Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article SCIENTIFIC LODGE, No. 840. Page 1 of 1 Article CORINTHIAN LODGE, No. 1382. Page 1 of 1 Article CALLENDEL1 LODGE, No. 1052. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
THE Installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , the 27 th nit ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , and was numerously attended by brethren and visitors . Tlio chair was occupied by tho AV . M ., Bro . Brown , and thero wero also present : —Bros . G . Bnrgo S . AV ., E . AV . Bruine J . AV ., Goodwin Treasurer , E . E . Ferry Secretary , Sim P . M . S . D ., Chick J . D ., Roberts
I . G ., P . M . ' s Bros . A . L . Leins , Carrnthers , C . Daniel , Davoy , Arnold , Chivers , < fco . Tho Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes confirmed . Bro . H . Caton was passed to the second degree in a very perfect manner by tho W . M . Bro . T . E . Bush 451 D . G . P ., of Christchurch , New Zealand , was elected a joining member . The auditors' report was read and adopted . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and
Bro . C . Daniel P . M ., who was elected for tho second timo to fill the chair by tho unanimous votes of the brethren , was inducted into that office by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Brown , in a very perfect , impressive , and solemn manner , in tho presence of twenty AV . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . The enstomary salutations having been given , the W . M . invested his Officers : —Bros . Ferry S . W ., Chicken J . AV ., Goodwin P . M . Treas .,
Brown I . P . M . See , Roberts S . D ., Shadier J . D ., Robinson I . G ., Liens P . M . D . C , Rich Asst . D . C , Wall W . S ., Speight P . M . Tylor . Tho AV . M ., in appointing tho Officers , made some very pertinent remarks . In investing Bro . Ferry as S . W ., he alluded to the able manner in which ho had discharged his duties of Secretary—a manner in every respect to tho satisfaction of [ tho Lodge . Bro . Brown , Treas .,
announced his intention to act as Steward at tho next anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , and ho hoped tho brethren would support him . Bro . Goodwin P . M . proposed that the sum of five guineas bo voted from the Lodge funds , to bo placed on his list , which was carried . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , eighty-two in nnmber , sat down to a sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert ,
provided by Bros . Ritter and Clifford , that gave great satisfaction . Tho AV . M . proposed the nsual loyal and Masonic toasts in very eloquent terms . Bro . Brown I . P . M . then said it was with great pleasure he had to propose tho toast of tho Worshipfnl Master . It conld not he enhanced by any words of his . They had seen how he had performed tho duties of the chair .
On a former occasion , having so ably discharged thoso duties , the brethren had thought fit to elect him for the second timo . He was sure his year of office would be a success second only to the year in which he had previously occupied the chair . Bro . Goodchild very humorously sang the " Spelling Bee . " Tho AV . M ., in reply , thanked tho I . P . M . for tho flattering terms in which he had spoken
of him , and said he intended to do all ho could for thoir comfort in the ensuing year , the same as he did when he previously occupied tho chair . His greatest pleasure would bo to hear , on relinquishing that office , that ho had left it with the approbation of r . U the brethren . The AV . M . then proposed tho toast of the Visitors ; there were about twenty-five present , several of whom were well known in the Craft .
They were honoured ( hat , ni lit with their presence . He would call on Bro . Marks G . M . Lodge No . 1 , Bro . Butt P . M ., and H . AV . 0 . Levy P . M . Bro . Roberts then s ^ ing a very cap ' . tal song . Bros . Marks , Butt , and It . AV . 0 . Levy severally responded , and complimented tho AV . M . on his genial presidency and hospitality , and tho able manner in which the I . P . M . had performed tho ceremony of
installation . Tho AV . M . proposed tho toast of tho I . P . M . Bro . Brown . No ono could have listened to the ceremony of Installation , rendered so impressively , but must have beeu pleased . AVith great pleasure he had to present that worthy Bro . with a P . M . jewel ; in the name of the Lodge , ho placed it on his breast , hoping he might live long to wear it . In addition to that , he had to present a very
elegant gold watch and chain , tho unanimous gift of the brethren to his amiable wife ; and lie was sure she would appreciate it as a present from those by whom her worthy husband was respected . Bro . Clegg sang the next song . Bro . Brown thanked the brethren for the valuable gifts , and fully appreciated their kindness , not only to him , but to his dear wife ; he was proud to rank as a P . M . of the Lodge ,
aud nothing would bo want ing ou his part in that ciyiacity to conduce to the prosperity of tho Lodge . It would bo a pleasant surprise to his wife . The H ' . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . s ; he was pleased at seeing around him so many old and tried friends . They being old made them more valued and respected ; he could not particularlise them , as they were all worthy . I'ro . Arnold P . M .,
in very excellent terms , responded to tho toast proposed by Bros . Leins and Brown . The W . M . then proposed the Masonic Charities . They must not forget theso . He hoped the Lodge would never let a year pass without sending up a Steward . They had Bro . Brown , who had undertaken tho office of Steward ; they should support him , and further all the Charities . Ho coupled with the toast
"Success to the Lodge of Instruction , which was held at Bro . Maidwoll ' s , Leaclenhall-strcet . There good Masonic instruction could be obtained . Bro . Maidwell was present : ho attended to their comforts , nnd all ' orded them instruction ; and Bro . Holland was the Secretary , and all he did was for the good of the Lodge of Instruction . Bros . Maidwell and Holland responded to the toast in very excellent terms .
The AV . M . then proposed tho toast of the Treasurer , Secretary , AVardens , and Oflicers ; he hoped the selection he had made met with their approval . The Officers having severally responded , Bro . Martin gave a very capital recitation of the ' Battle of Waterloo , " after which the Tyler's toast was given ; and the brethren separated .
Among the A'isitors were Bros . D . Moss 1275 , Birch 1051 , Martinet P . M . 217 , Linsry 1 ( 132 , Holland P . M . 1321 , Marsh P . M . I ) , B . Picking P . M . 1327 Into ' Gn , T . Maidwell P . M . 27 , King 27 , Thompson 185 , King P . M . 1227 , Barker ISb'O , Cleirg 1257 Cruikshank 1777 , Rickman WO , Martin No . 1 , D . Reid 115 , Butt 837 , H . AV . 0 . Levy P . M . 188 .
Scientific Lodge, No. 840.
rPIIIE installation ceremony was hold at the Victoria Hotel , L AVolvertou , on Monday 17 th ult . Bro . A . Culverhouse was duly installed AV . M ., the ceremony of installation being ably performed by Bro . R . Hales , P . l ' . J . G . AV . Tho newly-installed AV . M . then proceeded to invest his Officers as follow : —Bro . Largo S . W ., Bro . Fady J . AV ., Bro . Longstaff S . D ., Bro . AVado J . D ., Bro . Mackey I . G ., Bro . Hamilton Steward , and Bro . Bonser Tyler . Tho business ended , tho
members adjourned to the banqueting room , where the arrangements were carried out with much taste , indicating that nothing conld bo wanting on tho part of Bro . Hicks and his staff of assistants to make tho banquet a success . Tho menu was excellent , well prepared , and included somo very choice and dainty dishes . Tho catering was simply perfection , and as a consequence was thoroughly appreciated
by the largo number of brethren present . About 48 sat down to the repast , including the AV . M . elect and his Officers , Bro . E . Cox , P . P . G . S . AV ., Northants and Hunts ; Bro . Jacob and Bro . Simmons , North , ants aud Hunts : Bro . J . M'Cnbbin , P . J . G . AV ., Berks aud Bucks ; Bro . R . Hales , P . l' . J . G . AV ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . tho Rev . F . AV . Harnett , P . P . G . C , Berks and Bucks ; Bro . R . King , P . P . G . S . B ., Berks
and Bucks ; Bro . C . Aveline , P . P . G . D . C , Berks and Bucks ; Bro . AV . H . Robinson , P . P . G . P ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . J . Reeve , P . P . G . S . B ., Berks aud Bucks ; Bro . E . Revill , P . G . P ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . Elmes , AV . M ., AVatling Street Lodge , Stony Stratford ; Bro . J . R . AVilmor , W . M ., SS . Peter and Paul's Lodgo , Newport Pagnell , & c , & c . Tho toasts of" Tho Queen and Craft , " " Tho Grand Master , His
Royal Highness tho Prince of AVales , " " The Earls of Carnarvon and Skelmersdale , and the other Grand Officers , " "The Right Worshipful the Provincial Graud Master of Berks and Bucks , Sir Daniel Gooch , " aud" The Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " were duly honoured , the latter being coupled with the name of Bro . M'Cubbin , who suitably acknowledged the compliment . —Tho Rev . F . AV . Harnett said
ho rose to perform a very pleasing dnty—to lay down his work and give it to his neighbour . They had installed Bro . A . Culverhouse in the chair , and from what he and they knew of him , he was quite sure he would wisely perform the duties appertaining to that office . He had great regard for Bro . Culverhouse as a man ; for his disposition , aud for his constant attention to everything that belonged to the
things of this life . He believed him to be a most fitting person to bo at tho head of a Freemasons' Lodge , and therefore in proposing his health would ask them to wish him prosperity , health , happiness and success . —The toast was well received and heartily responded to . — The AV . M ., in reply , thanked the immediate P . M ., the Rev . F . W . Harnett , for the very kind way in which he had mentioned his name ,
although he thought too many kind things had been said abont him . The remarks , however , would encourage him to further zeal in promoting the business connected with the Lodge . He was glad to have secured their good opinion that eveniug , and hoped at the end of his year of office he might still merit the same opinion . He know thero was a large amount of work to do , but ho felt secure in tho
knowledge that the elected Officers would render him every assistance in their power , aud if occasion required the P . M . ' s would willingly help him through his duties ; and as " One good turn deserves another , " he could not do better than propose his health . This ho did most heartily , for he was sure Bro . Harnett had done much to render "The Scientific Lodge" a successful one ; and aa a small token of
respect , esteem , aud love in which ho was held by tho Lodgo , ho would present him with a Past Master ' s Jewel . —Tho Rev . Bro . briefly replied , and alluded to the importance of Masonry in general . —Tho toast of" Tho Visitors" was given , and replied toby Bro . J . R . AVilmer , AV . M . —The AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . 11 . Hales , aud spoke in eulogistic terms of his ability as a Mason , aud cordially
thanked him for tho important assistance ho had rendered iu the day ' s proceedings . — Bro . Hales briefly responded . " The Masonic Charities" was given , coupled with the name of Bro . E . Cox , who made a lengthy speech in behalf of thoso valuable institutions , which had made such important and useful progress during the last few years . — Harmony was then the order of tho evening , which was thoroughly enjoyed . —Croydon ' s Weekly Standard .
Corinthian Lodge, No. 1382.
rnilL installation of the AV . M . Bro . J . Delves , took place at tho -L Georgo Hotel , Millwall Dock , on Wednesday , the lu ' th March . Bro . Spelt was raised to tho sublime degree of a M . M ., after which the installing of AV . M . was proceeded with . Bro . B . Carter , of Stratford , performed the ceremony , and did so in such an efficient maimer that it called forth the unanimous ettlogiums of the P . M . ' s and brethren . The Otlicers appointed were as follows : —Bros .
Hodges S . AV ., W . Millington J . AV ., Shabloo P . M . Chaplain , Carnelly P . M . Treas ., Smith P . M . Sec , E . Deacon S . D ., AVhalley J . D ., Stapleton I . G ., Bennett P . M . D . C , Lcscrell W . S ., Millctt Organist , W . Shyes P . M . Tyler . The banquet was placed upon tho table by Bro . host Clark in a manner that reflected tho highest credit on his ciiteiing . The toasts wero given in rapid succession , in consequence
of the lateness of the hour . The replies wero concise and pointed . After a very happy and harmonious meeting , the Tyler ' s toast closed this , auspicious mooting . Bro . M . Sherwin Organist 1070 , 1172 and others , presided ut tho harmonium during the ceremony , and accompanied on tho pianoforte during tho convivial proceedings of the cveniiiLr .
Callendel1 Lodge, No. 1052.
CALLENDEL 1 LODGE , No . 1052 .
r PHE regular monthly meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , -L Cooper . street , Manchester , ou Tuesday , the 18 th ult . Present --Bros . W . Slade AV . M ., . Samuel Davies I . P . M ., Arthur Hincs S . AV ., Samuel AVarburton J . VV ., C M . Booth Secretary , R . E . Johnson P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
THE Installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , the 27 th nit ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , and was numerously attended by brethren and visitors . Tlio chair was occupied by tho AV . M ., Bro . Brown , and thero wero also present : —Bros . G . Bnrgo S . AV ., E . AV . Bruine J . AV ., Goodwin Treasurer , E . E . Ferry Secretary , Sim P . M . S . D ., Chick J . D ., Roberts
I . G ., P . M . ' s Bros . A . L . Leins , Carrnthers , C . Daniel , Davoy , Arnold , Chivers , < fco . Tho Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes confirmed . Bro . H . Caton was passed to the second degree in a very perfect manner by tho W . M . Bro . T . E . Bush 451 D . G . P ., of Christchurch , New Zealand , was elected a joining member . The auditors' report was read and adopted . A board of Installed Masters was opened , and
Bro . C . Daniel P . M ., who was elected for tho second timo to fill the chair by tho unanimous votes of the brethren , was inducted into that office by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Brown , in a very perfect , impressive , and solemn manner , in tho presence of twenty AV . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . The enstomary salutations having been given , the W . M . invested his Officers : —Bros . Ferry S . W ., Chicken J . AV ., Goodwin P . M . Treas .,
Brown I . P . M . See , Roberts S . D ., Shadier J . D ., Robinson I . G ., Liens P . M . D . C , Rich Asst . D . C , Wall W . S ., Speight P . M . Tylor . Tho AV . M ., in appointing tho Officers , made some very pertinent remarks . In investing Bro . Ferry as S . W ., he alluded to the able manner in which ho had discharged his duties of Secretary—a manner in every respect to tho satisfaction of [ tho Lodge . Bro . Brown , Treas .,
announced his intention to act as Steward at tho next anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , and ho hoped tho brethren would support him . Bro . Goodwin P . M . proposed that the sum of five guineas bo voted from the Lodge funds , to bo placed on his list , which was carried . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , eighty-two in nnmber , sat down to a sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert ,
provided by Bros . Ritter and Clifford , that gave great satisfaction . Tho AV . M . proposed the nsual loyal and Masonic toasts in very eloquent terms . Bro . Brown I . P . M . then said it was with great pleasure he had to propose tho toast of tho Worshipfnl Master . It conld not he enhanced by any words of his . They had seen how he had performed tho duties of the chair .
On a former occasion , having so ably discharged thoso duties , the brethren had thought fit to elect him for the second timo . He was sure his year of office would be a success second only to the year in which he had previously occupied the chair . Bro . Goodchild very humorously sang the " Spelling Bee . " Tho AV . M ., in reply , thanked tho I . P . M . for tho flattering terms in which he had spoken
of him , and said he intended to do all ho could for thoir comfort in the ensuing year , the same as he did when he previously occupied tho chair . His greatest pleasure would bo to hear , on relinquishing that office , that ho had left it with the approbation of r . U the brethren . The AV . M . then proposed tho toast of the Visitors ; there were about twenty-five present , several of whom were well known in the Craft .
They were honoured ( hat , ni lit with their presence . He would call on Bro . Marks G . M . Lodge No . 1 , Bro . Butt P . M ., and H . AV . 0 . Levy P . M . Bro . Roberts then s ^ ing a very cap ' . tal song . Bros . Marks , Butt , and It . AV . 0 . Levy severally responded , and complimented tho AV . M . on his genial presidency and hospitality , and tho able manner in which the I . P . M . had performed tho ceremony of
installation . Tho AV . M . proposed tho toast of tho I . P . M . Bro . Brown . No ono could have listened to the ceremony of Installation , rendered so impressively , but must have beeu pleased . AVith great pleasure he had to present that worthy Bro . with a P . M . jewel ; in the name of the Lodge , ho placed it on his breast , hoping he might live long to wear it . In addition to that , he had to present a very
elegant gold watch and chain , tho unanimous gift of the brethren to his amiable wife ; and lie was sure she would appreciate it as a present from those by whom her worthy husband was respected . Bro . Clegg sang the next song . Bro . Brown thanked the brethren for the valuable gifts , and fully appreciated their kindness , not only to him , but to his dear wife ; he was proud to rank as a P . M . of the Lodge ,
aud nothing would bo want ing ou his part in that ciyiacity to conduce to the prosperity of tho Lodge . It would bo a pleasant surprise to his wife . The H ' . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . s ; he was pleased at seeing around him so many old and tried friends . They being old made them more valued and respected ; he could not particularlise them , as they were all worthy . I'ro . Arnold P . M .,
in very excellent terms , responded to tho toast proposed by Bros . Leins and Brown . The W . M . then proposed the Masonic Charities . They must not forget theso . He hoped the Lodge would never let a year pass without sending up a Steward . They had Bro . Brown , who had undertaken tho office of Steward ; they should support him , and further all the Charities . Ho coupled with the toast
"Success to the Lodge of Instruction , which was held at Bro . Maidwoll ' s , Leaclenhall-strcet . There good Masonic instruction could be obtained . Bro . Maidwell was present : ho attended to their comforts , nnd all ' orded them instruction ; and Bro . Holland was the Secretary , and all he did was for the good of the Lodge of Instruction . Bros . Maidwell and Holland responded to the toast in very excellent terms .
The AV . M . then proposed tho toast of the Treasurer , Secretary , AVardens , and Oflicers ; he hoped the selection he had made met with their approval . The Officers having severally responded , Bro . Martin gave a very capital recitation of the ' Battle of Waterloo , " after which the Tyler's toast was given ; and the brethren separated .
Among the A'isitors were Bros . D . Moss 1275 , Birch 1051 , Martinet P . M . 217 , Linsry 1 ( 132 , Holland P . M . 1321 , Marsh P . M . I ) , B . Picking P . M . 1327 Into ' Gn , T . Maidwell P . M . 27 , King 27 , Thompson 185 , King P . M . 1227 , Barker ISb'O , Cleirg 1257 Cruikshank 1777 , Rickman WO , Martin No . 1 , D . Reid 115 , Butt 837 , H . AV . 0 . Levy P . M . 188 .
Scientific Lodge, No. 840.
rPIIIE installation ceremony was hold at the Victoria Hotel , L AVolvertou , on Monday 17 th ult . Bro . A . Culverhouse was duly installed AV . M ., the ceremony of installation being ably performed by Bro . R . Hales , P . l ' . J . G . AV . Tho newly-installed AV . M . then proceeded to invest his Officers as follow : —Bro . Largo S . W ., Bro . Fady J . AV ., Bro . Longstaff S . D ., Bro . AVado J . D ., Bro . Mackey I . G ., Bro . Hamilton Steward , and Bro . Bonser Tyler . Tho business ended , tho
members adjourned to the banqueting room , where the arrangements were carried out with much taste , indicating that nothing conld bo wanting on tho part of Bro . Hicks and his staff of assistants to make tho banquet a success . Tho menu was excellent , well prepared , and included somo very choice and dainty dishes . Tho catering was simply perfection , and as a consequence was thoroughly appreciated
by the largo number of brethren present . About 48 sat down to the repast , including the AV . M . elect and his Officers , Bro . E . Cox , P . P . G . S . AV ., Northants and Hunts ; Bro . Jacob and Bro . Simmons , North , ants aud Hunts : Bro . J . M'Cnbbin , P . J . G . AV ., Berks aud Bucks ; Bro . R . Hales , P . l' . J . G . AV ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . tho Rev . F . AV . Harnett , P . P . G . C , Berks and Bucks ; Bro . R . King , P . P . G . S . B ., Berks
and Bucks ; Bro . C . Aveline , P . P . G . D . C , Berks and Bucks ; Bro . AV . H . Robinson , P . P . G . P ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . J . Reeve , P . P . G . S . B ., Berks aud Bucks ; Bro . E . Revill , P . G . P ., Berks and Bucks ; Bro . Elmes , AV . M ., AVatling Street Lodge , Stony Stratford ; Bro . J . R . AVilmor , W . M ., SS . Peter and Paul's Lodgo , Newport Pagnell , & c , & c . Tho toasts of" Tho Queen and Craft , " " Tho Grand Master , His
Royal Highness tho Prince of AVales , " " The Earls of Carnarvon and Skelmersdale , and the other Grand Officers , " "The Right Worshipful the Provincial Graud Master of Berks and Bucks , Sir Daniel Gooch , " aud" The Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " were duly honoured , the latter being coupled with the name of Bro . M'Cubbin , who suitably acknowledged the compliment . —Tho Rev . F . AV . Harnett said
ho rose to perform a very pleasing dnty—to lay down his work and give it to his neighbour . They had installed Bro . A . Culverhouse in the chair , and from what he and they knew of him , he was quite sure he would wisely perform the duties appertaining to that office . He had great regard for Bro . Culverhouse as a man ; for his disposition , aud for his constant attention to everything that belonged to the
things of this life . He believed him to be a most fitting person to bo at tho head of a Freemasons' Lodge , and therefore in proposing his health would ask them to wish him prosperity , health , happiness and success . —The toast was well received and heartily responded to . — The AV . M ., in reply , thanked the immediate P . M ., the Rev . F . W . Harnett , for the very kind way in which he had mentioned his name ,
although he thought too many kind things had been said abont him . The remarks , however , would encourage him to further zeal in promoting the business connected with the Lodge . He was glad to have secured their good opinion that eveniug , and hoped at the end of his year of office he might still merit the same opinion . He know thero was a large amount of work to do , but ho felt secure in tho
knowledge that the elected Officers would render him every assistance in their power , aud if occasion required the P . M . ' s would willingly help him through his duties ; and as " One good turn deserves another , " he could not do better than propose his health . This ho did most heartily , for he was sure Bro . Harnett had done much to render "The Scientific Lodge" a successful one ; and aa a small token of
respect , esteem , aud love in which ho was held by tho Lodgo , ho would present him with a Past Master ' s Jewel . —Tho Rev . Bro . briefly replied , and alluded to the importance of Masonry in general . —Tho toast of" Tho Visitors" was given , and replied toby Bro . J . R . AVilmer , AV . M . —The AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . 11 . Hales , aud spoke in eulogistic terms of his ability as a Mason , aud cordially
thanked him for tho important assistance ho had rendered iu the day ' s proceedings . — Bro . Hales briefly responded . " The Masonic Charities" was given , coupled with the name of Bro . E . Cox , who made a lengthy speech in behalf of thoso valuable institutions , which had made such important and useful progress during the last few years . — Harmony was then the order of tho evening , which was thoroughly enjoyed . —Croydon ' s Weekly Standard .
Corinthian Lodge, No. 1382.
rnilL installation of the AV . M . Bro . J . Delves , took place at tho -L Georgo Hotel , Millwall Dock , on Wednesday , the lu ' th March . Bro . Spelt was raised to tho sublime degree of a M . M ., after which the installing of AV . M . was proceeded with . Bro . B . Carter , of Stratford , performed the ceremony , and did so in such an efficient maimer that it called forth the unanimous ettlogiums of the P . M . ' s and brethren . The Otlicers appointed were as follows : —Bros .
Hodges S . AV ., W . Millington J . AV ., Shabloo P . M . Chaplain , Carnelly P . M . Treas ., Smith P . M . Sec , E . Deacon S . D ., AVhalley J . D ., Stapleton I . G ., Bennett P . M . D . C , Lcscrell W . S ., Millctt Organist , W . Shyes P . M . Tyler . The banquet was placed upon tho table by Bro . host Clark in a manner that reflected tho highest credit on his ciiteiing . The toasts wero given in rapid succession , in consequence
of the lateness of the hour . The replies wero concise and pointed . After a very happy and harmonious meeting , the Tyler ' s toast closed this , auspicious mooting . Bro . M . Sherwin Organist 1070 , 1172 and others , presided ut tho harmonium during the ceremony , and accompanied on tho pianoforte during tho convivial proceedings of the cveniiiLr .
Callendel1 Lodge, No. 1052.
CALLENDEL 1 LODGE , No . 1052 .
r PHE regular monthly meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , -L Cooper . street , Manchester , ou Tuesday , the 18 th ult . Present --Bros . W . Slade AV . M ., . Samuel Davies I . P . M ., Arthur Hincs S . AV ., Samuel AVarburton J . VV ., C M . Booth Secretary , R . E . Johnson P . M .