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ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . Pnwfffirte . J ^ Mto © MI p « $ « MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Solo London Agents for Dawes & Eamsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H R . H . tlio Prineess Louise . "Pall Illnstratorl Price T . i « ts » post free ? on . tivplioation to JSTO . - ? -0 Great Marlboroueh Street . NOTE AI ) T ) RESS ~ a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . QBOTBR So GROYBB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , ^ NiaaMM BEAUTIFUL AND PERFE T INSTRUMENTS . pMJsil PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , / ^ " ~ - ^> FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s QUARTER . H g I * » Tho Advantages of a Trial , wltli « 3 i © Convenience of the , rCT * . I Iff Threo Vcurs' System nt Cash Price , l » . v _» ayla _ - about a Quarter d _ N _ i __ fc __|__! _____ II nf tUe *'*»'"« tiown , the Italanco l » . v Ka < jj * Payments , from ^— - ^ fr ***^ . i __ S > 15 s per quarter * IsROVER & GROVES ,, 157-9 Kingsland Road . KSr , \ I-L .. SI 3 i : t > 1830 . : . " " ' ~ - ¦ - T- __ :- — -. *»_ . — .- - ' - —¦ — --r-r-.
FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES , MEMBERS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all tho Snburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mil I Cureil . Hams ... linei flavoiirpd _ ovk and Irish . 1 ath Chans Finest Wiltshire . Sausages niioshire . Humnna Tonfjiio , & c . frosn daily Cheese ... American , Cliwhln Stilton , & c . Tongues Vinost Smoked anil Pickled Ox . Fre -ili rirllveries daily , at WholesaSc Prices , of J ____ v _;_ E 5 I ^ IOj ^ lSr PUESH _ B _ B _ B _ Er . Pronounced by tho Press to be equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOME GROWTH . SUIT & CO ., 105 OPPER THAMES STREET . LC .
CRICKET . JOHN LILLYWHITE has the most cxtensi -e Stock of CRICKETING GOODS in tho trade to select from , unit invites nn insiicctionot ' tho sumo . Cane-handle . ! UiU , from UM to 2 ls each ; Presentation JJals , from 25 s to 32 s 01 cadi ; Pads ncu-piiir Us Od to las ; Untti- . i , ' Gloves per pair , 8 s Od ; Wicket-keeping Gloves per pair , IDs ; Stu-nps , from 7 s to Ms per set ; B-igs , I'm in 12 s to 38 s ( id each ; Wing- Nets , -16 s . Send leu * List , of Prices , which contains every information , and is sent post free . CarriaKe paid on alt orders of C 3 and upwards . Patronized by H . R . H . the Pr . txci * \ V \ LES . JOHN LILLYWHITt'S CRICK . TE- * COMPAHIOH , POST FPEE 1 ' 1 Please note tho os _ v ADCISESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion whatever with any other Finn advertising as "J . liillywhite . "
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . ( 'Moral accidents . | Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HAR'JlNi' } , Manager .
^•' cw Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth ">¦? . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM 7 KB dress BiUFiTj , by Captain Hns-fi A . Kennedy , Vice-President of ' the British Chess Association . IV . W . JIOBOAH * , 67 BiBBIOAK , LojIDOX .
Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name li > raUe < 3 letter . o . ClAN bo obtained direct from tho Maker , / at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . | A . OLDEOYD , l Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of I Havana and Continental Cigars , 301 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQURNTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . ; Hy T . hose . H . A ., T . C . D ., Being a snpnlement to the "Key to tlio Chess j Openings , " by the same author . I Losnoif : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAK , EC .
i PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . ' , Hampshire , I . of Wight avil Sussex Count : / Journal j Conservative organ { or tho district . Largest and i most , influential circulation . i " Tlie Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . ' j Seo " Hay ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " I Tuesday Evening . One Penny . Saturday . Twnpenc j Ohio''Offices : —IS * Qitnen Street , Portsea . i Bro . B . HOLT-ROOK & SONS , Proprietors . | Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agoncie j in all the principal towns in tha district . I Advertisements should be forwarded to reach tht ! Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday I afternoons .
FREEMASONRY . PR 0 VINCE _ 0 E SURREY . The R . W . Bro . Oon . STCDHOLIIF . BROWN-RIGC , C . B , Provincial Grand Master . Notice is hereby given , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will be helil on Tuesday , the 16 th day of July 1878 , at 1 o'clock in tho Afternoon punctually , at the PUBLIC HALL , DORKING , ' in tlie County of Surrey , when tlie Members of the Provincial Grand Lodso , and tho other brethren of the Province , nre requested tontt nd . P . y commando ! : tho R . W . P . G . Master , OH A R _ ES GREENWOOD , Provincial G-rantl Sirrr / arii , 01 Nelson Sf |„ Blfiekfrinrs Road . 17 th June 187 S .
P . S . —Tho Banquet will take place at 3 .: ) 0 o ' clock precisely . Tickets for which ( nri-o 15 s ) may > 0 bad of Brother Jamos Churchill , P . M ., H'ffh Street , D u'king j or of tho Provincial Grand Secretary . The R . W . P . G . Master requests tho attendance of the brethren at Divine Service , at the Parish 1 'hurch , at 2 ' 1 - > p . m . A Sei mon will he preached by tho V . W . Brother tho Rev . Ambrose W . Hall , M . A , Provincial Grand Chaplain , P . M ., P . P . O . S . W . Brethren not to appear in Masonic costume at Divine Service .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . ROYAfi ROUTE , viC : Crinan and Calc ( Ionian Canals by Royal Mail St amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., nnd from Greenock at 9 a . m .. conveying passengers for the XORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS . —Seo bill , with map nnd tourist lares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS . Publishers , 7-t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HUTCH-SON and Co ., 110 Hope Street , Glasgow .
F . ADLA 3 D'S JEWEL ATTACHER . rrj ' ~ £ r ^ C « j ¦ ¦'"''' ¦¦ Wr *!?* $ **& \ - *^ n < 3 ' '¦ £ _! , _•_ •_!•> | « f ^ f ^ P ^ l ^| s , p _ i >• , O ^ Pi-, m ^^^ g ^^^ 0 i sS * 1 225 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C .
! _ ea TT _ p _ = _ ___ s . I EV ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEV 311 TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . | WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS j ' ' ' ¦> allowed by upwards oi 500 Medical Men to bo the ¦ sgi most effective invention in the curative trust . ' frig merit nf Hernia . The use of a steel spring-, so . zjr often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , n 1 _? y __ h . 30 " bnnrlaL'O beinir worn round tho body , while «? FV / lMl ° requisite resisting power is supplied by tlio j S ( f 7 M \ TOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER flttin » i u ( w / JHil with so much ease and looseness that it cannot ¦ o J // I 1 be detected , and rnny be worn durin . q-sleep . i < tVv ^ S-r A descriptive circular may be rind , and the i 5 s ^\ I U rru ? s , which cannot fail tj fit , forwarded by j ' /^> AI y P ° * t on the circumference of the body two / s / 'll f inches below the loin . « btlnir sent to the mnnu-_ lT \ < A i ' aeturer , I | a | 1 I Mr . JOHN WHITE , ± ! 3 PICCADILLY , LONDON * , i - ^ 1 I / Price of a sir . ' -le Truss , b ; s , 2 Is , _| sGd &* UsUrl . W \ I Postas-e freo . Price of u Double Truss Ills iW . lSd ' -. ? 3 -J I % , nnd , * > is fid . Postage free . Prico of an Umbilical ¦ **&*? Jig ? Truss , 12 s and rased . Postnsre free . PostOIIlee " " ¦ " - Orders to be made payable to JOHN * WHITE . Post Otllce , Piccadilly . \ NEW PATENT I "ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , ' l _ i for VARICOSE VEINS , nnd all eases of WEAKNESS ( indSWI- 'LLINOS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , Ac . They are porous , liRht in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price Is cd , 7 s Cd , 103 and Ids each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ J sexes . ) l ? or Gentlemen they net ss a substitute for the or . Unary braces . For children they are invaluable ; thoy nrtvont stooping and preserve th ' symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 . 1 Cd , 7 s nd and 10 s M ; adults 15 s Cd and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAN-UFACTUREB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON ,
TAMAR INDIEN . 5 HP £ CIAIi CAUTION . OWING to the marked success of this mo'Iicine , the only patent modlolrte universallypreacri'o-. ;( l by the faculty , anil the acknowledged cure or constipation , headache , bile , hremorrhoids , Ac , BASH ' tiTATIO . vs , contninin ;; dra-tic irritants , are belnir foistwl m tho public . The Pennine preoaniton bcn » the tale ' turner Indion , " nnd the signature E . ( HllI . Lo-J , Colemnn-st ., ondon . K . C . Price 2 Cd per box . In a recent case , 1 S 7 C , ! . No . 211 . a perpetual Injunction to restrain tho defe-id : itit t-om npplyin-r tho name •¦ Tamar" to his loz nces wis irarded , witii cos's , by -Vice-Chancellor flagon , on lf . 'tii ¦ muarylS 77 , and all such piracies will be auminari y pro . c ; eded ng-iinst ,. N . B . —See tint the outer v . Tapi er ( directions ) are printed in tho English Ianeuaf-e , andjthat each box hears the Government 3 d stamp ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . Pnwfffirte . J ^ Mto © MI p « $ « MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Solo London Agents for Dawes & Eamsden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H R . H . tlio Prineess Louise . "Pall Illnstratorl Price T . i « ts » post free ? on . tivplioation to JSTO . - ? -0 Great Marlboroueh Street . NOTE AI ) T ) RESS ~ a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . QBOTBR So GROYBB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , ^ NiaaMM BEAUTIFUL AND PERFE T INSTRUMENTS . pMJsil PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , / ^ " ~ - ^> FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s QUARTER . H g I * » Tho Advantages of a Trial , wltli « 3 i © Convenience of the , rCT * . I Iff Threo Vcurs' System nt Cash Price , l » . v _» ayla _ - about a Quarter d _ N _ i __ fc __|__! _____ II nf tUe *'*»'"« tiown , the Italanco l » . v Ka < jj * Payments , from ^— - ^ fr ***^ . i __ S > 15 s per quarter * IsROVER & GROVES ,, 157-9 Kingsland Road . KSr , \ I-L .. SI 3 i : t > 1830 . : . " " ' ~ - ¦ - T- __ :- — -. *»_ . — .- - ' - —¦ — --r-r-.
FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES , MEMBERS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all tho Snburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mil I Cureil . Hams ... linei flavoiirpd _ ovk and Irish . 1 ath Chans Finest Wiltshire . Sausages niioshire . Humnna Tonfjiio , & c . frosn daily Cheese ... American , Cliwhln Stilton , & c . Tongues Vinost Smoked anil Pickled Ox . Fre -ili rirllveries daily , at WholesaSc Prices , of J ____ v _;_ E 5 I ^ IOj ^ lSr PUESH _ B _ B _ B _ Er . Pronounced by tho Press to be equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOME GROWTH . SUIT & CO ., 105 OPPER THAMES STREET . LC .
CRICKET . JOHN LILLYWHITE has the most cxtensi -e Stock of CRICKETING GOODS in tho trade to select from , unit invites nn insiicctionot ' tho sumo . Cane-handle . ! UiU , from UM to 2 ls each ; Presentation JJals , from 25 s to 32 s 01 cadi ; Pads ncu-piiir Us Od to las ; Untti- . i , ' Gloves per pair , 8 s Od ; Wicket-keeping Gloves per pair , IDs ; Stu-nps , from 7 s to Ms per set ; B-igs , I'm in 12 s to 38 s ( id each ; Wing- Nets , -16 s . Send leu * List , of Prices , which contains every information , and is sent post free . CarriaKe paid on alt orders of C 3 and upwards . Patronized by H . R . H . the Pr . txci * \ V \ LES . JOHN LILLYWHITt'S CRICK . TE- * COMPAHIOH , POST FPEE 1 ' 1 Please note tho os _ v ADCISESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion whatever with any other Finn advertising as "J . liillywhite . "
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . ( 'Moral accidents . | Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HAR'JlNi' } , Manager .
^•' cw Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth ">¦? . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM 7 KB dress BiUFiTj , by Captain Hns-fi A . Kennedy , Vice-President of ' the British Chess Association . IV . W . JIOBOAH * , 67 BiBBIOAK , LojIDOX .
Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name li > raUe < 3 letter . o . ClAN bo obtained direct from tho Maker , / at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . | A . OLDEOYD , l Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of I Havana and Continental Cigars , 301 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQURNTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . ; Hy T . hose . H . A ., T . C . D ., Being a snpnlement to the "Key to tlio Chess j Openings , " by the same author . I Losnoif : W . W . MORGAN , 07 BARBICAK , EC .
i PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . ' , Hampshire , I . of Wight avil Sussex Count : / Journal j Conservative organ { or tho district . Largest and i most , influential circulation . i " Tlie Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . ' j Seo " Hay ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " I Tuesday Evening . One Penny . Saturday . Twnpenc j Ohio''Offices : —IS * Qitnen Street , Portsea . i Bro . B . HOLT-ROOK & SONS , Proprietors . | Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agoncie j in all the principal towns in tha district . I Advertisements should be forwarded to reach tht ! Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday I afternoons .
FREEMASONRY . PR 0 VINCE _ 0 E SURREY . The R . W . Bro . Oon . STCDHOLIIF . BROWN-RIGC , C . B , Provincial Grand Master . Notice is hereby given , that a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE will be helil on Tuesday , the 16 th day of July 1878 , at 1 o'clock in tho Afternoon punctually , at the PUBLIC HALL , DORKING , ' in tlie County of Surrey , when tlie Members of the Provincial Grand Lodso , and tho other brethren of the Province , nre requested tontt nd . P . y commando ! : tho R . W . P . G . Master , OH A R _ ES GREENWOOD , Provincial G-rantl Sirrr / arii , 01 Nelson Sf |„ Blfiekfrinrs Road . 17 th June 187 S .
P . S . —Tho Banquet will take place at 3 .: ) 0 o ' clock precisely . Tickets for which ( nri-o 15 s ) may > 0 bad of Brother Jamos Churchill , P . M ., H'ffh Street , D u'king j or of tho Provincial Grand Secretary . The R . W . P . G . Master requests tho attendance of the brethren at Divine Service , at the Parish 1 'hurch , at 2 ' 1 - > p . m . A Sei mon will he preached by tho V . W . Brother tho Rev . Ambrose W . Hall , M . A , Provincial Grand Chaplain , P . M ., P . P . O . S . W . Brethren not to appear in Masonic costume at Divine Service .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . ROYAfi ROUTE , viC : Crinan and Calc ( Ionian Canals by Royal Mail St amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., nnd from Greenock at 9 a . m .. conveying passengers for the XORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS . —Seo bill , with map nnd tourist lares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS . Publishers , 7-t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HUTCH-SON and Co ., 110 Hope Street , Glasgow .
F . ADLA 3 D'S JEWEL ATTACHER . rrj ' ~ £ r ^ C « j ¦ ¦'"''' ¦¦ Wr *!?* $ **& \ - *^ n < 3 ' '¦ £ _! , _•_ •_!•> | « f ^ f ^ P ^ l ^| s , p _ i >• , O ^ Pi-, m ^^^ g ^^^ 0 i sS * 1 225 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C .
! _ ea TT _ p _ = _ ___ s . I EV ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEV 311 TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . | WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS j ' ' ' ¦> allowed by upwards oi 500 Medical Men to bo the ¦ sgi most effective invention in the curative trust . ' frig merit nf Hernia . The use of a steel spring-, so . zjr often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , n 1 _? y __ h . 30 " bnnrlaL'O beinir worn round tho body , while «? FV / lMl ° requisite resisting power is supplied by tlio j S ( f 7 M \ TOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER flttin » i u ( w / JHil with so much ease and looseness that it cannot ¦ o J // I 1 be detected , and rnny be worn durin . q-sleep . i < tVv ^ S-r A descriptive circular may be rind , and the i 5 s ^\ I U rru ? s , which cannot fail tj fit , forwarded by j ' /^> AI y P ° * t on the circumference of the body two / s / 'll f inches below the loin . « btlnir sent to the mnnu-_ lT \ < A i ' aeturer , I | a | 1 I Mr . JOHN WHITE , ± ! 3 PICCADILLY , LONDON * , i - ^ 1 I / Price of a sir . ' -le Truss , b ; s , 2 Is , _| sGd &* UsUrl . W \ I Postas-e freo . Price of u Double Truss Ills iW . lSd ' -. ? 3 -J I % , nnd , * > is fid . Postage free . Prico of an Umbilical ¦ **&*? Jig ? Truss , 12 s and rased . Postnsre free . PostOIIlee " " ¦ " - Orders to be made payable to JOHN * WHITE . Post Otllce , Piccadilly . \ NEW PATENT I "ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , ' l _ i for VARICOSE VEINS , nnd all eases of WEAKNESS ( indSWI- 'LLINOS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , Ac . They are porous , liRht in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price Is cd , 7 s Cd , 103 and Ids each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ^ J sexes . ) l ? or Gentlemen they net ss a substitute for the or . Unary braces . For children they are invaluable ; thoy nrtvont stooping and preserve th ' symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 . 1 Cd , 7 s nd and 10 s M ; adults 15 s Cd and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAN-UFACTUREB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON ,
TAMAR INDIEN . 5 HP £ CIAIi CAUTION . OWING to the marked success of this mo'Iicine , the only patent modlolrte universallypreacri'o-. ;( l by the faculty , anil the acknowledged cure or constipation , headache , bile , hremorrhoids , Ac , BASH ' tiTATIO . vs , contninin ;; dra-tic irritants , are belnir foistwl m tho public . The Pennine preoaniton bcn » the tale ' turner Indion , " nnd the signature E . ( HllI . Lo-J , Colemnn-st ., ondon . K . C . Price 2 Cd per box . In a recent case , 1 S 7 C , ! . No . 211 . a perpetual Injunction to restrain tho defe-id : itit t-om npplyin-r tho name •¦ Tamar" to his loz nces wis irarded , witii cos's , by -Vice-Chancellor flagon , on lf . 'tii ¦ muarylS 77 , and all such piracies will be auminari y pro . c ; eded ng-iinst ,. N . B . —See tint the outer v . Tapi er ( directions ) are printed in tho English Ianeuaf-e , andjthat each box hears the Government 3 d stamp ,