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Commerce And Civilisation.
banner , and proclaim to tho world her great and g lorious mission ,
Indifferent Masons.
From Lr , Maude Maronnitjitfi of December 1874 . TRANSLATION ' :
AMONG Freemasons indifference to the duties and efforts of the grand Institution to Avhich they have sworn to lend their aid is worse than a grave error ; it is a desertion in the very face of the enemy—a true act of treason . Devoted to the inquiry after Truth and the conquest of Justice , Masonry , in spite of the violence and
gross enmity of which it has been the object , is ever struggling" with energy against error , prejudices and superstition , against oppression and deceit . In such a work it has a right to look for support to all who seek an asylum at its
hearth and are anxious for enlightenment from its teaching . But this assistance , in order to be useful and efficacious , must be active and thorough . No soft-heartedness is possible ; no lukewarmness tolerable . Eager and earnest permissible hearts can alone be reall y serviceable to our grand and fraternal Association .
As inconsistent Masons , so indifferent Masons have done Freemasonry all the harm they possibly could without actually destroying it . It is these who paralyze our efforts and render them futile . It is these who make our Lodges empty and who keep aloof those who would prove the earnest and fittest defenders of our cause . It is this
indifference , which , passing on from one spot to another , freezes the hearts of the Brethren , extinguishes our enthusiasm , and surrounds us with that cold atmosphere which paralyzes the strongest will . An indifferent Mason is not only a useless member of our Craft , he is hurtful ,
corrupting , by his noxious influence , all who surround him , and impeding the clue performance of our labours . Ho is a true paralytic , almost indeed a corpse , which we are dragging after us and which hinders and delays all our movements .
Nothing that interests our felloAvs , nothing that can in any way contribute to tho amelioration of their lot and the development of their intellectual and moral faculties , should be indifferent to men of feeling-, and more especiall y to Masons , whose obligations arc greater , and who , having
entered our Order freely and unconstrainedly , have duties devolving upon them , all the more important that they have been contracted freely . In the meantime , the number of indifferent brethren appears for some time past to have been continuously increasing . Whence arises this abnormal
state of things ? Clearly from several and various causes . The excuses which go to justify the unjustifiable neglect of Masonic duties are— " Powerlessness of Masonry to fulfil its programme , the senselessness of its aims , the futility and barrenness of its labours "—wretched arguments
which only re-act on those who use them ; for if Masonry is powerless , its objects vain , its labours barren and of no effect , we can only , in reason , lay the blame on the halfheartedness and indifference of its workmen . We must seek then elsewhere tho true causes of the evil which gives us so much concern .
In our opinion indifferent Masons may be classed under three chief categories .. 1 . Those who , having entered the Order with an exaggerated idea of the influence and power
of Masonry , have experienced discouragements , and discovered the error of their views . These , the natural bent of their minds , induces them to exaggerate , just as they had done their early aspirations .
2 . Those who , having entered young into our Order , have dispelled or lost , in the varying struggles of life , all their hopes and the noble sentiments which animated their youth . i
o rni _ i ') - . i . - ¦ , « . -.-... . o . The ambitious vulgar , who only joined Masonry in order to seek a protection which it was impossible to give them .
Of these three categories , the first may easily be recalled to a more rational way of viewing their position ; the second , though almost incurable , deserves our pity . As to the third , incorrigible and incapable of inspiring us with
the slightest interest we can only urge on the brethren who compose it to renonuce at once and for ever their title to be regular Masons . A sense of honour forbids them to remain any longer members of a body which they discourage by exhibiting towards its labours the most intense disdain .
Indifferent Masons.
To these three classes of indifferent brethren we might have added a fonrth , more numerous still , which comprises of those Masons who are always ready to be guided by the influence of those who surround them ; but we have
thought it better not to insist too strongly on the weakness of such Brethren , but to encourage them by good example to re-awaken their zeal and become once again really useful and active members of the Craft .
Indifference , adding its ravages to those inflicted hy the late war has , during the last four years especially , weakened French Masonry . Our Lodges have been partially deserted , and notwithstanding the efforts of the most devoted members , the duties languish and are unproductive .
Against the dangers which such a position involves , it is the duty of all who are sincerely attached to our Institution to combat with the utmost energy . The general elections have recently taken place in all the district Lodges . May the newly elected officers signalise
their accession to power by a merciless Avar against this mortal enemy of our great family . May they pxirsue , unrelentingly , even to its last retrenchments , and afford in all circumstances , to the lukeAvarm and hesitating , the comforting example of zeal and activity . All well disposed men
are ready to give their efforts , to labour earnestly with them to restore to our Lodges the life and energy which are deserting them . In this work of restoration , hesitation is impossible , devotion will not fail of its influence . And
since indifference is , of all the dangers which menace us , the greatest and most pressing , let us , at this moment , and everyAvhere throughout French Masonry , have but one thought , but one aim , but one rallying cry : — " Guerre a I'indifercnce ! " ( Signed ) Camlet ,
New Masonic Hall At Bridlington.
On the 11 th inst . the members of the " Londesborongh " Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , at Bridlington , had the long-looked for pleasure of laying the foundation stone of their new Masonic Hall , for •which purpose a dispensation had . been granted by the Eai-1 of Zetland , the Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . It Avas not intended that any great amount of public display should be
mtvuo n \ connection Avith , the event ; and with this understanding no invitations were issued to the other Lodges to join in the ceremony . Bat , notwithstanding this Avish , and despite the chilly influences of the weather , a large concourse of people Avere attracted by the novelty of the ceremonial , which excited the utmost interest , both in the old town and at the Quay . The provision of this more suitable
and convenient place of meeting , which is to be completed in three months , is mainly to bo attributed to the zeal and liberality of the Worshipful Master of the year , Mr . W . H . Porritt , who organised a bazaar not long since in aid of this very laudable object . When completed , the new Hall will form an ornament to the place , and prove of immense convenience , not only to resident brethren , but also to the
many visitors who sojourn at this favourite watering-place in such numbers during the summer months . The brethren assembled at their Lodge-room , at Bridlington Quay , at tAvo o'clock in the afternoon , Avhere , after the usual preliminaries had been gone through , a procession was formed , headed by tho private band which has been established in connection with the Lodge . On their arrival at the
Bite , m St . John s Avenue , the brethren formed iu a circle around the foundation stone , and the ceremonial was performed by the W . Bro . John Peason Bell , M . D ., P . G . D . of England , and Deputy Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , who opened the proceedings by delivering the antient address . The chaplain ( Rev . Bro . Chillman ) and brethren then repeated alternately the verses of the psalm , " Except the Lord build the house , " after which a number of coins were
deposited by the treasurer in the cavity of the loAver stono . The secretary having read the inscription upon the plate , which was 6 \ nly fixed , tho W . M . presented the tiwvel and gavel to the W . Bro . Dr . Bell , who performed the ceremony , the band playing " Bule Britannia . " The trowel was handsomely chased and engraved , with ivory handle , and on tho blade was the following inscription , together Avith Dr . Bell ' s crest : —
" Presented to the W . Bro . J . P . Bell , Esq ., M . D ., P . G . D . of England and D . P . G . M . of N . and E . Yorkshire , on the occasion of layiu " the foundation stono of the Londesborough Lodge , No . 73 i , Bridling , ton Quay , February 11 , 1875 . " The Stone having been laid , and its position tested in the usual form , the W . M . Bro . Porritt declared that the Craftsmen had
done their duty , and tho W . Bro . Dr . Bell pronounced that it had been properly laid , according to the antient rules of Masonry . Corn wine , and oil , having been placed on the stone , in accordance Avith usage , the chaplain offered up prayer in the prescribed form , and the plan Avas then handed by the architect to the W . Bro . Dr . Bell , Avho delivered the concluding address . The band then played the
National Anthem , after Avhich the brethren returned in procession to the Lodge-room , where tho Lodge was closed iu due form . After the ceremony the W . M . invited a party of those who had taken a leading position in the pi-oceedings of the day to luncheon at his residence , where mutual congratulations where exchanged at the eminently successful and satisfactory auspices under which the interesting event had taken place .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Commerce And Civilisation.
banner , and proclaim to tho world her great and g lorious mission ,
Indifferent Masons.
From Lr , Maude Maronnitjitfi of December 1874 . TRANSLATION ' :
AMONG Freemasons indifference to the duties and efforts of the grand Institution to Avhich they have sworn to lend their aid is worse than a grave error ; it is a desertion in the very face of the enemy—a true act of treason . Devoted to the inquiry after Truth and the conquest of Justice , Masonry , in spite of the violence and
gross enmity of which it has been the object , is ever struggling" with energy against error , prejudices and superstition , against oppression and deceit . In such a work it has a right to look for support to all who seek an asylum at its
hearth and are anxious for enlightenment from its teaching . But this assistance , in order to be useful and efficacious , must be active and thorough . No soft-heartedness is possible ; no lukewarmness tolerable . Eager and earnest permissible hearts can alone be reall y serviceable to our grand and fraternal Association .
As inconsistent Masons , so indifferent Masons have done Freemasonry all the harm they possibly could without actually destroying it . It is these who paralyze our efforts and render them futile . It is these who make our Lodges empty and who keep aloof those who would prove the earnest and fittest defenders of our cause . It is this
indifference , which , passing on from one spot to another , freezes the hearts of the Brethren , extinguishes our enthusiasm , and surrounds us with that cold atmosphere which paralyzes the strongest will . An indifferent Mason is not only a useless member of our Craft , he is hurtful ,
corrupting , by his noxious influence , all who surround him , and impeding the clue performance of our labours . Ho is a true paralytic , almost indeed a corpse , which we are dragging after us and which hinders and delays all our movements .
Nothing that interests our felloAvs , nothing that can in any way contribute to tho amelioration of their lot and the development of their intellectual and moral faculties , should be indifferent to men of feeling-, and more especiall y to Masons , whose obligations arc greater , and who , having
entered our Order freely and unconstrainedly , have duties devolving upon them , all the more important that they have been contracted freely . In the meantime , the number of indifferent brethren appears for some time past to have been continuously increasing . Whence arises this abnormal
state of things ? Clearly from several and various causes . The excuses which go to justify the unjustifiable neglect of Masonic duties are— " Powerlessness of Masonry to fulfil its programme , the senselessness of its aims , the futility and barrenness of its labours "—wretched arguments
which only re-act on those who use them ; for if Masonry is powerless , its objects vain , its labours barren and of no effect , we can only , in reason , lay the blame on the halfheartedness and indifference of its workmen . We must seek then elsewhere tho true causes of the evil which gives us so much concern .
In our opinion indifferent Masons may be classed under three chief categories .. 1 . Those who , having entered the Order with an exaggerated idea of the influence and power
of Masonry , have experienced discouragements , and discovered the error of their views . These , the natural bent of their minds , induces them to exaggerate , just as they had done their early aspirations .
2 . Those who , having entered young into our Order , have dispelled or lost , in the varying struggles of life , all their hopes and the noble sentiments which animated their youth . i
o rni _ i ') - . i . - ¦ , « . -.-... . o . The ambitious vulgar , who only joined Masonry in order to seek a protection which it was impossible to give them .
Of these three categories , the first may easily be recalled to a more rational way of viewing their position ; the second , though almost incurable , deserves our pity . As to the third , incorrigible and incapable of inspiring us with
the slightest interest we can only urge on the brethren who compose it to renonuce at once and for ever their title to be regular Masons . A sense of honour forbids them to remain any longer members of a body which they discourage by exhibiting towards its labours the most intense disdain .
Indifferent Masons.
To these three classes of indifferent brethren we might have added a fonrth , more numerous still , which comprises of those Masons who are always ready to be guided by the influence of those who surround them ; but we have
thought it better not to insist too strongly on the weakness of such Brethren , but to encourage them by good example to re-awaken their zeal and become once again really useful and active members of the Craft .
Indifference , adding its ravages to those inflicted hy the late war has , during the last four years especially , weakened French Masonry . Our Lodges have been partially deserted , and notwithstanding the efforts of the most devoted members , the duties languish and are unproductive .
Against the dangers which such a position involves , it is the duty of all who are sincerely attached to our Institution to combat with the utmost energy . The general elections have recently taken place in all the district Lodges . May the newly elected officers signalise
their accession to power by a merciless Avar against this mortal enemy of our great family . May they pxirsue , unrelentingly , even to its last retrenchments , and afford in all circumstances , to the lukeAvarm and hesitating , the comforting example of zeal and activity . All well disposed men
are ready to give their efforts , to labour earnestly with them to restore to our Lodges the life and energy which are deserting them . In this work of restoration , hesitation is impossible , devotion will not fail of its influence . And
since indifference is , of all the dangers which menace us , the greatest and most pressing , let us , at this moment , and everyAvhere throughout French Masonry , have but one thought , but one aim , but one rallying cry : — " Guerre a I'indifercnce ! " ( Signed ) Camlet ,
New Masonic Hall At Bridlington.
On the 11 th inst . the members of the " Londesborongh " Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , at Bridlington , had the long-looked for pleasure of laying the foundation stone of their new Masonic Hall , for •which purpose a dispensation had . been granted by the Eai-1 of Zetland , the Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . It Avas not intended that any great amount of public display should be
mtvuo n \ connection Avith , the event ; and with this understanding no invitations were issued to the other Lodges to join in the ceremony . Bat , notwithstanding this Avish , and despite the chilly influences of the weather , a large concourse of people Avere attracted by the novelty of the ceremonial , which excited the utmost interest , both in the old town and at the Quay . The provision of this more suitable
and convenient place of meeting , which is to be completed in three months , is mainly to bo attributed to the zeal and liberality of the Worshipful Master of the year , Mr . W . H . Porritt , who organised a bazaar not long since in aid of this very laudable object . When completed , the new Hall will form an ornament to the place , and prove of immense convenience , not only to resident brethren , but also to the
many visitors who sojourn at this favourite watering-place in such numbers during the summer months . The brethren assembled at their Lodge-room , at Bridlington Quay , at tAvo o'clock in the afternoon , Avhere , after the usual preliminaries had been gone through , a procession was formed , headed by tho private band which has been established in connection with the Lodge . On their arrival at the
Bite , m St . John s Avenue , the brethren formed iu a circle around the foundation stone , and the ceremonial was performed by the W . Bro . John Peason Bell , M . D ., P . G . D . of England , and Deputy Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , who opened the proceedings by delivering the antient address . The chaplain ( Rev . Bro . Chillman ) and brethren then repeated alternately the verses of the psalm , " Except the Lord build the house , " after which a number of coins were
deposited by the treasurer in the cavity of the loAver stono . The secretary having read the inscription upon the plate , which was 6 \ nly fixed , tho W . M . presented the tiwvel and gavel to the W . Bro . Dr . Bell , who performed the ceremony , the band playing " Bule Britannia . " The trowel was handsomely chased and engraved , with ivory handle , and on tho blade was the following inscription , together Avith Dr . Bell ' s crest : —
" Presented to the W . Bro . J . P . Bell , Esq ., M . D ., P . G . D . of England and D . P . G . M . of N . and E . Yorkshire , on the occasion of layiu " the foundation stono of the Londesborough Lodge , No . 73 i , Bridling , ton Quay , February 11 , 1875 . " The Stone having been laid , and its position tested in the usual form , the W . M . Bro . Porritt declared that the Craftsmen had
done their duty , and tho W . Bro . Dr . Bell pronounced that it had been properly laid , according to the antient rules of Masonry . Corn wine , and oil , having been placed on the stone , in accordance Avith usage , the chaplain offered up prayer in the prescribed form , and the plan Avas then handed by the architect to the W . Bro . Dr . Bell , Avho delivered the concluding address . The band then played the
National Anthem , after Avhich the brethren returned in procession to the Lodge-room , where tho Lodge was closed iu due form . After the ceremony the W . M . invited a party of those who had taken a leading position in the pi-oceedings of the day to luncheon at his residence , where mutual congratulations where exchanged at the eminently successful and satisfactory auspices under which the interesting event had taken place .