Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable ami unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for iMiJLSOirsria BAHQCTETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , h . Is too well known toneedcomment . The entire management has been changed , ancl tho Establishment in nil its branches thoroughly re-ovganiscd . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages oft'ered . CTJISI ^ TE OF THE HIGHEST CHA . TIA . CTEI ? ,. TVINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , AVINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
TO OPEN MONDAY , 8 th APRIL . THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of tho Oxford Music Hall , by which its habitues and tho public can be served with Luncheons and Dinners in the © OHLID ZEZErGKiLisia : STiriiiE . A . SKILLED CH 5 JV HAS BEES T . MGAGP . D . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , 3 s 6 cl FER HEAD . BEO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GEAND FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 24 th April 1878 , at tho Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF CARNARVON IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may bo obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Ticket will be issued after Four o ' clock on tho day preceding the Festival . Dinner at half-past Six o ' clock precisely . Tho Musical Arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . C . E , WIIUNO , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . T . A . MASEY , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . North Cheain , Surrey .
SIXTH APPLICATION . IjtogalPitS0mxlirstitetioitfar§.crn£L APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . The favour of the Votes aud Interest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHURY , AGED TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SHUHY , of Myliind , Colchester , who died on tho 25 th of February last , after two years of great suffering , iu his 75 th year . Bro . SnuKY was formerly engaged in tho Circulation Department of the Post Office , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia in tho head , and defective vision , consequent upon cataract , ho was compelled to resign his position when at the ago of 51 years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension of £ 11 a year , to which he was entitled on account of his service , and ho had to encroach continually upon his savings , till they wero quite exhausted . Consequently ho had been unnble to provide for the boy ' s education , as he did for his children by his first marriage , and his declining days were comforted with the thought that the lad would eventually be elected into the Institution . When in the full possession of health Bro . SHVKV was a most active Mason . Ho was initiated in tho Saint Jolin ' s Lodgo , Hampstead , No . 100 ( now 1 C 7 ) , in 1819 , and , after passing through the intermediate oflices , eventually became W . M . When , in 1861 , the state of his health compelled him to remove from the District , he tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lodge . Bro . Sni'RV afterwards joined the Wellington , 518 , as a country member ; and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . SI , in 1868 . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1 S 52 , and was elected to tho Third Chair , but tho continued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign . Ho •was also ono of tho Founders of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . When tho present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . SIJL- ' position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of the Boy ' s Institution , not thinking at tho time that he should ever bo compelled to avail himself of its benefits and he has besides this , dono all in his power to excite in others an interest in the Masonic Charities . Altogether ho had contributed to the funds of Grand Lodge for the long period of TWENTY -NINE YEABS . The ease is strongly recommended ( among others ) by The Right Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG- W . Bro . F . ADLAUD V . P . P . M . No . 7 . SHAWE Prov . Grand Master Essex . * W . Bro . JonJf BOSWORTH P . M . 170 R . W . Bro . RICHARD BOLXOS BAKTOX and 319 , P . P . J . G . W . Dorset . LL . D . P . P . G . M . for Western India . W . Bro . SAMUEL COLE , Life Governor R . W . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dep . B . M . I . B ., P . M . 181 and 1121 Past P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTIN V . P . * W . Bro . HENRY T . R . W-IRB L G D . P . G . M . Suffolk , & c . R . M . I . B ., P . M . Albion Lodge , No ' o ' V . W . Bro . FREn . A . PniLBRirK , Q . C ., Brn . M . D . LOEWENSTAUK J . W ., 1360 Recdr . of Colchester , P . G . J . W ., & c . S . N . Chapter 73 . * W . Bro . A . D . LOICWF . N-STAKK P . M . * Bro . THOS . J . RALLING W M An"el 519 , 733 , 107 , and P . Z . 73 , 185 . Lodge , No . 51 , P . G . Sec , Essex ° W . Bro . FKBDERICK WALTEBS V . P . * W . Bro . the Rev . C . L . Acr . txn ' p M P . G . P . "Middlesex , P . M . aud P . Z . 73 . 553 , P . Prov . Gd . Chaplain j Oxford W . Bro . WILLIAM PHATTAKTT Steward P . Prov . Grand Chaplain E- 'se ^ R . M . I . G . P . M . 1326 and 1351 . W . Bro . tho Rev . R . T . WIHTTINGIOX W . Bro . GRIFFITHS SMITH Past Grand Apollo University Lod"e JS ' o 357 Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lodge , No . 51 . ' ' ' Proxies will be thankfully received by thoso Brethren whose names are marked with an asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions avo most valuable for the purposes of Exchange .
llfljmlPasanit|ir^.titutt0Hfor(Sibrfa. St . John ' s Hill , S . W . Office , 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . Patrons : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HER ROVAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in the Hall of the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Qiieou-stvoot , Lincolns-inn-fields , London , on Saturday , the 13 th day of April 1878 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on tho General Business of tho Institution , to consider Notices of Motion as follow , and to elect Eighteen Girls into the School by ballot , from a list of 21 approved Candidates . The Election will commence at Ono o ' clock ( or after tho usual business is over ) , and close at Three o ' clock precisely . By Colonel Creaton , J . P ., Trustee and Vice-Patron : " That Nineteen Girls be elected instead of Eighteen as previously arranged , by which tho number of Girls in the School will be then increased to 200 . " Also , " That tho funded property of the Institution be transferred into the names of tho present Trustees . " Upon recommendation of tho Building Committee , by Colonel Creaton , Chairman : " That authority bo given for tho necessary expenditure in laying out tho grounds of the Institution . " By Bro . Thomas W . White , P . G . Std ., Vice-Pros . . " That John Bond Cab bell , Esq ., the Devisee of Trust Estates under tho will of tho late Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , tho survivor of the Trustees in -whom the property of tho Institution is vested , be requested and authorised to execute tho necessary Documents to vest the said Property in the present Trustees , viz . : — The Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , Lieut .-Colonel J . Creaton , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , ( D . Prov . G . M . Middx . ) Secretary .
THE NINETIETH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will take placo at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , 10 th May 1878 , on which occasion The Et . Hon . The EABL OP CABNABVON , M . W . Pro G . M ., B . W . Prov . Grand Master Somersetshire , Has most kindly consented to preside . Names of Stewards will be thankfully received by the Secretary .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entre ' es , poultryjoints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton's Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
r ^^^^^^S BrV . " ¦ V . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ BwjWArWWWVu JSr 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget
THE last few days liave been among the most eventful of the Session . Indeed , one or two of the sittings will be of historical interest , Avhile the proposals brought forward may be fraught Avith the most tremendous consequences , not only to the British Empire , but likewise to
fciiirope and , indeed , the whole world . On Thursday , on the Peers meeting for the despatch of business , the House was taken by surprise on finding that the Earl of Derb y did not take his seat on the ministerial bench , but below the gano-.
way . The matter was soon explained , for the noble Earl rose almost immediately , and announced that , owing to the differences that existed between himself and his colleagues he had ceased to be Foreign Minister , or rather thai he
only continued to hold the seals of office till his successor had been appointed . Lord Derby , though full liberty of explanation had been given him , did not avail himself of the opportunity of doing so , but merely stated that while
he Avas in accord Avith the other ministers of the Crown as to the end to be obtained , he differed with them as to the means . The Earl of Beaconsfield , however , who rose
immediately for the purpose of expressing his sorrow that his political connection with the noble Earl , which had extended over a quarter of a century , \ raa thus abruptly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable ami unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for iMiJLSOirsria BAHQCTETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , h . Is too well known toneedcomment . The entire management has been changed , ancl tho Establishment in nil its branches thoroughly re-ovganiscd . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages oft'ered . CTJISI ^ TE OF THE HIGHEST CHA . TIA . CTEI ? ,. TVINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , AVINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
TO OPEN MONDAY , 8 th APRIL . THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of tho Oxford Music Hall , by which its habitues and tho public can be served with Luncheons and Dinners in the © OHLID ZEZErGKiLisia : STiriiiE . A . SKILLED CH 5 JV HAS BEES T . MGAGP . D . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , 3 s 6 cl FER HEAD . BEO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GEAND FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 24 th April 1878 , at tho Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF CARNARVON IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may bo obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Ticket will be issued after Four o ' clock on tho day preceding the Festival . Dinner at half-past Six o ' clock precisely . Tho Musical Arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . C . E , WIIUNO , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . T . A . MASEY , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . North Cheain , Surrey .
SIXTH APPLICATION . IjtogalPitS0mxlirstitetioitfar§.crn£L APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . The favour of the Votes aud Interest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHURY , AGED TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SHUHY , of Myliind , Colchester , who died on tho 25 th of February last , after two years of great suffering , iu his 75 th year . Bro . SnuKY was formerly engaged in tho Circulation Department of the Post Office , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia in tho head , and defective vision , consequent upon cataract , ho was compelled to resign his position when at the ago of 51 years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension of £ 11 a year , to which he was entitled on account of his service , and ho had to encroach continually upon his savings , till they wero quite exhausted . Consequently ho had been unnble to provide for the boy ' s education , as he did for his children by his first marriage , and his declining days were comforted with the thought that the lad would eventually be elected into the Institution . When in the full possession of health Bro . SHVKV was a most active Mason . Ho was initiated in tho Saint Jolin ' s Lodgo , Hampstead , No . 100 ( now 1 C 7 ) , in 1819 , and , after passing through the intermediate oflices , eventually became W . M . When , in 1861 , the state of his health compelled him to remove from the District , he tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lodge . Bro . Sni'RV afterwards joined the Wellington , 518 , as a country member ; and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . SI , in 1868 . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1 S 52 , and was elected to tho Third Chair , but tho continued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign . Ho •was also ono of tho Founders of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . When tho present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . SIJL- ' position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of the Boy ' s Institution , not thinking at tho time that he should ever bo compelled to avail himself of its benefits and he has besides this , dono all in his power to excite in others an interest in the Masonic Charities . Altogether ho had contributed to the funds of Grand Lodge for the long period of TWENTY -NINE YEABS . The ease is strongly recommended ( among others ) by The Right Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG- W . Bro . F . ADLAUD V . P . P . M . No . 7 . SHAWE Prov . Grand Master Essex . * W . Bro . JonJf BOSWORTH P . M . 170 R . W . Bro . RICHARD BOLXOS BAKTOX and 319 , P . P . J . G . W . Dorset . LL . D . P . P . G . M . for Western India . W . Bro . SAMUEL COLE , Life Governor R . W . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dep . B . M . I . B ., P . M . 181 and 1121 Past P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTIN V . P . * W . Bro . HENRY T . R . W-IRB L G D . P . G . M . Suffolk , & c . R . M . I . B ., P . M . Albion Lodge , No ' o ' V . W . Bro . FREn . A . PniLBRirK , Q . C ., Brn . M . D . LOEWENSTAUK J . W ., 1360 Recdr . of Colchester , P . G . J . W ., & c . S . N . Chapter 73 . * W . Bro . A . D . LOICWF . N-STAKK P . M . * Bro . THOS . J . RALLING W M An"el 519 , 733 , 107 , and P . Z . 73 , 185 . Lodge , No . 51 , P . G . Sec , Essex ° W . Bro . FKBDERICK WALTEBS V . P . * W . Bro . the Rev . C . L . Acr . txn ' p M P . G . P . "Middlesex , P . M . aud P . Z . 73 . 553 , P . Prov . Gd . Chaplain j Oxford W . Bro . WILLIAM PHATTAKTT Steward P . Prov . Grand Chaplain E- 'se ^ R . M . I . G . P . M . 1326 and 1351 . W . Bro . tho Rev . R . T . WIHTTINGIOX W . Bro . GRIFFITHS SMITH Past Grand Apollo University Lod"e JS ' o 357 Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lodge , No . 51 . ' ' ' Proxies will be thankfully received by thoso Brethren whose names are marked with an asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions avo most valuable for the purposes of Exchange .
llfljmlPasanit|ir^.titutt0Hfor(Sibrfa. St . John ' s Hill , S . W . Office , 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . Patrons : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HER ROVAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in the Hall of the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Qiieou-stvoot , Lincolns-inn-fields , London , on Saturday , the 13 th day of April 1878 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on tho General Business of tho Institution , to consider Notices of Motion as follow , and to elect Eighteen Girls into the School by ballot , from a list of 21 approved Candidates . The Election will commence at Ono o ' clock ( or after tho usual business is over ) , and close at Three o ' clock precisely . By Colonel Creaton , J . P ., Trustee and Vice-Patron : " That Nineteen Girls be elected instead of Eighteen as previously arranged , by which tho number of Girls in the School will be then increased to 200 . " Also , " That tho funded property of the Institution be transferred into the names of tho present Trustees . " Upon recommendation of tho Building Committee , by Colonel Creaton , Chairman : " That authority bo given for tho necessary expenditure in laying out tho grounds of the Institution . " By Bro . Thomas W . White , P . G . Std ., Vice-Pros . . " That John Bond Cab bell , Esq ., the Devisee of Trust Estates under tho will of tho late Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , tho survivor of the Trustees in -whom the property of tho Institution is vested , be requested and authorised to execute tho necessary Documents to vest the said Property in the present Trustees , viz . : — The Right Hon . the Lord Leigh , Lieut .-Colonel J . Creaton , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , ( D . Prov . G . M . Middx . ) Secretary .
THE NINETIETH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will take placo at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , 10 th May 1878 , on which occasion The Et . Hon . The EABL OP CABNABVON , M . W . Pro G . M ., B . W . Prov . Grand Master Somersetshire , Has most kindly consented to preside . Names of Stewards will be thankfully received by the Secretary .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entre ' es , poultryjoints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton's Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
r ^^^^^^S BrV . " ¦ V . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ BwjWArWWWVu JSr 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget
THE last few days liave been among the most eventful of the Session . Indeed , one or two of the sittings will be of historical interest , Avhile the proposals brought forward may be fraught Avith the most tremendous consequences , not only to the British Empire , but likewise to
fciiirope and , indeed , the whole world . On Thursday , on the Peers meeting for the despatch of business , the House was taken by surprise on finding that the Earl of Derb y did not take his seat on the ministerial bench , but below the gano-.
way . The matter was soon explained , for the noble Earl rose almost immediately , and announced that , owing to the differences that existed between himself and his colleagues he had ceased to be Foreign Minister , or rather thai he
only continued to hold the seals of office till his successor had been appointed . Lord Derby , though full liberty of explanation had been given him , did not avail himself of the opportunity of doing so , but merely stated that while
he Avas in accord Avith the other ministers of the Crown as to the end to be obtained , he differed with them as to the means . The Earl of Beaconsfield , however , who rose
immediately for the purpose of expressing his sorrow that his political connection with the noble Earl , which had extended over a quarter of a century , \ raa thus abruptly