Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Ledge , No . 384 , aud Dr . E . P . Edwards of St . Cybi Lodge , No . 597 , wore ballotted for , as joining members , and unanimously elected . Bro . Wm . Francis Jones , tho candidate to bo passed to the second degree , was then examined and and approved . The Lodgo was advanccd , and Bro . Jones was admitted and passed , the ceremony being performed by the W . M ., assisted by the S . W ., who gave the lecture
on the tracing board ; and tho J . W ., who presented the working tools . The Lodgo was then closed in the second degree , and a proposition was made that tho Brother to bo selected for tho painting by Bro . Mercier , to bo presented to tho Lodge , should be by ballot , which unanimously was in favour of W . Bro . W . Bulkcley Hughes , M . P ., and D . P . G . M . of North Wales and Salop , who has beon a joining member of tho St . Elath Lodge since its consecration ; and who was the principal mover
for its formation , ho having from its commencement always evinced the liveliest interest in tho welfaro of the St . Elath Lodge . The barmoniumused in the Lodge was presented by him , and when tho Lodge funds were at a low ebb he magnanimously came forward with pecuniary assistance , and it is the unanimous opinion of the brethren that a moro deserving brother , or a more worthy Mason , could not have been selected than Bro . W . Bulkoley Hughes . The Lodge was then closed in due form .
City of Westminster Lodge , No , 1563 . —Tho installation meeting was held on 28 tb ult ., nt tho Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Regent-street , W . The chair was taken by Bro . Edward White , who wns supported by P . M . ' s Swallow and Holden , his Officers , a considerable number of members , and the following Visitors : — Bros . C . J . L . Sandilauds 1510 , Fred . Green 1 G 87 , Albert Fish J . W .
1366 , G . Hammond 1765 , J . Borrow 190 , W . II . Fletcher W . M . 190 , G . Draper P . M . 1305 , J . L . Baker P . M . 1305 , D . W . Bolfrago S . W . 179 , II . Gloster W . M . 1531 , A . J . Manning W . M . 1472 , J . Austin P . M . 753 , M . Crook 1614 , A . Bassington S . W . 203 , R . Colliugham Perfect Ashlar , W . If . Dean W . M . 417 , L . Ascctt P . M . 733 , John Kent 192 , W . F . Neave 1314 , U . Ponsford 25 , Lonis Beck P . M . 1687 W . M . elect
1559 , W . W . Morgan 211 . On tho opening of tho Lodge the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Jas . Middleton , a candidate for passing , underwent examination , and was entrusted . Lodgo opened up , and tho ceremony of tho second degroo wns carefully performed b y the W . M . Bro . B . Phillips S . W . and W . M . elect was then introduced to Bro . White to reccivo at his hands the benefit of installation . Tho
obligation was administered , and on the retirement of thoso below the degree of installed Master , the ceremony wns proceeded with . The brethren wero then readmitted , and sainted their new Master in the three degrees . The investiture of Officers was proceeded with ns follows : — . Bros . B . Turner S . W ., J . E . Shand J . W ., B . Swallow P . M . Treas . E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , J . Hutchinson named as S . D ., Warr P . M .
J . D ., E . C . Woodward P . M . I . G ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chap ., James D . C ., Potter P . M . Tyler . Tho Auditors' report was submitted and duly received confirmation . Au order wns given that tho balance sheet shonld bo printed and circulated amongst tho members . Several propositions were handed iu , and communications read ; amongst others one from Bro . Col . Burdett , Provincial Grand Master
Middlesex , regretting his inability to bo present . Hearty good wishes from the Visitors were then tendered . Before Lodge was closed , tho Worshipful Master presented tho Immediate Past Master with an elegant jewel . In conseqnence of a domestic bereavement Bro . Phillips wns prevented from staying to participate in the festive part of tI , o evening ' s proceedings . Consequently , Bro .
P . M . White was called on to preside . Under his experienced guidance tho business was conducted most admirabl y . Ou the removnl of the cloth ho gavo the health of Her Majesty tho Qneen , associated with Prosperity to tho Craft , which was received with acclamation , aud drunk most heartil y . After lhe National Anthem had been snng , the presiding Worshipfnl Master gave the health
of the Most Worshiplnl tlio Grand Master tho Prince of Wales . Brother Cantlo sang in good style a new version of " God Bless tho Prince of Wales . " The next toast the W . M . brought under the notice of the brethren was tho health of the Fro G . M ., the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present . He made somo happy allusions to the Pro G . M . ' s appvoaching marriage ,
and called on the brethren to hononr the toast . "At the Queen ' s Command " was then snng by Bro . L . Fryer , mnch to tho taste of tho company assembled , who marked their appreciation by receiving this song in a most enthusiastic manner . Bro . P . M . Holden proposed the health of tho I . P . M . All present would join with him in deploring the sad event which had precluded their W . M . staving with them .
He commented on the conduct of tho chair by Brother White , who had ably completed his work by installing his successor ' , and likewise on tho qnalities displayed by those members who wero advancing towards the chair . After an admirabl y rendered song ly Bro . Cantle , Bro . White roso and acknowledged the compliment paid to liim . He had been , ho said , nervons at his installation , but since
then he had regained confidence , and now ho felt more at home in his duties . He deeply regretted the unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., who he trusted , would be able to preside at their next gathering , and ho also alluded in jnstly complimentary terms to tho harmonious feeling which existed in tho Lod ge . The toast of the Visitors , after a humorous song by Bro . Cosens , was acknowledged by Bro . Draper
and others . Bros . Swallow and Holden responded for the P . M ., and the other toasts having been given and honoured , tho brethren rose and departed . In the course of the eveniug Bro ; Rev . P . M . Holden recited with great effect " The Charge of tho Light Brigade . " Ono remark we feel it our duty to add . The 'menu , and the music programme showed great taste . Thoy were , in fact , admirably
designed , and as admirably colonre 1 , the music programme in particular being something quite out of the ordinary run of such cards . It should also be noted that the officers ono and all were most courteous in their attention to the guests , and Bio . Scott , the genial jand painstaking Secretary , was especially distingnished by his amenity , aud the desire he evinced to please everybody .
Notices Of Meetings.
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the meeting on Thursday , 28 th November , Bro . Seward jun . was W . M ., tho Officers being Bros . Porter S . W ., Wells J . W ., Lo Grys S . D ., Dyer J . D ., Clark I . G ., Tucker T ., and thero were present Bros . Tinfc Brown , Kasner , Stephens , and Murch . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Tucker candidate , and the
Lodgo having been opened in the second degreo , Bro . Brown was advauced a step , tho work being done by Bro . Seward in his usual careful and impressive manner . The Lodgo was closed down to the first degree , when a most deserved compliment was paid to the Hon , Treasnrer , iu unanimously appointing him Preceptor to tho Lodge .
Bro . Tucker is in every way competent for this post , and has bestowed great pains in acquiring an accurate knowledge of our ritual and ceremonies . The appointment is one which every member of the Lodge will hear of with pleasure . Bro . Porter was elected W . M . for the eusuing week , and having appointed his Officers in rotation , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Wolsey Lodge , No . 1656 . —The brethren of this Lodge mustered in considerable force at the rogular meeting on Monday last , 2 nd instant . The proceedings commenced shortly after 6 . 30 . Bro . William Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesox presided , and the following Officers were present : —Bros . J . Hammond P . G . Steward Middlesex Hon . I . P . M ., Johu Bond P . M . 889 S . W ., Rev . F . J . C . do
Crespigny P . P . G . Chap . J . W . and Chaplain , F . T . V . Honeywell P . M . 8 S 9 Honorary Organist , T . W . Ockenden J . W . 1512 Secretary , J . Hnrst P . M . 1512 Deacon , and T . C . Walls P . P . G . Organist I . G . The necessary examinations having proved satisfactory , Bro . Drummond was passed to tho socond degree , aud Bros . Handol and Bonell were raised to the sublime degree . Tho ritual was rendered in a
most impressive mauuer by Bro . Win . Hammond , and Bro . Honeywell , who presided at the harmonium with marked ability , contribnted greatly to the solemnity of the occasion . Throe candidates for initiation wero not present , but from two satisfactory explanations of absence wero forthcoming . Tho minntes of the last regular meeting , 4 th Nov . were read and confirmed , aud a notice of motion from Bro .
Walls for the alteration of the day of meeting was discussed and amended , and tho members will have to consider at the next Lodge in February the desirability of altering the day from the first to the second instead of to the third Monday as at first moved . Bro . T . W . Ockenden was appointed Steward for the next Festival of tho Girls ' School , and will head his list with a donation of ten guineas from the
Lodge . A communication was read from tho R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett P . G . Master Middlesex , regretting his inability to attond . Further business was despatched , and the Lodge being closed tbe brethren adjourned to partake of the good cheer prepared by Bro . E . Andrews , the Host . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were honored with the usual "Wolsey" fire . Tho Worshipful Master ' s health was proposed by
Bro . J . W . Baldwin Prov . G . Purat ., and heartily responded to . Bro . Walls P . P . G . O . replied for tho Prov . Grand Officers . Bro . Chilcott 1512 responded on behalf of himself , and Bro . Davey 1512 to the Visitors' toosfc . Tho W . M . took tho opportunity of commending to the notice of the brethren the toast of the Organist , for his efficient services rendered during tho evening , which was warmly received ,
is was also the health of the Host and Hostess . Vocal contributions from Bros . Walls , Hurst , Filler , Chandler , Honeywell , and others , considerably enlivened tho harmony of tho proceedings , rho members present not already named wero Bros . Eyres , Forge , Masters , Darling , Whito , Feathorstono , Duffell , Richer , Tnrner , lobbius , Worthington , and Gilbert Tyler . Tho next regular meeting ivill tako place on Monday , 3 rd February 1879 .
Samson Lodge , No . 1668 . —A meeting was held on 3 rd December , at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , W . C . Present—Bros . J . D . Burnett P . M . 185 W . M ., W . U . G . Rudderforth S . W ., B . D . Barnett J . W . and Secretary , A . D . Loowenstark P . M . Treas ., W . T . Lovor P . M . 1178 S . D ., J . Quincey D . C ., J . Elkan Steward , 11 . Aarons I . G ., J . Rogers Tyler . Past Masters Bros . M . D .
Loewenstark I . P . M ., A . D . Loewenstirk . \ isitors—Bro 3 . E . J . Hart 1602 , G . Boll 733 , J . Cohen 1556 , II . Harris , L . Coleman 186 , Rev . V . Rosenstein 17 , < J . Stroud 1227 . Lodge opened iu dno form . Minutes of last meeting road and confirmed . Ballots , taken for Messrs . E . H . Goldberg and F . Gil more , unanimously favourable . Mr . Goldberg duly initiated . Bro . Cooper , being a candidate for
passing , was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , Bro . Cooper duly passed . Lodgo resumed . It was resolved that votes of thanks bo recorded on the minutes to the W . M ., and Bros . A . D . Loewenstark P . M ., M . D . Loewenstark I . P . M ., and Ji Quincey , for presenting to the Lodge a Hebrew Bible , English Bible and Cushion , box of working tools , and sword for Tyler ,
respectively . Bro . S . Wasserberg . T . D . having tendered his resi gnation , which was received by the Lodgo with regret , tho W . M . invested Bro . II . Aarons I . G . as J . D ., 'J . Quincey D . C . as I . G ., J . Elkan W . S . as D . C ., and Bro . Williams W . S . Nothing further © tiering , the Lodgo was closed with prayer . The brethren adjourned to banquet at tho
Holborn Rastaurant , at which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with somo goocl songs by the W . M ., Bros . Rev . V . Rosenstein , A . Cohen , and Rudderforth S . W ., and a reading , from the " Lady of Lyons , " effectively rendered by Bro . Cooper . The W . M . accompanied the brethren at the piano .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 . —A meeting was held ou the 16 th November , at tbo Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . II . Stevens S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., M . Lnmbroso Secretary ,
A . Blanch Treasurer , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C , Dr . Cassanello and E . Gardelle Stewards , M . Le Gallais I . G ., H . Haylock Tyler ; Past Master Bros . P . Salema , and 38 members ; Visitors—Bros . Souiller , Carillo , Samama , and Holland , of tbe Italian Lodge " Risorgimento , " and Si Aronsi Ben
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Ledge , No . 384 , aud Dr . E . P . Edwards of St . Cybi Lodge , No . 597 , wore ballotted for , as joining members , and unanimously elected . Bro . Wm . Francis Jones , tho candidate to bo passed to the second degree , was then examined and and approved . The Lodgo was advanccd , and Bro . Jones was admitted and passed , the ceremony being performed by the W . M ., assisted by the S . W ., who gave the lecture
on the tracing board ; and tho J . W ., who presented the working tools . The Lodgo was then closed in the second degree , and a proposition was made that tho Brother to bo selected for tho painting by Bro . Mercier , to bo presented to tho Lodge , should be by ballot , which unanimously was in favour of W . Bro . W . Bulkcley Hughes , M . P ., and D . P . G . M . of North Wales and Salop , who has beon a joining member of tho St . Elath Lodge since its consecration ; and who was the principal mover
for its formation , ho having from its commencement always evinced the liveliest interest in tho welfaro of the St . Elath Lodge . The barmoniumused in the Lodge was presented by him , and when tho Lodge funds were at a low ebb he magnanimously came forward with pecuniary assistance , and it is the unanimous opinion of the brethren that a moro deserving brother , or a more worthy Mason , could not have been selected than Bro . W . Bulkoley Hughes . The Lodge was then closed in due form .
