Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NORTHERN COUNTIES LODGE, No. 406 Page 1 of 1 Article NORTHERN COUNTIES LODGE, No. 406 Page 1 of 1 Article YARBOROUGH LODGE, No. 554. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Bro . A . Abraham ' s account of tho embarrassments of " A Bashful Man . " The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close in good time .
Northern Counties Lodge, No. 406
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge took place on tho 30 th , in the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne . Tho Lodge was opened at three o'clock by the W . M . R . L . Armstrong , ¦ upported by J . Page S . W . W . M . elect , E . G . S Imon J . W ., G . W . Lax Sec , S . M . Harris S . D ., G . Dnmford J . D ., J . S . B . Bell I . G ., A . Hume Steward , and Sims Tyler . Bro . Ferry kindly presided at
the organ . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes of tho last meeting confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master and tho Officers of Prov . G . Lodge wero then announced , and the brethren received them in due form . The ballot was now taken for a candidate , which proving successful he was admitted to our Order in a most perfect manner by the W . M . The report of the Finance Committee showed
a most satisfactory result and was adopted . Bro . Monday P . M . D . C . then introduced the "W . M . elect to the W . M ., to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . Bro . Page having given his assent to all tho ancient charges , a Board of Past Masters wns formed , numbering twenty-one , and the ceremony was proceeded with . Upon those below the rank of Past Master being re-admitted to tho Lodge ,
they were informed that Bro . Page had been regularly installed into tbe Chair of K . S . He was accordingly proclaimed and saluted . Tho newly appointed Master then proceeded to invest his Officers , as follow—Bro . R . L . Armstrong I . P . M ., R . G . Salmon S . W ., G . W . Lax J . W ., J . Ridsdale P . M . P . G . J . VV . Treas ., S . M . Harris Sec , G . Dumford S . D ., J . S . B . Bell J . D ., R . Knox P . M . D . C , R . Ferry
Organist , J . A . Macdonald I . G ., A . Hume S . S ., Sisson J . S ., Sims Tyler . Other routine business having been disposed of the Lodge was closed and the brethren , numbering about seventy , adjourned to tho Turks Head Hotel , whero they sat down to an excellent repast ; and ample justice having been done to the well-served dinner , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly received
and responded to with enthusiasm . In proposing tho P . G . Master and Officers of P . G . Lodge the W . M . said no word of his could insure a heartier welcome to the toast than the names of tho officers themselves wonld elicit . Ho would therefore simply call on the brethren to drink the toast with all honours . Bro . Adam Robertson P . G . S . W . rose to respond , and in doing so said all should bo glad tl at we had at the
head of affairs of the Province a nobleman like Ear Percy . He had devoted much time and energy to Masonry , he k , d worked every degree , and he remembered when Earl Percy w : s Master of the Alnwick Lodge how efficiently he filled that chair . He regretted that tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master could not stop to grace the festive board . The P . G . Officers had already visited thirteen ont of the
eighteen Lodges in the Province , but this was the first that it had been their privilege to be present at dnring the installation , and ho could assure the brethren that he was expressing the opinion of all the P . G . officera when he told them that they were very gratified with the dignified and impressive manner in which the installing Master placed Bro . Page in the chair , and the very correct way in which he went through
the whole of the ceremonies , and it only proved that at tho last Provincial Grand Lodge , when Earl Percy placed the purple collar round Bro . Armstrong ' s neck , it was ouly conferring honour where honour was due . The appointment of Officers that day showed that the Masters of this Lodgo that had passed tho chair had selected tho right brethren for Officers ; they had all been advanced a step , and it
spoke well for them . Altogether he assured the members of Northern Counties Lodge that he and all the Officers of tho Province wero highly delighted with their visit , and he thanked them for the hospitable manner in which they had received them . The next toast on the list was the P . G . Master and Officers of Durham ; to which Bro . J . Happer P . P . G . S . W . replied . The I . P . M . then roso to give the
health of the W . M . He stated that Bro . Page and himself first met at their initiation , and he had followed him through every office in the Lodge . It had now been his privilege to place him in the chair this day . He will uphold his present position with honour to himself and credit to the Lodge ; he has always endeavoured to promote tho interest and welfare of the Lodgo . He was sure Bro . Page would rule
the Lodgo with ability , and he would ask the brethreu to join with him and wish the W . M . every health and prosperity , and that peace and harmony might reign during his year of office . Tho W . M ., who on rising was enthusiastically received , said he felt himself unable to reply in suitable terms to the toast so kindly received by the brethren ; but he assured them in all sincerity that the
present was the proudest moment of his existence . Nothing should be wanting on his part to make the ensninsr year one of prosperity for the Lodge . Again he thanked them very sincerely . Bro . Brown P . M . proposed tho next toast—tho health of the Installing Master , Bro . R . L . Armstrong , and spoke in eulogistic terms of the way in which he had conducted the ceremony that day ; it afforded him
pleasure to have the honour of submitting this toast . In reply , Bro . Armstrong said he folt deeply indebted for the kind manner in which his name had been received , and felt proud of being the youngest P . M . in England . The toast of the Past Masters , proposed by Bro . Happer , and replied to by Bro . Ridsdale , was tho next on the list ; the W . M . then gave the past and present Officers , to which
Bros . Mondy P . M . and Salmon S . W . replied . The Visitors next received a welcome from Bro . Armstrong , and in replying , Bro . Cook P . M . thanked the brethren for their hospitality . Bro . Bolan P . M ., in submitting the Masonic Charities , said that if Freemasonry consisted in anything , it was in Charity . II . i was glad to
inform the brethren ihat he had just received tbe intelligence that the widow of a deceased brother of his Lo ge , whom they all knew , had just received a grant of ; C 10 froi i the Lodge of Benevolence . Ho therefore asked tho brethren -n all sincerity to drink success to their Charities . Bro . Thomps n P . M . replied , and the Tyler being called , he completed the t ast list . Some
Northern Counties Lodge, No. 406
capital harmony was rendered by Bros . Gibson , Dean , and Crucklin , and recitations by Bros . Lax , Dnmford , aud L . Joel . Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . L . M . Cockcroft D . P . G . M ., Adam Robertson P . G . S . W ., J . Ridsdalo
P . G .. T . W ., E . D . Davis P . G . D . C , Eev . G . Rahonson T . G . Chaplain , G . I . Dean P . G . S . D ., Balar P . G . J . D ., G . Cockhnrn P . G . R ., G . Thompson P . P . G . S . W ., J . Hopper P . P . G . S . W ., W . E . Franklin P . P . G . J . W ., T . Armstrong W . M . 1626 , W . M . Bell W . M . 1557 , Carr W . M . 24 , J . Wood S . W . 48 , L . Joel 40 , & o .
Yarborough Lodge, No. 554.
THE members of this Lodge mot to close the labours of tho season on the 1 st inst ., at the Green Dragon , Stepney , E . Present : — Bros . J . H . Thorn W . M ., T . S . Taylor S . W ., E . W . Walter J . W ., J . G Stephens P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry P . M . Secretary , T . W . Tait S . D ., VV . Cross J . D ., J . Liueker I . G ., J . Taylor D . C ,
G . T . H . Seddon Organist . J . R . Shingfield W . S . ; Past Masters VV . T . Wynn , J . J . Berry , T . J . Barnes , J . Kindred , B . Middleton , J . T . S . Hood , and others , with a numerous attendance of brethren . Amongst the Visitors wero included the names of Bro . T . F . Harvey D . C . 174 , B . B . Barnard 206 , R . Pill 228 , W . C . Maddever
W . M . 501 , J . Greig 504 , J . W . Hobbs P . M . 749 , G . Offer 812 , C J . Harnsworth P . M . 956 , G . J . King 1259 , J . Carrociero I . G . 1306 , T . D . Bnrch W . S . 1365 , H . N . Tavlor S . W . 1421 , G . F . Dix J . W . 1421 , G . E . Stephens 1623 , G Brooks 1729 . Lodge was
opened in due form , with prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting were confirmed . The ballot proving unanimous in favour of the candidate , Mr . Charles Allen , the W . M . initiated him into the mysteries of our Order ; after which Bros . W . Hawes and W . N . Sparks were duly entrusted and passed . Among tho peculiarities of Freemasonry may bo noted the ready appreciation by its members of services rendered . This found a notable
illustration at tho Yarborongh Lodge . On this occasion the brethren had subscribed towards a testimonial to Bro . Henry Mosely P . M ., and tbe presentation consisted of a splendid bronze clock , appropriately adorned with two pillars , and surmounted by an equestrian study in bronze . A vellum inscription , in the choicest style of illumination , accompanied tho gift . The clock bore an engraved plate , which read as follows : —
"This Clock was presented by the Members of tho Yarborongh Lodge No . 554 to Bro . Henry Mosely P . M ., in appreciation of his sorvices as Secretary for nine years . " Unfortunately Bro . Mosely , by ill health , was prevented from receiving it iu person , but arrangements were made to forward the present to him , together with expressions of regret at his illness .
Several other Lodgo matters having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned . Tho brethren then repaired to tho banqnet-room , whero Bro . A . Walter had prepared an excellent repast . After grace , the W . M . proposed the toasts of the Qneen and the Craft , the M . W . Grand Master , the Grand Officers Past and Present , all of which were
honoured in a becomingly cordial manner . Brother Past Master Wynn , in proposing the health of the W . M ., remarked that up to the present time the W . M . had given great satisfaction . He had worked the ceremonies well , aud all are pleased with his conduct of tho business of the Lodge . They had much to be thankful for , that a young Master shonld work so successfully , and exert himself
to make all comfortable . Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M . here favoured the brethren with a song , after which the Worshipful Master thanked Bro . Wynn and the brethren for the kindness they had shown in drinking his health . So long as he held office they might rely on his best services . The W . M . next introduced the P . M . 's , claiming the best thanks of the Lodge for their valuable services ; he called on
Bro . John Berry to respond . After a song by the W . M ., Bro . Berry was pleased he had been called on to respond . Ho was heartily gratified at the warm reception they had given tho toast . All the P . M . ' s ( they were seven in uumber ) had served tho Lodge well . He would ask somo other member of that body to reply . Bro . Wynn also thanked the brethren for drinking the toast so heartily . The
W . M . said another pleasing duty , and one which he hoped would recur during his year of office , had to be performed . We have here a gentleman who has been admitted into our midst—I ask you to drink his health . Bro . Sparks sang earnestly " The Pilgrim of Love , " and the initiate returned thanks . The W . M . now said the Yarborough Lodgo had never been without its Visitors , and he trusted
never would be . He would propose the toast , and ask the members to give it a hearty reception . Bro . Gerrard King favoured tho brethren with an amusing recitation . After which several of the visitors responded . The Officers were next toasted . The W . M . said tho Visitors had praised the working of the Lodge ; he felt proud at having snch competent brethren as Officers . This having been
suitably acknowledged , the toast of the Benevolent Institutions was given , and Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . made one of his stirring appeals for the sympathy of the brethreu . The fact of having given once did not absolve a brother from giving again ; on the contrary , he pledged himself to support thoso whom his former liberality had placed upon the funds of the various Institutions . Bro . Berry also ably advocated
the cause of charity . Bros . Barnes , Verry and himself were representing the Masonic Schools , and he hoped the brethren would givo all the support they could . Tho toast of the Masonic Press , the W . M . folt , was one of great importance to the Craft . They had to thank tho Masonic press for many good offices ; for aiding the cause of charity ; for acquainting us with the doings of esteemed brethren ,
ana in drawing closer the ties of brotherly feeling although we might be parted by distance . They were f : voured on this occasion with the presence of Bro . Stephens , whr represents the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ; all were pleased to hive him present ; he would ask them to drink to the Masonio Press , coupling the name of Bro . G . H . Stephens with the toast . The response to this toast was most
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Bro . A . Abraham ' s account of tho embarrassments of " A Bashful Man . " The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close in good time .
Northern Counties Lodge, No. 406
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodge took place on tho 30 th , in the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne . Tho Lodge was opened at three o'clock by the W . M . R . L . Armstrong , ¦ upported by J . Page S . W . W . M . elect , E . G . S Imon J . W ., G . W . Lax Sec , S . M . Harris S . D ., G . Dnmford J . D ., J . S . B . Bell I . G ., A . Hume Steward , and Sims Tyler . Bro . Ferry kindly presided at
the organ . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes of tho last meeting confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master and tho Officers of Prov . G . Lodge wero then announced , and the brethren received them in due form . The ballot was now taken for a candidate , which proving successful he was admitted to our Order in a most perfect manner by the W . M . The report of the Finance Committee showed
a most satisfactory result and was adopted . Bro . Monday P . M . D . C . then introduced the "W . M . elect to the W . M ., to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . Bro . Page having given his assent to all tho ancient charges , a Board of Past Masters wns formed , numbering twenty-one , and the ceremony was proceeded with . Upon those below the rank of Past Master being re-admitted to tho Lodge ,
they were informed that Bro . Page had been regularly installed into tbe Chair of K . S . He was accordingly proclaimed and saluted . Tho newly appointed Master then proceeded to invest his Officers , as follow—Bro . R . L . Armstrong I . P . M ., R . G . Salmon S . W ., G . W . Lax J . W ., J . Ridsdale P . M . P . G . J . VV . Treas ., S . M . Harris Sec , G . Dumford S . D ., J . S . B . Bell J . D ., R . Knox P . M . D . C , R . Ferry
Organist , J . A . Macdonald I . G ., A . Hume S . S ., Sisson J . S ., Sims Tyler . Other routine business having been disposed of the Lodge was closed and the brethren , numbering about seventy , adjourned to tho Turks Head Hotel , whero they sat down to an excellent repast ; and ample justice having been done to the well-served dinner , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly received
and responded to with enthusiasm . In proposing tho P . G . Master and Officers of P . G . Lodge the W . M . said no word of his could insure a heartier welcome to the toast than the names of tho officers themselves wonld elicit . Ho would therefore simply call on the brethren to drink the toast with all honours . Bro . Adam Robertson P . G . S . W . rose to respond , and in doing so said all should bo glad tl at we had at the
head of affairs of the Province a nobleman like Ear Percy . He had devoted much time and energy to Masonry , he k , d worked every degree , and he remembered when Earl Percy w : s Master of the Alnwick Lodge how efficiently he filled that chair . He regretted that tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master could not stop to grace the festive board . The P . G . Officers had already visited thirteen ont of the
eighteen Lodges in the Province , but this was the first that it had been their privilege to be present at dnring the installation , and ho could assure the brethren that he was expressing the opinion of all the P . G . officera when he told them that they were very gratified with the dignified and impressive manner in which the installing Master placed Bro . Page in the chair , and the very correct way in which he went through
the whole of the ceremonies , and it only proved that at tho last Provincial Grand Lodge , when Earl Percy placed the purple collar round Bro . Armstrong ' s neck , it was ouly conferring honour where honour was due . The appointment of Officers that day showed that the Masters of this Lodgo that had passed tho chair had selected tho right brethren for Officers ; they had all been advanced a step , and it
spoke well for them . Altogether he assured the members of Northern Counties Lodge that he and all the Officers of tho Province wero highly delighted with their visit , and he thanked them for the hospitable manner in which they had received them . The next toast on the list was the P . G . Master and Officers of Durham ; to which Bro . J . Happer P . P . G . S . W . replied . The I . P . M . then roso to give the
health of the W . M . He stated that Bro . Page and himself first met at their initiation , and he had followed him through every office in the Lodge . It had now been his privilege to place him in the chair this day . He will uphold his present position with honour to himself and credit to the Lodge ; he has always endeavoured to promote tho interest and welfare of the Lodgo . He was sure Bro . Page would rule
the Lodgo with ability , and he would ask the brethreu to join with him and wish the W . M . every health and prosperity , and that peace and harmony might reign during his year of office . Tho W . M ., who on rising was enthusiastically received , said he felt himself unable to reply in suitable terms to the toast so kindly received by the brethren ; but he assured them in all sincerity that the
present was the proudest moment of his existence . Nothing should be wanting on his part to make the ensninsr year one of prosperity for the Lodge . Again he thanked them very sincerely . Bro . Brown P . M . proposed tho next toast—tho health of the Installing Master , Bro . R . L . Armstrong , and spoke in eulogistic terms of the way in which he had conducted the ceremony that day ; it afforded him
pleasure to have the honour of submitting this toast . In reply , Bro . Armstrong said he folt deeply indebted for the kind manner in which his name had been received , and felt proud of being the youngest P . M . in England . The toast of the Past Masters , proposed by Bro . Happer , and replied to by Bro . Ridsdale , was tho next on the list ; the W . M . then gave the past and present Officers , to which
Bros . Mondy P . M . and Salmon S . W . replied . The Visitors next received a welcome from Bro . Armstrong , and in replying , Bro . Cook P . M . thanked the brethren for their hospitality . Bro . Bolan P . M ., in submitting the Masonic Charities , said that if Freemasonry consisted in anything , it was in Charity . II . i was glad to
inform the brethren ihat he had just received tbe intelligence that the widow of a deceased brother of his Lo ge , whom they all knew , had just received a grant of ; C 10 froi i the Lodge of Benevolence . Ho therefore asked tho brethren -n all sincerity to drink success to their Charities . Bro . Thomps n P . M . replied , and the Tyler being called , he completed the t ast list . Some
Northern Counties Lodge, No. 406
capital harmony was rendered by Bros . Gibson , Dean , and Crucklin , and recitations by Bros . Lax , Dnmford , aud L . Joel . Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . L . M . Cockcroft D . P . G . M ., Adam Robertson P . G . S . W ., J . Ridsdalo
P . G .. T . W ., E . D . Davis P . G . D . C , Eev . G . Rahonson T . G . Chaplain , G . I . Dean P . G . S . D ., Balar P . G . J . D ., G . Cockhnrn P . G . R ., G . Thompson P . P . G . S . W ., J . Hopper P . P . G . S . W ., W . E . Franklin P . P . G . J . W ., T . Armstrong W . M . 1626 , W . M . Bell W . M . 1557 , Carr W . M . 24 , J . Wood S . W . 48 , L . Joel 40 , & o .
Yarborough Lodge, No. 554.
THE members of this Lodge mot to close the labours of tho season on the 1 st inst ., at the Green Dragon , Stepney , E . Present : — Bros . J . H . Thorn W . M ., T . S . Taylor S . W ., E . W . Walter J . W ., J . G Stephens P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry P . M . Secretary , T . W . Tait S . D ., VV . Cross J . D ., J . Liueker I . G ., J . Taylor D . C ,
G . T . H . Seddon Organist . J . R . Shingfield W . S . ; Past Masters VV . T . Wynn , J . J . Berry , T . J . Barnes , J . Kindred , B . Middleton , J . T . S . Hood , and others , with a numerous attendance of brethren . Amongst the Visitors wero included the names of Bro . T . F . Harvey D . C . 174 , B . B . Barnard 206 , R . Pill 228 , W . C . Maddever
W . M . 501 , J . Greig 504 , J . W . Hobbs P . M . 749 , G . Offer 812 , C J . Harnsworth P . M . 956 , G . J . King 1259 , J . Carrociero I . G . 1306 , T . D . Bnrch W . S . 1365 , H . N . Tavlor S . W . 1421 , G . F . Dix J . W . 1421 , G . E . Stephens 1623 , G Brooks 1729 . Lodge was
opened in due form , with prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting were confirmed . The ballot proving unanimous in favour of the candidate , Mr . Charles Allen , the W . M . initiated him into the mysteries of our Order ; after which Bros . W . Hawes and W . N . Sparks were duly entrusted and passed . Among tho peculiarities of Freemasonry may bo noted the ready appreciation by its members of services rendered . This found a notable
illustration at tho Yarborongh Lodge . On this occasion the brethren had subscribed towards a testimonial to Bro . Henry Mosely P . M ., and tbe presentation consisted of a splendid bronze clock , appropriately adorned with two pillars , and surmounted by an equestrian study in bronze . A vellum inscription , in the choicest style of illumination , accompanied tho gift . The clock bore an engraved plate , which read as follows : —
"This Clock was presented by the Members of tho Yarborongh Lodge No . 554 to Bro . Henry Mosely P . M ., in appreciation of his sorvices as Secretary for nine years . " Unfortunately Bro . Mosely , by ill health , was prevented from receiving it iu person , but arrangements were made to forward the present to him , together with expressions of regret at his illness .
Several other Lodgo matters having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned . Tho brethren then repaired to tho banqnet-room , whero Bro . A . Walter had prepared an excellent repast . After grace , the W . M . proposed the toasts of the Qneen and the Craft , the M . W . Grand Master , the Grand Officers Past and Present , all of which were
honoured in a becomingly cordial manner . Brother Past Master Wynn , in proposing the health of the W . M ., remarked that up to the present time the W . M . had given great satisfaction . He had worked the ceremonies well , aud all are pleased with his conduct of tho business of the Lodge . They had much to be thankful for , that a young Master shonld work so successfully , and exert himself
to make all comfortable . Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M . here favoured the brethren with a song , after which the Worshipful Master thanked Bro . Wynn and the brethren for the kindness they had shown in drinking his health . So long as he held office they might rely on his best services . The W . M . next introduced the P . M . 's , claiming the best thanks of the Lodge for their valuable services ; he called on
Bro . John Berry to respond . After a song by the W . M ., Bro . Berry was pleased he had been called on to respond . Ho was heartily gratified at the warm reception they had given tho toast . All the P . M . ' s ( they were seven in uumber ) had served tho Lodge well . He would ask somo other member of that body to reply . Bro . Wynn also thanked the brethren for drinking the toast so heartily . The
W . M . said another pleasing duty , and one which he hoped would recur during his year of office , had to be performed . We have here a gentleman who has been admitted into our midst—I ask you to drink his health . Bro . Sparks sang earnestly " The Pilgrim of Love , " and the initiate returned thanks . The W . M . now said the Yarborough Lodgo had never been without its Visitors , and he trusted
never would be . He would propose the toast , and ask the members to give it a hearty reception . Bro . Gerrard King favoured tho brethren with an amusing recitation . After which several of the visitors responded . The Officers were next toasted . The W . M . said tho Visitors had praised the working of the Lodge ; he felt proud at having snch competent brethren as Officers . This having been
suitably acknowledged , the toast of the Benevolent Institutions was given , and Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . made one of his stirring appeals for the sympathy of the brethreu . The fact of having given once did not absolve a brother from giving again ; on the contrary , he pledged himself to support thoso whom his former liberality had placed upon the funds of the various Institutions . Bro . Berry also ably advocated
the cause of charity . Bros . Barnes , Verry and himself were representing the Masonic Schools , and he hoped the brethren would givo all the support they could . Tho toast of the Masonic Press , the W . M . folt , was one of great importance to the Craft . They had to thank tho Masonic press for many good offices ; for aiding the cause of charity ; for acquainting us with the doings of esteemed brethren ,
ana in drawing closer the ties of brotherly feeling although we might be parted by distance . They were f : voured on this occasion with the presence of Bro . Stephens , whr represents the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ; all were pleased to hive him present ; he would ask them to drink to the Masonio Press , coupling the name of Bro . G . H . Stephens with the toast . The response to this toast was most