Article HOME QUESTIONS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article HOME QUESTIONS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Home Questions.
No class of men have a stronger claim upon the protection of Government than our seamen . Wc are a naval power , and it is upon the men of our Merchant Navy that wo must ultimately rely in the time of war ; if our War Navy , at least , is to maintain its ancient renown . Apropos of this
subject , we are glad to notice that on Thursday afternoon a deputation of gentlemen , representing the shipping interest , waited upon the First Lord of the Admiralty , with a view to urging upon the right honourable gentleman the desirability of providing training ships for the
Royal Navy in connection with the Mercantile Marine . Mr . Ward Hunt received the deputation with his usual courtesy , listening to their suggestions with the utmost attention , and promising that the Government would give the question their most careful consideration .
Other matters of great importance will , doubtless , engage the attention of Parliament—Legal , Educational , and Military Reform . But if only the three subjects Ave have refered to are dealt with successfully , the Legislature will have little cause to be ashamed of its work in the Session of 1875 .
We learn , from the Ottawa Weelcly Gith . cn , that the officers for the present year of the Corinthian Lodge , No . 39 , were duly installed by Rt . Worshipful Bro . B . C . Barber ; those of the Doric Lodge , No . 58 , by Rt .
Worshipful Bro . John Gemmell , and those of the Chaudiere Lodge , No . 264 , by Rt . Worshipful Bro . Barber P . D . D . G . M ., and the installation of officers in the Civil Service Lodge has been postponed in honour of the marriage of the W . M .
At a meeting of the Masonic Archaeological Institute , held at the Hall of the Supreme Grand Council , 33 Golden Square , on Monday evening , Bro . R . G . Haliburton , of St John ' s , Nova Scotia , delivered a very able and interesting lecture , "The Pre-historic Vestiges of Masonic
Symbolism . " The lecturer , who is known as the discoverer of the "Year of the Pleiades , " sought to prove that Masonic Symbols supplied a key to the common origin of the religions of all nations , and that they had at the outset not only an emblematical , but likewise a positive
significance in relation to primitive astronomy . A discussion ensued , and , owing to the importance of the subject raised , was adjourned to a future meeting . The Earl of Carnarvon was to have presided , but his Lordship was unable to be present , owing to the severe illness of the Countess .
We note already the usual premonitory symptoms that not long hence London will be labouring under its annual attack of Blue Fever of the most malignant type . We hear , from both the Cam and the Isis , that the presidents of the respective University Boat Clubs are about to test the
merits of certain provisional crews . Lent Icrm this year will be a short one , as Easter falls on the 28 th March , and the race is usually rowed on Saturday before Passion Week . The choice of men , therefore , must be made speedily , so that they may go into training in good
time . Thus , in about a mouth , we shall all be uncommonly learned as to grip , catch , bucketing , sliding scats , and the other technicalities of rowing . Of course those will criticise the crews most severely whose knowledge of aquatic matters is the least .
Bro . 11 . Sontar , of the Gaiety Theatre , is rapidly recovering from his late severe accident .
Preparations for the Arctic expedition tire being rapidly pushed forward . Commander Markham has recently been iu Dundee , for the purpose of selecting six men to act as ice-masters . Wc are glad the Government has
recognised the necessity , in the interests ot science , of prosecuting further Arctic exploration . It would never do for England to be surpassed in researches of this kind by any other nation .
Cabbies , as a rule , arc a much abused class , oftentimes more sinned against than sinning . We rejoice therefore " muchly " to know that a scheme litis been started for tho purpose of providing covered stalls or sheds at all tho Metropolitan . Cab stands , The proposal originated , we
Home Questions.
believe , with our contemporary the utobe , and has been cordially endorsed by Land and Jfater . The plan is certainly a good one . Cabby will have a place of his own , whoro he may thoroughly enjoy his cup of coffee or
fragrant Bobea , read the daily papers , and generally make himself at home , instead of being driven to seek shelter from the elements in the neighbouring public house . Wo hope the proposal , which has our best wishes for its success , will meet with a cordial support from the public .
The second Annual Ball of the Red Cross Order will bo held at Willis ' s Booms , St . James ' s , on Wednesday , 31 sfc March next . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , G . V ., has consented to act as president ; Bro . Robert Wentworth Little as
treasurer , and Bros . H . A . Dubois and C . Hogard have consented to act as Secretaries of the Ball Committee , which already numbers nearly 50 members . It is anticipated that a large number of the members of the Order will be present .
It behoves the English Government to watch the proceedings of the newly established regime in Spain with the utmost circumspection . Already Ave hear that journals which are not favourable to the new order of things are being suppressed , and that a Protestant church is said to
have been closed . If it be true , as regards the latter rumour , that priestly influence , even at this early period , has made itself felt in the councils of the new sovereign , there is little hope , we fear , that Spain will derive much material benefit from her latest political arrangements .
It is further reported that the German Empire will delay recognition of Alphonso XII . till assurances have been received that the Protestant church in question is re-opened for public worship . This course of Prince Bismarck is highly to be commended , and Ave trust onr OAVU
Government may find courage enough to folloAV in his footsteps . Meantime , it is a home question with ua : —How fares it Avith Masonry ? The stability of Spanish Freemasonry has never been very Avell assured , and if priestly rule is to be the order of the clay , Ave greatly fear the interests of the Craft will be imperilled .
The Surrey Masonic Hall at Camberwell is rapidly approaching completion . This undertaking not only deserves the support of brethren who reside in the south district , but also that of the metropolitan brethren , Avho can .
independently meet and pursue their Masonic duties ; Bro . J . Clarke , of Buckingham Street , Strand , is thai architect , and under his supervision it promises to be a great success .
According to Debrett , the neAvly installed M . W . Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , K . G ., Avas born 21 st January 1811 , and succeeded his grandfather , the first Marquis and 9 th Earl of Abercorn , in January 1818 . His Grace was educated
at Christ Church , Oxford , and was created LL . D . of Cambridge 1847 , D . C . L . of Oxford 1856 , and LL . D . of Dublinin 1868 . He was Groom of the Stole to the late Prince Consort 1846-59 , and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland under the Conservative Administration 1866-8 ; he is Lord Lieutenant
of the Co . Donegal , a Major-Gen . of the Royal Archers ( the Queen ' s Body Guard of Scotland ) , and a Captain of the London Scottish Volunteers . He noAv holds the Viceroyship of Ireland for the second time . As stated by His Grace at the recent ceremony of Installation , his
connection Avtth Freemasonry has already extended over more than forty years . He married , in 1832 , the Lady Louisa Jane Russell , second daughter of the Gfch Duke of Bedford , by whom he has issue several sons and daughters , the eldest , and heir apparent to the title being , James , Marquess of Hamilton , b . 1838 , and M . P . for Co . Donegal , siuco 1860 .
An earnest appeal is being made to tho brethren throughout England , Avith a view to aiding Rev . Bro . Churchill Prov . Grand Chaplain of Hants and Isle of Wight , in the restoration and improvement of his church ; tho
foundation stone of the chancel having been recently laid in due form by Br . W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . Rev . Bro . Churchill having expended all that he can personally afford , a letter has been addressed to tho Worshipful Masters of the several Lodges iu Engv
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Home Questions.
No class of men have a stronger claim upon the protection of Government than our seamen . Wc are a naval power , and it is upon the men of our Merchant Navy that wo must ultimately rely in the time of war ; if our War Navy , at least , is to maintain its ancient renown . Apropos of this
subject , we are glad to notice that on Thursday afternoon a deputation of gentlemen , representing the shipping interest , waited upon the First Lord of the Admiralty , with a view to urging upon the right honourable gentleman the desirability of providing training ships for the
Royal Navy in connection with the Mercantile Marine . Mr . Ward Hunt received the deputation with his usual courtesy , listening to their suggestions with the utmost attention , and promising that the Government would give the question their most careful consideration .
Other matters of great importance will , doubtless , engage the attention of Parliament—Legal , Educational , and Military Reform . But if only the three subjects Ave have refered to are dealt with successfully , the Legislature will have little cause to be ashamed of its work in the Session of 1875 .
We learn , from the Ottawa Weelcly Gith . cn , that the officers for the present year of the Corinthian Lodge , No . 39 , were duly installed by Rt . Worshipful Bro . B . C . Barber ; those of the Doric Lodge , No . 58 , by Rt .
Worshipful Bro . John Gemmell , and those of the Chaudiere Lodge , No . 264 , by Rt . Worshipful Bro . Barber P . D . D . G . M ., and the installation of officers in the Civil Service Lodge has been postponed in honour of the marriage of the W . M .
At a meeting of the Masonic Archaeological Institute , held at the Hall of the Supreme Grand Council , 33 Golden Square , on Monday evening , Bro . R . G . Haliburton , of St John ' s , Nova Scotia , delivered a very able and interesting lecture , "The Pre-historic Vestiges of Masonic
Symbolism . " The lecturer , who is known as the discoverer of the "Year of the Pleiades , " sought to prove that Masonic Symbols supplied a key to the common origin of the religions of all nations , and that they had at the outset not only an emblematical , but likewise a positive
significance in relation to primitive astronomy . A discussion ensued , and , owing to the importance of the subject raised , was adjourned to a future meeting . The Earl of Carnarvon was to have presided , but his Lordship was unable to be present , owing to the severe illness of the Countess .
We note already the usual premonitory symptoms that not long hence London will be labouring under its annual attack of Blue Fever of the most malignant type . We hear , from both the Cam and the Isis , that the presidents of the respective University Boat Clubs are about to test the
merits of certain provisional crews . Lent Icrm this year will be a short one , as Easter falls on the 28 th March , and the race is usually rowed on Saturday before Passion Week . The choice of men , therefore , must be made speedily , so that they may go into training in good
time . Thus , in about a mouth , we shall all be uncommonly learned as to grip , catch , bucketing , sliding scats , and the other technicalities of rowing . Of course those will criticise the crews most severely whose knowledge of aquatic matters is the least .
Bro . 11 . Sontar , of the Gaiety Theatre , is rapidly recovering from his late severe accident .
Preparations for the Arctic expedition tire being rapidly pushed forward . Commander Markham has recently been iu Dundee , for the purpose of selecting six men to act as ice-masters . Wc are glad the Government has
recognised the necessity , in the interests ot science , of prosecuting further Arctic exploration . It would never do for England to be surpassed in researches of this kind by any other nation .
Cabbies , as a rule , arc a much abused class , oftentimes more sinned against than sinning . We rejoice therefore " muchly " to know that a scheme litis been started for tho purpose of providing covered stalls or sheds at all tho Metropolitan . Cab stands , The proposal originated , we
Home Questions.
believe , with our contemporary the utobe , and has been cordially endorsed by Land and Jfater . The plan is certainly a good one . Cabby will have a place of his own , whoro he may thoroughly enjoy his cup of coffee or
fragrant Bobea , read the daily papers , and generally make himself at home , instead of being driven to seek shelter from the elements in the neighbouring public house . Wo hope the proposal , which has our best wishes for its success , will meet with a cordial support from the public .
The second Annual Ball of the Red Cross Order will bo held at Willis ' s Booms , St . James ' s , on Wednesday , 31 sfc March next . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , G . V ., has consented to act as president ; Bro . Robert Wentworth Little as
treasurer , and Bros . H . A . Dubois and C . Hogard have consented to act as Secretaries of the Ball Committee , which already numbers nearly 50 members . It is anticipated that a large number of the members of the Order will be present .
It behoves the English Government to watch the proceedings of the newly established regime in Spain with the utmost circumspection . Already Ave hear that journals which are not favourable to the new order of things are being suppressed , and that a Protestant church is said to
have been closed . If it be true , as regards the latter rumour , that priestly influence , even at this early period , has made itself felt in the councils of the new sovereign , there is little hope , we fear , that Spain will derive much material benefit from her latest political arrangements .
It is further reported that the German Empire will delay recognition of Alphonso XII . till assurances have been received that the Protestant church in question is re-opened for public worship . This course of Prince Bismarck is highly to be commended , and Ave trust onr OAVU
Government may find courage enough to folloAV in his footsteps . Meantime , it is a home question with ua : —How fares it Avith Masonry ? The stability of Spanish Freemasonry has never been very Avell assured , and if priestly rule is to be the order of the clay , Ave greatly fear the interests of the Craft will be imperilled .
The Surrey Masonic Hall at Camberwell is rapidly approaching completion . This undertaking not only deserves the support of brethren who reside in the south district , but also that of the metropolitan brethren , Avho can .
independently meet and pursue their Masonic duties ; Bro . J . Clarke , of Buckingham Street , Strand , is thai architect , and under his supervision it promises to be a great success .
According to Debrett , the neAvly installed M . W . Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons in Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , K . G ., Avas born 21 st January 1811 , and succeeded his grandfather , the first Marquis and 9 th Earl of Abercorn , in January 1818 . His Grace was educated
at Christ Church , Oxford , and was created LL . D . of Cambridge 1847 , D . C . L . of Oxford 1856 , and LL . D . of Dublinin 1868 . He was Groom of the Stole to the late Prince Consort 1846-59 , and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland under the Conservative Administration 1866-8 ; he is Lord Lieutenant
of the Co . Donegal , a Major-Gen . of the Royal Archers ( the Queen ' s Body Guard of Scotland ) , and a Captain of the London Scottish Volunteers . He noAv holds the Viceroyship of Ireland for the second time . As stated by His Grace at the recent ceremony of Installation , his
connection Avtth Freemasonry has already extended over more than forty years . He married , in 1832 , the Lady Louisa Jane Russell , second daughter of the Gfch Duke of Bedford , by whom he has issue several sons and daughters , the eldest , and heir apparent to the title being , James , Marquess of Hamilton , b . 1838 , and M . P . for Co . Donegal , siuco 1860 .
An earnest appeal is being made to tho brethren throughout England , Avith a view to aiding Rev . Bro . Churchill Prov . Grand Chaplain of Hants and Isle of Wight , in the restoration and improvement of his church ; tho
foundation stone of the chancel having been recently laid in due form by Br . W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master . Rev . Bro . Churchill having expended all that he can personally afford , a letter has been addressed to tho Worshipful Masters of the several Lodges iu Engv