Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Ayad , of " Carthage and TJtica . " The minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Brnnet ( an old French Mason , of tho Lodgo Amis de Progres , Paris ) , claimed admission , and having produced his certificate headed " A . N . D . G . A . D . L . U ., " and affirmed his own belief in the existence of a supreme being , was , after due examination , admitted . The ballot proved favourable to tho
admission as candidates of Si Hamed El Sunni ( a nephew ot II . H . the reigning Bey of Tunis ) , Si Ali Ben Rescind ( a nephew of the ; late Sovereign of Tarn ' s Ahmed Boy ) , and Mr . S . Sitbin ( a merchant j of Susa ) . Mr . Jules Emile Jessel ( Traffic Superintendent of the Bono and Tunis Railway ) , and Mr . Clando Miviero ( of the French Telegraphic Service ) wero then introduced aud initiated , in the French
language , into the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The W . M . also delivered the charge iu the samo language . It was resolved that a Committee , consisting of the W . M ., Bros . Souillor Interpreter , and Lumbroso Secretary , should proceed : forthwith to translate tho Book of Constitutions into Italian , and that
the same should be printed aud published at the cost of the Lodge . Another Committeo waa also appointed for the translation of tho j ritual into Arabic . The charitable collection having been made , and ! two candidates for initiation proposed and seconded , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m .
Kirkdale Lodge , No . 1756 , Liverpool . —Tho first regular meeting of this Lodgo after its consecration on the 8 th November i was held on Weduesday evening , the 27 th ult ., in the Skelmersdale j Masonio Hall , Westminster-road , Kirkdale . The Lodgo was duly |
Notices Of Meetings.
opened with the following Officers : —Bros . Edward Johnston W . M ., P . M . F . Neill P . M . 203 as P . M ., Robt . E . Mitton Treasurer , Win . Gick S . W ., Hugh Ferguson J . W ., James Griorson Soeretary , Charles Bargery as S . D ., Thos . Hay as J . D ., Honry Alexander as I . G ., and Johu Cruice Tyler . Amongst tho visitors wero Bros . John Lntifc P . P . G . D . C ., William Sephtou P . M . 1036 , M . Comber 1013 , Thomas
McWean S . W . 1035 , Dr . Costino J . W . 216 , Isaac Lino Secretary 1086 , & c . The minutes of the formation and consecration having beeu read and confirmed , twenty-eight brethren wero unanimously elected joining members , and on being admitted , the W . M . proceeded to invest his assistant Officers as follow : —Bro . Charles Bargery S . D ., Thos . Hay J . D ., Henry Alexandorl . G ., W . G . West S . S ., Henry
Marshall J . S ., and Georgo Marsden Assistant S . Bro . John Lntit P . P . G . D . C . acting very efficiently as D . of C . Eight candidates having been duly proposed and approved of , wero introduced and initiated into Masonry , very satisfactorily by tho W . M . The bye-laws of the Lodgo were theu adopted , and three now joining members , Bro . Dr . Costine , Andrew Finnie and Alexander Rnxton , were duly
proposod . The Treasurer , in reply to the W . M ., said ho was not propared at the moment to give a list of all tho douations to the Lodge , but be was proud to say , that notwithstanding their great outlay , tho Lodge was free from debt . The Lodge having been closed , the members and visitors adjourned to the Hall below , for refreshments , where peace and harmonv prevailed .
* £ * The crowded state of our columns compels us again to hold over several interesting items .
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING UPWARDS OE TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOES AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or snoitr PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION- UNIUVAICLED . E H . RAND . MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f iiwfete , JittJ « ni fep M $ p » . m « iai MANTTFACT TJREBS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody find Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . ITvill Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to JSTo . < LO Great Marlboi'oupri Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO YEB & z G-ROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , tii ^ fe ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . : - gh « aBIH PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ; KJ ) - " - , ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . Lc ?& .. I | Sf Tlie Advantages of » Trial , with the Convenience of tlio ' 0 rff MW .. J . / 1 . ... [ H Three Years' System at Caah Price , hy Paying ; about a < lnarter tjgOyji-l——— £ j ^~ {/ of the value < Ioivn , the Balance hy Ka * y Payment * , Iroui . jP ^ -ll 5 > 13 s l > er quarter . GE 0 VEE & GE 0 VEE , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . t » T 41 iMS » i : n 1830 .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building * , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . O . HARDING , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised leltei'M . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cisfars . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
: sr o T i c m . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! TO HEADS OP COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & c . ALL who require OUTFITS should send for one of JOHN LILLYWHITE'S list of prices ( post free ) . His tariff will be found cheaper than that of any other hou » o in tho trade . Sole authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during the season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREUOTJSK , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in the trade ,
LOST . —At the Meeting of tho Provincial Grand Lodire of Surrov , halt ! at Dorkincr , on the Cth July 187 * , a CASH containing n XI . M . APRON' and G . L . CERTIFICATE of Uro . Usncr Back , St . Michael ' s Lodge . No . 211 . Any ono forwarding the samo to the Offico of this Faver will greatly oblige .
F . ASLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER . s . § 33 ii M , .- ^ mi U ^ h I- * JKjfc ' , ' V / .. " ,. X |( . "t j I £ ? ™ " 1 " * ' jj 225 *^ H 1 GHPHGLBORN , W . O . '
TAMAR INDIEN . SPECIAL CAUTIOST . OWIN ^ G to tho marked snecoss of this medicine , the only putent , medicine univordallyprej scribed by tlio faculty , a : id tha acknowledged cure I for constipation , headache , bile , lucmorrlioIclR , & c , BASE I IMITATIONS , containing dni . tie trril : mts , are belnj foisted j on tho public . Tlio nomine i > ropruut'un bears tbe tiila , '' Xcicn . irlccdicn , " ancithe sit ; icat : ! rc K . ( HWLI . ON " , Coienian-ot . < London , K . C . Price 2 it } d pel- box . In a recent c : ise . 1876 , ! G . No . ' 211 , a perpetual injunction to r . vU'ain the defendant : from applying the name "Tamar" to his lojun ' -jns was awarded , with costs , by Viea-Chaucellor Raccm , on Kith i January 1977 , and all HUCII piracies will be surnvnaviiy pro - c ceeded against . —N . r .. ~ -S-ie that the outer wrapper j ( directions ) aro printed in tlie English language , and that I each box bears tho Government 3 : 1 stomp .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Ayad , of " Carthage and TJtica . " The minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Brnnet ( an old French Mason , of tho Lodgo Amis de Progres , Paris ) , claimed admission , and having produced his certificate headed " A . N . D . G . A . D . L . U ., " and affirmed his own belief in the existence of a supreme being , was , after due examination , admitted . The ballot proved favourable to tho
admission as candidates of Si Hamed El Sunni ( a nephew ot II . H . the reigning Bey of Tunis ) , Si Ali Ben Rescind ( a nephew of the ; late Sovereign of Tarn ' s Ahmed Boy ) , and Mr . S . Sitbin ( a merchant j of Susa ) . Mr . Jules Emile Jessel ( Traffic Superintendent of the Bono and Tunis Railway ) , and Mr . Clando Miviero ( of the French Telegraphic Service ) wero then introduced aud initiated , in the French
language , into the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The W . M . also delivered the charge iu the samo language . It was resolved that a Committee , consisting of the W . M ., Bros . Souillor Interpreter , and Lumbroso Secretary , should proceed : forthwith to translate tho Book of Constitutions into Italian , and that
the same should be printed aud published at the cost of the Lodge . Another Committeo waa also appointed for the translation of tho j ritual into Arabic . The charitable collection having been made , and ! two candidates for initiation proposed and seconded , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m .
Kirkdale Lodge , No . 1756 , Liverpool . —Tho first regular meeting of this Lodgo after its consecration on the 8 th November i was held on Weduesday evening , the 27 th ult ., in the Skelmersdale j Masonio Hall , Westminster-road , Kirkdale . The Lodgo was duly |
Notices Of Meetings.
opened with the following Officers : —Bros . Edward Johnston W . M ., P . M . F . Neill P . M . 203 as P . M ., Robt . E . Mitton Treasurer , Win . Gick S . W ., Hugh Ferguson J . W ., James Griorson Soeretary , Charles Bargery as S . D ., Thos . Hay as J . D ., Honry Alexander as I . G ., and Johu Cruice Tyler . Amongst tho visitors wero Bros . John Lntifc P . P . G . D . C ., William Sephtou P . M . 1036 , M . Comber 1013 , Thomas
McWean S . W . 1035 , Dr . Costino J . W . 216 , Isaac Lino Secretary 1086 , & c . The minutes of the formation and consecration having beeu read and confirmed , twenty-eight brethren wero unanimously elected joining members , and on being admitted , the W . M . proceeded to invest his assistant Officers as follow : —Bro . Charles Bargery S . D ., Thos . Hay J . D ., Henry Alexandorl . G ., W . G . West S . S ., Henry
Marshall J . S ., and Georgo Marsden Assistant S . Bro . John Lntit P . P . G . D . C . acting very efficiently as D . of C . Eight candidates having been duly proposed and approved of , wero introduced and initiated into Masonry , very satisfactorily by tho W . M . The bye-laws of the Lodgo were theu adopted , and three now joining members , Bro . Dr . Costine , Andrew Finnie and Alexander Rnxton , were duly
proposod . The Treasurer , in reply to the W . M ., said ho was not propared at the moment to give a list of all tho douations to the Lodge , but be was proud to say , that notwithstanding their great outlay , tho Lodge was free from debt . The Lodge having been closed , the members and visitors adjourned to the Hall below , for refreshments , where peace and harmonv prevailed .
* £ * The crowded state of our columns compels us again to hold over several interesting items .
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OP SEATING UPWARDS OE TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITOES AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or snoitr PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION- UNIUVAICLED . E H . RAND . MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f iiwfete , JittJ « ni fep M $ p » . m « iai MANTTFACT TJREBS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Ramsden ' s Patent Melody find Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . ITvill Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to JSTo . < LO Great Marlboi'oupri Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO YEB & z G-ROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , tii ^ fe ^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . : - gh « aBIH PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ; KJ ) - " - , ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . Lc ?& .. I | Sf Tlie Advantages of » Trial , with the Convenience of tlio ' 0 rff MW .. J . / 1 . ... [ H Three Years' System at Caah Price , hy Paying ; about a < lnarter tjgOyji-l——— £ j ^~ {/ of the value < Ioivn , the Balance hy Ka * y Payment * , Iroui . jP ^ -ll 5 > 13 s l > er quarter . GE 0 VEE & GE 0 VEE , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . t » T 41 iMS » i : n 1830 .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building * , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . O . HARDING , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised leltei'M . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cisfars . 361 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
: sr o T i c m . FOOTBALL !! FOOTBALL !! TO HEADS OP COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & c . ALL who require OUTFITS should send for one of JOHN LILLYWHITE'S list of prices ( post free ) . His tariff will be found cheaper than that of any other hou » o in tho trade . Sole authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OF FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during the season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREUOTJSK , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in the trade ,
LOST . —At the Meeting of tho Provincial Grand Lodire of Surrov , halt ! at Dorkincr , on the Cth July 187 * , a CASH containing n XI . M . APRON' and G . L . CERTIFICATE of Uro . Usncr Back , St . Michael ' s Lodge . No . 211 . Any ono forwarding the samo to the Offico of this Faver will greatly oblige .
F . ASLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER . s . § 33 ii M , .- ^ mi U ^ h I- * JKjfc ' , ' V / .. " ,. X |( . "t j I £ ? ™ " 1 " * ' jj 225 *^ H 1 GHPHGLBORN , W . O . '
TAMAR INDIEN . SPECIAL CAUTIOST . OWIN ^ G to tho marked snecoss of this medicine , the only putent , medicine univordallyprej scribed by tlio faculty , a : id tha acknowledged cure I for constipation , headache , bile , lucmorrlioIclR , & c , BASE I IMITATIONS , containing dni . tie trril : mts , are belnj foisted j on tho public . Tlio nomine i > ropruut'un bears tbe tiila , '' Xcicn . irlccdicn , " ancithe sit ; icat : ! rc K . ( HWLI . ON " , Coienian-ot . < London , K . C . Price 2 it } d pel- box . In a recent c : ise . 1876 , ! G . No . ' 211 , a perpetual injunction to r . vU'ain the defendant : from applying the name "Tamar" to his lojun ' -jns was awarded , with costs , by Viea-Chaucellor Raccm , on Kith i January 1977 , and all HUCII piracies will be surnvnaviiy pro - c ceeded against . —N . r .. ~ -S-ie that the outer wrapper j ( directions ) aro printed in tlie English language , and that I each box bears tho Government 3 : 1 stomp .