Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^Icrnl$asmifiisfitutimifor<8irk To the General Committee . MY LORDS , LADIES , AND GENTLEMEN , — By the lamented death of Brother R . AV KNTWORTH LITTLE , a vacancy has arisen iu the Secretaryship of your valuable Institution , and in pursuance of a pledge I somo little timo since mado , I beg to offer myself as a candidate for tho office . I mn a Mason , 35 years of age , anil married ; and I trust that tho Testimonials that have been given me , coupled with the names of the many eminent Freemasons who havo favoured me with promises of support , will ho looked on as warranting me in hoping and believing that my candidature will bo successful . The names of my supporters may now bo counted by hundreds , but I am this week , by reasons of space , only able to append those of the Provincial and District Grand Masters ( Present and Past ) from whom I havo heard in approval , and with promise of their votes . I am , My Lords , Ladies , and Gentlemen , Yours obediently and fraternally , PAUL STORR , Retired Lieutenant R . N ., Late J . AV . and Secretary 811 , Hue , and 18 . SSCOLVILLK Ro . ll > , AV . 16 tU May 1 H 7 . S . R . AV . Brother The Right Hon . LORD SKELMERSDALE , D . G . M . and Prov . G . M . AV . Div . Lancashire . R . W . Brother The Right Hon . LORD SHERBORNE , Provincial Grand Master Gloucestershire . E . AV . Brother The VISCOUNT HOLMESDALE , M . r ., Prov . G . M . Kent . R . W . Brother Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . Middlesex . R . AV . Brother Tho Right Hon . The EARL OF LIMERICK , Prov . G . M . Bristol . R . AV . Brother Lieut .-Gcneral BROAVNRIGG , C . B ., Prov . G . M . Surrey . B . AV . Brother Sir AV . WALTER BURRELL , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Sussex . R . W . Brother HUGH D . SANDEMAN , P . Dist . G . M . Bengal . R . AV . Brother HENRY MURRAY , P . Dist . G . M . China . R . W . Brother The Right Hon . VISCOUNT POWERSCOURT , Provincial G . M . AVieklow and Wexford .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the Ikipllllir&omc|ir$tituttaiifair(Skis. Mr LOHDS , L . inir . s AND BJIETHHKH ' , — I desire to tender my sincere thanks to the numerous brethren who have so kindly assisted me in my canvass for tho personal support that will necessarily bo required at the forthcoming election of Secretary to the ahovo Institution . The qualifications below enumerated will enable those desirous of assisting me to form somo idea as to my litucss for the appointment so recently held by our lamented Bro . B . AV . Lmu . Firstly . —I am 37 years of age , and havo occupied the position of Accountant to the Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Company Limited for tho past 13 years , during which period I have acquired large mill varied experience , together with a personal knowledge of many of the leading men in our commercial houses . Secondly . —Holding , as I at present do , the ollico of Preceptor in two Lodges of Instruction , as well us a position both in Chapter and Lodge , will , I trust , be considered some evidence of my zeal and interest in the cuu « e of Freemasonry . Thirdly . —The duties I formerly carried out , for nine years , as Honorary Secretary to the St . Cecilia Choral Society , will no doubt be also a recommendation with many brethren . And Lastly . —The training I received at Highbury College , under the Rev . C . It . Alford , late Bishop of Victoria , and tho important fact of 11 . close association with many workers in the Scholastic World must bo advantageous when the special nature of the vacant appointment is considered . May I , therefore , bog of those Life Governors whose votes and interest aro yet unpledged to give me their personal support at the election ; a communication to this effect will be thankfully received . I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies , and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOMAS CULL , S . D . 1 UH ; P . S . Chapter 1305 ; Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury Lodges of Instruction ; Steward and L . G . 1878 . I ' m' CHAMBERS , RAILWAY PLACE , FKxruiiicn STREET , LONDON , E . G ., Wh llmj 1878 .
llajKilll^^onicfirstitutioiifor6irk TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BRETHREN , —When I announced my determination of becoming a Candidate for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , it was my intention to wait upon the Electors whose addresses were sufficiently contiguous to my own residence , for the purpose of personally requesting their A ' otea and Interest . Daily endeavours have been ii ' -ed by me ' to put my desire into execution , but the task is of such magnitude that I find myself compelled to solicit by letter , advertisement , or the iutluencc of personal friends the support on the day o *' election of such as I may not be able to interview , earnestly eutreatin " them to accept my apology for the seeming inattention . ° It is with pleasuro I continue to receive assurances of support from mnnv intlueutial subscribers , and hope to prove , at the election , that in comiti" forward as a Candidate I have not been guilty of presumption . ° WILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK , Bachelor of Sciences , Paris University , ,,,,, „ . „ .,. ,. , . „ P . M . 057 , ana Secretary J 731 . ^ CUuucwy Layej ^ . V . iiluj-l ^ s .
|lcmnlill'a^onit$itstituticniforferns. To the "Vice - Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors . Mv LORDS , LADIES , AND BRETHREN , — In pursuance of my intimation a week since , of my intention to present nivsolf as a caudidato for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vaeant ' by tho lamented death of Bro . LITTLE , I now beg to state my qualifications Eor that office . T am 3 : t years of age and for 1 I years had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual return of which exemleil JBIOO . OOO , and for the past two years I have been in business as an Accountant and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess aro rstich that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . Since my entry into the Craft I havo been an Annual Subscriber to tho three Masonic Charities ' ; have served a Stewardship to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of whioh I am a Life Governor ; and am at tho present time a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , and qualifying myself as a Lifo Governor . Should you do me the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely upon my exerting my whole energy and ability for tho continued prosperity , and the further extensiou of tho benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and lircthren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , V . A . AVIIITK , P . M . 907 ; P . S . Chapter 1 ) 07 ; Lodges UJ 7 and 171 K . 1 KING ' S ARMS YARD , COLEMAN STREET , CITY , E . C . 14 Man 1 S 78 . * * Brethren forwarding their names as liro . White ' s supporters , are invited to give their Masonic rant ; so that it may be inserted correctlg on his list .
To the Life Governors of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do me the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the otlico efficiently , and I hopo that the manner in -which I havo discharged my various duties in Masonry will bo considered a sufficient qualification . AV . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 9 U 9 , Z . Cyrus Chapter 'il ; Secretary Emulation Lodge of Improvement . G GRAYS' INN PLACE , W . C , And— KINGEIELD , AVOKING .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BKO . CHARLES FITZGERALD MATTER . — : o : — The Right Hon . the EARL of DONOIT . IIJIORB , L . G . The Rt . Hon . tho EAHL of BKCTIVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland aud West . morcland , L . G . AV . W .. !! . BHACII , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of AVight , L . G . Lt .-Col . LK GENDKH N . S TAKKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GKORGF . HI : AVORJIS , L . G . J . AVUYTR MELVILLE , M . AV . Past G . M . Scotland . , T . L . HiNii , Chairman of Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RICHARD Corn , Chairman of tho Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pros . GEORGE MELLOH , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . Israel Abrahams , L . G . G . J . McKay , L . G ., Cumb . and AVest . F . Atllard L . G . J- D . Moore , L . G ., AV . Lancashire . T . J . Barnes , L . G . K . J . Morris , L . G ., K . Div . S . Wales , E . A . Bavlis , L . G . J- Joyce Murray , L . G . AV . B . Brawl , L . G . W . H . Myers , L . G . G . P . Brockbank , V . I'rcs ., E . Lauc . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bullcy , L . G ., Cheshire . J- P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . R . Churchill , L . G . H . Y- Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pres . Hyde Pullen , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . F . Rath , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . ¦ T . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . J- H . Ross , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . Alfred Scargill , L . G ., West Yorkshire G . It . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon , V . P ., Hampshire Richard Eve , Y . Pros ., Alilershot . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Euerton 0 . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . John G . Stevens , L . G . , T . " Bnbt . Goepel , L . G ., AV . Lancashire . -lack Sutclifl ' e , V . Pres ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . AV . H . Thomas , L . O ., W . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . John Ttinnah , V . I \ , E . Lancashire . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire H . Venn , L . G . (' apt . Harrap , L . G ., K . Lancashire . G . H . AV ' alshaw , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . Wm , Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . B- B . Webster , V . Pres . John Healcy , L . G . G . E . AVebstor , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J- M . AVike , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . Jas . AVinter , L . G . James Jackson , L . G . T . B . AVinter , L . G ., Northumberland . Chas . Lacey , L . G . John AVordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . John H . Legtjott , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire II . C . Levandrr , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting arc respectfully requested to forward their names to—BKO . SiKi'iiEif BARTON WILSON , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 AValbrook , E . C .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joint , cheese , and saltid . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGK TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THESV1ASOM10QUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For TeviM : —Mfaew , BRO . E . & 0 SS , \\ 1 AMersgate-Sfcwt , E , Q ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^Icrnl$asmifiisfitutimifor<8irk To the General Committee . MY LORDS , LADIES , AND GENTLEMEN , — By the lamented death of Brother R . AV KNTWORTH LITTLE , a vacancy has arisen iu the Secretaryship of your valuable Institution , and in pursuance of a pledge I somo little timo since mado , I beg to offer myself as a candidate for tho office . I mn a Mason , 35 years of age , anil married ; and I trust that tho Testimonials that have been given me , coupled with the names of the many eminent Freemasons who havo favoured me with promises of support , will ho looked on as warranting me in hoping and believing that my candidature will bo successful . The names of my supporters may now bo counted by hundreds , but I am this week , by reasons of space , only able to append those of the Provincial and District Grand Masters ( Present and Past ) from whom I havo heard in approval , and with promise of their votes . I am , My Lords , Ladies , and Gentlemen , Yours obediently and fraternally , PAUL STORR , Retired Lieutenant R . N ., Late J . AV . and Secretary 811 , Hue , and 18 . SSCOLVILLK Ro . ll > , AV . 16 tU May 1 H 7 . S . R . AV . Brother The Right Hon . LORD SKELMERSDALE , D . G . M . and Prov . G . M . AV . Div . Lancashire . R . W . Brother The Right Hon . LORD SHERBORNE , Provincial Grand Master Gloucestershire . E . AV . Brother The VISCOUNT HOLMESDALE , M . r ., Prov . G . M . Kent . R . W . Brother Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . Middlesex . R . AV . Brother Tho Right Hon . The EARL OF LIMERICK , Prov . G . M . Bristol . R . AV . Brother Lieut .-Gcneral BROAVNRIGG , C . B ., Prov . G . M . Surrey . B . AV . Brother Sir AV . WALTER BURRELL , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Sussex . R . W . Brother HUGH D . SANDEMAN , P . Dist . G . M . Bengal . R . AV . Brother HENRY MURRAY , P . Dist . G . M . China . R . W . Brother The Right Hon . VISCOUNT POWERSCOURT , Provincial G . M . AVieklow and Wexford .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the Ikipllllir&omc|ir$tituttaiifair(Skis. Mr LOHDS , L . inir . s AND BJIETHHKH ' , — I desire to tender my sincere thanks to the numerous brethren who have so kindly assisted me in my canvass for tho personal support that will necessarily bo required at the forthcoming election of Secretary to the ahovo Institution . The qualifications below enumerated will enable those desirous of assisting me to form somo idea as to my litucss for the appointment so recently held by our lamented Bro . B . AV . Lmu . Firstly . —I am 37 years of age , and havo occupied the position of Accountant to the Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Company Limited for tho past 13 years , during which period I have acquired large mill varied experience , together with a personal knowledge of many of the leading men in our commercial houses . Secondly . —Holding , as I at present do , the ollico of Preceptor in two Lodges of Instruction , as well us a position both in Chapter and Lodge , will , I trust , be considered some evidence of my zeal and interest in the cuu « e of Freemasonry . Thirdly . —The duties I formerly carried out , for nine years , as Honorary Secretary to the St . Cecilia Choral Society , will no doubt be also a recommendation with many brethren . And Lastly . —The training I received at Highbury College , under the Rev . C . It . Alford , late Bishop of Victoria , and tho important fact of 11 . close association with many workers in the Scholastic World must bo advantageous when the special nature of the vacant appointment is considered . May I , therefore , bog of those Life Governors whose votes and interest aro yet unpledged to give me their personal support at the election ; a communication to this effect will be thankfully received . I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies , and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOMAS CULL , S . D . 1 UH ; P . S . Chapter 1305 ; Preceptor to the Royal Standard and Salisbury Lodges of Instruction ; Steward and L . G . 1878 . I ' m' CHAMBERS , RAILWAY PLACE , FKxruiiicn STREET , LONDON , E . G ., Wh llmj 1878 .
llajKilll^^onicfirstitutioiifor6irk TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BRETHREN , —When I announced my determination of becoming a Candidate for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , it was my intention to wait upon the Electors whose addresses were sufficiently contiguous to my own residence , for the purpose of personally requesting their A ' otea and Interest . Daily endeavours have been ii ' -ed by me ' to put my desire into execution , but the task is of such magnitude that I find myself compelled to solicit by letter , advertisement , or the iutluencc of personal friends the support on the day o *' election of such as I may not be able to interview , earnestly eutreatin " them to accept my apology for the seeming inattention . ° It is with pleasuro I continue to receive assurances of support from mnnv intlueutial subscribers , and hope to prove , at the election , that in comiti" forward as a Candidate I have not been guilty of presumption . ° WILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK , Bachelor of Sciences , Paris University , ,,,,, „ . „ .,. ,. , . „ P . M . 057 , ana Secretary J 731 . ^ CUuucwy Layej ^ . V . iiluj-l ^ s .
|lcmnlill'a^onit$itstituticniforferns. To the "Vice - Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors . Mv LORDS , LADIES , AND BRETHREN , — In pursuance of my intimation a week since , of my intention to present nivsolf as a caudidato for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vaeant ' by tho lamented death of Bro . LITTLE , I now beg to state my qualifications Eor that office . T am 3 : t years of age and for 1 I years had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual return of which exemleil JBIOO . OOO , and for the past two years I have been in business as an Accountant and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess aro rstich that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . Since my entry into the Craft I havo been an Annual Subscriber to tho three Masonic Charities ' ; have served a Stewardship to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of whioh I am a Life Governor ; and am at tho present time a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , and qualifying myself as a Lifo Governor . Should you do me the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely upon my exerting my whole energy and ability for tho continued prosperity , and the further extensiou of tho benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . I have the honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and lircthren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , V . A . AVIIITK , P . M . 907 ; P . S . Chapter 1 ) 07 ; Lodges UJ 7 and 171 K . 1 KING ' S ARMS YARD , COLEMAN STREET , CITY , E . C . 14 Man 1 S 78 . * * Brethren forwarding their names as liro . White ' s supporters , are invited to give their Masonic rant ; so that it may be inserted correctlg on his list .
To the Life Governors of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Girls . BRETHREN , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do me the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the otlico efficiently , and I hopo that the manner in -which I havo discharged my various duties in Masonry will bo considered a sufficient qualification . AV . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 9 U 9 , Z . Cyrus Chapter 'il ; Secretary Emulation Lodge of Improvement . G GRAYS' INN PLACE , W . C , And— KINGEIELD , AVOKING .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BKO . CHARLES FITZGERALD MATTER . — : o : — The Right Hon . the EARL of DONOIT . IIJIORB , L . G . The Rt . Hon . tho EAHL of BKCTIVE , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Cumberland aud West . morcland , L . G . AV . W .. !! . BHACII , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of AVight , L . G . Lt .-Col . LK GENDKH N . S TAKKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . Patron . BARON GKORGF . HI : AVORJIS , L . G . J . AVUYTR MELVILLE , M . AV . Past G . M . Scotland . , T . L . HiNii , Chairman of Charity Committee East Lancashire , L . G . Capt . RICHARD Corn , Chairman of tho Charity Committee of Cheshire , V . Pros . GEORGE MELLOH , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , V . President . Israel Abrahams , L . G . G . J . McKay , L . G ., Cumb . and AVest . F . Atllard L . G . J- D . Moore , L . G ., AV . Lancashire . T . J . Barnes , L . G . K . J . Morris , L . G ., K . Div . S . Wales , E . A . Bavlis , L . G . J- Joyce Murray , L . G . AV . B . Brawl , L . G . W . H . Myers , L . G . G . P . Brockbank , V . I'rcs ., E . Lauc . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bullcy , L . G ., Cheshire . J- P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . R . Churchill , L . G . H . Y- Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . J . G . Chancellor , V . Pres . Hyde Pullen , L . G . John Constable , V . Patron . F . Rath , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . ¦ T . E . Curteis , L . G ., Devon . J- H . Ross , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . Alfred Scargill , L . G ., West Yorkshire G . It . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Walter Sowdon , V . P ., Hampshire Richard Eve , Y . Pros ., Alilershot . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Euerton 0 . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . John G . Stevens , L . G . , T . " Bnbt . Goepel , L . G ., AV . Lancashire . -lack Sutclifl ' e , V . Pres ., Lincoln . E . Gottheil , L . G . Dr . AV . H . Thomas , L . O ., W . Yorks . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . John Ttinnah , V . I \ , E . Lancashire . Henry Hacker , L . G ., Hampshire H . Venn , L . G . (' apt . Harrap , L . G ., K . Lancashire . G . H . AV ' alshaw , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . Wm , Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . B- B . Webster , V . Pres . John Healcy , L . G . G . E . AVebstor , L . G ., W . Yorkshire . Capt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J- M . AVike , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . Jas . AVinter , L . G . James Jackson , L . G . T . B . AVinter , L . G ., Northumberland . Chas . Lacey , L . G . John AVordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . John H . Legtjott , L . G . Reginald Young , L . G ., Wt . Lancashire II . C . Levandrr , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting arc respectfully requested to forward their names to—BKO . SiKi'iiEif BARTON WILSON , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 AValbrook , E . C .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joint , cheese , and saltid . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGK TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THESV1ASOM10QUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For TeviM : —Mfaew , BRO . E . & 0 SS , \\ 1 AMersgate-Sfcwt , E , Q ,