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Consecration Of Royal Clarence Lodge No. 1823, At Clare.
ritual , reflect honour on the choice of the brethren . Bro . Barnes followed . Ho hoped that tho Clare Lodge would pursue a prosperous career , and that none of thoso present would live to see it anything but prosperous . Bros . Lucia and Clarke also responded . Bro . Stokoe , the Sec , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn for tho way in which he had carried out the ceremony of installation .
Bro . Martyn briefly acknowledged tho compliment thus paid him , and tho W . M . then proceeded to close tho Lodge . The brethren adjourned to the " Priory , " where a most enjoyable banquet was served and partaken of by the brethren . At the conclusion of the banquet grace was said , and the W . M . proceeded to propose tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . After that of tho Queen and the Craft ,
tho National Anthem was sung . With the toast of tho Grand Master of England was coupled the name of the Princess of Wales and the rest of tho members of the Royal Family . Freemasonry was , the W . M . said , at the present time in tho most promising condition , and much of its success , he considered , due to the Prince of Wales . With tho health of the Prov . G . Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the
rest of tho Grand Officers , the W . M . coupled the names of Bros , Martyn and Lucia . We may judge of our rulers as wo do of the commander of a campaign . When success attends their efforts we may safely assume that they are what is required of them . Bro . Martyn was the first to reply . He desired to thank tho brethren on behalf of the Grand Officers for the reception that had been given
tho toast . He fully endorsed what the Master had said about the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skclmersdalo . No better men conld havo been selected to preside over us . The brethren had hoped that tho Earl of Carnarvon would havo been able to attend , but his engagements were such as not to admit of his being present . Whenever tho rulers of the Craft could ho of service they wero ever
present . Bro . Lucia followed , tendering his thanks for the way in which the toast had been received . The W . M . then rose to propose the toast of the Prov . Grand Master . In doing so he touched on ground nearer home . Not only is our Prov . G . Master welcomed in his position as ruler , but also as tho Consecrating Officer of tho day . Lord Waveney , in reply , said ; It requires no preparation on my part
to acknowledge with thankfulness tho toast you havo just received in the most hearty manner . In the whole course of my Masonic career 1 havo never been received so heartily as I have been to-day . The Prov . Grand Master referred to the remarks which had been made from the chair on the duties of a Trov . Grand Master as set forth in THE FREEMASON ' S CIIKOIHCLE of last week . On behalf of
those who had visited the Lodge , and especially for himself , Lord Waveney tendered hearty thanks for tho reception that had been accorded them . Tho next toast was that of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . In proposing this the Master considered that he ought almost to wish for that brother ' s absence lest he might be accused of flattery . During his fourteen years connection
with the Grand Lodge of England Bro . Martyn had been absent but twice , and on each occasion it was from reasons beyond his control . His dnties , whether in connection with either of the many Lodges to which he belonged , or as Deputy Grand Master of the Province , were at all times carried out most efficiently and zealously . Masonry , the W . M . said , was not the first thought of Bro . Muitvn , ho had a
position as parson to keep up , and this he did m the samo efficient way as he did that of his various offices in Freemasonry . From his ffock conies tho same exhibition of hearty good fooling that amies from us . Bro . Martyn made a most nppproptiate reply . Often as his health had been proposed , it had never been proposed so heartily as on the present occasion . He had boon to ' . dtliat , 25 year :-ago , at the
consecration of the Old Clare Lodge Bro . Martyn—no relation of his—had been Deputy P . G . M ., had replied in appropriate terms ; he hoped that ho too should have the credit of replying appropriately . Lord Waveney then assumed the gavel , and proposed tho health of tho Master , who replied in a few well-chosen words . The other toasts followed in due course , and tho brethren parted after a most pleasant
day . Among those present were Lord Waveney Prov . Grand Master Suffolk , Charles J . Martyn Deputy Prov . Grand Master , W . II . Lucia P . G . S . B . of England Prov . G . Sec , Henry C . Casley Prov . G . J W ., W . P . Phillips P . P . G . S . W ., F . B . Wentworth P . G . S . D ., J . M . Harvey P . G . P ., Frederick Wheeler P . P . G . R ., W . Clarke P . G . D . of C . J . H . Thompson P . P . G . S . B . . Middlesex , B . S . Barnes P . G . C , Parker J .
Rennie 1 , 280 , J . S . Cumberland W . M . 1 , 611 , W . L . Lewis 1 , 224 , E . 0 . Cockayne 1 , 5-13 , A . E . Campbell 859 P . G . A . S ., AV . Elliot Shaw 78 , T . B . Richardson , A . W . Cook 225 , 11 . E . Jones S . W . 1 , 224 , J . Hanly 51 , C . Kenby 959 , C . H . Vincent 1 , 221 , S . Spurgin J . W . 1 , 221 , H . Welham P . M . 1 , 224 , H . Taverner J . D . 1 , 237 , S . A prile 1 , 224 , Charles Gomersall I . P . M . 1 . 224 , J . F . Hills P . M . 1 , 224 , G . H .
Grimwood P . M . 1 , 224 , AV . Watson Organist , E . II . Iuman I . G . 1 , 224 . We should observe that a Freemasons' Lodge was formerly held at Clare , tho South Suffolk Lodgo having been consecrated in tho same house in 1 S 23 . Tho Lodgo was removed to the Rose aud Crown , Sudbury , and eventually ceased meeting . A party of the brethren who arrived about noon wero most
hospitably entertained to luncheon at the Priory . AA ' e may add that this ancient building , with its massive walls and buttresses , pointed arches , and windows , and even a " piscina" in the garden wall , by the doorway , probably in ancient times forming the " cloisters , " preserving still an ecclesiastical character , and still of some extent , was viewed with much interest . The grounds , too , are
extensive , with well kept gardens , tho whole admirably adapted for the puiposo for which it is now used , that of a large academy for boys . We are pleased to add that there is every prospect of the new Lodge flourishing , and holding a distinguished position iu the Province . It will probably number in a few weeks some forty members on its books , and its establishment is certainly of advantage to the ancient , picturesque town of Clare .
I think the best things a Freemason can do , are , to honour God , nso his time industriously , respect himself , and take the world a 3 it Comes , —Rojj . MwiJtis .
Installation Meetings, &C.
—; o : — ST . PETER'S LODGE . No . 481 .
r pifE installation meeting and festival of this Lodgo took placo on J- Monday , the 14 th , at tho Masonio Hall , Maple . street , Nowcastle-on-Tyne . The Lodge was opened by the AV . M . Bro . R . Eynon , supported by tho Officors , and a good attendance of brethren . The minutes of the last meeting being confirmed , one brother was passed to tho F . C . degree , tho ceremony boing creditably given by the WM Bro . John Usher S . AV ., AV . M . elect , was then presented to the AV . M .
by Bro . E . D . Davis P . G . D . C ., to receive the benefits of installation . All formalities having been gone through , and the brethren below the chair re-admitted to tho Lodge , the newly installed G . Master was proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom . He then appointed and invested tho following brethren as Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . R . Eynon I . P . M ., J . Duokett jun . S . W .,
J . Cook P . M . P . P . G . S . W . J . W ., John Spearman P . M . Treasurer , A . Giblin AV . M . 541 Sec , T . Priutio S . D ., G . Ford J . D ., R . L . Armstrong P . M . D . C ., R . Ferry Org ., Stafford I . G ., G . S . Sims Tyler ; Macdonald and AVeldon Stewards . The AV . M . received the hearty good wishes of a large number of visiting brethren , and no other business offering itself , tho Lodge was olosed
and the brethren adjonrned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotel , whore they sat down to a capital repast . Fi . ll jnstice having been dono to all the good things , and grace said , the AV . M . rose to give tho first toast , tho Queen , which was duly honoured . H . R . H . tho Prince of AVales M . AV . G . M . next received tho good wishes of the brethren . Tho toast of the Pro G . M . and Officers of Grand Lodge followed on tho
list , . after which the AV . M . gave the Earl Percy and Officers of the Prov . G . Lodge . In the course of his remarks he said tho brethren will all know that tho Prov . G . Lodge this year meets under tho banner of this Lodge , and he trusted they would not fail to come up in such numbers as would do honour to them , particularly after the reception they had received last year
at Alnwick . He was delighted they had that day amongst them the P . G . S . AV ., who had taken so great an interest in tho working of all the Lodges in tho Province dnring his year of office . Ho should therefore couple with the toast the namo of Bro . Adam Robertson Provincial G . S . AV ., who , on rising , was received with cheers . He oxpressed tho wish that the task had been put on some ono else ' s
shoulders , who would have dono more justice to tho P . G . M . It was useless for him to dilate upon his many virtues , or on tho many important services ho had rendered to tho Province . Ho was no ornamental Mason—ho was a working Mason iu every sense of the word . He had served every office in the Lodge , and when he was Master one of his
characteristics was punctuality . The moment the Lodgo was called , Earl Percy was iu the chair ; during his Mastership he ( Brother Robertson ) had the pleasure of serving under him as one of his Wardens . It had afforded the Provincial Grand Officers a deal of pleasure , whilst officially visiting the Lodges , to see tho uniform good , working , and lie trusted these visits would bo repeated , as most
of the P . G . Officers of this year were W . M . ' s of Ledges . Thisgave them an opportunity of comparing their working with tho other Lodges in tho Province , ami would tend to cement that good-fellowship which is tho backbone of Freemasonry . Bro . R . L . Armstrong P . M ., iu a few well-choson remarks , proposed the health of tho P . G . M . of Durham and tho Officers of that Province ; with
this toast ho coupled the namo of Bro . E . D . Davis P . P . G . S . AV ., whom he designated as his father in tho Craft , and ho prayed he might long bo spared to be amongst them ; when it should please tho G . A . O . T . U . to removo him , he would leave a name behind him that would long be cherished and never bo forgotten . Bro . Davis , who on rising was heartily received , said that he had to thank them
on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master of Durham , who was . tho oldest in England , holding that important office since 1847 ,. and since that time ho had rendered the Craft much service . The Charity Committees of the two Provinces , ho was glad to say ,, had become united , and much good might bo expected from their joint efforts . Ho now came to a more difficult task—namel y ,
toreply to the kind manner in which Bro . Armstrong had brought his ' - name before them , for which ho thanked him , and the brethren for the way in which they had received it . Bro . Armstrong had but lately taken tho reins of power , and they all knew how well ho used that , power ; when he ( Bro . Davis ) shall have passed away , he will still bo a > shining light in Masonry , and will then be able to remember oue
that loved him well as a man , and was always anxious for hia success as a Mason . Bro . Eynon , iu giving tho next toast , said it was one that required few words of his to ensure its reception by tho brethren ; it was the health of the W . M . He was quite certain , from what ho knew of tho brethren and Officers of tho Lodge , that they would give Bro . Usher every support . It gave
him particular pleasure to submit this toast , because ho had to assist at that brother ' s initiation , although in an inferior office . Ho wished him every success and a prosperous year , and called on all to drink his health in a bumper . Tho AV . M . expressed his thanks , and assured the brethren ho would endeavour to do hi 3 duty . Ho was much obliged for the support given him , and to tho brethren for
gathering round him in such numbers . Ho shonld say little now , but at the end of the year leave them to judge if ho was deserving of all or any of tho kind things said of him , and trusted to offer to his successor the Lodge in as prosperous a state as ho then found it . Bro . Davis , in some feeling remarks , proposed the health of Bro ..
Eynon I . P . M ., which was suitably replied to . Tho Past and Present Officers received their meed of praise , and the Visitors received a hearty welcome . Both toasts having been replied to , the Tyler waa called , and brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The Visitors present were : —Bros . E . D . Davis P . P . G . S . AV ., Adam Robertson I * . G . S . W ., B . Doukin P . M . P . P . G . D . C , G . Z . Dean fill P . M . P . F . G . J . D . * .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of Royal Clarence Lodge No. 1823, At Clare.
ritual , reflect honour on the choice of the brethren . Bro . Barnes followed . Ho hoped that tho Clare Lodge would pursue a prosperous career , and that none of thoso present would live to see it anything but prosperous . Bros . Lucia and Clarke also responded . Bro . Stokoe , the Sec , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn for tho way in which he had carried out the ceremony of installation .
Bro . Martyn briefly acknowledged tho compliment thus paid him , and tho W . M . then proceeded to close tho Lodge . The brethren adjourned to the " Priory , " where a most enjoyable banquet was served and partaken of by the brethren . At the conclusion of the banquet grace was said , and the W . M . proceeded to propose tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . After that of tho Queen and the Craft ,
tho National Anthem was sung . With the toast of tho Grand Master of England was coupled the name of the Princess of Wales and the rest of tho members of the Royal Family . Freemasonry was , the W . M . said , at the present time in tho most promising condition , and much of its success , he considered , due to the Prince of Wales . With tho health of the Prov . G . Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the
rest of tho Grand Officers , the W . M . coupled the names of Bros , Martyn and Lucia . We may judge of our rulers as wo do of the commander of a campaign . When success attends their efforts we may safely assume that they are what is required of them . Bro . Martyn was the first to reply . He desired to thank tho brethren on behalf of the Grand Officers for the reception that had been given
tho toast . He fully endorsed what the Master had said about the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skclmersdalo . No better men conld havo been selected to preside over us . The brethren had hoped that tho Earl of Carnarvon would havo been able to attend , but his engagements were such as not to admit of his being present . Whenever tho rulers of the Craft could ho of service they wero ever
present . Bro . Lucia followed , tendering his thanks for the way in which the toast had been received . The W . M . then rose to propose the toast of the Prov . Grand Master . In doing so he touched on ground nearer home . Not only is our Prov . G . Master welcomed in his position as ruler , but also as tho Consecrating Officer of tho day . Lord Waveney , in reply , said ; It requires no preparation on my part
to acknowledge with thankfulness tho toast you havo just received in the most hearty manner . In the whole course of my Masonic career 1 havo never been received so heartily as I have been to-day . The Prov . Grand Master referred to the remarks which had been made from the chair on the duties of a Trov . Grand Master as set forth in THE FREEMASON ' S CIIKOIHCLE of last week . On behalf of
those who had visited the Lodge , and especially for himself , Lord Waveney tendered hearty thanks for tho reception that had been accorded them . Tho next toast was that of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . In proposing this the Master considered that he ought almost to wish for that brother ' s absence lest he might be accused of flattery . During his fourteen years connection
with the Grand Lodge of England Bro . Martyn had been absent but twice , and on each occasion it was from reasons beyond his control . His dnties , whether in connection with either of the many Lodges to which he belonged , or as Deputy Grand Master of the Province , were at all times carried out most efficiently and zealously . Masonry , the W . M . said , was not the first thought of Bro . Muitvn , ho had a
position as parson to keep up , and this he did m the samo efficient way as he did that of his various offices in Freemasonry . From his ffock conies tho same exhibition of hearty good fooling that amies from us . Bro . Martyn made a most nppproptiate reply . Often as his health had been proposed , it had never been proposed so heartily as on the present occasion . He had boon to ' . dtliat , 25 year :-ago , at the
consecration of the Old Clare Lodge Bro . Martyn—no relation of his—had been Deputy P . G . M ., had replied in appropriate terms ; he hoped that ho too should have the credit of replying appropriately . Lord Waveney then assumed the gavel , and proposed tho health of tho Master , who replied in a few well-chosen words . The other toasts followed in due course , and tho brethren parted after a most pleasant
day . Among those present were Lord Waveney Prov . Grand Master Suffolk , Charles J . Martyn Deputy Prov . Grand Master , W . II . Lucia P . G . S . B . of England Prov . G . Sec , Henry C . Casley Prov . G . J W ., W . P . Phillips P . P . G . S . W ., F . B . Wentworth P . G . S . D ., J . M . Harvey P . G . P ., Frederick Wheeler P . P . G . R ., W . Clarke P . G . D . of C . J . H . Thompson P . P . G . S . B . . Middlesex , B . S . Barnes P . G . C , Parker J .
Rennie 1 , 280 , J . S . Cumberland W . M . 1 , 611 , W . L . Lewis 1 , 224 , E . 0 . Cockayne 1 , 5-13 , A . E . Campbell 859 P . G . A . S ., AV . Elliot Shaw 78 , T . B . Richardson , A . W . Cook 225 , 11 . E . Jones S . W . 1 , 224 , J . Hanly 51 , C . Kenby 959 , C . H . Vincent 1 , 221 , S . Spurgin J . W . 1 , 221 , H . Welham P . M . 1 , 224 , H . Taverner J . D . 1 , 237 , S . A prile 1 , 224 , Charles Gomersall I . P . M . 1 . 224 , J . F . Hills P . M . 1 , 224 , G . H .
Grimwood P . M . 1 , 224 , AV . Watson Organist , E . II . Iuman I . G . 1 , 224 . We should observe that a Freemasons' Lodge was formerly held at Clare , tho South Suffolk Lodgo having been consecrated in tho same house in 1 S 23 . Tho Lodgo was removed to the Rose aud Crown , Sudbury , and eventually ceased meeting . A party of the brethren who arrived about noon wero most
hospitably entertained to luncheon at the Priory . AA ' e may add that this ancient building , with its massive walls and buttresses , pointed arches , and windows , and even a " piscina" in the garden wall , by the doorway , probably in ancient times forming the " cloisters , " preserving still an ecclesiastical character , and still of some extent , was viewed with much interest . The grounds , too , are
extensive , with well kept gardens , tho whole admirably adapted for the puiposo for which it is now used , that of a large academy for boys . We are pleased to add that there is every prospect of the new Lodge flourishing , and holding a distinguished position iu the Province . It will probably number in a few weeks some forty members on its books , and its establishment is certainly of advantage to the ancient , picturesque town of Clare .
I think the best things a Freemason can do , are , to honour God , nso his time industriously , respect himself , and take the world a 3 it Comes , —Rojj . MwiJtis .
Installation Meetings, &C.
—; o : — ST . PETER'S LODGE . No . 481 .
r pifE installation meeting and festival of this Lodgo took placo on J- Monday , the 14 th , at tho Masonio Hall , Maple . street , Nowcastle-on-Tyne . The Lodge was opened by the AV . M . Bro . R . Eynon , supported by tho Officors , and a good attendance of brethren . The minutes of the last meeting being confirmed , one brother was passed to tho F . C . degree , tho ceremony boing creditably given by the WM Bro . John Usher S . AV ., AV . M . elect , was then presented to the AV . M .
by Bro . E . D . Davis P . G . D . C ., to receive the benefits of installation . All formalities having been gone through , and the brethren below the chair re-admitted to tho Lodge , the newly installed G . Master was proclaimed and saluted according to ancient custom . He then appointed and invested tho following brethren as Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . R . Eynon I . P . M ., J . Duokett jun . S . W .,
J . Cook P . M . P . P . G . S . W . J . W ., John Spearman P . M . Treasurer , A . Giblin AV . M . 541 Sec , T . Priutio S . D ., G . Ford J . D ., R . L . Armstrong P . M . D . C ., R . Ferry Org ., Stafford I . G ., G . S . Sims Tyler ; Macdonald and AVeldon Stewards . The AV . M . received the hearty good wishes of a large number of visiting brethren , and no other business offering itself , tho Lodge was olosed
and the brethren adjonrned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotel , whore they sat down to a capital repast . Fi . ll jnstice having been dono to all the good things , and grace said , the AV . M . rose to give tho first toast , tho Queen , which was duly honoured . H . R . H . tho Prince of AVales M . AV . G . M . next received tho good wishes of the brethren . Tho toast of the Pro G . M . and Officers of Grand Lodge followed on tho
list , . after which the AV . M . gave the Earl Percy and Officers of the Prov . G . Lodge . In the course of his remarks he said tho brethren will all know that tho Prov . G . Lodge this year meets under tho banner of this Lodge , and he trusted they would not fail to come up in such numbers as would do honour to them , particularly after the reception they had received last year
at Alnwick . He was delighted they had that day amongst them the P . G . S . AV ., who had taken so great an interest in tho working of all the Lodges in tho Province dnring his year of office . Ho should therefore couple with the toast the namo of Bro . Adam Robertson Provincial G . S . AV ., who , on rising , was received with cheers . He oxpressed tho wish that the task had been put on some ono else ' s
shoulders , who would have dono more justice to tho P . G . M . It was useless for him to dilate upon his many virtues , or on tho many important services ho had rendered to tho Province . Ho was no ornamental Mason—ho was a working Mason iu every sense of the word . He had served every office in the Lodge , and when he was Master one of his
characteristics was punctuality . The moment the Lodgo was called , Earl Percy was iu the chair ; during his Mastership he ( Brother Robertson ) had the pleasure of serving under him as one of his Wardens . It had afforded the Provincial Grand Officers a deal of pleasure , whilst officially visiting the Lodges , to see tho uniform good , working , and lie trusted these visits would bo repeated , as most
of the P . G . Officers of this year were W . M . ' s of Ledges . Thisgave them an opportunity of comparing their working with tho other Lodges in tho Province , ami would tend to cement that good-fellowship which is tho backbone of Freemasonry . Bro . R . L . Armstrong P . M ., iu a few well-choson remarks , proposed the health of tho P . G . M . of Durham and tho Officers of that Province ; with
this toast ho coupled the namo of Bro . E . D . Davis P . P . G . S . AV ., whom he designated as his father in tho Craft , and ho prayed he might long bo spared to be amongst them ; when it should please tho G . A . O . T . U . to removo him , he would leave a name behind him that would long be cherished and never bo forgotten . Bro . Davis , who on rising was heartily received , said that he had to thank them
on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master of Durham , who was . tho oldest in England , holding that important office since 1847 ,. and since that time ho had rendered the Craft much service . The Charity Committees of the two Provinces , ho was glad to say ,, had become united , and much good might bo expected from their joint efforts . Ho now came to a more difficult task—namel y ,
toreply to the kind manner in which Bro . Armstrong had brought his ' - name before them , for which ho thanked him , and the brethren for the way in which they had received it . Bro . Armstrong had but lately taken tho reins of power , and they all knew how well ho used that , power ; when he ( Bro . Davis ) shall have passed away , he will still bo a > shining light in Masonry , and will then be able to remember oue
that loved him well as a man , and was always anxious for hia success as a Mason . Bro . Eynon , iu giving tho next toast , said it was one that required few words of his to ensure its reception by tho brethren ; it was the health of the W . M . He was quite certain , from what ho knew of tho brethren and Officers of tho Lodge , that they would give Bro . Usher every support . It gave
him particular pleasure to submit this toast , because ho had to assist at that brother ' s initiation , although in an inferior office . Ho wished him every success and a prosperous year , and called on all to drink his health in a bumper . Tho AV . M . expressed his thanks , and assured the brethren ho would endeavour to do hi 3 duty . Ho was much obliged for the support given him , and to tho brethren for
gathering round him in such numbers . Ho shonld say little now , but at the end of the year leave them to judge if ho was deserving of all or any of tho kind things said of him , and trusted to offer to his successor the Lodge in as prosperous a state as ho then found it . Bro . Davis , in some feeling remarks , proposed the health of Bro ..
Eynon I . P . M ., which was suitably replied to . Tho Past and Present Officers received their meed of praise , and the Visitors received a hearty welcome . Both toasts having been replied to , the Tyler waa called , and brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The Visitors present were : —Bros . E . D . Davis P . P . G . S . AV ., Adam Robertson I * . G . S . W ., B . Doukin P . M . P . P . G . D . C , G . Z . Dean fill P . M . P . F . G . J . D . * .