Article NORTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTHERN STAR LODGE, No. 1158. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
North Africa.
THE closing meetings of tho various English Masonic bodies in the Regency of Tunis have taken p lace with much success , and al work is now virtually suspended till the early part of October . The last meeting of the "Anteent Carthage" Lodgo was held . in tlv 9 th June . The WM . Dr . Perini D . G . S . W . presided , anil there was » large attendance of members and visitors . Tho Masons of Maltn were represented by W . Bros . W . Read P . M . 407 D . G . Reg . and
C . Thompson W . M . nnd Z . 387 I . C . At this meeting the Baron Con . stantine D'Ortes was initiated , and Bro . Damnas passed to the F . C degree . The Permanent Committeo reported a balance of nearl y . 6100 in hand , that about £ 20 had been dispensed in charity , and that the disbursements for refreshment during tho year were nil The present nnmber of active members is sevontv . fonr , divided as tn
nationality as follows , viz .: — English 14 , I reach 26 , Italian 25 , Greek 1 , German 1 , Portuguese 1 , and Tunisian 0 . The distribution as to Crepd is also given , viz ., Roman Catholics 37 , Protestants 7 , Israelites 28 , Greek Church 1 , and Muhamedan 1 . Tho utmost harmony prevails in the Lodge , which will soon outer on its fourth vear of existence . On Friday , tho 11 th inst ., the installation meeting
of the " William Kingston " Lodge , nt tho Goletta , took place . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Barker D . G . S . D . and his Officers , at 7 p . m ., assisted by a full attendance of members . A handsome banner , bearing the heraldic emblems of Ancient Carthage , was nnfnrletl for the first timo . At the reqnest of the W . M .. Bro . W . Read P . D . G . R . assumed the gavel and installed Bro . Broadloy P . M . and Z . 1717
P . D . D . G . M . in the chnir of K . S ., being assisted by W . Bros . T . F . Reade P . D . D . G . M . Egvpt , Dr Perini W . M . 1717 , and Barker P . M . 1 S 35 . The nsual salutes having been given , complimentary speeches were made by tho above-named brethren , as well as b y Bro . Soniller S . W . 1717 . The W . M ., with appropriate remarks , invested the following Officers , viz .: —Bros . Barker I . P . M ., Curletto S . W ., Engerer J . W ., Durazzano
Treasurer , Ayra Secretary , Villareale D . of C , Attard S . D ., Vaux J . D ., D'Amico I . G ., and Pegano Tyler . A very satisfactory report having been received from the Audit Committee , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the refreshment room , where the installation banquet took place . On the following evening the Masonic Hall at Tunis was the scene of the installation meeting of the Kingston Mark
Lodgo , No . 222 . W . Bro . Pentecost opened his Lodge at 6 . 30 p . m ., there being a satisfactory attendance of Officers and members , including the P . G . M . W . Bro . Read P . M . 107 , W . M . 2 fi 2 , and P . G . S . W ., and W . Bro . Thompson W . M . 387 ( I . C . Craft and Mark ) represented the English and Irish Mark Masters of Malta , and Bro . Vanx the St . Louis Lodge , No . 254 , at Goletta . A ballot for two candidates
resulted satisfactorily , and the P . G . M . advanced Bro . Chevalier to the degree of M . M . M . The ceremony completed , Bro . Broadley addressed the members as to the progress of the Lodge in particular , and tbe Mark Degree in general , since the consecration of the former two yeara previously . Thero were now seventy active Mark Masters in Tunis , and he trusted that under the incoming W . M . this prosperity
would continue and increase . Bro . Perini was then duly presented in the East , and installed in the chair of A . Ho then invested the following Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Pentecost I . P . M . Soniller S . W ., Le Gallais J . W ., CJement M . O ., Bokobsa S . O ., Sessing J . O ., Barsotti Treasurer , Audry Sec , Chnigne S . D ., Carriglio J . D ~ Pollinelly D . of C , Chevalier R . M ., Captain Johnston Organist , A .
Casuto I . G ., and Eymon Tyler . A very hearty salute was accorded to the P . G . M ., who bad himself advanced to the Mark Degree up . wards of sixty brethren in this Lodgo alone . Bros . Read and Thompson addressed the brethren on the merits of the degree , and tbe latter observed that the Grand Chapter of Ireland would be proud of snch
woiking as he had witnessed in Tarn ' s . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodge waa formally adjourned till October , and the brethren repaired to an hotel , where their annual banquet was enjoyed , alike by members and visitors , the P . G . M . occupying the presidential chair .
Installation Meetings, &C.
f jIRFi Annual Festival was held on 10 th inst ., at the George Hotel , * Avlesbnry . Present : —Bros . T . W . Robii son W . M ., L . Ponlton S . W ., R . B . Bateraan J . W ., 'T . Horwood I' . M . Treas ., J . Williams P . M . Sec . H . Jowett S . D ., J . D . Coates J . D ., J . Lawson P . M . D . C ., S . K . Page Steward , G . Stratton I . G ., T . Cheshire Tyler , Past Mist ,.. « , Bros . Rev . O . J . Graeo P . P . G . Chaplain , S . G . Pnwie .
V'sittiva : —R . 'v . J . Sfudholee Brownrigir P . Grand Chaplain , Do [> , PG . M . Berks and Mucks , Henry Willis W . M . 91 S . Major Kin-P . M . 591 . tiro . T . W . Robinson , who has filled the office during l lip p-ist year , was ro . insfall'd into the onair . The ceremony was per . funned by Br ... R ,. v . J . S . Brownrigg . The Officers , as above , were
mvesteit , ; mrJ addressed by the Instilling . Muster , who performed ihe ceremon y w ' nh his tisn il ability and precision , There was in . business of any importance to be tran-acied , as this Lodno generally arranges that no'hing beyond tho ceremony of Installation shall be
performed on the day of the Annual H ' estival , thns giving brethren who live at a dis'ance ( of whom there is a large proportion ) time to stay to the banquet , and have for their homes by the last train , "'¦ e Lodgo adj . > nni"d to refreshment in tbe banquet ting room , whe . i the nuiial Loyal and Mu .-onio sonata were given and responded to . A very enjoyabl e evening was spent , enlivened by glees , songs , aud recitations from various members of the Lodge .
Southern Star Lodge, No. 1158.
np iTE installation meeting of this well established Lodge was held ' on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hoiel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . R . S . Smith W . M ., II . Harris S . W ., A . Stewart J . W ., A . Wright P . M . Tre ; i , ; rtrer , T . Jr . Pulsford P . M . Secretary , R . Fortune S . D ., Hollowav J . D ., 0 . H . Wilkes I . G ., Anstin D . C . ; Past Masters Walter , R . ' Chuk , J . Wright , If . Potter , MaedonaUl , Wise , and a numerous attendance of brethren and
> tsitors . fhe Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . J . Anstey ( Into 115 S ) was elected a joining member , and Bro . Grcenhain was raided to tho third degree . During the ceremony a hymn was chanted , Bro . Staeev P . P . G . R . Be ; ks ami Bucks accompanying on tho harmonium . The W . M . gave , very impressively , the traditional history . A Board of Installed Masters was opened .
and Bro . 11 . Harris S . W . and W . M . elect win presented , and iu tho orosonce of ei ghteen Worshipful Masters ami Past Masters was dnly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M . in a manner that well merited tho encomiums passed at the conclusion by the brethreu and visitors . The addresses were listened to with great attention , aud were fnlly appreciated by all present . On tho readmission of tho
brethren , tho enstomary salutations wero given , and the W . M . invested his OtRcers , as follow : —Bros . R , S . Smith [ . P . M ., Stewart S . W ., Fortune J . W ., A . Wri ght P . M . Treasuror , T . II . Pulsford P . M . Secrotary ( for the eleventh time ) , Holloway S . D ., Wilks J . D ., Block T . G ., Austin W . S ., Ed is D . C ., Millard Organist , Stead Tyler . Tho W . M . showed his qualifications for office by the appropriate maimer
in which he invested his Officers and the applause given on their investiture , showed tho Wor . Master had mado a haipy selection . A ballot having been provionsly taken for tho admission of Mr . T . Spearing , tho newly installed W . M . initiated that gentleman into tho Ordor . The report of tbo Audit Committeo was road ; it showed tho Lodge was in a flourishing state . Tho Benevolont
Fnnd attached to tho Lodge showetl a balance of £ 00 33 3 d . Bro . Wise P . M . stated that Bro . W . H . Sharman , who is a Steward for the Boys' School , has on his list nearly £ 90 , this being his second Stewardship . Tho Lodgo was closed until September , aud the brethren , eighty-eight in number , sat clown to a very snmptuou 3 banquet and dessert , provided b y Bro . Roberts , and superintended bv
Bro . Yardley , tho wines and viands being of first-rate quality . Grace having been said , Bro . Smith said it was tho first time he was privileged to occupy the chair as I . P . M ., and to propose tho health of the Worshipful Master . Those who knew Bro . Harris respected him ; he is an old member of tho Lodgo , and , indeed , had boon longer associated with the brethren than he ( Bro . Smith ) . Ho trusted ho might
be spared to conduct tho dnties of tbo Lodge , and at tho conclusion of his year of office the members might say they had elected ouo they were prond of . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Smith for his kiucl expressions ; ho hoped to realise all that worth y brother had given him credit for . It would be a pleasure to him to follow so good au example . After a song from Bro . Barnes , the W . M . proposed the toast of the
initiate , who had been introduced by a very old P . M ., Bro . Wright ; the members were pleased to seo him . Bro . Spearing suitabl y acknowledged this compliment . Tho toast of tho Visitors was next on the list ; they wore a numerous body , but tho members wero pleased to see them all . Bro . Walter P . M . here sang very artistically " Simon the Cellarer . " Bro . Probyn , A o . 11 , responded on behalf of
the Visitors ; he thanked the W . M . for his hospitality ; ho as well as every other visitor was fully impressed with the working of tho Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the I . P . M ., remarking how pleased and gratified the brethren wero with him ; while they had such brethren at the head of affairs , tho Lodgo must prosper . Ho had with great pleasure to place on Bro . Smith ' s breast a jewel ;
the inscription engraved on it expressed that it shonld be accepted as a token of the gratitude of the Lodge , a feeling which was reciprocated by each member . Bro . Smith , in thanking the W . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the enthusiastic reception the toast had met with , said he hoped to see many of the members present in time occupy the chair of the Lodge . He felt it a great pleasure , and
had worked hard to attain the position of W . M . During his year of office he mnst say he had felt satisfied ; he was now doubly so . While wearing the jewel , he should feel it his bounden duty to do all he could to promote the interests of the members of tho Soathern Star Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . ' s ; there were nine present—Bros . Pulsford aud Wise were both good Preceptors , and had
enabled the Lodge to reach its present standard of working . Tho other P . M . ' s were good and worthy brethren , and he hoped to see all of them among them for many years . Bro . Bertolli here sang , and then Bro . Pulsford responded ; the P . M . ' s were always ready and willing to perform any duties require : ! of them . However , it was a very rare instance in their Ln . hv wh-m a W . M . did not , imtal his successor .
1 . ni 3 could only b . » thine by hard work , and lie hoped to see tho W . M , follow the example of his predecessors . Bro . Wise P . M ., in an excel , lent speech , followed . The Worshipful Master then propns--d tbe roast of the Treasurer ana Secretary . Theso brethren were not ¦ nl y P . M . ' n of tho Lodge , but , it was to them in a . great neasure the success of the Lodge was to be ascribed . After
Bo . Barnes had favoured tbe ; company with a song , Bro . V ' L'liI ; acknowledged the eompiiutonr .. and then ihe W . M . roposod the toast of the Olii ors , which having been responded o , the Tyler ' s toast wa-.-i give : ; , nnd tin ) brethren sep . ii . iled fter pas-one- ; l very enjoyable cv-m ' mg . Amc . iv . jst the . Vi . dr > rs wore ;) - os . C . Glenister ' 7- ' ;) , ( i . Morley ! Id 7 , L . B . Bower l : ; U ) , W . Bray W . M . 1155 . J . P . Dav lo 27 , Whah-v 172 , G . Sraeev P . P . IJ . R . f $ -rk <
Mid Bucks . J . Wallace lfis 7 , C . X . Harvey P . M . 793 , Furwi" P . M . 180 . Wigglesworth P . M . 975 , P . Parens P . M . 719 , Tomkm . t 17 fl , I . Phillips 11 , II . Probyn 11 , Co ! lings 15 o 5 , R anient l . j . IS . Aie . v . tuder 019 , Rohi' . s 25 , SoucUv 1801 , Svmrs 551 , A . TCSdruV'o 15 S 5 . 1 . Cross Hill , U . Keehln P . M . 73 , 1275 , 1559 , & c , and H . M . Levy P . M . ISS . : ' " > Lodgo of [ nsr . ruc'io'i attached tn this Ledge mo'ts ev ^ rv Tnursday evening' at Bro . Block ' s , Crown Tavern , Blackfriars-rcad , at 8 . Bros . T . H . Pulsford and Wise are the Preceptors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
North Africa.
THE closing meetings of tho various English Masonic bodies in the Regency of Tunis have taken p lace with much success , and al work is now virtually suspended till the early part of October . The last meeting of the "Anteent Carthage" Lodgo was held . in tlv 9 th June . The WM . Dr . Perini D . G . S . W . presided , anil there was » large attendance of members and visitors . Tho Masons of Maltn were represented by W . Bros . W . Read P . M . 407 D . G . Reg . and
C . Thompson W . M . nnd Z . 387 I . C . At this meeting the Baron Con . stantine D'Ortes was initiated , and Bro . Damnas passed to the F . C degree . The Permanent Committeo reported a balance of nearl y . 6100 in hand , that about £ 20 had been dispensed in charity , and that the disbursements for refreshment during tho year were nil The present nnmber of active members is sevontv . fonr , divided as tn
nationality as follows , viz .: — English 14 , I reach 26 , Italian 25 , Greek 1 , German 1 , Portuguese 1 , and Tunisian 0 . The distribution as to Crepd is also given , viz ., Roman Catholics 37 , Protestants 7 , Israelites 28 , Greek Church 1 , and Muhamedan 1 . Tho utmost harmony prevails in the Lodge , which will soon outer on its fourth vear of existence . On Friday , tho 11 th inst ., the installation meeting
of the " William Kingston " Lodge , nt tho Goletta , took place . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Barker D . G . S . D . and his Officers , at 7 p . m ., assisted by a full attendance of members . A handsome banner , bearing the heraldic emblems of Ancient Carthage , was nnfnrletl for the first timo . At the reqnest of the W . M .. Bro . W . Read P . D . G . R . assumed the gavel and installed Bro . Broadloy P . M . and Z . 1717
P . D . D . G . M . in the chnir of K . S ., being assisted by W . Bros . T . F . Reade P . D . D . G . M . Egvpt , Dr Perini W . M . 1717 , and Barker P . M . 1 S 35 . The nsual salutes having been given , complimentary speeches were made by tho above-named brethren , as well as b y Bro . Soniller S . W . 1717 . The W . M ., with appropriate remarks , invested the following Officers , viz .: —Bros . Barker I . P . M ., Curletto S . W ., Engerer J . W ., Durazzano
Treasurer , Ayra Secretary , Villareale D . of C , Attard S . D ., Vaux J . D ., D'Amico I . G ., and Pegano Tyler . A very satisfactory report having been received from the Audit Committee , the brethren and visitors adjourned to the refreshment room , where the installation banquet took place . On the following evening the Masonic Hall at Tunis was the scene of the installation meeting of the Kingston Mark
Lodgo , No . 222 . W . Bro . Pentecost opened his Lodge at 6 . 30 p . m ., there being a satisfactory attendance of Officers and members , including the P . G . M . W . Bro . Read P . M . 107 , W . M . 2 fi 2 , and P . G . S . W ., and W . Bro . Thompson W . M . 387 ( I . C . Craft and Mark ) represented the English and Irish Mark Masters of Malta , and Bro . Vanx the St . Louis Lodge , No . 254 , at Goletta . A ballot for two candidates
resulted satisfactorily , and the P . G . M . advanced Bro . Chevalier to the degree of M . M . M . The ceremony completed , Bro . Broadley addressed the members as to the progress of the Lodge in particular , and tbe Mark Degree in general , since the consecration of the former two yeara previously . Thero were now seventy active Mark Masters in Tunis , and he trusted that under the incoming W . M . this prosperity
would continue and increase . Bro . Perini was then duly presented in the East , and installed in the chair of A . Ho then invested the following Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Pentecost I . P . M . Soniller S . W ., Le Gallais J . W ., CJement M . O ., Bokobsa S . O ., Sessing J . O ., Barsotti Treasurer , Audry Sec , Chnigne S . D ., Carriglio J . D ~ Pollinelly D . of C , Chevalier R . M ., Captain Johnston Organist , A .
Casuto I . G ., and Eymon Tyler . A very hearty salute was accorded to the P . G . M ., who bad himself advanced to the Mark Degree up . wards of sixty brethren in this Lodgo alone . Bros . Read and Thompson addressed the brethren on the merits of the degree , and tbe latter observed that the Grand Chapter of Ireland would be proud of snch
woiking as he had witnessed in Tarn ' s . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodge waa formally adjourned till October , and the brethren repaired to an hotel , where their annual banquet was enjoyed , alike by members and visitors , the P . G . M . occupying the presidential chair .
Installation Meetings, &C.
f jIRFi Annual Festival was held on 10 th inst ., at the George Hotel , * Avlesbnry . Present : —Bros . T . W . Robii son W . M ., L . Ponlton S . W ., R . B . Bateraan J . W ., 'T . Horwood I' . M . Treas ., J . Williams P . M . Sec . H . Jowett S . D ., J . D . Coates J . D ., J . Lawson P . M . D . C ., S . K . Page Steward , G . Stratton I . G ., T . Cheshire Tyler , Past Mist ,.. « , Bros . Rev . O . J . Graeo P . P . G . Chaplain , S . G . Pnwie .
V'sittiva : —R . 'v . J . Sfudholee Brownrigir P . Grand Chaplain , Do [> , PG . M . Berks and Mucks , Henry Willis W . M . 91 S . Major Kin-P . M . 591 . tiro . T . W . Robinson , who has filled the office during l lip p-ist year , was ro . insfall'd into the onair . The ceremony was per . funned by Br ... R ,. v . J . S . Brownrigg . The Officers , as above , were
mvesteit , ; mrJ addressed by the Instilling . Muster , who performed ihe ceremon y w ' nh his tisn il ability and precision , There was in . business of any importance to be tran-acied , as this Lodno generally arranges that no'hing beyond tho ceremony of Installation shall be
performed on the day of the Annual H ' estival , thns giving brethren who live at a dis'ance ( of whom there is a large proportion ) time to stay to the banquet , and have for their homes by the last train , "'¦ e Lodgo adj . > nni"d to refreshment in tbe banquet ting room , whe . i the nuiial Loyal and Mu .-onio sonata were given and responded to . A very enjoyabl e evening was spent , enlivened by glees , songs , aud recitations from various members of the Lodge .
Southern Star Lodge, No. 1158.
np iTE installation meeting of this well established Lodge was held ' on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst ., at the Bridge House Hoiel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . R . S . Smith W . M ., II . Harris S . W ., A . Stewart J . W ., A . Wright P . M . Tre ; i , ; rtrer , T . Jr . Pulsford P . M . Secretary , R . Fortune S . D ., Hollowav J . D ., 0 . H . Wilkes I . G ., Anstin D . C . ; Past Masters Walter , R . ' Chuk , J . Wright , If . Potter , MaedonaUl , Wise , and a numerous attendance of brethren and
> tsitors . fhe Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . J . Anstey ( Into 115 S ) was elected a joining member , and Bro . Grcenhain was raided to tho third degree . During the ceremony a hymn was chanted , Bro . Staeev P . P . G . R . Be ; ks ami Bucks accompanying on tho harmonium . The W . M . gave , very impressively , the traditional history . A Board of Installed Masters was opened .
and Bro . 11 . Harris S . W . and W . M . elect win presented , and iu tho orosonce of ei ghteen Worshipful Masters ami Past Masters was dnly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M . in a manner that well merited tho encomiums passed at the conclusion by the brethreu and visitors . The addresses were listened to with great attention , aud were fnlly appreciated by all present . On tho readmission of tho
brethren , tho enstomary salutations wero given , and the W . M . invested his OtRcers , as follow : —Bros . R , S . Smith [ . P . M ., Stewart S . W ., Fortune J . W ., A . Wri ght P . M . Treasuror , T . II . Pulsford P . M . Secrotary ( for the eleventh time ) , Holloway S . D ., Wilks J . D ., Block T . G ., Austin W . S ., Ed is D . C ., Millard Organist , Stead Tyler . Tho W . M . showed his qualifications for office by the appropriate maimer
in which he invested his Officers and the applause given on their investiture , showed tho Wor . Master had mado a haipy selection . A ballot having been provionsly taken for tho admission of Mr . T . Spearing , tho newly installed W . M . initiated that gentleman into tho Ordor . The report of tbo Audit Committeo was road ; it showed tho Lodge was in a flourishing state . Tho Benevolont
Fnnd attached to tho Lodge showetl a balance of £ 00 33 3 d . Bro . Wise P . M . stated that Bro . W . H . Sharman , who is a Steward for the Boys' School , has on his list nearly £ 90 , this being his second Stewardship . Tho Lodgo was closed until September , aud the brethren , eighty-eight in number , sat clown to a very snmptuou 3 banquet and dessert , provided b y Bro . Roberts , and superintended bv
Bro . Yardley , tho wines and viands being of first-rate quality . Grace having been said , Bro . Smith said it was tho first time he was privileged to occupy the chair as I . P . M ., and to propose tho health of the Worshipful Master . Those who knew Bro . Harris respected him ; he is an old member of tho Lodgo , and , indeed , had boon longer associated with the brethren than he ( Bro . Smith ) . Ho trusted ho might
be spared to conduct tho dnties of tbo Lodge , and at tho conclusion of his year of office the members might say they had elected ouo they were prond of . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Smith for his kiucl expressions ; ho hoped to realise all that worth y brother had given him credit for . It would be a pleasure to him to follow so good au example . After a song from Bro . Barnes , the W . M . proposed the toast of the
initiate , who had been introduced by a very old P . M ., Bro . Wright ; the members were pleased to seo him . Bro . Spearing suitabl y acknowledged this compliment . Tho toast of tho Visitors was next on the list ; they wore a numerous body , but tho members wero pleased to see them all . Bro . Walter P . M . here sang very artistically " Simon the Cellarer . " Bro . Probyn , A o . 11 , responded on behalf of
the Visitors ; he thanked the W . M . for his hospitality ; ho as well as every other visitor was fully impressed with the working of tho Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the I . P . M ., remarking how pleased and gratified the brethren wero with him ; while they had such brethren at the head of affairs , tho Lodgo must prosper . Ho had with great pleasure to place on Bro . Smith ' s breast a jewel ;
the inscription engraved on it expressed that it shonld be accepted as a token of the gratitude of the Lodge , a feeling which was reciprocated by each member . Bro . Smith , in thanking the W . M . for his kind expressions , and the brethren for the enthusiastic reception the toast had met with , said he hoped to see many of the members present in time occupy the chair of the Lodge . He felt it a great pleasure , and
had worked hard to attain the position of W . M . During his year of office he mnst say he had felt satisfied ; he was now doubly so . While wearing the jewel , he should feel it his bounden duty to do all he could to promote the interests of the members of tho Soathern Star Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the P . M . ' s ; there were nine present—Bros . Pulsford aud Wise were both good Preceptors , and had
enabled the Lodge to reach its present standard of working . Tho other P . M . ' s were good and worthy brethren , and he hoped to see all of them among them for many years . Bro . Bertolli here sang , and then Bro . Pulsford responded ; the P . M . ' s were always ready and willing to perform any duties require : ! of them . However , it was a very rare instance in their Ln . hv wh-m a W . M . did not , imtal his successor .
1 . ni 3 could only b . » thine by hard work , and lie hoped to see tho W . M , follow the example of his predecessors . Bro . Wise P . M ., in an excel , lent speech , followed . The Worshipful Master then propns--d tbe roast of the Treasurer ana Secretary . Theso brethren were not ¦ nl y P . M . ' n of tho Lodge , but , it was to them in a . great neasure the success of the Lodge was to be ascribed . After
Bo . Barnes had favoured tbe ; company with a song , Bro . V ' L'liI ; acknowledged the eompiiutonr .. and then ihe W . M . roposod the toast of the Olii ors , which having been responded o , the Tyler ' s toast wa-.-i give : ; , nnd tin ) brethren sep . ii . iled fter pas-one- ; l very enjoyable cv-m ' mg . Amc . iv . jst the . Vi . dr > rs wore ;) - os . C . Glenister ' 7- ' ;) , ( i . Morley ! Id 7 , L . B . Bower l : ; U ) , W . Bray W . M . 1155 . J . P . Dav lo 27 , Whah-v 172 , G . Sraeev P . P . IJ . R . f $ -rk <
Mid Bucks . J . Wallace lfis 7 , C . X . Harvey P . M . 793 , Furwi" P . M . 180 . Wigglesworth P . M . 975 , P . Parens P . M . 719 , Tomkm . t 17 fl , I . Phillips 11 , II . Probyn 11 , Co ! lings 15 o 5 , R anient l . j . IS . Aie . v . tuder 019 , Rohi' . s 25 , SoucUv 1801 , Svmrs 551 , A . TCSdruV'o 15 S 5 . 1 . Cross Hill , U . Keehln P . M . 73 , 1275 , 1559 , & c , and H . M . Levy P . M . ISS . : ' " > Lodgo of [ nsr . ruc'io'i attached tn this Ledge mo'ts ev ^ rv Tnursday evening' at Bro . Block ' s , Crown Tavern , Blackfriars-rcad , at 8 . Bros . T . H . Pulsford and Wise are the Preceptors .