Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
United Industrious Lodge , No . 31 , Canterbury . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the 4 th of March last . Among the brethren present -were Captain P . H . Knight . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Coppin P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., acting as S . W ., Dr . Brownnig J . W ., Bros . Wiltshire , Plant , Dean S . D ., J . D . and I . G . respectively , Pringuer Tyler . The minutes of tlio last Lodge right wrrc
read and confirmed , and on the motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Major Elmsa l o P . M .. it was nnanimously resolved that tho Lodge do record on its minutes its deepest sense of the heavy loss if has sustained by tho death of Bro . John Pont P . M . —for 2 R years ono of its members , 24- of which ho had been appointed Hon . See . ; and also that a letter be addressed to his widow and family , sympathising with them in their bereavement , and expressing the
great sorrow of the Lodgo at tho loss of so good a Mason . Bro . Pont was initiated in May 1848 . and from that time to his death , which occurred 22 nd February 1875 , his signature is absent from the attendance hook on 22 occasions only . Bro . Jnhn R . Hall P . M . P . P . G . Assistant . Sec , was appointed by the W . M . Hon . Sec , and duly invested with tho collar and jewel of the office . A ballot was taken for Dr . W . H . Longhurst , tho Organist of Canterbury Cathedral , which the W . M . declared unanimous . Some other business was transacted , and tho Lodge adjourned .
Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 10 th inst ., at , Bro . Frampton's , White Hart , College Street , Lambeth . There wnm nwepnf , B > n . 0 . S . Jolly W . M ., E . Thurkle S . W ., B . Clegg . T . W .. J . G . Timid P . M . Treasurer , H . Malletfc Secretary . 0 . Walters S . D ., IT . T . S . Ross J . D ., C . Knott I . G ., P . M . 's Morris , Fi = hor , Hull , Noke , Hunt , Whiting , and
several other brethren . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bros . Goodman , Tnpper and Beard were raised to the sublime degreo of Master Masons . Bros . Ireland , Wood , Tallfntt , Dale and Bonn , were passed to tlio degree of F . C . ' s . A board of installed Masters was formed , and Bro . E . Thurkle S . W . and W . M . elect , was dulv installed in the chair of K . S .
by Bro . Jolly tho I . P . M . The W . M . having been sainted according to ancient custom invested his officers , viz ., C . S . Jolly I . P . M ., B . Clegg S . W ., C . Walters J . W ., J . G . Bond P . M . Treasurer , Stuart Secretary , H . T . S . Ross S . D ., A . Timothy J . D ., C . Knott I . G ., J . Skirving D . C ., J . Robinson W . S ., and Bentley Tyler . A ballot was then taken for Mr . T . H . Gautlett , which was unanimous in his
favour , and he , being in attendance , was initiated in the ancient mysteries . The brethren , abont 80 in number , then adjourned to the banquet . The W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the initiate , exhorted him in forcible terms to perfect himself . He should attend Lodges of Instruction , and he trusted by so doing , he would , at some future period , occupy the position he now held . Among tho visitors , which were numerous , we noticed Bros . Cottebrnne Past Grand Pnrsuviant ,
Fox W . M . Mount Lebanon 73 , Landfield P . M . St . Johns 1343 , Cantio J . W . Ivy 1441 , Willis P . M . Domatic 177 , Aden P . M .. and Mav West , bourne 733 , Lane W . M . Old King ' s Arms 28 , Swallow W . M . Royal Union 382 , Mander W . M . Eclectic 1201 , Friswell Ebury 1318 , Meredith P . M . 87 , Grosvenor 1237 . Bro . Cottebrnne responded to the toast of tho Grand Officers , and Bro . Meredith for the visitors . The brethren separated after spending a very agreeable evening .
Grosvenor Mark Lodge , No . 144 . —A meeting of this Lodge was hold on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at the Regent's Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street . Bro . T . Parker in tho chair , Lowenthal S . W ., Brighton J . W ., J . W . Murley M . O ., Lovandcr P . M . Secretary , C . Hamilton P . M . Secretary , Rook S . O . Tho Lodge was
opened , and tho minntos wore confirmed . The ceremony of installation was very creditably performed by Bro . Lovandcr P . M ., assisted by Bro . F . Binckes . Bro . Murley M . O . announced his intention to act as Steward for the Girls' School . Tho Lodgo was closed and a very capital banquet followed , when the usual toasts wore give . The outgoing W . M . was presented with a very elegant jewel .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —The annual banquet of the members and friends of the above Lodge of Instruction took place on Monday evening , 8 th March , at Brother Wright ' s , the "Cheshire Cheese " Tavern , Crutched Friars , when about forty brethren assembled , and spent , a most enjoyable evening . The chair was occupied by Brother E . J . Moore , the W . M . of Lodge 174 , who was supported bv Bros . Brown as S . W ., Webb as J . W ., E . Tuck
I . P . M . 174 , Jno . Miller W . S . 174 , R , H . Allen J . W . 554 , J . Newton P . M . 174 , E . G . Leggo S . D . 1196 , H . C . Webb D . C . 174 , J . Crawley P . M . 174 , J . G . Hilliard S . W . 174 , Gardiner S . W . Royal Alfred , R . Bradbrnok S . D . 1259 ; Brothers Horking , Ellis , Ives , Palmer ,
Harris , McDonnald , Cull , W . W . Morgan , & c . Tho cloth having been removed , the Chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to , and the intermediate time was pleasantly filled up by some capital singing , Bros . Hall , Bradbrook and Brown specially distinguishing themselves . The toast of the W . M . was proposed bv Bro . Crawley , who made a few
pithy remarks upon the claims Brother Moore had upon tho brethren of the Lodge of Sincerity . The toast was suitably replied to by Bro . E . J . Moore , who then proposed Success to the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , and coupled with it the name of their much respected and energetic Preceptor , Brother J . Crawley . Tho Lodgo of Instruction had been established many , many years , and Brother
Crawley had won tho esteem c ; f nil who hud attended it . The brethren had been in some perturbation of spirit as to what thev should do to testif y the respect in which they held their Preceptor . Some had suggested he should bo presented with a P . M . ' s Jewel on this occasion , but that was decided unsuitable , as ho was already in possession of one from the Lodge . Under these circumstances the
Notices Of Meetings.
brethren had done what he considered was a very good thing , and that was to instrnct him to present Brother Crawley with a parse of sovereigns ; he thought tho purse contained twenty-five , and all he need add was that it would have given him as much pleasure to have presented fifty . Brother Crawley thanked the brethren for their great and unexpected kindness . He was always pleased to assist
his brother Masons in obtaining a proper knowledge of their dntiea , and he hoped ho should long bo spared to give them any instruction it was in his power to impart . Tho toast of the visitors was proposed and responded to , and then , as many of the brethren had to catch trains , this pleasant gathering terminated , all expressing themselves highly gratified at the pains taken by Brother Wright to conduce to the comforts of those present .
St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —This Lodge , so justly celebrated for its admirable working , met on the 9 th inst ., afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . occupied the chair . Bro . G . Bubb P . M . S . W ., A . L . Annett J . W ., H . Robinson P . M . Treasurer , IT . A . Stacey Secretary , Pillin S . D ,, Smith J . D ., Harrison I . G ., Horf P . M ., W . S . Farwig J . W ., S . Harfc
Organist , and Past Masters Bros . A . Gallico , Simpson , Stoner , Cameron , J . R . Stacey , & o . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutest were confirmed . Bros . Pavitt , Thompson , and Knaiier were raised to tho third degree , Bros . Baker , Atkins and Wood were passed to the 2 nd degree . Tho working of the various degrees reflected great credit on the W . M . Bro . Cameron P . M . then stated that he would
have much pleasure in serving as Steward at the next festival of the Girls' School , aud Bro . Pnmicll C . C . said ho had much pleasure in informing the brethren that the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor would take the chair on that occasion . Ho was also a Steward , and he hoped the brethren would liberally subscribe to their joint lists . A sum not exceeding ton guineas was proposed to be given to
the widow of a deceased brother . Bro . A . Annett J . W . announced that the annual ball realised , after all expenses were paid , between £ 25 and £ 30 . The Lodgo was then closed until October , and the Brethren adjourned to the Crown Room , where a very excellent banquet , a la Basse , was provided by Bro . Francatolli and superintended by Bro . Knill . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were then given . The W . M ., referring to tho Prince of Wales ' s election as M . W . G . M ., said ifc was one of those events in Freemasonry that the Craft would never forget . The installation ceremony would take place on the 2 Sth April , and would be remembered by every brother who might have an opportunity of being present . The R . W . Bro . The Earl of Carnarvon , as Prov . Grand Master , had in
every capacity shown his aptitude for the office . Ho had been elected as one calculated to fill that office with credit and honour to our noble Order . Bro . Pillin then sang the song , " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " and an enthusiastic response was given by the brethren . Tho toast of the Masonic Charities followed , which was coupled with the names of Bro . Cameron P . M . and Bro . Pillin . The W . M .
said he know that the Lodgo had sent three Stewards for the Masonic Charities , and small subscriptions given by the brethren would , in tho end , result in a goodly sum . Those brethren who were Stewards would show what tho Lodge could do . Ho was sure tho brethren would do all they could in furtherance of that noblo object . Bro . Cameron P . M . returned
thanks . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho so-called newlyinitiated . They were so-called , having been initiated on a former occasion ; they had passed their second degreo to-night . As on a former occasion ho had not had tho pleasure of proposing their healths , ho would do so now , and ho could only say tho Lodge of the St . James's Union was proud to see thorn among them . The several
candidates returned thanks . Bro . Gallico I . P . M . proposed tho health of tho W . M . Bro . Parsons , in reply , said ho was pleased to hear the encomiums passed on him by his predecessor , who , during his year of office , had discharged his duties to the satisfaction of tho brethren . The toast of the visitors was then given , and Bro . Baxter P . G . S . returned thanks in an eloquent speech . Ho gave a just meod of
praise to tho W . M . for his excellent working and able presidency . Three brethren followed , and each ono endorsed theso remarks . The toast of the officers and tho Tyler's toast concluded a very delightful aud harmonious evening , Bros . G . Bubb , Herf , Gallico , Pillin and Atkins contributing to the enjoyment of the brethren by
their excellent singing . Bro . Hart , the organist of tho Lodge , gave great satisfaction by his artistic accompaniment . Amongst those present were Bros . E . Baxter P . G . S ., J . Bacon P . M . 157 , Cooper 55 , A . Swanborongh lato 188 , J . Levison P . M . G 5 G ( Sydney ) , A . Borris 1440 , Boll 25 , C . Duke P . P . G . D . ( Sussex ) , A . Godfrey Flood 297 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Bulsford , J . II , Stacey and Bacon G . S . W , Sussex .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 . —This Lodge met at the Assembly Rooms , Red Lion Hotel , Farcham , on the 4 th inst ., present were tho W . M . ( Bro . II . Ford , Alderman of Portsmouth ) , Bros . Whale S . W ., Gilbert J . W ., Goldsmith P . M . as Treasurer , E . G . Holbrook P . M . Hon . Sec , Downing S . D ., Robinson J . D ., S . Gamblen J . D ., several P . M . ' s and other members . Every officer of tho Lodge ,
except tho Treasurer ( who is also the I . P . M ., aud was prevented by illness ) , was at bis post . Tho business on the notice paper was the initiation of three gentlemen , who hid already been ballotted for and elected , Messrs . T . Bailey , F . W . Brook , aud W . Hunt . The ceremony in each case was most ably performed by the W . M ., and the " working" of the various officers was perfect , that of Bro . Robinson , the
Junior Deacon , a rising young Mason , more particularly so . This Brother gave tho working tools of the first degreo , and afterwards delivered an able loot uro on tho tracing boa' -d . to tho gratification of all tho brethren present . At the banquntting table tho health of the initiates was given by the W . M ., and duly acknowledged . The W . M . also gavo " tho Officers of the Lodge , " referring particularly to the admirable manner in which his young friend , Bro , Robinson ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
United Industrious Lodge , No . 31 , Canterbury . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the 4 th of March last . Among the brethren present -were Captain P . H . Knight . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Coppin P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., acting as S . W ., Dr . Brownnig J . W ., Bros . Wiltshire , Plant , Dean S . D ., J . D . and I . G . respectively , Pringuer Tyler . The minutes of tlio last Lodge right wrrc
read and confirmed , and on the motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Major Elmsa l o P . M .. it was nnanimously resolved that tho Lodge do record on its minutes its deepest sense of the heavy loss if has sustained by tho death of Bro . John Pont P . M . —for 2 R years ono of its members , 24- of which ho had been appointed Hon . See . ; and also that a letter be addressed to his widow and family , sympathising with them in their bereavement , and expressing the
great sorrow of the Lodgo at tho loss of so good a Mason . Bro . Pont was initiated in May 1848 . and from that time to his death , which occurred 22 nd February 1875 , his signature is absent from the attendance hook on 22 occasions only . Bro . Jnhn R . Hall P . M . P . P . G . Assistant . Sec , was appointed by the W . M . Hon . Sec , and duly invested with tho collar and jewel of the office . A ballot was taken for Dr . W . H . Longhurst , tho Organist of Canterbury Cathedral , which the W . M . declared unanimous . Some other business was transacted , and tho Lodge adjourned .
Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 10 th inst ., at , Bro . Frampton's , White Hart , College Street , Lambeth . There wnm nwepnf , B > n . 0 . S . Jolly W . M ., E . Thurkle S . W ., B . Clegg . T . W .. J . G . Timid P . M . Treasurer , H . Malletfc Secretary . 0 . Walters S . D ., IT . T . S . Ross J . D ., C . Knott I . G ., P . M . 's Morris , Fi = hor , Hull , Noke , Hunt , Whiting , and
several other brethren . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bros . Goodman , Tnpper and Beard were raised to the sublime degreo of Master Masons . Bros . Ireland , Wood , Tallfntt , Dale and Bonn , were passed to tlio degree of F . C . ' s . A board of installed Masters was formed , and Bro . E . Thurkle S . W . and W . M . elect , was dulv installed in the chair of K . S .
by Bro . Jolly tho I . P . M . The W . M . having been sainted according to ancient custom invested his officers , viz ., C . S . Jolly I . P . M ., B . Clegg S . W ., C . Walters J . W ., J . G . Bond P . M . Treasurer , Stuart Secretary , H . T . S . Ross S . D ., A . Timothy J . D ., C . Knott I . G ., J . Skirving D . C ., J . Robinson W . S ., and Bentley Tyler . A ballot was then taken for Mr . T . H . Gautlett , which was unanimous in his
favour , and he , being in attendance , was initiated in the ancient mysteries . The brethren , abont 80 in number , then adjourned to the banquet . The W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the initiate , exhorted him in forcible terms to perfect himself . He should attend Lodges of Instruction , and he trusted by so doing , he would , at some future period , occupy the position he now held . Among tho visitors , which were numerous , we noticed Bros . Cottebrnne Past Grand Pnrsuviant ,
Fox W . M . Mount Lebanon 73 , Landfield P . M . St . Johns 1343 , Cantio J . W . Ivy 1441 , Willis P . M . Domatic 177 , Aden P . M .. and Mav West , bourne 733 , Lane W . M . Old King ' s Arms 28 , Swallow W . M . Royal Union 382 , Mander W . M . Eclectic 1201 , Friswell Ebury 1318 , Meredith P . M . 87 , Grosvenor 1237 . Bro . Cottebrnne responded to the toast of tho Grand Officers , and Bro . Meredith for the visitors . The brethren separated after spending a very agreeable evening .
Grosvenor Mark Lodge , No . 144 . —A meeting of this Lodge was hold on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at the Regent's Masonic Hall , Air Street , Regent Street . Bro . T . Parker in tho chair , Lowenthal S . W ., Brighton J . W ., J . W . Murley M . O ., Lovandcr P . M . Secretary , C . Hamilton P . M . Secretary , Rook S . O . Tho Lodge was
opened , and tho minntos wore confirmed . The ceremony of installation was very creditably performed by Bro . Lovandcr P . M ., assisted by Bro . F . Binckes . Bro . Murley M . O . announced his intention to act as Steward for the Girls' School . Tho Lodgo was closed and a very capital banquet followed , when the usual toasts wore give . The outgoing W . M . was presented with a very elegant jewel .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —The annual banquet of the members and friends of the above Lodge of Instruction took place on Monday evening , 8 th March , at Brother Wright ' s , the "Cheshire Cheese " Tavern , Crutched Friars , when about forty brethren assembled , and spent , a most enjoyable evening . The chair was occupied by Brother E . J . Moore , the W . M . of Lodge 174 , who was supported bv Bros . Brown as S . W ., Webb as J . W ., E . Tuck
I . P . M . 174 , Jno . Miller W . S . 174 , R , H . Allen J . W . 554 , J . Newton P . M . 174 , E . G . Leggo S . D . 1196 , H . C . Webb D . C . 174 , J . Crawley P . M . 174 , J . G . Hilliard S . W . 174 , Gardiner S . W . Royal Alfred , R . Bradbrnok S . D . 1259 ; Brothers Horking , Ellis , Ives , Palmer ,
Harris , McDonnald , Cull , W . W . Morgan , & c . Tho cloth having been removed , the Chairman proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were enthusiastically responded to , and the intermediate time was pleasantly filled up by some capital singing , Bros . Hall , Bradbrook and Brown specially distinguishing themselves . The toast of the W . M . was proposed bv Bro . Crawley , who made a few
pithy remarks upon the claims Brother Moore had upon tho brethren of the Lodge of Sincerity . The toast was suitably replied to by Bro . E . J . Moore , who then proposed Success to the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , and coupled with it the name of their much respected and energetic Preceptor , Brother J . Crawley . Tho Lodgo of Instruction had been established many , many years , and Brother
Crawley had won tho esteem c ; f nil who hud attended it . The brethren had been in some perturbation of spirit as to what thev should do to testif y the respect in which they held their Preceptor . Some had suggested he should bo presented with a P . M . ' s Jewel on this occasion , but that was decided unsuitable , as ho was already in possession of one from the Lodge . Under these circumstances the
Notices Of Meetings.
brethren had done what he considered was a very good thing , and that was to instrnct him to present Brother Crawley with a parse of sovereigns ; he thought tho purse contained twenty-five , and all he need add was that it would have given him as much pleasure to have presented fifty . Brother Crawley thanked the brethren for their great and unexpected kindness . He was always pleased to assist
his brother Masons in obtaining a proper knowledge of their dntiea , and he hoped ho should long bo spared to give them any instruction it was in his power to impart . Tho toast of the visitors was proposed and responded to , and then , as many of the brethren had to catch trains , this pleasant gathering terminated , all expressing themselves highly gratified at the pains taken by Brother Wright to conduce to the comforts of those present .
St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —This Lodge , so justly celebrated for its admirable working , met on the 9 th inst ., afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . occupied the chair . Bro . G . Bubb P . M . S . W ., A . L . Annett J . W ., H . Robinson P . M . Treasurer , IT . A . Stacey Secretary , Pillin S . D ,, Smith J . D ., Harrison I . G ., Horf P . M ., W . S . Farwig J . W ., S . Harfc
Organist , and Past Masters Bros . A . Gallico , Simpson , Stoner , Cameron , J . R . Stacey , & o . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutest were confirmed . Bros . Pavitt , Thompson , and Knaiier were raised to tho third degree , Bros . Baker , Atkins and Wood were passed to the 2 nd degree . Tho working of the various degrees reflected great credit on the W . M . Bro . Cameron P . M . then stated that he would
have much pleasure in serving as Steward at the next festival of the Girls' School , aud Bro . Pnmicll C . C . said ho had much pleasure in informing the brethren that the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor would take the chair on that occasion . Ho was also a Steward , and he hoped the brethren would liberally subscribe to their joint lists . A sum not exceeding ton guineas was proposed to be given to
the widow of a deceased brother . Bro . A . Annett J . W . announced that the annual ball realised , after all expenses were paid , between £ 25 and £ 30 . The Lodgo was then closed until October , and the Brethren adjourned to the Crown Room , where a very excellent banquet , a la Basse , was provided by Bro . Francatolli and superintended by Bro . Knill . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts
were then given . The W . M ., referring to tho Prince of Wales ' s election as M . W . G . M ., said ifc was one of those events in Freemasonry that the Craft would never forget . The installation ceremony would take place on the 2 Sth April , and would be remembered by every brother who might have an opportunity of being present . The R . W . Bro . The Earl of Carnarvon , as Prov . Grand Master , had in
every capacity shown his aptitude for the office . Ho had been elected as one calculated to fill that office with credit and honour to our noble Order . Bro . Pillin then sang the song , " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " and an enthusiastic response was given by the brethren . Tho toast of the Masonic Charities followed , which was coupled with the names of Bro . Cameron P . M . and Bro . Pillin . The W . M .
said he know that the Lodgo had sent three Stewards for the Masonic Charities , and small subscriptions given by the brethren would , in tho end , result in a goodly sum . Those brethren who were Stewards would show what tho Lodge could do . Ho was sure tho brethren would do all they could in furtherance of that noblo object . Bro . Cameron P . M . returned
thanks . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho so-called newlyinitiated . They were so-called , having been initiated on a former occasion ; they had passed their second degreo to-night . As on a former occasion ho had not had tho pleasure of proposing their healths , ho would do so now , and ho could only say tho Lodge of the St . James's Union was proud to see thorn among them . The several
candidates returned thanks . Bro . Gallico I . P . M . proposed tho health of tho W . M . Bro . Parsons , in reply , said ho was pleased to hear the encomiums passed on him by his predecessor , who , during his year of office , had discharged his duties to the satisfaction of tho brethren . The toast of the visitors was then given , and Bro . Baxter P . G . S . returned thanks in an eloquent speech . Ho gave a just meod of
praise to tho W . M . for his excellent working and able presidency . Three brethren followed , and each ono endorsed theso remarks . The toast of the officers and tho Tyler's toast concluded a very delightful aud harmonious evening , Bros . G . Bubb , Herf , Gallico , Pillin and Atkins contributing to the enjoyment of the brethren by
their excellent singing . Bro . Hart , the organist of tho Lodge , gave great satisfaction by his artistic accompaniment . Amongst those present were Bros . E . Baxter P . G . S ., J . Bacon P . M . 157 , Cooper 55 , A . Swanborongh lato 188 , J . Levison P . M . G 5 G ( Sydney ) , A . Borris 1440 , Boll 25 , C . Duke P . P . G . D . ( Sussex ) , A . Godfrey Flood 297 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Bulsford , J . II , Stacey and Bacon G . S . W , Sussex .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 . —This Lodge met at the Assembly Rooms , Red Lion Hotel , Farcham , on the 4 th inst ., present were tho W . M . ( Bro . II . Ford , Alderman of Portsmouth ) , Bros . Whale S . W ., Gilbert J . W ., Goldsmith P . M . as Treasurer , E . G . Holbrook P . M . Hon . Sec , Downing S . D ., Robinson J . D ., S . Gamblen J . D ., several P . M . ' s and other members . Every officer of tho Lodge ,
except tho Treasurer ( who is also the I . P . M ., aud was prevented by illness ) , was at bis post . Tho business on the notice paper was the initiation of three gentlemen , who hid already been ballotted for and elected , Messrs . T . Bailey , F . W . Brook , aud W . Hunt . The ceremony in each case was most ably performed by the W . M ., and the " working" of the various officers was perfect , that of Bro . Robinson , the
Junior Deacon , a rising young Mason , more particularly so . This Brother gave tho working tools of the first degreo , and afterwards delivered an able loot uro on tho tracing boa' -d . to tho gratification of all tho brethren present . At the banquntting table tho health of the initiates was given by the W . M ., and duly acknowledged . The W . M . also gavo " tho Officers of the Lodge , " referring particularly to the admirable manner in which his young friend , Bro , Robinson ,