Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summer Outing Of The Friars Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1349.
THE members of this young and prosperous Lodge having determined to hold a summer outing on the 3 rd inst ., a committee nnder the acting superintendence of Bros . Mnsto Preceptor , AVorsley Secretary , and Pavitt Treasurer , selected the Crown Gardens , Broxhourrre , as tho scene of thoir operations , and entered into arrangements with Bro . Beningfield , the host , to supply a banquet befitting
so important an occasion . A more delightful spot could scarcely be found , and the brethren immediately upon their arrival devoted themselves with zest to tho many healthy sports tho grounds afforded . How some resorted to aquatic sports , others to archery , somo to bowls , and others to lawn billiards , will bo readily understood by those who have visited this famous hostelry . But tho principal charm of tho
occasion ( for what Mason can fail to be charmed with woman ' s grace and beauty ?) was duo to the presence of the ladies , whom the brethren had , according to express arrangements , brought with them to share the venal pleasures with their partners , and certainly tho beautiful arrangement of tho flowers and lawns was most enjoyable , and reflects mnch credit on the gardener , Mr . Scott , whoso labour has
beeu most successful in spite of tho recent bad weather . At the time appointed au excellent banquet was served , which did Bro . Beningfield great credit . Bro . Past Master Musto , by universal consent , acted as chairman , and Bros . J . Shepherd AV . M . 1319 and Andrews W . M . 1227 occupied tho S . and J . Warden ' s positions respectively . There wero present the following ladies and brethren : —
Bro . P . M . and Mrs . and Miss Musto , Bro . and Mrs . Fowler , Bro . Norman , Bro . and Mrs . Smith , Bro . and Mrs . Cull , Bro . and Mrs . Sadler , Bro . and Mrs . White , Bro . Shepherd , Bro . Barker , Bro . and Mrs . Bodham , Bro . Eichardson , Bro . Cooper , Bro . and Miss Kidd , Bro . and Mrs . Andrews , Bro . Worsley , Bro . and Mrs . Taylor , Bro . and Mrs . Ellis , Bro . Stephens , Bro . and Mrs . Eoberts , Bro . and Miss Blundell ,
Bro . and Mrs . Pavitt , Bro . Dnnsmoro and others , by whom ample justice was done to tho good cheer . Tho scene at table was most charming , and reflected a pleasing variation on tho prevailing black coat and whito tie aspect of our more austere banquets . The desire , also , to have tho pleasure of drinking Sister So and So ' s health was provocative of much amusement . After grace had been said , Bro .
Musto rose and said : —Ladies and Gentlemen—On occasions of this kind it is tho custom among gentlemen , and especially among Freemasons , to drink the health of Her Gracious Majesty . I feel sure the ladies will join us in this most pleasurable duty , for they can , like ourselves , fully appreciate tho excellent qualities of the Queen , and rejoice at tho manner in which she reigns over us . Therefore I
invito you , ladies and gentlemen , to drink the health of the Queen . Bro . Stephens sang " The National Anthem . " Tho Chairman then said : —The next toast I have the honour to propose is one all Freemasons receive with enthusiasm . H . lt . H . the Princo of Wales is justly a great favourite with the Craft . And , I may add , that ho is also hold in groat favour by the ladies . As
Freemasons we owe him a double tribute of respect , as our head and chief ruler . During the time ho has governed the Craft in England we have been the recipients of many acts of kindness and consideration from our Grand Master , which wo feel hound to acknowledge . In proposing tho health of the Princo of Wales I ask yon to drink a bumper , and with the toast I will include the rest of tho Eoyal
Family . Bro . Stephens sang , " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " which was heartily received . After a humourous song by Bro . Worsley , the chairman said : I may inform you , ladies and gentlemen , that au outing of so delightful a character as tho present , which is carried out so successfully , would
be altogether impossible unless the arrangement of details were in the hands of able , energetic , and persevering stewards . Among those who have striven to this desirable end , I must name the two officers of tho Friars Lodge of Instruction . To their untiring efforts this success is all due . AVo have , in Lodges of Instruction , but two officers , and it is necessary that thoy he good ones . The Secretary
is the most important officer , and so is—tho Treasurer ( laughter ) , the one exerts himself to got tho money , the other does his utmost to keep it . In our Bros . Pavitt and Worsley we have all we conld wish , and I ask you to drink their health . Bro . Smith sang the "Four Jolly Smiths , " and Bro . AVorsley , in reply , said : Mr . Chairman , Ladies and
Gentlemen—I thank you for drinking my health so heartily , and giving me my first opportunity of speaking of the Friars Lodge of Instruction . Although it has been established but twelve months we have reaon to be very proud of it . I am afraid we havo of late had a tendency in our Lodgo matters to think only of ourselves , and am the more pleased that to-day , in coming hore , we have the ladies with
us . Bro . Pavitt and I thought we ought to he so honoured , and we hope they will on many occasions favour the brethren of the Friars Lodge at their summer festivals . AVe have a very successful Lodge , a Lodge of which wo are proud . I am pleased to say that under the ablo supervision of Bro . Musto it has reached such a state of efficiency as to be known throughout London as a thorough working Lodge .
