Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if tbe Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom wi'l favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting . & c , « s we have decid- d to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
UN—Percv , . Telle p o-mers , Snuthtrato Rnnrt . N . nt S ( Ins ' ruetton ) 1541—Alexnr "' ra Palace 1021 Pcch stou . Hrosvpuoi- Club , r'hury- ? r uiiro , Pimlico , at . 7 Jnstrnotion ) 17 "b ' — Ornhcns Freemasons' ir-. ll \ VJ \ Sinai Chapter of Insnnction Union . Airstvect TlPirent st . reH , W . at 8 . CIS- St . . John svnil St . P-. ml , Pier Hotel . V . rith M 62— M harneliffe . Rose and Crow Hole' Peni « tono VPU—PrnsTi'iis AViNoT ' , Pier > lotel . f ! i-ppn >> it , ho . 1531—ChiseUurrst . Bull ' * Head Hotel . Chiselhurst
45- Strencr 'Man , New Market Hotel . West . Pmit-1-fle'd "t « flnst' -ui-tionl 5 S London Vasonir Club T . ooVe of Instrnrti- n . 1 " 1 Queen Viet-- ia-sti-ret . at C ' 71- fini-ei-itv Rni'um l'ii . ei-1 . ' on ( ten—ti-eet R i' -H 7 'Ii .-i-iii'f >• !« o _ pt . . Tnmes ' s Pmnn V < ¦» r Tavern , r- * 'r"Pt . W ' ., n' n » . « r-i" -cr ; "ri > s- | 0—Wplliiii'lm . White = wnn . Tli fh- 'itnet . n ™ . ti' .-vii nt « ( Ins * nictinn ! 701—Ci'Tni ' rn . Fed Ci . p Pnrn'en Town nt < J Instruction ) irw- Pt . Tolm „ r W > .. T > . ' nr . Cnn fl . t .. i H' ! 'b--t W „ .... i ,.- at , 8 ' !• ¦¦? r"c ion ) 1 II ' . '— T ' vilr- Park . Tt'f UWI ' in- ' O . Criiver'o-il PtiiVn . " - ' - r . nt « / fnstnietioi .
44 . "—Pi-inre 1 popold . 'Mitfovil Tavern . Pimilrmsrt'tim-vPft ' . Pa ' ston nt . 1 ( Inst . ) | . fsi- Af . i .-ditps ^ of ' b . oi Ppt .. ( . „ ri Tnvor . i n . loi . ••( ..- ' 't'lelrrf .- » f-7 "Wli'Tri . I ' P 08- Kilhurn , Id Seuth Bolton Street , Ox ' enl Ftr et , W „ at . 7 . 30 ( Inst ) Id-i 3—West Snu ' thr- ' pli' '• pw VnrJce' Corel Ko <' - * ' . Pvw-hVl . ttt- * ( Iff . ) tiii . i—Trpilpirnr RnriilTTotpl Wlp li ' nil-ro-iil WHIT nt Rnr ' nit nwil , nt S ( In . ) l ( i ! W ~ Kiuga ' auil , Ononbtirv Tavern , Cn ^ nhurr . N , li t S ( Tnstriicticn ) l (' . » s—New Fin-burr r-rk , Plim « nU Arms . St . Thomas Pond , at 8 ( Instruction ) K . T . —Oxford and Cnmbricltrfl . Masonic Hall , 31 OoMen Sa "" re
¦ 18—Industry , 31 Denmark-street . Gateshead . ( Instruction ) 02—Social , Queen ' s Hotel , Manchester 148—Lights , Masonic fionms . Warrimrton 724 , —Derby . Masonic Hnil , Liverpool ( Instruction ) 820—Lily of Rirhmnnil . Greyhound . Richmond , nt 7 3 d ( Instruction ) 827—St . . Tohn , Masonic Templo . Halifax-mart , Dewsbury 999—Rnhert Burns . Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms . Tenby , Pembroke 1449—Koyal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 ( Instruction )
UAZAAR AND FAWCV FAIR , at Freemason * ' Tavorn , " \ V C , in aid of t v c Royal Masonic Pnnils' Assistance Fund . Opening Ceremony , under the presidency of tho EAHI . OP LATHOM . at 1 p . m . P . G . Hark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey , Greyhound , Hampton Court , at 4 65—Constitutional . Bedford Hotel , Southampton-hitlers ., Uolborn ,.-ii 7 I Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern . Leadp . nhall-sf . rpet . , K . f ! ., at 7 ( instruction ) 141—Faith , 3 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwoll , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
554—Yarborongh , Green Dragon . Stepney ( Instruction ) 7 fi 3— Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel . St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Tnst . l SfiO—Dalhousie . Sisters' Tavern . Pownall-road , Dalston , at , 8 ( Instruction ) 1041—Wandsworth , Star and Giwter Hotel , St . Ann's-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Hoval At thur , Prince ' s Head , Battersea Park , at 8 lt 4 fi—Mount K . dgeumhp , 10 . Tprmvfl-strp . pt ,, S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction )
1171—Islington , Moorgate Stnti'm Kestaurant . at 7 tTnstruetioT . ) 1507—Metropolitan , ^ loorgate Station Kestaurant , E . O ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaucht . PalmeTston Anns , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1 « 02— Sir Hugh Myddelton . Crown and Wnnlpnck . St . . Tohn ' s-st .-rd , nt S fin . ) 17 n 7— Fleanor , Trocnrtern . Ilrond-st . reet-huild ' ngs . LivemnoI-strPPt . 6 . 30 ( Instl 1861—Clarcmont , School Koom , Park-road Kshev , at 1 . 30 p . m . ( CoxsBcn . vnoif ) Metropolitan Cliapterof Imnrovement . Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 0 . 30 .
241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 ( Instruction ) 209—Fmulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford 310—Union , Freemasons' Hal ) , Castle-street , Carlisle 573—Pc severance , Shenstotio Hotel , Hales Owen MnS— Torbay , Toivn Hall . Paignton 1586—Ellington , Bell Hotel , Maidenhead R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , F . astgate-rnw-north , Chester M . M . 176—Era . Greyhound , Hnmp'on Court , at 3 ( Emergency ) K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne , Lancashire
Jiazaar and Fancy Fair , at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . Open from 1 p . m . to lup . m . 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 228—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd ., Camden-town , 8 ( In . ) . 338—La Tolerance . Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-street , W ., at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 720—Paumnre , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Bwlefct-TMul , K ( Instruction )
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 8 ( V 5—Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts . Salmon and Ball , Bethnal Groen-road , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Alwyno Castle , Highbury , at . 8 ( Instruction ) 1521—Duke of Cnnnnnght . Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston . at , 8 ( instruction ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern , Portol ) ello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate , at S ( In . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street . Regent-st „ at 8 ( Instruction )
163—Irtegrity , Freemasons' Hall , Coopor-stroct , Manchester 304—Philanthropic , Mnsnnir Hull , Great George-street , Leeds J . 10—Spientifie . Mnsonic Hnntn . Hirtglev fi" 2—St . AugtYMtine , Masonic \ W \ , a"tci'Uiirv ( lust . ) HOfi— Sond . s . Kasrlp Ifnfpl . K-ist Dpi-chnrn . Nnrfnlk 1083—Town ' ey Pnrker , Mnslpy Hotel , Reswiek , near \ Innph stei
1035—Hnrt'Diitrqi , Mnsonic Hi . " ,
Brswwrn' / I Fancy Fair , at Freema-ons' Tavern . U ' . O . Open from 17 a . m . tn 10 p . m . Fe-t'val of the Royal Masonic ' n-titutiou for P , ov-. Crystnl Pahier-, Sylonb-ira 1—Kiili-I . u- Yni-U---. li i-i- Or-i-v Lnnilon-itrepi , Piizr-n-i-q . * i * niiorun ) 15—fTH , Ch' -iiior ' . M » . rxh-strppt Wallham ^ t "" ' it 7 'fn-irni- 'i -n ' 27-Ferntinn HP .-1-II'PS TMVTII Lpadpubnll-M- pet R . nr 7 : « i i In- inictii ,- ) 1 " —Wruvinn . Whlip ir-o-t . Col ' pirp - t rnnl f . nmlipth at * tr /) s" - 'i ( iti '" - ) 211— St . Mtchnrl , Mowwitp Stnt ' oTi Ri > st „ iui- „ i , t . Moorgatp Strct .-it .-. ( Irwf . »! ir ¦
I-.-. S | j | . | ' .,,.. I ' .., ,. r , \ r .,,.,.. I { , ,,.. » , , ,--p- W -, l . In-. i ) 712 - ' ' rvstnl Pnlnce . Crystal Palnce . Syd nhnm ( K -er -encv ) 7 . - . I-HM . 'V .-s . C . ( ic . in I If r < -. ¦ ¦' .,. -. •¦!¦ T . te , .-ai . at i ' [ ' ¦ -r-e-t ' laaT .-TTi . t-. T , I , ' : , , , ., , . , 1 .- ) .. „ , v ,- . f .. ' ' ¦ ' .- ¦ , ' . ' .. i . 1 (' -i ¦ ' ¦ i .-ti .-i . 12 S 51—Ficsb' . H'V I ' m-k . V . t-. rk 'I ' ai-prn . Ifii .:. bii .-v lil . i -x .... cu ub .. iO . 'i , oiitiOiM r .. vt--i-u , otinaiiiighain-road Oal .-ton 1539—Siurey Jlaaonic Hall , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S , B .
Diary For The Week.
16 U—Covent Garden , Nag ' s Hp-. ul , James-stvpot , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( In . ) I ! . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotol , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 1171—North London , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 21—Xeweastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Graiiiger-st ., Newcastle . 123— I . Pimox , Fi-eemiisons' Hall . Richmond , Yorkshire ? 10—Mni-iner-.. Masonic Hall , biverp . nl at 8 ( Instniction ) 2 KB—N-. ipthnli , Mas « "ic Hall , Market-place , Heywood 2 « n— Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Black' urn
2 afl—Fidelity , Masonic Hall Cai-ltnn-hili . Leeds 2 nt—Constitutional . Assembly Ronms . Beverley . Yorks 2 !) 5—Cnmlmrniorp Union . Macclesfield Vrms , Macelestleld ( 00—Mi ' riPi-vn , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-under-Lyne 317— Affability . Freemasons' Hall , '^ ooper-str ot , Ma- 'chestei ( 10—St Pete . ' , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . ti «— ppnevolpnt . Town Hn'l . Wells . Somersetshire sop—TPPS F-ecmaso'is' Hall . Stockton . Durham .
KX 1 - Portland Ma « pnir Rooms Town Hall , Stoke-unon-Trent . 7 fl- '_ Po | i . nm Pillar . Masonic Hull . Hu'liing-lane , Great Grimsby 013—Pntti-on . Lord Rnglau Tavorn , Plurastenl . < 171—Per-toxlphu . New Sfasouic Hall , D irloy-street , Uradt ' ord 1231—Savi'e . Royal Hoteel , Eiland 1282— Ancholme . Forester . ; ' Hall . Bricrjf . Lincolnshire 1284— Pren t Globe Hotel , Topsham . Devoeshire i . WI—O'ive Union . Masonic Ha' 1 , Hor castlo . Lincolnshire
13 fiO-Itiw . il -vtluir . Village Club Lectuvo Hull , Wimbledon 1367— llPiiminstei- Manor . Whito Hart Hotel , Beaminster irtai—' - ' onitv , Alfore ' c Chnmbe s , Widues I 5 " 0—Wa ' pnlp , Be" Hot I Norwich 15 i 4- RP Il ^ e of Lancaster . Starkip ' s Arms Flotel , Padiham , uoarBurnley | -ir >—Friendly , Kin "' s Head H"tPl , Burnslpy 1501-Cpdown ' in . PubbV Rooms . Newtown , MontgomPryshire
p ! l >_ Wpst Middlesex . Foathers' Motel , Riling , nt 7 30 ( Instruction ) 1700—Old Fnirland . Masonic Hall New Thornton Heath ISO "—Ii'u-al Wvc . Builth , Breennshiro R . A . 2 " 5—Pprs ' pvorhnoD MasonicHaU ' rmth-parnrte . TlwArtOTsftaVd R . A . 758— Prirl . 'water , Freemn « nns' Hull , Runcorn , Cheshire R . A 1010—Klkin . 'ton . Masonic Hall , Nowstreet . Birmiiudiam M . Jf . 53-Britannia , Frcem sons' Hnll . Sheffield
Bazaar and Fancy Fair , at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . Open from 1 p . m . to 10 p . m . Emulation Untigo of Tmprovnraent , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) /; n 7 _ TTnitod Pilcrrims . Surrey Masonic Hall , Oamherwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) -TCfi _\ VillinTnr > .-p « tnn Feathers'Tavern Un . Goorge-st ., F . dgware-rd . 8 ( Inst . 780—Royal Alfred Star and Garter . Kew Bridge ( Inst . )
! ) 02 -Bnrgovnp Red Hnp , Gam-ten Town , at 8 ( instruction ) Q 33 -Doric Dnkn ' s Head , 7 !> Wbitechappl-road . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotol . 155 Floot .-street . E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—flolgrave , Jermvn-streot , S . W ., at 8 ( Instniction ) I 2 SS—Finsbnrv Park M . M ., Farl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 12 » 8— Rovnl Standard . Alwrne Castle . St . Paul ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) ' 365—Clapton . Whito Hart , Lower Olnpton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 'fl ( 2—F . nn . rnn . rvnn . Mitre Hotol . Gonlborno-rd . N . Kensington . at 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R A , 70—Pvthngoroan . Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Tnst . ) Metropolitan Masonic Benevolent Association , 155 Fleet-street , E . C , at 8 . 30
. H—FTiendshin . Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Gporgo , Guildhall , Doncaster . 306—Al " red , Mnsonic Hall , Kolsall-street , Leeds 375—T . ambton , Lnmbton Arms Chester-le-street , Durham 412—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Peterborough 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Ftzwilliam-street , Huddersfleld 530—St . Matthew . Dragon Hotel . Walsall .
651—Brecknock , Castlo Hotol , Brecon . 83 "—Do Grov and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripou 10 Wv—Lord Warden , Wollingto Hnll . Deal 1337—Chorlton , Mnsonic Room , Chorlton-cum-Hardy 131 ) 3—Hamer . Masonic Hall . Liverpool ( Instruction . ) 1528—Fm-t , Red Lion Hotel . Newo , uav , Cornwall .
1557—Albert Edward , Bush Hotol . Hexham . 1561—Morec mbe . MasonicHall , Kdward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1618—Princo of Wales , Free masons' Hall . Salem-3 treet , Bradford . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Imnrovement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , afc 5 . 30
Goneral Committeo Boys' School , Freemasons Hall , at 4 198—Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1624—F . pcleaton , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai nhnpter o f Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 12 ' 3—Amherst , King's Arms Hotel , Westerham . Kent 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester R .. A . 308—Affability , Station Houso Hotel , Bottoms , Stansfield
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 27 . —This Lodge held its annual banquet , at Bro . Maidwelt ' s , the BTercnles Tavern , on Thursday evening-, 17 th June , at 7 . 30 . Bro . Chapman W . M . 27 in the chair ; there were also present : —Bros . Webb , Grammer , Phillips , Da Silva , King , Daniel , Hayues , and several others . The banquet ,
which was splendily s-erved by Bro . Maidwell , passed off with the usual cnihiisiairi . Tho customary toasts were dnly hoDourod , but ming / led with expressions of regret at the tin .-ivniilfib'o nbseiice of Bro . Nur . lon ( the Secretary . ) Excellent vocal effusions were contributed by Bros . Maidwell , Grammer , Town , E . H . Norden , & c . Tho meeting separated thorough- ' y pleased and in perfect harmony .
Doric Lodge of Instruction No . 933 . —At the usnal iii"i tinir <> l this L"d " . emi tbe llth inst ., at Bro . Clayton ' s , Diikn ' s He-id , 7 ' . ) Wliitephapnl-mad , Bro . W- JU-Dontild occupied the chair , nnd was sui'imrter ) bv Bms J . M .-iormh S . W ., Ricliaidson J . W ., Seymour-P ' ail-. S D ., ' So .-nc . r . I . D ., Grounds I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Sccrotarv , I I ' . Ci hen I'M ., Lew , Mills St-phcTis , West , Jnmc- ' , Gamble , he .
\ , dsri- w . is ol KM veil in due form , and Bin . Levy was suliji'Pted loan I'jiim nntioti prcpa'ator \ to pushing . Loike was advanced , and the 1-e-emnnv of pa-sinij was capitnll y rondcri-d , Bro . Levy candidate . "lii- W . M . rhcn worked iho fi ! S , second , third , and fonrt . h sections of b lectnic , as-istcil h \ the i . ri tbren . Lodge was closed do ^ n , and R ¦> . Mi ' . 'ratb S . W . ( Sff . 130 ¦ ' ;) was eh c . -d to the chair for the 18 th t . , a I Lii - ¦ . van lose . ! . L is ule si us i ( J ioi-ord how w- 'l Bro .
' . ¦ • jn . r . .. cqntt . d huu elf , that bn . t ' .. or bus for a kiiif ! time bei . ua , gio . r J . i . i .-l i : t a ; tin ' - L •!„ ( , uiwaya obiiy ug by uua ^ rtakjuy UiO moro bumble ofiicea of the Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if tbe Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom wi'l favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting . & c , « s we have decid- d to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
UN—Percv , . Telle p o-mers , Snuthtrato Rnnrt . N . nt S ( Ins ' ruetton ) 1541—Alexnr "' ra Palace 1021 Pcch stou . Hrosvpuoi- Club , r'hury- ? r uiiro , Pimlico , at . 7 Jnstrnotion ) 17 "b ' — Ornhcns Freemasons' ir-. ll \ VJ \ Sinai Chapter of Insnnction Union . Airstvect TlPirent st . reH , W . at 8 . CIS- St . . John svnil St . P-. ml , Pier Hotel . V . rith M 62— M harneliffe . Rose and Crow Hole' Peni « tono VPU—PrnsTi'iis AViNoT ' , Pier > lotel . f ! i-ppn >> it , ho . 1531—ChiseUurrst . Bull ' * Head Hotel . Chiselhurst
45- Strencr 'Man , New Market Hotel . West . Pmit-1-fle'd "t « flnst' -ui-tionl 5 S London Vasonir Club T . ooVe of Instrnrti- n . 1 " 1 Queen Viet-- ia-sti-ret . at C ' 71- fini-ei-itv Rni'um l'ii . ei-1 . ' on ( ten—ti-eet R i' -H 7 'Ii .-i-iii'f >• !« o _ pt . . Tnmes ' s Pmnn V < ¦» r Tavern , r- * 'r"Pt . W ' ., n' n » . « r-i" -cr ; "ri > s- | 0—Wplliiii'lm . White = wnn . Tli fh- 'itnet . n ™ . ti' .-vii nt « ( Ins * nictinn ! 701—Ci'Tni ' rn . Fed Ci . p Pnrn'en Town nt < J Instruction ) irw- Pt . Tolm „ r W > .. T > . ' nr . Cnn fl . t .. i H' ! 'b--t W „ .... i ,.- at , 8 ' !• ¦¦? r"c ion ) 1 II ' . '— T ' vilr- Park . Tt'f UWI ' in- ' O . Criiver'o-il PtiiVn . " - ' - r . nt « / fnstnietioi .
44 . "—Pi-inre 1 popold . 'Mitfovil Tavern . Pimilrmsrt'tim-vPft ' . Pa ' ston nt . 1 ( Inst . ) | . fsi- Af . i .-ditps ^ of ' b . oi Ppt .. ( . „ ri Tnvor . i n . loi . ••( ..- ' 't'lelrrf .- » f-7 "Wli'Tri . I ' P 08- Kilhurn , Id Seuth Bolton Street , Ox ' enl Ftr et , W „ at . 7 . 30 ( Inst ) Id-i 3—West Snu ' thr- ' pli' '• pw VnrJce' Corel Ko <' - * ' . Pvw-hVl . ttt- * ( Iff . ) tiii . i—Trpilpirnr RnriilTTotpl Wlp li ' nil-ro-iil WHIT nt Rnr ' nit nwil , nt S ( In . ) l ( i ! W ~ Kiuga ' auil , Ononbtirv Tavern , Cn ^ nhurr . N , li t S ( Tnstriicticn ) l (' . » s—New Fin-burr r-rk , Plim « nU Arms . St . Thomas Pond , at 8 ( Instruction ) K . T . —Oxford and Cnmbricltrfl . Masonic Hall , 31 OoMen Sa "" re
¦ 18—Industry , 31 Denmark-street . Gateshead . ( Instruction ) 02—Social , Queen ' s Hotel , Manchester 148—Lights , Masonic fionms . Warrimrton 724 , —Derby . Masonic Hnil , Liverpool ( Instruction ) 820—Lily of Rirhmnnil . Greyhound . Richmond , nt 7 3 d ( Instruction ) 827—St . . Tohn , Masonic Templo . Halifax-mart , Dewsbury 999—Rnhert Burns . Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms . Tenby , Pembroke 1449—Koyal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 ( Instruction )
UAZAAR AND FAWCV FAIR , at Freemason * ' Tavorn , " \ V C , in aid of t v c Royal Masonic Pnnils' Assistance Fund . Opening Ceremony , under the presidency of tho EAHI . OP LATHOM . at 1 p . m . P . G . Hark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey , Greyhound , Hampton Court , at 4 65—Constitutional . Bedford Hotel , Southampton-hitlers ., Uolborn ,.-ii 7 I Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern . Leadp . nhall-sf . rpet . , K . f ! ., at 7 ( instruction ) 141—Faith , 3 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwoll , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
554—Yarborongh , Green Dragon . Stepney ( Instruction ) 7 fi 3— Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel . St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Tnst . l SfiO—Dalhousie . Sisters' Tavern . Pownall-road , Dalston , at , 8 ( Instruction ) 1041—Wandsworth , Star and Giwter Hotel , St . Ann's-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1360—Hoval At thur , Prince ' s Head , Battersea Park , at 8 lt 4 fi—Mount K . dgeumhp , 10 . Tprmvfl-strp . pt ,, S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction )
1171—Islington , Moorgate Stnti'm Kestaurant . at 7 tTnstruetioT . ) 1507—Metropolitan , ^ loorgate Station Kestaurant , E . O ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connaucht . PalmeTston Anns , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1 « 02— Sir Hugh Myddelton . Crown and Wnnlpnck . St . . Tohn ' s-st .-rd , nt S fin . ) 17 n 7— Fleanor , Trocnrtern . Ilrond-st . reet-huild ' ngs . LivemnoI-strPPt . 6 . 30 ( Instl 1861—Clarcmont , School Koom , Park-road Kshev , at 1 . 30 p . m . ( CoxsBcn . vnoif ) Metropolitan Cliapterof Imnrovement . Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 0 . 30 .
241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 ( Instruction ) 209—Fmulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford 310—Union , Freemasons' Hal ) , Castle-street , Carlisle 573—Pc severance , Shenstotio Hotel , Hales Owen MnS— Torbay , Toivn Hall . Paignton 1586—Ellington , Bell Hotel , Maidenhead R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , F . astgate-rnw-north , Chester M . M . 176—Era . Greyhound , Hnmp'on Court , at 3 ( Emergency ) K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne , Lancashire
Jiazaar and Fancy Fair , at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . Open from 1 p . m . to lup . m . 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 228—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd ., Camden-town , 8 ( In . ) . 338—La Tolerance . Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-street , W ., at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 720—Paumnre , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Bwlefct-TMul , K ( Instruction )
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 8 ( V 5—Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts . Salmon and Ball , Bethnal Groen-road , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Alwyno Castle , Highbury , at . 8 ( Instruction ) 1521—Duke of Cnnnnnght . Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston . at , 8 ( instruction ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern , Portol ) ello-ter ., Notting-hill-gate , at S ( In . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street . Regent-st „ at 8 ( Instruction )
163—Irtegrity , Freemasons' Hall , Coopor-stroct , Manchester 304—Philanthropic , Mnsnnir Hull , Great George-street , Leeds J . 10—Spientifie . Mnsonic Hnntn . Hirtglev fi" 2—St . AugtYMtine , Masonic \ W \ , a"tci'Uiirv ( lust . ) HOfi— Sond . s . Kasrlp Ifnfpl . K-ist Dpi-chnrn . Nnrfnlk 1083—Town ' ey Pnrker , Mnslpy Hotel , Reswiek , near \ Innph stei
1035—Hnrt'Diitrqi , Mnsonic Hi . " ,
Brswwrn' / I Fancy Fair , at Freema-ons' Tavern . U ' . O . Open from 17 a . m . tn 10 p . m . Fe-t'val of the Royal Masonic ' n-titutiou for P , ov-. Crystnl Pahier-, Sylonb-ira 1—Kiili-I . u- Yni-U---. li i-i- Or-i-v Lnnilon-itrepi , Piizr-n-i-q . * i * niiorun ) 15—fTH , Ch' -iiior ' . M » . rxh-strppt Wallham ^ t "" ' it 7 'fn-irni- 'i -n ' 27-Ferntinn HP .-1-II'PS TMVTII Lpadpubnll-M- pet R . nr 7 : « i i In- inictii ,- ) 1 " —Wruvinn . Whlip ir-o-t . Col ' pirp - t rnnl f . nmlipth at * tr /) s" - 'i ( iti '" - ) 211— St . Mtchnrl , Mowwitp Stnt ' oTi Ri > st „ iui- „ i , t . Moorgatp Strct .-it .-. ( Irwf . »! ir ¦
I-.-. S | j | . | ' .,,.. I ' .., ,. r , \ r .,,.,.. I { , ,,.. » , , ,--p- W -, l . In-. i ) 712 - ' ' rvstnl Pnlnce . Crystal Palnce . Syd nhnm ( K -er -encv ) 7 . - . I-HM . 'V .-s . C . ( ic . in I If r < -. ¦ ¦' .,. -. •¦!¦ T . te , .-ai . at i ' [ ' ¦ -r-e-t ' laaT .-TTi . t-. T , I , ' : , , , ., , . , 1 .- ) .. „ , v ,- . f .. ' ' ¦ ' .- ¦ , ' . ' .. i . 1 (' -i ¦ ' ¦ i .-ti .-i . 12 S 51—Ficsb' . H'V I ' m-k . V . t-. rk 'I ' ai-prn . Ifii .:. bii .-v lil . i -x .... cu ub .. iO . 'i , oiitiOiM r .. vt--i-u , otinaiiiighain-road Oal .-ton 1539—Siurey Jlaaonic Hall , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S , B .
Diary For The Week.
16 U—Covent Garden , Nag ' s Hp-. ul , James-stvpot , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( In . ) I ! . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotol , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 1171—North London , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) 21—Xeweastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Graiiiger-st ., Newcastle . 123— I . Pimox , Fi-eemiisons' Hall . Richmond , Yorkshire ? 10—Mni-iner-.. Masonic Hall , biverp . nl at 8 ( Instniction ) 2 KB—N-. ipthnli , Mas « "ic Hall , Market-place , Heywood 2 « n— Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Black' urn
2 afl—Fidelity , Masonic Hall Cai-ltnn-hili . Leeds 2 nt—Constitutional . Assembly Ronms . Beverley . Yorks 2 !) 5—Cnmlmrniorp Union . Macclesfield Vrms , Macelestleld ( 00—Mi ' riPi-vn , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-under-Lyne 317— Affability . Freemasons' Hall , '^ ooper-str ot , Ma- 'chestei ( 10—St Pete . ' , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . ti «— ppnevolpnt . Town Hn'l . Wells . Somersetshire sop—TPPS F-ecmaso'is' Hall . Stockton . Durham .
KX 1 - Portland Ma « pnir Rooms Town Hall , Stoke-unon-Trent . 7 fl- '_ Po | i . nm Pillar . Masonic Hull . Hu'liing-lane , Great Grimsby 013—Pntti-on . Lord Rnglau Tavorn , Plurastenl . < 171—Per-toxlphu . New Sfasouic Hall , D irloy-street , Uradt ' ord 1231—Savi'e . Royal Hoteel , Eiland 1282— Ancholme . Forester . ; ' Hall . Bricrjf . Lincolnshire 1284— Pren t Globe Hotel , Topsham . Devoeshire i . WI—O'ive Union . Masonic Ha' 1 , Hor castlo . Lincolnshire
13 fiO-Itiw . il -vtluir . Village Club Lectuvo Hull , Wimbledon 1367— llPiiminstei- Manor . Whito Hart Hotel , Beaminster irtai—' - ' onitv , Alfore ' c Chnmbe s , Widues I 5 " 0—Wa ' pnlp , Be" Hot I Norwich 15 i 4- RP Il ^ e of Lancaster . Starkip ' s Arms Flotel , Padiham , uoarBurnley | -ir >—Friendly , Kin "' s Head H"tPl , Burnslpy 1501-Cpdown ' in . PubbV Rooms . Newtown , MontgomPryshire
p ! l >_ Wpst Middlesex . Foathers' Motel , Riling , nt 7 30 ( Instruction ) 1700—Old Fnirland . Masonic Hall New Thornton Heath ISO "—Ii'u-al Wvc . Builth , Breennshiro R . A . 2 " 5—Pprs ' pvorhnoD MasonicHaU ' rmth-parnrte . TlwArtOTsftaVd R . A . 758— Prirl . 'water , Freemn « nns' Hull , Runcorn , Cheshire R . A 1010—Klkin . 'ton . Masonic Hall , Nowstreet . Birmiiudiam M . Jf . 53-Britannia , Frcem sons' Hnll . Sheffield
Bazaar and Fancy Fair , at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . Open from 1 p . m . to 10 p . m . Emulation Untigo of Tmprovnraent , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) /; n 7 _ TTnitod Pilcrrims . Surrey Masonic Hall , Oamherwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) -TCfi _\ VillinTnr > .-p « tnn Feathers'Tavern Un . Goorge-st ., F . dgware-rd . 8 ( Inst . 780—Royal Alfred Star and Garter . Kew Bridge ( Inst . )
! ) 02 -Bnrgovnp Red Hnp , Gam-ten Town , at 8 ( instruction ) Q 33 -Doric Dnkn ' s Head , 7 !> Wbitechappl-road . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotol . 155 Floot .-street . E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—flolgrave , Jermvn-streot , S . W ., at 8 ( Instniction ) I 2 SS—Finsbnrv Park M . M ., Farl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 12 » 8— Rovnl Standard . Alwrne Castle . St . Paul ' s-road . Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) ' 365—Clapton . Whito Hart , Lower Olnpton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 'fl ( 2—F . nn . rnn . rvnn . Mitre Hotol . Gonlborno-rd . N . Kensington . at 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R A , 70—Pvthngoroan . Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Tnst . ) Metropolitan Masonic Benevolent Association , 155 Fleet-street , E . C , at 8 . 30
. H—FTiendshin . Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Gporgo , Guildhall , Doncaster . 306—Al " red , Mnsonic Hall , Kolsall-street , Leeds 375—T . ambton , Lnmbton Arms Chester-le-street , Durham 412—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Peterborough 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Ftzwilliam-street , Huddersfleld 530—St . Matthew . Dragon Hotel . Walsall .
651—Brecknock , Castlo Hotol , Brecon . 83 "—Do Grov and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripou 10 Wv—Lord Warden , Wollingto Hnll . Deal 1337—Chorlton , Mnsonic Room , Chorlton-cum-Hardy 131 ) 3—Hamer . Masonic Hall . Liverpool ( Instruction . ) 1528—Fm-t , Red Lion Hotel . Newo , uav , Cornwall .
1557—Albert Edward , Bush Hotol . Hexham . 1561—Morec mbe . MasonicHall , Kdward-street , Morecambo , Lancashire . 1618—Princo of Wales , Free masons' Hall . Salem-3 treet , Bradford . 1664— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Imnrovement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , afc 5 . 30
Goneral Committeo Boys' School , Freemasons Hall , at 4 198—Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1624—F . pcleaton , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai nhnpter o f Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-st ., W ., at 8 12 ' 3—Amherst , King's Arms Hotel , Westerham . Kent 1458—Truth , Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester R .. A . 308—Affability , Station Houso Hotel , Bottoms , Stansfield
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 27 . —This Lodge held its annual banquet , at Bro . Maidwelt ' s , the BTercnles Tavern , on Thursday evening-, 17 th June , at 7 . 30 . Bro . Chapman W . M . 27 in the chair ; there were also present : —Bros . Webb , Grammer , Phillips , Da Silva , King , Daniel , Hayues , and several others . The banquet ,
which was splendily s-erved by Bro . Maidwell , passed off with the usual cnihiisiairi . Tho customary toasts were dnly hoDourod , but ming / led with expressions of regret at the tin .-ivniilfib'o nbseiice of Bro . Nur . lon ( the Secretary . ) Excellent vocal effusions were contributed by Bros . Maidwell , Grammer , Town , E . H . Norden , & c . Tho meeting separated thorough- ' y pleased and in perfect harmony .
Doric Lodge of Instruction No . 933 . —At the usnal iii"i tinir <> l this L"d " . emi tbe llth inst ., at Bro . Clayton ' s , Diikn ' s He-id , 7 ' . ) Wliitephapnl-mad , Bro . W- JU-Dontild occupied the chair , nnd was sui'imrter ) bv Bms J . M .-iormh S . W ., Ricliaidson J . W ., Seymour-P ' ail-. S D ., ' So .-nc . r . I . D ., Grounds I . G ., W . Musto P . M . Sccrotarv , I I ' . Ci hen I'M ., Lew , Mills St-phcTis , West , Jnmc- ' , Gamble , he .
\ , dsri- w . is ol KM veil in due form , and Bin . Levy was suliji'Pted loan I'jiim nntioti prcpa'ator \ to pushing . Loike was advanced , and the 1-e-emnnv of pa-sinij was capitnll y rondcri-d , Bro . Levy candidate . "lii- W . M . rhcn worked iho fi ! S , second , third , and fonrt . h sections of b lectnic , as-istcil h \ the i . ri tbren . Lodge was closed do ^ n , and R ¦> . Mi ' . 'ratb S . W . ( Sff . 130 ¦ ' ;) was eh c . -d to the chair for the 18 th t . , a I Lii - ¦ . van lose . ! . L is ule si us i ( J ioi-ord how w- 'l Bro .
' . ¦ • jn . r . .. cqntt . d huu elf , that bn . t ' .. or bus for a kiiif ! time bei . ua , gio . r J . i . i .-l i : t a ; tin ' - L •!„ ( , uiwaya obiiy ug by uua ^ rtakjuy UiO moro bumble ofiicea of the Lodge .