City of Westminster Lodge , No , 1563 . —Tho installation meeting was held on 28 tb ult ., nt tho Regent Masonic Hall , Airstreet , Regent-street , W . The chair was taken by Bro . Edward White , who wns supported by P . M . ' s Swallow and Holden , his Officers , a considerable number of members , and the following Visitors : — Bros . C . J . L . Sandilauds 1510 , Fred . Green 1 G 87 , Albert Fish J . W .
1366 , G . Hammond 1765 , J . Borrow 190 , W . II . Fletcher W . M . 190 , G . Draper P . M . 1305 , J . L . Baker P . M . 1305 , D . W . Bolfrago S . W . 179 , II . Gloster W . M . 1531 , A . J . Manning W . M . 1472 , J . Austin P . M . 753 , M . Crook 1614 , A . Bassington S . W . 203 , R . Colliugham Perfect Ashlar , W . If . Dean W . M . 417 , L . Ascctt P . M . 733 , John Kent 192 , W . F . Neave 1314 , U . Ponsford 25 , Lonis Beck P . M . 1687 W . M . elect
1559 , W . W . Morgan 211 . On tho opening of tho Lodge the minutes were read and confirmed , Bro . Jas . Middleton , a candidate for passing , underwent examination , and was entrusted . Lodgo opened up , and tho ceremony of tho second degroo wns carefully performed b y the W . M . Bro . B . Phillips S . W . and W . M . elect was then introduced to Bro . White to reccivo at his hands the benefit of installation . Tho
obligation was administered , and on the retirement of thoso below the degree of installed Master , the ceremony wns proceeded with . The brethren wero then readmitted , and sainted their new Master in the three degrees . The investiture of Officers was proceeded with ns follows : — . Bros . B . Turner S . W ., J . E . Shand J . W ., B . Swallow P . M . Treas . E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , J . Hutchinson named as S . D ., Warr P . M .
J . D ., E . C . Woodward P . M . I . G ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chap ., James D . C ., Potter P . M . Tyler . Tho Auditors' report was submitted and duly received confirmation . Au order wns given that tho balance sheet shonld bo printed and circulated amongst tho members . Several propositions were handed iu , and communications read ; amongst others one from Bro . Col . Burdett , Provincial Grand Master
Middlesex , regretting his inability to bo present . Hearty good wishes from the Visitors were then tendered . Before Lodge was closed , tho Worshipful Master presented tho Immediate Past Master with an elegant jewel . In conseqnence of a domestic bereavement Bro . Phillips wns prevented from staying to participate in the festive part of tI , o evening ' s proceedings . Consequently , Bro .
P . M . White was called on to preside . Under his experienced guidance tho business was conducted most admirabl y . Ou the removnl of the cloth ho gavo the health of Her Majesty tho Qneen , associated with Prosperity to tho Craft , which was received with acclamation , aud drunk most heartil y . After lhe National Anthem had been snng , the presiding Worshipfnl Master gave the health
of the Most Worshiplnl tlio Grand Master tho Prince of Wales . Brother Cantlo sang in good style a new version of " God Bless tho Prince of Wales . " The next toast the W . M . brought under the notice of the brethren was tho health of the Fro G . M ., the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present . He made somo happy allusions to the Pro G . M . ' s appvoaching marriage ,
and called on the brethren to hononr the toast . "At the Queen ' s Command " was then snng by Bro . L . Fryer , mnch to tho taste of tho company assembled , who marked their appreciation by receiving this song in a most enthusiastic manner . Bro . P . M . Holden proposed the health of tho I . P . M . All present would join with him in deploring the sad event which had precluded their W . M . staving with them .
He commented on the conduct of tho chair by Brother White , who had ably completed his work by installing his successor ' , and likewise on tho qnalities displayed by those members who wero advancing towards the chair . After an admirabl y rendered song ly Bro . Cantle , Bro . White roso and acknowledged the compliment paid to liim . He had been , ho said , nervons at his installation , but since
then he had regained confidence , and now ho felt more at home in his duties . He deeply regretted the unavoidable absence of tho W . M ., who he trusted , would be able to preside at their next gathering , and ho also alluded in jnstly complimentary terms to tho harmonious feeling which existed in tho Lod ge . The toast of the Visitors , after a humorous song by Bro . Cosens , was acknowledged by Bro . Draper
and others . Bros . Swallow and Holden responded for the P . M ., and the other toasts having been given and honoured , tho brethren rose and departed . In the course of the eveniug Bro ; Rev . P . M . Holden recited with great effect " The Charge of tho Light Brigade . " Ono remark we feel it our duty to add . The 'menu , and the music programme showed great taste . Thoy were , in fact , admirably
designed , and as admirably colonre 1 , the music programme in particular being something quite out of the ordinary run of such cards . It should also be noted that the officers ono and all were most courteous in their attention to the guests , and Bio . Scott , the genial jand painstaking Secretary , was especially distingnished by his amenity , aud the desire he evinced to please everybody .
Notices Of Meetings.
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the meeting on Thursday , 28 th November , Bro . Seward jun . was W . M ., tho Officers being Bros . Porter S . W ., Wells J . W ., Lo Grys S . D ., Dyer J . D ., Clark I . G ., Tucker T ., and thero were present Bros . Tinfc Brown , Kasner , Stephens , and Murch . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Tucker candidate , and the
Lodgo having been opened in the second degreo , Bro . Brown was advauced a step , tho work being done by Bro . Seward in his usual careful and impressive manner . The Lodgo was closed down to the first degree , when a most deserved compliment was paid to the Hon , Treasnrer , iu unanimously appointing him Preceptor to tho Lodge .
Bro . Tucker is in every way competent for this post , and has bestowed great pains in acquiring an accurate knowledge of our ritual and ceremonies . The appointment is one which every member of the Lodge will hear of with pleasure . Bro . Porter was elected W . M . for the eusuing week , and having appointed his Officers in rotation , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Wolsey Lodge , No . 1656 . —The brethren of this Lodge mustered in considerable force at the rogular meeting on Monday last , 2 nd instant . The proceedings commenced shortly after 6 . 30 . Bro . William Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesox presided , and the following Officers were present : —Bros . J . Hammond P . G . Steward Middlesex Hon . I . P . M ., Johu Bond P . M . 889 S . W ., Rev . F . J . C . do
Crespigny P . P . G . Chap . J . W . and Chaplain , F . T . V . Honeywell P . M . 8 S 9 Honorary Organist , T . W . Ockenden J . W . 1512 Secretary , J . Hnrst P . M . 1512 Deacon , and T . C . Walls P . P . G . Organist I . G . The necessary examinations having proved satisfactory , Bro . Drummond was passed to tho socond degree , aud Bros . Handol and Bonell were raised to the sublime degree . Tho ritual was rendered in a
most impressive mauuer by Bro . Win . Hammond , and Bro . Honeywell , who presided at the harmonium with marked ability , contribnted greatly to the solemnity of the occasion . Throe candidates for initiation wero not present , but from two satisfactory explanations of absence wero forthcoming . Tho minntes of the last regular meeting , 4 th Nov . were read and confirmed , aud a notice of motion from Bro .
Walls for the alteration of the day of meeting was discussed and amended , and tho members will have to consider at the next Lodge in February the desirability of altering the day from the first to the second instead of to the third Monday as at first moved . Bro . T . W . Ockenden was appointed Steward for the next Festival of tho Girls ' School , and will head his list with a donation of ten guineas from the
Lodge . A communication was read from tho R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett P . G . Master Middlesex , regretting his inability to attond . Further business was despatched , and the Lodge being closed tbe brethren adjourned to partake of the good cheer prepared by Bro . E . Andrews , the Host . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were honored with the usual "Wolsey" fire . Tho Worshipful Master ' s health was proposed by
Bro . J . W . Baldwin Prov . G . Purat ., and heartily responded to . Bro . Walls P . P . G . O . replied for tho Prov . Grand Officers . Bro . Chilcott 1512 responded on behalf of himself , and Bro . Davey 1512 to the Visitors' toosfc . Tho W . M . took tho opportunity of commending to the notice of the brethren the toast of the Organist , for his efficient services rendered during tho evening , which was warmly received ,
is was also the health of the Host and Hostess . Vocal contributions from Bros . Walls , Hurst , Filler , Chandler , Honeywell , and others , considerably enlivened tho harmony of tho proceedings , rho members present not already named wero Bros . Eyres , Forge , Masters , Darling , Whito , Feathorstono , Duffell , Richer , Tnrner , lobbius , Worthington , and Gilbert Tyler . Tho next regular meeting ivill tako place on Monday , 3 rd February 1879 .
Samson Lodge , No . 1668 . —A meeting was held on 3 rd December , at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , W . C . Present—Bros . J . D . Burnett P . M . 185 W . M ., W . U . G . Rudderforth S . W ., B . D . Barnett J . W . and Secretary , A . D . Loowenstark P . M . Treas ., W . T . Lovor P . M . 1178 S . D ., J . Quincey D . C ., J . Elkan Steward , 11 . Aarons I . G ., J . Rogers Tyler . Past Masters Bros . M . D .
Loewenstark I . P . M ., A . D . Loewenstirk . \ isitors—Bro 3 . E . J . Hart 1602 , G . Boll 733 , J . Cohen 1556 , II . Harris , L . Coleman 186 , Rev . V . Rosenstein 17 , < J . Stroud 1227 . Lodge opened iu dno form . Minutes of last meeting road and confirmed . Ballots , taken for Messrs . E . H . Goldberg and F . Gil more , unanimously favourable . Mr . Goldberg duly initiated . Bro . Cooper , being a candidate for
passing , was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , Bro . Cooper duly passed . Lodgo resumed . It was resolved that votes of thanks bo recorded on the minutes to the W . M ., and Bros . A . D . Loewenstark P . M ., M . D . Loewenstark I . P . M ., and Ji Quincey , for presenting to the Lodge a Hebrew Bible , English Bible and Cushion , box of working tools , and sword for Tyler ,
respectively . Bro . S . Wasserberg . T . D . having tendered his resi gnation , which was received by the Lodgo with regret , tho W . M . invested Bro . II . Aarons I . G . as J . D ., 'J . Quincey D . C . as I . G ., J . Elkan W . S . as D . C ., and Bro . Williams W . S . Nothing further © tiering , the Lodgo was closed with prayer . The brethren adjourned to banquet at tho
Holborn Rastaurant , at which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with somo goocl songs by the W . M ., Bros . Rev . V . Rosenstein , A . Cohen , and Rudderforth S . W ., and a reading , from the " Lady of Lyons , " effectively rendered by Bro . Cooper . The W . M . accompanied the brethren at the piano .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 . —A meeting was held ou the 16 th November , at tbo Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . II . Stevens S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., M . Lnmbroso Secretary ,
A . Blanch Treasurer , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C , Dr . Cassanello and E . Gardelle Stewards , M . Le Gallais I . G ., H . Haylock Tyler ; Past Master Bros . P . Salema , and 38 members ; Visitors—Bros . Souiller , Carillo , Samama , and Holland , of tbe Italian Lodge " Risorgimento , " and Si Aronsi Ben