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THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . Incorporated under tlie Compniilcs' Arts 1863 » nd 1867 . Capital : — £ 2 . 000 , in Shares of £ 2 each . Payable 10 s pe' Share on Application , and 10 s per Share on Allotment ; further calls not to exceed 10 s per Share , and at intervals of not less than Three Months . Provisional Committee . Bro . T . S . CARTER , Farquhar Cottage , Port Hill , Bro . W . NEWMAN , 58 St . Thomas ' s Road , Finsbury Hertford . Park . Bro . WTLMAM CUTBUSH , Barnet , Herts . Bro . JOHN PURROTT , Mavno's Farm . St . Albans . Bro . HAYWARD EDWARDS , Hadlev , Middlesex . Bro . F . VENA BLISS , 5 and 0 Bucklcrsbnry . E . C . Bro . I . FISHER , 1 Threo King Court , Fleet Street , Bro . G WARD VERRY , Love Lane , Shadwcll , E . London , E . C . Bro . J . G . YOLLAND , Barnet , Herts . Solicitors . Bros . BLAGG & EDWARDS , 6 A Victoria Street , Westminster Abbey , S . W ., and St . Albans , Herts . Bankers .-THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , E . C . Auditor . —Bro . P . T . DUFFY , 32 Florence Street , Barnsbury , London , N . Secretary . —Bro . A . GODSON . General Manager . —Bro . W . W . MORGAN . Registered Offlces-67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed for the establishment of T HE F REEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , and for tho publication of newspapers , books , pamphlets , & c , connected with Freemasonry . The inadequate representation of the Craft in the public press of this country has long been a subject of regret , and the wish has not unfrequently been expressed that a journal might bo established , in tho interests of tho Order , which should be owned and conducted entirely by members . This wish it is the object of the present Company to carry into effect . TUP . FKREMASON ' CHRONICLE will be tho property of Freemasons , and its devotion and loyalty to their cause will thus bo effectively secured It lias been decided to raise tho requisite capital in shares , of a small amount , in order that a large number of the Fraternity may have the opportunity of acquiring an interest in the undertaking . As it is not proposed to call up move than 50 per cent , of the capital , it -will be seen that such an interest may be obtained at an immediate outlay of £ 1 per share . If only a small proportion of the Freemasons in tho United Kingdom subscribe to THE CHRONICLE it will suffice to guarantee tho Company from actual loss , while tho more numerous the subscribers tho greater will be tho opportunities of the Paper for promoting the interests of the Craft . It is intended that Tns CHRONICLE shall contain : — Leading articles on subjects of interest . Special reports of all Masonic Meetings . A Weekly summary of News . Antiquarian Notes and Sketches relating to the Craft . Reviews of Books . Critical notices of current events of the day . Its columns will also he open for tho discussion of topics interesting to tho Brotherhood . On questions of religion and politics tho new Journal will assume a position of strict neutrality . Intending subscribers should fill up the Form of Application and forward it , together with the deposit , to the London and County Bank , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , E . O . In conclusion , the Members of tho Provisional Committee desire to express their grateful acknowledgment of the many promises of support they have a ' ready received from influential Members of the Craft , in various parts of tho Country , and they earnestly appeal to all who approve of their project to labour with them to make it a brilliant and enduring success . Prospectuses , with Forms of Application for Shares , can be obtained from the General Manager . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . To the General Manager of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . DEAH Sin , —Having paid into your Bankers tho snm of , C , being 10 s per share on my application for Shares , of . £ 2 each , in THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE PUBMSHINO COMPANY- LIMITKO , I request you to allot me that number of Shares , and I hereby agree to accept tho samo , ov auy smaller number that may bo allotted me , and to pay the balance thereon , in accordance with the terms of tho Prospectus dated 11 th December 1874 . Christian and Surname in full Address .,., Profession ( if any ) Date- Usual Signature ,
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES arc the LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . ATS afc WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality cud durability
pITY HAT COMPANY , I A Q AND 110 SHOE LANE JL \ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS from FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake .
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 a Gel and 12 s Od each , give universal satisfaction . T ^^ THATS 21 S ; these arcTuneqnallecl .
BEST HOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colonring , Capillaire , and Spruce , is 258 High Holborn , the old-established Dantzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit-Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
\ y Series , 12 different sorts , arc strongly reodSj mended , ( id per box ; by post , Ono Penny extra W . W . MORGAN , Stationer , 07 Barbican , E . C .
Demy Svo , Price 7 s 6 d . POSITIO NS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . LONG , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the "Key to tho Chess Opening ? , " by the same author . LOUDON : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAN , E . G .
AUCTION , ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENCY OFFICES 76 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . O . AW . BRYANT , Auctioneer , Valuer , . Appraiser , & c . ( of Twenty Years' Practical Experience ) in order to suit the convenience of numerous clients , has removed to the above address . Auctions and Valuations in Town and Country . Valuations carefully made for Transfers of Business , Administrations and Probate Duty . Inventories Made and Examined , Bents Collected , Estates , Houses and all other Property Registered N . B . —Solicitors and Liquidators will Benefit their Clients' interest by consulting A . VV . BRYANT . Agent to the Royal Insurance Company . Money Advanced on every description of Property .
INSTALLATIOH OF H . R . H , THE PRINCE OF WALES . A BUST IN PARIAN MARBLE H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , AS THE M . W . G . M ., THI S work of art ( standing nearly 2-1 inches high ) , forms a beautiful souvenir of this important event in Freemasonry . Price two guineas ; with Pedestal , SOs . It is intended that tho profits resulting from the sale should be shared among the Threo Great Masonic Charities . Orders executed according to priority of application to tho publishers , Messrs . J . S . CRAPPER & Co ., Hanloy . Staffordshire . Agents for London , GEORGE KENNING , Little Britain , E . C . ; and SPEKCER aud Co ., 23 A , Groat Queen Street , W . C .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for tho district . Largest and most influential circulation . "Tho Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOI / BROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all tho principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Moruings and Friday afternoons .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . No . 86 , for JUNK , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OP SKILL AND THB DRAMA . W . W . MOBOAH- , 67 Barbican , London , E . O .
Demy Svo , Price 2 s Bd . SYNOPSI S OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , with Illustrative Games appended . By WILLIAM COOK , A Member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Lo ^ nox : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAN , E . C ,
Now Heady . JRoijal ito , Friee 15 s , ILLUSTRATED WORK OH FREEMASONRY By Buo . DR . J . T . LOTH , 30 ° . THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE . Illustration of tho Emb ' . oms of tho TinitTV-nip . tr . DEGREES , -with , a short description of each . The fine series of 33 Plates arc executed in artistic style , elegantly printed in Colours . London : SIMPKIN , MARSHALL & Co . W . W . MORGAN , Office of " Tho Freemason ' s Chronicle , " 67 Barbican , E . C . Edinburgh and Glasgow : JOHN MENZIES & Co .
r PAMAR INDIES' ( universally prescribed X by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief aud effectual cure of constipation , headache , hilo , hemorrhoids , & c . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to take , and never produces irritation . —2 s Cd per box , post freo 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Coleman-street , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
I 7 < OE the BLOOD is the LIFE . "—Sea Deuteronomy , chap , xii ., verse 23 . CLARKE ' S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE ! , . ' v .. Trade Mark— "Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PTKUFCBR & RK 3 TORSR . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , . Skin Diseases , and Sorea of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Sore ? , Cures Cancerona Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Cleura the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho mc > 3 » delicate constitution of either eex , tho Proprietor solicits Hiiiferers to givo it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s Od each , and in Cases , containing sis times the quantity , lis each—sufficient elfect a permanent cure in tho great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEillSTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or seat to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln , Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . Incorporated under tlie Compniilcs' Arts 1863 » nd 1867 . Capital : — £ 2 . 000 , in Shares of £ 2 each . Payable 10 s pe' Share on Application , and 10 s per Share on Allotment ; further calls not to exceed 10 s per Share , and at intervals of not less than Three Months . Provisional Committee . Bro . T . S . CARTER , Farquhar Cottage , Port Hill , Bro . W . NEWMAN , 58 St . Thomas ' s Road , Finsbury Hertford . Park . Bro . WTLMAM CUTBUSH , Barnet , Herts . Bro . JOHN PURROTT , Mavno's Farm . St . Albans . Bro . HAYWARD EDWARDS , Hadlev , Middlesex . Bro . F . VENA BLISS , 5 and 0 Bucklcrsbnry . E . C . Bro . I . FISHER , 1 Threo King Court , Fleet Street , Bro . G WARD VERRY , Love Lane , Shadwcll , E . London , E . C . Bro . J . G . YOLLAND , Barnet , Herts . Solicitors . Bros . BLAGG & EDWARDS , 6 A Victoria Street , Westminster Abbey , S . W ., and St . Albans , Herts . Bankers .-THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , E . C . Auditor . —Bro . P . T . DUFFY , 32 Florence Street , Barnsbury , London , N . Secretary . —Bro . A . GODSON . General Manager . —Bro . W . W . MORGAN . Registered Offlces-67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed for the establishment of T HE F REEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , and for tho publication of newspapers , books , pamphlets , & c , connected with Freemasonry . The inadequate representation of the Craft in the public press of this country has long been a subject of regret , and the wish has not unfrequently been expressed that a journal might bo established , in tho interests of tho Order , which should be owned and conducted entirely by members . This wish it is the object of the present Company to carry into effect . TUP . FKREMASON ' CHRONICLE will be tho property of Freemasons , and its devotion and loyalty to their cause will thus bo effectively secured It lias been decided to raise tho requisite capital in shares , of a small amount , in order that a large number of the Fraternity may have the opportunity of acquiring an interest in the undertaking . As it is not proposed to call up move than 50 per cent , of the capital , it -will be seen that such an interest may be obtained at an immediate outlay of £ 1 per share . If only a small proportion of the Freemasons in tho United Kingdom subscribe to THE CHRONICLE it will suffice to guarantee tho Company from actual loss , while tho more numerous the subscribers tho greater will be tho opportunities of the Paper for promoting the interests of the Craft . It is intended that Tns CHRONICLE shall contain : — Leading articles on subjects of interest . Special reports of all Masonic Meetings . A Weekly summary of News . Antiquarian Notes and Sketches relating to the Craft . Reviews of Books . Critical notices of current events of the day . Its columns will also he open for tho discussion of topics interesting to tho Brotherhood . On questions of religion and politics tho new Journal will assume a position of strict neutrality . Intending subscribers should fill up the Form of Application and forward it , together with the deposit , to the London and County Bank , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , E . O . In conclusion , the Members of tho Provisional Committee desire to express their grateful acknowledgment of the many promises of support they have a ' ready received from influential Members of the Craft , in various parts of tho Country , and they earnestly appeal to all who approve of their project to labour with them to make it a brilliant and enduring success . Prospectuses , with Forms of Application for Shares , can be obtained from the General Manager . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . To the General Manager of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . DEAH Sin , —Having paid into your Bankers tho snm of , C , being 10 s per share on my application for Shares , of . £ 2 each , in THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE PUBMSHINO COMPANY- LIMITKO , I request you to allot me that number of Shares , and I hereby agree to accept tho samo , ov auy smaller number that may bo allotted me , and to pay the balance thereon , in accordance with the terms of tho Prospectus dated 11 th December 1874 . Christian and Surname in full Address .,., Profession ( if any ) Date- Usual Signature ,
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES arc the LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . ATS afc WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality cud durability
pITY HAT COMPANY , I A Q AND 110 SHOE LANE JL \ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS from FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake .
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 a Gel and 12 s Od each , give universal satisfaction . T ^^ THATS 21 S ; these arcTuneqnallecl .
BEST HOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colonring , Capillaire , and Spruce , is 258 High Holborn , the old-established Dantzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit-Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
\ y Series , 12 different sorts , arc strongly reodSj mended , ( id per box ; by post , Ono Penny extra W . W . MORGAN , Stationer , 07 Barbican , E . C .
Demy Svo , Price 7 s 6 d . POSITIO NS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . LONG , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the "Key to tho Chess Opening ? , " by the same author . LOUDON : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAN , E . G .
AUCTION , ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENCY OFFICES 76 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . O . AW . BRYANT , Auctioneer , Valuer , . Appraiser , & c . ( of Twenty Years' Practical Experience ) in order to suit the convenience of numerous clients , has removed to the above address . Auctions and Valuations in Town and Country . Valuations carefully made for Transfers of Business , Administrations and Probate Duty . Inventories Made and Examined , Bents Collected , Estates , Houses and all other Property Registered N . B . —Solicitors and Liquidators will Benefit their Clients' interest by consulting A . VV . BRYANT . Agent to the Royal Insurance Company . Money Advanced on every description of Property .
INSTALLATIOH OF H . R . H , THE PRINCE OF WALES . A BUST IN PARIAN MARBLE H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , AS THE M . W . G . M ., THI S work of art ( standing nearly 2-1 inches high ) , forms a beautiful souvenir of this important event in Freemasonry . Price two guineas ; with Pedestal , SOs . It is intended that tho profits resulting from the sale should be shared among the Threo Great Masonic Charities . Orders executed according to priority of application to tho publishers , Messrs . J . S . CRAPPER & Co ., Hanloy . Staffordshire . Agents for London , GEORGE KENNING , Little Britain , E . C . ; and SPEKCER aud Co ., 23 A , Groat Queen Street , W . C .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for tho district . Largest and most influential circulation . "Tho Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOI / BROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all tho principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Moruings and Friday afternoons .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . No . 86 , for JUNK , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OP SKILL AND THB DRAMA . W . W . MOBOAH- , 67 Barbican , London , E . O .
Demy Svo , Price 2 s Bd . SYNOPSI S OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , with Illustrative Games appended . By WILLIAM COOK , A Member of the Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Lo ^ nox : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAN , E . C ,
Now Heady . JRoijal ito , Friee 15 s , ILLUSTRATED WORK OH FREEMASONRY By Buo . DR . J . T . LOTH , 30 ° . THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE . Illustration of tho Emb ' . oms of tho TinitTV-nip . tr . DEGREES , -with , a short description of each . The fine series of 33 Plates arc executed in artistic style , elegantly printed in Colours . London : SIMPKIN , MARSHALL & Co . W . W . MORGAN , Office of " Tho Freemason ' s Chronicle , " 67 Barbican , E . C . Edinburgh and Glasgow : JOHN MENZIES & Co .
r PAMAR INDIES' ( universally prescribed X by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief aud effectual cure of constipation , headache , hilo , hemorrhoids , & c . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to take , and never produces irritation . —2 s Cd per box , post freo 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Coleman-street , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
I 7 < OE the BLOOD is the LIFE . "—Sea Deuteronomy , chap , xii ., verse 23 . CLARKE ' S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE ! , . ' v .. Trade Mark— "Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PTKUFCBR & RK 3 TORSR . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , . Skin Diseases , and Sorea of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Sore ? , Cures Cancerona Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Cleura the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho mc > 3 » delicate constitution of either eex , tho Proprietor solicits Hiiiferers to givo it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s Od each , and in Cases , containing sis times the quantity , lis each—sufficient elfect a permanent cure in tho great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEillSTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or seat to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln , Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses ,