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invited the brethren to drink to the health of the G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Princes nf Wales , and the rest of the Royal family . This Avas received with enthusiasm by the brethren , Avho sang " God Bless the Prince of AVales . " Tho third toast on tho list —the Pro G . M . and tho other Grand Lodge Officers—was hononrod , after which tho AV . M . gave tho Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale
Prov . G . M ., the Deputy P . G . M ., and tho rest of Prov . Grand Officers , coupling Avith the toast tho namo of Bro . Alpass , Prov . Grand Secretary . Bro . Alpass roso with pleasure . Lord Skolmersdalo ' s avocations seemed to increase daily . His popularity in London is eqnal to the high esteem in Avhich he is held in the Province . If he Avero not so much sought after , ho might como doAvn to enjoy tho comforts
of his home , and the brethren of Ins Province might see more of him . At the same time , if Lord Skelmersdale thought the Masons of his Province needed his help , they would certainly receive it . He is fully posted as to all Masonio movements in progress . AVith reference to Col . Stanley , ho is making himself felt , and should AVO require his services , they would be readily given . Bro . Alpass
alluded to the movement in the Lodgo to establish a Benevolent Fund , and not knowing tho object of tho Fund , directed attention to tho Hamor Fund , tho Almoners' Fund , to tho three London Charities , & c . Their Province Avas the largest subscribing ono in tho kingdom , and they ought to carry their candidate into either of the three London Charities Avhen needed . Tho I . P . M ., on rising to propose
the fifth toast , remarked it was the toast of tho evening . Thoy had had tho gratification of installing Bro . Evans ns AVorshipfnl Master for tho coming year , and it was a great gratification to seo him in his exalted position ; all know how efficiently Bro . Evans has filled the offices confided to him in the Lodgo , and we have every reason to believe that those cood traits which havo characterised him from
tho day of his initiation in this Lodge , and distinguished him in his several capacities , will , now he is W . M ., bo cqnally conspicuous , and at tho end of his term of office we shall find that the Lodge has lost none of its lustre by being entrusted to his Mastership . Ho gave them the toasfc of the Worshipful Master , ancl knew all would join in wishing him long life and a prosperous A'ear . Tho toast Avas
enthusiastically drunk . At this stage of the proceedings , Bros . Bryan , Hodgson , Grundy nnd AVatson favoured tho brethren Avith a quartet , which Avas admirably rendered . Tho AV . M ., on rising , said he felt deeply the kind remarks spoken by tho worthy I . P . M . Ho thanked the brethren for the cordial Avay in which they had endorsed those remarks ; ho assured them in the past he
had endeavoured to do his best for tho interests of the Lodge , and Avould endeavour during his term of office to prove how greatly he appreciated the honour they had conferred on him . Before sitting clown he had a pleasing duty to perform ; to present , in the name of the Lodgo , a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to our worthy I . P . M . He hoped Bro . Cooper would wear it as a mark of tho high esteem
in which he is deservedly held , and that ho might have a long and prosperous life . Tho toast was heartily drunk , with musical honours . After a song by Bro . AVatson , the I . P . M . rose . Ho felt grateful for the complimentary manner in Avhich his health had been proposed . During his year of office he had tried to give satisfaction , and it was a pleasure to feel that his endeavours had been appreciated . His
term had not been free from difficulties , yet they had overcome thom , and the Locige to-day stands in a prosperous state . We have been taken to task , because onr efforts to establish a Benevolent Fund in the Lodge have not been understood . Although this particular fund has a local aspect , yet in looking after it it does not folloAv that we pay no attention to tho great Charities of London . He
was sure the Lodge was always willing to do its utmost for all charitable demands . He should greatly prize the jeAvel they had presented him , and should Avear it Avith a conviction that it AVUS voted from tho best motives . In the future he would devote his energies Avith as much fervency as heretofore . ( Cheers ) . Tho AV . M . UOAV rose to propose tho health of the Past Masters of the Lodge
and in a few remarks united the names of Bros . Samuels and Johnston . Bros . Bryan and Hodgson favoured the brethren Avith a duet , after which Bro . Johnston said he felt sure thafc the Lodge would go on prospering , and he was ever ready to do his best for its interest . Bro . Samuels followed to tho same purport . Bro . R . Collinson , as the junior P . M ., always felt great pleasure in performing his
duty , and to be present in Lodgo ; he had that day come from Manchester to give his support . The worthy Bro . Treasurer folloAvecl He Avas particularly wishful that tho Benevolent Fund of the Lodge shonld flourish . The W . M . on rising to propose the toast of the Visitors , said he was pleased to see so many distinguished brethren present , and assured them that thoy Avero most cordially
AVOIcome to tho Lodge . He thanked them for tho honour of their company , and in giving the toast , with every fraternal feeling , ho united tho names of Bros . Mellor , Davies , and others . The toasfc Avas heartily drunk . Bro . Mellor P . P . G . D . North AVales and Shropshire thanked the AV . M . and brethren for their bountiful hospitality ; for the kindness with which tho toast Avas proposed , and the cordial
manner in Avhich it had been received . Ho knew he was expressing the sentiments of the visitors when he said that it was a groat pleasure to be privileged to be a guest of snch Avorthy brethren . He was delighted to be with thom , and had spent a most pleasant evening , and wished the Fermor Hesketh Lodgo every success . Other brethren followed , and expressed the delight they folt in
being present . Bro . Cook volunteered tho next song , after which Bro . Airey thanked tho brethren for their kindness in unanimously electing him a joining member of the Lodge . The AV . M . next proposed the toast of the Charities , and conpled therewith the names of Bros . Piatt and Goepel . The toast was duly honoured and ably responded to by Bro . Piatt for the Provincial Charities , and by Bro .
Goepel for the London Charities . The Officers of the Fermor Hesketh . Lodge were next honoured . Bro . S . AV . responded ; Avhen he Avas initiated he had no idea of ever attaining to the important office confided to him that day . He Avould discharge the duties with pleasure and fidelity . Bro . Secretary and other Officers also returned thank ** . Tho next toasfc Bro . Evans waa sure would be
drunk with every mark of appreciation ; all felt indebted to the Musical Brethren , AA * ho by their talent had conduced greatly to the pleasure of tho evening . He , therefore , asked the brethren to drink with him most cordially to the health of the Musical Brethren , AA'hioh was done . Onr genial ancl talented brethren again rendered a quartet , and Bro . Hodgson , the Organist of the Lodgo , was called upon to respond . He thanked the AV . M . for proposing tho toast in such a considerate manner . He felt sure tho other brethren wonld
endorse Avhat he said , and Avith him do all in their power for tho good of the Lodge . The Worshipful Master next proposed success to the Masonio Press , and Avith the toast united the names of Bros . Bryan and Davies . The toast was warmly received . Bro . Bryan replied on his OAVU behalf , and Bro . Davies gratefully acknowledged
the mark of esteem shown him and the journal he represented . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close one of the most enjoyable evenings it was possible to participate in . AVe wish the Fermor Hesketh Lodge every success , ancl hope that tho worthy brethren may live long to enjoy such gratifying and harmonious celebrations as that of the 8 th inst .
Era Chapter , No . 1423 . —Tho installation meeting was held on Saturday , 13 th July , at the Island Hotel , Hampton . The Chapter was opened , ancl tho minutes of the previous convocation wero read and unanimously confirmed . Apologies Avere received from Comps . T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . Middlesex M . E . Z ., and T . J . Hooper AVilkins , excusing and regretting their non-attendance . By the invitation of
the Installed Principals Comp . Frederick AValters P . P . G . ' 1 st A . S . Middlesex P . Z . 73 , in an able and efficient manner installed Comp . E . II . Thiellay ns the M . E . Z ., Avho in return installed Comp . F . AValters as H . The Joshua elect , Comp . John Mason , was too ill to be present , so his installation had to be deferred . The other officers Avere invested and appointed . Comp . E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . D . C .
Middlesex M . E . Z . gave proofs of his proficiency by the able manner in which he exalted Bro . John Beresford Ryloy ( 1423 ) . The candidate expressed himself pleased with tho interesting ceremony . Tho report of the Audit Committee shoAved the funds to bo in a good state . Tho I . P . Z ., although absent , was not forgotten , for a jeAvel
Avas unanimously voted him from tho Chapter Funds . A vote of thanks Avas given to Comps . II . A . Dubois P . Z . for his services , rendered to tho Chapter as its first Treasurer . Business ended , tha Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Saturday , 14 th September , at 3 o ' clock p . m . Banquet followed .
Lodge Of Israel , No . 1502 . —The monthly meeting Avas held at tho Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on the 15 th inst . Present—Bros . A . Jones W . M ., S . Schonstadt S . AV ., Rev . H . D . Marks J . W ., M . Hart I . P . M . Sec , J . Skeaf P . G . O . as Org ., S . J . AVaring as S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., R . Robinson P . M . D . C , J . Saber Steward , M . P . Tueski I . G ., W . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . A . J . Henochsberg ,
J . Frank . Visitors—Bros . J . P . AVright AV . M . 78 G , Dr . Bailey 786 , Brotherton 241 , Davies 22 G . lt . C . The usual formalities having been duly observed , tho AV . M . in a pleasing and able manner initiated Mr . Harris into Freemasonry . Bro . J . AV . explained the Avorking tools in a most accomplished manner , and Bro . S . AV . very ably delivered the charge . It was proposed by Bro . Robinson P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Henochsberg P . M ., that the customary sum of £ 5 bo voted from tho funds of the Locige to tho Masonic Relief Fund , carried unanimously . A Committee Avas then appointed to represent the Lodge on the Masonic Hall Relief Committee . Tho labours of the evening over , the AV . M . closed the Lodgo , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A very pleasant evening was spent
round tho festive board , where tho enjoyment was enhanced by the kindness of Bros . Marks , Schonstadt , A . J . Henochsberg , M . Hart , Dr . Bailey , Robinson , ancl S . J . Henochsberg , Avho delighted the brethren Avith some capital songs ancl recitations . The toast list Avas dispensed Avith , as the time Avas very agreeably taken up with harmony , but the AV . M . did not forget to propose the health of the
newly initiated Brother . Bro . Jones , in his usual fraternal spirit , gave the toast of tho Visitors , according all a hearty Avelcomo . The toast Avas most cheerfully accepted by tho brethren , and Bro . Wright replied . This Lodge , it is pleasing to state , is one of the most harmonious and prosperous in Liverpool , and the Officers work superbly .
Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 . —The installation meet ? ng " of this Lodge Avas held on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , at tho Trewythan Arms Hotel , Llanidloes , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bro . W . Collendor P . M . and P . P . G . D . C North AVales and Shropshire presided , and there Avere also present Bros . J . Kitto S . AV . ( W . M . elect ) , AV . H . Williams J . W ., Hugh
Jones Treasurer , J . D . Davis Hon . Secretary , AV . Rnssel J . D ., J . H . AVebb J . G ., J . Trewin Tvler , D . P . Owen P . M . 938 , 0 . Morgan AV . M . 1594 , J . Danily P . M . 1594 , F . Britton P . M . 1594 , Edward Hamer P . M . 1072 Prov . Grancl Secretary South AVales , A . Hughes P . M . 1072 , John Owen 1591 , D . Swancott 1582 , E . Hughes 1582 , Thomas Bennett 1582 , J . Williams 1072 , AV . Pell 1072 , J . Morris 1121 , & c .
The Lodge having been oponed , and the minutes of tho last regular Lodge read and confirmed , tho first business was tho passing of Bro . Edward Hughes to the second degree , after which Bro . John Kitto ( W . M . elect ) was presented by Bro . Edward Hamer to receive at the bauds of Bro . AV . Cullender tho benefit of installation . Tho ceremony was performed iu a most impressive manner , and in accordance with ancient custom tho AV . M . ( J . Kitto ) then invested his
Oflicers for the ensuing year , after Avhich tho AV . M . said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , and thafc was to present to their I . P . M . ( Bro . AV . Collender ) a P . M . 's jewel , for tho great services rendered by him since tho formation of the Lodge in 1876 as first Master . He then , in a speech of considerable length , attached the jewel to his breast , remarking that ho hoped Bro . Collender would live many years to Avear it ( applause ) . The jewel is a very handsome ono . It
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invited the brethren to drink to the health of the G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the Princes nf Wales , and the rest of the Royal family . This Avas received with enthusiasm by the brethren , Avho sang " God Bless the Prince of AVales . " Tho third toast on tho list —the Pro G . M . and tho other Grand Lodge Officers—was hononrod , after which tho AV . M . gave tho Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale
Prov . G . M ., the Deputy P . G . M ., and tho rest of Prov . Grand Officers , coupling Avith the toast tho namo of Bro . Alpass , Prov . Grand Secretary . Bro . Alpass roso with pleasure . Lord Skolmersdalo ' s avocations seemed to increase daily . His popularity in London is eqnal to the high esteem in Avhich he is held in the Province . If he Avero not so much sought after , ho might como doAvn to enjoy tho comforts
of his home , and the brethren of Ins Province might see more of him . At the same time , if Lord Skelmersdale thought the Masons of his Province needed his help , they would certainly receive it . He is fully posted as to all Masonio movements in progress . AVith reference to Col . Stanley , ho is making himself felt , and should AVO require his services , they would be readily given . Bro . Alpass
alluded to the movement in the Lodgo to establish a Benevolent Fund , and not knowing tho object of tho Fund , directed attention to tho Hamor Fund , tho Almoners' Fund , to tho three London Charities , & c . Their Province Avas the largest subscribing ono in tho kingdom , and they ought to carry their candidate into either of the three London Charities Avhen needed . Tho I . P . M ., on rising to propose
the fifth toast , remarked it was the toast of tho evening . Thoy had had tho gratification of installing Bro . Evans ns AVorshipfnl Master for tho coming year , and it was a great gratification to seo him in his exalted position ; all know how efficiently Bro . Evans has filled the offices confided to him in the Lodgo , and we have every reason to believe that those cood traits which havo characterised him from
tho day of his initiation in this Lodge , and distinguished him in his several capacities , will , now he is W . M ., bo cqnally conspicuous , and at tho end of his term of office we shall find that the Lodge has lost none of its lustre by being entrusted to his Mastership . Ho gave them the toasfc of the Worshipful Master , ancl knew all would join in wishing him long life and a prosperous A'ear . Tho toast Avas
enthusiastically drunk . At this stage of the proceedings , Bros . Bryan , Hodgson , Grundy nnd AVatson favoured tho brethren Avith a quartet , which Avas admirably rendered . Tho AV . M ., on rising , said he felt deeply the kind remarks spoken by tho worthy I . P . M . Ho thanked the brethren for the cordial Avay in which they had endorsed those remarks ; ho assured them in the past he
had endeavoured to do his best for tho interests of the Lodge , and Avould endeavour during his term of office to prove how greatly he appreciated the honour they had conferred on him . Before sitting clown he had a pleasing duty to perform ; to present , in the name of the Lodgo , a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to our worthy I . P . M . He hoped Bro . Cooper would wear it as a mark of tho high esteem
in which he is deservedly held , and that ho might have a long and prosperous life . Tho toast was heartily drunk , with musical honours . After a song by Bro . AVatson , the I . P . M . rose . Ho felt grateful for the complimentary manner in Avhich his health had been proposed . During his year of office he had tried to give satisfaction , and it was a pleasure to feel that his endeavours had been appreciated . His
term had not been free from difficulties , yet they had overcome thom , and the Locige to-day stands in a prosperous state . We have been taken to task , because onr efforts to establish a Benevolent Fund in the Lodge have not been understood . Although this particular fund has a local aspect , yet in looking after it it does not folloAv that we pay no attention to tho great Charities of London . He
was sure the Lodge was always willing to do its utmost for all charitable demands . He should greatly prize the jeAvel they had presented him , and should Avear it Avith a conviction that it AVUS voted from tho best motives . In the future he would devote his energies Avith as much fervency as heretofore . ( Cheers ) . Tho AV . M . UOAV rose to propose tho health of the Past Masters of the Lodge
and in a few remarks united the names of Bros . Samuels and Johnston . Bros . Bryan and Hodgson favoured the brethren Avith a duet , after which Bro . Johnston said he felt sure thafc the Lodge would go on prospering , and he was ever ready to do his best for its interest . Bro . Samuels followed to tho same purport . Bro . R . Collinson , as the junior P . M ., always felt great pleasure in performing his
duty , and to be present in Lodgo ; he had that day come from Manchester to give his support . The worthy Bro . Treasurer folloAvecl He Avas particularly wishful that tho Benevolent Fund of the Lodge shonld flourish . The W . M . on rising to propose the toast of the Visitors , said he was pleased to see so many distinguished brethren present , and assured them that thoy Avero most cordially
AVOIcome to tho Lodge . He thanked them for tho honour of their company , and in giving the toast , with every fraternal feeling , ho united tho names of Bros . Mellor , Davies , and others . The toasfc Avas heartily drunk . Bro . Mellor P . P . G . D . North AVales and Shropshire thanked the AV . M . and brethren for their bountiful hospitality ; for the kindness with which tho toast Avas proposed , and the cordial
manner in Avhich it had been received . Ho knew he was expressing the sentiments of the visitors when he said that it was a groat pleasure to be privileged to be a guest of snch Avorthy brethren . He was delighted to be with thom , and had spent a most pleasant evening , and wished the Fermor Hesketh Lodgo every success . Other brethren followed , and expressed the delight they folt in
being present . Bro . Cook volunteered tho next song , after which Bro . Airey thanked tho brethren for their kindness in unanimously electing him a joining member of the Lodge . The AV . M . next proposed the toast of the Charities , and conpled therewith the names of Bros . Piatt and Goepel . The toast was duly honoured and ably responded to by Bro . Piatt for the Provincial Charities , and by Bro .
Goepel for the London Charities . The Officers of the Fermor Hesketh . Lodge were next honoured . Bro . S . AV . responded ; Avhen he Avas initiated he had no idea of ever attaining to the important office confided to him that day . He Avould discharge the duties with pleasure and fidelity . Bro . Secretary and other Officers also returned thank ** . Tho next toasfc Bro . Evans waa sure would be
drunk with every mark of appreciation ; all felt indebted to the Musical Brethren , AA * ho by their talent had conduced greatly to the pleasure of tho evening . He , therefore , asked the brethren to drink with him most cordially to the health of the Musical Brethren , AA'hioh was done . Onr genial ancl talented brethren again rendered a quartet , and Bro . Hodgson , the Organist of the Lodgo , was called upon to respond . He thanked the AV . M . for proposing tho toast in such a considerate manner . He felt sure tho other brethren wonld
endorse Avhat he said , and Avith him do all in their power for tho good of the Lodge . The Worshipful Master next proposed success to the Masonio Press , and Avith the toast united the names of Bros . Bryan and Davies . The toast was warmly received . Bro . Bryan replied on his OAVU behalf , and Bro . Davies gratefully acknowledged
the mark of esteem shown him and the journal he represented . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close one of the most enjoyable evenings it was possible to participate in . AVe wish the Fermor Hesketh Lodge every success , ancl hope that tho worthy brethren may live long to enjoy such gratifying and harmonious celebrations as that of the 8 th inst .
Era Chapter , No . 1423 . —Tho installation meeting was held on Saturday , 13 th July , at the Island Hotel , Hampton . The Chapter was opened , ancl tho minutes of the previous convocation wero read and unanimously confirmed . Apologies Avere received from Comps . T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . Middlesex M . E . Z ., and T . J . Hooper AVilkins , excusing and regretting their non-attendance . By the invitation of
the Installed Principals Comp . Frederick AValters P . P . G . ' 1 st A . S . Middlesex P . Z . 73 , in an able and efficient manner installed Comp . E . II . Thiellay ns the M . E . Z ., Avho in return installed Comp . F . AValters as H . The Joshua elect , Comp . John Mason , was too ill to be present , so his installation had to be deferred . The other officers Avere invested and appointed . Comp . E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . D . C .
Middlesex M . E . Z . gave proofs of his proficiency by the able manner in which he exalted Bro . John Beresford Ryloy ( 1423 ) . The candidate expressed himself pleased with tho interesting ceremony . Tho report of the Audit Committee shoAved the funds to bo in a good state . Tho I . P . Z ., although absent , was not forgotten , for a jeAvel
Avas unanimously voted him from tho Chapter Funds . A vote of thanks Avas given to Comps . II . A . Dubois P . Z . for his services , rendered to tho Chapter as its first Treasurer . Business ended , tha Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Saturday , 14 th September , at 3 o ' clock p . m . Banquet followed .
Lodge Of Israel , No . 1502 . —The monthly meeting Avas held at tho Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool , on the 15 th inst . Present—Bros . A . Jones W . M ., S . Schonstadt S . AV ., Rev . H . D . Marks J . W ., M . Hart I . P . M . Sec , J . Skeaf P . G . O . as Org ., S . J . AVaring as S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., R . Robinson P . M . D . C , J . Saber Steward , M . P . Tueski I . G ., W . H . Ball Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . A . J . Henochsberg ,
J . Frank . Visitors—Bros . J . P . AVright AV . M . 78 G , Dr . Bailey 786 , Brotherton 241 , Davies 22 G . lt . C . The usual formalities having been duly observed , tho AV . M . in a pleasing and able manner initiated Mr . Harris into Freemasonry . Bro . J . AV . explained the Avorking tools in a most accomplished manner , and Bro . S . AV . very ably delivered the charge . It was proposed by Bro . Robinson P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Henochsberg P . M ., that the customary sum of £ 5 bo voted from tho funds of the Locige to tho Masonic Relief Fund , carried unanimously . A Committee Avas then appointed to represent the Lodge on the Masonic Hall Relief Committee . Tho labours of the evening over , the AV . M . closed the Lodgo , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A very pleasant evening was spent
round tho festive board , where tho enjoyment was enhanced by the kindness of Bros . Marks , Schonstadt , A . J . Henochsberg , M . Hart , Dr . Bailey , Robinson , ancl S . J . Henochsberg , Avho delighted the brethren Avith some capital songs ancl recitations . The toast list Avas dispensed Avith , as the time Avas very agreeably taken up with harmony , but the AV . M . did not forget to propose the health of the
newly initiated Brother . Bro . Jones , in his usual fraternal spirit , gave the toast of tho Visitors , according all a hearty Avelcomo . The toast Avas most cheerfully accepted by tho brethren , and Bro . Wright replied . This Lodge , it is pleasing to state , is one of the most harmonious and prosperous in Liverpool , and the Officers work superbly .
Llanidloes Lodge , No . 1582 . —The installation meet ? ng " of this Lodge Avas held on Wednesday , the 10 th instant , at tho Trewythan Arms Hotel , Llanidloes , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bro . W . Collendor P . M . and P . P . G . D . C North AVales and Shropshire presided , and there Avere also present Bros . J . Kitto S . AV . ( W . M . elect ) , AV . H . Williams J . W ., Hugh
Jones Treasurer , J . D . Davis Hon . Secretary , AV . Rnssel J . D ., J . H . AVebb J . G ., J . Trewin Tvler , D . P . Owen P . M . 938 , 0 . Morgan AV . M . 1594 , J . Danily P . M . 1594 , F . Britton P . M . 1594 , Edward Hamer P . M . 1072 Prov . Grancl Secretary South AVales , A . Hughes P . M . 1072 , John Owen 1591 , D . Swancott 1582 , E . Hughes 1582 , Thomas Bennett 1582 , J . Williams 1072 , AV . Pell 1072 , J . Morris 1121 , & c .
The Lodge having been oponed , and the minutes of tho last regular Lodge read and confirmed , tho first business was tho passing of Bro . Edward Hughes to the second degree , after which Bro . John Kitto ( W . M . elect ) was presented by Bro . Edward Hamer to receive at the bauds of Bro . AV . Cullender tho benefit of installation . Tho ceremony was performed iu a most impressive manner , and in accordance with ancient custom tho AV . M . ( J . Kitto ) then invested his
Oflicers for the ensuing year , after Avhich tho AV . M . said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , and thafc was to present to their I . P . M . ( Bro . AV . Collender ) a P . M . 's jewel , for tho great services rendered by him since tho formation of the Lodge in 1876 as first Master . He then , in a speech of considerable length , attached the jewel to his breast , remarking that ho hoped Bro . Collender would live many years to Avear it ( applause ) . The jewel is a very handsome ono . It