Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LITERATURE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1
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over-publicity thats bids fair to bo more widely , and even universally disastrous . We mean tho publication of memoirs , in which aro recorded the sayings and doings of many aud different persons , or of their nearest and dearest relatives and friends . A prominent case of this kind , which has recently come before the world , Avill best illustrate
our meaning . There havo been latterly published the Grevillo Journals . In proportion as these contain facts and opinions of a strictly private character , and Avith which therefore tho public is generally unacquainted , in the same proportion will they excite tho interest of all classes . The personages who figure in the
pages of these memoirs are among the highest and most esteemed of our public men , during the last half-centmy . Mr . Greville was admitted to free and familiar intercourse with them by reason , chiefly , of his official position as Clerk of the Council . Yet has he not scrupled to noto down facts connected with their private life , or record his
opinions , often in unbefitting language , respecting their private conduct and relations . These are now published to tho world , though some of the actors aro yet living , and , as far as wc know , Avithout so much as consulting tho friends and kindred of those who are dead and gone . We cannot too severely condemn such a violation of trust .
There aro many classes of men—Masons among tho number—to Avhom the most important secrets aro entrusted , or who are placed or place themselves under an obligation to maiutain certain things secret and inviolable ; and he who betrays the trust reposed in him , must have , to say tho least , a very eccentric idea of what constitutes hononr .
Wo havo selected these two essays for lengthy comment , not only because they are specimens of tho author's method of handling his subject , but because the objects ho has no doubt had in view inAvriting them will be more fully appreciated by the class to whom our obscrvations are addressed . But wo should fail in our duty if wc limited our
praise to these particular essays . There aro others equally admirable on "Tho Art of Leaving Off , " on "The Folly of Mankind , " "That towns may be too largo , " & c , & c , while the conversations are witty ,
and sparkle with epigram . With these remarks we commend " Social Pressure" to the attention of our readers , iu the full persuasion that they will derive an infinite amount of ] : > lcasuro from a study of its contents .
Our Sony i Tho Compass , Book , and Square . Written by Francs Bonnock , Esq ., F . S . A ., P . M . No . 1 . Composed by Donald W . King , P . M . No . 12 . London : 48 Wobnrn Place , llusscll Square .
WE have received a copy of tho above , which , from its enlivening strain , must commond itself to our musical brothers . It is within the compass of an ordinary tenor voice , and will no doubt be acceptable as a standard Masonic song .
A Tour in the Saddle in Search of lho Beautiful ,, by J . T . Si'ExaiK ; London : Charing Cross Publishing Company . THIS little hrochure is the work of an artist who , like many gentlemen of his profession , handles tho pen as cleverly as ho wields his pencil . Tho scene of the author ' s tour , which was undertaken entirely for artistic purposes , is tho charming Lake District of Cumberland , Avhich ho visited iu tho spring of the year , when
nature , by way of contrast to the glowing browns of autumn , about Avhich painters rave , puts on her varied tints of delicate green . The work is written in a flowing and spirited style , and wc need not add that Mr . Spencer managed to fill his sketch book with choice "bits" of mountain and glen . His pleasant gossip will be appreciated by readers who desire to know how a painter can talk about nature aud the beautiful .
The Charing Cross Magazine seems to include some amateurs on its staff . The general matter is pretty good , and the serial stories are interesting , but an ambitious paper , on the momentous questiou of " Life after Death , " contains so much false reasoning and so many puny arguments that we are surprised to sec it in a magazine of position and influence . Having travelled over the same gvouud
as the writer of the article , AVO were curious to see if he had contributed any additional evidence upon a question which puzzles so many people just now . Wc confess , however , that his attempts at reasoning , which , uo doubt , have all tho charm of novelty to a writer Avho appears to havo no idea of tho elementary principles of logic , rather disgusted us . Arguments which arc good enough for " tho
nursery should not bo paraded before the world , aud if the Avriter is wise enough to tako a little friendly advice , we may remind him that tho logical infidel justly throws tho onus of proof upon thoso who assert that man lives hereafter . Believing , as Ave do most unfeignedly , in a futnre lii ' o , Ave have little or no patience with
the antiquated " chrysalis and buttorf-iy argument , " which , pursued to its logical end , only proves , if accepted as au analogy , that man dies a second tiino when he reaches his butterfly stage of existence . We may add , that the writer ' s pen plays such odd prank ? with his style that wo aro inclined to think it must havo been loaded with quicksilver .
Ct , trn ITousr . I ' HYIXG O . VKHS . —Jlogul Qualitv , nickel Is 3 d y . cv prick , 1 ' - ' per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is pur puck , Us' vcr ilov . yri p ;> . vks . if l > v Post ljd per pack extra . Curds for I'icjiict , Beziijiie , Ecurto , & c , llogiil duality U ! d pot pack , 9 > j p « tetu wjwks . —London- . Vf . W . Hov ^ n , 97 Barbican , E . G .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A T the Court of Governors of the Royal Masonic x \_ Institution for Boys , held on Monday morning , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , under the presidency of Mr . Henry Brouse , a vice-patron . It appears , from the statement submitted , that the number of boys
educated and maintained in the school had increased , in tho last 12 years , from 72 to 17 G , Avhile the number , since the foundation of the Institution , in 1798 , amounted to 1 , 2 GG . Tho receipts for the year 1874 , showed a total of
£ 10 , 180 , inclusive of a grant of £ 4 i 6 G from Grand Chapter . It Avas announced that the 77 th anniversary festival Avill bo held on Wednesday , 80 th June , on which occasion M . W . Pro . Grand Master the Rierht Honourable the Earl
of Carnarvon Avill preside . Having transacted its ordinary business , the Court then adjourned . The following is a list of the 48 candidates from Avhom eight Avill be elected
into the Institution by ballot at Freemason's Hall on Monday , 12 th April next , the ballot commencing at , or before , one , and closing at three o ' clock precisely . —
2 . James Arniytage Buterty . 3 . Henry Morrison Ship-way .
FIFTH APPLICATION . 4 . llobert Duff . 5 . Janics Earl Storey Graham . FOURTH APPLICATION . 6 . Charles Homy Cromwell . 7 . William llcgiuuld lluutcr . THIRD APPLICATION .
8 . Vincent John Lee . 9 . George Augustus Wimpoy . 10 . AVilliam Astlo Cooke . 11 . Arthur David Kerr .
12 . John Tom Swallow . 13 . Donald Steward Wharton Humbly . 14 . James Herbert Pees . 15 . George Samuel Cox . 1 G . Richard Thomas Gardner . 17 . Lcouard Wain .
SECOND APPLICATION ; 18 . Alfred Grevillo Vivian . 19 . William Christopher Ludlow . 20 . George llawlaU Allison . 21 . Kichard George Head .
22 . Gilbert Palmer Sheridan Perrin . 23 . Janics Archibald Barclay . 24 . Arthur Frederick Leriiarcliand .
25 . Percy James . 20 . Victor Hugh Fairlield . 27 . William Henry Jackson . 28 . Charles Frederick Austin .
FIRST APPLICATION . 29 . U . cwy Waller Stock . 30 . James Thomas London Slate . 31 . James Sanders Davics . 32 . diaries Henry Jackson . 33 . Elwood P , bd ; c Tibbotts .
31 . Percy Norman Ginham . 33 . John Henry Gurnoy . 36 . Alfred Jamos Green . 37 . Charles Edgar Armitatfo .
38 . Wrightson Robert Bryant . 39 . Robert Walter Kcddell . 40 . Stanley Keppcll Service . 41 . George William Stanton .
42 . George William Pinner . 43 . Alfred Christopher Quolch . 41 . Charles William Johnson . 45 . John Bntterworth . 4 ( 1 . George Arthur Dawson , 47 . Joseph Gover . 48 , Thomas Smith Pilling ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
over-publicity thats bids fair to bo more widely , and even universally disastrous . We mean tho publication of memoirs , in which aro recorded the sayings and doings of many aud different persons , or of their nearest and dearest relatives and friends . A prominent case of this kind , which has recently come before the world , Avill best illustrate
our meaning . There havo been latterly published the Grevillo Journals . In proportion as these contain facts and opinions of a strictly private character , and Avith which therefore tho public is generally unacquainted , in the same proportion will they excite tho interest of all classes . The personages who figure in the
pages of these memoirs are among the highest and most esteemed of our public men , during the last half-centmy . Mr . Greville was admitted to free and familiar intercourse with them by reason , chiefly , of his official position as Clerk of the Council . Yet has he not scrupled to noto down facts connected with their private life , or record his
opinions , often in unbefitting language , respecting their private conduct and relations . These are now published to tho world , though some of the actors aro yet living , and , as far as wc know , Avithout so much as consulting tho friends and kindred of those who are dead and gone . We cannot too severely condemn such a violation of trust .
There aro many classes of men—Masons among tho number—to Avhom the most important secrets aro entrusted , or who are placed or place themselves under an obligation to maiutain certain things secret and inviolable ; and he who betrays the trust reposed in him , must have , to say tho least , a very eccentric idea of what constitutes hononr .
Wo havo selected these two essays for lengthy comment , not only because they are specimens of tho author's method of handling his subject , but because the objects ho has no doubt had in view inAvriting them will be more fully appreciated by the class to whom our obscrvations are addressed . But wo should fail in our duty if wc limited our
praise to these particular essays . There aro others equally admirable on "Tho Art of Leaving Off , " on "The Folly of Mankind , " "That towns may be too largo , " & c , & c , while the conversations are witty ,
and sparkle with epigram . With these remarks we commend " Social Pressure" to the attention of our readers , iu the full persuasion that they will derive an infinite amount of ] : > lcasuro from a study of its contents .
Our Sony i Tho Compass , Book , and Square . Written by Francs Bonnock , Esq ., F . S . A ., P . M . No . 1 . Composed by Donald W . King , P . M . No . 12 . London : 48 Wobnrn Place , llusscll Square .
WE have received a copy of tho above , which , from its enlivening strain , must commond itself to our musical brothers . It is within the compass of an ordinary tenor voice , and will no doubt be acceptable as a standard Masonic song .
A Tour in the Saddle in Search of lho Beautiful ,, by J . T . Si'ExaiK ; London : Charing Cross Publishing Company . THIS little hrochure is the work of an artist who , like many gentlemen of his profession , handles tho pen as cleverly as ho wields his pencil . Tho scene of the author ' s tour , which was undertaken entirely for artistic purposes , is tho charming Lake District of Cumberland , Avhich ho visited iu tho spring of the year , when
nature , by way of contrast to the glowing browns of autumn , about Avhich painters rave , puts on her varied tints of delicate green . The work is written in a flowing and spirited style , and wc need not add that Mr . Spencer managed to fill his sketch book with choice "bits" of mountain and glen . His pleasant gossip will be appreciated by readers who desire to know how a painter can talk about nature aud the beautiful .
The Charing Cross Magazine seems to include some amateurs on its staff . The general matter is pretty good , and the serial stories are interesting , but an ambitious paper , on the momentous questiou of " Life after Death , " contains so much false reasoning and so many puny arguments that we are surprised to sec it in a magazine of position and influence . Having travelled over the same gvouud
as the writer of the article , AVO were curious to see if he had contributed any additional evidence upon a question which puzzles so many people just now . Wc confess , however , that his attempts at reasoning , which , uo doubt , have all tho charm of novelty to a writer Avho appears to havo no idea of tho elementary principles of logic , rather disgusted us . Arguments which arc good enough for " tho
nursery should not bo paraded before the world , aud if the Avriter is wise enough to tako a little friendly advice , we may remind him that tho logical infidel justly throws tho onus of proof upon thoso who assert that man lives hereafter . Believing , as Ave do most unfeignedly , in a futnre lii ' o , Ave have little or no patience with
the antiquated " chrysalis and buttorf-iy argument , " which , pursued to its logical end , only proves , if accepted as au analogy , that man dies a second tiino when he reaches his butterfly stage of existence . We may add , that the writer ' s pen plays such odd prank ? with his style that wo aro inclined to think it must havo been loaded with quicksilver .
