Article EARL OF CARNARON LODGE, No. 1642. Page 1 of 1 Article EARL OF CARNARON LODGE, No. 1642. Page 1 of 1
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Earl Of Carnaron Lodge, No. 1642.
f ' jPHE regular meeting was hold on Thursday , at tho Lad broke Hall ' -5- Netting Hill , AV ., under the " presidency of Bro . S . II . Parkhouso tho AV . M ., supported bv Bros . E . M . Lander S . AV ., Samuel Smout sen . J . AV ., Georgo Perm . I . P . M . Treas ., AV . J . MnrJis P . M . Sec , AV . Stephens P . M ., Eov . P . M . Holden P . M . Chap ., Rev . 0 . Darby Eeado S . D ., S . Smout jnn . J . J ) ., F . Dolcvanto Organist , J . Woodmason
Steward , several brethren , and tho following Visitors—Bros . J . Poulter 900 , M . A . Maillard 435 , AV . Matthews 1489 , E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . AV . Morgan inn . 1385 , G . Davis J . AV . lf > 7 , J . E . Jones 701 , AV . AV . Gray AV . M . 701 , E . Arrowsmith 733 , II . G . Buss Assist . G . Sec , T . B . Linscott S . D . 55 , AV . It . Lister S . AV . 145 , . 1 . Fisher 733 , & e . Tho Lodgo having boon regularly opened , was advanced to tho
third degree , when Bros . Foskitt , Taylor , Huish , and Burgess wero raised . Tho Lodge being resumed , Bros . Smith , French , Tanner , and AVadham wero passed . Tho ballot was taken during tho evening for Mr . Henry Hart as a candidate for initiation , and for Bro . AVilliam Burns as a candidate for joining . Iu each caso tho result was favourable , and in duo course Mr . Henry
Hart was admitted to tho benefits of Masonic light . Tho next business before tho Lodge was tho election of AVorshipful Master , Treasurer , Tyler aud Auditors . In the first instance , Bro . Lander , tho present Senior Warden , was unanimously elected to fill tho chair for the coming year . Bro . Penn was re-elected to the oflice of Treasurer , as was also Bro . Scliofiold to
that of Tyler ; and Bros . Dr . Pocock Rogers and Eutherglen were appointed to audit tho accounts . Each of the appointments was suitably announced by the AV . M ., and acknowledged by the respective brethren . Bro . Penn then , in accordance with notice of motion given by him , proposed that tho sum of fifty guineas bo voted from tho funds of tho Lodge in aid of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution ; ho considered it could but bo tho wish of tho members to seo their Lodgo Vice President of all the Charities , and ho considered this grant would bo a good step toward attaining such an object . Bro . Murlis seconded the proposition , which was carried unanimous !}' , the amount to bo placed on tho list of the AV . M ., who has undertaken tho duty of Steward for tho next Festival .
Bro . Penn next proposed that a jewel of tho usual description bo presented by the Lodge to tho retiring Master , Bro . Parkhonso , who , ho said , was to ho complimented for tho admirable manner in which ho had fulfilled tlio duties of his ollice . The ability and kindness ho had always displayed conld hut ho conducive ! to tho prosperity of the Lodge . Bro . S . AV ., in
putting the veto to tho Lodge , added a low words of approval . Tho voto wo need hardl y add was most unanimously passed . Tho W . M . suitably responded . IIo was exceedingly gratified , and looked upon it as a great honour to serve as Master of such a Lodgo as tho Earl ot Carnarvon , Ifo then proceeded to close the Lodge , tho brethren adjourning to banquet . At tho conclusion of tho repast , and after
grace had boon said by the Chaplain , the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic ( . oasis , paying , as is usual in this Lodgo , especial compliment ( o ( Ire name til' tho Earl of Carnarvon I ' ro Grand Master . . In introducing Uio toast of tho Lord Skelmersdale r . ud tho other Grand Oli . ir .-ers , the AV . M . referred to fho pleasure ho felt in having two Ollicers of Grand Lodge at the meeting that ovcuiri " - .
Alter paying a compliment , ( o Bro . Buss , who was , ho said , most efficient in his duties , the AV . M . callo . l upon that brother and Bro . E . P . Albert to respond . Bro . Buss , in tho courso of his reply , referred to the position that had from tho first been taken by tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . The way in which its members worked in tho cause of charity was most creditable , and entitled them to the
greatest regard from all parts . Bro . Albert followed iu a similar strain , especially mentioning tho progress tlio Lodge had mado in point of numbers . Three years since , ho said , there were not more than 25 members ; now tho Lodgo could boast of upwards of 100 . This and other matters proved unmistakably the great success which had attended tho efforts of the founders . Tho AV . M . then proposed
the health of tho initiate . This was a toast always pleasing to propose aud ever cordially received . It was usual at their meetings for them to havo two or three gentlemen on whom to confer the privilege of Masonic initiation . On tho present occasion , however , only one of those expected had arrived , and they had therefore but one whoso health they wore called upon to drink . As , however ,
thoy had that night received another brother into their Lodge , as a joining member , the AV . M . had pleasure iu coupling his namo with that of Bro . Hart , as he would also do in the case of Bro . Flood , who , although ballottcd for and received at tho last meeting had , by somo oversi g ht , been left out of tho reckoning at tho banquet table . Bro . Hart , after thanking the brethren , detailed his experience of what
waa usually put forth by " friouds" as tho Masonic initiation , ho had not been quite so awfully tre :., ed as he had been led to suppose ho should be , but tho e ., oniony had greatly impressed him , and he felt assured wo . iid iv . » it-main in his recollection . So long as ho was ablo he felt that he r , ! ould take a great interest in tho brotherhood . Bros . Flcou p- m Binns having replied , Bro . Penn
assumed tho gavel and proceeded to give the health of tho W . M . This was the last opportunity he would have of bringing the toast under tho notice of tlio brethren , and ho should very much regret tho loss of this pleasurable part of his duty . In responding , for tho first tir e , to the t < - « , ' * - of his V-n . Uh , tho AV . M . had stated that if tbe Ledge du : iag his year of oleics was not a success it would not be his fault . 1 'H- rc :-r . Vz that had " , <_ e ; i achieved wero the best proofs
as to whether the AV . M . Sum kept his v . .. id , he ( Bro . Perm ) thought thero was no qncsi . ' ou of ir , o .:: i tiro brethren must admit that , throughout the term , llii-h- u > .. fort bad beeu studied , and tho intorests of the Lodgt- ; UJ winced . Tlio AV . M ., in reply , assured the brethren that •'< - - .- < with great feelings of gratitude ho listened to the marks of append they expressed . Ho accepted the oflkv of Master of tho Lodgo with great nervousness , but having been elected unanimousl y ho was reassured , aud hoped that he
Earl Of Carnaron Lodge, No. 1642.
might prove himself worthy . Ho should always look back upon tho past year as ono of tho most enjoyable of his life . Throughout his presidency ho had enjoyed tho good wishes of his brethren and the assistance of the Past Masters . To tho latter ho was greatly indebted , more especially to Bro . Perm , who had not only rendered assistance in tho Lodgo but had taken great pains to SOJ that all
woro enjoying themselves at tho banquets . Tho three years which had passed since the foundation of tho Lodge had been most successful , and a great part of this success was due to tho brethren who had preceded him in tho ruling of tho Lodgo . Tho AV . M . expressed tho pleasure tho members folt in seeing Bro . AV . Stephens , who had acted as Past Master during tho first year of tho Lodge ' s existence ,
rewarded by promotion to Provincial rank . IIo hoped that Bro . Stephens would long be ablo to enjoy tho honours ho so richly deserved . Of Bro . Mnrlis , tho first Master , it was quite unnecessary to speak . Ho was so well known to all tho members that tho moro mention of his name was as great a compliment as could bo paid him . Tho AV . M . concluded by calling on tho brethren
to drink to the good health of their Past Masters . Bro . Penn briefly returned thanks , and was followed by Bro . Murlis , who said that ho had , and over should , take a great interest in tho Lodge . Having bcou its first Master , ho lo iked upon himself iu a great measure as responsible for its good namo being kept untarnished . Ho never saw an addition to tho roll of members but ho folt proud , and as
long as such gentlemen as the ono they had received that evening presented themselves , ho could rest assured the Lodge would prosper . Bro . Stephens considered it a great satisfaction to bo associated with such a Lodge as tho Carnarvon , which not only maintained a foremost position iu tho Craft , but wns to tho front in the great work of charity . Tho Lodgo had been represented by three or four
Stewards at various Festivals , and each had outvied tho other in tho amount of their lists ; this fraternal rivalry could not go on forever with so successful a result , but he felt assured that their present W . M . would have a list that no ono need feel ashamed of , indeed its present total , nearly £ 150 , was a splendid one , but thero was ample timo for largo additions , and ho felt sure many amounts
would bo added boforo tho day arrived for returning tho list to tho Institution . The AV . M ' . now rose and proposed the health of his Visitors . They wore not quite so numerous as they had been ou many previous occasions . Ho assured such as wore present that tho members wero at all times delighted to seo them . Bros . Linscott , Davis , Lister , and Morgan replied , after which tho Master proposed tho Treasurer
and Secretary , followed by tho AV . M . elect . Bro . Parkhouso tendered his regrets to Bro . Lander for having forgotten him until this lato period of the evening , but hoped that the reception lie felt sure would bo accorded , would be none the less appreciated becanso a little lato . For tho past three
years Bro . Lander had faithfully carried out the duties of tho respective olliees to which he had been appointed , on every occasion doing his utmost to support the Master aud assist iu iho ruling of the Lodge . Ho had , likewise , systematically supported tho Charities , of each of which ho had become a Life Governor since the establishment of the Earl ot * Carnarvon
Lodge , tlie AA ' . M . trusted tnafc a year o ! prosperity was m store for his successor , and that when the time came for Bro . Lardner- to relinquish tho post to which ho hud been elected , ho would bo able to look back ou as successful a year as that through which tho Lodge had just passed . Bro . Lander tendered his thanks for tho way in which tho AV . M . had just proposed his health , and more especially for tho
kindness of tho brethren in having elected him unanimously to tho position of Master . Ho would do his utmost to conduct the duties of Master successfully , aud hoped ho should maintain tha prestige of the Lodge . His predecessors had been so successful in what thoy hud undertaken that he feared it would bo a hard task to excel them , still ho should endeavour to earn the approval of the members ,
and hoped that at the corresponding meeting of the Lodgo in 1880 , the brethren would speak as kindly of him as thoy had to-night dono of Bro . Parkhouso and tho others who had filled the chair of tho Lodge . Tho AV . M . now proposed the toast of the officers . Tho brethren who assisted him iu the ruling of the Lodgo were all doserving the thanks of the members , tlwy one and all seemed to exert
themselves to add to tho comfort and enjoyment of tho brethren aud generally assist in maintaining tho Lodge in its prosperous career . Tho J . AV . not only attended to his duties in tho Lodgo , but formed , tho mainstay in tbe Lodge of Instruction . Ho hoped that in twelve months time tho brethren would bo called upon to drink tho health of Bro . Smout as AV . M . elect . Each of
tho other Officers wero referred to iu turn by tho AV . M ., and tho toast having been heartily received , each replied . The AV . M . then proposed " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " This toast ho said was otio thoy should always remember , although ho hardly thought it needful to remind tho members of tho Ledge of
their duty in this respect . He announced that his list for tho Old People then reached a total of 150 guineas ( which was afterwards augmented ) , and referred to the fact that in tho courso of tho three years of tho Lodge ' s existence thoy had contributed no less than £ 1000 to tho three Charities . Bro . Morgan jun . having replied , the Tyler was summoned , and the brethren separated .
SEASONABLE III . VTS . —Tho vacation season affords an excellent opportunity for Masonic house cleaning . Now is tho time to give attention to tue halls and apartments , aud to seo that they aro put in proper condition fur tho meetings of tho Craft , when tho call from refreshment to labor shall bo made . Tho use of broom and brush ; a little soap
and water rightly applied ; a few touches of paint ; tho addition , perhaps , of some long needed article of furniture or appropriate ornament will impart to the Masonic homo a changed and moro inviting appcaroiicc . Musty , disagreeable and ill kept halls aro stumbling blocks in the way of progress . A cleanl y ancl attractive Lodge room ranks among tho essentials of 3 Iasouic prosperity and comfort , — Repository ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Earl Of Carnaron Lodge, No. 1642.
f ' jPHE regular meeting was hold on Thursday , at tho Lad broke Hall ' -5- Netting Hill , AV ., under the " presidency of Bro . S . II . Parkhouso tho AV . M ., supported bv Bros . E . M . Lander S . AV ., Samuel Smout sen . J . AV ., Georgo Perm . I . P . M . Treas ., AV . J . MnrJis P . M . Sec , AV . Stephens P . M ., Eov . P . M . Holden P . M . Chap ., Rev . 0 . Darby Eeado S . D ., S . Smout jnn . J . J ) ., F . Dolcvanto Organist , J . Woodmason
Steward , several brethren , and tho following Visitors—Bros . J . Poulter 900 , M . A . Maillard 435 , AV . Matthews 1489 , E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . AV . Morgan inn . 1385 , G . Davis J . AV . lf > 7 , J . E . Jones 701 , AV . AV . Gray AV . M . 701 , E . Arrowsmith 733 , II . G . Buss Assist . G . Sec , T . B . Linscott S . D . 55 , AV . It . Lister S . AV . 145 , . 1 . Fisher 733 , & e . Tho Lodgo having boon regularly opened , was advanced to tho
third degree , when Bros . Foskitt , Taylor , Huish , and Burgess wero raised . Tho Lodge being resumed , Bros . Smith , French , Tanner , and AVadham wero passed . Tho ballot was taken during tho evening for Mr . Henry Hart as a candidate for initiation , and for Bro . AVilliam Burns as a candidate for joining . Iu each caso tho result was favourable , and in duo course Mr . Henry
Hart was admitted to tho benefits of Masonic light . Tho next business before tho Lodge was tho election of AVorshipful Master , Treasurer , Tyler aud Auditors . In the first instance , Bro . Lander , tho present Senior Warden , was unanimously elected to fill tho chair for the coming year . Bro . Penn was re-elected to the oflice of Treasurer , as was also Bro . Scliofiold to
that of Tyler ; and Bros . Dr . Pocock Rogers and Eutherglen were appointed to audit tho accounts . Each of the appointments was suitably announced by the AV . M ., and acknowledged by the respective brethren . Bro . Penn then , in accordance with notice of motion given by him , proposed that tho sum of fifty guineas bo voted from tho funds of tho Lodge in aid of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution ; ho considered it could but bo tho wish of tho members to seo their Lodgo Vice President of all the Charities , and ho considered this grant would bo a good step toward attaining such an object . Bro . Murlis seconded the proposition , which was carried unanimous !}' , the amount to bo placed on tho list of the AV . M ., who has undertaken tho duty of Steward for tho next Festival .
Bro . Penn next proposed that a jewel of tho usual description bo presented by the Lodge to tho retiring Master , Bro . Parkhonso , who , ho said , was to ho complimented for tho admirable manner in which ho had fulfilled tlio duties of his ollice . The ability and kindness ho had always displayed conld hut ho conducive ! to tho prosperity of the Lodge . Bro . S . AV ., in
putting the veto to tho Lodge , added a low words of approval . Tho voto wo need hardl y add was most unanimously passed . Tho W . M . suitably responded . IIo was exceedingly gratified , and looked upon it as a great honour to serve as Master of such a Lodgo as tho Earl ot Carnarvon , Ifo then proceeded to close the Lodge , tho brethren adjourning to banquet . At tho conclusion of tho repast , and after
grace had boon said by the Chaplain , the W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic ( . oasis , paying , as is usual in this Lodgo , especial compliment ( o ( Ire name til' tho Earl of Carnarvon I ' ro Grand Master . . In introducing Uio toast of tho Lord Skelmersdale r . ud tho other Grand Oli . ir .-ers , the AV . M . referred to fho pleasure ho felt in having two Ollicers of Grand Lodge at the meeting that ovcuiri " - .
Alter paying a compliment , ( o Bro . Buss , who was , ho said , most efficient in his duties , the AV . M . callo . l upon that brother and Bro . E . P . Albert to respond . Bro . Buss , in tho courso of his reply , referred to the position that had from tho first been taken by tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . The way in which its members worked in tho cause of charity was most creditable , and entitled them to the
greatest regard from all parts . Bro . Albert followed iu a similar strain , especially mentioning tho progress tlio Lodge had mado in point of numbers . Three years since , ho said , there were not more than 25 members ; now tho Lodgo could boast of upwards of 100 . This and other matters proved unmistakably the great success which had attended tho efforts of the founders . Tho AV . M . then proposed
the health of tho initiate . This was a toast always pleasing to propose aud ever cordially received . It was usual at their meetings for them to havo two or three gentlemen on whom to confer the privilege of Masonic initiation . On tho present occasion , however , only one of those expected had arrived , and they had therefore but one whoso health they wore called upon to drink . As , however ,
thoy had that night received another brother into their Lodge , as a joining member , the AV . M . had pleasure iu coupling his namo with that of Bro . Hart , as he would also do in the case of Bro . Flood , who , although ballottcd for and received at tho last meeting had , by somo oversi g ht , been left out of tho reckoning at tho banquet table . Bro . Hart , after thanking the brethren , detailed his experience of what
waa usually put forth by " friouds" as tho Masonic initiation , ho had not been quite so awfully tre :., ed as he had been led to suppose ho should be , but tho e ., oniony had greatly impressed him , and he felt assured wo . iid iv . » it-main in his recollection . So long as ho was ablo he felt that he r , ! ould take a great interest in tho brotherhood . Bros . Flcou p- m Binns having replied , Bro . Penn
assumed tho gavel and proceeded to give the health of tho W . M . This was the last opportunity he would have of bringing the toast under tho notice of tlio brethren , and ho should very much regret tho loss of this pleasurable part of his duty . In responding , for tho first tir e , to the t < - « , ' * - of his V-n . Uh , tho AV . M . had stated that if tbe Ledge du : iag his year of oleics was not a success it would not be his fault . 1 'H- rc :-r . Vz that had " , <_ e ; i achieved wero the best proofs
as to whether the AV . M . Sum kept his v . .. id , he ( Bro . Perm ) thought thero was no qncsi . ' ou of ir , o .:: i tiro brethren must admit that , throughout the term , llii-h- u > .. fort bad beeu studied , and tho intorests of the Lodgt- ; UJ winced . Tlio AV . M ., in reply , assured the brethren that •'< - - .- < with great feelings of gratitude ho listened to the marks of append they expressed . Ho accepted the oflkv of Master of tho Lodgo with great nervousness , but having been elected unanimousl y ho was reassured , aud hoped that he
Earl Of Carnaron Lodge, No. 1642.
might prove himself worthy . Ho should always look back upon tho past year as ono of tho most enjoyable of his life . Throughout his presidency ho had enjoyed tho good wishes of his brethren and the assistance of the Past Masters . To tho latter ho was greatly indebted , more especially to Bro . Perm , who had not only rendered assistance in tho Lodgo but had taken great pains to SOJ that all
woro enjoying themselves at tho banquets . Tho three years which had passed since the foundation of tho Lodge had been most successful , and a great part of this success was due to tho brethren who had preceded him in tho ruling of tho Lodgo . Tho AV . M . expressed tho pleasure tho members folt in seeing Bro . AV . Stephens , who had acted as Past Master during tho first year of tho Lodge ' s existence ,
rewarded by promotion to Provincial rank . IIo hoped that Bro . Stephens would long be ablo to enjoy tho honours ho so richly deserved . Of Bro . Mnrlis , tho first Master , it was quite unnecessary to speak . Ho was so well known to all tho members that tho moro mention of his name was as great a compliment as could bo paid him . Tho AV . M . concluded by calling on tho brethren
to drink to the good health of their Past Masters . Bro . Penn briefly returned thanks , and was followed by Bro . Murlis , who said that ho had , and over should , take a great interest in tho Lodge . Having bcou its first Master , ho lo iked upon himself iu a great measure as responsible for its good namo being kept untarnished . Ho never saw an addition to tho roll of members but ho folt proud , and as
long as such gentlemen as the ono they had received that evening presented themselves , ho could rest assured the Lodge would prosper . Bro . Stephens considered it a great satisfaction to bo associated with such a Lodge as tho Carnarvon , which not only maintained a foremost position iu tho Craft , but wns to tho front in the great work of charity . Tho Lodgo had been represented by three or four
Stewards at various Festivals , and each had outvied tho other in tho amount of their lists ; this fraternal rivalry could not go on forever with so successful a result , but he felt assured that their present W . M . would have a list that no ono need feel ashamed of , indeed its present total , nearly £ 150 , was a splendid one , but thero was ample timo for largo additions , and ho felt sure many amounts
would bo added boforo tho day arrived for returning tho list to tho Institution . The AV . M ' . now rose and proposed the health of his Visitors . They wore not quite so numerous as they had been ou many previous occasions . Ho assured such as wore present that tho members wero at all times delighted to seo them . Bros . Linscott , Davis , Lister , and Morgan replied , after which tho Master proposed tho Treasurer
and Secretary , followed by tho AV . M . elect . Bro . Parkhouso tendered his regrets to Bro . Lander for having forgotten him until this lato period of the evening , but hoped that the reception lie felt sure would bo accorded , would be none the less appreciated becanso a little lato . For tho past three
years Bro . Lander had faithfully carried out the duties of tho respective olliees to which he had been appointed , on every occasion doing his utmost to support the Master aud assist iu iho ruling of the Lodge . Ho had , likewise , systematically supported tho Charities , of each of which ho had become a Life Governor since the establishment of the Earl ot * Carnarvon
Lodge , tlie AA ' . M . trusted tnafc a year o ! prosperity was m store for his successor , and that when the time came for Bro . Lardner- to relinquish tho post to which ho hud been elected , ho would bo able to look back ou as successful a year as that through which tho Lodge had just passed . Bro . Lander tendered his thanks for tho way in which tho AV . M . had just proposed his health , and more especially for tho
kindness of tho brethren in having elected him unanimously to tho position of Master . Ho would do his utmost to conduct the duties of Master successfully , aud hoped ho should maintain tha prestige of the Lodge . His predecessors had been so successful in what thoy hud undertaken that he feared it would bo a hard task to excel them , still ho should endeavour to earn the approval of the members ,
and hoped that at the corresponding meeting of the Lodgo in 1880 , the brethren would speak as kindly of him as thoy had to-night dono of Bro . Parkhouso and tho others who had filled the chair of tho Lodge . Tho AV . M . now proposed the toast of the officers . Tho brethren who assisted him iu the ruling of the Lodgo were all doserving the thanks of the members , tlwy one and all seemed to exert
themselves to add to tho comfort and enjoyment of tho brethren aud generally assist in maintaining tho Lodge in its prosperous career . Tho J . AV . not only attended to his duties in tho Lodgo , but formed , tho mainstay in tbe Lodge of Instruction . Ho hoped that in twelve months time tho brethren would bo called upon to drink tho health of Bro . Smout as AV . M . elect . Each of
tho other Officers wero referred to iu turn by tho AV . M ., and tho toast having been heartily received , each replied . The AV . M . then proposed " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " This toast ho said was otio thoy should always remember , although ho hardly thought it needful to remind tho members of tho Ledge of
their duty in this respect . He announced that his list for tho Old People then reached a total of 150 guineas ( which was afterwards augmented ) , and referred to the fact that in tho courso of tho three years of tho Lodge ' s existence thoy had contributed no less than £ 1000 to tho three Charities . Bro . Morgan jun . having replied , the Tyler was summoned , and the brethren separated .
SEASONABLE III . VTS . —Tho vacation season affords an excellent opportunity for Masonic house cleaning . Now is tho time to give attention to tue halls and apartments , aud to seo that they aro put in proper condition fur tho meetings of tho Craft , when tho call from refreshment to labor shall bo made . Tho use of broom and brush ; a little soap
and water rightly applied ; a few touches of paint ; tho addition , perhaps , of some long needed article of furniture or appropriate ornament will impart to the Masonic homo a changed and moro inviting appcaroiicc . Musty , disagreeable and ill kept halls aro stumbling blocks in the way of progress . A cleanl y ancl attractive Lodge room ranks among tho essentials of 3 Iasouic prosperity and comfort , — Repository ,