Article FIRST IMPRESSIONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ALBERT ORPHAN ASYLUM Page 1 of 1
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First Impressions.
nions respecting tho ceremony which he had regarded with such ardent anticipation , and that he should fail to recognise anything more in Masonry than an organisation in which conviviality forms the most conspicuous feature ? This is the matter in connection with which we may
congratulate ourselves upon having seen a vast improvement of late years . Nothing tended so much to bring the Order into disrepute as the roysterings and revellings in which our brethren of " ye olden time" were wont to indulge , in
the good old days , when even amongst the lords of the land the social bottle was more freely passed , ancl when titled tipplers frequently imbibed more than was good for their healths or than redounded to their Masonic credit . Bnt
these old customs havo diminished in almost every grade of society , and thus we find that in the Fourth Degree there is a much nearer approach to decorum and good sense than existed formerly . Whilst cordially supporting tho principle of extending to all the brethren such
hospitality as we have it in our power to dispense , ancl recognising the fact that the newly-initiated should receive amongst his first impressions an example of open heartednossand good fellowship which shonld always actuate him toward the brethren , care must bo taken to avoid even
the appearance of too lavish display in this degree . Ifc is often found that the pains bestowed upon this portion of a Lodge ' s proceedings is an index to a corresponding laxity in the discharge of more important functions , and it is in such Lodges where novitiates inhale light and
contemptuous notions of the real objects of the Order , and an inordinate affection for the frivolities with which it is , or may be , ornamented . Upon the Worshipful Master and Officers of a Lodge a vast amount of responsibility rests as far as moulding the character and Masonic progress of
tho candidates who are presented to them . And we cannot too firmly press the matter homothat ifc would be preferable to delay an initiation ceremony for the time to scrambling through it in a half-hearted manner , and with the assistance of only
a few inefficient brethren in attendance . Depend npon it first impressions are long retained , and exercise a lasting influence upon our after lives ; and when we look around upon the ranks of bright ancl intelligent men who have achieved high position in the Craft it would need no great
stretch of imagination to picture in the " mind ' s eye " the sort of initiation ceremony which thoso Masonic lights passed through . Ifc is pleasant to think of those Sauls amongst their fellows whose aims are as lofty as their intellects , for tho contrast is bold and gratifying when we
gaze upon tlie background of men who have lost heart , perhaps from their early associations with the Craft—who have failed t o receive such instruction as is necessary to give a grasp of the real principles and objects of the Order , or whose initiation may have been so cold and stunted as to
have given birth to disappointment and disgust instead of that laudable ambition which is born of an intelligent recognition of what Masonry really is , and the sacred lessons ifc is intended to promulgate throughout the world . As our Lodges increase in influence and the number of their
members , of course the race for high prizes will become more severe ; and it will , we are sure , be the steady , thoughtful and painstaking workman who will outstrip his more boisterous and inexpert fellows to whom personal enjoyment ranks pre-eminent to the high and excellent
discharge of duty . To the initiates , whom we more particularly address in these few words , let us remark that as they will experience the motto wo havo quoted at the beginning of this article , as they progress with their studies and research , so in life there are surprises which
by moderation , good temper , and practical application of the principles of Freemasonry , may be made agreeable , not only to themselves , but to those by whom they are surrounded . In the uprightness ancl unwavering consistency of our Masonic conduct lies the secret of happiness
and success . Well is it for the newly-admitted brother to learn , mark and inwardly digest as much of the impressive ancl priceless lessons that are revealed to his gaze when he first emerges from the utter darkness which is lifted from his soul on the night of his becoming a member of our ancient ancl honourable institution .
Their Royal Highnesses Princo Philip and Princess Louise of Saxecoburgli-Gotha honoured Messrs . Feltoe and Sons , in Albemarlcstreefc , on Thursday last , with a visit , and graciously favoured them with commanda for the renowned " Specialite " Sherry .
Royal Albert Orphan Asylum
THE fourteenth annual report and treasurer s account of tho cost of management , & e ., in connection with this invaluable Institution have just been presented to the General Court of Governors ancl Subscribers . In the past year the subscriptions amounted to £ 1 , 804 17 s lid ;
donations , £ 1 , 420 7 s 4 d ; purchased admissions , £ 3 , 179 ls Id ; presentation , £ 250 ; legacies , £ 195 ; interest on investments , £ 39 13 s 4 cl ; sermons , £ 11 6 s Gd ; making the gross receipts for the year , £ 7 , 240 Gs 2 d . Tho actual cost of management has been £ 3 , 481 4 s Gd , which , with
interest on mortgage ( £ 450 ) charged in lieu of rent , makes the cost for food , clothing , lodging , education and training of children in the Asylum during the past year amount to £ 19 17 s Id per head ; including furniture , building , repairs and outfits , it represents an average of £ 21 7 s 4 d per head .
An important part of the industrial element in the Asylum is the farm ancl kitchen garden , the produce from which supplied to the house , after deducting the cost of labour and working expenses , resulted in a profit of £ 110 4 s 7 d . Fifty-four children have been admitted during the
year—14 by election , seven on presentation , and 33 by purchase . Of these no less than 34 were rendered orphans by tho disaster to tho Princess Alice steamer , 32 of which wore purchased by the Mansion House Committee . During tho year 24 boys ancl 20 girls left the Asylnm , and aro all
doing well in situations provided for them . The Committee in their report allude in feeling terms to the death of H . R . H . the Princess Alice , who was one of the vicepresidents of the institution ; of Mr . John Sands , a member of tho Manngino- Committee since its establishment ;
and of Mr . Augustin B . Fry , the respected and able surgeon of tho Asylum . The vacant post of surgeon has been filled up by the election of Mr . William Henry Twort , of Canterbury . Lord William Frederick Seymour has joined the Board of Management ; at tbo same time the Committee
regret the resignation of Mr . John Harris , who had for so many years taken an active part in its deliberations . The general health of the children during the year has been very satisfactory . From the excellent results which tbe Institution has achieved in past years , and the evidence
given of tho manner in which its interior economy is studied and superintended , we feel assured that the appeal now put forth by the Committee for increased encouragement ancl support will be responded to , so as to still further lessen the liabilities of the Institution , which ,
we aro gratified to learn , have been reduced during tho past year by £ 1 , 887 2 s . 7 d . There is , however , still a deficit of £ 1 , 489 3 s . Id . ; ancl the friends of the widow and orphan need scarcely to bo reminded of the first principles of Masonic aud Christian duty in assisting the
Executive in promoting so excellent a Charity , which has been the means of rescuing so many helpless ones from poverty and destitution . The Secretary of the Institution , Bro . Wm . Worrell , who is well known to the Craft ,
will be happy to give any information in respect to the management and general benefits of the Institution , and by whom any contributions in behalf of that excellent object will be received .
We are pleased to announce that a new Lodge of Instruction has been established under tho sanction of the Friars Lodge , 1349 , ancl the first meeting took place on Tuesday evening last , at the Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . Amoncr the members are several brethren
wellknown to the frequenters of East-end Lodges of Instruction , and it is confidently anticipated that this will become a new centre of attraction to members of the Craft in thafc district . A report of the opening meeting , on Tuesday
last , will be found on another page , from which it will bo seen that several members were elected , ancl a subcommittee appointed to frame a code of bye-laws for the new Lodge .
ihe Portsmouth Times states that the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , has intimated his intention to appoint Viscount Ebrington , eldest son of Earl Fortescue , to the Provincial Grand Mastership of Devonshire , vacant by the resignation of the Rev . L . Huyshe , of Clyst Hydon ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
First Impressions.
nions respecting tho ceremony which he had regarded with such ardent anticipation , and that he should fail to recognise anything more in Masonry than an organisation in which conviviality forms the most conspicuous feature ? This is the matter in connection with which we may
congratulate ourselves upon having seen a vast improvement of late years . Nothing tended so much to bring the Order into disrepute as the roysterings and revellings in which our brethren of " ye olden time" were wont to indulge , in
the good old days , when even amongst the lords of the land the social bottle was more freely passed , ancl when titled tipplers frequently imbibed more than was good for their healths or than redounded to their Masonic credit . Bnt
these old customs havo diminished in almost every grade of society , and thus we find that in the Fourth Degree there is a much nearer approach to decorum and good sense than existed formerly . Whilst cordially supporting tho principle of extending to all the brethren such
hospitality as we have it in our power to dispense , ancl recognising the fact that the newly-initiated should receive amongst his first impressions an example of open heartednossand good fellowship which shonld always actuate him toward the brethren , care must bo taken to avoid even
the appearance of too lavish display in this degree . Ifc is often found that the pains bestowed upon this portion of a Lodge ' s proceedings is an index to a corresponding laxity in the discharge of more important functions , and it is in such Lodges where novitiates inhale light and
contemptuous notions of the real objects of the Order , and an inordinate affection for the frivolities with which it is , or may be , ornamented . Upon the Worshipful Master and Officers of a Lodge a vast amount of responsibility rests as far as moulding the character and Masonic progress of
tho candidates who are presented to them . And we cannot too firmly press the matter homothat ifc would be preferable to delay an initiation ceremony for the time to scrambling through it in a half-hearted manner , and with the assistance of only
a few inefficient brethren in attendance . Depend npon it first impressions are long retained , and exercise a lasting influence upon our after lives ; and when we look around upon the ranks of bright ancl intelligent men who have achieved high position in the Craft it would need no great
stretch of imagination to picture in the " mind ' s eye " the sort of initiation ceremony which thoso Masonic lights passed through . Ifc is pleasant to think of those Sauls amongst their fellows whose aims are as lofty as their intellects , for tho contrast is bold and gratifying when we
gaze upon tlie background of men who have lost heart , perhaps from their early associations with the Craft—who have failed t o receive such instruction as is necessary to give a grasp of the real principles and objects of the Order , or whose initiation may have been so cold and stunted as to
have given birth to disappointment and disgust instead of that laudable ambition which is born of an intelligent recognition of what Masonry really is , and the sacred lessons ifc is intended to promulgate throughout the world . As our Lodges increase in influence and the number of their
members , of course the race for high prizes will become more severe ; and it will , we are sure , be the steady , thoughtful and painstaking workman who will outstrip his more boisterous and inexpert fellows to whom personal enjoyment ranks pre-eminent to the high and excellent
discharge of duty . To the initiates , whom we more particularly address in these few words , let us remark that as they will experience the motto wo havo quoted at the beginning of this article , as they progress with their studies and research , so in life there are surprises which
by moderation , good temper , and practical application of the principles of Freemasonry , may be made agreeable , not only to themselves , but to those by whom they are surrounded . In the uprightness ancl unwavering consistency of our Masonic conduct lies the secret of happiness
and success . Well is it for the newly-admitted brother to learn , mark and inwardly digest as much of the impressive ancl priceless lessons that are revealed to his gaze when he first emerges from the utter darkness which is lifted from his soul on the night of his becoming a member of our ancient ancl honourable institution .
Their Royal Highnesses Princo Philip and Princess Louise of Saxecoburgli-Gotha honoured Messrs . Feltoe and Sons , in Albemarlcstreefc , on Thursday last , with a visit , and graciously favoured them with commanda for the renowned " Specialite " Sherry .
Royal Albert Orphan Asylum
THE fourteenth annual report and treasurer s account of tho cost of management , & e ., in connection with this invaluable Institution have just been presented to the General Court of Governors ancl Subscribers . In the past year the subscriptions amounted to £ 1 , 804 17 s lid ;
donations , £ 1 , 420 7 s 4 d ; purchased admissions , £ 3 , 179 ls Id ; presentation , £ 250 ; legacies , £ 195 ; interest on investments , £ 39 13 s 4 cl ; sermons , £ 11 6 s Gd ; making the gross receipts for the year , £ 7 , 240 Gs 2 d . Tho actual cost of management has been £ 3 , 481 4 s Gd , which , with
interest on mortgage ( £ 450 ) charged in lieu of rent , makes the cost for food , clothing , lodging , education and training of children in the Asylum during the past year amount to £ 19 17 s Id per head ; including furniture , building , repairs and outfits , it represents an average of £ 21 7 s 4 d per head .
An important part of the industrial element in the Asylum is the farm ancl kitchen garden , the produce from which supplied to the house , after deducting the cost of labour and working expenses , resulted in a profit of £ 110 4 s 7 d . Fifty-four children have been admitted during the
year—14 by election , seven on presentation , and 33 by purchase . Of these no less than 34 were rendered orphans by tho disaster to tho Princess Alice steamer , 32 of which wore purchased by the Mansion House Committee . During tho year 24 boys ancl 20 girls left the Asylnm , and aro all
doing well in situations provided for them . The Committee in their report allude in feeling terms to the death of H . R . H . the Princess Alice , who was one of the vicepresidents of the institution ; of Mr . John Sands , a member of tho Manngino- Committee since its establishment ;
and of Mr . Augustin B . Fry , the respected and able surgeon of tho Asylum . The vacant post of surgeon has been filled up by the election of Mr . William Henry Twort , of Canterbury . Lord William Frederick Seymour has joined the Board of Management ; at tbo same time the Committee
regret the resignation of Mr . John Harris , who had for so many years taken an active part in its deliberations . The general health of the children during the year has been very satisfactory . From the excellent results which tbe Institution has achieved in past years , and the evidence
given of tho manner in which its interior economy is studied and superintended , we feel assured that the appeal now put forth by the Committee for increased encouragement ancl support will be responded to , so as to still further lessen the liabilities of the Institution , which ,
we aro gratified to learn , have been reduced during tho past year by £ 1 , 887 2 s . 7 d . There is , however , still a deficit of £ 1 , 489 3 s . Id . ; ancl the friends of the widow and orphan need scarcely to bo reminded of the first principles of Masonic aud Christian duty in assisting the
Executive in promoting so excellent a Charity , which has been the means of rescuing so many helpless ones from poverty and destitution . The Secretary of the Institution , Bro . Wm . Worrell , who is well known to the Craft ,
will be happy to give any information in respect to the management and general benefits of the Institution , and by whom any contributions in behalf of that excellent object will be received .
We are pleased to announce that a new Lodge of Instruction has been established under tho sanction of the Friars Lodge , 1349 , ancl the first meeting took place on Tuesday evening last , at the Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . Amoncr the members are several brethren
wellknown to the frequenters of East-end Lodges of Instruction , and it is confidently anticipated that this will become a new centre of attraction to members of the Craft in thafc district . A report of the opening meeting , on Tuesday
last , will be found on another page , from which it will bo seen that several members were elected , ancl a subcommittee appointed to frame a code of bye-laws for the new Lodge .
ihe Portsmouth Times states that the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , has intimated his intention to appoint Viscount Ebrington , eldest son of Earl Fortescue , to the Provincial Grand Mastership of Devonshire , vacant by the resignation of the Rev . L . Huyshe , of Clyst Hydon ,