Article VALLEY FORGE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC PORTRAITS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Valley Forge.
IT gives us pleasure to spread before our readors tho following interesting address , which was delivered by Bio . Michael Nisbot , K . W . Grand Master of Masons of Pennsylvania , at A alley Forgo , on the clay of its dedication as a Public Park , 19 th June 1 S 79 , being the 101 st anniversary of the evacuation of Valley Forgo by tho army of Bro . Gon . Georgo AVashington : —
Brethren , —In the days when Freemasons were few in number , thoy woro confined to distinguished architects and operative masons . But in course of time , as the fame of tho Fraternity became moro widely extended , tho lovers of learning and the friends of humanity wero attracted to its ranks ; and tho noble and wealth y also eagerly seeking to become initiates , the Society became numerous , and
ceasing , from these accessions , to bo strictly operative , became symbolic . Though thus changing its character , it still retained its intimate connection with architecture and tbe mechanic arts , and for this reason it has , from time immemorial , been customary ou tho part of those who desire tho commencement or completion of any great
public enterprise or undertaking to be attended with proper pomp and solemnity , to request our honourable and anciont Fraternity to take part in the proceedings . Such an occasion is tho present one . A nnmbor of public-spirited citizens have purchased these grounds for tlio purpose of maintaining them as a public park for ever , and wheu requested by the proper
authorities to lay a corner-stone in this ancient and memorablo building , we willingly acceded to the request , as it was not only in keeping with the ancient usages of Freemasonry , but it was also in keeping with another duty of tho Craft , that of perpetuating and cherishing the memories of tho worth y dead . AVe aro here , to-day , to perform our duty as Masons , in laying a
corner-stone ; wo aro hero to assist in tho ceremony intendod for over to perpetuate a memorable instanco in the history of our country ; and -we are here to pay by our prcsenco a tribute to tho memory of tho wise statesman , the bravo soldier , tho zealous patriot , and tho truo Mason—George Washington—whom this Grand Lodf ; o delighted to honour while he lived , and to whom it dedicated its first
constitution , "In Testimony , as well of his exalted Services to his Country , as of that noble Philanthropy which distinguishes him among Masons . " This spot has been made memorablo as tho place of encampment of the American army during the winter of 1777 and 1778 . On the 11 th day of December in the former year , it commenced its march
for this place . Worn out by harassing and tiresome marches , and a life of continual hardship and danger during a campaign of four months , they wero in the most deplorable condition . Without the commonest necessaries of life , without clothing to protect them from tho inclemency of tho weather—many of them having nothing but rags to cover them , and numbers of them without shoes to their feet
as they marched over the frozen ground—eight long weary days wore passed in reaching their destination , the ground over which they passed being marked b y the blood from their lacerated feet . It has been said of thorn tbat thoy appeared more like a set of mendicants than the defenders of the liberties of their country . Here , among the snow-clad hills , they lay down in their dreary camp , to contend
with hunger , cold and wretchedness in every form . Their hardships and sufferings were sufficient to subdue the spirit of the bravest patriot heart , but , sustained b y tho immortal Washington—whom they loved and venerated—the existence of tho camp was maintained through the gloomiest period of our Revolutionary war , and until he marched them forth to victory . Nothing in tho history of the world
surpasses the sublime heroism which animated and sustained these men during thoso trying times ; their sufferings and hardships have endeared the spot to every American heart , and its preservation as a public park , for ever , will serve to transmit to posterity an incentive to emulate their patience and endurance , whenever tho liberties of onr country may be imperilled .
To this place also a Masonic tradition is attached . The early records of onr Grand Lodge are lost , so that we cannot ascertain its correctness now , but as it is well known that warrants wero granted during the Revolutionary War for Military Lodges , it is probably true . It is , that while our troops were here encamped , a Lodge was held in this building , in which , during that memorable winter ,
Lafayettteto whom the gratitude of our people is eminently due for his services to our country , and whom our Grand Lodge , in admiration of his high and various virtues , and for the attachment he had uniformly evinced for our liberties and happiness , honoured by creating him one of its members—was mado a Mason by AVashington . Hero it seems that these two congenial minds , amidst the arduous duties of
tho camj ) , found gratification in the exchange of fraternal coufidenco and in performing the duties of the Lodge . This incident adds to our interest in this place . AVhen we look upon this fertile valley , and tho hills by which it is surrounded , teoming with the industry of a hnppy , contented and independent people , who owe their present condition to tho efforts of
theso worthy brethren , with what a feeling of overwhelming gratitude we recall the memories of the past ! No soaring monument , no imposing shaft , is necessary , to endear them to us j their services to our country , their devotion to Masonic principles , their practice of every true Masonic virtue , are engraved npon onr hearts . AVc gratefull y and affectionately recall them this day .
Masonic jests and storie 9 are too commonly of vulgar character . Our Maker as given us tho sense of mirth , and the gift of laughter , but to prostitute good humonr to indecency is beastly .
Masonic Portraits.
Second Seines , now ready , Crown Svo , Cloth , price o $ Qd , post free .
NESTOR ( Bro . AV . Hyuo Pnllen , 33 dog ., Past G . S . B ., Past Dop . P . G . M . J runts , -Assistant Secretary Sup . Council A . anil A . Kite . ) THE STATESMAN ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , 33 do ? ., Pro Grand Master , Pro
Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., anil Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . anil A . Kite . THE TREASURER ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and Treasurer Eoyal York Lodgo of . Perseverance , No . 7 ) . THE DEPUTY ( The Bight Hon . Lord Skclmersdale , 33 dee \ . Demits G . Master . fivivml
H „ G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of tho Temple , aud M . P . Sov . G . Commander A . and A . Rite . ) A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE ( Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Hantsandlslo of Wight , Past G . M . M . M ., aud Prov . (} . Prior of tho Temple , for Hants ) . TIME-UONOURED LANCASTER ( Bro . J . Lancaster Hine , P . Prov . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . THE SCHOLAR
( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., V . 7 i ., Author of Works on Navigation ) . Ouit NOBLE CRITIC ( The Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 dog , Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Warwickshire , Past G . M . M . M . ) Ouit PERIPATETIC BROTHER ( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matter , 30 dog ., G . Steward Scotland , and Past G . S . Warden Greece ) . A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . G . Parker Brockbank , 31 dcg ., Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov .
Cr . Ireas ; [ Arch ] E . Lancashire . A WARDEN OP THE FENS ( The lute Bro . John SutcliiTc , Past Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . A WARDEN OP MARK ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Dononghmore , 32 dog ., Bust G . S . Warden , and Dep ; G . M . M . M ) . A MA STUB OP CEREMONIAL ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 dcg ., Past Prov . G . S . of Works E . l-iin . ) OUR Cos . uot'oMT / 'y UROTHKK ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., rust Dist . G . M . nnd G . Snp . China ) . A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN ( Bro . II . B . Webster , Member of the Finance and Audit Committees of tho B . M . Girls' and Boys ' l Schools . ) I
AN INSTALLING MASTER ( Bro . W . Biggs , Past Pro v . G . S . W . Wilts , uud Past Prov . G . Sec . Berks mid Bucks ) . A VETERAN ( Uro . W . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . and I Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire and Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M .
Leicestershire ) . A GRAND STEWARD ( Bro . John Wordsworth , 30 dog ., Past G . Steward , Past Prov . G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , ami Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) . Via Fen ' TAS ( Bro . G . Ward Verry , P . M and Past Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) .
ACTHLLES ( l ! ro . E . J . Morris , Past G .. T . D ., avul . Past Dop . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Division of South Wales ) . A DEVON GRAFTS - ( tiro . , T . E . Curteis , 30 ( leg ., Past Prov . G . S . Warden Dovon ) . j SIR JliiADAiiAN'rn j ( Bro . J . M . Pultency Montagu , J . P ., j D . L ., 33 dog ., G . J . Deacon , I Past Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . | G . Sup . Dorsetshire , and G . Chancellor Supreme Council A . iintl A . Ttito ) .
HlProt'RATES ( Bro . J . Pearson Bell , M . D ., Tast G . Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Sup . N . and E . Yorkshire ) . A CESTRIAN CniEP ( The Right Hon Lord do Tabley , Past G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Cheshire , Grand J ., and Prov . G . Sup . Cheshire ) . A HARBINGER OF PEACE ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . THE LORD OP UNDERLEY
( The Earl of Bcctivo , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Westmoreland , and Past . G . Sov . of tho Ordcr . of Rome aud Bod Cross of Constantino ) . A BOON CO : UP <\ NION ( Bro . E . C . AVoodward , P . M .. 382 , 1 C 37 , & e . ) A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 ( leg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Berks and Bucks ) . iE . SCULAPIUS ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 32 dog ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendiuit Genera ) Order of Rome anil Red Cross of Constantino for North Lancashire ) .
A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post fvco to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 'd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prcveut mistakes . Post Office Orders to' bo mado payable to AV . AV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Back Page ... £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c single column , 5 s per inch . Donblo Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Valley Forge.
IT gives us pleasure to spread before our readors tho following interesting address , which was delivered by Bio . Michael Nisbot , K . W . Grand Master of Masons of Pennsylvania , at A alley Forgo , on the clay of its dedication as a Public Park , 19 th June 1 S 79 , being the 101 st anniversary of the evacuation of Valley Forgo by tho army of Bro . Gon . Georgo AVashington : —
Brethren , —In the days when Freemasons were few in number , thoy woro confined to distinguished architects and operative masons . But in course of time , as the fame of tho Fraternity became moro widely extended , tho lovers of learning and the friends of humanity wero attracted to its ranks ; and tho noble and wealth y also eagerly seeking to become initiates , the Society became numerous , and
ceasing , from these accessions , to bo strictly operative , became symbolic . Though thus changing its character , it still retained its intimate connection with architecture and tbe mechanic arts , and for this reason it has , from time immemorial , been customary ou tho part of those who desire tho commencement or completion of any great
public enterprise or undertaking to be attended with proper pomp and solemnity , to request our honourable and anciont Fraternity to take part in the proceedings . Such an occasion is tho present one . A nnmbor of public-spirited citizens have purchased these grounds for tlio purpose of maintaining them as a public park for ever , and wheu requested by the proper
authorities to lay a corner-stone in this ancient and memorablo building , we willingly acceded to the request , as it was not only in keeping with the ancient usages of Freemasonry , but it was also in keeping with another duty of tho Craft , that of perpetuating and cherishing the memories of tho worth y dead . AVe aro here , to-day , to perform our duty as Masons , in laying a
corner-stone ; wo aro hero to assist in tho ceremony intendod for over to perpetuate a memorable instanco in the history of our country ; and -we are here to pay by our prcsenco a tribute to tho memory of tho wise statesman , the bravo soldier , tho zealous patriot , and tho truo Mason—George Washington—whom this Grand Lodf ; o delighted to honour while he lived , and to whom it dedicated its first
constitution , "In Testimony , as well of his exalted Services to his Country , as of that noble Philanthropy which distinguishes him among Masons . " This spot has been made memorablo as tho place of encampment of the American army during the winter of 1777 and 1778 . On the 11 th day of December in the former year , it commenced its march
for this place . Worn out by harassing and tiresome marches , and a life of continual hardship and danger during a campaign of four months , they wero in the most deplorable condition . Without the commonest necessaries of life , without clothing to protect them from tho inclemency of tho weather—many of them having nothing but rags to cover them , and numbers of them without shoes to their feet
as they marched over the frozen ground—eight long weary days wore passed in reaching their destination , the ground over which they passed being marked b y the blood from their lacerated feet . It has been said of thorn tbat thoy appeared more like a set of mendicants than the defenders of the liberties of their country . Here , among the snow-clad hills , they lay down in their dreary camp , to contend
with hunger , cold and wretchedness in every form . Their hardships and sufferings were sufficient to subdue the spirit of the bravest patriot heart , but , sustained b y tho immortal Washington—whom they loved and venerated—the existence of tho camp was maintained through the gloomiest period of our Revolutionary war , and until he marched them forth to victory . Nothing in tho history of the world
surpasses the sublime heroism which animated and sustained these men during thoso trying times ; their sufferings and hardships have endeared the spot to every American heart , and its preservation as a public park , for ever , will serve to transmit to posterity an incentive to emulate their patience and endurance , whenever tho liberties of onr country may be imperilled .
To this place also a Masonic tradition is attached . The early records of onr Grand Lodge are lost , so that we cannot ascertain its correctness now , but as it is well known that warrants wero granted during the Revolutionary War for Military Lodges , it is probably true . It is , that while our troops were here encamped , a Lodge was held in this building , in which , during that memorable winter ,
Lafayettteto whom the gratitude of our people is eminently due for his services to our country , and whom our Grand Lodge , in admiration of his high and various virtues , and for the attachment he had uniformly evinced for our liberties and happiness , honoured by creating him one of its members—was mado a Mason by AVashington . Hero it seems that these two congenial minds , amidst the arduous duties of
tho camj ) , found gratification in the exchange of fraternal coufidenco and in performing the duties of the Lodge . This incident adds to our interest in this place . AVhen we look upon this fertile valley , and tho hills by which it is surrounded , teoming with the industry of a hnppy , contented and independent people , who owe their present condition to tho efforts of
theso worthy brethren , with what a feeling of overwhelming gratitude we recall the memories of the past ! No soaring monument , no imposing shaft , is necessary , to endear them to us j their services to our country , their devotion to Masonic principles , their practice of every true Masonic virtue , are engraved npon onr hearts . AVc gratefull y and affectionately recall them this day .
Masonic jests and storie 9 are too commonly of vulgar character . Our Maker as given us tho sense of mirth , and the gift of laughter , but to prostitute good humonr to indecency is beastly .
Masonic Portraits.
Second Seines , now ready , Crown Svo , Cloth , price o $ Qd , post free .
NESTOR ( Bro . AV . Hyuo Pnllen , 33 dog ., Past G . S . B ., Past Dop . P . G . M . J runts , -Assistant Secretary Sup . Council A . anil A . Kite . ) THE STATESMAN ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , 33 do ? ., Pro Grand Master , Pro
Grand Z ., Past G . M . M . M ., anil Past M . P . S . G . Commander A . anil A . Kite . THE TREASURER ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and Treasurer Eoyal York Lodgo of . Perseverance , No . 7 ) . THE DEPUTY ( The Bight Hon . Lord Skclmersdale , 33 dee \ . Demits G . Master . fivivml
H „ G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of tho Temple , aud M . P . Sov . G . Commander A . and A . Rite . ) A PROVINCIAL MAGNATE ( Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Hantsandlslo of Wight , Past G . M . M . M ., aud Prov . (} . Prior of tho Temple , for Hants ) . TIME-UONOURED LANCASTER ( Bro . J . Lancaster Hine , P . Prov . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . THE SCHOLAR
( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., V . 7 i ., Author of Works on Navigation ) . Ouit NOBLE CRITIC ( The Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 dog , Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Warwickshire , Past G . M . M . M . ) Ouit PERIPATETIC BROTHER ( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matter , 30 dog ., G . Steward Scotland , and Past G . S . Warden Greece ) . A BOLTON LUMINARY ( Bro . G . Parker Brockbank , 31 dcg ., Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov .
Cr . Ireas ; [ Arch ] E . Lancashire . A WARDEN OP THE FENS ( The lute Bro . John SutcliiTc , Past Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . A WARDEN OP MARK ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Dononghmore , 32 dog ., Bust G . S . Warden , and Dep ; G . M . M . M ) . A MA STUB OP CEREMONIAL ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 dcg ., Past Prov . G . S . of Works E . l-iin . ) OUR Cos . uot'oMT / 'y UROTHKK ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., rust Dist . G . M . nnd G . Snp . China ) . A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN ( Bro . II . B . Webster , Member of the Finance and Audit Committees of tho B . M . Girls' and Boys ' l Schools . ) I
AN INSTALLING MASTER ( Bro . W . Biggs , Past Pro v . G . S . W . Wilts , uud Past Prov . G . Sec . Berks mid Bucks ) . A VETERAN ( Uro . W . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . and I Prov . G . Sup . Leicestershire and Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M .
Leicestershire ) . A GRAND STEWARD ( Bro . John Wordsworth , 30 dog ., Past G . Steward , Past Prov . G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , ami Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) . Via Fen ' TAS ( Bro . G . Ward Verry , P . M and Past Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) .
ACTHLLES ( l ! ro . E . J . Morris , Past G .. T . D ., avul . Past Dop . Prov . G . M . of Eastern Division of South Wales ) . A DEVON GRAFTS - ( tiro . , T . E . Curteis , 30 ( leg ., Past Prov . G . S . Warden Dovon ) . j SIR JliiADAiiAN'rn j ( Bro . J . M . Pultency Montagu , J . P ., j D . L ., 33 dog ., G . J . Deacon , I Past Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . | G . Sup . Dorsetshire , and G . Chancellor Supreme Council A . iintl A . Ttito ) .
HlProt'RATES ( Bro . J . Pearson Bell , M . D ., Tast G . Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Sup . N . and E . Yorkshire ) . A CESTRIAN CniEP ( The Right Hon Lord do Tabley , Past G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Cheshire , Grand J ., and Prov . G . Sup . Cheshire ) . A HARBINGER OF PEACE ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . THE LORD OP UNDERLEY
( The Earl of Bcctivo , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Westmoreland , and Past . G . Sov . of tho Ordcr . of Rome aud Bod Cross of Constantino ) . A BOON CO : UP <\ NION ( Bro . E . C . AVoodward , P . M .. 382 , 1 C 37 , & e . ) A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 ( leg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sup . Berks and Bucks ) . iE . SCULAPIUS ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., 32 dog ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and Past G . St . B ., Arch , Intendiuit Genera ) Order of Rome anil Red Cross of Constantino for North Lancashire ) .
A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post fvco to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 'd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prcveut mistakes . Post Office Orders to' bo mado payable to AV . AV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Back Page ... £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c single column , 5 s per inch . Donblo Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .