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Royal Arch Masonry In Cumberland.
adorned with beauty ! Purity of thought , integrity of life , benignity of manner , and above all charity , were the garments with which every true R . A . Mason was invested . Ifc would be easy to dilate on the teachings of tho three Craffc degrees ; but when he approached what seemed to be the fourth degree in Freemasomy—the Holy Royal Arch—thafc ease disappeared . Like tho ladder in Jacob ' s dream , tho
base rests on a solid foundation , the intermediate steps are clear and well defined , but the summit is buried in tho clouds I They naturally paused in the presence of that awful name aronnd which centred all the solemn mysteries of thissupreme degree ; how could they expatiate on that great , awfnl , tremendous and incomprehensible name of the Most High , signifying , " I am that I am , the Alpha and Omega , tho
beginning and the end , tho first and the last ! " Showing Him to be the actnal , future , eternal , unchangeable and all-sufficient God , who alone has His being in and of Himself , and gives to all otters their being , so that He is what He was—He was what He is and shall remain both what He was and what He is , from everlasting to everlasting ! Surely in the hearing of such language as this a voice
whispered to ono and all , ' Draw not nigh hither ; take thy shoes from off thy feet , for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground . " The penitential sign in this degree taught thafc we should not approach the throne of grace save with bonded knees and uplifted hands , betokening afc once humility and dependence . Let them rather follow the safe and reverential guidance of God ' s ancient people , the
Jews , who never repeated or wrote the name of Jehovah , and whioh the High Priest alone was permitted to pronounce but once a year , when he entered the sanctum sanctorum to make atonement for the sins of the people . The Essenes , a sect of the Jews , and from whom some thought the Royal Arch Degree was derived , were especially careful on this point . They formed themselves into a strict
association , bound together by tho most solemn obligations , spending their substance on their poorer brethren , and avoiding all topics of religions discussion . They advanced their candidates by successive degrees , at intervals of a year and after repeated examinations . On admission , the initiate was adjured to lead a pure and holy life , to guard carefully and transmit faithfully the secrets of the Order , which consisted
of the various names of the Deity . Like ourselves they were clothed in white robes and aprons , were presented with the shovel . Lot them , then , without following to the full extent the example thus set them , imitate the reverence by which the Essenes were actuated . Might it load them to a proper reverence for the incomprehensible Jehovah , the Ruler of the Universe , the elemental life , the premordial source
of all its principles , the vory spring and fountain of all its virtues . If they had used the working tools of a Royal Arch Mason aright ; if with the pickaxe they had cleared away the rnins of the temple of a fallen nature—if with the trowel thoy had built up a fairer temple for the reception of trnth , and virtue—if with the sword by their side they had fought for the weak against tho strong , the true against tho falso
the good against the evil—if with the spade thoy had buried the rubbish of the body of tho old Adam , then as to their ancient brethren in the vaulted chamber , the sun afc its meridian should dispel in them the mists of doubt , ignorance , and error , and make that light to them in death which was dark in life . Then , prostrating themselves on the mercy of the true and the loving God most High , they shonld be exalted
to the Grand Chapter above and , m the presence of the Great I Amthen shonld they see Jehovah , not as through a glass darkly , bnt face to face . The second and concluding portions of the ceremony were then proceeded with , the corn , wine , oil and incense being duly carried round the Chapter by past principals . After the unveiling of the altar , E . Comp . Bowes , having dedicated and constituted the
Chapter , and pronounced the Patriarchal Benediction , proceeded to instal the Principals Designate . This completed , they were greeted , proclaimed , and saluted according to ancient custom , and the Consecrating Principal concluded his labour of love with a sublime Benediction . The Officers were now invested , and several propositions received , after which a flattering voto of thanks was accorded to E .
Comp . Bowes for the manner in which he had performed the long and important ceremonies . He was also elected an honorary member of the Chapter . No further business being before the Chapter , it was closed with the usnal solemnities , and tbe Companions adjourned to the banquetting room , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , greatly enlivened by some excellent songs , well snng . Next
day an Emergency Convocation of the Chapter was held , which was largely attended by Companions of the town and neighbom-hood , and the beautiful ceremony of exaltation was seen worked to perfection by E . Comp . Bowes , assisted by E . Comp . John Barr P . Z . 119 as P . Soj . From the impression made on the candidates we entertain no doubt that tho Nicholson Chapter will soon increase in numbers , and become thoroughly efficient . So mote it be .
