tho D . G . P . M . M . Rev . Bro . Langley P . G . C . and the P . G . Officers present and past ; tho W . M . of the Simon de Montfort Lodge , iS ' o . 191 , aud success to tho Lodgo ; the W . M . of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 ; tho Masonic Institutions and the Mark Benevolent Fund ; the Visitors ; tho Tylers' toast , It is unnecessary to add that each and every of the abovo were very cordially received . In the
interval a number of songs were very effectively given . In fine , the whole of the proceedings throughout tho day passed off most successfully , ai"l thanks aro due to all who took part in them , but especially to tho Grand Master and his Officers , the Prov . Graud Officers , the Master and Brethren of Fowke Lodge , and last but not least , to tho W . M . of the new Lodge , Bro . Barfoot , the highly esteemed Mayor of Leicester .
From the Cape we learn that tlie South African International Exhibition building will be erected in the gardens of the Masonic Lodgo Goede Hoop , adjoining the House of Assembly . The hud has been freel y placed at the disposal of the Committee by the ancient and wealthy Lodge to which ifc belongs .
CLUB HOVSB FLATINO CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked la 3 d per pack , Ma per dozen pucks . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . It' by post Hd per pack extra , Cards for Piquet , Beziquo , Ecarte , & c , Mogul Quality iod per pack , 9 s per aozen packs . —London W , W , Horrasj 67 Barbican , E . C
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Two Doctors.
at Alexandria , and that a Euclid was Master ? Is it possible a Preceptor can bo found with gravity to teach such absurdity , or does he , with a wink , acknowledge that it is ouly a puorilo lie ? It is idle pretentions liko
these , not one of which will for a inoiueut boar tho test of criticism , that has brought Masonio history into such deserved contompt . "
" Now if a Preceptor tells tho brethren that a ' Lodge of Freemasons existed at Alexandria in E ' J ' Jpt i over which Euclid presided as Grand Master , ' ho would tell his pupils what ho ought to
know is entirely without foundation , and hence imply that Masonic teachings and truth aro not identical . "
Egypt wero destroyed . Euclid instructed them in tho art of making mighty walls and ditches , to stop tho progress of the water ; and by geometry measured out tho laud , and divided it into partitions , so that each man might
ascertain his own property . " Tho Tyriaus , by their intorcourse with tho Greeks , had groatly improved their system of astronomy and geometry , and
wero therefore well qualified to perform any sorvico within tho range of those noble sciences . A very few years after the Babylonish captivity , Tyro produced an ablo brother , whoso name has
descended to our times with so much honour that many have ascribed to him tho absolute invention of geometry . I refer to Euclid , whoso fame has been transmitted in tho authorised
lectures of Masonry . " It will bo unnecessary to add that geometry was fully understood before tho time of Euclid , although ho improved and polished the scienco by his superior genius , and reduced it into such a systematic form as to render it moro accessible to those who came after him . Ho was an expert Mason , and applied his geometry to the improvement of several other sciences . "
" Thus our ancient Brother Euclid , iu addition to the architectnral triumphs for which he was celebrated , employed his great talents in the accomplishment of that advantageous measure which tho lectures of Masonry ascribe to him . He was induced by Ptolomy Soter to take up his residence in Egypt ,
where he formed a school or Lodge of Masonry . He is said by our traditions to have been Senior Grand Warden to Grand Master Ptolemy Soter , and during the courso of his valuable life , digested geometry into so perfect a form , that little improvement has been made upon it to the present day , "
"Why is that beautiful and ancient Roman emblem , which St . Paul so well knew how to appropriate in one of his most sublimo addresses , to bo degraded by its connection with a
narration disgusting to listen to , humiliating to repeat ? Hero is tho beginning , Leeture II . Section 3 : — "At that time thero lived a man of note , whoso name was
Gilead , who had many sons , and one in particular he had by a concubine , whom ho called Jophtha . " " Gilead dying , aud his sons growing up , they expelled Jcphtha
from his father ' s house , saying , ' thinkest thon , tho son of a bondwoman , to inherit with us who are frecborn p' " " Jcphtha being thus unworthily treated iu his native country ,
and being of a bold and daring spirit , resolved to try his fortuno in a foreign ono , he therefore repaired to tho land of Tob , whence he made incursions into the neighbouring Gentile nations ,
often returning laden with rich spoil . " After a life of freebooting and slaughter , he finally terminates his career by " the plunder of twenty Ammonitish cities . "
"I must ngam call attention to tho symbol which is pretended to be illustrated by tho tale of Jephtha . They have , and can have , no connection whatever , and as to any tradition upon tho subject , it is simply absurd . Talk
of allegory indeed ! I know tho pain and mortification it has often subjected mo to , in feeling compelled to listen to such au outrage upon common sense . "
" Another expressivo symbol dates its origin from a period anterior to the building of tho temple . It is an ear of coru placed on tho banks of tho running stream . This emblem conveys a
valuable lesson on tho dispensation of Providence in supplying the necessary plenty of food for tho sustenance of his creatures ; thus displaying tho Great Architect of the Universe in tho
exercise of Mercy ; ' doing good , as the great appstlo of the Gentiles beautifully expresses ; it , 'giving us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons ; filling onr hearts with food and gladness . ' This
emblem adds grace and dignity to tho Masonic . system , whether it bo referred to the Divine beneficence , or the recurrence in thclmtory of Jeph . ha . " " This famous warrior waa tho
natural sou of Gilead ; and having boon ejected from his father ' s house by his legitimate brothers , ho took up liia residence in the land of Tob . When the brethren of Jcphtha refused him his
portion of tho inheritance , ho became tho captain of a baud of robbers , which was so far from dishonouring him , that the people of Gilead unanimously chose him for their prince ; and we
find him hesitating whether he should do his country tho favour of accepting that office , or stiii abide by his former profession . Before his time , Abimelech , a sou of Gideon , the judge , had made his fortune in tho same maimer ,
heading tho men of Sichciu iu their doptvdatknis . In liko manner , when David fled before Saul , a number of unfortuuiito persona . jniiied hk . i ; aud tiioy Jived bv commit ; ing depredations ou those with whom tho Israelites worn
at enmity . How far this was lawlul , I do not now enquire s * It is sufficient for my purpose to show that tho unships itseix was highly honourable . " "Much injury may arise from tho smallest deviation in the ceremony of initiation , or in tho lectures of instruction . We read iu tho book of Judges , that tho transposition , of a single point oyer the . Sheen , in coasequence of a national defect ; among
The Two Doctors.
tho Ephraimitos , designated the cowans , and led to the slaughter of 40 , 000 mon . " Whioh 13 Correct ? Youra fraternally JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z . Clapham , 23 rd October 1876 .
A Missing Case And Jewels.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . 301 Strand , W . C , 1 st Nov . 1876 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —At installation meeting of Chancer Lodge last Wednesday , at Bro . Spence ' s , Bridge House Hotel , my case , with my
name aud Lodgo ( Doraatic , No . 177 ) written thereon , and containing two collars , ono with silver jewel of S . W ., with " Domatio , 177 , " engravod thereon , was taken by a brother , in mistake . If said brother will return same to me at Domatio Lodge , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , or at my office as above , ho will greatly oblige . Yours fraternally , JAS . WILLING . JUN ., P . M . 1507 . S . W . 177 .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
A MOVEABLE Grand Lodge of M . M . M . of England and Walea -ii- and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at the New Town Hall , Leicester , under the auspices of Fowko Lodge , No . 19 . The M . W . G . M . M ., the Right Honourable tho Earl of Limerick , presided , and there wore present M . W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal P . G . M ., Bros . Lieut-Gen . J . S . Brownrigg G . J . W . as G . S . W ., and Fred . Davison
G . T . as G . J . W ., Rev . J . S . Brownrigg G . Chaplain and Rev . W . Langley P . G . Ghaplain , J . M . Cunningham Prov . G . M . Sussex , as G . M . O ., John Chadwick P . G . S . O . a 3 G . S . O ., John Wordsworth D . P . G . M . W . Yorkshire as G . J . O ., F . Binckes P . G . W . G . Secretary , J . J . Fast G . I . G ., H . W . Binckes Assistant G . Secretary and Chas Pulman , Clement Strotton , and George Yaxley G . Stewards
with the following G . Officers of the Province , namely , Bros . W Kelly Prov . G . M ., N . James P . G . J . W ., R . Bronghton-Smith P . G . S . O ., Rev . C . Henton Wood P . G . Chaplain , J . M . McAlister P . G . Secretary W . J . RowlettP . G . I . G ., John Hunt , W . Vical , Meadows Prov . G . Stewards , and a strong muster of brethren of Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , Knighs of Malta , No . 30 , Aldershot Military , No . 54 , Bedford , No .
115 , Hansel , No . 116 , St . Peter and St . Paul , No . 163 , Simon de Montfort , No . 19-1 . Tho Grand Lodge having boen opened , and soveral letters of apology for non-attendance having been road , the routino business was transacted aud the Lodge closed . The ceremony of consecrating tho now Lodge , Simon de Montfort , was then procceded with , after which Bro . Barfoot , Mayor of Leicester , W . M .
Designate , was duly installed by the M . W . G . M . M ., who fulfilled his task most impressively . The newly-appointed officers of the Lodge wero thon severally addressed as to tho importance of their respective offices , both in respect of tho Lodge and the Province . Votes of thanks were then passed with acclamation to the M . W-G . M . M ., for his kindness in attending and conducting tho important ceremonies
of tho day , and to Bro . Barfoot , for his great kindness in placing the Council Chamber of tho New Town Hall at the disposal of the brethren . These votes having becu briefly but appropriately acknowledged , Simon do Montfort Lodge was closed with solemn prayer . Tho brethren then adjourned to tho Freemasons' Hall , where an excellent banquet had been prepared . Tho Earl of Limerick presided . On the removal
of tho cloth , the following toasts wero proposed , namely , The Queen and Mark Masonry ; H . R . H . the Princo of Wales aud tho rest of tho Royal Family , with Prince Leopold W . M . elect of University Lodge , No . 55 ; tho M . W . G . M . M . M . the Earl of Limerick , the M . W . G . M . M . M . Lord Leigh , the Earl of Carnarvon , Viscount Holmesdale , W . W . Beach , Rev . G . Raymond Portal , and Earl Percy ; tho D . G . M . M . M .
Lord Skelmersdalc aud the Grand Officers present and past ; the P . G . M . M . Bro . Kelly ; tho D . G . P . M . M . Rev . Bro . Langley P . G . C . and the P . G . Officers present and past ; tho W . M . of the Simon de Montfort Lodge , iS ' o . 191 , aud success to tho Lodgo ; the W . M . of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 ; tho Masonic Institutions and the Mark Benevolent Fund ; the Visitors ; tho Tylers' toast , It is unnecessary to add that each and every of the abovo were very cordially received . In the
interval a number of songs were very effectively given . In fine , the whole of the proceedings throughout tho day passed off most successfully , ai"l thanks aro due to all who took part in them , but especially to tho Grand Master and his Officers , the Prov . Graud Officers , the Master and Brethren of Fowke Lodge , and last but not least , to tho W . M . of the new Lodge , Bro . Barfoot , the highly esteemed Mayor of Leicester .
From the Cape we learn that tlie South African International Exhibition building will be erected in the gardens of the Masonic Lodgo Goede Hoop , adjoining the House of Assembly . The hud has been freel y placed at the disposal of the Committee by the ancient and wealthy Lodge to which ifc belongs .
CLUB HOVSB FLATINO CARDS . —Mogul Quality , picked la 3 d per pack , Ma per dozen pucks . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis per dozen packs . It' by post Hd per pack extra , Cards for Piquet , Beziquo , Ecarte , & c , Mogul Quality iod per pack , 9 s per aozen packs . —London W , W , Horrasj 67 Barbican , E . C