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THE FREEMASONS CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . Incorporated under the Companies' Acts 13 G 3 and 1307 , CAPITAL :- £ 2 , 000 , IN SHARES OF £ 2 EACH . Payable 10 s per Share on Application , and 10 s per Share on Allotment ; further calls not to exceed 10 s per Shares and at intervals of not less than Three Months . PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE . Bro . T . S . CARTER , Farqnhav Cottage , Port Hill , Hertford . Bro . W . NEWMAN , 58 St . Thomas ' s Road , Finsbmy Park . Bro . "WILLIAM CUTBUSH , Barnet , nerts . Bro . P . VENABLES , 5 & G Bncklersbmy , E . C . Bro . HAYWARD EDWARDS , Iladley , Middlesex . Bro . G . WARD VERRY , Love Lane , Shadwell , E . Bro . I . FISHER , 1 Three King Court , Fleet Street , London , E . C . Bro . J . G . YOLLAND , Barnet , Herts . Solicitors , —Bros . BLAGG & EDWARDS , C . v Victoria Street , Westminster Abboy , S . W ., and St . Alban 3 , Herts , Bankers . —THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 112 Aldersgato Street , London , E . C . Auditor—Bro . P . T . DUFFY , 30 Florence Street , Bamsbmy , London , N , Secretary—Bro . A . GODSON . General Manager . —Bro . w . w . MORGAN . Registered Offices-67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed for the establishment It is intended that THE CHRONICLE shall contain : — of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , and for the pub- Leading Articles on subjects of interest , lication of newspapers , books , pamphlets , & c , connected Special reports of all Masonic Meetings , with Freemasonry . A Weekly Summary of News . The inadequate representation of the Craf fc in the public Antiquarian Notes and Sketches relating to the Craft , press of this country has long been a subject of regret ,-and Reviews of Books . the wish has not unfreqnently been expressed that a journal Critical notices of current events of the day . might be established , in the interests of the Order , which Its columns will also be open for the discussion of topics should be owned and conducted entirely by members , interesting to the Brotherhood . This wish it is the object of the present Company to carry On questions of religion and politics the new Journal into effect . THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE will be the will assume a position of strict neutrality , property of Freemasons , and its devotion and loyalty to Intending subscribers should fill up the Form of Applicatheir carAse will thus be effectively secured . It has been tion and forward it , together with the deposit , to the London decided to raise the requisite capital in shares , of a small and County Bank , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , B . C . amount , in order that a large number of the Fraternity In conclusion , the Members of the Provisional Commay have the opportunity of acquiring an interest in the mittee desire to express their grateful acknowledgment of undertaking . As it is not proposed to call up more than 50 the many promises of support they have already received per cent , of the capital , it will be seen that such an interest from influential Members of the Craft , in various parts may be obtained at an immediate outlay of £ 1 per share . of the Country , and they earnestly appeal to all who If only a small proportion of the Freemasons in the approve of their project to labour with them to make it a United Kingdom subscribe to THE CHRONICLE it will suffice brilliant and enduring success . to guarantee tho Company from actual loss , while the Prospectuses , with Forms of Application for Shares , can more numerous the subscribers the greater will be the bo obtained from tho General Manager , opportunities of the Paper for promoting the interests of the Craft . 14 fch December 1874 . . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . To the General Manager of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . DEAR SIR , —Having paid into your Bankers the sum of £ , being 10 s per share on my application *> r Shares , of £ 2 each , in THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE POLISHING COMPANY LIMITED , I request you to allot me that number of Shares , and I hereby agree to accept the same , or any smaller number that may be allotted me and to pay the balance thereon , in accordance with the terms of tho Prospectus dated 14 th December 1874 . ' Christian and Surname in full i # Address ; Profession ( if any ) \ ' [[ " Date " . " ... ' . '"" Usual Signature , , ...,..,,., „> ,.,..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . Incorporated under the Companies' Acts 13 G 3 and 1307 , CAPITAL :- £ 2 , 000 , IN SHARES OF £ 2 EACH . Payable 10 s per Share on Application , and 10 s per Share on Allotment ; further calls not to exceed 10 s per Shares and at intervals of not less than Three Months . PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE . Bro . T . S . CARTER , Farqnhav Cottage , Port Hill , Hertford . Bro . W . NEWMAN , 58 St . Thomas ' s Road , Finsbmy Park . Bro . "WILLIAM CUTBUSH , Barnet , nerts . Bro . P . VENABLES , 5 & G Bncklersbmy , E . C . Bro . HAYWARD EDWARDS , Iladley , Middlesex . Bro . G . WARD VERRY , Love Lane , Shadwell , E . Bro . I . FISHER , 1 Three King Court , Fleet Street , London , E . C . Bro . J . G . YOLLAND , Barnet , Herts . Solicitors , —Bros . BLAGG & EDWARDS , C . v Victoria Street , Westminster Abboy , S . W ., and St . Alban 3 , Herts , Bankers . —THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 112 Aldersgato Street , London , E . C . Auditor—Bro . P . T . DUFFY , 30 Florence Street , Bamsbmy , London , N , Secretary—Bro . A . GODSON . General Manager . —Bro . w . w . MORGAN . Registered Offices-67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed for the establishment It is intended that THE CHRONICLE shall contain : — of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , and for the pub- Leading Articles on subjects of interest , lication of newspapers , books , pamphlets , & c , connected Special reports of all Masonic Meetings , with Freemasonry . A Weekly Summary of News . The inadequate representation of the Craf fc in the public Antiquarian Notes and Sketches relating to the Craft , press of this country has long been a subject of regret ,-and Reviews of Books . the wish has not unfreqnently been expressed that a journal Critical notices of current events of the day . might be established , in the interests of the Order , which Its columns will also be open for the discussion of topics should be owned and conducted entirely by members , interesting to the Brotherhood . This wish it is the object of the present Company to carry On questions of religion and politics the new Journal into effect . THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE will be the will assume a position of strict neutrality , property of Freemasons , and its devotion and loyalty to Intending subscribers should fill up the Form of Applicatheir carAse will thus be effectively secured . It has been tion and forward it , together with the deposit , to the London decided to raise the requisite capital in shares , of a small and County Bank , 112 Aldersgate Street , London , B . C . amount , in order that a large number of the Fraternity In conclusion , the Members of the Provisional Commay have the opportunity of acquiring an interest in the mittee desire to express their grateful acknowledgment of undertaking . As it is not proposed to call up more than 50 the many promises of support they have already received per cent , of the capital , it will be seen that such an interest from influential Members of the Craft , in various parts may be obtained at an immediate outlay of £ 1 per share . of the Country , and they earnestly appeal to all who If only a small proportion of the Freemasons in the approve of their project to labour with them to make it a United Kingdom subscribe to THE CHRONICLE it will suffice brilliant and enduring success . to guarantee tho Company from actual loss , while the Prospectuses , with Forms of Application for Shares , can more numerous the subscribers the greater will be the bo obtained from tho General Manager , opportunities of the Paper for promoting the interests of the Craft . 14 fch December 1874 . . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . To the General Manager of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED . DEAR SIR , —Having paid into your Bankers the sum of £ , being 10 s per share on my application *> r Shares , of £ 2 each , in THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE POLISHING COMPANY LIMITED , I request you to allot me that number of Shares , and I hereby agree to accept the same , or any smaller number that may be allotted me and to pay the balance thereon , in accordance with the terms of tho Prospectus dated 14 th December 1874 . ' Christian and Surname in full i # Address ; Profession ( if any ) \ ' [[ " Date " . " ... ' . '"" Usual Signature , , ...,..,,., „> ,.,..