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Grand Lodge Of The Island Of Cuba.
WE havo been requested to publish the following circular , addressed by the Grand Lodgo of Cuba to thoso Lodges of tho United States Avho havo not yet accorded their recognition . We have pleasure iu complying with this request : —
To tho Most Worshipfnl Grand Lodgo F . A . M . of ...., WISDOM . VIRTUE . FRATERNITY . Havana , 15 th March 1878 . Dear Brethren , —The Grand Lodge of the Island of Cuba , established at Havana tho 1 st August 1876 , according to tho general principles
of Masonic Jurisprudence ruling all the regular Grand Lodges , has already had tho honour to request recognition , through her Grand Foreign Representative , R . W . Bro . Ramon Ilia ; the history and
precedents of this Grand Lodge being at largo set forth in the documents Avhich the same worthy brother made known to you in due time . Tho legitimate petition of the Grand Lodge of the Island of Cuba has hereto been successful before tho following high Bodies : —
Grand Orient of Spain ( Sagasta ) . Grand Lodge of Kansas . Graud Lodgo of Delaware . Grand Lodge of Wyoming . Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Grand Lodgo of Utah . Grand Lodge of Maryland . Grand Lodgo of Scotland . Grand Lodge of Now York . Grand Lodgo of South Carolina
Grand Lodgo of Rhode Island . Gd . L . of District of Columbia . Grand Lodgo of Colorado . Gd . L . of Washington Territory Grand Lodgo of Manitoba . Grand Lodgo of Oregon . Grand Lodgo of Arkansas . Graud Lodgo of New Jersey . Grand Lodgo of Idaho . Grand Lodge of Tennessee .
Now , dear brethren , when the good right of this Grand Lodgo has been acknowledged by so many respectable Masonic Authorities , we dare expect that your Grand Lodge will nofc withdraw tho friendly
hand of Avelcome and love to a sister , young , yet full of life and Masonic zeal ; and confident in tho future welfare of the Craft in Cuba , through their common efforts and the brotherly support of the Grand Lodges on the world .
With profound respect and fraternal affection , AVO are , Dear brethren , truly yours . For the Grand Master : the S . G . W . Attest : GREGORIO GONZALEZ AMADOR . AURELIO ALMEIDA , G . S .
A FUNERAL Lodge was held afc tho Freemasons' Hall , Nesbitlaue , Byculla , Bombay , on the 20 th February 1878 , in memory of the late Right Worshipful Bros . Rnsfcomjeo Cowasjeo Bhadherjeo , and Rustomjee Jamsotjce Nadcrshaw , by Lodgo Rising Star of Western India , S . C . This mournful tribute to the deceased brethren , Who were eminent aud highly respected members of the Blasonic fraternity , was a deserved , although sorrowful recognition of their
genuine worth . Each of them had laboured zealously and successfully to promote tho interests of the Lodgo over which thoy had presided with distinguished ability ancl untiring perseverance and assiduity . They were held in the highest esteem , nofc only by the members of their own Lodge , but had won tho respect of all the brethren of tho Craft throughout fcho Bombay Presidency . They
Avero both members of tho medical profession , and had risen to high eminence , whilst each enjoyed a mosfc extensive practice , and was recognised by tho professors of tho Grant Medical College , as also by confreres , as gentlemen thoroughly qualified in all branches of their profession . Consequently their services were eagerly sought , and , in cases of poverty and distress , were afc all times freely and gratuitously
extended to sufferers in humble life . The poor of thoir own community , more especially , had cause to bless them , for the disinterested and skilful manner in which they tended them was highly appreciated ; and in many a sick chamber their loss will be as deeply deplored as it is amongst the brethren of tho Craft in Bombay .
Tho brethren present included representatives from the Grand Lodge of all Asia , and the sister Lodges of the Presidency . After the Lodge had been duly opened , aud the minutes read and confirmed , tho members and visitors adjourned to the ground floor of the hall , where a procession was formed , and the brethren marched to the Lodgo room , a funeral dirge being played by
the Grand Organist . The Lodge was then passed to the second , and raised to the third degrees . The Right Worshipful Master said that at the last meeting of the Lodge two of their Past Masters wero unavoidably absent , and they little knew at tho time that they were both ly ing ou their death-beds . The hand of death hadsioco then snatched them from our midst . The late R . W . Bro . Nadcrshaw , the
W . M . observed , was closely connected with him by ties of friendship , and he was , therefore , in a position to state that all who knew him loved and admired his qualities of head and heart . Similar remarks were applicable to R . W . Bro . Rustomjee Bbadherjce , who was equally respected ancl revered by his largo circle of friends . Ho ( the R . W . M . ) had one consolation , namely , to see before him so large and
influential a gathering to do honour to the memory of their departed friends ancl deeply-loved brethren . R . W . Bro . K . 11 . Kama opened the proceedings with prayer . The R . W . Master , assisted by his Wardens , then read the funeral service most impressively , after which the Lodge was lowered to the first degree , ancl the following propositions Avero unanimously carried ancl ordered to be recorded . That , by the untimely death of onr IU . Worshipful Bro , Rustomjee
i * Jamshcdjeo Nadershaw , Lodge Rising Star of Western India is deprived of ono of its Avarmesb friends , his associates of a cheerful and open-hearted companion , his family of a kind supporter , and the community of an exemplary citizen . Thafc while this melancholy event saddens our' hearts , AVO have still
the pleasing reflection that tho conscientious and upright life of our brother , his dovotedness as a friend , his honesty and integrity in all his dealings , his faithfulness to tho principles of our Order , have won for him a good name , which is above all price , and tho highest respect and esteem of all who know him .
That ho died at tho untimely ago of thirty-fivo years , too young for one to die , so gifted with talents , and so capable of serving the community as a rational aud intelligent medical practitioner of rare attainments , and a student of science , that hia memory will bo long endeared to ns . He was mild , affable , and generous .
That tho brethren respectfully tender to tho afflicted widow their deep and cordial sympathy for her irreparable loss . That as a token of our heartfelt sorrow for tho sad event , and as a mark of our esteem and high appreciation of the worth of onr
deceased brother , who was greatly endeared to us by the strong fraternalties of our Order , as well as by thoso rich shining social qualities by whioh ho was eminently distinguished as a man , that the Lodgo of which he was a member meet in mourning ou the next regular meeting iu March .
That a copy of tho above resolutions be sent to the widow of tho deceased . That whilo this Lodge bows with humble submission to tho will of
the Supreme Grand Master iu calling away our esteemed Ri ght Worshipful Bro . Rustomjee Cowasjeo Bhaderjee , wo cannot withhold the expression of onr profound sorrow for the heavy loss sustained by the bereaved family by his untimely death .
Tho Lodge loses in him one of its mosfc distinguished members , over ready iu promoting its welfare and prosperity , and Bombay ono of its highly esteemed citizens , his name being associated with many charitable institutions as a donor and a supporter . That whilo wo cherish the memory of our departed brother , we will
strive to imitate thoso virtues whioh he assiduously practised , and which shono so conspicuously in his brief but memorable life as a medical practitioner , and cultivate those Masonic virtues and amiable disposition which adorned his public and private career , and gladdened fche hearts of those with whom he came in contact .
Thafc to tho afflicted Avidow and children of the deceased this Lodge tenders the assurance of their sincere and heartfelt condolence . That tho Lodgo meet in mourning on the next regular meeting in March in testimony of his worth . That a copy of tho above resolutions be sent to the widow of the deceased .
A telegram received in Bombay on tho 4 th March , from Madras , announces the death there , on the 2 nd instant , of R . W . Bro . John Miller , Administrator General , from typhoid fever . Ho was a leading member of tho Bar there , and District Grand Master of Freemasons in that Presidency .
Bro . G . Sargcaufc , son of tho Rev . G . Sargeant , Superintendent of tho Weslcyan Methodists in tho Island of Jamaica , has been elected Master of the Royal Lodge . The Right Wor . Altainont Do Cordova has been appointed Grand Senior Warden . The Right Wor . J . J . G . Innis has been appointed Grand Junior Warden . The Right Wor . G . C . H . Innis has been appointed Grand Secretary of fcho Grand Lodge of East Jamaica .
At the ordinary meeting of the Phoenix Lodge , Port Royal , Jamaica , held on 7 th March , Wor . L . C . Hollar , Master , presided . The Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master of East Jamaica , accompanied by his Grand Senior and Junior Wardens and Grand Secretary , paid an official visit , aud inspected the books . A candidate was raised . The Grand Master praised the Wor . Master for his working , and the manner in which the books had been kept .
We Lave great p leasure in announcing that Bro . Falkner Lee , of the Watford Lodge , No . 404 , Herts , will give a Grand Concert at St . James ' s Hall , on the 23 rd May , the proceeds of which will be equally apportioned between
the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , with a view to recouping them a portion of the losses they have respectivel y snstained by the failure of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co . Bro . Falkner Lee is rnakine strenuous efforts to
ensure a brilliant success . He has alread y obtained the patronage of Lord Skelmersdale our Deputy C 4 rand Master , and other influential Craftsmen , and he will have a grand
array of musical talent , both vocal ancl instrumental , on this occasion . It is needless to say that Bro . Lee has onr heartiest good Avishes , and Ave trust the result may be worthy of so spirited and so laudable an effort ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of The Island Of Cuba.
WE havo been requested to publish the following circular , addressed by the Grand Lodgo of Cuba to thoso Lodges of tho United States Avho havo not yet accorded their recognition . We have pleasure iu complying with this request : —
To tho Most Worshipfnl Grand Lodgo F . A . M . of ...., WISDOM . VIRTUE . FRATERNITY . Havana , 15 th March 1878 . Dear Brethren , —The Grand Lodge of the Island of Cuba , established at Havana tho 1 st August 1876 , according to tho general principles
of Masonic Jurisprudence ruling all the regular Grand Lodges , has already had tho honour to request recognition , through her Grand Foreign Representative , R . W . Bro . Ramon Ilia ; the history and
precedents of this Grand Lodge being at largo set forth in the documents Avhich the same worthy brother made known to you in due time . Tho legitimate petition of the Grand Lodge of the Island of Cuba has hereto been successful before tho following high Bodies : —
Grand Orient of Spain ( Sagasta ) . Grand Lodge of Kansas . Graud Lodgo of Delaware . Grand Lodge of Wyoming . Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Grand Lodgo of Utah . Grand Lodge of Maryland . Grand Lodgo of Scotland . Grand Lodge of Now York . Grand Lodgo of South Carolina
Grand Lodgo of Rhode Island . Gd . L . of District of Columbia . Grand Lodgo of Colorado . Gd . L . of Washington Territory Grand Lodgo of Manitoba . Grand Lodgo of Oregon . Grand Lodgo of Arkansas . Graud Lodgo of New Jersey . Grand Lodgo of Idaho . Grand Lodge of Tennessee .
Now , dear brethren , when the good right of this Grand Lodgo has been acknowledged by so many respectable Masonic Authorities , we dare expect that your Grand Lodge will nofc withdraw tho friendly
hand of Avelcome and love to a sister , young , yet full of life and Masonic zeal ; and confident in tho future welfare of the Craft in Cuba , through their common efforts and the brotherly support of the Grand Lodges on the world .
With profound respect and fraternal affection , AVO are , Dear brethren , truly yours . For the Grand Master : the S . G . W . Attest : GREGORIO GONZALEZ AMADOR . AURELIO ALMEIDA , G . S .
A FUNERAL Lodge was held afc tho Freemasons' Hall , Nesbitlaue , Byculla , Bombay , on the 20 th February 1878 , in memory of the late Right Worshipful Bros . Rnsfcomjeo Cowasjeo Bhadherjeo , and Rustomjee Jamsotjce Nadcrshaw , by Lodgo Rising Star of Western India , S . C . This mournful tribute to the deceased brethren , Who were eminent aud highly respected members of the Blasonic fraternity , was a deserved , although sorrowful recognition of their
genuine worth . Each of them had laboured zealously and successfully to promote tho interests of the Lodgo over which thoy had presided with distinguished ability ancl untiring perseverance and assiduity . They were held in the highest esteem , nofc only by the members of their own Lodge , but had won tho respect of all the brethren of tho Craft throughout fcho Bombay Presidency . They
Avero both members of tho medical profession , and had risen to high eminence , whilst each enjoyed a mosfc extensive practice , and was recognised by tho professors of tho Grant Medical College , as also by confreres , as gentlemen thoroughly qualified in all branches of their profession . Consequently their services were eagerly sought , and , in cases of poverty and distress , were afc all times freely and gratuitously
extended to sufferers in humble life . The poor of thoir own community , more especially , had cause to bless them , for the disinterested and skilful manner in which they tended them was highly appreciated ; and in many a sick chamber their loss will be as deeply deplored as it is amongst the brethren of tho Craft in Bombay .
Tho brethren present included representatives from the Grand Lodge of all Asia , and the sister Lodges of the Presidency . After the Lodge had been duly opened , aud the minutes read and confirmed , tho members and visitors adjourned to the ground floor of the hall , where a procession was formed , and the brethren marched to the Lodgo room , a funeral dirge being played by
the Grand Organist . The Lodge was then passed to the second , and raised to the third degrees . The Right Worshipful Master said that at the last meeting of the Lodge two of their Past Masters wero unavoidably absent , and they little knew at tho time that they were both ly ing ou their death-beds . The hand of death hadsioco then snatched them from our midst . The late R . W . Bro . Nadcrshaw , the
W . M . observed , was closely connected with him by ties of friendship , and he was , therefore , in a position to state that all who knew him loved and admired his qualities of head and heart . Similar remarks were applicable to R . W . Bro . Rustomjee Bbadherjce , who was equally respected ancl revered by his largo circle of friends . Ho ( the R . W . M . ) had one consolation , namely , to see before him so large and
influential a gathering to do honour to the memory of their departed friends ancl deeply-loved brethren . R . W . Bro . K . 11 . Kama opened the proceedings with prayer . The R . W . Master , assisted by his Wardens , then read the funeral service most impressively , after which the Lodge was lowered to the first degree , ancl the following propositions Avero unanimously carried ancl ordered to be recorded . That , by the untimely death of onr IU . Worshipful Bro , Rustomjee
i * Jamshcdjeo Nadershaw , Lodge Rising Star of Western India is deprived of ono of its Avarmesb friends , his associates of a cheerful and open-hearted companion , his family of a kind supporter , and the community of an exemplary citizen . Thafc while this melancholy event saddens our' hearts , AVO have still
the pleasing reflection that tho conscientious and upright life of our brother , his dovotedness as a friend , his honesty and integrity in all his dealings , his faithfulness to tho principles of our Order , have won for him a good name , which is above all price , and tho highest respect and esteem of all who know him .
That ho died at tho untimely ago of thirty-fivo years , too young for one to die , so gifted with talents , and so capable of serving the community as a rational aud intelligent medical practitioner of rare attainments , and a student of science , that hia memory will bo long endeared to ns . He was mild , affable , and generous .
That tho brethren respectfully tender to tho afflicted widow their deep and cordial sympathy for her irreparable loss . That as a token of our heartfelt sorrow for tho sad event , and as a mark of our esteem and high appreciation of the worth of onr
deceased brother , who was greatly endeared to us by the strong fraternalties of our Order , as well as by thoso rich shining social qualities by whioh ho was eminently distinguished as a man , that the Lodgo of which he was a member meet in mourning ou the next regular meeting iu March .
That a copy of tho above resolutions be sent to the widow of tho deceased . That whilo this Lodge bows with humble submission to tho will of
the Supreme Grand Master iu calling away our esteemed Ri ght Worshipful Bro . Rustomjee Cowasjeo Bhaderjee , wo cannot withhold the expression of onr profound sorrow for the heavy loss sustained by the bereaved family by his untimely death .
Tho Lodge loses in him one of its mosfc distinguished members , over ready iu promoting its welfare and prosperity , and Bombay ono of its highly esteemed citizens , his name being associated with many charitable institutions as a donor and a supporter . That whilo wo cherish the memory of our departed brother , we will
strive to imitate thoso virtues whioh he assiduously practised , and which shono so conspicuously in his brief but memorable life as a medical practitioner , and cultivate those Masonic virtues and amiable disposition which adorned his public and private career , and gladdened fche hearts of those with whom he came in contact .
Thafc to tho afflicted Avidow and children of the deceased this Lodge tenders the assurance of their sincere and heartfelt condolence . That tho Lodgo meet in mourning on the next regular meeting in March in testimony of his worth . That a copy of tho above resolutions be sent to the widow of the deceased .
A telegram received in Bombay on tho 4 th March , from Madras , announces the death there , on the 2 nd instant , of R . W . Bro . John Miller , Administrator General , from typhoid fever . Ho was a leading member of tho Bar there , and District Grand Master of Freemasons in that Presidency .
Bro . G . Sargcaufc , son of tho Rev . G . Sargeant , Superintendent of tho Weslcyan Methodists in tho Island of Jamaica , has been elected Master of the Royal Lodge . The Right Wor . Altainont Do Cordova has been appointed Grand Senior Warden . The Right Wor . J . J . G . Innis has been appointed Grand Junior Warden . The Right Wor . G . C . H . Innis has been appointed Grand Secretary of fcho Grand Lodge of East Jamaica .
At the ordinary meeting of the Phoenix Lodge , Port Royal , Jamaica , held on 7 th March , Wor . L . C . Hollar , Master , presided . The Right Worshipful Hon . Dr . Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master of East Jamaica , accompanied by his Grand Senior and Junior Wardens and Grand Secretary , paid an official visit , aud inspected the books . A candidate was raised . The Grand Master praised the Wor . Master for his working , and the manner in which the books had been kept .
We Lave great p leasure in announcing that Bro . Falkner Lee , of the Watford Lodge , No . 404 , Herts , will give a Grand Concert at St . James ' s Hall , on the 23 rd May , the proceeds of which will be equally apportioned between
the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , with a view to recouping them a portion of the losses they have respectivel y snstained by the failure of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co . Bro . Falkner Lee is rnakine strenuous efforts to
ensure a brilliant success . He has alread y obtained the patronage of Lord Skelmersdale our Deputy C 4 rand Master , and other influential Craftsmen , and he will have a grand
array of musical talent , both vocal ancl instrumental , on this occasion . It is needless to say that Bro . Lee has onr heartiest good Avishes , and Ave trust the result may be worthy of so spirited and so laudable an effort ,