Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Maidwell . Bro . D . H . Jacobs , in feeling and eloqnent terms , seconded tlio proposition , and it was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjonrned to refreshment , where the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . That of the W . M . was duly honoured . Bro . Lamble returned thanks for tho P . M . 's . The Officers' toast was responded to by Bros . Walker , Atkins , Salmonese and Grammer ; and the Tyler ' s toast was given in due course . Bros . G . T . Townshend J . W . 1086 , J . B . Sorrell "W . M . 176 , T . P . Purdy P . M . 861 , E . B . Grabham W . M . 19 , M . G . Iiudderforth W . M . 12 and G . E . Turner 902 were present as visitors .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting ou Thursday evening last , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , tlie Hercules , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Present — Bros . Horsley W . M ., Blackball S . W ., Biddle J . W ., Ellis S . D ., Salmonese J . D ., Batie I . G ., Grammer Hon . Sec , Austin P . M . Preceptor , and maiw other brethren . Bro . Barney having answered tho usual
questions was entrusted . The Lodgo was opened in the Second Degree , and tho ceremony of passiug was rehearsed . Tho whole of the sections of the second lecture wero worked by tho W . M . Bro . Horsley , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Barney , Lamb and Pitt were elected joining members . All Masonic business being ended the Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Monday , the 8 th instant , at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-square , Clorkenwell . Present—Bros . Gardiner W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Crawley J . W ., Killick Secretary , Dickinson S . D ., Wright J . D ., Saul I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Beckett Preceptor ; Visitors—Bros . Dickson 1298 , Wright -M . .- — . . » - ••. v * . i- « v . v , > xuvv J . •w — v-j-v ..-. j ..-. — — ,- r- > BusinessThe Lodno been
1208 , Nunn 77 , and Samuels 188 . — having opened , and the minutes confirmed , tho W . M . worked tho ceremony I of passing , Bro . A . W . Cook being tho candidate . Several sections were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren and visitors . Bros . Dickson 1298 , Wright 1298 , Nmin 77 and Samuels 188 were elected joining members . Bro . Pearcy was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
St . Andrew Boyal Arch Chapter , No . 60 .- —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 9 rh May . In the absence of Comp . T . M . Campbell Z ., it was presided over by Comp . T . 0 . Park , who conferred the degrees of Excellent Master aud Royal Arch on two brethren , in his well known style .
Sincerity Chapter , No . 174 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was Held on Thursday , tho 4 th inst ., at the Cheshiro Cheese Tavern , Cintehod Friars . Cemp . C . E . Lacey Z ., S . If . Rawley H ., J . L . Mather J . ; and P . Z . ' s James Terry , Barlow , J . Wriirht , Newton , Buhner , J . Bellerby and Cook ; and Comps . Halford , Hmvvpr T . inynlt fl TTnrrrfptt , Thinsrptv f ? nx \ T . n T ? nom _ A . L . T . / 'ins .
E . C . Mather , Davy , Weils , J . Thomas , and Steedman . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Knight 1327 , O . T . Brown G 5 , T . Ilnllctt 781 , J . T . llillicr 15 S 0 , and W . Bonsor 15 S 0 , were duly txalted into R . A . Masonry . The Andit Committee were appointed . The elections for the three Principals and officers resulted as follow : Comps . S . II . Rawlcv Z ., J . L . Mather II ., 11 . W . Goddard
J ., G . Ungsjett S . E ., E . C . Mather S . N ., L . A . Loins P . S ., W . C . Birlow P . Z . Treasurer , and Very Janitor . A P . Z . ' s Jewel was voted to the retiring P . Z ., Comp . C . E . Lacey , for tho able manner he had discharged the duties during his year of office . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions partook of a very excellent banquet . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and K . A . toasts , which were
duly responded to . Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . 188 returned thanks for the Visitors . Tho toast of the newly elected Z ., II . and J ., followed . Comp . Rawley responded . Comps . J . Terry P . Z . and Cook returned thanks for the toast of the P . Z . ' s , and Comp . C . E . Mather for the Junior Officers . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . — The weekly convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , tho 9 th 'nst ., at tho Jamaica Corlee House , Cornhill , E . C . Present—Comps . Newman Z ., Miles IT ., Nonis J ., Constable N ., White E ., Stephens P . S ., also Comps . Major Finney , Drew , Green , GInckstein , Ritmsoy , & c . The business consisted of the confirmation of the minutes of the previous
ccnvicatinn , and the rehearsal of the ceremony of exaltation , which was ably rendered by the M . E ., Comp . Drew being candidate . We congratulate Comp . Newman upon the progress he has made in tho ritual , for wo have not heard him so perfect npon any previous occasion . Tho usual fortnightly election of officers will take place on Tuesday nest . Time of Meeting , 0 . 30 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 193—The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghnl I -street , E . C . Present—Bros . Walker W . M ., Holland S . W ., Croaker J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Constable P . M . Treasurer , E . Gotti cil P . M . Preceptor , Saver S ' . D ., Sadlier J . D ., Bush I . G ., Christopher Tyler : Bloomiiold
P . M ., and a number of other mcthren . The Lodge opened in duo form ; the usual preliminaries disposed of , the Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony rehearsed , Bro . Bone acting ns candidate . The first threo sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge having been lowered to the 1 st degree in duo course , Bro . Eutherford was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at Bro .
Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Corner of Church-road , Islington , on 6 th May . The chair was taken by Bro . James Terry , for tho purpose of rehearsing the ceremony of installation , and Bros . Mather and J . Constable occupied tho Wardens' chairs . Bro . Massey having been presented by Bro . Halford , tho Treasurer , was duly installed and invested . The officers were as follow—Bros . Powell S . W ., Stock J . W ., Eeed S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Isaac I . G ., Halford
Treasurer , and Killick Hon . Sec . Tho W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hall being the candidate . Some sections were worked by Bro . J . Constable . Bros . Mather P . M . 65 and Goldman 188 were elected young members , and Bro . Powell W . M . for the ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . James Terry , which was duly acknowledged , brought a very pleasant evening to a close . This Lodgo meets every Saturday at 8 o ' clock .
Hope and Unity Chapter , No . 214 . —A convocation of this excellent working Chapter was held on Friday , the 5 th May , at tho White Hart , Eomford . Comps . Major Finney Z ., Dr . Self P . Z ., H . Tuck J ., E . J . Barron P . Z . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , G . Cooper P . Z . S . E ., Rev . T . Cochrane S . N ., F . Koily P . S ., and P . Z . 's Comps . F . Adlard , Col . Goddard , J . Banning , Jeffries , & c . Tho Chapter was opened ,
and tho minutes wore confirmed . Tho election of Principals then took place , and tho installation followed . Comp . T . W . White was installed Z ., E . Tuck H ., and F . Keily J . Comps . Barron P . G . S . B . was invested Treasurer , Cooper S . E ., Eev . T . Cochrane S . N ., and Speight Janitor . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions sat down to an excellent banquet . The usual loyal and R . A . toasts wero given . Comp . Major Finney I . P . Z . proposed the toast of tho
M . E . Z ., whose connection with the Craft and E . A . Masonry was well known—ho was ono they wero proud of . Tho Z . appropriately returned thanks . A special toast was given to Comps . Dr . Self P . Z . and Joii ' ries P . Z ., for the admirable manner they had performed the ceremonies of installation . Tho P . Z ., Officers' and Janitor's toasts was given , and the brethren separated . Comps . Rev . Spencer Wigram G . 1 st Assfc . Soj ., aud Pythian were present as visitors .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . — This Lodgo held its usual monthlv meeting on Thursday , tho 4 th May , at tho George Hotol , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . W . M ., B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Norths , and Hunts , Treasurer , It . Winter S . W ., T . White , house J . W ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Secrotarv , F . Gadsbv S . D ., H . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . IT . Stanton P . M . Steward
J . S . Novmnn I . G ., Dean aud Kirby Tylers ; and Bros . G . Cotton , A . Dorrell , T . Green , S . L . Seckham , Gordon , Atkins , Aldridgc , EUard , Ashford , Barnes , Bingley , Brown , Richardson , Hill , & c . Visitors—Bros . Wykes and Ewius 279 , & e . Business—Bro . W . Kirby was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the D . P . G . M . performing theceremonv . Bros . Rev . R . U . Cox , P . Allen , Rev . S . J . W . Sanders
and J . J . Hart , wero examined as to their proficiency , and ( Inly passed to tho second degree , the W . M . performing tho ceremony . Mr . Henry Shoor ( the son of an old member of this Lodge ) was then duly initiated , the VV . 3 J . performing tho ceremony . The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when the W . M . took the
opportunity of thanking all present , not only for their punctual attendance , but also for the great attention paid to tho various ceremonies , and eomp'imented tho Officers on tho admirable manner in which their duties had been performed . This Lodge is now in a very flourishing state .
St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 510 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , tho 9 th of May , at tt o Masonic Hall , Liskeard . Present—Bros . William Thome W . M ., John F . Childs S . W ., Jolm Beaglehole J . W ., R . S . Courtney Secretary , ^ Thomas White Treasurer , Wiiliam Nettle S . D ., John Harris J . D ., Harry Hooper D . C , J .
