Article THE FREEMASON AT HOME. ← Page 2 of 2 Article FREEMASONRY IN ROME. Page 1 of 1 Article BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason At Home.
And let us for a moment pause to say that , in spite of ! , r > poets , human love does change , that married love and single love do differ in degree as much as the orange blossom , white and pink with the scent of the morning , differs from the golden orange of the ripening autumn . Many
a little wife is Avrecked on this reef , because she cannot understand that staid Tom , with the bars of white in his curly black head , who even now would die to save her from harm—is a different lover from that Tom who begged for a kiss in the days that will never come back again .
The little wife , however , of whom we write , being a sensible little woman , soon saw that Freemasonry , in spite of its secret , and its occasional evening from home , made Tom not a worse but a better man . She grew , day by day , to see how the circle of his sympathies enlarged . How ,
looking on his own children , his heart turned to the helpless ones left in the cold world when less fortunate brethren died . She saw him kind to dumb beasts , courteous
to servants , generous and considerate towards herself , and although she never knew , and never could know how much ho owed to Freemasonry , she felt that the Order could not be an evil which left her so much she loved and
valued . It is the misfortune of the fancy Avhich dictates these lines that it must for ever only hover about the confines of the subject . It is the fate of Freemasonry that
it must he suspect ; but little wives , if they will , may take it from us that whilst they remain charming as they are , and true as they are , the Freemason will always be happiest at Home .
Freemasonry In Rome.
WHILE the Church of Rome is doing all in its power to discountenance our Order , a Masonic Temple has just reared its head within the precincts of the sacred city itself . Our readers will doubtless remember that in an early number we announced that a new Temple of the Craft
would shortly be opened in Rome , and on Friday of last week the memorable event passed off with all the success which the most devoted members of the brotherhood could desire . The brethren mustered in very considerable force , there being upwards of 200 present at the ceremonial , the ouo
source of regret being that Bro . General Garibaldi , who has fought so earnestly for freedom in his native country , was unable to be present owing to an unusually sharp and severe attack of rheumatism . His son , Menotti , was there to represent him . The order of procession was first
duly arranged by the Master of the Ceremonies , the brethren of the several degrees being marshalled in the order of their juniority , the first degree leading , followed by those of the second and third , and of the higher degrees . Then came the representatives of foreign Lodges and the
Grand Master , surrounded by the various dignitaries of the Grand Orient of Italy . The procession having passed through the several halls , at length reached the gates of the Temple itself , which were thrown open after the usual tokens of recognition , and the ceremonial proceeded . Then
the Grand Orator , Bro . M . Macchi , delivered a long , powerful , and impressive address , in the course of which he alluded , in complimentary and graceful terms , to the presence of representatives of foreign Lodges , and especially o £ Great Britain , an allusion as gracefully acknowledged
in Italian by Bro . Lieutenant Col . B . Ramsay . At length the ceremony was brought to a close amid general congratulations , supplemented , as the day proceeded , by complimentary telegrams from other provinces in Italy and from different foreign Lodges . The day following was
specially devoted to a conversazione and musical entertainment appropriate to the occasion , the cantata specially composed by Bro . Swicher being rendered , both vocally and instrtimentally , with great effect . Another Lodge meeting had been previously held at 2 p . m ., at which again tho most
cordial congratulations were interchanged . The appearance of the Temple , the elegance of its design and decoration every where apparent , were the theme of general laudation , and when the day closed , but one feeling prevailed that the Inauguration Ceremonial had proved to be a grand success .
Such is the answering echo of Italian Masonry to the thunders of the Vatican . And with every respect for the reli gious convictions of our Roman Catholic brethren , we echo most cordially , In all lands and in all ages , so mote it be !
Benevolent Institution.
The regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , Bro . Major Creaton P . G . D . in the chair . Bro . Jas . Terry read the minutes , which were confirmed . A letter was read from the Marquis of llipou , the late Grand Master ,
tendering his resignation as Trustee of the three funds belonging to the Institution , which was accepted . Bro . J . Stevens proposed that the Pro . Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , bo invited to accept ihe Trusteeship of the Malo and Widows' Funds , and Lord Skelmersdale that of the
Snstentation Fund . The death of three annuitants was announced , as also that of an approved candidate ( Mrs . Harris ) . The Reports of the House Committee and Wardens were read . Major Creaton proposed , and Bro . Farnfield seconded , that an Honorary V . P . of this Institution
be offered for the acceptance of Dr . H . J . Strong , the Hon . Surgeon of this Institution at Croydon , for his unremitting care and attention to the residents for the past eleven years ; which was carried with acclamation . A letter was read from the Rev . J . N . Palmer , offering
suggestions as to an improved system of voting at tho elections , which was not entertained by the Committee . Permission was granted to an inmate to retire from tine Institution on account of ill-health . The Chairman announced the death of Bro . W . P . Scott P . G . D ., one of
the Committee , and a member of the Finance Committee also , which was received with great regret , and a letter of condolence was directed to be sent to the widow . There were present Bros . J . Hogg P . G . D ., B . Head P . G . D .,
R . Spencer V . P ., H . Fallen P . G . S . B ., T . Cubitt G . P . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., J . M . Stedwell V . P ., J . Constable V . P ., H . M . , Levy , J . G . Stevens , J . Bellerby , J . Newton , W . Stephens , F . Adlard , L . Stean , C . F . Hogard , W . Hale , J . A . Farnfielcl , G . Smith .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
Bro . Samuel Weatherill , whose exertions on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution wo noticed some weeks since , and whose death has recently occurred , was initiated in the British Oak Lodge , No . 831 , on the 29 th June 1868 , and continued a member thereof until it ceased
iu 18 / 4 . He joined the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 , as one of the founders , on the 22 ud March 1869 , and was a member of it until his decease , having filled the chair in 1873-4 , and being presented with a very handsome silver snuff-box on his retiring from that position . Bro .
Wetherill was a very painstaking , conscientious member of the Order , always doing good , and inducing others to do so . He was a Steward at the last Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and brought in a list of £ 1 G 5 . No doubt , had he been blessed with good health ,
this would have been considerably increased . Ho died on the 1 st March , and was buried at Bow Cemetery on Saturday last , being followed to the grave by a great number of brethren , who wished to testify their regard for his memory by paying the last sad tribute of respect to
departed merit . Bro . Weatherill leaves behind him a widow and large family . It only remains for us to add the expression of our personal regret that one who was so actively engaged in promoting the charitable objects of the Craft should have been thus called away in the full vigour
of his active beneficence . It is at least a consolation to know that it had been our good fortune , even thus early in our career , to have offered him our hearty congratulations on his successful stewardship at the last festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The Red Cross Of Constantine.
The Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 , met afc Anderton ' s Hotel on tho 27 th nit ., under the presidency of Sir Knight W . Hurl , stone M . P . S . During the evening ] Jru . Walter Spencer was installed as a Bed Cross Knight , and subsequently received tho grade of Ensebins , in company with Sir Knight A . Perrot , the elected Viceroy . Sir Knight W . Cnbitt Lncey M . D . was inducted into tho Chair of Constantino , and appointed his officers for the ensuing year . Amongst
the members present were Sir Knights W . P . X . Quilty P . S . and Treasurer , II . C . Levander M . A . P . S . and G . H . C , It . Wentworth . Little G . Treasurer , A . A . Pendlcbmy K . G . C . K ., A . C . Morton , J . J . Cauey , Kev . W . B . Church P . S . G . ELI ' ., A . Smith and G . Smith . Sir Knight T . Cnbitt G . O . was the only visitor . A banquet followed the business in Conclave , and after the cloth was cleared a Past Sovereign ' s Jewel was presented to Sir Knight Hurlstone , who suitably acknowledged the gift ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason At Home.
And let us for a moment pause to say that , in spite of ! , r > poets , human love does change , that married love and single love do differ in degree as much as the orange blossom , white and pink with the scent of the morning , differs from the golden orange of the ripening autumn . Many
a little wife is Avrecked on this reef , because she cannot understand that staid Tom , with the bars of white in his curly black head , who even now would die to save her from harm—is a different lover from that Tom who begged for a kiss in the days that will never come back again .
The little wife , however , of whom we write , being a sensible little woman , soon saw that Freemasonry , in spite of its secret , and its occasional evening from home , made Tom not a worse but a better man . She grew , day by day , to see how the circle of his sympathies enlarged . How ,
looking on his own children , his heart turned to the helpless ones left in the cold world when less fortunate brethren died . She saw him kind to dumb beasts , courteous
to servants , generous and considerate towards herself , and although she never knew , and never could know how much ho owed to Freemasonry , she felt that the Order could not be an evil which left her so much she loved and
valued . It is the misfortune of the fancy Avhich dictates these lines that it must for ever only hover about the confines of the subject . It is the fate of Freemasonry that
it must he suspect ; but little wives , if they will , may take it from us that whilst they remain charming as they are , and true as they are , the Freemason will always be happiest at Home .
Freemasonry In Rome.
WHILE the Church of Rome is doing all in its power to discountenance our Order , a Masonic Temple has just reared its head within the precincts of the sacred city itself . Our readers will doubtless remember that in an early number we announced that a new Temple of the Craft
would shortly be opened in Rome , and on Friday of last week the memorable event passed off with all the success which the most devoted members of the brotherhood could desire . The brethren mustered in very considerable force , there being upwards of 200 present at the ceremonial , the ouo
source of regret being that Bro . General Garibaldi , who has fought so earnestly for freedom in his native country , was unable to be present owing to an unusually sharp and severe attack of rheumatism . His son , Menotti , was there to represent him . The order of procession was first
duly arranged by the Master of the Ceremonies , the brethren of the several degrees being marshalled in the order of their juniority , the first degree leading , followed by those of the second and third , and of the higher degrees . Then came the representatives of foreign Lodges and the
Grand Master , surrounded by the various dignitaries of the Grand Orient of Italy . The procession having passed through the several halls , at length reached the gates of the Temple itself , which were thrown open after the usual tokens of recognition , and the ceremonial proceeded . Then
the Grand Orator , Bro . M . Macchi , delivered a long , powerful , and impressive address , in the course of which he alluded , in complimentary and graceful terms , to the presence of representatives of foreign Lodges , and especially o £ Great Britain , an allusion as gracefully acknowledged
in Italian by Bro . Lieutenant Col . B . Ramsay . At length the ceremony was brought to a close amid general congratulations , supplemented , as the day proceeded , by complimentary telegrams from other provinces in Italy and from different foreign Lodges . The day following was
specially devoted to a conversazione and musical entertainment appropriate to the occasion , the cantata specially composed by Bro . Swicher being rendered , both vocally and instrtimentally , with great effect . Another Lodge meeting had been previously held at 2 p . m ., at which again tho most
cordial congratulations were interchanged . The appearance of the Temple , the elegance of its design and decoration every where apparent , were the theme of general laudation , and when the day closed , but one feeling prevailed that the Inauguration Ceremonial had proved to be a grand success .
Such is the answering echo of Italian Masonry to the thunders of the Vatican . And with every respect for the reli gious convictions of our Roman Catholic brethren , we echo most cordially , In all lands and in all ages , so mote it be !
Benevolent Institution.
The regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , Bro . Major Creaton P . G . D . in the chair . Bro . Jas . Terry read the minutes , which were confirmed . A letter was read from the Marquis of llipou , the late Grand Master ,
tendering his resignation as Trustee of the three funds belonging to the Institution , which was accepted . Bro . J . Stevens proposed that the Pro . Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , bo invited to accept ihe Trusteeship of the Malo and Widows' Funds , and Lord Skelmersdale that of the
Snstentation Fund . The death of three annuitants was announced , as also that of an approved candidate ( Mrs . Harris ) . The Reports of the House Committee and Wardens were read . Major Creaton proposed , and Bro . Farnfield seconded , that an Honorary V . P . of this Institution
be offered for the acceptance of Dr . H . J . Strong , the Hon . Surgeon of this Institution at Croydon , for his unremitting care and attention to the residents for the past eleven years ; which was carried with acclamation . A letter was read from the Rev . J . N . Palmer , offering
suggestions as to an improved system of voting at tho elections , which was not entertained by the Committee . Permission was granted to an inmate to retire from tine Institution on account of ill-health . The Chairman announced the death of Bro . W . P . Scott P . G . D ., one of
the Committee , and a member of the Finance Committee also , which was received with great regret , and a letter of condolence was directed to be sent to the widow . There were present Bros . J . Hogg P . G . D ., B . Head P . G . D .,
R . Spencer V . P ., H . Fallen P . G . S . B ., T . Cubitt G . P . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., J . M . Stedwell V . P ., J . Constable V . P ., H . M . , Levy , J . G . Stevens , J . Bellerby , J . Newton , W . Stephens , F . Adlard , L . Stean , C . F . Hogard , W . Hale , J . A . Farnfielcl , G . Smith .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
Bro . Samuel Weatherill , whose exertions on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution wo noticed some weeks since , and whose death has recently occurred , was initiated in the British Oak Lodge , No . 831 , on the 29 th June 1868 , and continued a member thereof until it ceased
iu 18 / 4 . He joined the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 , as one of the founders , on the 22 ud March 1869 , and was a member of it until his decease , having filled the chair in 1873-4 , and being presented with a very handsome silver snuff-box on his retiring from that position . Bro .
Wetherill was a very painstaking , conscientious member of the Order , always doing good , and inducing others to do so . He was a Steward at the last Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and brought in a list of £ 1 G 5 . No doubt , had he been blessed with good health ,
this would have been considerably increased . Ho died on the 1 st March , and was buried at Bow Cemetery on Saturday last , being followed to the grave by a great number of brethren , who wished to testify their regard for his memory by paying the last sad tribute of respect to
departed merit . Bro . Weatherill leaves behind him a widow and large family . It only remains for us to add the expression of our personal regret that one who was so actively engaged in promoting the charitable objects of the Craft should have been thus called away in the full vigour
of his active beneficence . It is at least a consolation to know that it had been our good fortune , even thus early in our career , to have offered him our hearty congratulations on his successful stewardship at the last festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The Red Cross Of Constantine.
The Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 , met afc Anderton ' s Hotel on tho 27 th nit ., under the presidency of Sir Knight W . Hurl , stone M . P . S . During the evening ] Jru . Walter Spencer was installed as a Bed Cross Knight , and subsequently received tho grade of Ensebins , in company with Sir Knight A . Perrot , the elected Viceroy . Sir Knight W . Cnbitt Lncey M . D . was inducted into tho Chair of Constantino , and appointed his officers for the ensuing year . Amongst
the members present were Sir Knights W . P . X . Quilty P . S . and Treasurer , II . C . Levander M . A . P . S . and G . H . C , It . Wentworth . Little G . Treasurer , A . A . Pendlcbmy K . G . C . K ., A . C . Morton , J . J . Cauey , Kev . W . B . Church P . S . G . ELI ' ., A . Smith and G . Smith . Sir Knight T . Cnbitt G . O . was the only visitor . A banquet followed the business in Conclave , and after the cloth was cleared a Past Sovereign ' s Jewel was presented to Sir Knight Hurlstone , who suitably acknowledged the gift ,