Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2
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Notices Of Meetings.
yet not exactly , a Grand Officer . However , for want of any one better , he was always pleased to say a few words in praise of the Grand Officers , who filled their several positions with honour to themselves and to the great advantage of the Craft . He could not allow this opportunity to pass without expressing his tribute of admiration of Bro . Constable as a man and a Mason . Whatever he
may have done for this Lodge , he , who had watched h \ 3 career from without , could not help admiring his zeal , energy , kindliness , and , above all , his fervent appreciation of all appertaining to the duties of the Craft , ne had been pleased to witness the testimonials , presented iu such feeling terms by Bro . Solomon , hut after all that had been said and done , not half the debt of gratitude to which
Bro . Constable is entitled has been liquidated . Bro . Hickman W . M . 188 , briefly responded for tho visitors . For the P . M . 's Bro . Morris Hart was called upon . He said , the W . M . may probably think I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for tho honour of being named the representative of the august body of P . M . ' s of this Lodge , but such is not tho case , as I cannot pretend to represent them conscientiously .
I certainly have been a P . M . of a Lodge of Tranquillity for 15 years , but the present Lodge seems qnito different ia all its aspects , mainly through the efforts of tho I . P . M . ; a transformation has been accomplished , so advantageously , that old P . M . ' s aro well pleased to be consigned to deserved obscurity , especially when we see many brethren of ability gradually advancing in the higher offices of the
Lodge . The testimonials which have been presented give me profound satisfaction ; I congratulate Bro . Constable with all my heart , and in this I am sure I am joined by the Past Masters generally . Tho present proud position of the Lodge warrants a hopefulness for its future prosperity ; whatever service should be reqnired , the brethren may rest assured will bo cheerfully rendered
by tho P . M . ' s of this Lodge . Prosperity to the Benevolent Fund produced an eloquent appeal from Past Master Solomon , and was liberally responded to hy many brethren . Bro . Constable propos-ed , amidst great cheering , the health of the W . M ., who , in accordance with his determination to be brief , replied in few , but very appropriate terms . The evening's proceedings were enlivened by the vocal
efforts of Bros . Taylor , Baxter and Carter , under the direction aud with the assistance of Bro . Theodor Distin . Bro . George Perrin , who happened to be present as a visitor , volunteered his assistance ; his well known vocal abilities contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the assembly , who thanked him repeatedly , with well deserved applause . The P . M . ' s present were : Bros . Saul Solomon , Morris Hart , Holbrook , Harfeld , Myer Harris , Bloomfield , N . Moss , E .
Gottheil , N . Gluckstein . Among the visitors may be noticed the following Bros . F . Binckes P . M ., P . Z ., Grand Steward , Hickman W . M . 188 , Buckland W . M . 205 , Grnnebaum W . M . Montefiore , Dalwood W . M . 860 , Groombridge W . M . Marquis of Lome , Dymiss P . M . ' 121 , Lazarus P . M . 205 , Wells P . M . 1314 , Nash S . D . 1347 , Bardon I . G . 1347 , Canter P . M . 283 , Taylor P . G . D . Wilts ., P . M . 580 , Frankford 188 , Higgins P . M . 421 , and George Perrin 23 .
Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 . —This prosperous Lodge assembled at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E ., on the 10 th inst . Bros . J . Rugg W . M . presiding , supported by his officers , Bros . Neville S . W ., Medland J . W ., Hallett , S . D ., Gavin J . D ., Breden I . G ., Scheerboon D . C , Bradbury P . M . W . S ., E . T . Read P . M . Hon . Sec , J . Wright P . M . A . G . P . Tr . Lodge opened with prayer , and minutes of the
last regular Lodgo were read and confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the W . M . then raised Bros . Cnllingford , Messelbrook and Steel , to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; Bros . Chapen , Hagmau and Morton were passed to the degreo of F . C ., and the Lodge resumed to the 1 st degree . This being the night of annual election for W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , the suffrages of the
Brethren fell upon Bro . Neville S . W ., ho being unauimonsly elected ; Bro . J . Wright P . M . A . G . P . was utianimously re-elected Treasurer , Bro . Steadman Tyler , and Bros . Lax , Onld and Crowley auditors . Tho most interesting part of the business was then proceeded with , viz ., tho presentation of a very handsomo gold watch and chain , ( manufactured by Bro . Sir Jno . Bennett ) to Bro . Wright P . M ., and
for many years the Treasurer of this Lodge . The W . M . in presenting this testimonial expressed his gratification iu having the honour to convey with it the hearty and fraternal affection of the brethren , and to express the high estimation he was held in by those who had contributed so liberally to this testimonial , he might also assure
him that he , with the brethren , trustod that he ( Bro . Wright ) might long continue in his present career of usefulness , and that when it should please the G . A . O . T . U . to remove him from this sublunary abode , that his children might remember , with gratification and pride , the high esteem that their father was held in . The inscription was as follows : —
" Presented by the members of the Merchant Navy Lodge No . 781 , to Bro . Jno . Wright , as a mark of esteem and fraternal affection . " Accompanying this was a handsomely-illuminated address . Bro . Wright , in suitable and very feeling terms , expressed his gratitude to the brethren . Another very interesting event took place : Bro . Bracebridge P . M . presented to the Lodge a Gavel that the late
lamented Prince Consort used in laying the foundation-stone of the Sailors' Asiatic Home , that day 35 years ago . This gavel being associated with anch pleasant recollections , and the Asiatic Home being in the immediato locality of this Lodge , and of which he was the architect , Bro . Bracebridge hoped that the W . M . would accept it on behalf of the members of the Lodge . We may add that this gavel was manufactured from a portion of the "Royal George . " Tho Lodge
was theu closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the nsual loyal and Masonic toasts were givon , and duly responded to , special reference being made to the recent bereavement of tho Pro . G . M ., and the brethren separated at a late hour , having spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Terry , Davies , Mortlock , Stephens and others .
Whittington Lodge , No . 862 . —The regular meeting of J
Notices Of Meetings.
this Lodge was held on 15 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street Bro . J . Weaver , P . P . G . O . Middlesex , in the chair . Bros . Kingston S . W ., Walker J . W ., Quilty P . M . Treasurer , R . W . Little P . M . Secretary , Pritchard S . D ., Walmisley J . D ., Moore I . G ., P . M . ' s Jas . Brett P . G . P ., Hurlostine , Jones and Smith . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Jas . Weaver initiated Mr . Cole
passed Bro . Holland and Capt . Dohevty Waterhouse , of No . 2 a 5 , to the 2 nd degree , and raisod Bro . Hand , Williams , Ward and Oberto to the 3 rd degree in his usual perfect manner . Bro . Jones P . M . consented to act as Steward at next anniversary of the Girls' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet . The visitors were E . Clarke and Major Finney .
Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 10 th inst . at tho Grotto Hotol , Cross Deep , Twickenham . Bros . Waghorn W . M ., Hayward S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Wohlgemuth S . D ., J . R . Stedwell P . G . G . J . W . Middlesex , Treasurer , W . Piatt P . M . Secretary , T . Price J . D ., T . Darke P . M . as I . G . and P . M . 's Kopling , W . Smeed , Whitney , & c . The Lodgo having been
opened , the minutes were confirmed , and Bro . Rawes was passed to the second degree . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . Hayward was unanimously elected . Bro . Stedwell P . G . J . W . Middlesex was re-elected Treasurer , and the veteran Bro . Riley Tyler . The Lodge was thon closed , and the brethren sat down to a good and
substantial repast . The usual toasts were given , and the admirable working of the W . M . during his occupation of the chair was highly com . mended . The visitors were Bros . J . H . Riley 188 , and Hiscock 1420 . Bros . D . J . Pope , J . H . Ryley and several others contributed to the harmony . The brethren returned to town after enjoying a very agreeable evening .
Lodge Of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 10 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Qncen-street . Bros . GrnnebaumW . M ., Blum S . W ., S . Pollitzer P . M . as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . Treasurer , Albu J . D ., Ellis I . G ., Hochs .
field Organist and P . M . ' s De Solla and J . Lazarus . Tho Lodge was opened , and Bro . Harper was raised to the third degree , and Bros . Zappert , Hands , Rnsse and Dranborg wore passed to the degreo of Fellow Crafts . The Lodge was then dosed , and tho brethren separated , there being no banquet .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —The above Lodge met on Thursday , 4 th February , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsoy . G . Deakin W . M ., J . Ruse S . W ., J . A . Smith J . W ., F . II . Ebsworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , W . Batchelor S . D ., W . T . Lowe J . D ., F . Garbett I . G ., J . Stock M . C ., P . M . ' s Grace , Harnsworth ,
May and Porter . Tho Lodge having been oponed , the confirmation of tho minutes was unanimous . The work done consisted of raising Bro . J . Porter by J . Howe 1326 , by courtesy of the W . M . Mr . T . Simpson was initiated . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren separated . There was no banquet . The Visitors were Bros . C . B , Cheen 819 , Magee 518 , Howe 1326 , aud T . H . Miller 907 .
Era Lodge , Middlesex , No . 1423 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge )—which although young may be congratulated not only for its accession of members , but also for its successful efforts in the cause of tho Masonio charities—was held on Saturday , 13 th inst ., at the King ' s Arras Hotel , Hampton Court . Bro . H . Dubois W . M . P . A . D . C . ( Middlesex ) , Baldwin S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W .,
T . J . Sabine P . G . S . B . ( Middlesex ) P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , J . S . Sweasey S . D ., S . Wolff J . D ., E . W . Devereux I . G ., A . F . Loos M . C ., B . Wright W . S ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , J . T Moss P . G . R . I . P . M ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . J . Mason was elected a joining member . Bro . J . W . Baldwin S . W . and W . M . elect was duly installed
into the chair by Bro . T . J . Sabine P . M . in a very perfect manneig Bro . Holden P . G . C . ( Middlesex ) delivered the charges . The W . M , having been saluted according to ancient form , invested his officer , ? : Bros . E . H . Threllay S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , T . J . Sabine P . M . Treasurer , re-appointed , F . Walters P . G . P . reappointed Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D .,
S . Wolff J . D ., T . H . Miller P . M . Organist , A . F . L 003 I . G ., B . Wright M . C ., Simmons W . S ., Matthews C . S ., Gilbert Tyler . A very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel was presented , in the name of the Lodge , to Bro . H . Dubois I . P . M ., for tho efficient manner he had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . Snms of ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School , ten gnincas to tho Girls' School , and
£ 10 to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , in the name of the W . M , for the time being , making the Lodge a Life Governor of all the above charities in perpetuity . Tho following brethren wero recommended by the audit committee , and approved by the Lodge , for Provincial Grand honours to tho R . W . Col . F . Burdott P . G . M .
( Middlesex ) , viz ., Bro . H . Dubois I . P . M ., T . J . Sabine and tho Rev . Bro . Holden , Chaplain . The Lodge was then closed , after which the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet . Tho usual toasts followed . The visitors wero Bro . G . Pymm P . M . 749 and W . M . 1275 , S . R , Ade P . M . 315 , H . Andrews 784 , J . II . Spencer 73 , Horton 871 , F . H . Peacock 21 , J . H . Ryley 188 , W . Hammond P . G . S . ( Middlesex ) W . M . 1512 .
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 , St . Albans . —The monthly meeiing of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th February , nfc tho Town Hall , St . Albans . Bro . J . Lowthin W . M ., ' II . Edwards S . W ., Askew J . IV . The Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes of last meeting were read by Bro . I . Edwards , Secretary , and unanimously
confirmed . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . George Robert Hall and Henry Alexander Taylor . After the nsnal routine business , the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the " Peahen , " where a most liberal banquet wa 3 done ample justice to , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
yet not exactly , a Grand Officer . However , for want of any one better , he was always pleased to say a few words in praise of the Grand Officers , who filled their several positions with honour to themselves and to the great advantage of the Craft . He could not allow this opportunity to pass without expressing his tribute of admiration of Bro . Constable as a man and a Mason . Whatever he
may have done for this Lodge , he , who had watched h \ 3 career from without , could not help admiring his zeal , energy , kindliness , and , above all , his fervent appreciation of all appertaining to the duties of the Craft , ne had been pleased to witness the testimonials , presented iu such feeling terms by Bro . Solomon , hut after all that had been said and done , not half the debt of gratitude to which
Bro . Constable is entitled has been liquidated . Bro . Hickman W . M . 188 , briefly responded for tho visitors . For the P . M . 's Bro . Morris Hart was called upon . He said , the W . M . may probably think I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for tho honour of being named the representative of the august body of P . M . ' s of this Lodge , but such is not tho case , as I cannot pretend to represent them conscientiously .
I certainly have been a P . M . of a Lodge of Tranquillity for 15 years , but the present Lodge seems qnito different ia all its aspects , mainly through the efforts of tho I . P . M . ; a transformation has been accomplished , so advantageously , that old P . M . ' s aro well pleased to be consigned to deserved obscurity , especially when we see many brethren of ability gradually advancing in the higher offices of the
Lodge . The testimonials which have been presented give me profound satisfaction ; I congratulate Bro . Constable with all my heart , and in this I am sure I am joined by the Past Masters generally . Tho present proud position of the Lodge warrants a hopefulness for its future prosperity ; whatever service should be reqnired , the brethren may rest assured will bo cheerfully rendered
by tho P . M . ' s of this Lodge . Prosperity to the Benevolent Fund produced an eloquent appeal from Past Master Solomon , and was liberally responded to hy many brethren . Bro . Constable propos-ed , amidst great cheering , the health of the W . M ., who , in accordance with his determination to be brief , replied in few , but very appropriate terms . The evening's proceedings were enlivened by the vocal
efforts of Bros . Taylor , Baxter and Carter , under the direction aud with the assistance of Bro . Theodor Distin . Bro . George Perrin , who happened to be present as a visitor , volunteered his assistance ; his well known vocal abilities contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the assembly , who thanked him repeatedly , with well deserved applause . The P . M . ' s present were : Bros . Saul Solomon , Morris Hart , Holbrook , Harfeld , Myer Harris , Bloomfield , N . Moss , E .
Gottheil , N . Gluckstein . Among the visitors may be noticed the following Bros . F . Binckes P . M ., P . Z ., Grand Steward , Hickman W . M . 188 , Buckland W . M . 205 , Grnnebaum W . M . Montefiore , Dalwood W . M . 860 , Groombridge W . M . Marquis of Lome , Dymiss P . M . ' 121 , Lazarus P . M . 205 , Wells P . M . 1314 , Nash S . D . 1347 , Bardon I . G . 1347 , Canter P . M . 283 , Taylor P . G . D . Wilts ., P . M . 580 , Frankford 188 , Higgins P . M . 421 , and George Perrin 23 .
Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 . —This prosperous Lodge assembled at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E ., on the 10 th inst . Bros . J . Rugg W . M . presiding , supported by his officers , Bros . Neville S . W ., Medland J . W ., Hallett , S . D ., Gavin J . D ., Breden I . G ., Scheerboon D . C , Bradbury P . M . W . S ., E . T . Read P . M . Hon . Sec , J . Wright P . M . A . G . P . Tr . Lodge opened with prayer , and minutes of the
last regular Lodgo were read and confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the W . M . then raised Bros . Cnllingford , Messelbrook and Steel , to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; Bros . Chapen , Hagmau and Morton were passed to the degreo of F . C ., and the Lodge resumed to the 1 st degree . This being the night of annual election for W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , the suffrages of the
Brethren fell upon Bro . Neville S . W ., ho being unauimonsly elected ; Bro . J . Wright P . M . A . G . P . was utianimously re-elected Treasurer , Bro . Steadman Tyler , and Bros . Lax , Onld and Crowley auditors . Tho most interesting part of the business was then proceeded with , viz ., tho presentation of a very handsomo gold watch and chain , ( manufactured by Bro . Sir Jno . Bennett ) to Bro . Wright P . M ., and
for many years the Treasurer of this Lodge . The W . M . in presenting this testimonial expressed his gratification iu having the honour to convey with it the hearty and fraternal affection of the brethren , and to express the high estimation he was held in by those who had contributed so liberally to this testimonial , he might also assure
him that he , with the brethren , trustod that he ( Bro . Wright ) might long continue in his present career of usefulness , and that when it should please the G . A . O . T . U . to remove him from this sublunary abode , that his children might remember , with gratification and pride , the high esteem that their father was held in . The inscription was as follows : —
" Presented by the members of the Merchant Navy Lodge No . 781 , to Bro . Jno . Wright , as a mark of esteem and fraternal affection . " Accompanying this was a handsomely-illuminated address . Bro . Wright , in suitable and very feeling terms , expressed his gratitude to the brethren . Another very interesting event took place : Bro . Bracebridge P . M . presented to the Lodge a Gavel that the late
lamented Prince Consort used in laying the foundation-stone of the Sailors' Asiatic Home , that day 35 years ago . This gavel being associated with anch pleasant recollections , and the Asiatic Home being in the immediato locality of this Lodge , and of which he was the architect , Bro . Bracebridge hoped that the W . M . would accept it on behalf of the members of the Lodge . We may add that this gavel was manufactured from a portion of the "Royal George . " Tho Lodge
was theu closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the nsual loyal and Masonic toasts were givon , and duly responded to , special reference being made to the recent bereavement of tho Pro . G . M ., and the brethren separated at a late hour , having spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Terry , Davies , Mortlock , Stephens and others .
Whittington Lodge , No . 862 . —The regular meeting of J
Notices Of Meetings.
this Lodge was held on 15 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street Bro . J . Weaver , P . P . G . O . Middlesex , in the chair . Bros . Kingston S . W ., Walker J . W ., Quilty P . M . Treasurer , R . W . Little P . M . Secretary , Pritchard S . D ., Walmisley J . D ., Moore I . G ., P . M . ' s Jas . Brett P . G . P ., Hurlostine , Jones and Smith . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Jas . Weaver initiated Mr . Cole
passed Bro . Holland and Capt . Dohevty Waterhouse , of No . 2 a 5 , to the 2 nd degree , and raisod Bro . Hand , Williams , Ward and Oberto to the 3 rd degree in his usual perfect manner . Bro . Jones P . M . consented to act as Steward at next anniversary of the Girls' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet . The visitors were E . Clarke and Major Finney .
Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 10 th inst . at tho Grotto Hotol , Cross Deep , Twickenham . Bros . Waghorn W . M ., Hayward S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Wohlgemuth S . D ., J . R . Stedwell P . G . G . J . W . Middlesex , Treasurer , W . Piatt P . M . Secretary , T . Price J . D ., T . Darke P . M . as I . G . and P . M . 's Kopling , W . Smeed , Whitney , & c . The Lodgo having been
opened , the minutes were confirmed , and Bro . Rawes was passed to the second degree . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . Hayward was unanimously elected . Bro . Stedwell P . G . J . W . Middlesex was re-elected Treasurer , and the veteran Bro . Riley Tyler . The Lodge was thon closed , and the brethren sat down to a good and
substantial repast . The usual toasts were given , and the admirable working of the W . M . during his occupation of the chair was highly com . mended . The visitors were Bros . J . H . Riley 188 , and Hiscock 1420 . Bros . D . J . Pope , J . H . Ryley and several others contributed to the harmony . The brethren returned to town after enjoying a very agreeable evening .
Lodge Of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on tho 10 th inst . at Freemasons' Hall , Great Qncen-street . Bros . GrnnebaumW . M ., Blum S . W ., S . Pollitzer P . M . as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . Treasurer , Albu J . D ., Ellis I . G ., Hochs .
field Organist and P . M . ' s De Solla and J . Lazarus . Tho Lodge was opened , and Bro . Harper was raised to the third degree , and Bros . Zappert , Hands , Rnsse and Dranborg wore passed to the degreo of Fellow Crafts . The Lodge was then dosed , and tho brethren separated , there being no banquet .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —The above Lodge met on Thursday , 4 th February , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsoy . G . Deakin W . M ., J . Ruse S . W ., J . A . Smith J . W ., F . II . Ebsworth P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , W . Batchelor S . D ., W . T . Lowe J . D ., F . Garbett I . G ., J . Stock M . C ., P . M . ' s Grace , Harnsworth ,
May and Porter . Tho Lodge having been oponed , the confirmation of tho minutes was unanimous . The work done consisted of raising Bro . J . Porter by J . Howe 1326 , by courtesy of the W . M . Mr . T . Simpson was initiated . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren separated . There was no banquet . The Visitors were Bros . C . B , Cheen 819 , Magee 518 , Howe 1326 , aud T . H . Miller 907 .
Era Lodge , Middlesex , No . 1423 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge )—which although young may be congratulated not only for its accession of members , but also for its successful efforts in the cause of tho Masonio charities—was held on Saturday , 13 th inst ., at the King ' s Arras Hotel , Hampton Court . Bro . H . Dubois W . M . P . A . D . C . ( Middlesex ) , Baldwin S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W .,
T . J . Sabine P . G . S . B . ( Middlesex ) P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , J . S . Sweasey S . D ., S . Wolff J . D ., E . W . Devereux I . G ., A . F . Loos M . C ., B . Wright W . S ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , J . T Moss P . G . R . I . P . M ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . J . Mason was elected a joining member . Bro . J . W . Baldwin S . W . and W . M . elect was duly installed
into the chair by Bro . T . J . Sabine P . M . in a very perfect manneig Bro . Holden P . G . C . ( Middlesex ) delivered the charges . The W . M , having been saluted according to ancient form , invested his officer , ? : Bros . E . H . Threllay S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W ., Rev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , T . J . Sabine P . M . Treasurer , re-appointed , F . Walters P . G . P . reappointed Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D .,
S . Wolff J . D ., T . H . Miller P . M . Organist , A . F . L 003 I . G ., B . Wright M . C ., Simmons W . S ., Matthews C . S ., Gilbert Tyler . A very elegant gold Past Master ' s Jewel was presented , in the name of the Lodge , to Bro . H . Dubois I . P . M ., for tho efficient manner he had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . Snms of ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School , ten gnincas to tho Girls' School , and
£ 10 to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , in the name of the W . M , for the time being , making the Lodge a Life Governor of all the above charities in perpetuity . Tho following brethren wero recommended by the audit committee , and approved by the Lodge , for Provincial Grand honours to tho R . W . Col . F . Burdott P . G . M .
( Middlesex ) , viz ., Bro . H . Dubois I . P . M ., T . J . Sabine and tho Rev . Bro . Holden , Chaplain . The Lodge was then closed , after which the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet . Tho usual toasts followed . The visitors wero Bro . G . Pymm P . M . 749 and W . M . 1275 , S . R , Ade P . M . 315 , H . Andrews 784 , J . II . Spencer 73 , Horton 871 , F . H . Peacock 21 , J . H . Ryley 188 , W . Hammond P . G . S . ( Middlesex ) W . M . 1512 .
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 , St . Albans . —The monthly meeiing of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 17 th February , nfc tho Town Hall , St . Albans . Bro . J . Lowthin W . M ., ' II . Edwards S . W ., Askew J . IV . The Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes of last meeting were read by Bro . I . Edwards , Secretary , and unanimously
confirmed . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . George Robert Hall and Henry Alexander Taylor . After the nsnal routine business , the Lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the " Peahen , " where a most liberal banquet wa 3 done ample justice to , and a pleasant evening was spent .