Article MALLING ABBEY LODGE, No. 1063. Page 1 of 1 Article MALLING ABBEY LODGE, No. 1063. Page 1 of 1 Article HANDEL FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1
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Malling Abbey Lodge, No. 1063.
npHK annual meeting for . he installation of the Worshiptul Jlivt . 'i - ! - for the ensuing year , was held at the Bear Hotel , West Mailing . Kent , on Wednesday the Kith inst . There was a good attendance ol the brethren aud visiters , including the following : —Bros . li . T . Luck , F . J . (' . . Mar , V .. B . Smith , ' W . Page , A . Spencer , B . > S
Wilmot , G . Langridge , U . Clout , 11 . Garrod , J . A . Tlu . rnhill . J . Hodg son , W . Mouckton , P . Spet : cer , J . S . Anscomb , G . Friend F . Cheat A . K . Anderson , B . Xorton , N . Paddon , T . Crowe , . 1 . F .. Meredith , W Judo , 1 ) . W . Langton , W . S . Mouckton , W . B . Langridge , A . M , Herman , R . B . Stedman , ^ . Shmbsolo , J . Tillycv , and 11 . Pointer The Lodge was oneiied in the nsual form bv Bro . E . T . Luck W . M .
who aftrrwu'ds vacated the chair , which was then occupied by the installing Master , Bro . B . Sidney Wihnot P . M . P . G . R . Bro . Francis J . C . May , the W . M . elect , who had been unanimously elected to fill that office at the previous meeting of the Lodge , was then presented by Pro , A . Spencer P . M . P . G . S ., and was duly installed by Bro . Wilmot , who rendered tho ceremony iu his usual effective and
impressivo maimer . The newly installed Master then invested tho I . P . M ., and subsequently his Officers as follow -. —Bros . Rev . J . II Titmns , Chaplain , Hon . ' ft . Novill Treasurer , W . Pago Secretary , T . t'rowo S . W ., . 7 . E . Meredith J . W ., G . Friend S . D ., W . Judo J . D ., W . B . Langridge I . G ., D . W . Langton D . C ., W . S . Monckton S ., nnd R . Pointer Tyler . Tho several officers were duly installed by
Brother Wilmot , who also gave the Charges to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren . A vote of thanks to Bro . Luck I . P . M ., for the able manner in which he had presided during tho past year , was proposed by Bro . A . L . Spencer , aud carried unanimously . The W . M . ( Bro . May ) thereupon addressed a few words to Bro . Luck , and on behalf of the Lodge presented him with a Past Master ' s jewel ,
which had been previously and unanimously voted to him by the brethren in recognition of tiis services . After transacting business of the usual formal nr . tnrc , tho Lodgo was closed . Subsequently the brethren sat down to a banquet of n rccherchi character , presided over by the newly installed Worshipful Master Bro . Francis J . 0 . May , the duties of vice-chairman ueing ably discharged by Bro . T . Crowe
S . W ., who was supported by the junior officers . Dinner being concluded , and dessert placed on tho tabic , The Chairman gave in succession iho usual Lnyal and Masonic toasts , all of which wero received with the customary honour ' s . Bro . Pago then gave " the health of tho W . M . " as a brother who was highly esteemed among the brethren , and who having worked his wav through the various offices step by step
to the top , was in every way worthy of the honour conferred on him— tho highest honour the Ledge had iu its power to bestow—as a brother under whose guidance and command Mailing Abbey Lodge must necessarily prosper . Tlie , Chairman , on rising to respond , met with an enthusiastic reception . Ho he » rtily thanked Bro . Page for tho kind way in which he had submitted his name to tho brethren ,
and as heartily thanked tho brethren for the kind manner in which they bad received it . He felt that ho really did not deserve half the kind words Bro . Pago had been pleased to savin respect , to him , yet ho was assured the brethren wonld believe him when he said it was his full determination to endeavour to perforin tho duties of the ollice to tho best of his ability . Ho qnite