Bro . Pavitt said—After tho able and interesting remarks of Bro AVorsley , little need ho said by mo . I arrr rather surprised we are honoured in this manner . Wc , as a Committee , endeavoured to arrange for our comforts , and I am sure wo have had a most enjoyablo day , a great part of the success being duo to the presence of the ladies ; and I hope we may all live to enjoy ourselves on similar happy occasions .
Bro . J . Fowler favoured tho company with a fine rendering of the old song , " Who deeply drinks of Wine , " which was greatly appreciated . Sirs . Pavitt next obliged the company by singing the "Minstrel Boy . " Bro . Musto then said—The next toast I have tbe privilege of proposing is ono I consider to be the toast of the evening . I am sure every gentleman will join with me in drinking to the toast
Summer Outing Of The Friars Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1349.
of the Ladies . They aro onr partners in life , onr comforters in distress ; they aro the sharers of our fortunes , whether it bo for weal or for woo . I hopo that on many future occasions wo shall bo similarly honoured with thoir company , aud feel that we havo no greater friends to Freemasonry than tho ladios . Could we have them with us more frequently , I am sure much good
would result from it . There aro many of our secrets which could with advantage ho shared by the ladies . I trust the success of this , tho first summer outing of tho Friars Lodgo of Instruction , will bo the means of introducing such happy occasions to other Lodges . That wo may not incur , or deserve the charge of selfishness , I do trust the ladios may be induced to
joiu our numbers on very many happy outings . I name Bro . Barker to respond for tho ladies . Bro . Barker : I am exceedingly surprised I am called npon on such an important occasion to do honour to this toast . I am sure thero aro others more qualified to speak of the merits of the ladies than I . I can only say we aro only pleased to have the ladies here , and hopo they aro pleased in coming . It has long been a
byword that we , as a body , keep to ourselves . I hopo I may in somo measure prove such not to be universally tho case . Wo read in sacred history that King Solomon , who , as everybody knows , took such great interest in Masonic labours , was far from being avorso to the ladies , and I may assure them that of all men No mortal can moro Tho ladies adore
Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . Bro . J . Shepherd , AV . M . of tho mother Lodge , next gavo the healt h of Bro . Musto , expressing his appreciation of tho ablo manner in whic h thatBro . had presided ; to his genial influence much of tho pleasure of tho day was duo . This was received with musical honours , which wor e mosthoartly taken up .
Bro . Musto , having regard to the rapid flight of time , briefly acknowledged the favour clone him , aud gavo as his next toast tho Senior and Junior Wardens . They had discharged their dnty with great credit . Bro . Shepherd , their W . M ., was well known to them all , and appreciated ; Bro . Andrews AV . M . 1227 , Upton Lodge , was also
a great favourite . This was cordially received , and thanks returned by the brethren complimented . Tho proceedings throughout were interspersed with songs ; besides thoso already noticed must bo mentioned a charming rendering of an o'd ballad by Bliss Musto ; while
" Iu happy moments day by day , " Bro . Fowler had another opportunity of displaying tho qualities of a fine voice . After several other songs , tho ladies and brethren dispersed to again enjoy the beauties of the gardens . In our rambles around we discovered a brother who had brought a party down to enjoy
themselves ; he , in a truly fraternal spirit , invited as many of our party as desired to join his in the pleasures of the mazy dance , and we havo to thank Bro . AVatkins of the Lebanon Lodge for somo excellent dancing , to a splendid band . This was so much enjoyed that the company determined to stay till the last train , to avail themselves to tho uttermost of the opportunity . AVhilst some were dancing , others were enjoying the scenery , which was now lit up by the moon , whoso
autumnal rays cast their mild and beautiful light over the flower beds and walks , investing them with additional charm . Thero must bo an end to all things , however agreeable ; so , despite the many attractions of the hour , the inexorable necessity of catching the last train to town caused us , most unwillingly , to leave the scene of so much pleasure , seeking somo consolation from the thought that " as happy we had met , so happy we would part , and—happy meet again . " So mote it be .