Elias Ashmore Chapter , ISTo . 148 , Warrington . —An emergency Convocation of this Chapter was held at tho Masonic rooms , Sankey-strect , on Monday evening , at half-past six . Present—E . Comps . John Bowes M . E . Z ., Robert Brierley P . Z . as H ., James Jackson J . ; D . W . Finney P . Z ., & c . ; P . J . Edelsteu P . Z . P . S ., Comps . J . H . Potter , W . H . Robinson , Joseph Pickthall , Asst . S ., Dr . Evans ,
W . Richardson , John Armstrong , J . H . Gallaway S . E ., and Dr . Joseph . Visitors—Comps . Percival Pearcc Social Chapter No . 02 , W . Taylor Chapter of Harmony No . 220 . The Chapter was opened by the Principals , when the rest of the Comps . were admitted . The M . E . Z . said the business of the Convocation was to ballot for and , if elected , exalt , Bros . Charles Skinner , Arthur Peake , James Charlton , and Richard Starkey . The ballot box was then sent round for each of
the four brethren respectively , and proved unanimous in each case ; they all being present , were exalted in ample form , according to ancient custom , by the M . E . Z ., who also delivered the mystic Lecture . The symbolic and historic Lectures were given by E . Comps . Finney and J . Jackson . A great deal of interest was manifested in the ceremony throughout . There being no other bnsiness , the Chapter was closed with the nsual solemnities .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Northumberland.
A CONVOCATION of this P . G . Chapter was held on 29 th ult ., afc the Masonic Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , under the banner of the Tyne Chapter No . 991 . The Chapter was opened by the Provincial Grand Superintendent Companion L . M . Cookcroffc , supported by a good attendance of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , and a largo attendance of Companions from all parts
of tho Provinco . The roll of Chapter being called over , and other routine bnsiness gone through , the Treasurer ' s report was adopted , this showed a good balance in his hands , and it was agreed thafc a further sum should be invested , the Provincial Grand Superintendent then appointed and invested the following
Companions as Officers for tho ensuing year : — S . T . Willson P . G . H ., Anderson Potter P . G . J ., John Ridsdalo P . G . E ., Ward P . G . N ., T . Blenckensop P . G . P . 8 ., Mean P . G . A . S ., Guthery P . G . J . A . S ., G . Thompson P . G . Treas ., G . I . Dean P . G . Regis ., G . T . UnderwoodP . G . S . B ., Montgomery P . G . S . B ., E . D . DavisP . P . G . H . D . C ., T . Smith P . G . Org ., and Curry Janitor . Tho P . G . Superintendent
announced that the next P . G . Chapter would be held under the banner of De Swinburn Chapter No . 21 , and Companions Bell and Reed were appointed P . G . Stewards . The Chapter was then closed in solemn form , and tbe Companions adjourned to slight refreshment , presided over by the M . E . P . G . Superintendent , who submitted the usual loyal and R . A . toasts , which were heartily received . Several complimentary ones followed , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236.
THIS influential Royal Arch Chapter met afc tho Masonio Hall , York , on Wednesday . Amongst those present being Compa . Sir James Meek P . Z . M . E . Z ., J . Todd P . Z . asH ., G . Balmford J ., T . G . Turner S . E ., T . B . Whytehead as S . N ., A . Buckle P . S ., J . Hollins and M . Rooke Assist . Sojs ., T . S . Camidge Organist , J . Ward as Janitor , and many other members and visitors . Several successful ballots
having been taken , Bro . J . Blenkin , of the Eboracum Lodge No . 1611 , was exalted to the supreme degree , the ceremonies being worked and the mystical lecture being delivered by E . Comp . Sir Jas . Meek . Several matters of detail were discussed , a bye . laws committee was
appointed , and the Chapter closed . Afc the supper which followed E . Comp . Sir J . Meek presided , and a long toast list was honoured , including the healths of tho P . G . Superintendent ( Dr . Bell ) , the M . E . Z . of the Chapter , the Treasurer , E . Comp . J . Todd , & o .
Societas Rosicr: In Anglia.
Yorkshire College . —The quarterly meeting of this College was held on Saturday , 3 rd inst ., at the Snrrey-street Masonio Hall , Sheffield . Present . —Fratres S . B . Ellis VIII . R . W . C . A . , A . Scargill VII . Snff ., W . R . Thomas , M . D ., V . Prov . Treas . Gen ., T . Blair V . Prov . Sec . Gen ., T . B . Whytehead V . Celeb , J . S . Cumberland III Secnndus , J . Clark II . Tertius , J . E . Reaney II . C . of N ., J . T .
Thompson G . of T ., Rev . W . C . Lukis , M . A ., Walter Rowley , C . E ., T . Leighton Acolyte . The following aspirants were admitted into M— C— : Bros . T . M . Richey , Lieut . R . A ., York , L . Murphy , Captain 4 th Dragoon Guards , York , E . Pearson Peterson , F . S . A ., Leeds , W . P . Husband , York , W . Watson , Leeds , J . N . Pickering , Sheffield . A congratulatory telegram was received from the
Lancashire College then in session at Wigan , and suitably responded to by wire . It had been anticipated thafc Fra . John Yarker would have been present and read a paper on " The Origin , Aim , and Object of the Society of Rosy Cross , " but he was prevented by illness , and his paper was read to the College by Fra . A . Scargill , and ordered to be printed for the members , ifc was resolved thafc the next meeting of the College shonld be held afc Scarborough on the 9 th July . The Fratres subsequently met for refreshment , and passed a social evening .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
HnHE General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys -1- held their monthly meeting last Saturday , at Freemasons' Hall . There wero present Bros . Raynham W . Stewart ( in the chair ) , Geo . J . Row , S . Rosenthal , L . Ruf , Don . M . Dewar , Edward B . Grabham , Richard Morris ( Head Master ) , A . H . Lilley , Joyce Murray \ 11 . B . Webster , H . Massey , F . Adlard , Peter de L . Long , J . M . Dosell ,
W . Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , W . F . C . Moutrie , T . Meggy , Richard Tyrrell , George P . Gillard , John Young , L . B . Garrett and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) , The House Committee having recommended that a lad named Wilkinson , who was the highest of the unsuccessful candidates at tho last election , and for whoso votes a scrutiny was then demanded , should be admitted to the Institution without a scrntinv .
the Committee refused to adopt the recommendation . One boy was admitted by purchase ; four candidates , all from tho provinces , were placed ou the list for the October election ; an outfit was granted to one ex-pupil ; a sum of £ 10 was voted in aid of apprenticing another ex-pupil , his friends finding the remainder of the premium ; the House
and Audit Committees of last year were re-elected ; and a letter from Bro . Browse , thanking the Committee , on behalf of his mother , sisters , and brother , for the letter of condolence of the Committee on the death of the late Bro . Henry Browse P . G . D . was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch Masonry In Cumberland.
adorned with beauty ! Purity of thought , integrity of life , benignity of manner , and above all charity , were the garments with which every true R . A . Mason was invested . Ifc would be easy to dilate on the teachings of tho three Craffc degrees ; but when he approached what seemed to be the fourth degree in Freemasomy—the Holy Royal Arch—thafc ease disappeared . Like tho ladder in Jacob ' s dream , tho
base rests on a solid foundation , the intermediate steps are clear and well defined , but the summit is buried in tho clouds I They naturally paused in the presence of that awful name aronnd which centred all the solemn mysteries of thissupreme degree ; how could they expatiate on that great , awfnl , tremendous and incomprehensible name of the Most High , signifying , " I am that I am , the Alpha and Omega , tho
beginning and the end , tho first and the last ! " Showing Him to be the actnal , future , eternal , unchangeable and all-sufficient God , who alone has His being in and of Himself , and gives to all otters their being , so that He is what He was—He was what He is and shall remain both what He was and what He is , from everlasting to everlasting ! Surely in the hearing of such language as this a voice
whispered to ono and all , ' Draw not nigh hither ; take thy shoes from off thy feet , for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground . " The penitential sign in this degree taught thafc we should not approach the throne of grace save with bonded knees and uplifted hands , betokening afc once humility and dependence . Let them rather follow the safe and reverential guidance of God ' s ancient people , the
Jews , who never repeated or wrote the name of Jehovah , and whioh the High Priest alone was permitted to pronounce but once a year , when he entered the sanctum sanctorum to make atonement for the sins of the people . The Essenes , a sect of the Jews , and from whom some thought the Royal Arch Degree was derived , were especially careful on this point . They formed themselves into a strict
association , bound together by tho most solemn obligations , spending their substance on their poorer brethren , and avoiding all topics of religions discussion . They advanced their candidates by successive degrees , at intervals of a year and after repeated examinations . On admission , the initiate was adjured to lead a pure and holy life , to guard carefully and transmit faithfully the secrets of the Order , which consisted
of the various names of the Deity . Like ourselves they were clothed in white robes and aprons , were presented with the shovel . Lot them , then , without following to the full extent the example thus set them , imitate the reverence by which the Essenes were actuated . Might it load them to a proper reverence for the incomprehensible Jehovah , the Ruler of the Universe , the elemental life , the premordial source
of all its principles , the vory spring and fountain of all its virtues . If they had used the working tools of a Royal Arch Mason aright ; if with the pickaxe they had cleared away the rnins of the temple of a fallen nature—if with the trowel thoy had built up a fairer temple for the reception of trnth , and virtue—if with the sword by their side they had fought for the weak against tho strong , the true against tho falso
the good against the evil—if with the spade thoy had buried the rubbish of the body of tho old Adam , then as to their ancient brethren in the vaulted chamber , the sun afc its meridian should dispel in them the mists of doubt , ignorance , and error , and make that light to them in death which was dark in life . Then , prostrating themselves on the mercy of the true and the loving God most High , they shonld be exalted
to the Grand Chapter above and , m the presence of the Great I Amthen shonld they see Jehovah , not as through a glass darkly , bnt face to face . The second and concluding portions of the ceremony were then proceeded with , the corn , wine , oil and incense being duly carried round the Chapter by past principals . After the unveiling of the altar , E . Comp . Bowes , having dedicated and constituted the
Chapter , and pronounced the Patriarchal Benediction , proceeded to instal the Principals Designate . This completed , they were greeted , proclaimed , and saluted according to ancient custom , and the Consecrating Principal concluded his labour of love with a sublime Benediction . The Officers were now invested , and several propositions received , after which a flattering voto of thanks was accorded to E .
Comp . Bowes for the manner in which he had performed the long and important ceremonies . He was also elected an honorary member of the Chapter . No further business being before the Chapter , it was closed with the usnal solemnities , and tbe Companions adjourned to the banquetting room , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , greatly enlivened by some excellent songs , well snng . Next
day an Emergency Convocation of the Chapter was held , which was largely attended by Companions of the town and neighbom-hood , and the beautiful ceremony of exaltation was seen worked to perfection by E . Comp . Bowes , assisted by E . Comp . John Barr P . Z . 119 as P . Soj . From the impression made on the candidates we entertain no doubt that tho Nicholson Chapter will soon increase in numbers , and become thoroughly efficient . So mote it be .
Elias Ashmore Chapter , ISTo . 148 , Warrington . —An emergency Convocation of this Chapter was held at tho Masonic rooms , Sankey-strect , on Monday evening , at half-past six . Present—E . Comps . John Bowes M . E . Z ., Robert Brierley P . Z . as H ., James Jackson J . ; D . W . Finney P . Z ., & c . ; P . J . Edelsteu P . Z . P . S ., Comps . J . H . Potter , W . H . Robinson , Joseph Pickthall , Asst . S ., Dr . Evans ,
W . Richardson , John Armstrong , J . H . Gallaway S . E ., and Dr . Joseph . Visitors—Comps . Percival Pearcc Social Chapter No . 02 , W . Taylor Chapter of Harmony No . 220 . The Chapter was opened by the Principals , when the rest of the Comps . were admitted . The M . E . Z . said the business of the Convocation was to ballot for and , if elected , exalt , Bros . Charles Skinner , Arthur Peake , James Charlton , and Richard Starkey . The ballot box was then sent round for each of
the four brethren respectively , and proved unanimous in each case ; they all being present , were exalted in ample form , according to ancient custom , by the M . E . Z ., who also delivered the mystic Lecture . The symbolic and historic Lectures were given by E . Comps . Finney and J . Jackson . A great deal of interest was manifested in the ceremony throughout . There being no other bnsiness , the Chapter was closed with the nsual solemnities .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Northumberland.
A CONVOCATION of this P . G . Chapter was held on 29 th ult ., afc the Masonic Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , under the banner of the Tyne Chapter No . 991 . The Chapter was opened by the Provincial Grand Superintendent Companion L . M . Cookcroffc , supported by a good attendance of Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , and a largo attendance of Companions from all parts
of tho Provinco . The roll of Chapter being called over , and other routine bnsiness gone through , the Treasurer ' s report was adopted , this showed a good balance in his hands , and it was agreed thafc a further sum should be invested , the Provincial Grand Superintendent then appointed and invested the following
Companions as Officers for tho ensuing year : — S . T . Willson P . G . H ., Anderson Potter P . G . J ., John Ridsdalo P . G . E ., Ward P . G . N ., T . Blenckensop P . G . P . 8 ., Mean P . G . A . S ., Guthery P . G . J . A . S ., G . Thompson P . G . Treas ., G . I . Dean P . G . Regis ., G . T . UnderwoodP . G . S . B ., Montgomery P . G . S . B ., E . D . DavisP . P . G . H . D . C ., T . Smith P . G . Org ., and Curry Janitor . Tho P . G . Superintendent
announced that the next P . G . Chapter would be held under the banner of De Swinburn Chapter No . 21 , and Companions Bell and Reed were appointed P . G . Stewards . The Chapter was then closed in solemn form , and tbe Companions adjourned to slight refreshment , presided over by the M . E . P . G . Superintendent , who submitted the usual loyal and R . A . toasts , which were heartily received . Several complimentary ones followed , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236.
THIS influential Royal Arch Chapter met afc tho Masonio Hall , York , on Wednesday . Amongst those present being Compa . Sir James Meek P . Z . M . E . Z ., J . Todd P . Z . asH ., G . Balmford J ., T . G . Turner S . E ., T . B . Whytehead as S . N ., A . Buckle P . S ., J . Hollins and M . Rooke Assist . Sojs ., T . S . Camidge Organist , J . Ward as Janitor , and many other members and visitors . Several successful ballots
having been taken , Bro . J . Blenkin , of the Eboracum Lodge No . 1611 , was exalted to the supreme degree , the ceremonies being worked and the mystical lecture being delivered by E . Comp . Sir Jas . Meek . Several matters of detail were discussed , a bye . laws committee was
appointed , and the Chapter closed . Afc the supper which followed E . Comp . Sir J . Meek presided , and a long toast list was honoured , including the healths of tho P . G . Superintendent ( Dr . Bell ) , the M . E . Z . of the Chapter , the Treasurer , E . Comp . J . Todd , & o .
Societas Rosicr: In Anglia.
Yorkshire College . —The quarterly meeting of this College was held on Saturday , 3 rd inst ., at the Snrrey-street Masonio Hall , Sheffield . Present . —Fratres S . B . Ellis VIII . R . W . C . A . , A . Scargill VII . Snff ., W . R . Thomas , M . D ., V . Prov . Treas . Gen ., T . Blair V . Prov . Sec . Gen ., T . B . Whytehead V . Celeb , J . S . Cumberland III Secnndus , J . Clark II . Tertius , J . E . Reaney II . C . of N ., J . T .
Thompson G . of T ., Rev . W . C . Lukis , M . A ., Walter Rowley , C . E ., T . Leighton Acolyte . The following aspirants were admitted into M— C— : Bros . T . M . Richey , Lieut . R . A ., York , L . Murphy , Captain 4 th Dragoon Guards , York , E . Pearson Peterson , F . S . A ., Leeds , W . P . Husband , York , W . Watson , Leeds , J . N . Pickering , Sheffield . A congratulatory telegram was received from the
Lancashire College then in session at Wigan , and suitably responded to by wire . It had been anticipated thafc Fra . John Yarker would have been present and read a paper on " The Origin , Aim , and Object of the Society of Rosy Cross , " but he was prevented by illness , and his paper was read to the College by Fra . A . Scargill , and ordered to be printed for the members , ifc was resolved thafc the next meeting of the College shonld be held afc Scarborough on the 9 th July . The Fratres subsequently met for refreshment , and passed a social evening .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
HnHE General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys -1- held their monthly meeting last Saturday , at Freemasons' Hall . There wero present Bros . Raynham W . Stewart ( in the chair ) , Geo . J . Row , S . Rosenthal , L . Ruf , Don . M . Dewar , Edward B . Grabham , Richard Morris ( Head Master ) , A . H . Lilley , Joyce Murray \ 11 . B . Webster , H . Massey , F . Adlard , Peter de L . Long , J . M . Dosell ,
W . Hyde Pullen , W . Roebuck , W . F . C . Moutrie , T . Meggy , Richard Tyrrell , George P . Gillard , John Young , L . B . Garrett and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) , The House Committee having recommended that a lad named Wilkinson , who was the highest of the unsuccessful candidates at tho last election , and for whoso votes a scrutiny was then demanded , should be admitted to the Institution without a scrntinv .
the Committee refused to adopt the recommendation . One boy was admitted by purchase ; four candidates , all from tho provinces , were placed ou the list for the October election ; an outfit was granted to one ex-pupil ; a sum of £ 10 was voted in aid of apprenticing another ex-pupil , his friends finding the remainder of the premium ; the House
and Audit Committees of last year were re-elected ; and a letter from Bro . Browse , thanking the Committee , on behalf of his mother , sisters , and brother , for the letter of condolence of the Committee on the death of the late Bro . Henry Browse P . G . D . was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes .