Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Celebration Of A Silver Wedding.
IT is nofc often wo aro called npon to assist afc snch interesting festivities as those which drew together so numerous and delighted a company of ladies and brethren connected with the Earl of Carnarvon and Marquess of Ripon Lodges on Tuesday evening last . Shortly after five o'clock there was s \ most agreeable mustering of friends at tho Metropolitan Asylum Hall , Balls Pond , Kingsland , to
offer their cordial felicitations to Bro . William Stephens P . M ., P . Z ., & c . on the occasion of his silvern wedding ; and the reunion proved to bo an exceedingly auspicious and happy one . Amongst the guests invited by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge to meet Bro . and Mrs . Stephens were—Dr . and Mrs . Symons , Mr . and Mrs . Mnrlis , Mr . and Miss Grist , Mr . and Mrs . Tovell , Mr . and Mrs . Glover , Mr . Smith , Mr ., Mrs . and
Miss Sraonfc , Mr . H . and Mrs . Patient , Mr . W . W . Morgan , Mr . and Mrs . Bartle , Miss Bartle , Miss Rose Bartle , Mr . Passmore , Mr . and Mrs . Penn , Miss Penn , Miss Annie Penn , Mr . Bishop , Mr . and Mrs . Parkhonse , Mr . and Mrs . Pnshman , Mr . and Mrs . Green , Mr . and Mrs . Rowlands , Mr . and Mrs . Woodward , Mr . and Miss Cnbitt , Mr . and Mrs . Terry , Mr . Hobbs , Mr . and Mrs . Miller , Mr . and Mrs . Stanton , Mr . and
Mrs . Waif ord , Mr . and Mrs . High , Mr . Glaskin , Mr . Badkin , Mr . McMillan , & c . ; in addition to several members of the family , including Miss Stephens , Misses Lottie , Annie and Nelly , and Master VTillie Stephens , Miss Nash , and Miss Sevrour . The happy gathering was quietly and unostentatiously arranged , and sprang from a warm desire on the part of the leading brethren of Lodges 1489 and 1642 to mark ,
at this opportune moment , their high sense of the esteem and regard which is entertained towards Bro . Stephens , not only in his own Lodge , bnt also by a much more extended circle of the Craft , and to offer their cordial congratulations to him and to Mrs . Stephens upon their having reached the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage . A more graceful compliment conld not havo been paid by the
brethren than was witnessed during the ceremony which followed , and the pleasurable surprise which lighted up the countenances of husband and wife , who had passed a quarter of a century so happily together , was a sufficient indication of the manner in which they appreciated the honour which was thus conferred npon them . After partaking of a repast admirably supplied by Bro . Grist ,
the Silver Wedding cake was cut and handed round . Doubtless many of the fair damsels present took the customary piece home to put nnder their pillows to dream over after the pleasures of this happy gathering had been brought to an end . Bro . S . H . Parkhonse , W . M . of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , then assumed the presidency over the cosy little party , the central figures in which were evidently less enlightened
than the majority as to the natm-e of the charming programme which had been so subtlely arrangpd . The customary loyal toasts having been received with due enthusiasm , the W . M . proposed , in eloquent terms , the toast of the evening , the health of Bro . and Mrs . Stephens , which it is hardly necessary to say wsis received wn ' . h unbounded gratification . After expressing , on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon
Lodge , and of the friends now assembled , his hearty congratulations ou the happy event which had bronght them together , he explained tho object of their rdunion ; and , alluding to the spontaneous expressions of friendship on the part of the members of both Lodges towards the " happy couple " who had this day attained an important and interesting epoch in their married life , he asked Bro . Stephens
to accept the loving gift which had been subscribed lor by the brethren . The testimonial consisted of a massive aud elegant silver salver and coffee service . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Penn , as Treasurer of the Lodge , read the accompanying congratulatory address , which had been engrossed on vellum , and illuminated in the most finished style of art by Bro . Badkin . The following was the text : —
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 1642 . To Bro . WILLIAM STEPHENS P . M . P . Z ., & c , & c . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , on behalf of the brethren of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , having been associated with yon in tho mysteries of the Craft for a number of years , avail ourselves with pleasure of
this opportunity of paying to yon personally a slight tribute of our sincere respect and esteem . There are among ns many who have been associated with yon daring the whole period of your Masonic career , and others who have only known yon since the period of their introduction to the Craft ; but we are unanimous in feelings of appreciation and admiration of the generous bestowal of your Masonic gifts in the interests of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , and of your
substantial support of the various Masonic Benevolent Institutions , which are tho means of affording such great assistance and relief to the pocr and necessitous of tho Order . We therefore beg yonr acceptance of the accompanying silver tray and coffee service on the occasion of yonr Silver Wedding , os a slight token of our regard , and we fervently hope that the Great Architect of the Universe may grant you many years of health , prosperity and domestic felicity . London , 6 th May 1879 . "
[ Hero follow the signatures of Samuel H . Parkhonse W . M ., Edward M . Lander S . W ., Samuel Smonfc J . W ., George Penn Treas ., W . J . Murlis Sec ] Bro . Penn supplemented the reading of the Testimonial by a few happily-chosen sentences , in which he said he felt sure he expressed the sentiments of ali the brethreu when he said that Bro . Stephens .
