Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
candidate . The usual routine having beeu transacted , Lodgo Avas closed in duo form Avith solemn prayer , and adjourned till l !) th July , on Avhich evening tho W . M . of tho mother Lodge and his Oflicers Avill take their respective positions .
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 804 , Havant . —The ceremony of installing Bro . T . P . Hall , as Worshipful Master , took place in the Masonic Wall , Havnut , on Tnesday afternoon , Avhen there Avas a large attendance of brethren , including several Past Masters and Officers of neighbouring Lodges . Among thoso present Avero Bros . J . Clay W . M ., C . H . Liddell J . W ., J . Weeks P . M . Treas ., Thos . Francis P . M .
Sec , J . AV . Hillman P . M . D . C , J . Lintott P . M . Prov . G . S . of Works , H . R . Trigg P . M . P . Prov . G . S . of Works , J . Harrison P . M ., 0 . C . Harries S . D ., W . Dart J . D ., H . Kimber l . G ., W . Blaekmore Tyler , J . Clark , H . G . Richardson , T . Slaiter , Wheeler , AskoAV , Thompson , Reed , Elverstone , Field , Woodman , J . Prico , C . U . Burr . Visitors—Bros . A . MacMillan J . W ., Clapton Locige 13 U 5 , W . Payne
W . M . 3-12 , 0 . N . Wyatt W . M . 38 , W . A . Butt W . M . 56 , E . Smith , E . J . Smith 312 , J . Maltby P . M ., G . Sherman -187 , J . Hamilton Bridle 487 , H . Martin Green P . M .,- ; Strattou , Boltou 127 , & c . Congratulations Avere received from tho W . M . ' s of 301 ) , 903 , 1428 , and several other brethren . Tho installing Master was Bro . Francis P . M ., who Avas assisted by a full board of Masters . Ater the
installation , the Worshipful Master proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : —Bros . C . H . Liddell S . W ., 0 . C HaaisJ . W ., J . Weeks P . M . Treas ., T . Francis P . M . Sec , J . N . Hillman P . M . M . C ., W . Dart S . D ., II . Kimber J . D ., J . E . Elverston I . G ., 11 . Richardson and A . J . Reed SteAvards , T . B . AskeAv Org ., AV . Blaekmore Tyler , and G . Blaekmore Asst . Tyler . The important business of the Locige
having been concluded , tho brethren adjourned to the Dolphin Hotel , where a recherche banquet Avas served , which reflected the greatest possible credit on Bro J . Purnell ancl his stall ' . On the removal ol the cloth , tho Worshipful Master proposed the Queen and Craft , ancl subsequently he gave tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master His Royal Highness tho Princo of Wales . Ho Avas sure the brethren
would agree with him that their Royal brother was ono of tho most hardworking men in the Avorld , and that he did all he possibly could to advance tho interests of the Craft . The toast was received with great enthusiasm . The W . M . next proposed the Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master ( tho Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon ) , the Right Worshipful Lord Skelmersdale ( Deputy Grand Master ) ,
and the Grand Officers , the toast being well received . He next gave the Right Worshipful the Provincial Graud Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ( Bro . AV . W . B . Beach ) , and the Prov . Grand Oflicers present and past . It Avas perfectly clear that Freemasonry could not have flourished as it had flourished Avithout good Provincial Officers , and ho was glad to Avelcome that day thoso
brethren who had taken Provincial offices , and Avho had done him the honour to be present at his installation . The Provincial Officers had a deal of rough Avork to do sometimes , bnt they invariably acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of the brethren ( Hear , hear ) . He coupled Avith the toast Bros . P . M . 's Lintott , Maltby , Hillman aud Green . Bro . Lintott , in responding , dwelt at some length on the
merits of Bro . Beach , the Provincial Grancl Master , and alluded to his great efforts to advance the best interests of the Order . It was not long ago that Bro . Beach had put himself to great inconvenience and travelled a great many miles in very iuclcment weather to perform the ceremony of laying tho foundation stone of the Carnarvon Lodge , ancl subsequently , when the erection of the Lodgo
premises had been completed , he came among them again to perforin the ceremony of consecration . This , and , in fact , all tho incidents of Bro . Beach ' s life , showed most conclusively that ho had the welfare of the whole fraternity at heart . ( Hear , hear ) . Bro . H . Martin Green P . M . also responded . Bro . Clay I . P . M . proposed the health of the newly-installed Worshipful Master , and in the course of
his observations Avished him a happy and prosperous year of office . The Worshipful Master , in responding , thanked the brethren heartily for the kind reception they had accorded him from time to time , ancl for the great honour they had done him in electing him as the Worshipful Master of the Lodge . He sincerely trusted that ho should so carry out the duties Avhich AVOUICI devolve upon him as to
afford satisfaction to the brethren , and he promised faithfully that nothing but sickness or business of groat emergency should ever prevent his being present in his place at the various Lodge meetings . Of course , in all gatherings there must of necessity arise UOAV aud then some little unpleasantness , but he trusted that any littlo hitch that might occur during his year of office Avould speedily be
overcome , and that they would be able to Avork harmoniously together . If peace and harmony existed , and tho various Officers and brethren did their duty , the Lodge must prosper ( Hear , hear . ) Bro H . Martin Green P . M . proposed tho Visitors in a neat speech , tho toast being duly acknowledged by each visiting brother present . The health of the Installing Master Avas proposed by Bro . Weeks
P . M ., ancl responded to by Bro . Francis P . M ., Avho expressed a hope that tho year upon Avhich they Avere about to enter , under the guidance of Bro . Hall , Avoulcl prove even more prosperous than tho years Avhich had gone by . The Worshipful Master proposed the Past Masters of tho Carnarvon Lodge , to Avhich Bro . Clay I . P . M . and Bro . Hillman responded , and both promised to render the W . M . everv possible assistance during his year of office . Tho remaining
toasts were the Officers of the Carnarvon Lodge , present and past , proposed by the Worshipful Master , and responded to b y Bro . Liddell S . W . ; Bro . Weeks P . M ., proposed by Bro . Triggs P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Weeks ; the Host , proposed by Bro . Clay I . P . M ., and responded to by Bro . J . Purnoll ; aud the Tyler ' s toast . The proceedings , Avhich Avero of the most enjoyable character , terminated Boon after 11 o ' clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting ou Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Sinyth ' s , SiBtera '
Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Wardell W . M ., Christian S . W ., Williams J . W ., Hunt S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Forss I . G ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bros . Slaiter , Davis , Finch , C Lorkin , Brasted , Carr , Wyman and others . The Locige was opened iu due form , the minutes read , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bio . Weige candidate . The Lodgo Avas opened in the
second degree . Bro . Gilliam ansAvered the necessary questions , the Locige Avas opened in tho third degree . Tbo Preceptor then occupied the chair . Tho ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Gilliam as candidate . Bro . Slaiter gave the traditional history , the W . M . resumed the chair , the Locige was regularly closed to the first degree . Bro . Christian Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
Dalhousie Lodge , No- 860 . —The first summer banquet of the brethren of this Lodgo took place on Friday , 12 th July , at tho Crown Hotel , Broxboume , tho W . M . Bro . T . B . Dodson presided , and Avas supported by a good attendance of the brethren ancl their ladies . Tho clay beiug fine , tho drive down Avas thoroughly enjoyed . After
an exceptional repast , served by Bro . Benuingfield , the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts Avero honoured . The company adjourned to tho beautiful gardens , and amused themselves in various Avays until the timo for departure . Amongst those present wero Bros . Wallington P . M ., AVorsley J . AV ., Dickins S . D ., Smith J . D ., Barker , Bond , Jones , Christian , Pavitt , Sadler , AVindus , Cornu , Tompkins , Ellis , & c .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge , held on AVednesday evening , 17 th July , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet-street , Bro . J . S . Brovni of tho Mother Lodge in the chair ; Bro . Hallam S . AV ., Abell J . AV ., Bull S . D ., Vizznrd I . G ., Long P . M ., and several others .
The minutes ot the previous Lodgo being confirmed , tho Locige was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Gladwell ottering himself as a candidate , was raised to tlio third degree in au unexceptionable manner . The Avhole of tho sections of this degree wero then Avorked by tho brethren . Bro . Hallam Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , aud tho Lodge Avas closed .
Stanley Lodge , No . 1325 . —The monthly meeting of thi Lodge AVUS held at the Temple , Hope-stroet , Liverpool , on the 16 th inst . Bro . J . H . BradshaAv AV . M . was supported by Bros . J . AV . Burgess I . P . M ., R . B . Burgess as S . AV ., T . Foulkes J . W ., AV . J . Bell as Sec , A . Samuels S . D ., John Holme J . D ., F . Knight P . M . D . C , S . Hill I . G ., M . AVilliamson Tyler . The usual preliminaries gone
through , tho W . M . AA'orked up to the second degree , and Bros . Arnold and Sanders took their seats among FelloAr Crafts . This was the first occasion since his installation that Bro . Bradshaw had officiated , and he did his work remarkably well . It AA * as anticipated that a candi . date Avho had been accepted would put iu an appearance , but some
unaccountable reason prevented , otherwise the AV . M . would have commenced his year of office by making aud passing candidates , for which Avork he is competent . Thero was an application for assistance , aud the Lodge voted two guineas . The labours being ended , tho Locige AA-as closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and all spent a very pleasant evening .
Fermor Hesketh , Lodge , No . 1350 . — The officers and members of this highly prosperous Lodge met at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday , the 8 th inst . The meeting was summoned for four o'clock , and punctually Bro . AV . H . Cooper took his seat in the East , C . P . Titherly acting as S . AV ., W . P . Evans J . AV ., T . F . Cooper Sec , T . A . Collinson P . M . Treas ., J . H . Johnston P . M . D . C ,
R . Carruthers as S . D ., E . Gordon as J . D ., R . Thomas I . G ., AV . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . ' s R . Collinson , and Dr . A . Samuels ; J . ShaAV , E . 0 . Sanxay , J . E . Storey , AV . C . Riches , J . Hodgson , M . Jones , A . L . Jones , R . Gracey , II . A . Hill , AV . Yallop , E . W . Airey , T . G . Grundy , J . B . McAllister , AV . 0 . Blott ; and Hon . Members—H . S . Alpass P . G . Sec , J . R . Goepel P . P . G . D . C , J . P . Piatt P . P . J . G . AV . Cheshire .
Visitors—Rev . J . Rees Jenkins AV . M . 216 , R . G . Moller P . P . G . D . N . AVales and Salop , T . Ockleshaw P . M . 667 , L . Ellis 1289 , J . P . Bryan 1035 , S . M . Davies FKEEJIASO . VS CHRONICLE , & C After the Lodgo was duly opened and preliminaries despatched , the ballot was taken for Bro . E . Airey P . M . 281 as a joining member . It proved unanimous . Other business Avas rapidly gone through , after
Avhich tho AV . M . signified his intention of proceeding to the important event of the day . The Lodge Avas advanced to the second , and Bros . R . Collinson P . M . and J . H . Johnston P . M . introduced Bro . AV . P . Evans as tho AVorshipf ul Master elect . The customary formalities being complied with , Bro . AV . P . Evans was obligated , in \ -ested , aud installed AV . M , for the ensuing year , I . P . M . Cooper
very ably performing the ceremony . Bro . Evans received the salutations of the brethren , and at once proceeded to invest his Officers , Avhich with the able assistance of Bro . Cooper Avas accomplished aa follows : —AV . H . Cooper I . P . M . and D . C , T . F . Cooper S . W ., C P . Titherly J . AV ., T . A . Collinson P . M . Treasurer , J . VV . Shaw Secretary , It . Carruthers S . D ., G . Gordon J . D ., R . Montgomery I . G .,
C . Leighton , Georgo Grnndy , and AV . Yallop Stewards , John Hodgson Org ., Rev . C . T . Mermagea Chaplain , W . H . Ball Tyler , The ancient charges Avere delivered by Bros . T . A . Collinson , and Dr . A . Samuels . It Avas proposed by the W . M ., ancl seconded by the I . P . M ., that Bros . Alpass , Goepel , Piatt , Marwood , Johnston , and Hughes , become hon . members—carried . At this period tho AV . M . commanded tho Locige to cease labour , ancl signified his pleasure
to banquet with the brethren . The table Avas prettily set out , in keeping with the tone of No . 1350 . Tho menu was of recherche ' character , and wines of celebrated vintage . Justice having been , done to the Avell-catered menu , the AV . M . rose to propose the toast of the Queen , which Avas duly honoured , by the brethren , all joining in the National Anthem . The AV . M . voue to propose a toast only second to \ iko first from tho ifttimato counectioti it had with the Graft , lie
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
candidate . The usual routine having beeu transacted , Lodgo Avas closed in duo form Avith solemn prayer , and adjourned till l !) th July , on Avhich evening tho W . M . of tho mother Lodge and his Oflicers Avill take their respective positions .
Carnarvon Lodge , No . 804 , Havant . —The ceremony of installing Bro . T . P . Hall , as Worshipful Master , took place in the Masonic Wall , Havnut , on Tnesday afternoon , Avhen there Avas a large attendance of brethren , including several Past Masters and Officers of neighbouring Lodges . Among thoso present Avero Bros . J . Clay W . M ., C . H . Liddell J . W ., J . Weeks P . M . Treas ., Thos . Francis P . M .
Sec , J . AV . Hillman P . M . D . C , J . Lintott P . M . Prov . G . S . of Works , H . R . Trigg P . M . P . Prov . G . S . of Works , J . Harrison P . M ., 0 . C . Harries S . D ., W . Dart J . D ., H . Kimber l . G ., W . Blaekmore Tyler , J . Clark , H . G . Richardson , T . Slaiter , Wheeler , AskoAV , Thompson , Reed , Elverstone , Field , Woodman , J . Prico , C . U . Burr . Visitors—Bros . A . MacMillan J . W ., Clapton Locige 13 U 5 , W . Payne
W . M . 3-12 , 0 . N . Wyatt W . M . 38 , W . A . Butt W . M . 56 , E . Smith , E . J . Smith 312 , J . Maltby P . M ., G . Sherman -187 , J . Hamilton Bridle 487 , H . Martin Green P . M .,- ; Strattou , Boltou 127 , & c . Congratulations Avere received from tho W . M . ' s of 301 ) , 903 , 1428 , and several other brethren . Tho installing Master was Bro . Francis P . M ., who Avas assisted by a full board of Masters . Ater the
installation , the Worshipful Master proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : —Bros . C . H . Liddell S . W ., 0 . C HaaisJ . W ., J . Weeks P . M . Treas ., T . Francis P . M . Sec , J . N . Hillman P . M . M . C ., W . Dart S . D ., II . Kimber J . D ., J . E . Elverston I . G ., 11 . Richardson and A . J . Reed SteAvards , T . B . AskeAv Org ., AV . Blaekmore Tyler , and G . Blaekmore Asst . Tyler . The important business of the Locige
having been concluded , tho brethren adjourned to the Dolphin Hotel , where a recherche banquet Avas served , which reflected the greatest possible credit on Bro J . Purnell ancl his stall ' . On the removal ol the cloth , tho Worshipful Master proposed the Queen and Craft , ancl subsequently he gave tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master His Royal Highness tho Princo of Wales . Ho Avas sure the brethren
would agree with him that their Royal brother was ono of tho most hardworking men in the Avorld , and that he did all he possibly could to advance tho interests of the Craft . The toast was received with great enthusiasm . The W . M . next proposed the Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master ( tho Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon ) , the Right Worshipful Lord Skelmersdale ( Deputy Grand Master ) ,
and the Grand Officers , the toast being well received . He next gave the Right Worshipful the Provincial Graud Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ( Bro . AV . W . B . Beach ) , and the Prov . Grand Oflicers present and past . It Avas perfectly clear that Freemasonry could not have flourished as it had flourished Avithout good Provincial Officers , and ho was glad to Avelcome that day thoso
brethren who had taken Provincial offices , and Avho had done him the honour to be present at his installation . The Provincial Officers had a deal of rough Avork to do sometimes , bnt they invariably acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of the brethren ( Hear , hear ) . He coupled Avith the toast Bros . P . M . 's Lintott , Maltby , Hillman aud Green . Bro . Lintott , in responding , dwelt at some length on the
merits of Bro . Beach , the Provincial Grancl Master , and alluded to his great efforts to advance the best interests of the Order . It was not long ago that Bro . Beach had put himself to great inconvenience and travelled a great many miles in very iuclcment weather to perform the ceremony of laying tho foundation stone of the Carnarvon Lodge , ancl subsequently , when the erection of the Lodgo
premises had been completed , he came among them again to perforin the ceremony of consecration . This , and , in fact , all tho incidents of Bro . Beach ' s life , showed most conclusively that ho had the welfare of the whole fraternity at heart . ( Hear , hear ) . Bro . H . Martin Green P . M . also responded . Bro . Clay I . P . M . proposed the health of the newly-installed Worshipful Master , and in the course of
his observations Avished him a happy and prosperous year of office . The Worshipful Master , in responding , thanked the brethren heartily for the kind reception they had accorded him from time to time , ancl for the great honour they had done him in electing him as the Worshipful Master of the Lodge . He sincerely trusted that ho should so carry out the duties Avhich AVOUICI devolve upon him as to
afford satisfaction to the brethren , and he promised faithfully that nothing but sickness or business of groat emergency should ever prevent his being present in his place at the various Lodge meetings . Of course , in all gatherings there must of necessity arise UOAV aud then some little unpleasantness , but he trusted that any littlo hitch that might occur during his year of office Avould speedily be
overcome , and that they would be able to Avork harmoniously together . If peace and harmony existed , and tho various Officers and brethren did their duty , the Lodge must prosper ( Hear , hear . ) Bro H . Martin Green P . M . proposed tho Visitors in a neat speech , tho toast being duly acknowledged by each visiting brother present . The health of the Installing Master Avas proposed by Bro . Weeks
P . M ., ancl responded to by Bro . Francis P . M ., Avho expressed a hope that tho year upon Avhich they Avere about to enter , under the guidance of Bro . Hall , Avoulcl prove even more prosperous than tho years Avhich had gone by . The Worshipful Master proposed the Past Masters of tho Carnarvon Lodge , to Avhich Bro . Clay I . P . M . and Bro . Hillman responded , and both promised to render the W . M . everv possible assistance during his year of office . Tho remaining
toasts were the Officers of the Carnarvon Lodge , present and past , proposed by the Worshipful Master , and responded to b y Bro . Liddell S . W . ; Bro . Weeks P . M ., proposed by Bro . Triggs P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Weeks ; the Host , proposed by Bro . Clay I . P . M ., and responded to by Bro . J . Purnoll ; aud the Tyler ' s toast . The proceedings , Avhich Avero of the most enjoyable character , terminated Boon after 11 o ' clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting ou Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Sinyth ' s , SiBtera '
Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Wardell W . M ., Christian S . W ., Williams J . W ., Hunt S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Forss I . G ., Dallas Secretary , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bros . Slaiter , Davis , Finch , C Lorkin , Brasted , Carr , Wyman and others . The Locige was opened iu due form , the minutes read , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bio . Weige candidate . The Lodgo Avas opened in the
second degree . Bro . Gilliam ansAvered the necessary questions , the Locige Avas opened in tho third degree . Tbo Preceptor then occupied the chair . Tho ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Gilliam as candidate . Bro . Slaiter gave the traditional history , the W . M . resumed the chair , the Locige was regularly closed to the first degree . Bro . Christian Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
Dalhousie Lodge , No- 860 . —The first summer banquet of the brethren of this Lodgo took place on Friday , 12 th July , at tho Crown Hotel , Broxboume , tho W . M . Bro . T . B . Dodson presided , and Avas supported by a good attendance of the brethren ancl their ladies . Tho clay beiug fine , tho drive down Avas thoroughly enjoyed . After
an exceptional repast , served by Bro . Benuingfield , the usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts Avero honoured . The company adjourned to tho beautiful gardens , and amused themselves in various Avays until the timo for departure . Amongst those present wero Bros . Wallington P . M ., AVorsley J . AV ., Dickins S . D ., Smith J . D ., Barker , Bond , Jones , Christian , Pavitt , Sadler , AVindus , Cornu , Tompkins , Ellis , & c .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge , held on AVednesday evening , 17 th July , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet-street , Bro . J . S . Brovni of tho Mother Lodge in the chair ; Bro . Hallam S . AV ., Abell J . AV ., Bull S . D ., Vizznrd I . G ., Long P . M ., and several others .
The minutes ot the previous Lodgo being confirmed , tho Locige was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Gladwell ottering himself as a candidate , was raised to tlio third degree in au unexceptionable manner . The Avhole of tho sections of this degree wero then Avorked by tho brethren . Bro . Hallam Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , aud tho Lodge Avas closed .
Stanley Lodge , No . 1325 . —The monthly meeting of thi Lodge AVUS held at the Temple , Hope-stroet , Liverpool , on the 16 th inst . Bro . J . H . BradshaAv AV . M . was supported by Bros . J . AV . Burgess I . P . M ., R . B . Burgess as S . AV ., T . Foulkes J . W ., AV . J . Bell as Sec , A . Samuels S . D ., John Holme J . D ., F . Knight P . M . D . C , S . Hill I . G ., M . AVilliamson Tyler . The usual preliminaries gone
through , tho W . M . AA'orked up to the second degree , and Bros . Arnold and Sanders took their seats among FelloAr Crafts . This was the first occasion since his installation that Bro . Bradshaw had officiated , and he did his work remarkably well . It AA * as anticipated that a candi . date Avho had been accepted would put iu an appearance , but some
unaccountable reason prevented , otherwise the AV . M . would have commenced his year of office by making aud passing candidates , for which Avork he is competent . Thero was an application for assistance , aud the Lodge voted two guineas . The labours being ended , tho Locige AA-as closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and all spent a very pleasant evening .
Fermor Hesketh , Lodge , No . 1350 . — The officers and members of this highly prosperous Lodge met at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday , the 8 th inst . The meeting was summoned for four o'clock , and punctually Bro . AV . H . Cooper took his seat in the East , C . P . Titherly acting as S . AV ., W . P . Evans J . AV ., T . F . Cooper Sec , T . A . Collinson P . M . Treas ., J . H . Johnston P . M . D . C ,
R . Carruthers as S . D ., E . Gordon as J . D ., R . Thomas I . G ., AV . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . ' s R . Collinson , and Dr . A . Samuels ; J . ShaAV , E . 0 . Sanxay , J . E . Storey , AV . C . Riches , J . Hodgson , M . Jones , A . L . Jones , R . Gracey , II . A . Hill , AV . Yallop , E . W . Airey , T . G . Grundy , J . B . McAllister , AV . 0 . Blott ; and Hon . Members—H . S . Alpass P . G . Sec , J . R . Goepel P . P . G . D . C , J . P . Piatt P . P . J . G . AV . Cheshire .
Visitors—Rev . J . Rees Jenkins AV . M . 216 , R . G . Moller P . P . G . D . N . AVales and Salop , T . Ockleshaw P . M . 667 , L . Ellis 1289 , J . P . Bryan 1035 , S . M . Davies FKEEJIASO . VS CHRONICLE , & C After the Lodgo was duly opened and preliminaries despatched , the ballot was taken for Bro . E . Airey P . M . 281 as a joining member . It proved unanimous . Other business Avas rapidly gone through , after
Avhich tho AV . M . signified his intention of proceeding to the important event of the day . The Lodge Avas advanced to the second , and Bros . R . Collinson P . M . and J . H . Johnston P . M . introduced Bro . AV . P . Evans as tho AVorshipf ul Master elect . The customary formalities being complied with , Bro . AV . P . Evans was obligated , in \ -ested , aud installed AV . M , for the ensuing year , I . P . M . Cooper
very ably performing the ceremony . Bro . Evans received the salutations of the brethren , and at once proceeded to invest his Officers , Avhich with the able assistance of Bro . Cooper Avas accomplished aa follows : —AV . H . Cooper I . P . M . and D . C , T . F . Cooper S . W ., C P . Titherly J . AV ., T . A . Collinson P . M . Treasurer , J . VV . Shaw Secretary , It . Carruthers S . D ., G . Gordon J . D ., R . Montgomery I . G .,
C . Leighton , Georgo Grnndy , and AV . Yallop Stewards , John Hodgson Org ., Rev . C . T . Mermagea Chaplain , W . H . Ball Tyler , The ancient charges Avere delivered by Bros . T . A . Collinson , and Dr . A . Samuels . It Avas proposed by the W . M ., ancl seconded by the I . P . M ., that Bros . Alpass , Goepel , Piatt , Marwood , Johnston , and Hughes , become hon . members—carried . At this period tho AV . M . commanded tho Locige to cease labour , ancl signified his pleasure
to banquet with the brethren . The table Avas prettily set out , in keeping with the tone of No . 1350 . Tho menu was of recherche ' character , and wines of celebrated vintage . Justice having been , done to the Avell-catered menu , the AV . M . rose to propose the toast of the Queen , which Avas duly honoured , by the brethren , all joining in the National Anthem . The AV . M . voue to propose a toast only second to \ iko first from tho ifttimato counectioti it had with the Graft , lie