Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROXY VOTING. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW THEORY. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
Largo and infuriated mobs paraded the streets , hooting and hustling the police , smashing the AvindoAvs of most of the mills , Avhile in two cases they picked out two of the masters to servo as special objects on which to weak their vengeance , namely , Mr . Alderman W . H . Hornby and Colonel
Jackson . The former ' s house Avas attacked , and the Avholc of the front was Avreckcd , Avhile that of tho latter Avas burnt to tho ground , the Colonel having previously made his escape , and the servants being allowed a few minutes
to quit the premises . An attempt to fire the mills of the latter , Avho is Chairman of the Masters' local Association , Avas fortunately frustrated by tho police . The disturbances luwe been continued since , and the services of the military from Preston have been called in to aid in p . ittitig down the
riot . We cannot offer too hearty congratulations on the providential escape of tho Emperor William of Germany from the dastardly attempt made to assassinate him on
Saturday last . His Majesty , accompanied by his daughter the Grand Duchess of Baden , Avas returning along the Untor den Linden , from a drive , Avhen a man named Hiklel fired two shots at him , but happily neither of them took effect . The Avonld-bc murderer Avas arrested on the
spot , Avhile the grand old monarch , retaining all his calmness and presence of mind , returned to his Palace , and examined some important documents . When tho news Avas spread abroad , the enthusiasm Avas immense . All the evening and till late at night the Palace Avas surrounded by
crowds of people , who cheered continuously , and Avaited eagerly to catch a glimpse of their beloved monarch , AVIIO noAV and again shoAved himself at the Avindow , and bowed his acknowledgments . Inside the Palace , the scene Avas exciting , as the Princes , the Ministers , and the Nobility
all hastened to offer His Majesty their congratulations on his escape . Addresses have since been pouring in from all parts of Europe , and among them one from Queen Victoria , one from the President of the Preuch Republic , and a third from the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London .
It should be added that Kaiser William is a member of the Masonic Brotherhood , having been initiated in Berliu in tho year 18-10 . He is Protector of all three Berlin Grand Lodges , and his eldest son , the CroAvn Prince , is
also , like his great ancestor Frederick the Great , an active member of our Order . For these further reasons Ave feel sure our readers -will rejoice all the more at tho good old monarch's escape . Nothinsr can or Avill be known of the result of Count
fechouvaloff's visit to St . Petersburg , and people variously interpret the momentary quietness which prevails in the discussion of the Eastern difficulty . In Vienna opinions differ , inclining one moment towards peace , and the next in the direction of Avar . There aro not Avanting signs
cither that Austria-Hungary is resolved , at length , on adopting the same policy as England , and that she -will recognise no settlement Avhich is not sanctioned by a European Congress . Meainvhile , AVC hear little else than the sound of naval and military preparations , both by
England and Russia ; and as between the latter power and Turkey , the ono is pressing for the evacuation of the remaining forts , Avhile the other makes all the excuses she possibly can for not complying Avith the request . Next Aveek , AVC presume , AVC shall know more about the Avay events Avill move .
it is the lutontion of the members of the Iloyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 SG 0 , to present their esteemed Preceptor , Bro . George King P . M ., Avith a testimonial , as a souvenir , in recognition of his services ; and for the able and courteous manner in Avhich ho has fulfilled the duties
of Preceptor . The presentation will be made on Tuesday evening next , at Bro . J . Wri ght ' s , the Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , Avhere this Lodge of Instruction holds its meetings .
JIOLI . 'JWAV s OlXT . MK . ST A . N 1 ) I ' lLLS . — f : cll J hC'lp .- . Ill MCKIIC .-S it WilS il 1110-liientoiis matter to lind an easy , ready , mid reliable remedy lor outward disiiguralions and inward disorders before the inestimable discovery of these preparations . No invalid need now be at a loss for siiecesslViily ' inaiianiin , ' ulcers , . ' -ores , tumours , boils , bruises , sprains , Ac . J-hiveloptiu ? ' IloUoway ' s
medicines are very intelligibly printed directions for using them , which should bo attentively studied and immediately followed by the application of his treatment . ^ Sooner or later the sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases . This searching Ointment disperses all those malignant humours which aggravate many diseases of the skin , often prevent the cicatrization , of Ulcers , and ever kindle inifiamtnatory tendencies iu the system .
d e do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . ' •Ve cannot undertake to return rejected communications , ¦ Ul Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — The friendly advico in oue of your notices of Lodgo meetings last week is worthy tlio attention of tlio Craft generally . There is no doubt that much of the expenditure which is indulged in is unnecessary , and might be dispensed Avith . 1 am not about to advise our Mastevs of Lodges to enter ou a courso
of parsimony . I like things to be very comfortable When , after the business of tho Lodge is over , we adjourn to dinner—or as the fashionable term now is , tho banquet—I like to partako of good viands , well-dressed and well served , and to wash them down with genorous wine , or if that cannot be had , with good houest beer , such as Sass , Allsopp , and the other great brewers aro famed for . I knoAv that
good food , good Avino , and good accommodation , mnsfc be paid for commensuratoly , bat it is not necessary they should be paid for extravagantly . I have often , for purposes of comparison made notes between tho costly banquet and the nice modest dinner , and almost invariably havo I found tho advantage rest Avith the latter . True there was more display about tho former . Thoro wero several courses , and
a great variety of dishes to each course ; thero [ were a feAV vases of flowers on the table , a vory elaborato menu , card , and ono equally elaborate of the musical arrangements . At the moro unpretentious dinner , though the number of courses and dishes was more circumscribed , nothing conld surpass the excollcnco of the sorvico , the cook had done his part to perfection , and the ovening passed
most agreeably . Everything was good aud substantial , and all most thoroughly enjoyed themselves . When the larger outlay was incurred , as there was an affectation of grandeur , so was there an affectation of pleasure . To use a somewhat homely expression , everybody scorned to have assumed for the nonce his " company manners , " and the result , as usual in such
cases , was chilling in the extreme . There was nothing genuine about tho affair , and the cntertaiumont was stalo and unprofitable , though it had the exceeding merit in tho eyes of somo of being expensive . Lot brethren remember that generosity and extravagance aro not interchangeable , and that it is very possible for them to enjoy themselves at the appointed hour of refreshment over a good houest dinner . I am
sure they will , in the first placo , escape a series of regularly-recurring attacks of indigestion . In the next , they will bo better off in pocket , and the Lodgo will have moro funds at its disposal for the legitimato purposes of Freemasonry . Trusting your readers Avill ' take theso remarks , as they are mado , in good part , believe me , Dear Sir aud Brother , fraternally yours , GENUINENESS .
Proxy Voting.
' lo the EdUor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR Sin AND BROTHER , —My courteous atagonist "Fair Play , " in yonr last issue , has misapprehended tho tenor of my remarks in your previous number ; my contention then being ( or intended to he ) that the disabilities of country brethren in regard to the exercise of a privilege
( the right of voting for a secretary to the Girls' School ) were paralleled by those of country Mastevs in respect of the ' performance of a duty ( that of attending the Board of Benevolence ) , and I claimed for the latter equality with Londoners , not by means of voting papers , Avhich would bo a manifest absurdity , but as a measure of abstract justice , which , without filling iu the details , I thought pressed quite as
strongly upon our attention as the suggested facilities for proxy voting at the approaching election . How this equality is to be ensured—by selection , representation oi othenviso—I do not presume to say , and it may be admitted that , for the present , to advocate reform in this quarter would be equivalent " to Hogging a dead horse . " Yours fraternally , 13 th May 1878 . E . F . GOULD .
The New Theory.
Wo have been requested to iusert tho following letter . —ED . F . O .
lo the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR JJuu . KENNINU , —Your Editor having kid aside his impersonal character , aud stepped into tho arena to confront me Avith an anouy . iiious epistle , I may therefore be permitted toaddre 33 yon in as direct a manner as ho has himself adopted ( vide page 13 J , Freemason ofOth March last ) . I have no desire however to contend with him , for it is a matter of
supremo lndiftorcncc to me whether our Kittial bo case-hardened into an inelastic liturgy , or permitted the expansive faculty which our rapidly advancing age accords to all things mundane . Bnt I desireto call your attention to the language employed by him in hia attempts to scare the Fraternity from every possible improvement of our Eitnal . Under this head : — " Our Eitnal , " on page 132 , of the 9 th March last , he divides the causes of change into three classes ^ " 1 , Those
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
Largo and infuriated mobs paraded the streets , hooting and hustling the police , smashing the AvindoAvs of most of the mills , Avhile in two cases they picked out two of the masters to servo as special objects on which to weak their vengeance , namely , Mr . Alderman W . H . Hornby and Colonel
Jackson . The former ' s house Avas attacked , and the Avholc of the front was Avreckcd , Avhile that of tho latter Avas burnt to tho ground , the Colonel having previously made his escape , and the servants being allowed a few minutes
to quit the premises . An attempt to fire the mills of the latter , Avho is Chairman of the Masters' local Association , Avas fortunately frustrated by tho police . The disturbances luwe been continued since , and the services of the military from Preston have been called in to aid in p . ittitig down the
riot . We cannot offer too hearty congratulations on the providential escape of tho Emperor William of Germany from the dastardly attempt made to assassinate him on
Saturday last . His Majesty , accompanied by his daughter the Grand Duchess of Baden , Avas returning along the Untor den Linden , from a drive , Avhen a man named Hiklel fired two shots at him , but happily neither of them took effect . The Avonld-bc murderer Avas arrested on the
spot , Avhile the grand old monarch , retaining all his calmness and presence of mind , returned to his Palace , and examined some important documents . When tho news Avas spread abroad , the enthusiasm Avas immense . All the evening and till late at night the Palace Avas surrounded by
crowds of people , who cheered continuously , and Avaited eagerly to catch a glimpse of their beloved monarch , AVIIO noAV and again shoAved himself at the Avindow , and bowed his acknowledgments . Inside the Palace , the scene Avas exciting , as the Princes , the Ministers , and the Nobility
all hastened to offer His Majesty their congratulations on his escape . Addresses have since been pouring in from all parts of Europe , and among them one from Queen Victoria , one from the President of the Preuch Republic , and a third from the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London .
It should be added that Kaiser William is a member of the Masonic Brotherhood , having been initiated in Berliu in tho year 18-10 . He is Protector of all three Berlin Grand Lodges , and his eldest son , the CroAvn Prince , is
also , like his great ancestor Frederick the Great , an active member of our Order . For these further reasons Ave feel sure our readers -will rejoice all the more at tho good old monarch's escape . Nothinsr can or Avill be known of the result of Count
fechouvaloff's visit to St . Petersburg , and people variously interpret the momentary quietness which prevails in the discussion of the Eastern difficulty . In Vienna opinions differ , inclining one moment towards peace , and the next in the direction of Avar . There aro not Avanting signs
cither that Austria-Hungary is resolved , at length , on adopting the same policy as England , and that she -will recognise no settlement Avhich is not sanctioned by a European Congress . Meainvhile , AVC hear little else than the sound of naval and military preparations , both by
England and Russia ; and as between the latter power and Turkey , the ono is pressing for the evacuation of the remaining forts , Avhile the other makes all the excuses she possibly can for not complying Avith the request . Next Aveek , AVC presume , AVC shall know more about the Avay events Avill move .
it is the lutontion of the members of the Iloyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 SG 0 , to present their esteemed Preceptor , Bro . George King P . M ., Avith a testimonial , as a souvenir , in recognition of his services ; and for the able and courteous manner in Avhich ho has fulfilled the duties
of Preceptor . The presentation will be made on Tuesday evening next , at Bro . J . Wri ght ' s , the Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , Avhere this Lodge of Instruction holds its meetings .
JIOLI . 'JWAV s OlXT . MK . ST A . N 1 ) I ' lLLS . — f : cll J hC'lp .- . Ill MCKIIC .-S it WilS il 1110-liientoiis matter to lind an easy , ready , mid reliable remedy lor outward disiiguralions and inward disorders before the inestimable discovery of these preparations . No invalid need now be at a loss for siiecesslViily ' inaiianiin , ' ulcers , . ' -ores , tumours , boils , bruises , sprains , Ac . J-hiveloptiu ? ' IloUoway ' s
medicines are very intelligibly printed directions for using them , which should bo attentively studied and immediately followed by the application of his treatment . ^ Sooner or later the sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases . This searching Ointment disperses all those malignant humours which aggravate many diseases of the skin , often prevent the cicatrization , of Ulcers , and ever kindle inifiamtnatory tendencies iu the system .
d e do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . ' •Ve cannot undertake to return rejected communications , ¦ Ul Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — The friendly advico in oue of your notices of Lodgo meetings last week is worthy tlio attention of tlio Craft generally . There is no doubt that much of the expenditure which is indulged in is unnecessary , and might be dispensed Avith . 1 am not about to advise our Mastevs of Lodges to enter ou a courso
of parsimony . I like things to be very comfortable When , after the business of tho Lodge is over , we adjourn to dinner—or as the fashionable term now is , tho banquet—I like to partako of good viands , well-dressed and well served , and to wash them down with genorous wine , or if that cannot be had , with good houest beer , such as Sass , Allsopp , and the other great brewers aro famed for . I knoAv that
good food , good Avino , and good accommodation , mnsfc be paid for commensuratoly , bat it is not necessary they should be paid for extravagantly . I have often , for purposes of comparison made notes between tho costly banquet and the nice modest dinner , and almost invariably havo I found tho advantage rest Avith the latter . True there was more display about tho former . Thoro wero several courses , and
a great variety of dishes to each course ; thero [ were a feAV vases of flowers on the table , a vory elaborato menu , card , and ono equally elaborate of the musical arrangements . At the moro unpretentious dinner , though the number of courses and dishes was more circumscribed , nothing conld surpass the excollcnco of the sorvico , the cook had done his part to perfection , and the ovening passed
most agreeably . Everything was good aud substantial , and all most thoroughly enjoyed themselves . When the larger outlay was incurred , as there was an affectation of grandeur , so was there an affectation of pleasure . To use a somewhat homely expression , everybody scorned to have assumed for the nonce his " company manners , " and the result , as usual in such
cases , was chilling in the extreme . There was nothing genuine about tho affair , and the cntertaiumont was stalo and unprofitable , though it had the exceeding merit in tho eyes of somo of being expensive . Lot brethren remember that generosity and extravagance aro not interchangeable , and that it is very possible for them to enjoy themselves at the appointed hour of refreshment over a good houest dinner . I am
sure they will , in the first placo , escape a series of regularly-recurring attacks of indigestion . In the next , they will bo better off in pocket , and the Lodgo will have moro funds at its disposal for the legitimato purposes of Freemasonry . Trusting your readers Avill ' take theso remarks , as they are mado , in good part , believe me , Dear Sir aud Brother , fraternally yours , GENUINENESS .
Proxy Voting.
' lo the EdUor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR Sin AND BROTHER , —My courteous atagonist "Fair Play , " in yonr last issue , has misapprehended tho tenor of my remarks in your previous number ; my contention then being ( or intended to he ) that the disabilities of country brethren in regard to the exercise of a privilege
( the right of voting for a secretary to the Girls' School ) were paralleled by those of country Mastevs in respect of the ' performance of a duty ( that of attending the Board of Benevolence ) , and I claimed for the latter equality with Londoners , not by means of voting papers , Avhich would bo a manifest absurdity , but as a measure of abstract justice , which , without filling iu the details , I thought pressed quite as
strongly upon our attention as the suggested facilities for proxy voting at the approaching election . How this equality is to be ensured—by selection , representation oi othenviso—I do not presume to say , and it may be admitted that , for the present , to advocate reform in this quarter would be equivalent " to Hogging a dead horse . " Yours fraternally , 13 th May 1878 . E . F . GOULD .
The New Theory.
Wo have been requested to iusert tho following letter . —ED . F . O .
lo the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR JJuu . KENNINU , —Your Editor having kid aside his impersonal character , aud stepped into tho arena to confront me Avith an anouy . iiious epistle , I may therefore be permitted toaddre 33 yon in as direct a manner as ho has himself adopted ( vide page 13 J , Freemason ofOth March last ) . I have no desire however to contend with him , for it is a matter of
supremo lndiftorcncc to me whether our Kittial bo case-hardened into an inelastic liturgy , or permitted the expansive faculty which our rapidly advancing age accords to all things mundane . Bnt I desireto call your attention to the language employed by him in hia attempts to scare the Fraternity from every possible improvement of our Eitnal . Under this head : — " Our Eitnal , " on page 132 , of the 9 th March last , he divides the causes of change into three classes ^ " 1 , Those