by his energies and the influence he bronght to bear upon tho Craft , had won ' or himself tho esteem aud admiration of all by whom he was sniTOt nded . lo was a most worthy recipient of a gift thafc was Well-descr- ed . The Cha . rman then called npon Bro . W . J . Mnrlis , who on behalf of
the brethren of Marquess of Ripon Lodge 1489 , begged Bro . and Mrs . Stephens' acceptance of a slight tribute of the esteem and regard in which they were held by them . He regretted very mnch the unavoidable absence of Bro . Walford , upon whom this duty would otherwise have devolved ; bnt , he saidj Bro . Stephens and his wife
Celebration Of A Silver Wedding.
were very old and dear friends , and they had long been on terms of intimate and agreeable acquaintanceship . He hoped they might be spared to receive the congratulations of their numerous circle of friends on their Golden Wedding Day . Having spoken in eulogistic terms of the services which Bro . Stephens had rendered to
the Craft , and the general desire of the brethren of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge to subscribe to the testimonial , ho presented to tho guests of the evening a magnificent clock , in tho plinth of which was inserted a richly-chased gold plate , bearing tho following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . W ILLIAM and Mrs . STEPHENS , by the Officers of the MARQUESS OF RiroN LODGE , NO . 1489 , As a mark of esteem , on the occasion of their Silver Wedding 6 fch May 1879 .
Yet another presentation had to be made , and Bro . J . Terry rose for the purpose of offering , on behalf of Bro . Cnbitt and himself , a small token of their congratulation and well-wishes . Bro . Cubitt , in the modesty of his soul , had expressed regret that his name had not been incorporated with those of the g ivers of the other presents on this happy event ; but , holding the services which Bro . Stephens had
rendered in such high estimation , they both felt that this happy day shonld be marked in some snch way as would show their appreciation of a worthy brother who had dono so mnch for Freemasonry . Bro . Terry expressed the pleasure they all felt at seeing five out of the seven members of the family present , and also trusted that a happy
Golden Wedding day mig ht be in store for the guests whom they were delighted to honour this evening . The testimonial he pre . sented , as the joint gift of Bro . Cubitt aud himself , consisted of a set of silver dessert knives and forks , enclosed in a handsome case , the latter bearing a plate with the following inscription : —
To Bro . W ILLIAM STEPHENS , with the fraternal wishes of Bros . Cnbitt and Terry . 6 th May 1879 . Bro . Stephens , in accepting the numerous and handsome gifts , scarcely knew how to find words adequately to return thanks for the honour " which had been so kindly paid to his dear wife and himself .
He felt grateful for the very flattering reference that had been mane to any services he had been able to render to tho Craft , whose interests he had so near at heart . Around him he was pleased to see many kind friends , with whom he loved to be associated , bnt hardly knew how to thank them for the unexpected and magnificent compli . ment they had paid him . But if he failed to express in words the
feelings which welled np within him on thu happy occasion , it wonld not be that he did not appreciate their kindness . He had b » en associated with Freemasonry for many years , but really did tint know he possessed so many trup and kind friends as had clustered round him that evening . It was p ' ainly evident that lire . Stephens felt most deeply the manner in which tho congratulations of the
company had been extended to him . Several other complimentary toasts followed , including the Chairman , and the Ladies—the latter proposed in gallant terms by Bro . Terry , and acknowledged by Bro . Woodward , who , by the way , seemed rather to overlook- the fact that he was , for the nonce , the representative of feminine youth and beanty . Instersporsing the toasts was some excellent vocal and instrumental
music , the pianoforte selections by tho Misses Stephens , the Misses Bartle , and Miss Smout being intensely relished by the company , as was an admirable rendering of " Tom Bowling " by Bro . Pushmau . The instrument was a very fine-toned one , kindly lent for the occasion by Bro . Stanton , of the firm of Peachey and Co ., of Bishops , gate Street , whose establishment has a very wide reputation for the
variety and excellence of their pianos . We cannofc close this report without adding our own congratulations npon the exceedingly happy manner in which the auspicious day was celebrated . The hearty spontaneity of felicitation and kindly feeling must have been peculiarly acceptable to Bro . and Mrs . Stephens and their family , to whom we cannot offer a better wish than that embodied in one of the
speeches of the evening , viz ., that all might be spared to commemorate with equal joy the Golden Wedding Day . The hall in which the festivities took place being the regular meeting place of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge , and the Institution itself an object of charitable regard to many brethren of our Craft , we make no apology for making a brief reference to the purposes for which the Metropolitan
Benefit Societies' Asylum was established . It is tho only Institution in the kingdom for the reception of aged and infirm members of Friendly Societies , and is entirely supported by voluntary contributions . The only qualification for admission to the Asylum is that the candidate must have been a member of a legal friendly or benefit
society for seven years , and have subscribed to tho Asylum for four years ; or have made a donation of £ 2 two years previous to becoming n candidate . Although in no way connected with Freemasonry , we have reason to know that it is an Institution eminently deserving of support , especially by the working and middle classes , for whoso benefit it is chiefly designed .
The installation convocatic l of the Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , takes place on Monck 7 next , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , where the Char , ; er will be opened at 5 p . m . The ceremonies of installation will be performed by Bro . James Stevens P . Z . and Scrib E . ; the Companions elected
for the chairs being Comps . Hark S . Larlham . as M . E . Z ., Thomas Poore H ., and Richard K Field J . Prior to the meeting the Audit Committee will assemble , in order to prepare the annual report , and at the conclusion of the proceedings a banquet will be given .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Celebration Of A Silver Wedding.
IT is nofc often wo aro called npon to assist afc snch interesting festivities as those which drew together so numerous and delighted a company of ladies and brethren connected with the Earl of Carnarvon and Marquess of Ripon Lodges on Tuesday evening last . Shortly after five o'clock there was s \ most agreeable mustering of friends at tho Metropolitan Asylum Hall , Balls Pond , Kingsland , to
offer their cordial felicitations to Bro . William Stephens P . M ., P . Z ., & c . on the occasion of his silvern wedding ; and the reunion proved to bo an exceedingly auspicious and happy one . Amongst the guests invited by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge to meet Bro . and Mrs . Stephens were—Dr . and Mrs . Symons , Mr . and Mrs . Mnrlis , Mr . and Miss Grist , Mr . and Mrs . Tovell , Mr . and Mrs . Glover , Mr . Smith , Mr ., Mrs . and
Miss Sraonfc , Mr . H . and Mrs . Patient , Mr . W . W . Morgan , Mr . and Mrs . Bartle , Miss Bartle , Miss Rose Bartle , Mr . Passmore , Mr . and Mrs . Penn , Miss Penn , Miss Annie Penn , Mr . Bishop , Mr . and Mrs . Parkhonse , Mr . and Mrs . Pnshman , Mr . and Mrs . Green , Mr . and Mrs . Rowlands , Mr . and Mrs . Woodward , Mr . and Miss Cnbitt , Mr . and Mrs . Terry , Mr . Hobbs , Mr . and Mrs . Miller , Mr . and Mrs . Stanton , Mr . and
Mrs . Waif ord , Mr . and Mrs . High , Mr . Glaskin , Mr . Badkin , Mr . McMillan , & c . ; in addition to several members of the family , including Miss Stephens , Misses Lottie , Annie and Nelly , and Master VTillie Stephens , Miss Nash , and Miss Sevrour . The happy gathering was quietly and unostentatiously arranged , and sprang from a warm desire on the part of the leading brethren of Lodges 1489 and 1642 to mark ,
