Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
tho visitors we recognised Bros . W . G . Gilkes P . M . 64 , P . P . G . M . of East Lancashire , J . Ballack of 1586 , E . C . The work consisted of four initiations and two raisings , and was performed in the quiet , easy style that distinguishes Bro . A . Bain ' s working . There was a good attendance of members and visitors .
Strong Man Lodgo of Instruction , No . 45 . —Hold its weekly meeting on Monday , 18 th September , at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gafce , E . C . Present—Bros . Pilboam W . M ., Crawley S . W ., Knight J . W ., KiUick Secretary , Fennex S . D ., Halford J . D ., Powell I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Beckett P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed .
Bro . Stock was raisod to the degree of M . M . Bro . Beckett worked tho first , socond and third sections of tho third leoturo . Bros . C . Baker 201 , and Richard W . Pearoy 1227 , were elected members . Bro . Crawley was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The ceremony of installation will be worked in this Lodge by Bro . Beckett , oa Monday , 2 nd October .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , Np . 174 . —This Lodge hold its usual meeting at Bro . Seaton's , Eaihvay Tavern , London-Btreet , E . C , on Monday evening , tho 18 th inst ., Bros . Wells W . M ., F . Brown S . D ., Saimones ' e S . W ., W . Fraser J . D ., Brookaon J . W ., J . S . Fraser I . G ., Crawley P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minuto 3 of last meeting wero read and confirmed .
Bro . Webb presented tho Lodge with two immovable jewels . The W . M . rehearsed the 3 rd ceremony , Bro . Webb being the candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and Bro . Webb worked the 5 th seotion of that lecture . Bro . Brook , son proposed , and Bro . Crawley seconded , that Bros . Bennett 1604 , and Hawthorn 205 , become joining members . This was carried
unanimously . It was carried , on the proposition of Bro . Brown , and seconded by Bro . Moore , that a vote of thanks to Bro . Webb for his useful present be recorded in the Minute Book . The S . W . was elected to preside at the next meeting , and he appointed his officers in rota , tion . Bros . Baxter , Newlett , Ellis , A . H . Brown , Moore , Smith , Blain , Webb , Hawthorn and Bennett were also present . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Monday , 25 th inst .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at Masons ' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , and was fully attended , Bro . David Posener ocoupied the chair . Bros . Rudderforth S . W ., Sayer J . W ., E . Gotthiel P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt Secretary , Groener S . D ., G . Corner J . D ., Staley I . G ., Holland Steward , Christopher Tyler ; P . M . 's
J . Constable , J . Stevens and T . Meggy . The ceremony of raising was very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Miller acting as candidate . According to the arrangement of the previous week , Bro . Abbott gave a translation of the lectures in the three degrees as practised in tho French Lodges . This was novel , interesting , and highly instructive , and will not fail to engender reflections in thoughtful minds and
induce comparisons as to the value of the different kinds of work . Bro . Abbott was rewarded with a most enthusiastic vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Stevens in highly flattering terms , and seconded by Bro . Meggy , who expressed his gratification at the lucid way in which the translation was rendered , he being in a position to testify to its correctness , having witnessed the work in French Lodges .
Three Brother Hogarth , and Bros . E . Druid and A . Ellis 933 , were elected members . They severally returned thanks , Bro . Hogarth sen . observing that he was only a young Mason , but having entered the Order he meant to do all in his power to become acquainted with with its teachings , and from what he had seen that evening he could not do better than attend this Lodgo , which he most certainly
would try to do regularly . The other new members spoke in similar terms . Bro . Rudderforth will take the chair on Wednesday next . Bro . Gotthiel announced that the ceremony of Installation would be worked by Bro . Seex , at the Great City Lodge of Instruction , 111 Cheapside , on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., after which Bro . Jas . Stevens would give the lecture on the first tracing board .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held it 3 usual weekly meeting on Saturday , the 16 th September , at Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , Islington . Bros . Macarthy W . M ., Isaac S . W ., Knight J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Stock S . D ., Trewinnard J . D ., Bead I . G . Visitors Bro 3 . Austin P . M . 933 , Musto P . M . 1349 , Cohen 205 , and Knight 228 . The
Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bros . Ross candidate . Bro . Musto worked the 3 rd section of the 1 st lecture . Bros . Pearcy and Austin worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of tho 1 st Lecture . Bros . Austin , Musto , Cohen and Knight were elected members , and Bro . Isaac was appointed W . M for the ensuing week .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge took place last Sunday evening , at Bro . Yetton's , Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bothnal-green . Bros . J . P . Cohen W . M ., Dix S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Webb S . W ., Andrews I . G ., Hewlett J . W ., Austin P . M . Preceptor . There wero also present Bro 3 . Williams , Job , Moss , Fowler , Heaps , Locks , Pitt , Yetton , Cotton , W . Musto P . M . 1349 Hon . Secretary . Tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed
in a most efficient manner by tho W . M ., Bro . Fowler acting as candidate . This Lodge was opened in due form , and the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lectures were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was then resumed to the 1 st degree , and the 5 th , 6 thand 7 th sections of the lecture worked by Bro . Webb . Bro . Yetton proposed , and Bro . Fowler seconded , that Bro . Locks , No . 1200 , become a joining member , which proposition waa carried
Notices Of Meetings.
unanimously . Bro . P . M . Austin proposed , and it was seoonded by the J . W ., that Bro . Webb be W . M . next Sunday evening . This waa carried unanimously . On that occasion Bro . Webb will work tho fifteen sections , Bros . Barnes S . W ., Cundiok J . W . Nothing further offering , the Lodge waa closed in duo form with prayer , and adjourned to Sunday evening , the 24 th iast ., at the hour of 7 .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at 213 Buchanan-street , Bro . McKirdy presiding . There was a good attendance of members , and the three degrees were all ably worked by the E . W . M ., assisted by Past Masters J . B . McNair and J . Balfour .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 15 th inst ., Bro . Wm , Harper E . W . M . presiding , assisted by Bros . J . Mclnnis D . M ., W . Bisland S . W ., A . Kay S . D . 73 acting J . W ., Anderson T ., John Buchanan B . B ., D . Ramsay Tyler . Thero were a number of visiting brethren . A petition having been
presented from Mr . Andrew Miller Walker , he was duly initiated by the R . W . M . The R . W . M . then opened the Lodge in the 2 nd degree , and passed Bro . Eoy to the Fellow Craft degree . After having appointed a deputation to visit Ayr , the Lodge was olosed in due > form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The usual weekly meeting took place on Tuesday evening , at 7 . 30 , at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , Bros . Perrin W . M ., Weige S . W ., Williams J . W ., Smith S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Barker I . G ., Worsley P . M . Secretary , Wallington Preceptor ; also P . M . 'a Bros . Crawley and Ashburner ; Bros . Dallas , Allen , Perry , Johnson ,
Brown , Webb , Hewlett , Davies , Baxter , & o . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed : The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Johnson acting as candidate . The Preceptor gave the traditional history . Bro . Webb worked tho 1 st and 3 rd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree . Bro . Weige was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —The Lodge held an emergency meeting in their new Hall , 1 S 2 Kent-road , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 19 th instant . Bro . R . Prout presided , and was assisted by Bros . J . D . Dixon D . M ., G . Holmes S . W ., J . Mclnnis acting J . W ., A . Riddle J . D ., J . Jamieson acting as I . G ., and D . Ramsey Tyler , when Messrs . Barr , McKellan and Graham were duly initiated . At the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed Bro . John Murray to the
Fellow Craft degree . After the Lodge had been reduced , the R . W . M . thanked Bro . Wheeler for his services that evening , and also spoke of his connexion with the "T HK FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " Bro . Wheeler , in replying , said that , as an honorary member , he was only doing his duty by assisting the officers in any part of their work , and he was glad to see this Lodge recovering its old prestige under its young Master .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , at 7 . 30 . Present—Bros . Crawley W . M ., Salmonese S . W ., Ellis J . W ., Grammer Secretary , Weige S . D ., Pattison J . D ., Rudderforth I . G ., Austin P . M . Preceptor ,
Horsley , Musto , Webb , and numerous other brethren . The W . M . rehearsed the 3 rd ceremony , Bro . Holland as candidate . Bro . Webb worked the three sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then resumed to 1 st degree , and Bro . Webb worked the 5 th section of the lecture .
Boyal Union Lodge , No . 382 , Uxbridge . —This Lodge met , on the 18 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel . The W . M ., Bro C . J . W . Davis , opened the Lodge . He was ably supported by Bros . W . Smith C . E . P . M . P . G . S . Senior Warden , Halliday J . W ., W . Coombes P . M . P . G . S . B . Secretary , Webb S . D ., Cook J . D ., Lons . dale I . G ., Russ D . C . and W . S ., and P . M . 's Lonsdale , Coulton
Ferrenbach , B . Swallow and Weedon . The minutes wero read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . Price and Garard , who were separately initiated into the Order . Bros . Matthews and Nicholson were passed , and Bro . Henderson did not arrive till late , but the W . M . kindly passed him , and iu doiug so , impressed on him that one of the principles of the Order was punctuality . Bros . Brown and Hanson were raised to the sublime
degree . ^ The W . M . was com plimented on his proficiency . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . W . Smith S . W . P . G . S ., for his presentation of an elegant inkstand to tho Lodge , this was recorded ou the minutes . After the Lodgo was closed , tho brethren partook of a banqnot at the " Chequers . " The toasts , both Loyal and Masonic , were given and responded to . Some very capital har . mony emanated from several brethren .
Thomtree Lodge , No . 512 . —This young and flourishing Lodge held its usual bi-monthly meeting in tho School Room at Thornliebank , on Saturday , 16 th instant . Bro . Robert Scobie R . W . M . opened the Lodge at 7 p . m ., assisted by Bros . R . Fletcher S . W ., E . McCowan J . W ., L . McKeller D . M ., Ed . Schindler Secretary , W .
Jardine T ., F . Waters J . D ., F . Gallacher B . B ., J . Thomlin S . S ., and J . Clayson Tyler . Bros . Charles Tod , John Hunter , and Wm . McKech . nie , were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The Lodge having been reduced , Mr . James Benterwick was very carefully initiated , by the Master . The Lodge having been placed under the charge of the J . W ., the Master proposed " The Queen and Craft , " " The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
tho visitors we recognised Bros . W . G . Gilkes P . M . 64 , P . P . G . M . of East Lancashire , J . Ballack of 1586 , E . C . The work consisted of four initiations and two raisings , and was performed in the quiet , easy style that distinguishes Bro . A . Bain ' s working . There was a good attendance of members and visitors .
Strong Man Lodgo of Instruction , No . 45 . —Hold its weekly meeting on Monday , 18 th September , at Bro . Gay ' s , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gafce , E . C . Present—Bros . Pilboam W . M ., Crawley S . W ., Knight J . W ., KiUick Secretary , Fennex S . D ., Halford J . D ., Powell I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Beckett P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed .
Bro . Stock was raisod to the degree of M . M . Bro . Beckett worked tho first , socond and third sections of tho third leoturo . Bros . C . Baker 201 , and Richard W . Pearoy 1227 , were elected members . Bro . Crawley was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The ceremony of installation will be worked in this Lodge by Bro . Beckett , oa Monday , 2 nd October .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , Np . 174 . —This Lodge hold its usual meeting at Bro . Seaton's , Eaihvay Tavern , London-Btreet , E . C , on Monday evening , tho 18 th inst ., Bros . Wells W . M ., F . Brown S . D ., Saimones ' e S . W ., W . Fraser J . D ., Brookaon J . W ., J . S . Fraser I . G ., Crawley P . M . Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minuto 3 of last meeting wero read and confirmed .
Bro . Webb presented tho Lodge with two immovable jewels . The W . M . rehearsed the 3 rd ceremony , Bro . Webb being the candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and Bro . Webb worked the 5 th seotion of that lecture . Bro . Brook , son proposed , and Bro . Crawley seconded , that Bros . Bennett 1604 , and Hawthorn 205 , become joining members . This was carried
unanimously . It was carried , on the proposition of Bro . Brown , and seconded by Bro . Moore , that a vote of thanks to Bro . Webb for his useful present be recorded in the Minute Book . The S . W . was elected to preside at the next meeting , and he appointed his officers in rota , tion . Bros . Baxter , Newlett , Ellis , A . H . Brown , Moore , Smith , Blain , Webb , Hawthorn and Bennett were also present . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Monday , 25 th inst .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at Masons ' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , and was fully attended , Bro . David Posener ocoupied the chair . Bros . Rudderforth S . W ., Sayer J . W ., E . Gotthiel P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt Secretary , Groener S . D ., G . Corner J . D ., Staley I . G ., Holland Steward , Christopher Tyler ; P . M . 's
J . Constable , J . Stevens and T . Meggy . The ceremony of raising was very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Miller acting as candidate . According to the arrangement of the previous week , Bro . Abbott gave a translation of the lectures in the three degrees as practised in tho French Lodges . This was novel , interesting , and highly instructive , and will not fail to engender reflections in thoughtful minds and
induce comparisons as to the value of the different kinds of work . Bro . Abbott was rewarded with a most enthusiastic vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Stevens in highly flattering terms , and seconded by Bro . Meggy , who expressed his gratification at the lucid way in which the translation was rendered , he being in a position to testify to its correctness , having witnessed the work in French Lodges .
Three Brother Hogarth , and Bros . E . Druid and A . Ellis 933 , were elected members . They severally returned thanks , Bro . Hogarth sen . observing that he was only a young Mason , but having entered the Order he meant to do all in his power to become acquainted with with its teachings , and from what he had seen that evening he could not do better than attend this Lodgo , which he most certainly
would try to do regularly . The other new members spoke in similar terms . Bro . Rudderforth will take the chair on Wednesday next . Bro . Gotthiel announced that the ceremony of Installation would be worked by Bro . Seex , at the Great City Lodge of Instruction , 111 Cheapside , on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., after which Bro . Jas . Stevens would give the lecture on the first tracing board .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held it 3 usual weekly meeting on Saturday , the 16 th September , at Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , Islington . Bros . Macarthy W . M ., Isaac S . W ., Knight J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Stock S . D ., Trewinnard J . D ., Bead I . G . Visitors Bro 3 . Austin P . M . 933 , Musto P . M . 1349 , Cohen 205 , and Knight 228 . The
Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bros . Ross candidate . Bro . Musto worked the 3 rd section of the 1 st lecture . Bros . Pearcy and Austin worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of tho 1 st Lecture . Bros . Austin , Musto , Cohen and Knight were elected members , and Bro . Isaac was appointed W . M for the ensuing week .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge took place last Sunday evening , at Bro . Yetton's , Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bothnal-green . Bros . J . P . Cohen W . M ., Dix S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Webb S . W ., Andrews I . G ., Hewlett J . W ., Austin P . M . Preceptor . There wero also present Bro 3 . Williams , Job , Moss , Fowler , Heaps , Locks , Pitt , Yetton , Cotton , W . Musto P . M . 1349 Hon . Secretary . Tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed
in a most efficient manner by tho W . M ., Bro . Fowler acting as candidate . This Lodge was opened in due form , and the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lectures were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was then resumed to the 1 st degree , and the 5 th , 6 thand 7 th sections of the lecture worked by Bro . Webb . Bro . Yetton proposed , and Bro . Fowler seconded , that Bro . Locks , No . 1200 , become a joining member , which proposition waa carried
Notices Of Meetings.
unanimously . Bro . P . M . Austin proposed , and it was seoonded by the J . W ., that Bro . Webb be W . M . next Sunday evening . This waa carried unanimously . On that occasion Bro . Webb will work tho fifteen sections , Bros . Barnes S . W ., Cundiok J . W . Nothing further offering , the Lodge waa closed in duo form with prayer , and adjourned to Sunday evening , the 24 th iast ., at the hour of 7 .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at 213 Buchanan-street , Bro . McKirdy presiding . There was a good attendance of members , and the three degrees were all ably worked by the E . W . M ., assisted by Past Masters J . B . McNair and J . Balfour .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 15 th inst ., Bro . Wm , Harper E . W . M . presiding , assisted by Bros . J . Mclnnis D . M ., W . Bisland S . W ., A . Kay S . D . 73 acting J . W ., Anderson T ., John Buchanan B . B ., D . Ramsay Tyler . Thero were a number of visiting brethren . A petition having been
presented from Mr . Andrew Miller Walker , he was duly initiated by the R . W . M . The R . W . M . then opened the Lodge in the 2 nd degree , and passed Bro . Eoy to the Fellow Craft degree . After having appointed a deputation to visit Ayr , the Lodge was olosed in due > form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The usual weekly meeting took place on Tuesday evening , at 7 . 30 , at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , Bros . Perrin W . M ., Weige S . W ., Williams J . W ., Smith S . D ., Cambridge J . D ., Barker I . G ., Worsley P . M . Secretary , Wallington Preceptor ; also P . M . 'a Bros . Crawley and Ashburner ; Bros . Dallas , Allen , Perry , Johnson ,
Brown , Webb , Hewlett , Davies , Baxter , & o . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed : The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Johnson acting as candidate . The Preceptor gave the traditional history . Bro . Webb worked tho 1 st and 3 rd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree . Bro . Weige was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —The Lodge held an emergency meeting in their new Hall , 1 S 2 Kent-road , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 19 th instant . Bro . R . Prout presided , and was assisted by Bros . J . D . Dixon D . M ., G . Holmes S . W ., J . Mclnnis acting J . W ., A . Riddle J . D ., J . Jamieson acting as I . G ., and D . Ramsey Tyler , when Messrs . Barr , McKellan and Graham were duly initiated . At the request of the R . W . M ., Bro . G . W . Wheeler passed Bro . John Murray to the
Fellow Craft degree . After the Lodge had been reduced , the R . W . M . thanked Bro . Wheeler for his services that evening , and also spoke of his connexion with the "T HK FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " Bro . Wheeler , in replying , said that , as an honorary member , he was only doing his duty by assisting the officers in any part of their work , and he was glad to see this Lodge recovering its old prestige under its young Master .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , at 7 . 30 . Present—Bros . Crawley W . M ., Salmonese S . W ., Ellis J . W ., Grammer Secretary , Weige S . D ., Pattison J . D ., Rudderforth I . G ., Austin P . M . Preceptor ,
Horsley , Musto , Webb , and numerous other brethren . The W . M . rehearsed the 3 rd ceremony , Bro . Holland as candidate . Bro . Webb worked the three sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then resumed to 1 st degree , and Bro . Webb worked the 5 th section of the lecture .
Boyal Union Lodge , No . 382 , Uxbridge . —This Lodge met , on the 18 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel . The W . M ., Bro C . J . W . Davis , opened the Lodge . He was ably supported by Bros . W . Smith C . E . P . M . P . G . S . Senior Warden , Halliday J . W ., W . Coombes P . M . P . G . S . B . Secretary , Webb S . D ., Cook J . D ., Lons . dale I . G ., Russ D . C . and W . S ., and P . M . 's Lonsdale , Coulton
Ferrenbach , B . Swallow and Weedon . The minutes wero read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . Price and Garard , who were separately initiated into the Order . Bros . Matthews and Nicholson were passed , and Bro . Henderson did not arrive till late , but the W . M . kindly passed him , and iu doiug so , impressed on him that one of the principles of the Order was punctuality . Bros . Brown and Hanson were raised to the sublime
degree . ^ The W . M . was com plimented on his proficiency . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . W . Smith S . W . P . G . S ., for his presentation of an elegant inkstand to tho Lodge , this was recorded ou the minutes . After the Lodgo was closed , tho brethren partook of a banqnot at the " Chequers . " The toasts , both Loyal and Masonic , were given and responded to . Some very capital har . mony emanated from several brethren .
Thomtree Lodge , No . 512 . —This young and flourishing Lodge held its usual bi-monthly meeting in tho School Room at Thornliebank , on Saturday , 16 th instant . Bro . Robert Scobie R . W . M . opened the Lodge at 7 p . m ., assisted by Bros . R . Fletcher S . W ., E . McCowan J . W ., L . McKeller D . M ., Ed . Schindler Secretary , W .
Jardine T ., F . Waters J . D ., F . Gallacher B . B ., J . Thomlin S . S ., and J . Clayson Tyler . Bros . Charles Tod , John Hunter , and Wm . McKech . nie , were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The Lodge having been reduced , Mr . James Benterwick was very carefully initiated , by the Master . The Lodge having been placed under the charge of the J . W ., the Master proposed " The Queen and Craft , " " The