understood the responsibility of the duties he had undertaken , and were it not that he knew ho might rely on receiving from tho brethron of the Lodge the same expression of gt od feeling and indulgence during his year of office as he had always experienced from them hitherto , he would have hesitated before accepting the high honour conferred npon him , feeling himself qnite inadequate to . succeed the many and moro
illustrious brethren , who had preceded him , brethren who , from their social position and attainment ? , had added so much lustre and prestige to Mailing Abbey Lodge . He assured the brethren he wonld do his best to carry out tho Masonic duties pertaining to the office in such a manner that at the end of the year none might regret the proceedings of that day . The W . M . then craved tlie attention of the brethren for a few
moments , that ho might , before he sat down , perform the very pleasing duty thrust upon hini by the brethreu and tho high office to which they had elected him . It was to him , personally , a vory pleasurable duty , and his only regret was that heieit ho was not able to mako the presentation on their behalf with that eloquence which the occasion required . Then addressing Bro . Pago , tho W . M . said : —It
has long been felt by tho brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge that the timo has arrived when the many and valuable services you have , in many ways , rendered to the Lodge , and ( lie high esteem in which you are so justly held by the brethren , should be marked in a substantial manner . I Lave , therefore , very great pleasure , Bro . Page , in offering for yonr acceptance the silver salver , which [ now present to vou in
the name of the brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Allow me to supplement what I have already said by stating that owing to tho short length of time which wo who wove deputed to make the necessary arrangements for this jrrosriitnticn io-d y had at onr disposal , it was necessary to some extent to anticipate the amonnt of tlie subscriptions . It will be verv gratifying to yon to learn that onr
anticipations were far exceeded , and weave therefoie able to present to you this silver sugar basin aval lifter , and beg you will accept it sir- ; ti prc ; : cnt of tha bre . tin en of Mailing Abbey Ledge to Mrs . 'Page , We trust yon will regard these gifts , not for their intrinsic valne , but as a mark of the brotherly love , and high esteem of the brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Brethren I therefore now ask you to drink
the health ot Bro . Page , wishing turn many years of health and hspniness . Tho salver bore the following itisciii . tkm : Mailing Abbey Lodge , No . JOfW . Presented to Bro . V , ' . Pago P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., in grateful recognition of his many yo : ; r ; - > valued services ns Honorary Scct'Ltary . IP . th June 1880 . The toast was given and received with
the customary honours . 15 vo . rage , who en rising to respond , was greeted vr . o- 't e :,. husias : it-ally , thanked the brethren in his usual elciqntint . style , for tho hstnilsomc present just made him , stating that lie could net thank them as he could wi .-h , tho gift having come before him so unexpectedly that ho was quite taken aback by this kind expression of good fellowship by the brethren . Bro . A . Spencer
Malling Abbey Lodge, No. 1063.
then proposed the health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Lack , in au effective speech , which was suitably acknowledged by Bro . E . R . Smith , in the absence of Bro . Luck . Tho W . M . explained to the brethreu tho peculiar circumstances which had compelled Bro . Luck to retire , and offered an apology for bis abseuco in accordance with his promise to Bro . Luck . Tlie W . M . next gave the health of tho installing Master
Bro . Wilmot , in a brief speech personally thauking huu for his kindness iu coming so far to perform thoso duties , and referred to the impressive May in which ho had given tho ritual of the coremony , aud tho cll ' ect it had on the Worshipful Master , which must have been evident to the brethren generally . The toast was tlruuk as a bumper , witb tho usual honours .
Bro-Wilmot suitably acknowledged tho compliment , and stated it was a great pleasure to him to come to Mailing Abbey Lodge as Installing Master , and that ho would always readily respond to their call for a like purpose in the future . Tho W . M . then gavo in succession , The Visiting Brethren , the Past Masters of Mailing Abbey Lodge , the Wardens , and the Junior Officers , all of which were duly honoured and responded to . The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and this concluded
ono of the happiest and most successful of the meetings of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Wo are desired to express the sincere thauks of the brethren to Bro . R . Clout P . M . 72 , 507 , 1063 , the acting member of the Dinner Committee , for the admirablo manner in which lie had evidently understood and provided for tho comfort and happiness of the brethren on this occasion . The banquet was served in splendid stylo by Mr . H . De Carteret , tho manager of tho Mitre Hotel , Maid , stone .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 87 . —Met afc the Whito Hart , College-street , Lambeth , on the 21 th June . Bros . Skirving W . M ., Appletou S . W ., Witts J . W ., Do Solid S . D ., Jolly J . D ., Field I . G ,, Bond Hon . Sec . ; also Bros . Ball , Lambourne , Taylor , Sambell , Rnmbold , Isaac , Stuart , Whiting . Lodge having been
opened aud the minutes of last meeting confirmed , tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Stuart worked the ceremony of passing , which will be rehearsed on tho last Thursday in every mouth . Bro . Appletou having been elected W . M . for next Thursday , Lodgo was closed .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 17 th inst ., present : — Bros . Henrv E . Tnckcr Preceptor W . M ., A . Jones S . W ., E . C . Porter J . W ., J . Clarke S . D ., MiUsom J . D ., S . M . Mitchell I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . C . Andrews , W . Gardiner , C . K . Woodey ; Bros . E . J . Acworth , Meadows . C . 0 . Walter , H . Stephens , & c . After preliminaries , tbo ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . C . 0 . Walter candidate .
At tho request of the W . M ., Bro . Acvvorth delivered the charge . Bro . Andrews P . M ., with the assistanco of the W . M . and brethren , worked tho first and second sections of tho first lecture . Bro . C . 0 . Walter was unanimously elected a member . Bro . A . Joues was elected W . M . for Thursday , the 21 th inst . The sum of 203 was voted from the Lodge funds to a distressed brother who songhfc assistance ; this amount was considerably increased by tho brethren present . Lodge yvas closed in dno form .
Handel Festival.
fjnHE triennial celebration of this Festival , held , as usual , at the * - Crystal Palace , has passed off most snccessfnlly , under the ablo conductorship of Bro . Sir Michael Costa P . G . W . P . G . O ., Bro . C . E . Willing P . G . O . presiding at the great organ with his wouted ability . The number of those who took part as vocalists in the celebration was about 4 , 500 , and the hearty applause bestowed by the audience which each day thronged to the Palace for the purpose of hearing the works
of the great Master , fnlly testified to tho excellence of the perform , ances . Indeed , the gathering on Friday last , which is conventionally described as a Rehearsal , but which virtually converts a three into a four days' Festival , gave evidence that the Handel Celebration of 1880 would be at least equal , if not superior , to those which had preceded it . Onco only had Sir Michael Costa to intervene and stay
momentarily tho oven tenour of tlie practice , and though many of tho numbers wero of considerable difficulty , tho chorus sang with the precision of veteran choristers . On Tuesday , the first day of the Festival proper , was given the "Messiah , '" with the solos and choruses of which sublime Oratorio our readers aro so familiar that it is unnecessary we shou Id say more than that the wholo performance went
admirably , while Mes . dnmes Albani and Pai . ey , Messrs . Barton M'Uttckiu , Mans , Santley , and Foli , to whom the solo parts wero severally allotted , evoked well-merited applause by their efforts to interpret worthily the beautiful music of the great composer . The programme on Wednesday included a long and varied selection from Handel ' s works , among them being the Dead March in "Samson , "
Chorus" Blest bo tho Man "—from " Joseph and his Brethren , " aud JS o . 1 of twelve Concertos for Orchestra , written in 1 . 7 . ' ! y . Among the other numbers were " Lot the Bright Seraphim , " by Madame Adelitta Pal ti . with trumpet obbgato by Mr . T . Hai-per ; "O , had I Jubal ' s Lyre , " by Madame Lonimens-Sberringtoti , , ; Lord , to Thee " ( Madame Trebelinj " Love Sounds the Alarm " ( Mr . Vernon Rigby ) , " Sound an Alarm " ( Mr . Edward Lloyd ) , and " 0 , Ruddier than the Cherry , "
splendidly given by Mr . Santley . Yesterday was devoted to the performance of Handel ' s oilier great work , " Israel in Egypt , " the soloists bring Mesdames f . einmcns-Sherringtou and Patey , Miss Anna Williams , and Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Bridson and E . King . Of the part played by Bros . Sir Michael Costa and C . E . Willing it is need lees to say anything . Onr readers know too well what they arc capable of doing , and their achievements on this occasion were quite equal to ; iuy which have gone before .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Malling Abbey Lodge, No. 1063.
npHK annual meeting for . he installation of the Worshiptul Jlivt . 'i - ! - for the ensuing year , was held at the Bear Hotel , West Mailing . Kent , on Wednesday the Kith inst . There was a good attendance ol the brethren aud visiters , including the following : —Bros . li . T . Luck , F . J . (' . . Mar , V .. B . Smith , ' W . Page , A . Spencer , B . > S
Wilmot , G . Langridge , U . Clout , 11 . Garrod , J . A . Tlu . rnhill . J . Hodg son , W . Mouckton , P . Spet : cer , J . S . Anscomb , G . Friend F . Cheat A . K . Anderson , B . Xorton , N . Paddon , T . Crowe , . 1 . F .. Meredith , W Judo , 1 ) . W . Langton , W . S . Mouckton , W . B . Langridge , A . M , Herman , R . B . Stedman , ^ . Shmbsolo , J . Tillycv , and 11 . Pointer The Lodge was oneiied in the nsual form bv Bro . E . T . Luck W . M .
who aftrrwu'ds vacated the chair , which was then occupied by the installing Master , Bro . B . Sidney Wihnot P . M . P . G . R . Bro . Francis J . C . May , the W . M . elect , who had been unanimously elected to fill that office at the previous meeting of the Lodge , was then presented by Pro , A . Spencer P . M . P . G . S ., and was duly installed by Bro . Wilmot , who rendered tho ceremony iu his usual effective and
impressivo maimer . The newly installed Master then invested tho I . P . M ., and subsequently his Officers as follow -. —Bros . Rev . J . II Titmns , Chaplain , Hon . ' ft . Novill Treasurer , W . Pago Secretary , T . t'rowo S . W ., . 7 . E . Meredith J . W ., G . Friend S . D ., W . Judo J . D ., W . B . Langridge I . G ., D . W . Langton D . C ., W . S . Monckton S ., nnd R . Pointer Tyler . Tho several officers were duly installed by
Brother Wilmot , who also gave the Charges to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren . A vote of thanks to Bro . Luck I . P . M ., for the able manner in which he had presided during tho past year , was proposed by Bro . A . L . Spencer , aud carried unanimously . The W . M . ( Bro . May ) thereupon addressed a few words to Bro . Luck , and on behalf of the Lodge presented him with a Past Master ' s jewel ,
which had been previously and unanimously voted to him by the brethren in recognition of tiis services . After transacting business of the usual formal nr . tnrc , tho Lodgo was closed . Subsequently the brethren sat down to a banquet of n rccherchi character , presided over by the newly installed Worshipful Master Bro . Francis J . 0 . May , the duties of vice-chairman ueing ably discharged by Bro . T . Crowe
S . W ., who was supported by the junior officers . Dinner being concluded , and dessert placed on tho tabic , The Chairman gave in succession iho usual Lnyal and Masonic toasts , all of which wero received with the customary honour ' s . Bro . Pago then gave " the health of tho W . M . " as a brother who was highly esteemed among the brethren , and who having worked his wav through the various offices step by step
to the top , was in every way worthy of the honour conferred on him— tho highest honour the Ledge had iu its power to bestow—as a brother under whose guidance and command Mailing Abbey Lodge must necessarily prosper . Tlie , Chairman , on rising to respond , met with an enthusiastic reception . Ho he » rtily thanked Bro . Page for tho kind way in which he had submitted his name to tho brethren ,
and as heartily thanked tho brethren for the kind manner in which they bad received it . He felt that ho really did not deserve half the kind words Bro . Pago had been pleased to savin respect , to him , yet ho was assured the brethren wonld believe him when he said it was his full determination to endeavour to perforin tho duties of the ollice to tho best of his ability . Ho qnite
understood the responsibility of the duties he had undertaken , and were it not that he knew ho might rely on receiving from tho brethron of the Lodge the same expression of gt od feeling and indulgence during his year of office as he had always experienced from them hitherto , he would have hesitated before accepting the high honour conferred npon him , feeling himself qnite inadequate to . succeed the many and moro
illustrious brethren , who had preceded him , brethren who , from their social position and attainment ? , had added so much lustre and prestige to Mailing Abbey Lodge . He assured the brethren he wonld do his best to carry out tho Masonic duties pertaining to the office in such a manner that at the end of the year none might regret the proceedings of that day . The W . M . then craved tlie attention of the brethren for a few
moments , that ho might , before he sat down , perform the very pleasing duty thrust upon hini by the brethreu and tho high office to which they had elected him . It was to him , personally , a vory pleasurable duty , and his only regret was that heieit ho was not able to mako the presentation on their behalf with that eloquence which the occasion required . Then addressing Bro . Pago , tho W . M . said : —It
has long been felt by tho brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge that the timo has arrived when the many and valuable services you have , in many ways , rendered to the Lodge , and ( lie high esteem in which you are so justly held by the brethren , should be marked in a substantial manner . I Lave , therefore , very great pleasure , Bro . Page , in offering for yonr acceptance the silver salver , which [ now present to vou in
the name of the brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Allow me to supplement what I have already said by stating that owing to tho short length of time which wo who wove deputed to make the necessary arrangements for this jrrosriitnticn io-d y had at onr disposal , it was necessary to some extent to anticipate the amonnt of tlie subscriptions . It will be verv gratifying to yon to learn that onr
anticipations were far exceeded , and weave therefoie able to present to you this silver sugar basin aval lifter , and beg you will accept it sir- ; ti prc ; : cnt of tha bre . tin en of Mailing Abbey Ledge to Mrs . 'Page , We trust yon will regard these gifts , not for their intrinsic valne , but as a mark of the brotherly love , and high esteem of the brethren of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Brethren I therefore now ask you to drink
the health ot Bro . Page , wishing turn many years of health and hspniness . Tho salver bore the following itisciii . tkm : Mailing Abbey Lodge , No . JOfW . Presented to Bro . V , ' . Pago P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., in grateful recognition of his many yo : ; r ; - > valued services ns Honorary Scct'Ltary . IP . th June 1880 . The toast was given and received with
the customary honours . 15 vo . rage , who en rising to respond , was greeted vr . o- 't e :,. husias : it-ally , thanked the brethren in his usual elciqntint . style , for tho hstnilsomc present just made him , stating that lie could net thank them as he could wi .-h , tho gift having come before him so unexpectedly that ho was quite taken aback by this kind expression of good fellowship by the brethren . Bro . A . Spencer
Malling Abbey Lodge, No. 1063.
then proposed the health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Lack , in au effective speech , which was suitably acknowledged by Bro . E . R . Smith , in the absence of Bro . Luck . Tho W . M . explained to the brethreu tho peculiar circumstances which had compelled Bro . Luck to retire , and offered an apology for bis abseuco in accordance with his promise to Bro . Luck . Tlie W . M . next gave the health of tho installing Master
Bro . Wilmot , in a brief speech personally thauking huu for his kindness iu coming so far to perform thoso duties , and referred to the impressive May in which ho had given tho ritual of the coremony , aud tho cll ' ect it had on the Worshipful Master , which must have been evident to the brethren generally . The toast was tlruuk as a bumper , witb tho usual honours .
Bro-Wilmot suitably acknowledged tho compliment , and stated it was a great pleasure to him to come to Mailing Abbey Lodge as Installing Master , and that ho would always readily respond to their call for a like purpose in the future . Tho W . M . then gavo in succession , The Visiting Brethren , the Past Masters of Mailing Abbey Lodge , the Wardens , and the Junior Officers , all of which were duly honoured and responded to . The Tyler ' s toast was then given , and this concluded
ono of the happiest and most successful of the meetings of Mailing Abbey Lodge . Wo are desired to express the sincere thauks of the brethren to Bro . R . Clout P . M . 72 , 507 , 1063 , the acting member of the Dinner Committee , for the admirablo manner in which lie had evidently understood and provided for tho comfort and happiness of the brethren on this occasion . The banquet was served in splendid stylo by Mr . H . De Carteret , tho manager of tho Mitre Hotel , Maid , stone .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 87 . —Met afc the Whito Hart , College-street , Lambeth , on the 21 th June . Bros . Skirving W . M ., Appletou S . W ., Witts J . W ., Do Solid S . D ., Jolly J . D ., Field I . G ,, Bond Hon . Sec . ; also Bros . Ball , Lambourne , Taylor , Sambell , Rnmbold , Isaac , Stuart , Whiting . Lodge having been
opened aud the minutes of last meeting confirmed , tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Stuart worked the ceremony of passing , which will be rehearsed on tho last Thursday in every mouth . Bro . Appletou having been elected W . M . for next Thursday , Lodgo was closed .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At the Feathers Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 17 th inst ., present : — Bros . Henrv E . Tnckcr Preceptor W . M ., A . Jones S . W ., E . C . Porter J . W ., J . Clarke S . D ., MiUsom J . D ., S . M . Mitchell I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . C . Andrews , W . Gardiner , C . K . Woodey ; Bros . E . J . Acworth , Meadows . C . 0 . Walter , H . Stephens , & c . After preliminaries , tbo ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . C . 0 . Walter candidate .
At tho request of the W . M ., Bro . Acvvorth delivered the charge . Bro . Andrews P . M ., with the assistanco of the W . M . and brethren , worked tho first and second sections of tho first lecture . Bro . C . 0 . Walter was unanimously elected a member . Bro . A . Joues was elected W . M . for Thursday , the 21 th inst . The sum of 203 was voted from the Lodge funds to a distressed brother who songhfc assistance ; this amount was considerably increased by tho brethren present . Lodge yvas closed in dno form .
Handel Festival.
fjnHE triennial celebration of this Festival , held , as usual , at the * - Crystal Palace , has passed off most snccessfnlly , under the ablo conductorship of Bro . Sir Michael Costa P . G . W . P . G . O ., Bro . C . E . Willing P . G . O . presiding at the great organ with his wouted ability . The number of those who took part as vocalists in the celebration was about 4 , 500 , and the hearty applause bestowed by the audience which each day thronged to the Palace for the purpose of hearing the works
of the great Master , fnlly testified to tho excellence of the perform , ances . Indeed , the gathering on Friday last , which is conventionally described as a Rehearsal , but which virtually converts a three into a four days' Festival , gave evidence that the Handel Celebration of 1880 would be at least equal , if not superior , to those which had preceded it . Onco only had Sir Michael Costa to intervene and stay
momentarily tho oven tenour of tlie practice , and though many of tho numbers wero of considerable difficulty , tho chorus sang with the precision of veteran choristers . On Tuesday , the first day of the Festival proper , was given the "Messiah , '" with the solos and choruses of which sublime Oratorio our readers aro so familiar that it is unnecessary we shou Id say more than that the wholo performance went
admirably , while Mes . dnmes Albani and Pai . ey , Messrs . Barton M'Uttckiu , Mans , Santley , and Foli , to whom the solo parts wero severally allotted , evoked well-merited applause by their efforts to interpret worthily the beautiful music of the great composer . The programme on Wednesday included a long and varied selection from Handel ' s works , among them being the Dead March in "Samson , "
Chorus" Blest bo tho Man "—from " Joseph and his Brethren , " aud JS o . 1 of twelve Concertos for Orchestra , written in 1 . 7 . ' ! y . Among the other numbers were " Lot the Bright Seraphim , " by Madame Adelitta Pal ti . with trumpet obbgato by Mr . T . Hai-per ; "O , had I Jubal ' s Lyre , " by Madame Lonimens-Sberringtoti , , ; Lord , to Thee " ( Madame Trebelinj " Love Sounds the Alarm " ( Mr . Vernon Rigby ) , " Sound an Alarm " ( Mr . Edward Lloyd ) , and " 0 , Ruddier than the Cherry , "
splendidly given by Mr . Santley . Yesterday was devoted to the performance of Handel ' s oilier great work , " Israel in Egypt , " the soloists bring Mesdames f . einmcns-Sherringtou and Patey , Miss Anna Williams , and Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Bridson and E . King . Of the part played by Bros . Sir Michael Costa and C . E . Willing it is need lees to say anything . Onr readers know too well what they arc capable of doing , and their achievements on this occasion were quite equal to ; iuy which have gone before .