Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHARTERHOUSE CLUB OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article CHARTERHOUSE CLUB OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RECENT CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
Slaiter , St . Machor ' s , Aberdeen ( Scottish Constitution ) . The ceremony of Exaltation was performed by tho M . E . Z ., Comp . Brown , with his usual ability , Comp . Gabb being tho candidate ; and especial praise is due to tbe other Officers for the manner in which they ctcd
discharged their duties . Comp . Thomas Slaiter was el a member of this Chapter of Improvement . This was electioi night , nnd Comp . VVood was appointed as M . E . Z ., Comp . Waterall - ¦ II ., and Comp H . Thompson as J . Tho Chapter was then closed , and adjourned until Tuesday evening , 8 th April .
North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 . —Crown and Woolpack , St . John-street-road ( near tho Angel , Islington ) . —This Chapter is now in full work , under tho Precoptorship of
J . L . Mather P . Z . 174 and M . E . Z . 1471 . A Convocation was hold on Friday , tho 21 st ult ., Comp . Killick Z ., Griggs IL , Sparrow J ., Halford P . S . Tho ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Stock as candidate .
On 28 thult ., Comp . Griggs was tho M . E . Z ., W . J . Hunter H „ and Halford J . Tho ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Stock being the candidate . The meetings aro hold every Friday at eight , aud close at 9 . 30 ., Comp . J . L . Mather President .
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
rTIHE first Annual Festival of this Club was held , according -L to tho previously advertised announcements , at tho Now Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield , on Tuesday , tho 1 st instant . Bro . James Stevens P . M . of Tho Great City Lodgo , 1426 , opened a Lodgo at six p . m ., supported by Bros . W . Hames Preceptor as S . W ., VV . Webb W . M . 382 as J . W ., and a largo number
of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . T . B . Humphrey Sec , John Syer 720 and 1017 D . C , E . It . Harper W . M . 1017 , Sevmour Smith , E . VV . Brown , VV . Stead P . M . 813 , VV . C . Hale 1216 , " G . VV . Taylor P . M . 917 , VV . H . Gulliford P . M . 1017 , W . J . Hunter W . M . 1677 , F . E . Hayes 73 andlG 97 , E . Prime 917 , J . L . Coulton P . M . 382 , M . H . Lovington 1017 , P . P . Chandler 1017 , E . B . Greenwood 1023 , J . VV .
Wallace P . M . 1509 , T . F . Van Itaalte 917 , John Bain 360 S . C , VV . Heath 584 . VV . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , E . D . Cummings , A . H . Chisholm , W . Gilbert , and others who did not sign the attendance sheet . The Lodge having been advanced , Bro . Stevens addressed the brethren on the mode of election of W . M ., and . the acting Senior Warden , Bro . Hames , having been presented , the ceremony of installation was
rehearsed in the most careful and perfect manner , the Installing Master introducing , ns occasion offered , some most interesting additions to tho ordinary ceremony . These evidently gave his hearers very considerable satisfaction , and the cordial voto of thanks which he received at the conclusion of his labours was endorsed thoroughly by theVV . M ., who stated that during tho course of a long Masonic career
he had never heard the beautiful ceremony of installation so ably rendered . This must have been highly gratifying to Bro . Stevens , who briefly , but forcibly , acknowledged the compliment . Lodge haviug been closed , the Club members and visitors proceeded to banquet in the large assembly room of tho hotel , where the host , Bro . Butt , had prepared abundant evidence of his liberality and ability to cater
for large gatherings of his patrous , whether Masonio or otherwise . At this very elegantly appointed feast Bro . Wm . Hames 1677 P . M . 917 officiated as President , Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 , 1426 ns Senior Vice President , and Bro . Wm . Webb W . M . 382 as Junior Vice President , while the comforts of the guests were well looked after by Bros . John Syer as D . C . and T . B . Humphrey the energetic
Secretary of the Club . It has seldom been our good fortune to sit down to so thoroughly an agreeable re-union of Masonic brethren , for equally in respect of the viands and wines provided , and the social harmony and goodfellowship which pervaded the whole arrangements , no single circumstance militated against the fullest enjoyment of each person present . Ou the cloth being cleared , the
President proposed the nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which wero heartily responded to , although the brethren in their Club character omitted tho usual " fire " accompaniment . The Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Stevens , proposed the toast of the evening , Success to the Charterhouse Masonic Club , and the health of the President , Bro . Wm . Hames Preceptor of the Club . Bro . Stevens remarked that he
was quite sure the brethren would be ready to do all justice to this toast . Ifc referred to the many vicissitudes through which the Club had passed , and referred humorously to tho old adage thafc " three removes are as bad as a fire . " No less than five changes had been made iu their place of meeting , and it was almost a matter of surprise thafc tho Charterhouse Club of Instruction had not been
burnt out altogether . He had only been acquainted with the Lodge intimately five or six weeks , when their Junior Vice President was elected to tho Mastership of a Lodge at Uxbridge ; but he could say , after his very short experience , that the Club could not find a better mooting place than they had at tho New Market Hotel . Coming to tho subject of tho meeting , ho argued there was nothing
whatever antagonistic to the ancient rules , charges , or constitution of the Order of Freemasonry in tho means they adopted for the purpose of conveying instruction to each other . There was no more fit occupation for Freemasons than to meet together as a Club , and talk over their principles , tenets , and ccveinomcs , and mutually to explain to each other their different significations . Besides , it was ono of
the best methods of making tho young Officers who camo amongst them proficient in the discharge of their respective offices . Tho toast was most cordially received , aud the President in acknowledging the compliment paid to him expressed his practical acquaintance with all the vicissitudes through which the club had passed . During the timo he had been its Preceptor they had Boa ? , very good meetings , varied , of coarse , by indifferent attendance ,
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
but he ventured to predicate the future meetings of the club would bo such as would be an honour to any Preceptor to preside over . Ho should always have pleasure in doing his utmost to promote the welfare of tho club , it was a school to which many wore indebted for their first knowledge of Masonry . He expressed his earnest conviction that as time went on ifc would regain its wonted vigour ancl
become worthy of all tho exertions thoy could bestow upon it . Bro . H . Webb jun . then proposed , in felicitous terms , the health of tho Visitors , and in replying to the toast with which his name was associated , Bro . Morgan made somo sharp allusions to tho " rough and tumble " manner in which the work was done at many of the Lodges of Instruction , where some of the attendants seemed to think tho
desired end was attained by rushing through tho three ceremonies in tho course of the evening , and taking somo four or five of the sections by way of giving zest to their appetites for what thoy considered Masonic knowledge . He urged that instruction could bo much bettor imparted were tho brethren to insist upon the several helpers in tho work keeping well to the point , and going back timo
after timo until they wero enabled to get through perfectly what was required of them . Ho was acquainted with many members of tho Craft who hacl obtained their knowledge of Masonic ritual by attending this Club of Instruction , ancl he could freely state those he referred to were a credit to their Preceptors . On behalf of tho Visitors , Brother Morgan thanked the members
for the very pleasant and enjoyable evening they had spent . The W . M . then proposed tho health of tho Vice-Presidents , Bros . James Stevens P . M . ( Installing Master ) Senior V . P ., and William Webb W . M . Jnn . V . P . Tn doing so , ho acknowledged with thanks the manner in which Bro . Stevens had discharged the important functions of Installing Master , and it was no empty compliment to
say that during his very long Masonic experience ho hacl seldom heard it more efficiently rendered . The Vice-Presidents responded in a few happily chosen sentences . Several other toasts followed —• tho health of the Secretary ( Bro . T . B . Humphrey ) and that of the Director of Ceremonies ( Bro . John Syer ) , the Press , tho Host , Bro .
T . Butt , and finally that of our Distressed Brethren . During tho evoniug somo capital songs wero given , and our genial Brother Seymour Smith gavo happy illustration of his musical abilities , both vocal and instrumental . Bro . Prime gavo a splendid rendering of tho " Old Sexton , " to which Bro . Smith ' s accompaniment was very effective .
The Recent Cambridge Local Examination.
A SUMMARY of the results of this Examination , which appeared in our issue of the 22 nd ult ., was sufficiently gratifying to the Fraternity in a sreneral sense , but at tho request of many of tho brethren intorested , wo aro induced to give a few moro details , such as must bo conducive to the satisfaction of the subscribers and friends of our excellent Masonic Charities . In the Iirst class , in which pupils from
upwards of forty-live schools were examined , and outside tho Boys ' Masonic School , enndidatesfrom only six of ^ that number obtain firstclass honours . From our Boys' School there were fonrteen candidates , and of these no less than nine obtained first honours , viz . : — Davenport , Abingdon , distinguished for English and French ; . T . H . Moon , Bristol , for Latin ; Sago , Atherstonc , for Latin ; E . E . Bailing ,
Colchester , for English ; J . J . Hazel and P . K . Heavysidc , Darlington ; H . E . V . Pinson , Norwich ; S . II . Sargaut , Eoigatc ; and H . J . Wellington , Liucoln . In the second class three passed meritoriously , namely , E . L . Price , VV . B . Evans , and F . C . Gates , all of London . In the third class J . E . Batfcye , of Huddersfield ; ancl H . M . Feuemore , of Canterbury , wore successful . Thus it will be seen that of the fourteen
boys sent up from our School none failed , nine taking first honours , three second class , and two third . Considering that the picked pupils out of forty-five Schools ( London Main Centre ) were examined , these results must bo highly gratifying to our Masonic brethren , evidencing the superior care which is taken in the education and training of tho
boys . Only fifteen c andidates out of the London Main Centre got into the first class , and those were distributed over six schools . Of theso fifteen first class hononrs , the Eoyal Masonic boys obtained nine places , leaving the remaining six to be shared by the other five schools .
The East Anglian Daily Times writes ;— " Wo are glad to hear that as the result of our paragraph announcing that thirteen out of fourteen of tho girls of the . Masonic Schools had passed the G-imbridgo Local Examinations , a Suffolk brother hsis offered to take the fourteen competitors with two attendants to a grand morning concert , to be given at St . James's Hall , London , in May next , in aid of the funds of the new Hospital for Womeu , 222 , Marylebone-road , London .
THE FREEMASON'S CHR 8 NI 0 LE , A Weekly Eeoord of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . rpilE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from J- the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to VV . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " Advertisers will findl'tiE FKEEMASON ' SCHKONICLE an exceptionally jood medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS , Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Slaiter , St . Machor ' s , Aberdeen ( Scottish Constitution ) . The ceremony of Exaltation was performed by tho M . E . Z ., Comp . Brown , with his usual ability , Comp . Gabb being tho candidate ; and especial praise is due to tbe other Officers for the manner in which they ctcd
discharged their duties . Comp . Thomas Slaiter was el a member of this Chapter of Improvement . This was electioi night , nnd Comp . VVood was appointed as M . E . Z ., Comp . Waterall - ¦ II ., and Comp H . Thompson as J . Tho Chapter was then closed , and adjourned until Tuesday evening , 8 th April .
North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 . —Crown and Woolpack , St . John-street-road ( near tho Angel , Islington ) . —This Chapter is now in full work , under tho Precoptorship of
J . L . Mather P . Z . 174 and M . E . Z . 1471 . A Convocation was hold on Friday , tho 21 st ult ., Comp . Killick Z ., Griggs IL , Sparrow J ., Halford P . S . Tho ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Stock as candidate .
On 28 thult ., Comp . Griggs was tho M . E . Z ., W . J . Hunter H „ and Halford J . Tho ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Stock being the candidate . The meetings aro hold every Friday at eight , aud close at 9 . 30 ., Comp . J . L . Mather President .
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
rTIHE first Annual Festival of this Club was held , according -L to tho previously advertised announcements , at tho Now Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield , on Tuesday , tho 1 st instant . Bro . James Stevens P . M . of Tho Great City Lodgo , 1426 , opened a Lodgo at six p . m ., supported by Bros . W . Hames Preceptor as S . W ., VV . Webb W . M . 382 as J . W ., and a largo number
of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . T . B . Humphrey Sec , John Syer 720 and 1017 D . C , E . It . Harper W . M . 1017 , Sevmour Smith , E . VV . Brown , VV . Stead P . M . 813 , VV . C . Hale 1216 , " G . VV . Taylor P . M . 917 , VV . H . Gulliford P . M . 1017 , W . J . Hunter W . M . 1677 , F . E . Hayes 73 andlG 97 , E . Prime 917 , J . L . Coulton P . M . 382 , M . H . Lovington 1017 , P . P . Chandler 1017 , E . B . Greenwood 1023 , J . VV .
Wallace P . M . 1509 , T . F . Van Itaalte 917 , John Bain 360 S . C , VV . Heath 584 . VV . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , E . D . Cummings , A . H . Chisholm , W . Gilbert , and others who did not sign the attendance sheet . The Lodge having been advanced , Bro . Stevens addressed the brethren on the mode of election of W . M ., and . the acting Senior Warden , Bro . Hames , having been presented , the ceremony of installation was
rehearsed in the most careful and perfect manner , the Installing Master introducing , ns occasion offered , some most interesting additions to tho ordinary ceremony . These evidently gave his hearers very considerable satisfaction , and the cordial voto of thanks which he received at the conclusion of his labours was endorsed thoroughly by theVV . M ., who stated that during tho course of a long Masonic career
he had never heard the beautiful ceremony of installation so ably rendered . This must have been highly gratifying to Bro . Stevens , who briefly , but forcibly , acknowledged the compliment . Lodge haviug been closed , the Club members and visitors proceeded to banquet in the large assembly room of tho hotel , where the host , Bro . Butt , had prepared abundant evidence of his liberality and ability to cater
for large gatherings of his patrous , whether Masonio or otherwise . At this very elegantly appointed feast Bro . Wm . Hames 1677 P . M . 917 officiated as President , Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 , 1426 ns Senior Vice President , and Bro . Wm . Webb W . M . 382 as Junior Vice President , while the comforts of the guests were well looked after by Bros . John Syer as D . C . and T . B . Humphrey the energetic
Secretary of the Club . It has seldom been our good fortune to sit down to so thoroughly an agreeable re-union of Masonic brethren , for equally in respect of the viands and wines provided , and the social harmony and goodfellowship which pervaded the whole arrangements , no single circumstance militated against the fullest enjoyment of each person present . Ou the cloth being cleared , the
President proposed the nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which wero heartily responded to , although the brethren in their Club character omitted tho usual " fire " accompaniment . The Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Stevens , proposed the toast of the evening , Success to the Charterhouse Masonic Club , and the health of the President , Bro . Wm . Hames Preceptor of the Club . Bro . Stevens remarked that he
was quite sure the brethren would be ready to do all justice to this toast . Ifc referred to the many vicissitudes through which the Club had passed , and referred humorously to tho old adage thafc " three removes are as bad as a fire . " No less than five changes had been made iu their place of meeting , and it was almost a matter of surprise thafc tho Charterhouse Club of Instruction had not been
burnt out altogether . He had only been acquainted with the Lodge intimately five or six weeks , when their Junior Vice President was elected to tho Mastership of a Lodge at Uxbridge ; but he could say , after his very short experience , that the Club could not find a better mooting place than they had at tho New Market Hotel . Coming to tho subject of tho meeting , ho argued there was nothing
whatever antagonistic to the ancient rules , charges , or constitution of the Order of Freemasonry in tho means they adopted for the purpose of conveying instruction to each other . There was no more fit occupation for Freemasons than to meet together as a Club , and talk over their principles , tenets , and ccveinomcs , and mutually to explain to each other their different significations . Besides , it was ono of
the best methods of making tho young Officers who camo amongst them proficient in the discharge of their respective offices . Tho toast was most cordially received , aud the President in acknowledging the compliment paid to him expressed his practical acquaintance with all the vicissitudes through which the club had passed . During the timo he had been its Preceptor they had Boa ? , very good meetings , varied , of coarse , by indifferent attendance ,
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
but he ventured to predicate the future meetings of the club would bo such as would be an honour to any Preceptor to preside over . Ho should always have pleasure in doing his utmost to promote the welfare of tho club , it was a school to which many wore indebted for their first knowledge of Masonry . He expressed his earnest conviction that as time went on ifc would regain its wonted vigour ancl
become worthy of all tho exertions thoy could bestow upon it . Bro . H . Webb jun . then proposed , in felicitous terms , the health of tho Visitors , and in replying to the toast with which his name was associated , Bro . Morgan made somo sharp allusions to tho " rough and tumble " manner in which the work was done at many of the Lodges of Instruction , where some of the attendants seemed to think tho
desired end was attained by rushing through tho three ceremonies in tho course of the evening , and taking somo four or five of the sections by way of giving zest to their appetites for what thoy considered Masonic knowledge . He urged that instruction could bo much bettor imparted were tho brethren to insist upon the several helpers in tho work keeping well to the point , and going back timo
after timo until they wero enabled to get through perfectly what was required of them . Ho was acquainted with many members of tho Craft who hacl obtained their knowledge of Masonic ritual by attending this Club of Instruction , ancl he could freely state those he referred to were a credit to their Preceptors . On behalf of tho Visitors , Brother Morgan thanked the members
for the very pleasant and enjoyable evening they had spent . The W . M . then proposed tho health of tho Vice-Presidents , Bros . James Stevens P . M . ( Installing Master ) Senior V . P ., and William Webb W . M . Jnn . V . P . Tn doing so , ho acknowledged with thanks the manner in which Bro . Stevens had discharged the important functions of Installing Master , and it was no empty compliment to
say that during his very long Masonic experience ho hacl seldom heard it more efficiently rendered . The Vice-Presidents responded in a few happily chosen sentences . Several other toasts followed —• tho health of the Secretary ( Bro . T . B . Humphrey ) and that of the Director of Ceremonies ( Bro . John Syer ) , the Press , tho Host , Bro .
T . Butt , and finally that of our Distressed Brethren . During tho evoniug somo capital songs wero given , and our genial Brother Seymour Smith gavo happy illustration of his musical abilities , both vocal and instrumental . Bro . Prime gavo a splendid rendering of tho " Old Sexton , " to which Bro . Smith ' s accompaniment was very effective .
The Recent Cambridge Local Examination.
A SUMMARY of the results of this Examination , which appeared in our issue of the 22 nd ult ., was sufficiently gratifying to the Fraternity in a sreneral sense , but at tho request of many of tho brethren intorested , wo aro induced to give a few moro details , such as must bo conducive to the satisfaction of the subscribers and friends of our excellent Masonic Charities . In the Iirst class , in which pupils from
upwards of forty-live schools were examined , and outside tho Boys ' Masonic School , enndidatesfrom only six of ^ that number obtain firstclass honours . From our Boys' School there were fonrteen candidates , and of these no less than nine obtained first honours , viz . : — Davenport , Abingdon , distinguished for English and French ; . T . H . Moon , Bristol , for Latin ; Sago , Atherstonc , for Latin ; E . E . Bailing ,
Colchester , for English ; J . J . Hazel and P . K . Heavysidc , Darlington ; H . E . V . Pinson , Norwich ; S . II . Sargaut , Eoigatc ; and H . J . Wellington , Liucoln . In the second class three passed meritoriously , namely , E . L . Price , VV . B . Evans , and F . C . Gates , all of London . In the third class J . E . Batfcye , of Huddersfield ; ancl H . M . Feuemore , of Canterbury , wore successful . Thus it will be seen that of the fourteen
boys sent up from our School none failed , nine taking first honours , three second class , and two third . Considering that the picked pupils out of forty-five Schools ( London Main Centre ) were examined , these results must bo highly gratifying to our Masonic brethren , evidencing the superior care which is taken in the education and training of tho
boys . Only fifteen c andidates out of the London Main Centre got into the first class , and those were distributed over six schools . Of theso fifteen first class hononrs , the Eoyal Masonic boys obtained nine places , leaving the remaining six to be shared by the other five schools .
The East Anglian Daily Times writes ;— " Wo are glad to hear that as the result of our paragraph announcing that thirteen out of fourteen of tho girls of the . Masonic Schools had passed the G-imbridgo Local Examinations , a Suffolk brother hsis offered to take the fourteen competitors with two attendants to a grand morning concert , to be given at St . James's Hall , London , in May next , in aid of the funds of the new Hospital for Womeu , 222 , Marylebone-road , London .
THE FREEMASON'S CHR 8 NI 0 LE , A Weekly Eeoord of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . rpilE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from J- the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to VV . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " Advertisers will findl'tiE FKEEMASON ' SCHKONICLE an exceptionally jood medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS , Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .