Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article MARRIAGE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 27 . Warrant of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of all England , transcribed from Bro . Hughan ' s Masonic Sketches and Reprints , the only one of its kind known . The Warrant granted to the Companions at Rotherham * to hold a Royal Arch Chapter is thus -worded' . —
" Robert Lakeland , D . G . M ., — To all to whom these Presents shall come 5 Be it known that upon the humble Petition of our well beloved and most excellent Brothers , Josiah Beckwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , membora of the Dradical Lodge of Anoient York Masons , at Rotherham , in the
county of York . We , the most Worshipful Masters and Brethren of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of All England , in full Chapter assembled in the City of York , do hereby grant to the said Josiah Beckwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , our Warrant to assemble and hold a Royal Aroh Chapter of Free and Accepted Masons , at
tho Dradical Lodge , in Rotherham aforesaid , on such Days and Hours as to them shall seem meet , and to admit and advance other suitable Brethren to the same Degrees , and to do every act whioh appertaineth to a Royal Arch Chapter , subordinate to na so long as they do faithfully observe and keep inviolable the Ancient Rules and
Regulations of our Supreme and most Excellent Order . And wo trust that they will promote the Worship of God , and be good and useful members . And we do hereby appoint onr said Brethren , Joaiah Beokwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , to be the Right Worshipful Masters of the said Chapter , with full power for them to
Eleot other Brothera , of the same Order to succeed to the Offices aforesaid ; and so from time to time Annually , for them and their Successors to elect others , to supply these offices . Requiring , nevertheless , that an account in writing of the Proceedings from time to time , with the names of the Brethren by them admitted to the
degrees aforesaid , shall be brought or transmitted to us and our Suecessors Annually on the Feast of St . John the Evangelist , or as aoon after aa may be . Given under onr Seal at the Grand Lodge All England , in York , the aixth Day of July , Anno Domini one Thousand , Beven Hundred , and Eighty . " JOHN BROWNE , G . Secretary . " * This Chapter has been dormant for many years .
No . 28 . No . 242 , " Moderns '; " No . 305 A . D . 1814 , after the Union ; No . 215 A . D . 1832 and No . 183 from A . D . 1863 . AUGUSTUS FREDERICK G . M .
To all and every our Right Worshipful , Worshipful & loving brethren . No . 305 . iffite Prince Augustna Frederick of Brunswick Lunenbnrgh Duke of Sussex Earl of Inverness Baron of Arklow Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter & c . & c .
Grand Master of the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Maaons of England SEND GREETING WHEREAS it appeara by the Recorda of our Grand Lodge that a Warrant bearing date the 11 th April 1769 waa issued under the Seal of Masonry enabling certain brethren therein named to open and
hold a Lodge of Free Masons at the Ship Tavern Ratcliffe Cross Middlesex to be called the Lodge of Unity which was then No . 441 and by the alteration of Lodges in the year 1770 became No . 376 in the year 1781 it became 290 in the year 1792 it became No . 242 and in consequence of the Union of the two Fraternities of Masona on the 27 th December 1813 became and i 8 now registered in the Booka
of the United Grand Lodge No . 305 and is now held at the Horn Tavern Doctors Commons London AND WHEREAS the Brethren composing the said Lodge have by their Memorial dated the 19 th day of December 1816 ( sic ) last represented to us that their said Warrant hath by some accident been lost or destroyed and they have therefore prayed us to grant them a Warrant of Confirmation .
Now KNOW YE that we being satisfied of the reasonableness of the said request do hereby grant this our Warrant of Confirmation unto our right trusty and well beloved Brethren THOMAS Moxojf , ROBERT ACKROYD , THOMAS RUDALL , EOJBERT GILL , WILLIAM CLAREMONT , WILL - Dow CUMMINS , JAMES BARRY BIRD , and others composing the said Lodge authorizing and empowering them and their
Successor to Assemble and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the Horn Tavern Doctors Commons under the title or denomination of THE LODGE OF UNITY at such times as to the Brethren thereof may appear necessary and then and there when duly congregated to make pas 3 and raise Freemasons according to the Antient Custom of the Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known
world AND FURTHER at the petition of the said Brethren WE DO APPOINT the said THOMAS MOXON to be the MASTER the said ROBERT ACKROYD to be the SENIOR WARDEN and the said THOMAS RUDALL to be the JUNIOR WASDES for opening and holding the said Lodge and until Buch time as another Master shall be regularly elected and installed sfcriofcly charging that every Master who shall be eleoted to
Old Warrants.
preside over the said Lodgo shall be installed in antient form and according to the Laws of the Grand Lodge that ho may thereby be fully invested with the dignities and powers of hia office the said Lodge to be upon the General Register of our Grand Lodge No . 305 AND we do require you the said Thomas Moxon and your Successors to take special care that all and every tho said Brethren are or havo
been regularly mado masona . AND that you and thoy and all other the Mombers of the said Lodge do observe perform and keep tho Laws Rule 3 and Orders contained in tho Book of Constitutions and all others which may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodgo or transmitted by us or our Successors Grand Masters or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being AND wo do enjoin you to
make such Bye-Laws for the Government of your Lodge aa shall to the majority of the members appear proper and necessary the samo not being contrary to or inconsistent with the General Laws and Regulations of the Craft and a copy whereof you are to transmit to ua AND we do require you to cause all such Bye Lawa and Regulations and alao an Account of the Proceedings in your Lodgo to
be entered in the Book to be kept tor that purpose AND you are in . no wise to omit to send us or our Successors Grand Masters or to THE RIGHT HONORABLE THOMAS L ORD DUNDAS our Deputy Grand Master or to the Deputy Grand Master for the time being at least once in every year a List of the members of your Lodge and tho names and descriptions of all Masons initiated therein and Brethren who shall have joined the same together with the fees and monies
payable thereon it being our will and intention that this our Warrant of Constitution shall be in force so long only aa you shall conform to the Laws and Regulations of our said Grand Lodge AND you tho said Thomas Moxon are further required aa soon aa conveniently may be to send us an account in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents . GIVEN under our hand and the Seal of the Grand Lodge at LONDON this thirteenth day of May A . L . 5815 A . D . 1815 .
By command of the M , W . Grand Master DUNDAS D . G . M . William H . Whit © \ * « Edw . Harper j s > The present No ,, title , & c . are , The Lodgo of Unity , No . 183 , Bishopsgate-street , London .
Re No . 6 , NOW No . 11 . In answer to the Editor ' s enquiry , I find , by my notes , that No . 2 Dormant Warrant was purchased from tho " Ancient" Grand Lodge , by the then No . 32 , for the sum of 6 Guineas . Tho present No . 11 , formerly No . 6 , of which the interesting history appeara in " THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE " of 16 th September , was
revived in 1755 . The Warrant , as transcript ( No . 6 of the Series ) in the "F . C . " of the 8 th July , was purchased by Lodge No . 37 , at the end of 1754 , for tho sum of a guinea ! The Warrant boars two dates , viz ., 1751 and 1755 . Nos . 32 and 37 were taken by other Lodges , and are both extinct . ¦ W . J . HUGHAN .
HAYDON—WEBSTER . —On the 18 th inst ., by Special License , at tho District Registrar ' s Office , Leeds , Bro . William Haydon , of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1561 , Knaphill , Surrey , to Martha , eldest daughter of the Worshipful Master , Bro . John Webster , P . D . J . G . W . Gibraltar .
HOUOWAT ' S OIKIMENT Aim Pins . —A frequent cause of gout and rheumatism is the inflammatory state of tho blood , attended with bad digestion and general debility . A few doses of these Pills , taken in time , are an effectual preventive against gout and rheumatism , but any one who has an attack of either should use Holloway's Ointment also , the powerful properties of which , combined with tho effects of the Pills , must infallibly effect a euro . These Pills act directly on the blood , which they purify and improve ; they also regulate the secretions , and give tone to the stomach , and thus tho whole system is invigorated , and put into a condition which enables it throw off disease or cheek its approach .
The fifteen sections will be worked by Bro . Webb , at the Israel Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Tetton ' s , the " Rising Sun , " Globe-road , Befchnal Green , on Sundayevening next . Bros . Barnes , Cundick , Fowler , Taylor , Hewlett , Musfco , Yetton , Ellis , Burr , Williams , Bnent , Cohen , Job , Frederick , & c , will assist .
-A . J ^ dZOISrUlsdl EJ iTT ^ L 'WOBE . NOW IN PEEPAKATION . HISTORY GF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited hy a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of ail Brethren who aro in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , Y / . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , available for one year from the 1 st of each month , and entitling the holder to a chance iu the Aloxandra Pftlagg Art Union , to be had of W . W , MORSAJT , 67 Barbican , E , C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 27 . Warrant of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of all England , transcribed from Bro . Hughan ' s Masonic Sketches and Reprints , the only one of its kind known . The Warrant granted to the Companions at Rotherham * to hold a Royal Arch Chapter is thus -worded' . —
" Robert Lakeland , D . G . M ., — To all to whom these Presents shall come 5 Be it known that upon the humble Petition of our well beloved and most excellent Brothers , Josiah Beckwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , membora of the Dradical Lodge of Anoient York Masons , at Rotherham , in the
county of York . We , the most Worshipful Masters and Brethren of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of All England , in full Chapter assembled in the City of York , do hereby grant to the said Josiah Beckwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , our Warrant to assemble and hold a Royal Aroh Chapter of Free and Accepted Masons , at
tho Dradical Lodge , in Rotherham aforesaid , on such Days and Hours as to them shall seem meet , and to admit and advance other suitable Brethren to the same Degrees , and to do every act whioh appertaineth to a Royal Arch Chapter , subordinate to na so long as they do faithfully observe and keep inviolable the Ancient Rules and
Regulations of our Supreme and most Excellent Order . And wo trust that they will promote the Worship of God , and be good and useful members . And we do hereby appoint onr said Brethren , Joaiah Beokwith , John Hassall , and James Simes , to be the Right Worshipful Masters of the said Chapter , with full power for them to
Eleot other Brothera , of the same Order to succeed to the Offices aforesaid ; and so from time to time Annually , for them and their Successors to elect others , to supply these offices . Requiring , nevertheless , that an account in writing of the Proceedings from time to time , with the names of the Brethren by them admitted to the
degrees aforesaid , shall be brought or transmitted to us and our Suecessors Annually on the Feast of St . John the Evangelist , or as aoon after aa may be . Given under onr Seal at the Grand Lodge All England , in York , the aixth Day of July , Anno Domini one Thousand , Beven Hundred , and Eighty . " JOHN BROWNE , G . Secretary . " * This Chapter has been dormant for many years .
No . 28 . No . 242 , " Moderns '; " No . 305 A . D . 1814 , after the Union ; No . 215 A . D . 1832 and No . 183 from A . D . 1863 . AUGUSTUS FREDERICK G . M .
To all and every our Right Worshipful , Worshipful & loving brethren . No . 305 . iffite Prince Augustna Frederick of Brunswick Lunenbnrgh Duke of Sussex Earl of Inverness Baron of Arklow Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter & c . & c .
Grand Master of the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Maaons of England SEND GREETING WHEREAS it appeara by the Recorda of our Grand Lodge that a Warrant bearing date the 11 th April 1769 waa issued under the Seal of Masonry enabling certain brethren therein named to open and
hold a Lodge of Free Masons at the Ship Tavern Ratcliffe Cross Middlesex to be called the Lodge of Unity which was then No . 441 and by the alteration of Lodges in the year 1770 became No . 376 in the year 1781 it became 290 in the year 1792 it became No . 242 and in consequence of the Union of the two Fraternities of Masona on the 27 th December 1813 became and i 8 now registered in the Booka
of the United Grand Lodge No . 305 and is now held at the Horn Tavern Doctors Commons London AND WHEREAS the Brethren composing the said Lodge have by their Memorial dated the 19 th day of December 1816 ( sic ) last represented to us that their said Warrant hath by some accident been lost or destroyed and they have therefore prayed us to grant them a Warrant of Confirmation .
Now KNOW YE that we being satisfied of the reasonableness of the said request do hereby grant this our Warrant of Confirmation unto our right trusty and well beloved Brethren THOMAS Moxojf , ROBERT ACKROYD , THOMAS RUDALL , EOJBERT GILL , WILLIAM CLAREMONT , WILL - Dow CUMMINS , JAMES BARRY BIRD , and others composing the said Lodge authorizing and empowering them and their
Successor to Assemble and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the Horn Tavern Doctors Commons under the title or denomination of THE LODGE OF UNITY at such times as to the Brethren thereof may appear necessary and then and there when duly congregated to make pas 3 and raise Freemasons according to the Antient Custom of the Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known
world AND FURTHER at the petition of the said Brethren WE DO APPOINT the said THOMAS MOXON to be the MASTER the said ROBERT ACKROYD to be the SENIOR WARDEN and the said THOMAS RUDALL to be the JUNIOR WASDES for opening and holding the said Lodge and until Buch time as another Master shall be regularly elected and installed sfcriofcly charging that every Master who shall be eleoted to
Old Warrants.
preside over the said Lodgo shall be installed in antient form and according to the Laws of the Grand Lodge that ho may thereby be fully invested with the dignities and powers of hia office the said Lodge to be upon the General Register of our Grand Lodge No . 305 AND we do require you the said Thomas Moxon and your Successors to take special care that all and every tho said Brethren are or havo
been regularly mado masona . AND that you and thoy and all other the Mombers of the said Lodge do observe perform and keep tho Laws Rule 3 and Orders contained in tho Book of Constitutions and all others which may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodgo or transmitted by us or our Successors Grand Masters or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being AND wo do enjoin you to
make such Bye-Laws for the Government of your Lodge aa shall to the majority of the members appear proper and necessary the samo not being contrary to or inconsistent with the General Laws and Regulations of the Craft and a copy whereof you are to transmit to ua AND we do require you to cause all such Bye Lawa and Regulations and alao an Account of the Proceedings in your Lodgo to
be entered in the Book to be kept tor that purpose AND you are in . no wise to omit to send us or our Successors Grand Masters or to THE RIGHT HONORABLE THOMAS L ORD DUNDAS our Deputy Grand Master or to the Deputy Grand Master for the time being at least once in every year a List of the members of your Lodge and tho names and descriptions of all Masons initiated therein and Brethren who shall have joined the same together with the fees and monies
payable thereon it being our will and intention that this our Warrant of Constitution shall be in force so long only aa you shall conform to the Laws and Regulations of our said Grand Lodge AND you tho said Thomas Moxon are further required aa soon aa conveniently may be to send us an account in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents . GIVEN under our hand and the Seal of the Grand Lodge at LONDON this thirteenth day of May A . L . 5815 A . D . 1815 .
By command of the M , W . Grand Master DUNDAS D . G . M . William H . Whit © \ * « Edw . Harper j s > The present No ,, title , & c . are , The Lodgo of Unity , No . 183 , Bishopsgate-street , London .
Re No . 6 , NOW No . 11 . In answer to the Editor ' s enquiry , I find , by my notes , that No . 2 Dormant Warrant was purchased from tho " Ancient" Grand Lodge , by the then No . 32 , for the sum of 6 Guineas . Tho present No . 11 , formerly No . 6 , of which the interesting history appeara in " THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE " of 16 th September , was
revived in 1755 . The Warrant , as transcript ( No . 6 of the Series ) in the "F . C . " of the 8 th July , was purchased by Lodge No . 37 , at the end of 1754 , for tho sum of a guinea ! The Warrant boars two dates , viz ., 1751 and 1755 . Nos . 32 and 37 were taken by other Lodges , and are both extinct . ¦ W . J . HUGHAN .
HAYDON—WEBSTER . —On the 18 th inst ., by Special License , at tho District Registrar ' s Office , Leeds , Bro . William Haydon , of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1561 , Knaphill , Surrey , to Martha , eldest daughter of the Worshipful Master , Bro . John Webster , P . D . J . G . W . Gibraltar .
HOUOWAT ' S OIKIMENT Aim Pins . —A frequent cause of gout and rheumatism is the inflammatory state of tho blood , attended with bad digestion and general debility . A few doses of these Pills , taken in time , are an effectual preventive against gout and rheumatism , but any one who has an attack of either should use Holloway's Ointment also , the powerful properties of which , combined with tho effects of the Pills , must infallibly effect a euro . These Pills act directly on the blood , which they purify and improve ; they also regulate the secretions , and give tone to the stomach , and thus tho whole system is invigorated , and put into a condition which enables it throw off disease or cheek its approach .
The fifteen sections will be worked by Bro . Webb , at the Israel Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Tetton ' s , the " Rising Sun , " Globe-road , Befchnal Green , on Sundayevening next . Bros . Barnes , Cundick , Fowler , Taylor , Hewlett , Musfco , Yetton , Ellis , Burr , Williams , Bnent , Cohen , Job , Frederick , & c , will assist .
-A . J ^ dZOISrUlsdl EJ iTT ^ L 'WOBE . NOW IN PEEPAKATION . HISTORY GF EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OP FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Will be Edited hy a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of ail Brethren who aro in possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , Y / . C .
ALEXANDRA PALACE . SEASON TICKETS , available for one year from the 1 st of each month , and entitling the holder to a chance iu the Aloxandra Pftlagg Art Union , to be had of W . W , MORSAJT , 67 Barbican , E , C ,