Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BRITISH BURMAH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CITY OF LONDON ORCHESTRAL UNION Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. JOHN BOYD Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. JOHN BOYD Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
the Report iu yonr hands , asking for any remarks any Brother wishes to make . W . Bro . Rev . J . E . Marks briefly alluded to the Grand Secretary ' s letter , nnd said that in consequence of the peculiar circumstances of official life in this country it . was almost impossible for tho occupants of the Wardens' chair to attend every meeting of their Lodges : and
said that he should like to ho informed whether—( 1 ) Absence from the Lodge on the night of installation was sufficient to disqualify a Warden for election to the Eastern Chair . ( 2 ) Whether occasional absences through pressure of pnblic or private avocations was sufficient to disqualify . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master requested W .
Bro . Marks to submit , the questions in writing to the District Grand Secretary for discussion at tho next meeting of the District Grand Lodee Committee . The Right Worshipful tho District Grand Master then proposed , and Wor . Bro . G . U . Knox seconded : — "That the prceedings of the Distiict Grand Lodge Committee be adopted , " which wascarrried
unanimously . W . Bro . J . E . Marks asked that the District Grand Lodge do make a grant towards tho S . P . G . Orphan Fund . W . Bro . Jos . Dawson proposed , and R . W . the District Grand Master seconded : — "That a grant of Rs . 250 bo mado to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund .
W . Bro . Rev . J . E . Marks proposed , and W . Bro . Bernet Samuel seconded , the following amendment : — " That a grant of Rs . 150 be tnado to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund , Rs . 100 to the S . P . G . Orphan Fund . The amendment was put to the vote and carried . W . Bro . Marks , District Grand Chaplain , then asked concerning the
service on St . John ' s day next , and suggested that , as he should in all probability bo absent from the Station , tho Bishop of Rangoon be asked to preach . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master directed tho Acting District Grand Secretary to ascertain the views of tho
Ranprion Lodges as to the service , where it should bo held , and who should bo asked , iu tho absence of tho Distiict Grand Chaplain , to preach . There being no further work before the District Grand Lodgo , it was closed in ample form at 7 . 45 p . m .
City Of London Orchestral Union
fPUE Second Concert of the season wns given on Wednesday , a -A the Albion Hall , London Wall . Tho I ' nion was established in June 1807 , and the results achieved by tho promoters and sup-| r , rters since that lime mny he regarded with great satisfaction . The programme comprised the follnwing items for instrumentalists : — 1 . Overture , "La Sircne , " Auber ; 2 . Liedohtio Worte , Mendelssohn , ( for Orchestra ) , with clarionet obligate , Mr . Hobbs . 3 . Sol o cornet
by Mr . Sanderson , " Seranade , " Schubert ; j . Solo euphonium , by Mr . Jones , " Romanza , " Clinton ; 5 . Symphony , No . 7 in C , " Ada ? io Allegretto , " Haydn . 6 . Grand Selection , " II Trovatore , " Verdi ' orchestra , with solos for flute , oboe , clarionet , cornet , and euphonium ' hy Messrs . Toussaint , Shuckard , Hnbbs , Sanderson and Jones ! 7 . Trombone solo , by Mr . F . Kennedy , " Souvenir do Poitou "
, Legendre . 8 . Ballet music , " Rosamnnde , " Schubert , orchestra witb polos for flute , oboe , clarionet , and bassoon , by Messrs . Toussaint Shuckard , Hobbs , and Ilargreaves . 9 . Saraband and Gavot ' " Olivia , " Roeckel . 10 . Grand March , " Cornelius , " Mendelssohn ! orchestra . Tho vocalists were Bros . Hansen Thorn and Miss Helen Heath , a lady of whom we havo spoken iu high terms on former
occasions . Bro . Thorn , who is the W . M . of the Yarborough Lodn-e contributed two items to the programme , " The Vagabond , " Iry Molloy , and "The Stirrup Cup , " hy Arditi . Miss Heath was in capital voice , and sang most effectively , " When night is darkest " "His hand is on the Latch , " " Tho Ash Grove , " an old Welsh Air and , by special desire , "She wore a wreath of roses . " To attempt to
select either of theso songs for special praise were useless the audience were charmed by the rendering of all . We congratulate the conductor , Bro . George T . II . Sodden , who , by tho way , will be installed W . M . of the Sincerity Lod > e , No . 174 . on Wednesday next , on the state of efficiency in which he presented his band . The entertainment was a great success .
The Late Bro. John Boyd
TUE funeral of this justly esteemed member of our Order took place on Saturday last , at tho Brompton Cemetery . The following gentlemen took part , as mourners , ou the sad occasion : —Messrs . J . Jermvn Boyd son of deceased , AVm . Boyd brother of deceased , T . AV . C . Lou ' ty nephew of deceased , A . Glendenniug nephew of deceased ; Herbert Dicketts , John Htrvey , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Henry Venn ; C . A . Lorn :
Robt . Doug ass , Tho ? . Bull , H . Dawson ; D . Haslett , Hyde Pullen , tl . Rev . Bruce Frr-er ; G . S . Stmes , AV . Gelder . On reaching tin Cemetery the cortege , which consisted of a heurse n * ' I five carriages was mot by nhent two hundred members < ' tlie Craft , amongst whorr We may ir ation —Lieut .-Col . Burdett , F . Rath , AV . Pans , U . C . Le . vander , E . II . Thiellay , Cox , Venn , Edward Moody , Piatt Wood *
De Leliva , AVaugh , Kerrall , Cubitt , Cottebrune , Swallow , H . Massey , Hogard , Shand , Reid , Kenning , Dubois , Hunt , Robinson , H . G . Bus .-, ' Newman , T . Murlis , W . Stephens , Gullitord , Limebeer , Scott ' C . I . iicey , F . J . Ebn .-r , J . VV . M . I ' osell , M .. nn , Pomilcbury , Newman James lirert , F . it . W . Hrtiges , J . G . Marsh , W . VV . Morgan ' & e . The s-ti'sue wrw iornii . eitd by the IU .. Bruce Frazer P . G .
Chaphnn , Irelar . d , tt . e la « t ixaitee in the 1 ' iunent Bretbrei Chapter , of which Bro . Boyd was a respeced member , and w . rendered very impressive hy the admirable manner iu which it w < conducted . The sudden and he .. vj Io * s sustained b y the Craft in th . death of one so highly respected was the universal theme of all as sembled .
The Late Bro. John Boyd
Mount Edgecurnbe Lodge of Instruction , No . 1446 . — A meeting was held on tho 31 st of December 1878 , when a numerous assemblage of the brethren attended to hear the ceremony of installation rehearsed by Bro . W . H . Dean W . M . 417 P . P . G . S . B . Dorset . Preseut—Bros . W . H . Deau W . M ., Hemming S . W ., Wangh J . W ., T . Gardiner Sec , Burrell P . M . Treas ., Wynne S . D ., Smith J . D ., Groeu
I . G . Past Masters Bros . Coulton 382 , Smallpeice , Haslett , Swallow P . P . G D . Middlesex , Beck , Burrell ; Bros . J . Docker J . W . 1687 , Festa , Green jun ., Belfrage , llnrdoll , Ac . Business—Tho first three sections of tho first lecture were worked . Bro . D . M . Belfrage W . M . elect 179 was presented as the W . M . elect , aud obligated . For tho convenience of the brethren , tho Board of Installed Masters was not formed . Tho ceremony was performed , and tho addresses given
in a manner reflecting tho highest credit on Bro . Dean . After which a cordial vote of thanks was carried unanimously , the samo to be recorded on the minutes , to Bro . VV . 11 . Dean for tho very able and efficient manner he had worked tho ceremony of installation . On tho proposition of Bro . Burrell P . M ., seconded by Bro . Green , Bro . Dean was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bro . Dean suitably acknowledged the honours conferred upon him .
Ezra Chapter , No . 1489 . —A regular convocation was held on Friday , the 3 rd instant , at tho Metropolitan Hall , Balls Pondroad , Dalston . Present—Comps . J . E . Walford C . C . M . E . Z , Wm . Stephens H ., T . Hastings Miller J ., John High Scribe N ., James Glaskin P . Soj . After the confirmation of the minntes , a ballot waa taken for Bro . Elam , of the Fitzroy Lodge , and Bro . Marsh , of the
Lebanon Lodge , which proving unanimously in their favour , they were , with due and proper solemnity , exalted to this degree . Com * panion Dr . John Symous was admitted a joining member . This being the regular meeting for election of Principals and Officers , they were selected as follow : — Comps . AVilliam Stephens P . Z . first Priu . cipal , Thomas H . Miller second , and John Dixon third . John High
Scribe E ., James Glaskin Scribe N ., AV . Grist P . Soj ., Gilchrist Janitor . A Past Principal ' s jewel was voted to the retiring M . E . Z ., and Auditors appointed . A dinner followed , aud the usual toasts were honoured . Comp . Elam returned thanks to the Companions for exalting him to this sublime degree , the very essence of Freemasonry . Comps . Goddard aud Soper responded for tho Visitors , und the Janitor ' s toast concluded tho business at feu o ' clock .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 —Held at tho Havelock Tavern , on 8 th January . Bros . A . R . Olley AV . M ., Jones S . W ., C . Olley J . W ., C . Lorkin S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., W . Ferrar I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , Geo . Ferrar Treasurer and Secretary pro tan , anil Bros . McDowell , Kelsey , O . Dietrich , & c .
The Lodge was opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Kelsey candidate . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Jones was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Kelsey 1314 was elected a member .
Earl of Chester Lodge , No . 1565 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Lymm , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst . Present—Bros . J . II . Evans W . M ., E . Simpson P . M . as S . W ., Geo . Richardson J . AV ., H . Balshaw Sec , John Ludlow S . D ., Jas . Kenworthy J . D ., J . Honshall I . G ., W . Groves Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Simpson P . P . G . S . D ., C . II . Hindo P . G . Registrar ; Bro . John
Lewis . Visitors—John Rohmer P . M . ( 333 , & o . The Lodge being dnly opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Officers of the Lodgo having been recently appointed , and no special bnsiness demanding the ample time at their disposal , the AV . M ., in accordance with previous notice , formed tho Lodge into a Lodge of Instruction , when the ceremony of the first degree was
rehearsed , Bro . Hinde kindly acting as candidate , and Bro . John Ludlow as S . AV . Bro . Richardson J . VV . explained the working tools , and Bro . J . Lewis gave the Ancient Charges . Bro . J . Evans W . M . did his task very well indeed , and the working of each and all of the brethren indicates that a few more ai tendances at Lodges of Instruc tion will make each and all thoroughly proficient . The brethren of
this Lodgo are to bocoiicratulated in having secured a private Lodgeroom , which is a snug little building , and better furnished than many we have seen . On the conclusion of tho business , the Lodge was closed in solemn form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where , in consequence of the lateness of the hour , and the early de . parture of trains , tho usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured with as much heartiness and brevity as possible .
Eoyal Savoy Lodge No . 1744 . — This Lodge held an 'inrtvencv vi'nt ; j oil jfoii' !;; y , the tiiu January , at Ashley ' s Hotel , CoTent-trarder , AV . C . Present—Bros . J . Willing jun . AV . M ., f . Douglas S . W ., F demow J . W ., W- M . Stiles Sec , J . L . Jones S . D , T . J . If-land J . D ., G . II . Deller D . C ., J . AV . Smith Steward , AV . Cook I . G . Bros . F . AV . Siliis , J . Smith , J . C . Smith ,
VV . Hixon , Hurdle , laid , \ ri ! ighan , Ea-1 , Dickey , Howeroft , Hammond . Visitors—Brc . W . Knight Vitnivian 87 , E . Deakmau Sackfille 1010 , J . M . Stev -ns St . John ' s 1306 . The business comprised he initiation of Mr . I . AV . Earle and Mr . George Collas Dickey ; the aising of Bros . C . Hi . mmond aud P . Cheek ; aud the passing of Bro . P . Howcroft .
iOYAL POLYTE V- NIC . —KALKir . jfS QUEER DREAM . TUE ZOOnr . ' 1 'HAUr ' ROUTE . THE ELECTRIC LIGHT . REMINISCKXOKSOFNUl ttUYLIFE . AFGHANISTAN . CHKMTSTRY FOR CHRISTMAS . X' TEMOX NOSES THE INEXHAUSTIBLR TUB . — Mauufact rprs of ' onl ' ectionery bv Machinery , I'am-y Soaps , Card ntl Circular Printing Lithnernphy . GUiss-werking . Carving , Psalr ' graphv , Ac , & c—Admlasiw , Is j Open 12 till 5 , and 7 till 10 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
the Report iu yonr hands , asking for any remarks any Brother wishes to make . W . Bro . Rev . J . E . Marks briefly alluded to the Grand Secretary ' s letter , nnd said that in consequence of the peculiar circumstances of official life in this country it . was almost impossible for tho occupants of the Wardens' chair to attend every meeting of their Lodges : and
said that he should like to ho informed whether—( 1 ) Absence from the Lodge on the night of installation was sufficient to disqualify a Warden for election to the Eastern Chair . ( 2 ) Whether occasional absences through pressure of pnblic or private avocations was sufficient to disqualify . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master requested W .
Bro . Marks to submit , the questions in writing to the District Grand Secretary for discussion at tho next meeting of the District Grand Lodee Committee . The Right Worshipful tho District Grand Master then proposed , and Wor . Bro . G . U . Knox seconded : — "That the prceedings of the Distiict Grand Lodge Committee be adopted , " which wascarrried
unanimously . W . Bro . J . E . Marks asked that the District Grand Lodge do make a grant towards tho S . P . G . Orphan Fund . W . Bro . Jos . Dawson proposed , and R . W . the District Grand Master seconded : — "That a grant of Rs . 250 bo mado to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund .
W . Bro . Rev . J . E . Marks proposed , and W . Bro . Bernet Samuel seconded , the following amendment : — " That a grant of Rs . 150 be tnado to the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund , Rs . 100 to the S . P . G . Orphan Fund . The amendment was put to the vote and carried . W . Bro . Marks , District Grand Chaplain , then asked concerning the
service on St . John ' s day next , and suggested that , as he should in all probability bo absent from the Station , tho Bishop of Rangoon be asked to preach . The Right Worshipful the District Grand Master directed tho Acting District Grand Secretary to ascertain the views of tho
Ranprion Lodges as to the service , where it should bo held , and who should bo asked , iu tho absence of tho Distiict Grand Chaplain , to preach . There being no further work before the District Grand Lodgo , it was closed in ample form at 7 . 45 p . m .
City Of London Orchestral Union
fPUE Second Concert of the season wns given on Wednesday , a -A the Albion Hall , London Wall . Tho I ' nion was established in June 1807 , and the results achieved by tho promoters and sup-| r , rters since that lime mny he regarded with great satisfaction . The programme comprised the follnwing items for instrumentalists : — 1 . Overture , "La Sircne , " Auber ; 2 . Liedohtio Worte , Mendelssohn , ( for Orchestra ) , with clarionet obligate , Mr . Hobbs . 3 . Sol o cornet
by Mr . Sanderson , " Seranade , " Schubert ; j . Solo euphonium , by Mr . Jones , " Romanza , " Clinton ; 5 . Symphony , No . 7 in C , " Ada ? io Allegretto , " Haydn . 6 . Grand Selection , " II Trovatore , " Verdi ' orchestra , with solos for flute , oboe , clarionet , cornet , and euphonium ' hy Messrs . Toussaint , Shuckard , Hnbbs , Sanderson and Jones ! 7 . Trombone solo , by Mr . F . Kennedy , " Souvenir do Poitou "
, Legendre . 8 . Ballet music , " Rosamnnde , " Schubert , orchestra witb polos for flute , oboe , clarionet , and bassoon , by Messrs . Toussaint Shuckard , Hobbs , and Ilargreaves . 9 . Saraband and Gavot ' " Olivia , " Roeckel . 10 . Grand March , " Cornelius , " Mendelssohn ! orchestra . Tho vocalists were Bros . Hansen Thorn and Miss Helen Heath , a lady of whom we havo spoken iu high terms on former
occasions . Bro . Thorn , who is the W . M . of the Yarborough Lodn-e contributed two items to the programme , " The Vagabond , " Iry Molloy , and "The Stirrup Cup , " hy Arditi . Miss Heath was in capital voice , and sang most effectively , " When night is darkest " "His hand is on the Latch , " " Tho Ash Grove , " an old Welsh Air and , by special desire , "She wore a wreath of roses . " To attempt to
select either of theso songs for special praise were useless the audience were charmed by the rendering of all . We congratulate the conductor , Bro . George T . II . Sodden , who , by tho way , will be installed W . M . of the Sincerity Lod > e , No . 174 . on Wednesday next , on the state of efficiency in which he presented his band . The entertainment was a great success .
The Late Bro. John Boyd
TUE funeral of this justly esteemed member of our Order took place on Saturday last , at tho Brompton Cemetery . The following gentlemen took part , as mourners , ou the sad occasion : —Messrs . J . Jermvn Boyd son of deceased , AVm . Boyd brother of deceased , T . AV . C . Lou ' ty nephew of deceased , A . Glendenniug nephew of deceased ; Herbert Dicketts , John Htrvey , Lieut .-Col . Peters , Henry Venn ; C . A . Lorn :
Robt . Doug ass , Tho ? . Bull , H . Dawson ; D . Haslett , Hyde Pullen , tl . Rev . Bruce Frr-er ; G . S . Stmes , AV . Gelder . On reaching tin Cemetery the cortege , which consisted of a heurse n * ' I five carriages was mot by nhent two hundred members < ' tlie Craft , amongst whorr We may ir ation —Lieut .-Col . Burdett , F . Rath , AV . Pans , U . C . Le . vander , E . II . Thiellay , Cox , Venn , Edward Moody , Piatt Wood *
De Leliva , AVaugh , Kerrall , Cubitt , Cottebrune , Swallow , H . Massey , Hogard , Shand , Reid , Kenning , Dubois , Hunt , Robinson , H . G . Bus .-, ' Newman , T . Murlis , W . Stephens , Gullitord , Limebeer , Scott ' C . I . iicey , F . J . Ebn .-r , J . VV . M . I ' osell , M .. nn , Pomilcbury , Newman James lirert , F . it . W . Hrtiges , J . G . Marsh , W . VV . Morgan ' & e . The s-ti'sue wrw iornii . eitd by the IU .. Bruce Frazer P . G .
Chaphnn , Irelar . d , tt . e la « t ixaitee in the 1 ' iunent Bretbrei Chapter , of which Bro . Boyd was a respeced member , and w . rendered very impressive hy the admirable manner iu which it w < conducted . The sudden and he .. vj Io * s sustained b y the Craft in th . death of one so highly respected was the universal theme of all as sembled .
The Late Bro. John Boyd
Mount Edgecurnbe Lodge of Instruction , No . 1446 . — A meeting was held on tho 31 st of December 1878 , when a numerous assemblage of the brethren attended to hear the ceremony of installation rehearsed by Bro . W . H . Dean W . M . 417 P . P . G . S . B . Dorset . Preseut—Bros . W . H . Deau W . M ., Hemming S . W ., Wangh J . W ., T . Gardiner Sec , Burrell P . M . Treas ., Wynne S . D ., Smith J . D ., Groeu
I . G . Past Masters Bros . Coulton 382 , Smallpeice , Haslett , Swallow P . P . G D . Middlesex , Beck , Burrell ; Bros . J . Docker J . W . 1687 , Festa , Green jun ., Belfrage , llnrdoll , Ac . Business—Tho first three sections of tho first lecture were worked . Bro . D . M . Belfrage W . M . elect 179 was presented as the W . M . elect , aud obligated . For tho convenience of the brethren , tho Board of Installed Masters was not formed . Tho ceremony was performed , and tho addresses given
in a manner reflecting tho highest credit on Bro . Dean . After which a cordial vote of thanks was carried unanimously , the samo to be recorded on the minutes , to Bro . VV . 11 . Dean for tho very able and efficient manner he had worked tho ceremony of installation . On tho proposition of Bro . Burrell P . M ., seconded by Bro . Green , Bro . Dean was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bro . Dean suitably acknowledged the honours conferred upon him .
