Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions 0 / our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON s CnuoxiCLE . DEAR SIK AND BROTHER , —I have seldom read a paper so interesting , or so ably put together , as that of Bro . C . Woodbury , on the " Antiquity of Laying Corner-Stones , " which has appeared in your Journal during tho past two weeks , and I would suj » gost that , Bro . Woodbury ' s permission having first been obtained , some competent
brother should be invited to edit and illustrate it with further notes taken from the best authors on Egyptian , Ninevite , and Babylonish antiquities . The most important point in Bro . Woodbury ' s article , and that which must prove of greatest interest to the present society of Freemasons is the evidence he has colleoted of the high honour in which the architects , or , as no should call them now , the Freemasons
were held by Egyptian monarchs , and the leading part which many of these latter played in designing and superintending the erection of important buildings . With this evidence before us , wo can afford to laugh at those who sneer afc the Antiquity of Freemasonry , as being an antiquity that dates as it were from yesterday only . The Freemasons of to-day are , in a figurative sense , legitimately descended from the
Architects of the Middle Ages , as these in their turn trace back a connection , through Rome and Greece , with the architects of Egypt and the East generally . It is true we no longer take an active part in the erection or planning of edifices , but the implements of the Mason ' s art have the same symbolic meaning now as they had in the very earliest ages .
I hope some one will act on my suggestion , and that before long we shall have Bro . Woodbury ' s valuable paper carefully annotated and published . Fraternally yours , ARCHAICUS . London , 22 nd June 1880 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I was much amused on reading the letter of yonr correspondent " A P . Z . " on the subject of "' Dropped ' words and letters . " I confess I was amazed when I came to the words he referred to , and conld only account for the editorial statement , " we are always sympathetic and never personal" by suggesting
to myself tbe idea that the Editor considered he was " personal " only when he mentioned the name of the person ho was writing about . He leaves nothing unsaid in order to make it apparent to hia readers whom he is attacking , but he is " never personal , " because , forsooth , he never mentions the person ' s name . Thns , in the case of the recent Girls' School House Committee election , all who
took an interest in it knew perfectl y well there were only two lists proposed—one of tho old Committee b y Bro . Case for re-election , and one by Bro . Constable , who proposed the new men . Does the Editor of your contemporary imagine he was not personal , because ho did not mention tho latter ' s name when he referred to that brother as being animated by " personal
pique , " as heading a movement , " influenced by a desire for a petty revenge for a previous defeat , " as associated with " a very Jesuitical P'oceeding in itself ? " Was there nothing personal in telling the brother who proposed the new list and who was known to every one , that he and his friends " had mnch better remain in their own insignificance ? " Was there no personality in asking who the brother
wa 3 who proposed the new men , and what he could have done that ho claimed to have a moral or Masonio right thus to attempt to dictate to the enlightened constituency of Life Governors of the Girls ' School , " when every one knew it was Bro . Constable who proposed the list , aud no one else P And when a fortnight since the same editor spoke of the " spleen , perversity , and impudence of others , " was not
this a direct personal attack on Bro . Constable , whose name was before tho public as one of those " others ? " If I address myself to my constituents , either by word of month at a public meeting , or in editorial piriigrnphs in ti new- | i : iper , nnd apply nV th" h ; irsh te . nn 1 enn hint : of to .. mm . if ivhoai ' pe .-on-. l i ' e'i'itv t' ere CMUI t he il . p slight .,-t ~ h : ioow of a doubt .
• h :, . h In , , ,., ¦ ,, ne , > nn tit ..-.. ! is .. . )• , f no . qu 'e > .- ; p"rsoiml , -is if I did T > -iv- ' -t nnhrj . t' . ie' .. 10 . 11 of eibicj . ti a < v . ) pre-urmihly well eos ' ed hi the usag .-s o' sne-e- ' v Lei' : so i eorari' us to I . " nn'ible to '' i to em ' s ! I . piw c" n rs n 1 .. ml uo > -per-oen it \ . Every one '< HOH- « . nn I l ' . n- < kno'vo f - , » -I ; . o- t . ' hatif wii Bro . Co - 'tahle nlio mop so , the elect ! .. ¦ , of the ee-- ' Cooim ' ttee , ai d it 's a'l ' . on . seuse—I m -h' use 11 stronger word . 0 d" .. v ft > e porste ; i by of the hitter
ifvrctivp ] , vei ef ] ttt , thf > he ;( d <> " the proposer , mereU because his name was never mentioned . It may seem unditri . ified to offer advice to one on whom all seisihle advice spems thrown away , but I would suggest to the editor of yonr contemporary that editnrinl utterances are all the boLter when , like a jury ' s verdict or a judge ' s decision , they are unaccompanied by reasons or explanations . Yours faithfully , London , 14 th June 1880 . NEPO .
Well fermented Old Wines and Matured Spirits . J . E SHAWD & Co ., Wine S ™ ( Experts and Valuers ) , 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , S . W . race Lists on application . i
I Second Series , now ready , Grown Svo , Cloth , price 3 s 6 d , post free . MASONIC PORTRAITS . SKETCHES or DISTINGUISHED FEEEMASONS . REPRINTED FROM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHROXICLK . " BY G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OB KING ' S COLLEGE , LOSDOS . LIST OF PORTRAITS * NESTOR AN INSTALLING : MASTER ( Bro . TV . Hyde Pullen , 33 de !? ., Past ( Bro . W . Biggs , Past Prov . G . S . W . G . S B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , and Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Coun- Berks and Bucks ) , cil A . and A . Rite . ) A VETERAN THE STATESMAN ( BTO . W . Kelly , Fast Prov . G . M . awl ( The Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire and 33 deg „ Pro Grand Master , Pro Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lei-Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., and cestershiro ) . Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD a , rr antl A - Rlt 0 - ( Bro . John Wordsworth , 30 deg .. THE TREASURER p G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . P . Adlard , P . M . and'Treasnrer G J . W . W . Yorkshire , aud Prov . Royal York Lodge of Pevsover- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . ViR 7 enTAS TnE DEPUTY ( Br 0 . G . Ward Veny , P . M and Past ( Tho Right Hon . Lord Skelmorsdalo , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., Deputy G . Master . Grand ACHILLES M n J ? - - . - - pre'it i ; ior of ( Bro . E . j . Morris , Past G . J . D ., and the Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Paat Dop . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro . W . W B . Beach , MP ., Prov . ( Bro . j . . Cmteis , 30 deg ., Past i w * ^\ : D P- r ? , r ^^? tnsl ? Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) , of Wi «? ht , Past G . M . M . M . and qIn T > , „ rni . n Prov . G . Prior of the Temple , for bl ^ ^^ f , ,, Hants ) . ( Bro - J-M - Pulteney Montagu , J . P ., Tmv .-lToNOiraFT > LATSIPVITPU T > JL ., 33 deg ., G . J . Deacon , m . ° i ° y LANCASTER pag | . prQV GM and p r 0 Vi ( no S " ? ? J ' - ^ ° ' G . Sup . Dorsetshire , and G . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . Chancellor Supremo Council A . TnE SCHOLAR ami A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , P . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of Works on Navi- ( Bro . j . Pearson Bell , M . D ., Past gation ) . G Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOBLE CRITIC PPOV . G . Sup . N . and E . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 deg , shire ) . Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . War- A CESTUIAN CHIEF wickshire , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho Ri ht Hou lord tlo Tabioy > OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER Past G . S . W ., Trov . G . M . Che-( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 deg ., shire , Grand J ., and Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARBINGER OP PEACE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockbank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and p . Pvov . THE Loiti ) OP UNDERLET G . Treas . [ Arch ] E . Lancashire . ( Tho Karl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OP THE FENS G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., andProv . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . Westmoreland , and Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of the Order of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Red Cross of Constantino ) . ( Tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION oughmoro , 32 deg ., Past G . S . ( Bro . E . C . Woodward , P . M . 382 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER or CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . ofWorksE . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITAN BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEscULAPlUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 33 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN deg ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of the Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Red of the R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 3 s 6 cl , Crown 8 vo > cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS , FIRST SERIES . T ? EPirVTKD Pi'OK "Til : Pi-Bou e ' ¦ ' - [ , ! ll ) v tCI . K . " LIST OP Till . IV , i ; I ' . iAlTS . I OL ' R ljiT ' -. u . im iron-. ' .. 17 . in . I . / I . TM . N M SI » I » . B I A DisTi . voe . su . 'I , as . \ i ' . '; . ; , . . MO ¦ THK MAS OK f . \ ,. « - ¦ :: HI A . \ U . !>> .., M .. b'j . t 1 FATHKK TIMI ; . 2 ' ! A ( True ; HOJI . / rr . ¦ i A COKNKK SToSh 21 A i ' n . ua or MASO RT . fl THK ( JRAFTSMIV . 22 I . AVAI . 'I I . 7 THK ( TOWXSUAK . Zi A IUUUT HAND MAS . i AN KASTISKN STIK . 21 Ouu ' ' ITIZK . N BHOTJIIB . ' ¦ > Tnrt KNIGHT KuuA . it . 25 As ABLE CIU-. CKPTOR . ID THE OcTOGENAKiAjr . 2 t > An AXTIEWT JJKITO . I . It A ZHALOCS OHFICBK . 27 THK ARTIST . 12 Tnw SOLDIKR . 23 TIIK FATHKH OF THE IiODGK 13 Fitoii UWDEK THE (' ROWS ' . 2 !) A StusijfO LIGHT . U OUR HERCULES . ' j 30 Ay ART STUDE . YT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE . J 31 TIIK MARINER . 16 THK CnuRCHjts . it . 'iZ A SOLDIER of Foatuif 33 . ' * OM > MTC . " London : W . W . MOEGA 1 T . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions 0 / our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON s CnuoxiCLE . DEAR SIK AND BROTHER , —I have seldom read a paper so interesting , or so ably put together , as that of Bro . C . Woodbury , on the " Antiquity of Laying Corner-Stones , " which has appeared in your Journal during tho past two weeks , and I would suj » gost that , Bro . Woodbury ' s permission having first been obtained , some competent
brother should be invited to edit and illustrate it with further notes taken from the best authors on Egyptian , Ninevite , and Babylonish antiquities . The most important point in Bro . Woodbury ' s article , and that which must prove of greatest interest to the present society of Freemasons is the evidence he has colleoted of the high honour in which the architects , or , as no should call them now , the Freemasons
were held by Egyptian monarchs , and the leading part which many of these latter played in designing and superintending the erection of important buildings . With this evidence before us , wo can afford to laugh at those who sneer afc the Antiquity of Freemasonry , as being an antiquity that dates as it were from yesterday only . The Freemasons of to-day are , in a figurative sense , legitimately descended from the
Architects of the Middle Ages , as these in their turn trace back a connection , through Rome and Greece , with the architects of Egypt and the East generally . It is true we no longer take an active part in the erection or planning of edifices , but the implements of the Mason ' s art have the same symbolic meaning now as they had in the very earliest ages .
I hope some one will act on my suggestion , and that before long we shall have Bro . Woodbury ' s valuable paper carefully annotated and published . Fraternally yours , ARCHAICUS . London , 22 nd June 1880 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I was much amused on reading the letter of yonr correspondent " A P . Z . " on the subject of "' Dropped ' words and letters . " I confess I was amazed when I came to the words he referred to , and conld only account for the editorial statement , " we are always sympathetic and never personal" by suggesting
to myself tbe idea that the Editor considered he was " personal " only when he mentioned the name of the person ho was writing about . He leaves nothing unsaid in order to make it apparent to hia readers whom he is attacking , but he is " never personal , " because , forsooth , he never mentions the person ' s name . Thns , in the case of the recent Girls' School House Committee election , all who
took an interest in it knew perfectl y well there were only two lists proposed—one of tho old Committee b y Bro . Case for re-election , and one by Bro . Constable , who proposed the new men . Does the Editor of your contemporary imagine he was not personal , because ho did not mention tho latter ' s name when he referred to that brother as being animated by " personal
pique , " as heading a movement , " influenced by a desire for a petty revenge for a previous defeat , " as associated with " a very Jesuitical P'oceeding in itself ? " Was there nothing personal in telling the brother who proposed the new list and who was known to every one , that he and his friends " had mnch better remain in their own insignificance ? " Was there no personality in asking who the brother
wa 3 who proposed the new men , and what he could have done that ho claimed to have a moral or Masonio right thus to attempt to dictate to the enlightened constituency of Life Governors of the Girls ' School , " when every one knew it was Bro . Constable who proposed the list , aud no one else P And when a fortnight since the same editor spoke of the " spleen , perversity , and impudence of others , " was not
this a direct personal attack on Bro . Constable , whose name was before tho public as one of those " others ? " If I address myself to my constituents , either by word of month at a public meeting , or in editorial piriigrnphs in ti new- | i : iper , nnd apply nV th" h ; irsh te . nn 1 enn hint : of to .. mm . if ivhoai ' pe .-on-. l i ' e'i'itv t' ere CMUI t he il . p slight .,-t ~ h : ioow of a doubt .
• h :, . h In , , ,., ¦ ,, ne , > nn tit ..-.. ! is .. . )• , f no . qu 'e > .- ; p"rsoiml , -is if I did T > -iv- ' -t nnhrj . t' . ie' .. 10 . 11 of eibicj . ti a < v . ) pre-urmihly well eos ' ed hi the usag .-s o' sne-e- ' v Lei' : so i eorari' us to I . " nn'ible to '' i to em ' s ! I . piw c" n rs n 1 .. ml uo > -per-oen it \ . Every one '< HOH- « . nn I l ' . n- < kno'vo f - , » -I ; . o- t . ' hatif wii Bro . Co - 'tahle nlio mop so , the elect ! .. ¦ , of the ee-- ' Cooim ' ttee , ai d it 's a'l ' . on . seuse—I m -h' use 11 stronger word . 0 d" .. v ft > e porste ; i by of the hitter
ifvrctivp ] , vei ef ] ttt , thf > he ;( d <> " the proposer , mereU because his name was never mentioned . It may seem unditri . ified to offer advice to one on whom all seisihle advice spems thrown away , but I would suggest to the editor of yonr contemporary that editnrinl utterances are all the boLter when , like a jury ' s verdict or a judge ' s decision , they are unaccompanied by reasons or explanations . Yours faithfully , London , 14 th June 1880 . NEPO .
Well fermented Old Wines and Matured Spirits . J . E SHAWD & Co ., Wine S ™ ( Experts and Valuers ) , 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria Street , S . W . race Lists on application . i
I Second Series , now ready , Grown Svo , Cloth , price 3 s 6 d , post free . MASONIC PORTRAITS . SKETCHES or DISTINGUISHED FEEEMASONS . REPRINTED FROM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHROXICLK . " BY G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OB KING ' S COLLEGE , LOSDOS . LIST OF PORTRAITS * NESTOR AN INSTALLING : MASTER ( Bro . TV . Hyde Pullen , 33 de !? ., Past ( Bro . W . Biggs , Past Prov . G . S . W . G . S B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , and Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Coun- Berks and Bucks ) , cil A . and A . Rite . ) A VETERAN THE STATESMAN ( BTO . W . Kelly , Fast Prov . G . M . awl ( The Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire and 33 deg „ Pro Grand Master , Pro Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lei-Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., and cestershiro ) . Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD a , rr antl A - Rlt 0 - ( Bro . John Wordsworth , 30 deg .. THE TREASURER p G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . P . Adlard , P . M . and'Treasnrer G J . W . W . Yorkshire , aud Prov . Royal York Lodge of Pevsover- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . ViR 7 enTAS TnE DEPUTY ( Br 0 . G . Ward Veny , P . M and Past ( Tho Right Hon . Lord Skelmorsdalo , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., Deputy G . Master . Grand ACHILLES M n J ? - - . - - pre'it i ; ior of ( Bro . E . j . Morris , Past G . J . D ., and the Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Paat Dop . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro . W . W B . Beach , MP ., Prov . ( Bro . j . . Cmteis , 30 deg ., Past i w * ^\ : D P- r ? , r ^^? tnsl ? Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) , of Wi «? ht , Past G . M . M . M . and qIn T > , „ rni . n Prov . G . Prior of the Temple , for bl ^ ^^ f , ,, Hants ) . ( Bro - J-M - Pulteney Montagu , J . P ., Tmv .-lToNOiraFT > LATSIPVITPU T > JL ., 33 deg ., G . J . Deacon , m . ° i ° y LANCASTER pag | . prQV GM and p r 0 Vi ( no S " ? ? J ' - ^ ° ' G . Sup . Dorsetshire , and G . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . Chancellor Supremo Council A . TnE SCHOLAR ami A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , P . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of Works on Navi- ( Bro . j . Pearson Bell , M . D ., Past gation ) . G Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOBLE CRITIC PPOV . G . Sup . N . and E . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 deg , shire ) . Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . War- A CESTUIAN CHIEF wickshire , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho Ri ht Hou lord tlo Tabioy > OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER Past G . S . W ., Trov . G . M . Che-( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 deg ., shire , Grand J ., and Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARBINGER OP PEACE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockbank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and p . Pvov . THE Loiti ) OP UNDERLET G . Treas . [ Arch ] E . Lancashire . ( Tho Karl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OP THE FENS G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., andProv . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . Westmoreland , and Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of the Order of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Red Cross of Constantino ) . ( Tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION oughmoro , 32 deg ., Past G . S . ( Bro . E . C . Woodward , P . M . 382 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER or CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . ofWorksE . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITAN BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEscULAPlUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 33 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN deg ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of the Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Red of the R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 3 s 6 cl , Crown 8 vo > cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS , FIRST SERIES . T ? EPirVTKD Pi'OK "Til : Pi-Bou e ' ¦ ' - [ , ! ll ) v tCI . K . " LIST OP Till . IV , i ; I ' . iAlTS . I OL ' R ljiT ' -. u . im iron-. ' .. 17 . in . I . / I . TM . N M SI » I » . B I A DisTi . voe . su . 'I , as . \ i ' . '; . ; , . . MO ¦ THK MAS OK f . \ ,. « - ¦ :: HI A . \ U . !>> .., M .. b'j . t 1 FATHKK TIMI ; . 2 ' ! A ( True ; HOJI . / rr . ¦ i A COKNKK SToSh 21 A i ' n . ua or MASO RT . fl THK ( JRAFTSMIV . 22 I . AVAI . 'I I . 7 THK ( TOWXSUAK . Zi A IUUUT HAND MAS . i AN KASTISKN STIK . 21 Ouu ' ' ITIZK . N BHOTJIIB . ' ¦ > Tnrt KNIGHT KuuA . it . 25 As ABLE CIU-. CKPTOR . ID THE OcTOGENAKiAjr . 2 t > An AXTIEWT JJKITO . I . It A ZHALOCS OHFICBK . 27 THK ARTIST . 12 Tnw SOLDIKR . 23 TIIK FATHKH OF THE IiODGK 13 Fitoii UWDEK THE (' ROWS ' . 2 !) A StusijfO LIGHT . U OUR HERCULES . ' j 30 Ay ART STUDE . YT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE . J 31 TIIK MARINER . 16 THK CnuRCHjts . it . 'iZ A SOLDIER of Foatuif 33 . ' * OM > MTC . " London : W . W . MOEGA 1 T . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .