Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LEBANON LODGE. No. 1326. Page 1 of 1 Article LEBANON LODGE. No. 1326. Page 1 of 1 Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
B . L . Armstrong P . M . 406 P . G . P ., B . P . Ord I . P . M . P . G . O , AV . M . Bell W . M . 1557 , T . Alexander P . M . 773 , J . Milburno P . M . 919 , G . T . Chilton J . W . 1664 , J . Wood S . W . 48 , Fowler , Manchester , S . M . Harris Sec . 406 , & c . . AVo were somewhat surprised to notice that this Lodgo was not in mourning , in token of respect to the memory of their lato and much respected brother , P . M . Georgo Thompson , who had for so
many years laboured for this Lodgo , and who had truly brought tho Lodgo to tho position it now holds . All the other Lodges in tho town havo paid him that respect ; wo therefor .: notice tho neglect tho more iu this , his mother Lodgo , aud tho ouo for which ho had done so much .
Lebanon Lodge. No. 1326.
LEBANON LODGE . No . 1326 .
nPHE installation meeting of this oxcellent working Provincial Lodgo -i- was held on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., and iu spite of tho pouring rain was numerously attended by members and visitors . Iu tha unavoidable absenco of tho AV . M . Bro . J . C . Woodrow the Lodgo was opened by Bro . John Hammond P . G . D . Middlesex P . M ., and tho minutes were subsequently confirmed . Bro . Baldwin P . P . G . P . as S . AV ., J . B . Shackleton P . G . P . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . D . Hon . Sec , Stone I . G .,
Lawrence D . C ., P . M . ' s AV . Hammond P . P . G . D ., Potts , H . Potter , F . Binekes P . G . S . ( Hon . Member ) , and Bros . Knight , Stanton , Buckley , Rogers , Baker , Brown , J . W . Adams , & c Bros . J . Smith and F . Dyo wero passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . H . J . Buckley , J . Cavoll , AV . R . Smith and D . Brown wero raised to tho snblimo degree of Master Masons , tho acting AV . M . performing tho
ceremonies iu a very perfect manner . Bro . Woodrow having now arrived , Messrs . A . Driver and C . T . Tatum , who had previously boenballotted for , wero duly initiated into tho Order by him . The report of tho audit committeo was adopted , it showed tho Lodgo was in a flourishing state . A Board of Installed Masters was opened and Bro . J . B . Shackleton P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . 1524 , as AV . M . Elect , was dnly
installed into tho chair by Bro . J . Stevons P . M . 1 , 426 , who officiated by special request as Installing Master . The work was performed iu a perfect and impressive mannor aud well merited woro the encomiums passed on him at tho conclusion . Tho AV . M . having received the customary salutations , appointed and invested his Officers : —
J . C . AVoodrow I . P . M ., J . Hammond P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . S . W ., J . AV . Baldwin P . M . J . AV ., Treas ., F . AValtors P . P . G . D . Middlesex Secretary , IT . Gloster P . M . S . D . Stone , J . D ., Steiuhaner I . G ., Marsh Organist , F . Knight D . C ., H . Potter P . M . W . S ., Vasilla A . W . S ., Gilbert P . G . T . Middlesex Tyler . Bro . F . AValtors proposed and Bro . J . C . AVoodrow seconded that n . vote of thanks br > recorded on the
minutes for tho able and impressive manner in which Bro . Stevens had performed tho installation ceremony , and that he be elected or honorary member . Bro . J . Hammond in seconding tho proposition remarked that the brethren , in electing Bro . J . Stevens , would find him an acquisition to the Ledge , as he was to every Lodge with which ho was associated . This was unanimously agreed to . Bro . J . Stevens ,
m returning thanks for tho honour conferred , said his services would bo at the command of the brethren , and ho hoped that good feeling and harmony would prevail while the Lodge continued . Bro . F . AValtors in feeling terms proposed that L ' ro . W . Ilaiiiiuond P . P . G . D . aud Bro . It . AViiliams l ' . G . O . bo elected honorary members ; thoso brethren had always rendered great service , not only to the Lodge ,
but also to tho Provinco . This resolution was carried unanimously , and tho AV . M . in eloquent terms supplemented Bro . Walters' remarks . A widow of a lato Brother of the Lodge was relieved from its Funds . The AV . M . then said that the brethren had seen and appreciated the services rendered by the I . P . M . Bro . AVoodrow . Thoy had thought fit to present him with a jewel of solid gold , set with
diamonds—a gift worthy of his acceptance—for tho able manner he had discharged the duties of the chair , and in token of the respect in which he is held by each member . In placing the jewel on Bro . AVoodrow ' s breast ( he the AV . M . ) hoped he might livelong to wear it . Bro . AVoodrow , in brief but appropriate terms , thanked the W . M . for his kind expressions , and tho brethren for thoir valuable gift . The
Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Ballard , the new host . Graco having been said , the AV . M . proposed the tisnal Loyal and Masonic toasts . He referred to tho fact of Her Majesty being the Patroness of our Order ; while H . R . H . the Grand Master , by accepting that position , had lent a prestige to the Craft never before accorded
it . AVe are proud to have the Prince of AVales at our head . Tho toast of tho Pro G . M . and D . G . M . was next proposed , aud then came the health of the R . AV . Bro . Col . Burdett Prov . G . M . It was unnecessary to say how highly he was esteemed throughout tho Province . He was constant in his visits to tho several Lodges , and made himself conversant with the way in which they were being
worked . Every member of tho Provinco looked upon Col . Burdett as a thorough English gentleman . This toast was most enthusiastically received . Tho W . M , then proposed the toast of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Sir Charles Bright , and the rest of the Provincial . Grand Officers ; ho coupled with the toast the names of Bro :- ; . AV . Hammond and Hurst . Tho former brother , iu responding , said ho folfc it an honour
to reply to the toast . Tho Provinco was but nine years old , and during that time it had been satisfactory to see so many Lodgc 3 established and flourishing under the auspices of Col . Burdott . Ho looked atouud , and saw many brethren belonging to this Lodge who had received Provincial honours . This was a source of pride to them all , and ho thanked them for the hearty manner in which they had received the toast . Bro . J . Stevens now rose and said , that the
I . P . M . being absent , ho felt a great pleasuro iu proposing the health of the W . M . It was his fixed idea that the W . M . was the right man in the right place ; theirs was a largo Lodge , aud if thero should be another formed from it he hoped there would be nothing more result from the expansion thau Unity , Peace and Harmony . In the AV . M . you have a guide to that haven which every Mason wishes to reach ; the haven of unity . He would aak them to drink tho toast
Lebanon Lodge. No. 1326.
heartily , and wish the W . M . success m every shape during hi 3 year of office . Brother Shackloton hoped , during his term , to bo able to givo them every satisfaction , aud at tho expiration of his year trusted ho might hear tho samo expressions . His best endeavonra would bo for tho welfare of the Lebanon Lodge , and ho would do all ho could to support Freemasonry and tho Charities . Last year they
had assisted tho Girls School aud tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; thoy had not as yet dono anything for tho Boys , but in tho future they would . He thanked thorn for their kind reception . Tho uoxt toast giveu was tho health of tho Installing Master ; tho AV . M . was sure all had listeued with groat ploasuro to Bro . Stevens ' s workingof tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Stevens had been elected
an honorary member , and ho ( tho W . M . ) was pleased to see tho unanimity with which tho brethren had endorsed that proposition ; he could say a great deal in Bro . Stevens ' s praise , aud moro of his merits , but iu future doubtless thoy would see somewhat of his capabilities . Bro . J . Stevens , ia a very eloquent spoech , responded to tho toast . He remarked how pleased ho was to meot tho Brethren aud instal his old
friend tho W . M . into tho chair ; ho spoke of tho beauties of Freomasonry , and his remarks were listened to with great attention . Ho concluded by saying wo havo the glorious conviction that in spito of tho shafts that are levelled agaiust us , we know our strength . Personally his services were always at their command . The AV . M . then proposed the toast of tho newly-initiated . One brother had
been obliged to leave , but tho other was theu prosont . However , ho is about to leave this country to go to New Zealand ; when ho arrives thero he will find the right hand of fellowship held out to him ; Masons aro to bo found in evory part of tho globe . Bro . Tatutn is but a young man , but ho trusted a bright future career was open to him , and he hoped ho would nevor forget their good wishes aud
tho expression of God speed from tho members of the Lebanon Lodgo . Bro . Tatum in returning thanks for tho cordial reception tho toast had met with , hoped tho good wishes of the brethren would bo fully realised . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Visitors . Bros . Hurst P . A . G . P . Middlesex , Cash , Hutching 147 , Freeman , and H . M . Levy P . M . 1 S 8 , severally responded to the toast . Each
complimonted tho AV . M . for his genial presidency , and also Bro . Stoven 3 for the excollent manner in which ho had performed the ceremony of installation . The AV . M . thou proposed the toast of the Masonic Charities . Aa Masons they woro bound to support tho Aged , tho Girls , and tho Boys , who aro dependent on us . If at the expiration of his year of office they desired to givo him a jewel , he would rather
thoy should givo donblo the amount to the Charities . Tho Lodgo had liberally supported the Institutions , and ho hoped they would continuo to do so . Bro . F . Binckos P . G . S . and Secretary to tha Boys ' School was present , and he ( the W . M . ) rogretted there was not a better attendance of mombors to meet him ; still , those who woro present would drink heartily to tho toast , coupled with Bro . Binckes ' s
name . This brother iu an able speech returned thanks , remarkiug that tho Boys' School was tho poorest of tho three Institutions ; they woro losers to the extent of £ S 0 O by a recent failure , but ho was pleased to hear tho Lodge would support his Institution iu tho future . Tho toast of tho Officers wai m'iven , the W . M . hoping that
the selection ho had mida would giro satisfaction . Tho Tyler ' s toast closed tho proceedings . Somo excellent harmony was rendered . Among tho Visitors were Bros . W . A . Barrett P . M . 1706 P . P . G . 0 . Oxon " , Mus . Doc , James Stevens P . M . 1426 , Hatching 1 . 17 , T . A . Thompson 1614 , It . Boley 1201 , J . Hurst 1512 P . A . G . P . Middlesex , Cash , aud H . H . Levy P . M . 1 S 3 .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
It is with sincere regret we have to announce tho death of Bro . L . M . Auerhaan , Treasurer of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 1 S 8 . Bro . Auerhaan was a member of the Joppa Lodge over thirty years . His death will not only be
lamented by his sorrowing widow and children , but by a numerous circle of Masonic and private friends . The suffering poor and distressed , of all denominations , will likewise miss a benefactor , who was always ready to listen to their appeals . iTmrrnTT 'in iw ~ n—rrirrr—r ~ nrtr"rr urn iiiwinii HHIMIIHHBHMI IIIMWBHIIP- — -
—————™»^—STORKS ON MEMORY . —At Mr . Stokes ' s popular Loctures on Memory at the Polytechnic institution , some highly attractive methods of teaching aro being explained by the author , including a plan of teaching the Multiplication Table by means of pictures . A bird with two wings stands for two , aud a four legged animal stands for four ,
and m this fashion all tho numbers are represented , a variety of charming pictures , thus taking tho place of tho ordinary unattractive numerals . Mr . Stokes commences at 12 . 30 , and various other lectures and entertainments continue till 5 o ' clock admission to the whole ono shilling . For parents and children tho Polytechnic is really the placo to spend au instructive and profitable day .
I have always found Freemasonry hotter than Freemasons , as tho model is better than the copy . Not that Freemasonry teaeb . 03 how to make bad men good , but it certainly tends to make good meu bettor , or at least to keep tho good from degenerating . Thero are uiaiiy better things iu the world than Freemasonry , such as the family , thu church , tho profession by which we are supported , & c ., and the man who puts Freemasonry beforo them will canio to griof . Ho . su a-ic ileviev ; .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
B . L . Armstrong P . M . 406 P . G . P ., B . P . Ord I . P . M . P . G . O , AV . M . Bell W . M . 1557 , T . Alexander P . M . 773 , J . Milburno P . M . 919 , G . T . Chilton J . W . 1664 , J . Wood S . W . 48 , Fowler , Manchester , S . M . Harris Sec . 406 , & c . . AVo were somewhat surprised to notice that this Lodgo was not in mourning , in token of respect to the memory of their lato and much respected brother , P . M . Georgo Thompson , who had for so
many years laboured for this Lodgo , and who had truly brought tho Lodgo to tho position it now holds . All the other Lodges in tho town havo paid him that respect ; wo therefor .: notice tho neglect tho more iu this , his mother Lodgo , aud tho ouo for which ho had done so much .
Lebanon Lodge. No. 1326.
LEBANON LODGE . No . 1326 .
nPHE installation meeting of this oxcellent working Provincial Lodgo -i- was held on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., and iu spite of tho pouring rain was numerously attended by members and visitors . Iu tha unavoidable absenco of tho AV . M . Bro . J . C . Woodrow the Lodgo was opened by Bro . John Hammond P . G . D . Middlesex P . M ., and tho minutes were subsequently confirmed . Bro . Baldwin P . P . G . P . as S . AV ., J . B . Shackleton P . G . P . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . D . Hon . Sec , Stone I . G .,
Lawrence D . C ., P . M . ' s AV . Hammond P . P . G . D ., Potts , H . Potter , F . Binekes P . G . S . ( Hon . Member ) , and Bros . Knight , Stanton , Buckley , Rogers , Baker , Brown , J . W . Adams , & c Bros . J . Smith and F . Dyo wero passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . H . J . Buckley , J . Cavoll , AV . R . Smith and D . Brown wero raised to tho snblimo degree of Master Masons , tho acting AV . M . performing tho
ceremonies iu a very perfect manner . Bro . Woodrow having now arrived , Messrs . A . Driver and C . T . Tatum , who had previously boenballotted for , wero duly initiated into tho Order by him . The report of tho audit committeo was adopted , it showed tho Lodgo was in a flourishing state . A Board of Installed Masters was opened and Bro . J . B . Shackleton P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . 1524 , as AV . M . Elect , was dnly
installed into tho chair by Bro . J . Stevons P . M . 1 , 426 , who officiated by special request as Installing Master . The work was performed iu a perfect and impressive mannor aud well merited woro the encomiums passed on him at tho conclusion . Tho AV . M . having received the customary salutations , appointed and invested his Officers : —
J . C . AVoodrow I . P . M ., J . Hammond P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . S . W ., J . AV . Baldwin P . M . J . AV ., Treas ., F . AValtors P . P . G . D . Middlesex Secretary , IT . Gloster P . M . S . D . Stone , J . D ., Steiuhaner I . G ., Marsh Organist , F . Knight D . C ., H . Potter P . M . W . S ., Vasilla A . W . S ., Gilbert P . G . T . Middlesex Tyler . Bro . F . AValtors proposed and Bro . J . C . AVoodrow seconded that n . vote of thanks br > recorded on the
minutes for tho able and impressive manner in which Bro . Stevens had performed tho installation ceremony , and that he be elected or honorary member . Bro . J . Hammond in seconding tho proposition remarked that the brethren , in electing Bro . J . Stevens , would find him an acquisition to the Ledge , as he was to every Lodge with which ho was associated . This was unanimously agreed to . Bro . J . Stevens ,
m returning thanks for tho honour conferred , said his services would bo at the command of the brethren , and ho hoped that good feeling and harmony would prevail while the Lodge continued . Bro . F . AValtors in feeling terms proposed that L ' ro . W . Ilaiiiiuond P . P . G . D . aud Bro . It . AViiliams l ' . G . O . bo elected honorary members ; thoso brethren had always rendered great service , not only to the Lodge ,
but also to tho Provinco . This resolution was carried unanimously , and tho AV . M . in eloquent terms supplemented Bro . Walters' remarks . A widow of a lato Brother of the Lodge was relieved from its Funds . The AV . M . then said that the brethren had seen and appreciated the services rendered by the I . P . M . Bro . AVoodrow . Thoy had thought fit to present him with a jewel of solid gold , set with
diamonds—a gift worthy of his acceptance—for tho able manner he had discharged the duties of the chair , and in token of the respect in which he is held by each member . In placing the jewel on Bro . AVoodrow ' s breast ( he the AV . M . ) hoped he might livelong to wear it . Bro . AVoodrow , in brief but appropriate terms , thanked the W . M . for his kind expressions , and tho brethren for thoir valuable gift . The
Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . Ballard , the new host . Graco having been said , the AV . M . proposed the tisnal Loyal and Masonic toasts . He referred to tho fact of Her Majesty being the Patroness of our Order ; while H . R . H . the Grand Master , by accepting that position , had lent a prestige to the Craft never before accorded
it . AVe are proud to have the Prince of AVales at our head . Tho toast of tho Pro G . M . and D . G . M . was next proposed , aud then came the health of the R . AV . Bro . Col . Burdett Prov . G . M . It was unnecessary to say how highly he was esteemed throughout tho Province . He was constant in his visits to tho several Lodges , and made himself conversant with the way in which they were being
worked . Every member of tho Provinco looked upon Col . Burdett as a thorough English gentleman . This toast was most enthusiastically received . Tho W . M , then proposed the toast of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Sir Charles Bright , and the rest of the Provincial . Grand Officers ; ho coupled with the toast the names of Bro :- ; . AV . Hammond and Hurst . Tho former brother , iu responding , said ho folfc it an honour
to reply to the toast . Tho Provinco was but nine years old , and during that time it had been satisfactory to see so many Lodgc 3 established and flourishing under the auspices of Col . Burdott . Ho looked atouud , and saw many brethren belonging to this Lodge who had received Provincial honours . This was a source of pride to them all , and ho thanked them for the hearty manner in which they had received the toast . Bro . J . Stevens now rose and said , that the
I . P . M . being absent , ho felt a great pleasuro iu proposing the health of the W . M . It was his fixed idea that the W . M . was the right man in the right place ; theirs was a largo Lodge , aud if thero should be another formed from it he hoped there would be nothing more result from the expansion thau Unity , Peace and Harmony . In the AV . M . you have a guide to that haven which every Mason wishes to reach ; the haven of unity . He would aak them to drink tho toast
Lebanon Lodge. No. 1326.
heartily , and wish the W . M . success m every shape during hi 3 year of office . Brother Shackloton hoped , during his term , to bo able to givo them every satisfaction , aud at tho expiration of his year trusted ho might hear tho samo expressions . His best endeavonra would bo for tho welfare of the Lebanon Lodge , and ho would do all ho could to support Freemasonry and tho Charities . Last year they
had assisted tho Girls School aud tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; thoy had not as yet dono anything for tho Boys , but in tho future they would . He thanked thorn for their kind reception . Tho uoxt toast giveu was tho health of tho Installing Master ; tho AV . M . was sure all had listeued with groat ploasuro to Bro . Stevens ' s workingof tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Stevens had been elected
an honorary member , and ho ( tho W . M . ) was pleased to see tho unanimity with which tho brethren had endorsed that proposition ; he could say a great deal in Bro . Stevens ' s praise , aud moro of his merits , but iu future doubtless thoy would see somewhat of his capabilities . Bro . J . Stevens , ia a very eloquent spoech , responded to tho toast . He remarked how pleased ho was to meot tho Brethren aud instal his old
friend tho W . M . into tho chair ; ho spoke of tho beauties of Freomasonry , and his remarks were listened to with great attention . Ho concluded by saying wo havo the glorious conviction that in spito of tho shafts that are levelled agaiust us , we know our strength . Personally his services were always at their command . The AV . M . then proposed the toast of tho newly-initiated . One brother had
been obliged to leave , but tho other was theu prosont . However , ho is about to leave this country to go to New Zealand ; when ho arrives thero he will find the right hand of fellowship held out to him ; Masons aro to bo found in evory part of tho globe . Bro . Tatutn is but a young man , but ho trusted a bright future career was open to him , and he hoped ho would nevor forget their good wishes aud
tho expression of God speed from tho members of the Lebanon Lodgo . Bro . Tatum in returning thanks for tho cordial reception tho toast had met with , hoped tho good wishes of the brethren would bo fully realised . Tho W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Visitors . Bros . Hurst P . A . G . P . Middlesex , Cash , Hutching 147 , Freeman , and H . M . Levy P . M . 1 S 8 , severally responded to the toast . Each
complimonted tho AV . M . for his genial presidency , and also Bro . Stoven 3 for the excollent manner in which ho had performed the ceremony of installation . The AV . M . thou proposed the toast of the Masonic Charities . Aa Masons they woro bound to support tho Aged , tho Girls , and tho Boys , who aro dependent on us . If at the expiration of his year of office they desired to givo him a jewel , he would rather
thoy should givo donblo the amount to the Charities . Tho Lodgo had liberally supported the Institutions , and ho hoped they would continuo to do so . Bro . F . Binckos P . G . S . and Secretary to tha Boys ' School was present , and he ( the W . M . ) rogretted there was not a better attendance of mombors to meet him ; still , those who woro present would drink heartily to tho toast , coupled with Bro . Binckes ' s
name . This brother iu an able speech returned thanks , remarkiug that tho Boys' School was tho poorest of tho three Institutions ; they woro losers to the extent of £ S 0 O by a recent failure , but ho was pleased to hear tho Lodge would support his Institution iu tho future . Tho toast of tho Officers wai m'iven , the W . M . hoping that
the selection ho had mida would giro satisfaction . Tho Tyler ' s toast closed tho proceedings . Somo excellent harmony was rendered . Among tho Visitors were Bros . W . A . Barrett P . M . 1706 P . P . G . 0 . Oxon " , Mus . Doc , James Stevens P . M . 1426 , Hatching 1 . 17 , T . A . Thompson 1614 , It . Boley 1201 , J . Hurst 1512 P . A . G . P . Middlesex , Cash , aud H . H . Levy P . M . 1 S 3 .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
It is with sincere regret we have to announce tho death of Bro . L . M . Auerhaan , Treasurer of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 1 S 8 . Bro . Auerhaan was a member of the Joppa Lodge over thirty years . His death will not only be
lamented by his sorrowing widow and children , but by a numerous circle of Masonic and private friends . The suffering poor and distressed , of all denominations , will likewise miss a benefactor , who was always ready to listen to their appeals . iTmrrnTT 'in iw ~ n—rrirrr—r ~ nrtr"rr urn iiiwinii HHIMIIHHBHMI IIIMWBHIIP- — -
—————™»^—STORKS ON MEMORY . —At Mr . Stokes ' s popular Loctures on Memory at the Polytechnic institution , some highly attractive methods of teaching aro being explained by the author , including a plan of teaching the Multiplication Table by means of pictures . A bird with two wings stands for two , aud a four legged animal stands for four ,
and m this fashion all tho numbers are represented , a variety of charming pictures , thus taking tho place of tho ordinary unattractive numerals . Mr . Stokes commences at 12 . 30 , and various other lectures and entertainments continue till 5 o ' clock admission to the whole ono shilling . For parents and children tho Polytechnic is really the placo to spend au instructive and profitable day .
I have always found Freemasonry hotter than Freemasons , as tho model is better than the copy . Not that Freemasonry teaeb . 03 how to make bad men good , but it certainly tends to make good meu bettor , or at least to keep tho good from degenerating . Thero are uiaiiy better things iu the world than Freemasonry , such as the family , thu church , tho profession by which we are supported , & c ., and the man who puts Freemasonry beforo them will canio to griof . Ho . su a-ic ileviev ; .