Ezra Chapter , No . 1489 . —A regular convocation was held on Friday , the 3 rd instant , at tho Metropolitan Hall , Balls Pondroad , Dalston . Present—Comps . J . E . Walford C . C . M . E . Z , Wm . Stephens H ., T . Hastings Miller J ., John High Scribe N ., James Glaskin P . Soj . After the confirmation of the minntes , a ballot waa taken for Bro . Elam , of the Fitzroy Lodge , and Bro . Marsh , of the
Lebanon Lodge , which proving unanimously in their favour , they were , with due and proper solemnity , exalted to this degree . Com * panion Dr . John Symous was admitted a joining member . This being the regular meeting for election of Principals and Officers , they were selected as follow : — Comps . AVilliam Stephens P . Z . first Priu . cipal , Thomas H . Miller second , and John Dixon third . John High
Scribe E ., James Glaskin Scribe N ., AV . Grist P . Soj ., Gilchrist Janitor . A Past Principal ' s jewel was voted to the retiring M . E . Z ., and Auditors appointed . A dinner followed , aud the usual toasts were honoured . Comp . Elam returned thanks to the Companions for exalting him to this sublime degree , the very essence of Freemasonry . Comps . Goddard aud Soper responded for tho Visitors , und the Janitor ' s toast concluded tho business at feu o ' clock .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 —Held at tho Havelock Tavern , on 8 th January . Bros . A . R . Olley AV . M ., Jones S . W ., C . Olley J . W ., C . Lorkin S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., W . Ferrar I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , Geo . Ferrar Treasurer and Secretary pro tan , anil Bros . McDowell , Kelsey , O . Dietrich , & c .
The Lodge was opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Kelsey candidate . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th sections of the Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Jones was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Kelsey 1314 was elected a member .
Earl of Chester Lodge , No . 1565 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at tho Masonic Hall , Lymm , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst . Present—Bros . J . II . Evans W . M ., E . Simpson P . M . as S . W ., Geo . Richardson J . AV ., H . Balshaw Sec , John Ludlow S . D ., Jas . Kenworthy J . D ., J . Honshall I . G ., W . Groves Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Simpson P . P . G . S . D ., C . II . Hindo P . G . Registrar ; Bro . John
Lewis . Visitors—John Rohmer P . M . ( 333 , & o . The Lodge being dnly opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Officers of the Lodgo having been recently appointed , and no special bnsiness demanding the ample time at their disposal , the AV . M ., in accordance with previous notice , formed tho Lodge into a Lodge of Instruction , when the ceremony of the first degree was
rehearsed , Bro . Hinde kindly acting as candidate , and Bro . John Ludlow as S . AV . Bro . Richardson J . VV . explained the working tools , and Bro . J . Lewis gave the Ancient Charges . Bro . J . Evans W . M . did his task very well indeed , and the working of each and all of the brethren indicates that a few more ai tendances at Lodges of Instruc tion will make each and all thoroughly proficient . The brethren of
this Lodgo are to bocoiicratulated in having secured a private Lodgeroom , which is a snug little building , and better furnished than many we have seen . On the conclusion of tho business , the Lodge was closed in solemn form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where , in consequence of the lateness of the hour , and the early de . parture of trains , tho usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured with as much heartiness and brevity as possible .
Eoyal Savoy Lodge No . 1744 . — This Lodge held an 'inrtvencv vi'nt ; j oil jfoii' !;; y , the tiiu January , at Ashley ' s Hotel , CoTent-trarder , AV . C . Present—Bros . J . Willing jun . AV . M ., f . Douglas S . W ., F demow J . W ., W- M . Stiles Sec , J . L . Jones S . D , T . J . If-land J . D ., G . II . Deller D . C ., J . AV . Smith Steward , AV . Cook I . G . Bros . F . AV . Siliis , J . Smith , J . C . Smith ,
VV . Hixon , Hurdle , laid , \ ri ! ighan , Ea-1 , Dickey , Howeroft , Hammond . Visitors—Brc . W . Knight Vitnivian 87 , E . Deakmau Sackfille 1010 , J . M . Stev -ns St . John ' s 1306 . The business comprised he initiation of Mr . I . AV . Earle and Mr . George Collas Dickey ; the aising of Bros . C . Hi . mmond aud P . Cheek ; aud the passing of Bro . P . Howcroft .
iOYAL POLYTE V- NIC . —KALKir . jfS QUEER DREAM . TUE ZOOnr . ' 1 'HAUr ' ROUTE . THE ELECTRIC LIGHT . REMINISCKXOKSOFNUl ttUYLIFE . AFGHANISTAN . CHKMTSTRY FOR CHRISTMAS . X' TEMOX NOSES THE INEXHAUSTIBLR TUB . — Mauufact rprs of ' onl ' ectionery bv Machinery , I'am-y Soaps , Card ntl Circular Printing Lithnernphy . GUiss-werking . Carving , Psalr ' graphv , Ac , & c—Admlasiw , Is j Open 12 till 5 , and 7 till 10 .