Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
G . L ., " "The P . G . L . and Col . Campbell P . G . M ., " whom he highly eulogised for the attention he paid to the requirements of the Province of Renfrewshire East . In reply to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . G . W . Wheeler replied , expressing the pleasure he always experienced in coming out to the Thorntree , not only on account of their uniform kindness to all visiting brethren , but also because he
was snre to see some good working . It was useless to expect gentlemen to become good and true Masona if they were not properly initiated with due solemnity and all the ceremonieB properly performed . It was because of the excellent working of the Lodge that they had been so successful , he would therefore give them " Prosperity
to 512 , and long life to her R . W . M . " Bro . Scobie acknowledged the toast , Btating it was a pleasure to work , supported as he was by the officers and members . Several others were given , but the Glasgow visitors had to leave to catch the last train to the city , well pleased with their visit to 512 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Sussex.
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex was held on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton . In the absence of the Prov . G . M . ( the Right Hon . Lord Pelham ) , the V . W . the Deputy Prov . G . M . ( Bro . E . J . Furner P . G . D . ) presided . There was a large attendance , nearly a hundred members being present . The fmauoial report having been received
and passed , and letters of apology for their inability to attend having been read from various brethren , Bro . Furner said this was only the second time the P . G . M ., Lord Pelham , had delegated to him the power of presiding at this Provincial Grand Lodge , and from the cordial re . ception he had met with on this , as on the former , occasion , he trusted the interests of the Province had not suffered in his hands . Indeed ,
MaBonry had made great progress in Sussex during the past year . There were more members . He had presided at the opening of a new Lodge at East Grinstead , and shortly a new Lodge at Brighton , to be named the St . Ceoilia Lodge , would be consecrated . This would stand No . 1636 on the roll of Grand Lodge , and two other warrants had since been issued , raising the number of Lodges in the
jurisdiction of Grand Lodge , England to 1638 . Ten years ago , he ( Bro . Furner ) had consecrated the Mid-Sussex Lodge , at Horsham , No . 1141 , so that in this single decade , Masonry had inoreased by within three of five hundred Lodges . Bro . Furner than expressed his gratitude to Bro . Scott for the valuable services the latter , in his capacity of Secretary , had rendered , and concluded by expressing a hope that they
would succeed in developing Freemasonry for the benefit not only of the Craft but likewise of the whole human race . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : — Bro . Trollope P . M ., Derwent , 40 , S . G . W . „ Crawford Pocook P . M ., Clarence , 271 , J . G . W .
„ Eev . E . Walker P . M ., Yarborongh , 811 , G . Chaplain „ G . Tatham P . M . Clarence , 271 , G . Treasurer „ Woolley P . M ., South Saxon , 311 , G . Eegistrar „ J . Scott P . M ., Clarence , 271 , G . Secretary „ Thorpe P . M ., Abbey , 1 , 184 , S . Grand Deacon „ Bramwell P . M ., Clarence , 271 , J . Grand Deacon
„ Tomley P . M . Tyrian , 1 , 110 , G . Superintendent of Works „ Dixon P . M ., Clarence , 271 , G . D . of Ceremonies „ Cole P . M ., Derwent , 40 , Assistant G . D . of Ceremonies „ Smith P . M ., Brunswick , 732 , G . Sword Bearer „ Gladstone , Clarence , 271 , G . Organist „ Eborall P . M ., York , 315 , G . Pursuivant
GRAND STEWARDS . Bros . Sandeman , York , 315 , Kidd , Brunswick , 732 , Brass , Ocken . den , 1465 . Bro . Hughes , Grand Tyler . Bro . Scott then proposed , Bro . Marchanfc seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , that fifty guineas should be voted to the funds
of the E . M . I , for Boys , in the name of the D . P . G . M ., it being understood that a subsequent vote of a similar amount would be proposed in orcer to make that officer a Vice President . The Lodge was closed in the usual form . The members then repaired to the banquetting room , where a richerchi dinner had been provided for them by Messrs . Mutton Bros ., of the King's-road ,
Brighton . The Dep . Prov . G . M . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., P . P . S . G . W ., Bro . W . Kuhe Grand Organist England , Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., W . E . Wood P . P . S . G . W ., General Ford P . G . D . ( Bengal ) , Gerard Ford W . M . 271 . The other membors present were Bros . W . S . A . Huckey P . P . S . G . D ., G . Tatham
P . G . S ., J . H . Scott P . G . S ., Joseph Dixon P . G . D . of C , Burrell S . W ., Woolly P . G . E ., J . W . Cunningham P . P . I . G ., W . W . H . Hallett P . G . S . W ., C . T . Pocock P . P . S . D . C ., Sandiman P . G . S ., S . Poddock A . D . C ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G ., C . P . Henty 138 , S . Crosskey P . S . D ., W . Hall W . M . 1619 , J . Wilkinson Secretary 271 , T . W . Well W . M . 315 , E . Bright 271 , Frank Holford S . W . 811 , Harris P . P . G . P ., Stride
P . P . G . S . W ., J . L . Brighton P . M . 732 , J . E . Walker 188 , W . H .. Gibson 315 , Geo . Nash 315 , W . Krampler 1303 , W . W . Turner P . M . 311 and 1303 , J . M . Kidd W . M . 732 , E . Walker 811 , W . Debin P . P . G . O .,
Cole 40 , W . Hudson P . M . 318 , Wilkinson P . M . 271 , Glass 453 , G , Smith P . M . 271 , Dalbiac , E . S . Legg , E . Branwell , W . Smith , S . McWhinnie Forkinson , Payne D . Lindsay Trollope 271 , F . Carden , S . Foat , E . T . Wye , A . S . Hawks , E . S . Pope , Somes , Taylor , J . F . Eyles , James Ridge , J . M . Eeed , H . M . Davey , Alfred King , J . T . Whatford , J . S . Byass , Lavers Hyde Pullen , R . G . D . Crouch , Chappell Clarke , Morren , W . F . Nell , Hackney , Noakes ,
W . Reed , W . G . Sharp , S . Pocock , A . Agate , Emery , Page , J . Sainson , Brown , Morris , Sutton , H . Freeman , Ryle , Somes , J . Curtis , H . Hallet , Captain Molineux , W . Skeats , James Everill , W . W . Gibbing , R . S . Hyde , S . B . Middlesex , F . W . Hyde and Pound ell . The toasts were : The Queen and the Craft , The M . W . Grand MaBter H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , The M . W . Pro G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , Tho R . W . D . G . M , fa 9 E . axl of Skelsmersdale and . the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Sussex.
officers of the Grand Lodge of England Past and Present , The E . W the Prov . G . M . Lord Pelham , The V . W . the Dep . Prov . G . M . Bro ; E . J . Furner P . G . D . and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex Past and Present , The Visitors , The W . M . ' s of the Province , and The Tyler ' s Toast . During the banquet , some agree .
able musio was discoursed by Bro . W . Devin ' s band , and the various toasts were interspersed with songs , duets , glees , & o ., under Bro . Devin ' s direction . The vocalists were Miss Anscombe , Miss Bessie Devin , Mr , Payne , and Mr . G . Cole . Bro . Kuhe G . O . also contributed a couple of pianoforte solos .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , " Hercules " Tavern , Leadenball-street , City , B . C ., on Thursday evening , 28 th September , at 7 precisely . The chair will be taken by Bro . Eorsley 933 , while Bros . Austin and Musto will act as
3 . W . and J . W . The Sections will be worked by the following brethren : — FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Grammer 27 2 nd „ „ Bro . Hill , S . W . 228 3 rd „ „ Bro . Hewlett 141 4 th „ „ Bro . Lowe 1364 5 th „ „ ... ... Bro . Musto , P . M . 1349 6 th „ „ Bro . Austin , P . M . 933 7 th „ „ Bro . Rudderforth , D . C . 12
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Wilkins , W . M . 1445 2 nd „ Bro . Hogarth 1107 3 rd „ „ Bro . Livermore 554 4 th „ „ Bro . Webb , I . G . 174 , J . W . 1607 5 th „ „ Bro . Brient 933
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Ellis 933 and 27 2 nd „ „ Bro . Williams 933 3 rd „ „ ... ... Bro . Crawley , P . M . 174
On Thursday the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons for the county of Chester was held in the Market-hall , KnntsfoTd , nnder the presidency of the Right Hon . the Lord de Tabley , the Provincial Grand Master . After the business of the Lodge had been transacted , the brethren of
38 Lodges walked in procession to St . John s Church , where the sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain . On leaving the church , the procession , numbering over 200 , proceeded to the banquet , which was served at the Eoyal George Hotel , the P . G . M . Lord de Tabley presiding . —Echo .
THE FEEEMASON'S CHEONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MOEGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto ... ... 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Agents , from whom Copies can always he had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Eoad , E . C . Mr . H . S IMPSON , 7 Eed Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street W . O . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
CHHfBSB OASVIWG . —T ? OT Sale , an elaborately carved set of Ivory Chessmen ; The Kings stand 8 $ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knights and Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . Can he seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to W . W . ilouBiw , 67 BjwSieftB , —4 < W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
G . L ., " "The P . G . L . and Col . Campbell P . G . M ., " whom he highly eulogised for the attention he paid to the requirements of the Province of Renfrewshire East . In reply to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . G . W . Wheeler replied , expressing the pleasure he always experienced in coming out to the Thorntree , not only on account of their uniform kindness to all visiting brethren , but also because he
was snre to see some good working . It was useless to expect gentlemen to become good and true Masona if they were not properly initiated with due solemnity and all the ceremonieB properly performed . It was because of the excellent working of the Lodge that they had been so successful , he would therefore give them " Prosperity
to 512 , and long life to her R . W . M . " Bro . Scobie acknowledged the toast , Btating it was a pleasure to work , supported as he was by the officers and members . Several others were given , but the Glasgow visitors had to leave to catch the last train to the city , well pleased with their visit to 512 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Sussex.
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex was held on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton . In the absence of the Prov . G . M . ( the Right Hon . Lord Pelham ) , the V . W . the Deputy Prov . G . M . ( Bro . E . J . Furner P . G . D . ) presided . There was a large attendance , nearly a hundred members being present . The fmauoial report having been received
and passed , and letters of apology for their inability to attend having been read from various brethren , Bro . Furner said this was only the second time the P . G . M ., Lord Pelham , had delegated to him the power of presiding at this Provincial Grand Lodge , and from the cordial re . ception he had met with on this , as on the former , occasion , he trusted the interests of the Province had not suffered in his hands . Indeed ,
MaBonry had made great progress in Sussex during the past year . There were more members . He had presided at the opening of a new Lodge at East Grinstead , and shortly a new Lodge at Brighton , to be named the St . Ceoilia Lodge , would be consecrated . This would stand No . 1636 on the roll of Grand Lodge , and two other warrants had since been issued , raising the number of Lodges in the
jurisdiction of Grand Lodge , England to 1638 . Ten years ago , he ( Bro . Furner ) had consecrated the Mid-Sussex Lodge , at Horsham , No . 1141 , so that in this single decade , Masonry had inoreased by within three of five hundred Lodges . Bro . Furner than expressed his gratitude to Bro . Scott for the valuable services the latter , in his capacity of Secretary , had rendered , and concluded by expressing a hope that they
would succeed in developing Freemasonry for the benefit not only of the Craft but likewise of the whole human race . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : — Bro . Trollope P . M ., Derwent , 40 , S . G . W . „ Crawford Pocook P . M ., Clarence , 271 , J . G . W .
„ Eev . E . Walker P . M ., Yarborongh , 811 , G . Chaplain „ G . Tatham P . M . Clarence , 271 , G . Treasurer „ Woolley P . M ., South Saxon , 311 , G . Eegistrar „ J . Scott P . M ., Clarence , 271 , G . Secretary „ Thorpe P . M ., Abbey , 1 , 184 , S . Grand Deacon „ Bramwell P . M ., Clarence , 271 , J . Grand Deacon
„ Tomley P . M . Tyrian , 1 , 110 , G . Superintendent of Works „ Dixon P . M ., Clarence , 271 , G . D . of Ceremonies „ Cole P . M ., Derwent , 40 , Assistant G . D . of Ceremonies „ Smith P . M ., Brunswick , 732 , G . Sword Bearer „ Gladstone , Clarence , 271 , G . Organist „ Eborall P . M ., York , 315 , G . Pursuivant
GRAND STEWARDS . Bros . Sandeman , York , 315 , Kidd , Brunswick , 732 , Brass , Ocken . den , 1465 . Bro . Hughes , Grand Tyler . Bro . Scott then proposed , Bro . Marchanfc seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , that fifty guineas should be voted to the funds
of the E . M . I , for Boys , in the name of the D . P . G . M ., it being understood that a subsequent vote of a similar amount would be proposed in orcer to make that officer a Vice President . The Lodge was closed in the usual form . The members then repaired to the banquetting room , where a richerchi dinner had been provided for them by Messrs . Mutton Bros ., of the King's-road ,
Brighton . The Dep . Prov . G . M . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., P . P . S . G . W ., Bro . W . Kuhe Grand Organist England , Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., W . E . Wood P . P . S . G . W ., General Ford P . G . D . ( Bengal ) , Gerard Ford W . M . 271 . The other membors present were Bros . W . S . A . Huckey P . P . S . G . D ., G . Tatham
P . G . S ., J . H . Scott P . G . S ., Joseph Dixon P . G . D . of C , Burrell S . W ., Woolly P . G . E ., J . W . Cunningham P . P . I . G ., W . W . H . Hallett P . G . S . W ., C . T . Pocock P . P . S . D . C ., Sandiman P . G . S ., S . Poddock A . D . C ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G ., C . P . Henty 138 , S . Crosskey P . S . D ., W . Hall W . M . 1619 , J . Wilkinson Secretary 271 , T . W . Well W . M . 315 , E . Bright 271 , Frank Holford S . W . 811 , Harris P . P . G . P ., Stride
P . P . G . S . W ., J . L . Brighton P . M . 732 , J . E . Walker 188 , W . H .. Gibson 315 , Geo . Nash 315 , W . Krampler 1303 , W . W . Turner P . M . 311 and 1303 , J . M . Kidd W . M . 732 , E . Walker 811 , W . Debin P . P . G . O .,
Cole 40 , W . Hudson P . M . 318 , Wilkinson P . M . 271 , Glass 453 , G , Smith P . M . 271 , Dalbiac , E . S . Legg , E . Branwell , W . Smith , S . McWhinnie Forkinson , Payne D . Lindsay Trollope 271 , F . Carden , S . Foat , E . T . Wye , A . S . Hawks , E . S . Pope , Somes , Taylor , J . F . Eyles , James Ridge , J . M . Eeed , H . M . Davey , Alfred King , J . T . Whatford , J . S . Byass , Lavers Hyde Pullen , R . G . D . Crouch , Chappell Clarke , Morren , W . F . Nell , Hackney , Noakes ,
W . Reed , W . G . Sharp , S . Pocock , A . Agate , Emery , Page , J . Sainson , Brown , Morris , Sutton , H . Freeman , Ryle , Somes , J . Curtis , H . Hallet , Captain Molineux , W . Skeats , James Everill , W . W . Gibbing , R . S . Hyde , S . B . Middlesex , F . W . Hyde and Pound ell . The toasts were : The Queen and the Craft , The M . W . Grand MaBter H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , The M . W . Pro G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , Tho R . W . D . G . M , fa 9 E . axl of Skelsmersdale and . the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Sussex.
officers of the Grand Lodge of England Past and Present , The E . W the Prov . G . M . Lord Pelham , The V . W . the Dep . Prov . G . M . Bro ; E . J . Furner P . G . D . and the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex Past and Present , The Visitors , The W . M . ' s of the Province , and The Tyler ' s Toast . During the banquet , some agree .
able musio was discoursed by Bro . W . Devin ' s band , and the various toasts were interspersed with songs , duets , glees , & o ., under Bro . Devin ' s direction . The vocalists were Miss Anscombe , Miss Bessie Devin , Mr , Payne , and Mr . G . Cole . Bro . Kuhe G . O . also contributed a couple of pianoforte solos .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , " Hercules " Tavern , Leadenball-street , City , B . C ., on Thursday evening , 28 th September , at 7 precisely . The chair will be taken by Bro . Eorsley 933 , while Bros . Austin and Musto will act as
3 . W . and J . W . The Sections will be worked by the following brethren : — FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Grammer 27 2 nd „ „ Bro . Hill , S . W . 228 3 rd „ „ Bro . Hewlett 141 4 th „ „ Bro . Lowe 1364 5 th „ „ ... ... Bro . Musto , P . M . 1349 6 th „ „ Bro . Austin , P . M . 933 7 th „ „ Bro . Rudderforth , D . C . 12
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Wilkins , W . M . 1445 2 nd „ Bro . Hogarth 1107 3 rd „ „ Bro . Livermore 554 4 th „ „ Bro . Webb , I . G . 174 , J . W . 1607 5 th „ „ Bro . Brient 933
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Seotion by Bro . Ellis 933 and 27 2 nd „ „ Bro . Williams 933 3 rd „ „ ... ... Bro . Crawley , P . M . 174
On Thursday the Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons for the county of Chester was held in the Market-hall , KnntsfoTd , nnder the presidency of the Right Hon . the Lord de Tabley , the Provincial Grand Master . After the business of the Lodge had been transacted , the brethren of
38 Lodges walked in procession to St . John s Church , where the sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain . On leaving the church , the procession , numbering over 200 , proceeded to the banquet , which was served at the Eoyal George Hotel , the P . G . M . Lord de Tabley presiding . —Echo .
THE FEEEMASON'S CHEONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MOEGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto ... ... 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Agents , from whom Copies can always he had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Eoad , E . C . Mr . H . S IMPSON , 7 Eed Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street W . O . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
CHHfBSB OASVIWG . —T ? OT Sale , an elaborately carved set of Ivory Chessmen ; The Kings stand 8 $ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knights and Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . Can he seen , and full particulars obtained , on application to W . W . ilouBiw , 67 BjwSieftB , —4 < W .