at this opportune moment , their high sense of the esteem and regard which is entertained towards Bro . Stephens , not only in his own Lodge , bnt also by a much more extended circle of the Craft , and to offer their cordial congratulations to him and to Mrs . Stephens upon their having reached the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage . A more graceful compliment conld not havo been paid by the
brethren than was witnessed during the ceremony which followed , and the pleasurable surprise which lighted up the countenances of husband and wife , who had passed a quarter of a century so happily together , was a sufficient indication of the manner in which they appreciated the honour which was thus conferred npon them . After partaking of a repast admirably supplied by Bro . Grist ,
the Silver Wedding cake was cut and handed round . Doubtless many of the fair damsels present took the customary piece home to put nnder their pillows to dream over after the pleasures of this happy gathering had been brought to an end . Bro . S . H . Parkhonse , W . M . of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , then assumed the presidency over the cosy little party , the central figures in which were evidently less enlightened
than the majority as to the natm-e of the charming programme which had been so subtlely arrangpd . The customary loyal toasts having been received with due enthusiasm , the W . M . proposed , in eloquent terms , the toast of the evening , the health of Bro . and Mrs . Stephens , which it is hardly necessary to say wsis received wn ' . h unbounded gratification . After expressing , on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon
Lodge , and of the friends now assembled , his hearty congratulations ou the happy event which had bronght them together , he explained tho object of their rdunion ; and , alluding to the spontaneous expressions of friendship on the part of the members of both Lodges towards the " happy couple " who had this day attained an important and interesting epoch in their married life , he asked Bro . Stephens
to accept the loving gift which had been subscribed lor by the brethren . The testimonial consisted of a massive aud elegant silver salver and coffee service . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Penn , as Treasurer of the Lodge , read the accompanying congratulatory address , which had been engrossed on vellum , and illuminated in the most finished style of art by Bro . Badkin . The following was the text : —
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 1642 . To Bro . WILLIAM STEPHENS P . M . P . Z ., & c , & c . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , on behalf of the brethren of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , having been associated with yon in tho mysteries of the Craft for a number of years , avail ourselves with pleasure of
this opportunity of paying to yon personally a slight tribute of our sincere respect and esteem . There are among ns many who have been associated with yon daring the whole period of your Masonic career , and others who have only known yon since the period of their introduction to the Craft ; but we are unanimous in feelings of appreciation and admiration of the generous bestowal of your Masonic gifts in the interests of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , and of your
substantial support of the various Masonic Benevolent Institutions , which are tho means of affording such great assistance and relief to the pocr and necessitous of tho Order . We therefore beg yonr acceptance of the accompanying silver tray and coffee service on the occasion of yonr Silver Wedding , os a slight token of our regard , and we fervently hope that the Great Architect of the Universe may grant you many years of health , prosperity and domestic felicity . London , 6 th May 1879 . "
[ Hero follow the signatures of Samuel H . Parkhonse W . M ., Edward M . Lander S . W ., Samuel Smonfc J . W ., George Penn Treas ., W . J . Murlis Sec ] Bro . Penn supplemented the reading of the Testimonial by a few happily-chosen sentences , in which he said he felt sure he expressed the sentiments of ali the brethreu when he said that Bro . Stephens .
by his energies and the influence he bronght to bear upon tho Craft , had won ' or himself tho esteem aud admiration of all by whom he was sniTOt nded . lo was a most worthy recipient of a gift thafc was Well-descr- ed . The Cha . rman then called npon Bro . W . J . Mnrlis , who on behalf of
the brethren of Marquess of Ripon Lodge 1489 , begged Bro . and Mrs . Stephens' acceptance of a slight tribute of the esteem and regard in which they were held by them . He regretted very mnch the unavoidable absence of Bro . Walford , upon whom this duty would otherwise have devolved ; bnt , he saidj Bro . Stephens and his wife
Celebration Of A Silver Wedding.
were very old and dear friends , and they had long been on terms of intimate and agreeable acquaintanceship . He hoped they might be spared to receive the congratulations of their numerous circle of friends on their Golden Wedding Day . Having spoken in eulogistic terms of the services which Bro . Stephens had rendered to
the Craft , and the general desire of the brethren of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge to subscribe to the testimonial , ho presented to tho guests of the evening a magnificent clock , in tho plinth of which was inserted a richly-chased gold plate , bearing tho following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . W ILLIAM and Mrs . STEPHENS , by the Officers of the MARQUESS OF RiroN LODGE , NO . 1489 , As a mark of esteem , on the occasion of their Silver Wedding 6 fch May 1879 .
