Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 4 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 4 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
mece ; on the death of his grandmother , his great aunt ' s third sister became wife of his grandfather . " The House did not quite understand this very confused relationship , so it laughed heartily—about the most sensible
thing it could have done under the circumstances . Among other measures brought forward may be mentioned an Artisans' Dwelling Bill , the second reading of which passed without a division , and a Wild Animals ( Scotland ) Bill , Avhich was rejected by a very considerable majority .
Tuesday Avas a grand day at the Royal Military Academy , Woolwich . H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief inspected the cadets . The result of the recent examination for Commissions in the R . Engineers and R . Artillery , was made knoAvn , and among the successful candidates
was the Prince Imperial , who obtained the seventh place . This was followed by the annual distribution of prizes and inspection , after which the cadets were dismissed . Among the spectators present was the Empress Eugenie , who must have been highly gratified at the success of her son and
the popularity he had earned among his comrades . Another Prince also , Prince Leopold , has been chosen to fill a post of honour , not by competition , however , but by selection ; not to the grade of officer in the Military order ,
but to a position of honour and responsibility in a Masonic Lodge . Prince Leopold is now S . W . of the Apollo Lodge , University of Oxford . May this be only a stepping stone to still higher rank in the Craft !
On Monday , at the Oval , the long talked of match at football between England and Ireland came off , and when " No side " was called , the former were found to be victors by two goals , a try , and fifteen touches down to nothing . The English were a strong team , captained by the Hon . H . A .
Laurence , Richmond , and were somewhat the heavier , but the Irish ( G . Stack , of Dublin University , Captain ) played very pluckily , though their efforts to achieve anything in the way of success proved unavailingly . The event was afterwards concluded by a dinner at St . James ' s Hall , at
which the players , their friends , and the members of most of the prominent London Clubs were present . The other noteworthy matters in the sporting world are the Waterloo Cup , and the practice of the two crews for the 'Varsity Race next month . There appear to have been occasional
changes in the Cambridge boat , which hardly augurs well for its success , but it is early yet to judge of the respective merits of the eights . The crews may be expected to appear at Putney the first week in March , the race , as we have previously stated , being fixed for the 20 th .
A Midsummer Night ' s Bream has been produced at the Gaiety with very great success . Mr . Phelps enacted the part of Bottom , and upon him fell the chief weight of the acting . The other parts were very creditably filled , and the performance cannot fail to prove hig hly attractive .
Mr . Holliugshcad deserves the thanks of the public for providing so excellent an entertainment . It is something in these days of Burlesque and Opera Bouffe to know there are some theatres in London devoted to the legitimate drama . In the musical world there have been
latterly the usual series of concerts . "Monday Pops , " " Saturday Pops , " and London Ballad Concerts , to which must be added the Royal Albert Hall Popular Ballad Concerts . All these have attracted considerable audiences ,
and enabled the gloomy metropolis to , at all events , survive the unusual dulness of the last few weeks . B y the way , the Clerk of the Weather has just favoured us with a little snow and sleet . We feel rather disposed to exclaim , with Horace , —
" Jam satis terns nivis atquc dine Grandiuis mistt Pater . " At the distribution of prizes , on Thursday , in Lincoln ' s Inn Hall , to the " Devil's Own , " the Right Hon . the Secretary of State for War , Mr . Gathorne Hardy , presided ,
and , in the course of his remarks , spoko very hopefully of the present efficient state of the Volunteers generally . He also congratulated the corps before him on the highly favourable report made of them by the inspecting officer ,
and expressed his intention of promoting , as far as lay in his power , the continued success of the Volunteer movement . After distributing some of the prizes Mr . Gathorne Hardy retired , a vote of thanks for his attendance being cordially proposed and enthusiastically responded to .
From Spain the news does not look hopeful for the immediate pacification of that unhappy country . The Northern Army has not carried Estella , the Carlist stronghold ; but , instead , the ^ arliste have , as was reported last
Our Weekly Budget.
week , inflicted a very severe defeat on their antagonists , the consequence of Avhich has been that some officers of high rank have been removed from their commands . The young King Alphonso has returned to his capital , having visited on his road home the veteran Espartero , the staunch upholder of his mother's throne . The interview is said to
have been very affecting , and the old general and his youthful sovereign exchanged decorations in the most impressive manner . It does not speak well for the vigilance of the Alphonsist military authorities that the royal train
was fired upon by the Carlists , to the clanger of Alphonso and the terror of his suite . Meanwhile Ave hear nothing farther from the seat of Avar . Doubtless , the Royal forces are re-organising , as probably are the troops of Don Carlos : evidently the end of the struggle is not yet .
In Prance the Constitutional complications appear tobo approaching a solution . A new Senate Bill is talked of , and there seems to beachanceof its being passed by a considerable majority . There has been a surrender on both sides of sundry points , and hence this prospect of a speedy settlement . From
Berlin Ave hear that the health of the Emperor of Germany is causing some anxiety . His Majesty , however , appears , according to the latest advices , to have been well enough to transact business Avith his advisers , though , by the recommendation of his medical attendants , he still keeps his room . We trust next Aveek that Ave shall be in a
position to announce his complete restoration to health , though additional care will be necessary if the Aveather in Berlin is anything like as unsatisfactory as it is here . The only other neAvs of special interest from abroad immediately concerns this country . By a telegram received at the
Colonial Office , it seems the Maori King and the Imperial authorities have met and interchanged courtesies with each other . This looks very hopeful for the future of NeAV Zealand . For almost a generation Ave have heard of constant disputes between the tAvo—disputes which more
than once have been referred to the bloody arbitrament of war , inAA'hich British pluck has notahvays commanded the success it deserved . We trust the conciliatory spirit Avhich
clearly animates both the Maories and the Colonial authorities Avill bring forth good fruit at an early date , and that hereafter there will be no further " little Avars " in this portion of the British Empire .
The Committee of the United Grand Lodgo met on Wednesday the 17 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . After Avhich the Grand Lodgo of Benevolence was held , Bi ' o . J . Clabon in the chair . Bro . J . Hervey G . S . read the minutes of the former meeting , Avhich Avere confirmed .
Grants to the amount of £ 70 , A'oted at the former meeting , Avere also confirmed ; and UCAV grants , amounting to £ 708 , Avere given ; after which the Grand Lodgo Avas closed , and the members adjourned . Among those present Avero Bros . Brownrigg , J . Nunn , Rev . J . R . Simpson , J . Smith ,
H . Garrod , Wright , E . Page , Stephens , Griffiths Smith , J . Boyd , T . Cubitt , C . Hogard , Koch , J . Smith , F . Binckes , Tyrell , J . Constable , H . Dicketts , SAvan , J . Savage , J . Mander , Lane , Rosenthal , W . H . Main , Marsh , J . Terry , Burrell , Hansworth , C . A . Cottebrune , H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , Pope , S . May , W . Smith , T . Bull , Ough .
We again urge upon Scottish Freemasons , AVIIO may peruse these pages , the paramount claim upon their benevolence and patriotic pride of the proposed Royal Scottish Masonic Benevolent Institution , for which the R . W . Bro . George R . Harriott is Avorking so energetically . The
success of the project will , it is true , be due to his noble initiative and self-sacrifice , but its proximate foundation , will be no less the Avork of those Avhose Avarrn hearts and enlightened sentiments may have leaped iu practical accord with his appeal . The Institution , besides exemplifying that
virtue Avhich is the boast of our Craft , and Avhose active exercise by individual Scotchmen has raised an imperishable monumeut to their country from grateful thousands ,
Avhercver the flag of Britain goes , will do more to raise the Masonic " esprit do corps " in Scotland , and to place the tenets of our Society on their rightful plane , than any other event throughout our long historic annals in
" Caledonia ! stern and wild , Meet nurse for a poetic child , Laud of brown heath and shaggy wood , Land of the mountain and the flood . " and not less , as the poet says elseAvhere , " land of Avarm hearts , practical philauthropby and sjucerest , because
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
mece ; on the death of his grandmother , his great aunt ' s third sister became wife of his grandfather . " The House did not quite understand this very confused relationship , so it laughed heartily—about the most sensible
thing it could have done under the circumstances . Among other measures brought forward may be mentioned an Artisans' Dwelling Bill , the second reading of which passed without a division , and a Wild Animals ( Scotland ) Bill , Avhich was rejected by a very considerable majority .
Tuesday Avas a grand day at the Royal Military Academy , Woolwich . H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief inspected the cadets . The result of the recent examination for Commissions in the R . Engineers and R . Artillery , was made knoAvn , and among the successful candidates
was the Prince Imperial , who obtained the seventh place . This was followed by the annual distribution of prizes and inspection , after which the cadets were dismissed . Among the spectators present was the Empress Eugenie , who must have been highly gratified at the success of her son and
the popularity he had earned among his comrades . Another Prince also , Prince Leopold , has been chosen to fill a post of honour , not by competition , however , but by selection ; not to the grade of officer in the Military order ,
but to a position of honour and responsibility in a Masonic Lodge . Prince Leopold is now S . W . of the Apollo Lodge , University of Oxford . May this be only a stepping stone to still higher rank in the Craft !
On Monday , at the Oval , the long talked of match at football between England and Ireland came off , and when " No side " was called , the former were found to be victors by two goals , a try , and fifteen touches down to nothing . The English were a strong team , captained by the Hon . H . A .
Laurence , Richmond , and were somewhat the heavier , but the Irish ( G . Stack , of Dublin University , Captain ) played very pluckily , though their efforts to achieve anything in the way of success proved unavailingly . The event was afterwards concluded by a dinner at St . James ' s Hall , at
which the players , their friends , and the members of most of the prominent London Clubs were present . The other noteworthy matters in the sporting world are the Waterloo Cup , and the practice of the two crews for the 'Varsity Race next month . There appear to have been occasional
changes in the Cambridge boat , which hardly augurs well for its success , but it is early yet to judge of the respective merits of the eights . The crews may be expected to appear at Putney the first week in March , the race , as we have previously stated , being fixed for the 20 th .
A Midsummer Night ' s Bream has been produced at the Gaiety with very great success . Mr . Phelps enacted the part of Bottom , and upon him fell the chief weight of the acting . The other parts were very creditably filled , and the performance cannot fail to prove hig hly attractive .
Mr . Holliugshcad deserves the thanks of the public for providing so excellent an entertainment . It is something in these days of Burlesque and Opera Bouffe to know there are some theatres in London devoted to the legitimate drama . In the musical world there have been
latterly the usual series of concerts . "Monday Pops , " " Saturday Pops , " and London Ballad Concerts , to which must be added the Royal Albert Hall Popular Ballad Concerts . All these have attracted considerable audiences ,
and enabled the gloomy metropolis to , at all events , survive the unusual dulness of the last few weeks . B y the way , the Clerk of the Weather has just favoured us with a little snow and sleet . We feel rather disposed to exclaim , with Horace , —
" Jam satis terns nivis atquc dine Grandiuis mistt Pater . " At the distribution of prizes , on Thursday , in Lincoln ' s Inn Hall , to the " Devil's Own , " the Right Hon . the Secretary of State for War , Mr . Gathorne Hardy , presided ,
and , in the course of his remarks , spoko very hopefully of the present efficient state of the Volunteers generally . He also congratulated the corps before him on the highly favourable report made of them by the inspecting officer ,
and expressed his intention of promoting , as far as lay in his power , the continued success of the Volunteer movement . After distributing some of the prizes Mr . Gathorne Hardy retired , a vote of thanks for his attendance being cordially proposed and enthusiastically responded to .
From Spain the news does not look hopeful for the immediate pacification of that unhappy country . The Northern Army has not carried Estella , the Carlist stronghold ; but , instead , the ^ arliste have , as was reported last
Our Weekly Budget.
week , inflicted a very severe defeat on their antagonists , the consequence of Avhich has been that some officers of high rank have been removed from their commands . The young King Alphonso has returned to his capital , having visited on his road home the veteran Espartero , the staunch upholder of his mother's throne . The interview is said to
have been very affecting , and the old general and his youthful sovereign exchanged decorations in the most impressive manner . It does not speak well for the vigilance of the Alphonsist military authorities that the royal train
was fired upon by the Carlists , to the clanger of Alphonso and the terror of his suite . Meanwhile Ave hear nothing farther from the seat of Avar . Doubtless , the Royal forces are re-organising , as probably are the troops of Don Carlos : evidently the end of the struggle is not yet .
In Prance the Constitutional complications appear tobo approaching a solution . A new Senate Bill is talked of , and there seems to beachanceof its being passed by a considerable majority . There has been a surrender on both sides of sundry points , and hence this prospect of a speedy settlement . From
Berlin Ave hear that the health of the Emperor of Germany is causing some anxiety . His Majesty , however , appears , according to the latest advices , to have been well enough to transact business Avith his advisers , though , by the recommendation of his medical attendants , he still keeps his room . We trust next Aveek that Ave shall be in a
position to announce his complete restoration to health , though additional care will be necessary if the Aveather in Berlin is anything like as unsatisfactory as it is here . The only other neAvs of special interest from abroad immediately concerns this country . By a telegram received at the
Colonial Office , it seems the Maori King and the Imperial authorities have met and interchanged courtesies with each other . This looks very hopeful for the future of NeAV Zealand . For almost a generation Ave have heard of constant disputes between the tAvo—disputes which more
than once have been referred to the bloody arbitrament of war , inAA'hich British pluck has notahvays commanded the success it deserved . We trust the conciliatory spirit Avhich
clearly animates both the Maories and the Colonial authorities Avill bring forth good fruit at an early date , and that hereafter there will be no further " little Avars " in this portion of the British Empire .
The Committee of the United Grand Lodgo met on Wednesday the 17 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . After Avhich the Grand Lodgo of Benevolence was held , Bi ' o . J . Clabon in the chair . Bro . J . Hervey G . S . read the minutes of the former meeting , Avhich Avere confirmed .
Grants to the amount of £ 70 , A'oted at the former meeting , Avere also confirmed ; and UCAV grants , amounting to £ 708 , Avere given ; after which the Grand Lodgo Avas closed , and the members adjourned . Among those present Avero Bros . Brownrigg , J . Nunn , Rev . J . R . Simpson , J . Smith ,
H . Garrod , Wright , E . Page , Stephens , Griffiths Smith , J . Boyd , T . Cubitt , C . Hogard , Koch , J . Smith , F . Binckes , Tyrell , J . Constable , H . Dicketts , SAvan , J . Savage , J . Mander , Lane , Rosenthal , W . H . Main , Marsh , J . Terry , Burrell , Hansworth , C . A . Cottebrune , H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , Pope , S . May , W . Smith , T . Bull , Ough .
We again urge upon Scottish Freemasons , AVIIO may peruse these pages , the paramount claim upon their benevolence and patriotic pride of the proposed Royal Scottish Masonic Benevolent Institution , for which the R . W . Bro . George R . Harriott is Avorking so energetically . The
success of the project will , it is true , be due to his noble initiative and self-sacrifice , but its proximate foundation , will be no less the Avork of those Avhose Avarrn hearts and enlightened sentiments may have leaped iu practical accord with his appeal . The Institution , besides exemplifying that
virtue Avhich is the boast of our Craft , and Avhose active exercise by individual Scotchmen has raised an imperishable monumeut to their country from grateful thousands ,
Avhercver the flag of Britain goes , will do more to raise the Masonic " esprit do corps " in Scotland , and to place the tenets of our Society on their rightful plane , than any other event throughout our long historic annals in
" Caledonia ! stern and wild , Meet nurse for a poetic child , Laud of brown heath and shaggy wood , Land of the mountain and the flood . " and not less , as the poet says elseAvhere , " land of Avarm hearts , practical philauthropby and sjucerest , because