Browning Steward , Colmer I . G ., Richard Penwarden Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . W . Chojiwidden , James Gerry , Thomas White , It . Courtney . Business—The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes were confirmed . Mr . William Goldsworthy was duly initiated into tho order , and several other gentlemen were proposed and seconded as candidates .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its regnlar weekly meeting ou Tuesday , the 9 th instant , at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Cambridge W . M ., Allen S . W ., Smith J . W ., Wiege S . D ., Johnson I . G ., Wailiniiton Preceptor , Worsley Secretary ; and Bros . Barker , Horsley , Huirgins , Brown , Folliott , Turquand , & c . The Lodgo was opened in
the 1 st degree , and Bio . Barker having answered the usnal questions was passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Horsley worked tho 1 st section of the lecture . Tho Lodgo was then resumed to the 1 st degree , and Bro . Horsley worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture . The Seeveiuvy , Bro . Worsley , wus unanimously elected an honorary member , and Bro . Allen , the S . W ., was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday evening .
St . Barnabas Lodge , No . 94 . 8 . —The annual meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Elephant and Castle Hotel , Liusludc , . heighten Buzzard , on Tuesday , 2 nd Mav at K . 80 in the afternon . Owing to the well-deserved popularity of the W . M . elect , P . m . Henry Poynter P . M ., P . P . G . P . Berks and Bucks , there was au unusually large attendance of members ; and neigh ' bouritig Lodges , fur miles around , manifested their respect and < 'ood
wishes by sending some of tfich- moro distinguished members to re . present them at the meeting . The Chair was taken punctually by the W . M ., Bro . W . King , who was supported by Bros . Thos . Cook S . W ., J . McCubbin P . M ., E . Proctor , Joseph Raft ' erty , Mark Rest J . W ., Bernard T . Fountaine P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treasurer , Treasurer H . Poynter Hon . Secretary , Robt . S . Collet , C . W . Scriven P M ' P . Prov . G . J . W ., Henry Grsen , N . T . Welam , J , Nelson , G , M
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Maidwell . Bro . D . H . Jacobs , in feeling and eloqnent terms , seconded tlio proposition , and it was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjonrned to refreshment , where the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . That of the W . M . was duly honoured . Bro . Lamble returned thanks for tho P . M . 's . The Officers' toast was responded to by Bros . Walker , Atkins , Salmonese and Grammer ; and the Tyler ' s toast was given in due course . Bros . G . T . Townshend J . W . 1086 , J . B . Sorrell "W . M . 176 , T . P . Purdy P . M . 861 , E . B . Grabham W . M . 19 , M . G . Iiudderforth W . M . 12 and G . E . Turner 902 were present as visitors .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting ou Thursday evening last , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , tlie Hercules , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Present — Bros . Horsley W . M ., Blackball S . W ., Biddle J . W ., Ellis S . D ., Salmonese J . D ., Batie I . G ., Grammer Hon . Sec , Austin P . M . Preceptor , and maiw other brethren . Bro . Barney having answered tho usual
questions was entrusted . The Lodgo was opened in the Second Degree , and tho ceremony of passiug was rehearsed . Tho whole of the sections of the second lecture wero worked by tho W . M . Bro . Horsley , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Barney , Lamb and Pitt were elected joining members . All Masonic business being ended the Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge held its regular weekly meeting on Monday , the 8 th instant , at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-square , Clorkenwell . Present—Bros . Gardiner W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Crawley J . W ., Killick Secretary , Dickinson S . D ., Wright J . D ., Saul I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Beckett Preceptor ; Visitors—Bros . Dickson 1298 , Wright -M . .- — . . » - ••. v * . i- « v . v , > xuvv J . •w — v-j-v ..-. j ..-. — — ,- r- > BusinessThe Lodno been
1208 , Nunn 77 , and Samuels 188 . — having opened , and the minutes confirmed , tho W . M . worked tho ceremony I of passing , Bro . A . W . Cook being tho candidate . Several sections were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren and visitors . Bros . Dickson 1298 , Wright 1298 , Nmin 77 and Samuels 188 were elected joining members . Bro . Pearcy was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
St . Andrew Boyal Arch Chapter , No . 60 .- —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 9 rh May . In the absence of Comp . T . M . Campbell Z ., it was presided over by Comp . T . 0 . Park , who conferred the degrees of Excellent Master aud Royal Arch on two brethren , in his well known style .
Sincerity Chapter , No . 174 . —The regular Convocation of this Chapter was Held on Thursday , tho 4 th inst ., at the Cheshiro Cheese Tavern , Cintehod Friars . Cemp . C . E . Lacey Z ., S . If . Rawley H ., J . L . Mather J . ; and P . Z . ' s James Terry , Barlow , J . Wriirht , Newton , Buhner , J . Bellerby and Cook ; and Comps . Halford , Hmvvpr T . inynlt fl TTnrrrfptt , Thinsrptv f ? nx \ T . n T ? nom _ A . L . T . / 'ins .
E . C . Mather , Davy , Weils , J . Thomas , and Steedman . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Knight 1327 , O . T . Brown G 5 , T . Ilnllctt 781 , J . T . llillicr 15 S 0 , and W . Bonsor 15 S 0 , were duly txalted into R . A . Masonry . The Andit Committee were appointed . The elections for the three Principals and officers resulted as follow : Comps . S . II . Rawlcv Z ., J . L . Mather II ., 11 . W . Goddard
J ., G . Ungsjett S . E ., E . C . Mather S . N ., L . A . Loins P . S ., W . C . Birlow P . Z . Treasurer , and Very Janitor . A P . Z . ' s Jewel was voted to the retiring P . Z ., Comp . C . E . Lacey , for tho able manner he had discharged the duties during his year of office . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions partook of a very excellent banquet . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loyal and K . A . toasts , which were
duly responded to . Comp . E . P . Albert P . Z . 188 returned thanks for the Visitors . Tho toast of the newly elected Z ., II . and J ., followed . Comp . Rawley responded . Comps . J . Terry P . Z . and Cook returned thanks for the toast of the P . Z . ' s , and Comp . C . E . Mather for the Junior Officers . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . — The weekly convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , tho 9 th 'nst ., at tho Jamaica Corlee House , Cornhill , E . C . Present—Comps . Newman Z ., Miles IT ., Nonis J ., Constable N ., White E ., Stephens P . S ., also Comps . Major Finney , Drew , Green , GInckstein , Ritmsoy , & c . The business consisted of the confirmation of the minutes of the previous
ccnvicatinn , and the rehearsal of the ceremony of exaltation , which was ably rendered by the M . E ., Comp . Drew being candidate . We congratulate Comp . Newman upon the progress he has made in tho ritual , for wo have not heard him so perfect npon any previous occasion . Tho usual fortnightly election of officers will take place on Tuesday nest . Time of Meeting , 0 . 30 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 193—The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghnl I -street , E . C . Present—Bros . Walker W . M ., Holland S . W ., Croaker J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Constable P . M . Treasurer , E . Gotti cil P . M . Preceptor , Saver S ' . D ., Sadlier J . D ., Bush I . G ., Christopher Tyler : Bloomiiold
P . M ., and a number of other mcthren . The Lodge opened in duo form ; the usual preliminaries disposed of , the Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony rehearsed , Bro . Bone acting ns candidate . The first threo sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Gottheil , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge having been lowered to the 1 st degree in duo course , Bro . Eutherford was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at Bro .
Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Corner of Church-road , Islington , on 6 th May . The chair was taken by Bro . James Terry , for tho purpose of rehearsing the ceremony of installation , and Bros . Mather and J . Constable occupied tho Wardens' chairs . Bro . Massey having been presented by Bro . Halford , tho Treasurer , was duly installed and invested . The officers were as follow—Bros . Powell S . W ., Stock J . W ., Eeed S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Isaac I . G ., Halford
Treasurer , and Killick Hon . Sec . Tho W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hall being the candidate . Some sections were worked by Bro . J . Constable . Bros . Mather P . M . 65 and Goldman 188 were elected young members , and Bro . Powell W . M . for the ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . James Terry , which was duly acknowledged , brought a very pleasant evening to a close . This Lodgo meets every Saturday at 8 o ' clock .
Hope and Unity Chapter , No . 214 . —A convocation of this excellent working Chapter was held on Friday , the 5 th May , at tho White Hart , Eomford . Comps . Major Finney Z ., Dr . Self P . Z ., H . Tuck J ., E . J . Barron P . Z . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , G . Cooper P . Z . S . E ., Rev . T . Cochrane S . N ., F . Koily P . S ., and P . Z . 's Comps . F . Adlard , Col . Goddard , J . Banning , Jeffries , & c . Tho Chapter was opened ,
and tho minutes wore confirmed . Tho election of Principals then took place , and tho installation followed . Comp . T . W . White was installed Z ., E . Tuck H ., and F . Keily J . Comps . Barron P . G . S . B . was invested Treasurer , Cooper S . E ., Eev . T . Cochrane S . N ., and Speight Janitor . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions sat down to an excellent banquet . The usual loyal and R . A . toasts wero given . Comp . Major Finney I . P . Z . proposed the toast of tho
M . E . Z ., whose connection with the Craft and E . A . Masonry was well known—ho was ono they wero proud of . Tho Z . appropriately returned thanks . A special toast was given to Comps . Dr . Self P . Z . and Joii ' ries P . Z ., for the admirable manner they had performed the ceremonies of installation . Tho P . Z ., Officers' and Janitor's toasts was given , and the brethren separated . Comps . Rev . Spencer Wigram G . 1 st Assfc . Soj ., aud Pythian were present as visitors .
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . — This Lodgo held its usual monthlv meeting on Thursday , tho 4 th May , at tho George Hotol , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . W . M ., B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Norths , and Hunts , Treasurer , It . Winter S . W ., T . White , house J . W ., Geo . Robinson P . M . Secrotarv , F . Gadsbv S . D ., H . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green P . M . D . C , J . IT . Stanton P . M . Steward
J . S . Novmnn I . G ., Dean aud Kirby Tylers ; and Bros . G . Cotton , A . Dorrell , T . Green , S . L . Seckham , Gordon , Atkins , Aldridgc , EUard , Ashford , Barnes , Bingley , Brown , Richardson , Hill , & c . Visitors—Bros . Wykes and Ewius 279 , & e . Business—Bro . W . Kirby was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the D . P . G . M . performing theceremonv . Bros . Rev . R . U . Cox , P . Allen , Rev . S . J . W . Sanders
and J . J . Hart , wero examined as to their proficiency , and ( Inly passed to tho second degree , the W . M . performing tho ceremony . Mr . Henry Shoor ( the son of an old member of this Lodge ) was then duly initiated , the VV . 3 J . performing tho ceremony . The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when the W . M . took the
opportunity of thanking all present , not only for their punctual attendance , but also for the great attention paid to tho various ceremonies , and eomp'imented tho Officers on tho admirable manner in which their duties had been performed . This Lodge is now in a very flourishing state .
St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 510 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , tho 9 th of May , at tt o Masonic Hall , Liskeard . Present—Bros . William Thome W . M ., John F . Childs S . W ., Jolm Beaglehole J . W ., R . S . Courtney Secretary , ^ Thomas White Treasurer , Wiiliam Nettle S . D ., John Harris J . D ., Harry Hooper D . C , J .
Browning Steward , Colmer I . G ., Richard Penwarden Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . W . Chojiwidden , James Gerry , Thomas White , It . Courtney . Business—The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes were confirmed . Mr . William Goldsworthy was duly initiated into tho order , and several other gentlemen were proposed and seconded as candidates .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its regnlar weekly meeting ou Tuesday , the 9 th instant , at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Cambridge W . M ., Allen S . W ., Smith J . W ., Wiege S . D ., Johnson I . G ., Wailiniiton Preceptor , Worsley Secretary ; and Bros . Barker , Horsley , Huirgins , Brown , Folliott , Turquand , & c . The Lodgo was opened in
the 1 st degree , and Bio . Barker having answered the usnal questions was passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Horsley worked tho 1 st section of the lecture . Tho Lodgo was then resumed to the 1 st degree , and Bro . Horsley worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture . The Seeveiuvy , Bro . Worsley , wus unanimously elected an honorary member , and Bro . Allen , the S . W ., was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday evening .
St . Barnabas Lodge , No . 94 . 8 . —The annual meeting of this flourishing Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Elephant and Castle Hotel , Liusludc , . heighten Buzzard , on Tuesday , 2 nd Mav at K . 80 in the afternon . Owing to the well-deserved popularity of the W . M . elect , P . m . Henry Poynter P . M ., P . P . G . P . Berks and Bucks , there was au unusually large attendance of members ; and neigh ' bouritig Lodges , fur miles around , manifested their respect and < 'ood
wishes by sending some of tfich- moro distinguished members to re . present them at the meeting . The Chair was taken punctually by the W . M ., Bro . W . King , who was supported by Bros . Thos . Cook S . W ., J . McCubbin P . M ., E . Proctor , Joseph Raft ' erty , Mark Rest J . W ., Bernard T . Fountaine P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treasurer , Treasurer H . Poynter Hon . Secretary , Robt . S . Collet , C . W . Scriven P M ' P . Prov . G . J . W ., Henry Grsen , N . T . Welam , J , Nelson , G , M