Province Of North And East Yorkshire
AVe havo received a copy of tho programe of the proceedings to be observed on AVednesday next at the meeting of this P . G . Lodge , held under the banner of Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , at York . The Lord Mayor of York has lent tho Guildhall and Mansion House for tho occasion ; the Dean of York has given permission for a special service in the cathedral , aud accordingly a procession in full regalia will take
place in the afternoon from the Guildhall to the glorious old Minster of York . A banquet is to take place in tho evening at tho Do Grey rooms , and later there will bo a conversazione , with music , & c , at which ladies will be present . The entire arrangements seem very perfect , as might have been expected from the brethren of a Lodgo so favourably known as the Eboracum .
Mark Masonry In Plumstead.
The " Excelsior " Lodge , No . 226 , of Mark Master | Mnsons , held their regular meeting at the " Lord Eaglan , " Plumstead , on Tuesday evening last . Bro . John G . Holmes P . M ., < tc , in the chair , supported by the following brethren , viz ., Smyth , Weston , Tolbe , Penfohl , Keys , Palmer , Scnllev . Moulds , Kennedy , AVilson . Tannenden . TW . v .-s .
Ovendeu , Chanrberlin , Hepburn , & c . Tho routine business having been disposed of , Bro . AV . A . Tucker , of Lodge 1 ) 13 , was admitted with the usual formalities to the degree of Mark Master Mason . Several grants for charitable purposes having been made , the Lodge adjourned at an early hour .
The installation meeting of the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1 G 07 , will take place this clay ( Saturday ) , at the Alexandra Palace , Wood Green . Bro . C . J . Perceval is the W . M . elect .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summer Outing Of The Friars Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1349.
THE members of this young and prosperous Lodge having determined to hold a summer outing on the 3 rd inst ., a committee nnder the acting superintendence of Bros . Mnsto Preceptor , AVorsley Secretary , and Pavitt Treasurer , selected the Crown Gardens , Broxhourrre , as tho scene of thoir operations , and entered into arrangements with Bro . Beningfield , the host , to supply a banquet befitting
so important an occasion . A more delightful spot could scarcely be found , and the brethren immediately upon their arrival devoted themselves with zest to tho many healthy sports tho grounds afforded . How some resorted to aquatic sports , others to archery , somo to bowls , and others to lawn billiards , will bo readily understood by those who have visited this famous hostelry . But tho principal charm of tho
occasion ( for what Mason can fail to be charmed with woman ' s grace and beauty ?) was duo to the presence of the ladies , whom the brethren had , according to express arrangements , brought with them to share the venal pleasures with their partners , and certainly tho beautiful arrangement of tho flowers and lawns was most enjoyable , and reflects mnch credit on the gardener , Mr . Scott , whoso labour has
beeu most successful in spite of tho recent bad weather . At the time appointed au excellent banquet was served , which did Bro . Beningfield great credit . Bro . Past Master Musto , by universal consent , acted as chairman , and Bros . J . Shepherd AV . M . 1319 and Andrews W . M . 1227 occupied tho S . and J . Warden ' s positions respectively . There wero present the following ladies and brethren : —
Bro . P . M . and Mrs . and Miss Musto , Bro . and Mrs . Fowler , Bro . Norman , Bro . and Mrs . Smith , Bro . and Mrs . Cull , Bro . and Mrs . Sadler , Bro . and Mrs . White , Bro . Shepherd , Bro . Barker , Bro . and Mrs . Bodham , Bro . Eichardson , Bro . Cooper , Bro . and Miss Kidd , Bro . and Mrs . Andrews , Bro . Worsley , Bro . and Mrs . Taylor , Bro . and Mrs . Ellis , Bro . Stephens , Bro . and Mrs . Eoberts , Bro . and Miss Blundell ,
Bro . and Mrs . Pavitt , Bro . Dnnsmoro and others , by whom ample justice was done to tho good cheer . Tho scene at table was most charming , and reflected a pleasing variation on tho prevailing black coat and whito tie aspect of our more austere banquets . The desire , also , to have tho pleasure of drinking Sister So and So ' s health was provocative of much amusement . After grace had been said , Bro .
Musto rose and said : —Ladies and Gentlemen—On occasions of this kind it is tho custom among gentlemen , and especially among Freemasons , to drink the health of Her Gracious Majesty . I feel sure the ladies will join us in this most pleasurable duty , for they can , like ourselves , fully appreciate tho excellent qualities of the Queen , and rejoice at tho manner in which she reigns over us . Therefore I
invito you , ladies and gentlemen , to drink the health of the Queen . Bro . Stephens sang " The National Anthem . " Tho Chairman then said : —The next toast I have the honour to propose is one all Freemasons receive with enthusiasm . H . lt . H . the Princo of Wales is justly a great favourite with the Craft . And , I may add , that ho is also hold in groat favour by the ladies . As
Freemasons we owe him a double tribute of respect , as our head and chief ruler . During the time ho has governed the Craft in England we have been the recipients of many acts of kindness and consideration from our Grand Master , which wo feel hound to acknowledge . In proposing tho health of the Princo of Wales I ask yon to drink a bumper , and with the toast I will include the rest of tho Eoyal
Family . Bro . Stephens sang , " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " which was heartily received . After a humourous song by Bro . Worsley , the chairman said : I may inform you , ladies and gentlemen , that au outing of so delightful a character as tho present , which is carried out so successfully , would
be altogether impossible unless the arrangement of details were in the hands of able , energetic , and persevering stewards . Among those who have striven to this desirable end , I must name the two officers of tho Friars Lodge of Instruction . To their untiring efforts this success is all due . AVo have , in Lodges of Instruction , but two officers , and it is necessary that thoy he good ones . The Secretary
is the most important officer , and so is—tho Treasurer ( laughter ) , the one exerts himself to got tho money , the other does his utmost to keep it . In our Bros . Pavitt and Worsley we have all we conld wish , and I ask you to drink their health . Bro . Smith sang the "Four Jolly Smiths , " and Bro . AVorsley , in reply , said : Mr . Chairman , Ladies and
Gentlemen—I thank you for drinking my health so heartily , and giving me my first opportunity of speaking of the Friars Lodge of Instruction . Although it has been established but twelve months we have reaon to be very proud of it . I am afraid we havo of late had a tendency in our Lodgo matters to think only of ourselves , and am the more pleased that to-day , in coming hore , we have the ladies with
us . Bro . Pavitt and I thought we ought to he so honoured , and we hope they will on many occasions favour the brethren of the Friars Lodge at their summer festivals . AVe have a very successful Lodge , a Lodge of which wo are proud . I am pleased to say that under the ablo supervision of Bro . Musto it has reached such a state of efficiency as to be known throughout London as a thorough working Lodge .
Bro . Pavitt said—After tho able and interesting remarks of Bro AVorsley , little need ho said by mo . I arrr rather surprised we are honoured in this manner . Wc , as a Committee , endeavoured to arrange for our comforts , and I am sure wo have had a most enjoyablo day , a great part of the success being duo to the presence of the ladies ; and I hope we may all live to enjoy ourselves on similar happy occasions .
Bro . J . Fowler favoured tho company with a fine rendering of the old song , " Who deeply drinks of Wine , " which was greatly appreciated . Sirs . Pavitt next obliged the company by singing the "Minstrel Boy . " Bro . Musto then said—The next toast I have tbe privilege of proposing is ono I consider to be the toast of the evening . I am sure every gentleman will join with me in drinking to the toast
Summer Outing Of The Friars Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1349.
of the Ladies . They aro onr partners in life , onr comforters in distress ; they aro the sharers of our fortunes , whether it bo for weal or for woo . I hopo that on many future occasions wo shall bo similarly honoured with thoir company , aud feel that we havo no greater friends to Freemasonry than tho ladios . Could we have them with us more frequently , I am sure much good
would result from it . There aro many of our secrets which could with advantage ho shared by the ladies . I trust the success of this , tho first summer outing of tho Friars Lodgo of Instruction , will bo the means of introducing such happy occasions to other Lodges . That wo may not incur , or deserve the charge of selfishness , I do trust the ladios may be induced to
joiu our numbers on very many happy outings . I name Bro . Barker to respond for tho ladies . Bro . Barker : I am exceedingly surprised I am called npon on such an important occasion to do honour to this toast . I am sure thero aro others more qualified to speak of the merits of the ladies than I . I can only say we aro only pleased to have the ladies here , and hopo they aro pleased in coming . It has long been a
byword that we , as a body , keep to ourselves . I hopo I may in somo measure prove such not to be universally tho case . Wo read in sacred history that King Solomon , who , as everybody knows , took such great interest in Masonic labours , was far from being avorso to the ladies , and I may assure them that of all men No mortal can moro Tho ladies adore
Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . Bro . J . Shepherd , AV . M . of tho mother Lodge , next gavo the healt h of Bro . Musto , expressing his appreciation of tho ablo manner in whic h thatBro . had presided ; to his genial influence much of tho pleasure of tho day was duo . This was received with musical honours , which wor e mosthoartly taken up .
Bro . Musto , having regard to the rapid flight of time , briefly acknowledged the favour clone him , aud gavo as his next toast tho Senior and Junior Wardens . They had discharged their dnty with great credit . Bro . Shepherd , their W . M ., was well known to them all , and appreciated ; Bro . Andrews AV . M . 1227 , Upton Lodge , was also
a great favourite . This was cordially received , and thanks returned by the brethren complimented . Tho proceedings throughout were interspersed with songs ; besides thoso already noticed must bo mentioned a charming rendering of an o'd ballad by Bliss Musto ; while
" Iu happy moments day by day , " Bro . Fowler had another opportunity of displaying tho qualities of a fine voice . After several other songs , tho ladies and brethren dispersed to again enjoy the beauties of the gardens . In our rambles around we discovered a brother who had brought a party down to enjoy
themselves ; he , in a truly fraternal spirit , invited as many of our party as desired to join his in the pleasures of the mazy dance , and we havo to thank Bro . AVatkins of the Lebanon Lodge for somo excellent dancing , to a splendid band . This was so much enjoyed that the company determined to stay till the last train , to avail themselves to tho uttermost of the opportunity . AVhilst some were dancing , others were enjoying the scenery , which was now lit up by the moon , whoso
autumnal rays cast their mild and beautiful light over the flower beds and walks , investing them with additional charm . Thero must bo an end to all things , however agreeable ; so , despite the many attractions of the hour , the inexorable necessity of catching the last train to town caused us , most unwillingly , to leave the scene of so much pleasure , seeking somo consolation from the thought that " as happy we had met , so happy we would part , and—happy meet again . " So mote it be .
Province Of North And East Yorkshire
AVe havo received a copy of tho programe of the proceedings to be observed on AVednesday next at the meeting of this P . G . Lodge , held under the banner of Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , at York . The Lord Mayor of York has lent tho Guildhall and Mansion House for tho occasion ; the Dean of York has given permission for a special service in the cathedral , aud accordingly a procession in full regalia will take
place in the afternoon from the Guildhall to the glorious old Minster of York . A banquet is to take place in tho evening at tho Do Grey rooms , and later there will bo a conversazione , with music , & c , at which ladies will be present . The entire arrangements seem very perfect , as might have been expected from the brethren of a Lodgo so favourably known as the Eboracum .
Mark Masonry In Plumstead.
The " Excelsior " Lodge , No . 226 , of Mark Master | Mnsons , held their regular meeting at the " Lord Eaglan , " Plumstead , on Tuesday evening last . Bro . John G . Holmes P . M ., < tc , in the chair , supported by the following brethren , viz ., Smyth , Weston , Tolbe , Penfohl , Keys , Palmer , Scnllev . Moulds , Kennedy , AVilson . Tannenden . TW . v .-s .
Ovendeu , Chanrberlin , Hepburn , & c . Tho routine business having been disposed of , Bro . AV . A . Tucker , of Lodge 1 ) 13 , was admitted with the usual formalities to the degree of Mark Master Mason . Several grants for charitable purposes having been made , the Lodge adjourned at an early hour .
The installation meeting of the Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1 G 07 , will take place this clay ( Saturday ) , at the Alexandra Palace , Wood Green . Bro . C . J . Perceval is the W . M . elect .