Yet another presentation had to be made , and Bro . J . Terry rose for the purpose of offering , on behalf of Bro . Cnbitt and himself , a small token of their congratulation and well-wishes . Bro . Cubitt , in the modesty of his soul , had expressed regret that his name had not been incorporated with those of the g ivers of the other presents on this happy event ; but , holding the services which Bro . Stephens had
rendered in such high estimation , they both felt that this happy day shonld be marked in some snch way as would show their appreciation of a worthy brother who had dono so mnch for Freemasonry . Bro . Terry expressed the pleasure they all felt at seeing five out of the seven members of the family present , and also trusted that a happy
Golden Wedding day mig ht be in store for the guests whom they were delighted to honour this evening . The testimonial he pre . sented , as the joint gift of Bro . Cubitt aud himself , consisted of a set of silver dessert knives and forks , enclosed in a handsome case , the latter bearing a plate with the following inscription : —
To Bro . W ILLIAM STEPHENS , with the fraternal wishes of Bros . Cnbitt and Terry . 6 th May 1879 . Bro . Stephens , in accepting the numerous and handsome gifts , scarcely knew how to find words adequately to return thanks for the honour " which had been so kindly paid to his dear wife and himself .
He felt grateful for the very flattering reference that had been mane to any services he had been able to render to tho Craft , whose interests he had so near at heart . Around him he was pleased to see many kind friends , with whom he loved to be associated , bnt hardly knew how to thank them for the unexpected and magnificent compli . ment they had paid him . But if he failed to express in words the
feelings which welled np within him on thu happy occasion , it wonld not be that he did not appreciate their kindness . He had b » en associated with Freemasonry for many years , but really did tint know he possessed so many trup and kind friends as had clustered round him that evening . It was p ' ainly evident that lire . Stephens felt most deeply the manner in which tho congratulations of the
company had been extended to him . Several other complimentary toasts followed , including the Chairman , and the Ladies—the latter proposed in gallant terms by Bro . Terry , and acknowledged by Bro . Woodward , who , by the way , seemed rather to overlook- the fact that he was , for the nonce , the representative of feminine youth and beanty . Instersporsing the toasts was some excellent vocal and instrumental
music , the pianoforte selections by tho Misses Stephens , the Misses Bartle , and Miss Smout being intensely relished by the company , as was an admirable rendering of " Tom Bowling " by Bro . Pushmau . The instrument was a very fine-toned one , kindly lent for the occasion by Bro . Stanton , of the firm of Peachey and Co ., of Bishops , gate Street , whose establishment has a very wide reputation for the
variety and excellence of their pianos . We cannofc close this report without adding our own congratulations npon the exceedingly happy manner in which the auspicious day was celebrated . The hearty spontaneity of felicitation and kindly feeling must have been peculiarly acceptable to Bro . and Mrs . Stephens and their family , to whom we cannot offer a better wish than that embodied in one of the
speeches of the evening , viz ., that all might be spared to commemorate with equal joy the Golden Wedding Day . The hall in which the festivities took place being the regular meeting place of the Marquess of Ripon Lodge , and the Institution itself an object of charitable regard to many brethren of our Craft , we make no apology for making a brief reference to the purposes for which the Metropolitan
Benefit Societies' Asylum was established . It is tho only Institution in the kingdom for the reception of aged and infirm members of Friendly Societies , and is entirely supported by voluntary contributions . The only qualification for admission to the Asylum is that the candidate must have been a member of a legal friendly or benefit
society for seven years , and have subscribed to tho Asylum for four years ; or have made a donation of £ 2 two years previous to becoming n candidate . Although in no way connected with Freemasonry , we have reason to know that it is an Institution eminently deserving of support , especially by the working and middle classes , for whoso benefit it is chiefly designed .
The installation convocatic l of the Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , takes place on Monck 7 next , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , where the Char , ; er will be opened at 5 p . m . The ceremonies of installation will be performed by Bro . James Stevens P . Z . and Scrib E . ; the Companions elected
for the chairs being Comps . Hark S . Larlham . as M . E . Z ., Thomas Poore H ., and Richard K Field J . Prior to the meeting the Audit Committee will assemble , in order to prepare the annual report , and at the conclusion of the proceedings a banquet will be given .