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De Grey And Ripon Lodge, No. 1161.
present Officers of the Lodge exhibited , indicated that tho members would have good and ablo Masters for years to come . He wished tho Lodge every prosperity . Bro . Greenwood aga ' n favoured the brethren with a selection , but in consequence of tho lateness of the hour , and the knowledge that time and trains will wait for no man , we had to forego the pleasure of sitting it out , and are debarred tho gratification of recording the replies io the last toast .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No 27 . —A meeting was held 27 th March afc the AVhite Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . Brown W . M ., Cox S . W ., AVatterton J . AV ., Isaac Treas ., Bond See ., Timothy S . D ., Ball J . D ., Field I . G ., Stuart , Chalkley , AVhiting . Tho ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . Brown candidate . First , second , and third sections worked , tho S . W . wns elected AV . M . forj following meeting . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the last Thursday in April , Bro . Stuart AV . M .
Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . —Duke ' s Head , Whitechape . ' -road . At the usual meeting of this Lodgo , on the 21 st ult ., Bro . J . Taylor occupied the chair ; Bros . West S . AV ., Forss J . AV ., Job S . D ., Webb J . D ., McDonald I . G .. Thoro were present also Bros . Goldstein , Richmond , Friedeberg , Stephens , and Past Masters
Barnes , Cundick Preceptor , and Wm . Musto Hon . Sec . Lodge was duly opened and advanced ; the ceremony of raising wns worked , Bro . Richmond candidate . Lodgo was closed to tho second degree , and the W . M . worked the first and second sections of the lecture , ably assisted by the brethren . Bro . AVest was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Friday evening , and Lodge was closed .
Friars Lodge , No . 1349 . —The regular meeting was held at the Cheshire Cheese , Crntcbed-friars , E . C , on 19 th March . Lodge was opened by AV . M . Bro . T . Foxall , assisted hy Bros . J . Calverley I . P . M ., J . Shepherd S . W ., H . R . Hallam J . W ., AV . Musto P . M . Treas ., W . Hogg P . M . Sec , R . Dnrell S . D ., H . L . Godolphin I . G ., E . B . Burr W . S ., I . Allison , I . Revel , J . Wright P . G . P ., G . Spencer , I . Ouiucey ,
S . G . Sharpe , Sadd , T . H . AVilhams , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Friedeberg having answered the nsual questions for passing , was entrusted , after which tho W . M . passed him to the second degree in a very finished manner . The Lodgo then proceeded to ballot for the W . M . for the next year , the result proving unanimously in favour of the S . W . Bro . I .
Shepherd , who returned thanks for this mark of esteem . Bro . AV . Musto P . M . was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and the Tyler , Bro . Steedman , was also re-elected . An Audit Committee was appointed , consisting of Bros . Sadd , Revel , and Spencer . The gentleman whose name was down to be initiated not being present , the Lodge was closed , nnd the brethren partook of refreshment , provided by Bro .
J . Wright , the worthy host . Upon the removal of the cloth , the AV . M . introduced the toast of Her Majesty tho Queen and tbe Croft , which was heartily received . In proposing the M . W . G . M ., the W . M . reviewed tho prosperity of the Craft during tho govern , ment of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , giving the M . W . G . M . great credit for the care he bestowed in granting new Lodge AVarrants
nnd for his interest in tho Craft generally . The next toast , tho Pro G . M ., D . G . M ., and other G . L . Officers , was heartily received , and coupled with the name of Bro . J . AVright P . G . P ., who briefly returned thanks . The Visitors was proposed next , the W . M . giving a hearty welcome , and expressing tho pleasure the Lodge derived from having visitors . Bro . P . Rose Innes 1261 , having replied , Bro .
AV . Musto P . M ., rose to propose the health of the AV . M , In doing so , he expressed his appreciation of tho excellent working AV . M ., and ascribed to him the credit of having imparted much Masonic knowledge , for which he ( Bro . Musto ) was very grateful . Ho hoped tho AV . M . waa pleased with hia pupil . Tho W . M . having replied ,
the toast of tho Past Masters was given and responded to by Bros . Musto and Hogg Sec , in suitable terms . The Masonic Press was next given , to which Bro . G . H . Stephens responded . The evening ' s proceedings were interspersed with songs and recitations . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought a very cheerful meeting to a close .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — Held at Masons' Hall Tavern , ¦ E . G ., on Thursday , 27 th March , Bros . Poore P . M . AV . M ., Blackie S . W ., Goodman J . W ., Rush I . G ., and several other brethren , membera of the Lodge . The Lod"e was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of thi previous meeting were read and confirmed . This being the night for rehearsal of the Ceremony of Installation , the Lodgo waa opened in
the second degree , and Bro . Blackie was presented as acting AV . M . elect . The ceremony was given by Bro . Poore in ; his usually perfect ancl impressive manner . The Lodgo was afterwi rds closed down , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . W Bertram acting as candidate . A vote of thanks was unanimous !; passed to Bro . Poore for [ acting as Installing Master , in place of Bro . Saul , who was prevented by illness from being present .
Boyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 , — A meeting was held on Monday last , at the Masonic Hall , Canterbury , Present—Bros . Blamiers AV . M ., Jeffreys S . W . ^ Miskiu J . W ., E . Beer , Treas ., W . Carter Sec , CoatesS . D ,, Lagden J . D ., E . Beer D . C , Vautier
Steward , Carter I . G ., Ilowarth , & c . 'Lodge opened , andmir . ates were , read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehe , rsed , Bro . Coates candidate . The Lodge was then advanced , and tho ceremony of the degree rehearsed , Bro . Vautier being the candidate . ' 7 ho Lodge was lowered , and closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer .
APRIL ELECTION 1879 . 0 TO THE G-OVEBNOBS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE | lcmal Piismrit | irstitutrajt' far d & k »—The favour of your Votes and Interest ia earnestly and respectfully solicited on behalf of MARY ANN AMELIA WYATT , AGED 9 YEARS . THE Candidate is tho oldest of four orphan children of our late Brother William Patch Wyatt ( both parents died within six months of each other ) , who was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1007 , of which he was Junior Warden at the time of his death . Joined the Lodge of Sincerity , and continued a subscribing member until death . He was a liberal supporter , and a Life Governor of the R . M . B . I . and a Life Subscriber to the Boys' and Girls ' Institutions . The case is recommended hy * Bro . Henry Phythian P . M . ' 1293 , P . P . G . Seo . Middlesex , 432 Strand , W . C . * Bro . Frederick Keilly P . M . 1293 , AV . M . 1597 , Z . 414 , P . G . Treas . Middlesex , Clyde Villa , Rav nsbourno Villa Road , Forest Hill , S . E . Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . J . AV . Herts , Sec . R . M . B . I ., & c , & c . Bro . Chas . Lacey P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 174 , 1327 , 1421 , 1625 , & o . & o . Bro . Chas . J . Perceval V . P ., 174 , S . AV . 1607 . Bro . G . H . Seddon W . M . 174 . Bro . R . H . Blatchford AV . M . 1196 . Bro . Japheth Tickle AV . M . 1702 , P . M . 1196 . Bro . John Appleby P . M . 174 . Bro . Frederick Brown S . D . 174 , P . M . 1607 . Bro . G . J . Billiard 1607 , P . M . 174 . Bro . E . G . Legge Treas . 1607 , P . M . 1196 . Bro . Chas . Hawksley J . D . 1196 , S . W . 1702 . Bro . J . S . Fraser J . D . 174 . * Bro . A . H . Brown I . G . 174 , 4 Tomlins Grove , Bow , E . * Bro . A . AVyatt 1293 , 10 St . Benet Place , Gracechurch Street , E . C . * Bro . C II . AVebb 1196 , S . AV . 174 , AV . M . 1607 , 3 AVharf Road , Cubitt Town , E . Brethren marked thus * will thankfully receive proxies . Proxies for Boys' School and R . M . B . Institution available for exchange .
APRIL ELECTION . Itrrmil ]! $ t \ mxu r ^ mtxtxitwix for $ tik The favour of your Votea and Interest is earnestly solicited for FLORENCE LIZZIE DUCKETT , AGED 8 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS . Daughter of the late Richard Dent Duckett , who died suddenly on the 26 th of June last . Bro . Duckett , who followed the avocation of reporter , journalist , and shorthand writer , was for twelve years , and until his death , on the staff of the " Standard " newspaper . At his death he left six children , five of them dependent on his Widow , with no means of support , beyond her own exertions . The ease is fttrongly i-cconimeiHled by THE MEMBERS OF THE STJPBEME COUKrCIL 33 ° VICEPATHONS . Sir Edward AVatkin , M . P ., Chairman of the South Eastern Railway . AV . . T . R . Cotton , Esq ., M . P . ( Alderman ! , St . Mary Axe . W . H . Mudford , Esq ., Editor of the " Standard . " Georgo Kenning , Esq ., Proprietor of tho " Freemason , " 198 Fleet Street . G . R . Bengough , Esq ., 370 Brixton Road . Licut .-ColoQDl Creaton , Union Club , Trafalgar Square , "W . Rev . Richard Morris , LL . D ., Head Master R . M . I , for Boj-s , AVood Greon , Dr . Pinder , Terrace House , Camberwell Green . M . Bennett , Esq ., 38 Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . John Faulkner , Esq ., 2 Foster Lane , E . G . * John While , Esq ., 135 Loughborough Road , Brixton , S . AV . * Mr . H . Massey , 93 Chancery Lane . * John Ponler , Esq ., 05 Cannon Street Road . * W . AVallford , Esq ., M . R . C . S ., 1 C 9 Aldersgate Street . * These Gentlemen will thankfully receive Pro . cies , which may also be sent to tho Secretary , and to Mrs . Duckett , 1 Komerton Eoad , Heme Hill Road , S . AV .
NOTICE . —BACK OTMBEKS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
De Grey And Ripon Lodge, No. 1161.
present Officers of the Lodge exhibited , indicated that tho members would have good and ablo Masters for years to come . He wished tho Lodge every prosperity . Bro . Greenwood aga ' n favoured the brethren with a selection , but in consequence of tho lateness of the hour , and the knowledge that time and trains will wait for no man , we had to forego the pleasure of sitting it out , and are debarred tho gratification of recording the replies io the last toast .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No 27 . —A meeting was held 27 th March afc the AVhite Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . Brown W . M ., Cox S . W ., AVatterton J . AV ., Isaac Treas ., Bond See ., Timothy S . D ., Ball J . D ., Field I . G ., Stuart , Chalkley , AVhiting . Tho ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . Brown candidate . First , second , and third sections worked , tho S . W . wns elected AV . M . forj following meeting . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the last Thursday in April , Bro . Stuart AV . M .
Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 . —Duke ' s Head , Whitechape . ' -road . At the usual meeting of this Lodgo , on the 21 st ult ., Bro . J . Taylor occupied the chair ; Bros . West S . AV ., Forss J . AV ., Job S . D ., Webb J . D ., McDonald I . G .. Thoro were present also Bros . Goldstein , Richmond , Friedeberg , Stephens , and Past Masters
Barnes , Cundick Preceptor , and Wm . Musto Hon . Sec . Lodge was duly opened and advanced ; the ceremony of raising wns worked , Bro . Richmond candidate . Lodgo was closed to tho second degree , and the W . M . worked the first and second sections of the lecture , ably assisted by the brethren . Bro . AVest was elected AV . M . for the ensuing Friday evening , and Lodge was closed .
Friars Lodge , No . 1349 . —The regular meeting was held at the Cheshire Cheese , Crntcbed-friars , E . C , on 19 th March . Lodge was opened by AV . M . Bro . T . Foxall , assisted hy Bros . J . Calverley I . P . M ., J . Shepherd S . W ., H . R . Hallam J . W ., AV . Musto P . M . Treas ., W . Hogg P . M . Sec , R . Dnrell S . D ., H . L . Godolphin I . G ., E . B . Burr W . S ., I . Allison , I . Revel , J . Wright P . G . P ., G . Spencer , I . Ouiucey ,
S . G . Sharpe , Sadd , T . H . AVilhams , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Friedeberg having answered the nsual questions for passing , was entrusted , after which tho W . M . passed him to the second degree in a very finished manner . The Lodgo then proceeded to ballot for the W . M . for the next year , the result proving unanimously in favour of the S . W . Bro . I .
Shepherd , who returned thanks for this mark of esteem . Bro . AV . Musto P . M . was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and the Tyler , Bro . Steedman , was also re-elected . An Audit Committee was appointed , consisting of Bros . Sadd , Revel , and Spencer . The gentleman whose name was down to be initiated not being present , the Lodge was closed , nnd the brethren partook of refreshment , provided by Bro .
J . Wright , the worthy host . Upon the removal of the cloth , the AV . M . introduced the toast of Her Majesty tho Queen and tbe Croft , which was heartily received . In proposing the M . W . G . M ., the W . M . reviewed tho prosperity of the Craft during tho govern , ment of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , giving the M . W . G . M . great credit for the care he bestowed in granting new Lodge AVarrants
nnd for his interest in tho Craft generally . The next toast , tho Pro G . M ., D . G . M ., and other G . L . Officers , was heartily received , and coupled with the name of Bro . J . AVright P . G . P ., who briefly returned thanks . The Visitors was proposed next , the W . M . giving a hearty welcome , and expressing tho pleasure the Lodge derived from having visitors . Bro . P . Rose Innes 1261 , having replied , Bro .
AV . Musto P . M ., rose to propose the health of the AV . M , In doing so , he expressed his appreciation of tho excellent working AV . M ., and ascribed to him the credit of having imparted much Masonic knowledge , for which he ( Bro . Musto ) was very grateful . Ho hoped tho AV . M . waa pleased with hia pupil . Tho W . M . having replied ,
the toast of tho Past Masters was given and responded to by Bros . Musto and Hogg Sec , in suitable terms . The Masonic Press was next given , to which Bro . G . H . Stephens responded . The evening ' s proceedings were interspersed with songs and recitations . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought a very cheerful meeting to a close .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — Held at Masons' Hall Tavern , ¦ E . G ., on Thursday , 27 th March , Bros . Poore P . M . AV . M ., Blackie S . W ., Goodman J . W ., Rush I . G ., and several other brethren , membera of the Lodge . The Lod"e was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of thi previous meeting were read and confirmed . This being the night for rehearsal of the Ceremony of Installation , the Lodgo waa opened in
the second degree , and Bro . Blackie was presented as acting AV . M . elect . The ceremony was given by Bro . Poore in ; his usually perfect ancl impressive manner . The Lodgo was afterwi rds closed down , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . W Bertram acting as candidate . A vote of thanks was unanimous !; passed to Bro . Poore for [ acting as Installing Master , in place of Bro . Saul , who was prevented by illness from being present .
Boyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 , — A meeting was held on Monday last , at the Masonic Hall , Canterbury , Present—Bros . Blamiers AV . M ., Jeffreys S . W . ^ Miskiu J . W ., E . Beer , Treas ., W . Carter Sec , CoatesS . D ,, Lagden J . D ., E . Beer D . C , Vautier
Steward , Carter I . G ., Ilowarth , & c . 'Lodge opened , andmir . ates were , read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehe , rsed , Bro . Coates candidate . The Lodge was then advanced , and tho ceremony of the degree rehearsed , Bro . Vautier being the candidate . ' 7 ho Lodge was lowered , and closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer .
APRIL ELECTION 1879 . 0 TO THE G-OVEBNOBS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE | lcmal Piismrit | irstitutrajt' far d & k »—The favour of your Votes and Interest ia earnestly and respectfully solicited on behalf of MARY ANN AMELIA WYATT , AGED 9 YEARS . THE Candidate is tho oldest of four orphan children of our late Brother William Patch Wyatt ( both parents died within six months of each other ) , who was initiated in the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1007 , of which he was Junior Warden at the time of his death . Joined the Lodge of Sincerity , and continued a subscribing member until death . He was a liberal supporter , and a Life Governor of the R . M . B . I . and a Life Subscriber to the Boys' and Girls ' Institutions . The case is recommended hy * Bro . Henry Phythian P . M . ' 1293 , P . P . G . Seo . Middlesex , 432 Strand , W . C . * Bro . Frederick Keilly P . M . 1293 , AV . M . 1597 , Z . 414 , P . G . Treas . Middlesex , Clyde Villa , Rav nsbourno Villa Road , Forest Hill , S . E . Bro . Jas . Terry P . G . J . AV . Herts , Sec . R . M . B . I ., & c , & c . Bro . Chas . Lacey P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 174 , 1327 , 1421 , 1625 , & o . & o . Bro . Chas . J . Perceval V . P ., 174 , S . AV . 1607 . Bro . G . H . Seddon W . M . 174 . Bro . R . H . Blatchford AV . M . 1196 . Bro . Japheth Tickle AV . M . 1702 , P . M . 1196 . Bro . John Appleby P . M . 174 . Bro . Frederick Brown S . D . 174 , P . M . 1607 . Bro . G . J . Billiard 1607 , P . M . 174 . Bro . E . G . Legge Treas . 1607 , P . M . 1196 . Bro . Chas . Hawksley J . D . 1196 , S . W . 1702 . Bro . J . S . Fraser J . D . 174 . * Bro . A . H . Brown I . G . 174 , 4 Tomlins Grove , Bow , E . * Bro . A . AVyatt 1293 , 10 St . Benet Place , Gracechurch Street , E . C . * Bro . C II . AVebb 1196 , S . AV . 174 , AV . M . 1607 , 3 AVharf Road , Cubitt Town , E . Brethren marked thus * will thankfully receive proxies . Proxies for Boys' School and R . M . B . Institution available for exchange .
APRIL ELECTION . Itrrmil ]! $ t \ mxu r ^ mtxtxitwix for $ tik The favour of your Votea and Interest is earnestly solicited for FLORENCE LIZZIE DUCKETT , AGED 8 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS . Daughter of the late Richard Dent Duckett , who died suddenly on the 26 th of June last . Bro . Duckett , who followed the avocation of reporter , journalist , and shorthand writer , was for twelve years , and until his death , on the staff of the " Standard " newspaper . At his death he left six children , five of them dependent on his Widow , with no means of support , beyond her own exertions . The ease is fttrongly i-cconimeiHled by THE MEMBERS OF THE STJPBEME COUKrCIL 33 ° VICEPATHONS . Sir Edward AVatkin , M . P ., Chairman of the South Eastern Railway . AV . . T . R . Cotton , Esq ., M . P . ( Alderman ! , St . Mary Axe . W . H . Mudford , Esq ., Editor of the " Standard . " Georgo Kenning , Esq ., Proprietor of tho " Freemason , " 198 Fleet Street . G . R . Bengough , Esq ., 370 Brixton Road . Licut .-ColoQDl Creaton , Union Club , Trafalgar Square , "W . Rev . Richard Morris , LL . D ., Head Master R . M . I , for Boj-s , AVood Greon , Dr . Pinder , Terrace House , Camberwell Green . M . Bennett , Esq ., 38 Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . John Faulkner , Esq ., 2 Foster Lane , E . G . * John While , Esq ., 135 Loughborough Road , Brixton , S . AV . * Mr . H . Massey , 93 Chancery Lane . * John Ponler , Esq ., 05 Cannon Street Road . * W . AVallford , Esq ., M . R . C . S ., 1 C 9 Aldersgate Street . * These Gentlemen will thankfully receive Pro . cies , which may also be sent to tho Secretary , and to Mrs . Duckett , 1 Komerton Eoad , Heme Hill Road , S . AV .
NOTICE . —BACK OTMBEKS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .