Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GEE AT QUEEN" STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable IHM \ wvwlvaUtAawommivVAUott v « wM « v \* At IWa V . st !\ Misme « t Inv IMZ-A-SOlsriC BAUQTJBTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Ia too well known tonuPiIc . imiiit'Mt . Tin' pntir « iii : iim :: cm < ill Iiii's liren etanfed , ; mi ( the KstaUUsUiucut iu all iU l , v . w < 'lvos vUm- ^ wrUty vv- *»\ v . m \* v <\ . The attention of tlm Masonic ll . i . ly i .- illivuteil to the iiiiiny : iilvuiitu ;; eK one red . CUISIJSTK OTH TIIIV . HIGHKST OIIATtACTRR . WtSKS l'KBKi ;< T IS VOXniTUwX ASi * < IH . 4 I . ITY . N . B .-DIHMERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINK , SltOKIMI . t RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Simp , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to i iliiily . —UKOIHJK TAVKKN , l ; i !! in-s # tt . <; Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THEMASONICSEASON. rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SKCIiETARlES of LODGES . L Hro . Goorcc Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TARIFF OK CHARMS for INSTALLATION 11 ANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , . V . C ., ie . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGK SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 uio , os . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , fly P . ev . 11 no . <) r , tvi : it , D . I ) . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . IJfTENDKI ) AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , ie ., & c . Also price Ids , rpHE FOUR OLD LODGES . 11 y lire . RoiiKirr FIIEKH GOUI . D , I ISm-vister-at-Law . London : SPE . VCEK & Co ., 2 : i . \ . Great Queen Street , W . C .
A XV CRAFT LODGE XOT NOW WORKIXG , wishing to dispose J \_ of their CHARTER and FURNITURE , would oblige Iiy forwarding terms to W . M ., cure of Mr . Keeling ; , Hook-seller , St . Neots , Hunts . '
FjpgggSgBEESigB ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
npHE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , JL at Freemasons' Hall , and -was numerously attended . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . J . M . Clabon ( President ) , Joshua Nuuu ( Senior Yice-President ) , James iirett ( Junior Vice-President ) , Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D .,
Rev . A . JT . A . Woodford P . G . C , A . J . Uufl ' Piler P . G . S . B ., It . H . Giddy D . G . M . Griqualand , W . T . Howe G . P ., C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., John Hervey G . S ., H . Q . Buss Assist . G . Bee , J . M . Case P . G . D ., A . A . Pendlebury , S . Eawson P . D . G . M . China , E . P . Albert P . G . P ., James
Mason P . G . S . B ., and the following elected members oi the board : W . Mann P . M . 186 , Henry Garrod P . M . 74 U , Henry Bartlett P . M . . 14 . 7 , . C . E / Hogard P . M . 205 , W . Christian P . M . 1 GG 2 , Charles , Atkins P . M . 27 , W . H .
Ferryman P . M . 3 , and H . Massey P . M . 610 . ' The amount of £ 580 , recommended to the G . M ., and grantdd at last Lodge , was first confirmed , and' the sum of £ 542 was voted to twenty-seven out of thirty new cases .
Consecration Of A Lodge At Bow.
ON Monday afternoon , Hro . James Terry P . O . J . W . Hcrt ? , consecrated the Cohorn Lodge , Ko . ! S ( H , nt , the Vestry Hall , liow , ithe presence of a large number of visiting brethren . As Iho need for a Lodge in this district of the metropolis was great , a petition emanated
from Hie All Saints and Tredegar Lodges , praying for a warrant naming Rro . 0 . A . Ifeimntin , P . O . P . Treasurer " Japan , as the first Master , and Uros . F . J . Hunt and W . II . Farnlield as first Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . II . 1 MI . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . of England graciously granted I he prayer of tho petition , and
nominated Bro . Terry to perform the ceremony , which ho did carefully and impressively . The ceremony of consecration commenced shortly after five o ' clock , tho following brethren being present—Bros . W . R , Marsh 1672 , B . Cnndick 11 1 , A . Ellis 933 , T . Bates 17 K > , J . K . Coleman 1716 , 0- Wain 17 f , L . Potts 1710 , G . Huggett 1 ( 125 , T . C . Thornicroft 1401 Japan , J . Kift 719 , c i QI ,, •»„ . „» ,. sis i ? « d ™™ on ? TT Ai / wi- ino n n ,, n < . r axd
C . Brown 1302 , II . Ashton 1185 , H . Clarke lit , Cha ; -1- Henry 201 , M . Joseph 170 , V . Farmer 29 , C . B . Payno 27 , E . J . A ., ing 1025 , R . IT . Halford 228 , S . A . Thompson 9 ,. and A . Rnmbold 1002 . Tho brethren assembled in tho ante-room , and walked in procession to
the Lodge room , and the consecrating Officer having taken the chair , appointed Bros . IT . Clarke D . C , W . M . Marsh S . W ., Cnndick J . W ., J . K . Coleman T . G ., and C . Harrison Tyler . The Lodge was then opened in tho three degrees , after which the W . M . addressed tho brethren on tho natnro cf the meeting , and afterwards offered up the prayer . After tho transaction of somo formal bnsiness , tho
acting Secretary , Bro . J . Dennis read tho petition and warrant , upon which the presiding Officer enquired of the brethren if they approved of the Officers named in the petition aud warrant , to which they assented in Masonic form . Tho Consecrating Officer then delivered a beautiful oration ou the nature and principles of Freemasonry , and , nt its close , Bros . IT . Ashton , J . Kift , and Chaplin Henry , under
the direction of Bro . F . II . Cozens , Organist , sang tho anthom from the 1 . 13 rd Psalm , " Behold how good and joyful a tiling it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity . " After the first portion of the dedication prayer , tho omncs , "So mote it bo , " aud tho sanctm , " Glory bo to Thee , O Lord . " were beautifully rendered . After the invocation ,
tho Consecrating Officer read 2 Chron . chap . ii . verses 1 to 10 . The fiodgc-board was then uncovered , and tho Consecrating Officer and Wardens pro tern carried the elements of consecration throe times round the Lodge ( solemn music being played ) , and halting at tho east nt each perambulation . During the first circuit , the brethren
sang : — <; When en co of old in Israel , Our early brethren wrought with toil , Jehovah's blessing on them fell , In showers of corn , and wine and oil . "
On arriving at the east , tho Consecrating Oflicer strewed corn , tho emblem of plenty , the musical response being , " Glory bo to God on high . " During tho second circuit of the Lodge , tho brethreu sang : — " When there a shrine lo Him alone
They built , with worship sin to foil ; On threshold and on corner-stono Thoy poured out corn and wine and oil . " Tho Consecrating Officer poured out wine , tho emblem of joy and happiness , the musical response being the same as before . During the third circuit Iho brethren
sang"And we have come , fraternal band , With joy and pride , and prosperous spoil ; To lion- ur him br votive hand . With streams of corn and wine and oil . " The Consecrating Officer then poured out oil , the emblem of unity ) the musral response being as before . Tho Ledge having been
dedicated , the following anthem was snug : "Glory bo to God on High , peace on earth , goodwill towards man . " The Consecrating Officer then carried the censor three times round tho Lodjc , solemn music being played dnring his progress , after which ho constituted the Lodge . JJoyce ' a anthem " I have surely built Thee an house to dwell in , " was splendidly rendered , the full rich bass of Bro . Chaplin
Henry telling to good effect . The benediction was then pronounced , and tho Lodge was resumed to tho second , and the installation of Bro . C . A . Heimann proceeded with , all brethren below the rank of W . M . withdrawing . The brethren being re-admitted , tho W . M . appointed tho following as his Officers for the ensuing year : — F . J . Hunt S . W ., W . H . Farnfield J . W ., P . Edinger Treasurer ,
J . Dennis Secretary , Dr . Talbot S . D ., G . T . Seaborne J . D ., J . K , Coleman I . G ., G . Harrison Tyler . The W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bros . Terry and Clarke for so kindly coming forward to consecrate tho Lodgo that day . He conld speak for himself , and no doubt for all tho brethren present , that he felt exceedingly gratified at all they had witnessed . On hia
return to Japan he would carry back with him many useful and im * portant lessons . Bro . Farnfield seconded tho motion , and it was carried with acclamation . Bro . Terry , returning thanks on behalf of himself and Bro . Clarke , said it had afforded them much pleasure to perform the consccr ition ceremony that day ; he most sincerely hoped that the new Lodge would make its mark at tho
East of Loudon , as the other Lodges had done . Tho W . M . on his return to Japan would , he felt sure , carry back with him lessons which he would not easily forget . He also folt certain that still greater honours awaited him in that country . The Secretary ( Bro . Dennis ) here announced that the W . M . had given a cheque for £ 25 towards the furniture for tht- Iiodsra .
The Lodge was shortly -, 1 ' rerwards closed in due form , and tho hrethren dined together in the ante-room , a most excellent repast being provided , it comprisi-u most of tho delicacies of tho season . Bro . Heimann W . M . p . usided , and on the removal of the cloth tho toast of tho Qnceu was most loyally responded to , the National Anthem being sung by Bros . Ashton , F . B . Cozens , J . Kift , and
Chaplin Henry . Tho W . M . gave tho Prince of Wales G . M . of England . He alluded to the wonderful growth of Lodges since His Uoyal Highness had become G . M ., and stated that since bis Installation , seven years ago , 100 Lodges hud been opened . Tho toast was drunk with Masonic fire , Hobbs ' ode , "Hail to thee , Albert , " being
sung , 15 ro . F . 15 . C ' ozons faking the solo part . Tho W . M . nest proposed the R . W . Pro G . and D . G . Masters and the restof the G . Officers , lie wonld couple with it the name of Bro . Farman . New Nautical ditty , " True to the core " ( Odvardo Rani ) , Bro . C . Henry , Bro . Farman briefly responded , thanking the brethren for the honour
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GEE AT QUEEN" STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable IHM \ wvwlvaUtAawommivVAUott v « wM « v \* At IWa V . st !\ Misme « t Inv IMZ-A-SOlsriC BAUQTJBTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Ia too well known tonuPiIc . imiiit'Mt . Tin' pntir « iii : iim :: cm < ill Iiii's liren etanfed , ; mi ( the KstaUUsUiucut iu all iU l , v . w < 'lvos vUm- ^ wrUty vv- *»\ v . m \* v <\ . The attention of tlm Masonic ll . i . ly i .- illivuteil to the iiiiiny : iilvuiitu ;; eK one red . CUISIJSTK OTH TIIIV . HIGHKST OIIATtACTRR . WtSKS l'KBKi ;< T IS VOXniTUwX ASi * < IH . 4 I . ITY . N . B .-DIHMERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINK , SltOKIMI . t RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Simp , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to i iliiily . —UKOIHJK TAVKKN , l ; i !! in-s # tt . <; Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THEMASONICSEASON. rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SKCIiETARlES of LODGES . L Hro . Goorcc Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TARIFF OK CHARMS for INSTALLATION 11 ANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , . V . C ., ie . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGK SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 uio , os . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , fly P . ev . 11 no . <) r , tvi : it , D . I ) . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . IJfTENDKI ) AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , ie ., & c . Also price Ids , rpHE FOUR OLD LODGES . 11 y lire . RoiiKirr FIIEKH GOUI . D , I ISm-vister-at-Law . London : SPE . VCEK & Co ., 2 : i . \ . Great Queen Street , W . C .
A XV CRAFT LODGE XOT NOW WORKIXG , wishing to dispose J \_ of their CHARTER and FURNITURE , would oblige Iiy forwarding terms to W . M ., cure of Mr . Keeling ; , Hook-seller , St . Neots , Hunts . '
FjpgggSgBEESigB ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
npHE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , JL at Freemasons' Hall , and -was numerously attended . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . J . M . Clabon ( President ) , Joshua Nuuu ( Senior Yice-President ) , James iirett ( Junior Vice-President ) , Dr . Jabez Hogg P . G . D .,
Rev . A . JT . A . Woodford P . G . C , A . J . Uufl ' Piler P . G . S . B ., It . H . Giddy D . G . M . Griqualand , W . T . Howe G . P ., C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., John Hervey G . S ., H . Q . Buss Assist . G . Bee , J . M . Case P . G . D ., A . A . Pendlebury , S . Eawson P . D . G . M . China , E . P . Albert P . G . P ., James
Mason P . G . S . B ., and the following elected members oi the board : W . Mann P . M . 186 , Henry Garrod P . M . 74 U , Henry Bartlett P . M . . 14 . 7 , . C . E / Hogard P . M . 205 , W . Christian P . M . 1 GG 2 , Charles , Atkins P . M . 27 , W . H .
Ferryman P . M . 3 , and H . Massey P . M . 610 . ' The amount of £ 580 , recommended to the G . M ., and grantdd at last Lodge , was first confirmed , and' the sum of £ 542 was voted to twenty-seven out of thirty new cases .
Consecration Of A Lodge At Bow.
ON Monday afternoon , Hro . James Terry P . O . J . W . Hcrt ? , consecrated the Cohorn Lodge , Ko . ! S ( H , nt , the Vestry Hall , liow , ithe presence of a large number of visiting brethren . As Iho need for a Lodge in this district of the metropolis was great , a petition emanated
from Hie All Saints and Tredegar Lodges , praying for a warrant naming Rro . 0 . A . Ifeimntin , P . O . P . Treasurer " Japan , as the first Master , and Uros . F . J . Hunt and W . II . Farnlield as first Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . II . 1 MI . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . of England graciously granted I he prayer of tho petition , and
nominated Bro . Terry to perform the ceremony , which ho did carefully and impressively . The ceremony of consecration commenced shortly after five o ' clock , tho following brethren being present—Bros . W . R , Marsh 1672 , B . Cnndick 11 1 , A . Ellis 933 , T . Bates 17 K > , J . K . Coleman 1716 , 0- Wain 17 f , L . Potts 1710 , G . Huggett 1 ( 125 , T . C . Thornicroft 1401 Japan , J . Kift 719 , c i QI ,, •»„ . „» ,. sis i ? « d ™™ on ? TT Ai / wi- ino n n ,, n < . r axd
C . Brown 1302 , II . Ashton 1185 , H . Clarke lit , Cha ; -1- Henry 201 , M . Joseph 170 , V . Farmer 29 , C . B . Payno 27 , E . J . A ., ing 1025 , R . IT . Halford 228 , S . A . Thompson 9 ,. and A . Rnmbold 1002 . Tho brethren assembled in tho ante-room , and walked in procession to
the Lodge room , and the consecrating Officer having taken the chair , appointed Bros . IT . Clarke D . C , W . M . Marsh S . W ., Cnndick J . W ., J . K . Coleman T . G ., and C . Harrison Tyler . The Lodge was then opened in tho three degrees , after which the W . M . addressed tho brethren on tho natnro cf the meeting , and afterwards offered up the prayer . After tho transaction of somo formal bnsiness , tho
acting Secretary , Bro . J . Dennis read tho petition and warrant , upon which the presiding Officer enquired of the brethren if they approved of the Officers named in the petition aud warrant , to which they assented in Masonic form . Tho Consecrating Officer then delivered a beautiful oration ou the nature and principles of Freemasonry , and , nt its close , Bros . IT . Ashton , J . Kift , and Chaplin Henry , under
the direction of Bro . F . II . Cozens , Organist , sang tho anthom from the 1 . 13 rd Psalm , " Behold how good and joyful a tiling it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity . " After the first portion of the dedication prayer , tho omncs , "So mote it bo , " aud tho sanctm , " Glory bo to Thee , O Lord . " were beautifully rendered . After the invocation ,
tho Consecrating Officer read 2 Chron . chap . ii . verses 1 to 10 . The fiodgc-board was then uncovered , and tho Consecrating Officer and Wardens pro tern carried the elements of consecration throe times round the Lodge ( solemn music being played ) , and halting at tho east nt each perambulation . During the first circuit , the brethren
sang : — <; When en co of old in Israel , Our early brethren wrought with toil , Jehovah's blessing on them fell , In showers of corn , and wine and oil . "
On arriving at the east , tho Consecrating Oflicer strewed corn , tho emblem of plenty , the musical response being , " Glory bo to God on high . " During tho second circuit of the Lodge , tho brethreu sang : — " When there a shrine lo Him alone
They built , with worship sin to foil ; On threshold and on corner-stono Thoy poured out corn and wine and oil . " Tho Consecrating Officer poured out wine , tho emblem of joy and happiness , the musical response being the same as before . During the third circuit Iho brethren
sang"And we have come , fraternal band , With joy and pride , and prosperous spoil ; To lion- ur him br votive hand . With streams of corn and wine and oil . " The Consecrating Officer then poured out oil , the emblem of unity ) the musral response being as before . Tho Ledge having been
dedicated , the following anthem was snug : "Glory bo to God on High , peace on earth , goodwill towards man . " The Consecrating Officer then carried the censor three times round tho Lodjc , solemn music being played dnring his progress , after which ho constituted the Lodge . JJoyce ' a anthem " I have surely built Thee an house to dwell in , " was splendidly rendered , the full rich bass of Bro . Chaplin
Henry telling to good effect . The benediction was then pronounced , and tho Lodge was resumed to tho second , and the installation of Bro . C . A . Heimann proceeded with , all brethren below the rank of W . M . withdrawing . The brethren being re-admitted , tho W . M . appointed tho following as his Officers for the ensuing year : — F . J . Hunt S . W ., W . H . Farnfield J . W ., P . Edinger Treasurer ,
J . Dennis Secretary , Dr . Talbot S . D ., G . T . Seaborne J . D ., J . K , Coleman I . G ., G . Harrison Tyler . The W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bros . Terry and Clarke for so kindly coming forward to consecrate tho Lodgo that day . He conld speak for himself , and no doubt for all tho brethren present , that he felt exceedingly gratified at all they had witnessed . On hia
return to Japan he would carry back with him many useful and im * portant lessons . Bro . Farnfield seconded tho motion , and it was carried with acclamation . Bro . Terry , returning thanks on behalf of himself and Bro . Clarke , said it had afforded them much pleasure to perform the consccr ition ceremony that day ; he most sincerely hoped that the new Lodge would make its mark at tho
East of Loudon , as the other Lodges had done . Tho W . M . on his return to Japan would , he felt sure , carry back with him lessons which he would not easily forget . He also folt certain that still greater honours awaited him in that country . The Secretary ( Bro . Dennis ) here announced that the W . M . had given a cheque for £ 25 towards the furniture for tht- Iiodsra .
The Lodge was shortly -, 1 ' rerwards closed in due form , and tho hrethren dined together in the ante-room , a most excellent repast being provided , it comprisi-u most of tho delicacies of tho season . Bro . Heimann W . M . p . usided , and on the removal of the cloth tho toast of tho Qnceu was most loyally responded to , the National Anthem being sung by Bros . Ashton , F . B . Cozens , J . Kift , and
Chaplin Henry . Tho W . M . gave tho Prince of Wales G . M . of England . He alluded to the wonderful growth of Lodges since His Uoyal Highness had become G . M ., and stated that since bis Installation , seven years ago , 100 Lodges hud been opened . Tho toast was drunk with Masonic fire , Hobbs ' ode , "Hail to thee , Albert , " being
sung , 15 ro . F . 15 . C ' ozons faking the solo part . Tho W . M . nest proposed the R . W . Pro G . and D . G . Masters and the restof the G . Officers , lie wonld couple with it the name of Bro . Farman . New Nautical ditty , " True to the core " ( Odvardo Rani ) , Bro . C . Henry , Bro . Farman briefly responded , thanking the brethren for the honour