Ct , trn ITousr . I ' HYIXG O . VKHS . —Jlogul Qualitv , nickel Is 3 d y . cv prick , 1 ' - ' per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is pur puck , Us' vcr ilov . yri p ;> . vks . if l > v Post ljd per pack extra . Curds for I'icjiict , Beziijiie , Ecurto , & c , llogiil duality U ! d pot pack , 9 > j p « tetu wjwks . —London- . Vf . W . Hov ^ n , 97 Barbican , E . G .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A T the Court of Governors of the Royal Masonic x \_ Institution for Boys , held on Monday morning , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , under the presidency of Mr . Henry Brouse , a vice-patron . It appears , from the statement submitted , that the number of boys
educated and maintained in the school had increased , in tho last 12 years , from 72 to 17 G , Avhile the number , since the foundation of the Institution , in 1798 , amounted to 1 , 2 GG . Tho receipts for the year 1874 , showed a total of
£ 10 , 180 , inclusive of a grant of £ 4 i 6 G from Grand Chapter . It Avas announced that the 77 th anniversary festival Avill bo held on Wednesday , 80 th June , on which occasion M . W . Pro . Grand Master the Rierht Honourable the Earl
of Carnarvon Avill preside . Having transacted its ordinary business , the Court then adjourned . The following is a list of the 48 candidates from Avhom eight Avill be elected
into the Institution by ballot at Freemason's Hall on Monday , 12 th April next , the ballot commencing at , or before , one , and closing at three o ' clock precisely . —
2 . James Arniytage Buterty . 3 . Henry Morrison Ship-way .
FIFTH APPLICATION . 4 . llobert Duff . 5 . Janics Earl Storey Graham . FOURTH APPLICATION . 6 . Charles Homy Cromwell . 7 . William llcgiuuld lluutcr . THIRD APPLICATION .
8 . Vincent John Lee . 9 . George Augustus Wimpoy . 10 . AVilliam Astlo Cooke . 11 . Arthur David Kerr .
12 . John Tom Swallow . 13 . Donald Steward Wharton Humbly . 14 . James Herbert Pees . 15 . George Samuel Cox . 1 G . Richard Thomas Gardner . 17 . Lcouard Wain .
SECOND APPLICATION ; 18 . Alfred Grevillo Vivian . 19 . William Christopher Ludlow . 20 . George llawlaU Allison . 21 . Kichard George Head .
22 . Gilbert Palmer Sheridan Perrin . 23 . Janics Archibald Barclay . 24 . Arthur Frederick Leriiarcliand .
25 . Percy James . 20 . Victor Hugh Fairlield . 27 . William Henry Jackson . 28 . Charles Frederick Austin .
FIRST APPLICATION . 29 . U . cwy Waller Stock . 30 . James Thomas London Slate . 31 . James Sanders Davics . 32 . diaries Henry Jackson . 33 . Elwood P , bd ; c Tibbotts .
31 . Percy Norman Ginham . 33 . John Henry Gurnoy . 36 . Alfred Jamos Green . 37 . Charles Edgar Armitatfo .
38 . Wrightson Robert Bryant . 39 . Robert Walter Kcddell . 40 . Stanley Keppcll Service . 41 . George William Stanton .
42 . George William Pinner . 43 . Alfred Christopher Quolch . 41 . Charles William Johnson . 45 . John Bntterworth . 4 ( 1 . George Arthur Dawson , 47 . Joseph Gover . 48 , Thomas Smith Pilling ,