Article FREEMASONRY IN CHINA. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN CHINA. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry In China.
A REGULAR meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Northern China was held at the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Tuesday , the 7 th January last , under the presidency of the Right Worshipfnl Brother C . Thome , District Grand ) Master . Amongst thoso present were :
—Worshipful Bros . James Hart D . G . J . W . acting Deputy District Grand'Master , J . T . Miller District Grand Registrar acting Dist . G . S . W ., T . W . Kingsmill President Dist . Board of General Purposes acting as Dist . G . J . W ., Rev .
Dean Bnlcher , D . D . acting Dist . G . Chaplain , Peter Ormo Dist . G . Secretary , Robert Fergnsson Dist . G . S . D ., H . Evans Dist . G . J . D ., F . J . Marshall Disfc . G . S . of Works , H . S . Morris Dist . G . D . C , Lewis Moore Dist . G . S . B .,
G . B . Fentum Disfc . G . O ., J . Brown Dist . G . Pur ., H . D Camajee , W . H . Anderson , B . Palamountain , and R . G . Goldspink , District Grand Stewards , T . Hore
Dist . G . T . ; W . H . Short W . M ., ancl W . Miller S . W . Tuscan Lodge , No . 1027 , A . Robinson S . W . Northern Lodge of China , No . 570 . Visitors — E . P . Lalcaca Secretary and J . Indkay of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No .
501 , A . Weiller P . D . G . W ., D . Hay D . G . T ., T . W . Harroeks of the District Grancl Lodge of Japan , W . Birt P . M ., J . Petersen and R . Anderson of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 428 , S . C , W . L . Koch jun . P . M ., G . Baffy D . M ., T . Hutching and Charles Schmidt of Lodge Germania , H . M . Cook P . M ., A . Bruce , G . L . Skinner and
W . Graham of Ancient Landmark Lodge , Mass . Const ., J . Sharpies of Fidelity Lodge , No . 477 , & c . The D . Grand Lodge was opened at five o ' clock in duo form ancl with solemn prayer , and the circular calling the meeting having been read , the minutes of last regular Communication were
read and confirmed . The President of tho Board of General Purposes then presented the Report of a meeting of the Board , from which it appeared thafc tho District G . Lodge is already indebted upwards of 100 taels , mainly for expenses connected with its inauguration . The
income for the ensuing year was estimated not to exceed 200 taels . These facts were recommended to the consideration of the District Grancl Lodge , with a view to retrenchment , which was absolutely necessary . It was resolved to discontinue the services of Secretary
to the Board . The President spoke of the difficulty he hacl experienced in getting the returns from the Lodges completed up to 31 st December 1877 . Ifc was necessary that these should be in order , so that the returns of the District Grand Lodge might be properly kept . It was
resolved that tho subject should be mentioned at the Communication of District Grand Lodge . The President stated that Wor . Bro . Evans had spoken to him of his intention to address the Board on the subject of the knocks usually given in the various degrees ; he had not ,
however , clone so . The R . W . District Grancl Master said it was highly advisable that clue notice should be given of all questions of this nature , as he might not be , on the moment , prepared to reply to all questions put in the Communications of the District Grancl Lodge .
Ihe report is received , ancl ordered to be inserted in tho minutes . Bro . Orme , District Grand Secretary , and Past District Grand Junior Warden of China , was then unanimously elected District Grancl Treasurer for the
ensuing year ; ancl the compliment thus paid was acknowledged in a few happily chosen sentences . The following District Grand Officers were then also appointed : —
James Hart P . M . 525 , D . D . G . M . John Irwin Miller P . M . 1027 , D . G . S . W * . Thomas VV . Kingsmill P . M . 570 , D . G . J . W . Peter Orme P . M . 1027 , D . G . Treas . Henry Evans P . M . 501 , D . G . Keg .
Eobert Fergnsson P . M . 570 , P . D . B . of G . P . William Henry Anderson W . M . 570 , D . G . See . Adam Blyth Menzies P . M . 1433 , D . G . S . D . Herbert Stephen Morris P . M . 570 , D . G . J . D . Francis Julian Marshall P . M . 238 , D . G . S . of W .
Lewis Moore P . M . 1027 , D . G . D . of 0 . John Brown P . M . 501 , D . G . S . B . George B . Fentnm P . M . 525 , D . G . Organist . William H . Short W . M . 1027 , D . G . Purs .
Alfred Johnsford W . M . elect 501 , Ednljee P . Lalcaca acting See . 501 , William Miller S . W . 1027 , and David Alfred Emery W . M . elect 1433 , D . G . Stewards . Thomas Hore D . G . Tyler . The election by ballot for the members to serve on the District Board of General Purposes was then proceeded
Freemasonry In China.
with , and resulted in the appointment of Bros . Moore P . M . Tuscan Lodgo No . 1027 D . G . D . C , Short W . M . Tuscan Lodge D . G . > nr ., and Johnsford S . W . and W . M . elect Royal Sussex Lodgo No . 501 D . G . Stowai'd . Bro . Moore , acting D . G . Treasurer , presented the accounts for
1878 , which showed a deficit of taels 13 O 02 , ancl thoso were received ancl passed unanimously . Some conversation took place relative to tho arrears of rent , which had been applied for , but which had not yet been paid , in consequence of tho secretaries of Lodges not having made their
complete returns , and it was ultimately decided that Bro . Kingsmill should bring the matter before tho executive committee and report . Tho R . W . D . G . Master then observed thafc a well-known brother had spoken to him in Lodgo a few meetings back saying that he failed
to see what beneficial effect Masonry had produced . He did not dispute the excellence of its foundation , but he observed that it did not apparently regulate tho conduct of many who hacl been admitted to its privileges . This was a matter for their very serious consideration . It
behoved them not simply to study their own lives ancl actions , bufc also taught them to be careful nofc to introduce any into the Craft who would not conscientiously fulfil the promises they made previous to their admission . Should any ono desire to join their Lodges , he ought to bo
told that , tho Institution being founded on the purest principles of morality ancl virtue , those who enter it aro bound to act up to those principles . After tho candidate had acknowledged his belief in the G . A . O . T . U . he was urged to practise every virtue ; the address delivered to him afc
conclusion of the initiatory ceremony pointed out moro fully the line of conduct expected from him . Perhaps if they looked fully into their own conduct they might find much in it which required amendment . Many of those present were Installed Masters , and they ought not
to forget that when they received the benefit of installation thoy were especially warned to impress upon their brethren the dignity ancl high importance of Masonry ; they were seriously to admonish them never to disgrace it ; they were to teach them to practise out of the Lodge thoso
duties they were tanght within it , so that by amiable , virtuous ancl discreet conduct they might prove to the world at large the beneficial effects of our Institution . If every
Master wonld act up to theso precepts , he was perfectly sure they would have an improvement amongst the members of the Craft generally , so that remarks similar to those of the brother alluded to could not be mado with
justice . He would earnestly ask the co-operation of . ill present to the end that they might elevate the name of Mason to something beyond an empty title . Iu closing thoir Lodges in the second degree , they always called upon
the brethren to remember that tho eye ot God is npon them , wherever they are , or whatever they do , and if thoy carried this feeling with them out of Lodge , ifc would resrulate their lives in such a manner as to mako members
of the Fraternity respected by the world at largo . Let them be especially careful whom they introduced into Masonry , lest they caused a slur to be cast upon tho Institution . Before proposing a candidate for initiation , they should ascertain whether he had seriously considered
what Masonry really was , ancl what ifc demands of its professors , ancl if they found him to be sound on these points , then by all means propose him ; but they should not propose any one until they hacl fully explained to him some of their principles . By so doing they would
raise -ho Masonic standard , and instead of , as afc present , giving the outside world a chance to sneer at thoir Institution , they would gain the esteem of all rigVminded men . The usual congratulations were passed , and District Grancl Lodge was closed in clue form .
The Prov . G . Chapter and Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland will hold a meeting afc 33 , Goldcn-sqnare , on Thursday , 15 th May , at four o ' clock , and that names of candidates ( who must be members of the R . A . and 18 ° ) should be sent to tho Prov . Grand Sec . at the above address as soon as possible .
We are compelled to hold over several interesting items . Wc hope to bo able to clear all off in our next week ' s issue .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In China.
A REGULAR meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Northern China was held at the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Tuesday , the 7 th January last , under the presidency of the Right Worshipfnl Brother C . Thome , District Grand ) Master . Amongst thoso present were :
—Worshipful Bros . James Hart D . G . J . W . acting Deputy District Grand'Master , J . T . Miller District Grand Registrar acting Dist . G . S . W ., T . W . Kingsmill President Dist . Board of General Purposes acting as Dist . G . J . W ., Rev .
Dean Bnlcher , D . D . acting Dist . G . Chaplain , Peter Ormo Dist . G . Secretary , Robert Fergnsson Dist . G . S . D ., H . Evans Dist . G . J . D ., F . J . Marshall Disfc . G . S . of Works , H . S . Morris Dist . G . D . C , Lewis Moore Dist . G . S . B .,
G . B . Fentum Disfc . G . O ., J . Brown Dist . G . Pur ., H . D Camajee , W . H . Anderson , B . Palamountain , and R . G . Goldspink , District Grand Stewards , T . Hore
Dist . G . T . ; W . H . Short W . M ., ancl W . Miller S . W . Tuscan Lodge , No . 1027 , A . Robinson S . W . Northern Lodge of China , No . 570 . Visitors — E . P . Lalcaca Secretary and J . Indkay of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No .
501 , A . Weiller P . D . G . W ., D . Hay D . G . T ., T . W . Harroeks of the District Grancl Lodge of Japan , W . Birt P . M ., J . Petersen and R . Anderson of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 428 , S . C , W . L . Koch jun . P . M ., G . Baffy D . M ., T . Hutching and Charles Schmidt of Lodge Germania , H . M . Cook P . M ., A . Bruce , G . L . Skinner and
W . Graham of Ancient Landmark Lodge , Mass . Const ., J . Sharpies of Fidelity Lodge , No . 477 , & c . The D . Grand Lodge was opened at five o ' clock in duo form ancl with solemn prayer , and the circular calling the meeting having been read , the minutes of last regular Communication were
read and confirmed . The President of tho Board of General Purposes then presented the Report of a meeting of the Board , from which it appeared thafc tho District G . Lodge is already indebted upwards of 100 taels , mainly for expenses connected with its inauguration . The
income for the ensuing year was estimated not to exceed 200 taels . These facts were recommended to the consideration of the District Grancl Lodge , with a view to retrenchment , which was absolutely necessary . It was resolved to discontinue the services of Secretary
to the Board . The President spoke of the difficulty he hacl experienced in getting the returns from the Lodges completed up to 31 st December 1877 . Ifc was necessary that these should be in order , so that the returns of the District Grand Lodge might be properly kept . It was
resolved that tho subject should be mentioned at the Communication of District Grand Lodge . The President stated that Wor . Bro . Evans had spoken to him of his intention to address the Board on the subject of the knocks usually given in the various degrees ; he had not ,
however , clone so . The R . W . District Grancl Master said it was highly advisable that clue notice should be given of all questions of this nature , as he might not be , on the moment , prepared to reply to all questions put in the Communications of the District Grancl Lodge .
Ihe report is received , ancl ordered to be inserted in tho minutes . Bro . Orme , District Grand Secretary , and Past District Grand Junior Warden of China , was then unanimously elected District Grancl Treasurer for the
ensuing year ; ancl the compliment thus paid was acknowledged in a few happily chosen sentences . The following District Grand Officers were then also appointed : —
James Hart P . M . 525 , D . D . G . M . John Irwin Miller P . M . 1027 , D . G . S . W * . Thomas VV . Kingsmill P . M . 570 , D . G . J . W . Peter Orme P . M . 1027 , D . G . Treas . Henry Evans P . M . 501 , D . G . Keg .
Eobert Fergnsson P . M . 570 , P . D . B . of G . P . William Henry Anderson W . M . 570 , D . G . See . Adam Blyth Menzies P . M . 1433 , D . G . S . D . Herbert Stephen Morris P . M . 570 , D . G . J . D . Francis Julian Marshall P . M . 238 , D . G . S . of W .
Lewis Moore P . M . 1027 , D . G . D . of 0 . John Brown P . M . 501 , D . G . S . B . George B . Fentnm P . M . 525 , D . G . Organist . William H . Short W . M . 1027 , D . G . Purs .
Alfred Johnsford W . M . elect 501 , Ednljee P . Lalcaca acting See . 501 , William Miller S . W . 1027 , and David Alfred Emery W . M . elect 1433 , D . G . Stewards . Thomas Hore D . G . Tyler . The election by ballot for the members to serve on the District Board of General Purposes was then proceeded
Freemasonry In China.
with , and resulted in the appointment of Bros . Moore P . M . Tuscan Lodgo No . 1027 D . G . D . C , Short W . M . Tuscan Lodge D . G . > nr ., and Johnsford S . W . and W . M . elect Royal Sussex Lodgo No . 501 D . G . Stowai'd . Bro . Moore , acting D . G . Treasurer , presented the accounts for
1878 , which showed a deficit of taels 13 O 02 , ancl thoso were received ancl passed unanimously . Some conversation took place relative to tho arrears of rent , which had been applied for , but which had not yet been paid , in consequence of tho secretaries of Lodges not having made their
complete returns , and it was ultimately decided that Bro . Kingsmill should bring the matter before tho executive committee and report . Tho R . W . D . G . Master then observed thafc a well-known brother had spoken to him in Lodgo a few meetings back saying that he failed
to see what beneficial effect Masonry had produced . He did not dispute the excellence of its foundation , but he observed that it did not apparently regulate tho conduct of many who hacl been admitted to its privileges . This was a matter for their very serious consideration . It
behoved them not simply to study their own lives ancl actions , bufc also taught them to be careful nofc to introduce any into the Craft who would not conscientiously fulfil the promises they made previous to their admission . Should any ono desire to join their Lodges , he ought to bo
told that , tho Institution being founded on the purest principles of morality ancl virtue , those who enter it aro bound to act up to those principles . After tho candidate had acknowledged his belief in the G . A . O . T . U . he was urged to practise every virtue ; the address delivered to him afc
conclusion of the initiatory ceremony pointed out moro fully the line of conduct expected from him . Perhaps if they looked fully into their own conduct they might find much in it which required amendment . Many of those present were Installed Masters , and they ought not
to forget that when they received the benefit of installation thoy were especially warned to impress upon their brethren the dignity ancl high importance of Masonry ; they were seriously to admonish them never to disgrace it ; they were to teach them to practise out of the Lodge thoso
duties they were tanght within it , so that by amiable , virtuous ancl discreet conduct they might prove to the world at large the beneficial effects of our Institution . If every
Master wonld act up to theso precepts , he was perfectly sure they would have an improvement amongst the members of the Craft generally , so that remarks similar to those of the brother alluded to could not be mado with
justice . He would earnestly ask the co-operation of . ill present to the end that they might elevate the name of Mason to something beyond an empty title . Iu closing thoir Lodges in the second degree , they always called upon
the brethren to remember that tho eye ot God is npon them , wherever they are , or whatever they do , and if thoy carried this feeling with them out of Lodge , ifc would resrulate their lives in such a manner as to mako members
of the Fraternity respected by the world at largo . Let them be especially careful whom they introduced into Masonry , lest they caused a slur to be cast upon tho Institution . Before proposing a candidate for initiation , they should ascertain whether he had seriously considered
what Masonry really was , ancl what ifc demands of its professors , ancl if they found him to be sound on these points , then by all means propose him ; but they should not propose any one until they hacl fully explained to him some of their principles . By so doing they would
raise -ho Masonic standard , and instead of , as afc present , giving the outside world a chance to sneer at thoir Institution , they would gain the esteem of all rigVminded men . The usual congratulations were passed , and District Grancl Lodge was closed in clue form .
The Prov . G . Chapter and Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland will hold a meeting afc 33 , Goldcn-sqnare , on Thursday , 15 th May , at four o ' clock , and that names of candidates ( who must be members of the R . A . and 18 ° ) should be sent to tho Prov . Grand Sec . at the above address as soon as possible .
We are compelled to hold over several interesting items . Wc hope to bo able to clear all off in our next week ' s issue .